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Posts posted by Razor.6392

  1. > @"Widmo.3186" said:

    > > @"Abelisk.4527" said:

    > > • Riptide: In PvP only, healing per level has been reduced by 24%, and healing power contribution has been reduced by 44%.

    > Like with nerf some months ago, please change Riptide description to "Evade and put Water Field".Sometimes I feel like developers are some blind children smashing keyboards and hoping balance will appear like wild pokemons.Dear ANet go and check whether other classes are fine, just leave ele alone.

    > > @"Abelisk.4527" said:

    > > • Plasma Burst: Increased damage by 100%. Increased the cooldown from 12 seconds to 15 seconds. Increased casting time from 0.25 seconds to 0.75 seconds.

    > Okay we got it, you desperately want us to play freshair, thank you for your effort...


    > At least Tempest fans are having some fun today :)



    Plasma Burst is a weaver d/d skill. It nukes now.


  2. What is going on?


    * Ele dagger buffs and aura reworks, coupled with some nerfs because why not? (Rip riptide and elements of rage). Does anybody remember Tempest exists? these aura changes mean nothing to that elite spec.

    * Engi nerfs but they made overcharged shot 1200 baseline.

    * Rip bag farming staff guards.

    * Absurd mesmer scepter buffs. I don't think devs realize that confusing images already bursts harder than Ele's plasma beam (maybe I'll play fresh air mesmer instead).

    * Necro fear buffs and this... _Reaper's Onslaught: This trait now grants quickness while in Reaper's Shroud instead of the previous 15% increased attack speed._ WHAT?

    * Worldly impact nerfs PogChamp ITS HAPPENING!

    * Herald rework (FeelsRenegadeMan)

    * Thief is now immune while in dagger storm LUL. Scorpion wire ammo charges but still not going to hit anything but an immobile target.

    * Warrior rifle buffs.


    It's very impressive that they're trying to buff diversity. Commendable even... but some of these really leave me scratching my head. Oh well, it should be a fun season.

  3. > @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

    > Ele doesn't need buffs. Ele needs a complete redesign. The traits/attunements mechanic/weapon skills synergy is intrinsically flawed.


    Disagree. You don't want the Anet balance team to redesign anything ele related. They don't know how the profession works and why us Ele players like Ele in the first place.

  4. > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

    > Pretty good list, but you forgot to list every single aura skill. They have been outdated since HoT, when the devs realized that an aura is not enough for a proper skill and added sand squal to warhorn. Since then, auras have become even less useful. All the aura skills need to be looked at and turned into real skills, even if that means that a minor cast time has to be added to them.


    Funny you mention this. That was my #5 in the 2nd list before the edit, but in the end I decided to leave that for another post since it's a change of a much greater scope.


    The skills above would actually be fixed with simple numerical fixes. From faster cast time to faster projectile travel times, or lower cooldowns / faster animations.

  5. No, Shatterstone is not on the list (actually hits like a truck now) so you can focus on some new ones now!


    First, here's a list of skills that are so bad, ele players actually don't even bother using them since they either don't work at all, or work very poorly.


    1. Glacial Drift **(Weaver Scepter Dual Air/Water)**. Impossible to hit a moving target (This isn't hyperbole). I'm fairly sure it's the slowest "projectile" in the game too.

    2. Magnetic Grasp **(Core Dagger Earth #3)** This ability has no tracking, and the second part (Magnetic Leap) is slow and very clunky, sometimes not even working.

    3. Eruption **(Core Staff Earth #2)** Is it 3 or 4 seconds until it detonates? It's barely even useful as a blast finisher due to how slow is the buildup. Never lands on people, low dmg.

    4. Flamewall. **(Core Focus Fire #4)** This ability only has value as a combo field. That's it. Serves absolutely no other purpose. No utility, damage or defensive worth.

    5. **Scepter autoattacks**. Only useful one is Air, and that's because it leads to easy Fresh Air resets. All the other ones either never hit, are too slow or do no damage, or all 3.




    List of skills that need tweaks:


    1. Freezing Gust **(Core Focus Water #4)**. A single target, 3 seconds chill on a 25 seconds cooldown. That is all.

    2. Phoenix **(Core Scepter Fire #3)**. A very hard ability to get max value out of, with an archaic cooldown amount of 20 seconds (actually 2s higher than Plasma Beam).

    3. Steam Surge **(Weaver Dagger Dual Fire/Water)**. Too long cooldown, water field duration is extremely limited.

    4. Churning Earth **(Core Dagger Earth #5)**. Long channel where you are a sitting duck. If it at least gave 2s of prot or a small barrier...

    5. Dragon's Tooth **(Core Scepter Fire #2)**. Extremely hard to land ability, with a gigantic interruption window and cast time. All for a small aoe burst cast that does *really* low damage for how hard it is to setup. There are countless abilities that do both higher and more reliable damage spread throughout every class in this game. Even Shatterstone does comparable damage, while being way easier and faster to land. Either bump the damage 2x, or let it land faster / shorten the cast time.



    **Would ele really be broken if you fixed some of these? What's stopping you after literal YEARS?**



  6. > @"Reverielle.3972" said:

    > They are useful for other things, such as some legendary weapons.

    > But honestly, I'd be surprised if you get a refund (I'm surprised you're even asking); just put it down to a mistake on your part and learn from it for future. We've all made them.


    Pretty sure they can restore deleted items, which is considerably more effort than just undoing a crafting process. I mean, I still have the base items in my possession, they're just in a different form.


    As for the other replies, I didn't know you could craft legendary S2 weps, unfortunately I'm not interested in any of them :( maybe if the new scepter is cool but that's a big if.



  7. I'm not gonna list very specific changes because I know how tedious is reading through numerical stuff. Instead I'll give you a broader scope of ele's issue (mained ele since august 2012).


    **Pvp builds:**

    * Every successful ele build relies on sustain. We have zero condi builds, and power builds are outclassed.

    * Our entire existence is tied to Water and Arcane. When was the last time you saw a build without either arcane or water?

    * Fire trait line is heavily underpowered. You could give us back the old might on cantrip and it still wouldn't be top tier due to power creep.


    **Pve builds:**

    * Very squishy with complex rotations. Why roll ele when you can just rollface with simpler classes?



    * Sword does everything dagger does, but considerably better. **Both weapons fill the same niche**. This is a serious problem.

    * Dagger needs significant buffs in both survivability and damage. Both main and offhand (but more main hand). Weaver locking its best 2 abilities (Shocking Aura and Burning Speed) behind a double attunement is also a severe issue.

    * Staff is mostly okay, but lacking in pvp (since release). I assume this is intended by now.

    * Focus is fine. Fire attunement is very, VERY boring but meh, at least the other 3 are good.

    * Scepter is non existent in pve. It has great burst but still keeps the same issues for years. Namely Dragon's Tooth, Phoenix LONG cd, and its poor autoattacks (abysmal dps).

    * Warhorn is okay I guess. Not a lot to say about it.


    **Healing skills:**

    * Arcane Brilliance could use the pvp recharge globally.

    * Aquatic Stance is never a good choice.

    * Ether Renewal could use a shorter channel.

    * All the other heals are okay.


    **Utility skills:**

    * Glyphs remain bad in every game mode. Only glyph of storms sees some value in pve. GoEP 25% dmg buff was nice, but still not good enough to justify its slot.

    * Cantrips are stuck in 2014. The cooldowns are REALLY bad, and the effects are underwhelming.

    * Arcane got a really nice pvp buff in adding charges, but then they received nerfs because FA weaver was oh so OP with its zero condi removal / sustain. Revert.

    * Shouts are only useful because of the auras. Their cooldowns and effects are rather awful.

    * Stances are mostly fine, if not a little clunky. Unravel needs something more to justify its slot.

    * Conjures need a full rework. Give them the engi-kit treatment... or something at least.


    **Elite skills:**

    * I'm fairly sure ele has _the_ worst elite skills in the entire game. All of them need help. Tornado needs a lower CD and to be as strong as Rampage / Lich form, Glyph needs targeted aoe abilities, FGS needs a much lower cooldown, Weave Self needs to not root yourself when casting Tailored Victory and the tempest elite a full rework, because it's too similar to an engi healing ability and doesn't fit the Elementalist theme.



    * As previously mentioned, Fire traitline is underpowered. It only sees use in pve due to its ~~boring ~~flat damage increase traits.

    * Air is mostly fine, but some traits need an update. Such as Zephyr's Boon and Electric Discharge (unfairly nerfed for Core ele).

    * Earth is not a bad trait line, but the overreliance on water and arcane ultimately renders it pointless to most builds.

    * Water. Oh water, if only we could add some of your sustain and survivability to other trait lines in one way or another... I'm not one for homogenizing things, but this is needed. At least the condi clear part.

    * Arcane, the ultimate trait line for an ele, much like trickery for Thief. I don't think the answer is to nerf it, but to make other trait lines (fire, earth) more competitive. A LOT more. Also give us arcane fury back... nobody needs 1 stack of might for 8 seconds on att. swap. Seriously. **It's one of those changes nobody asked**, like Thief's Blinding Powder becoming a stun break. STOP DOING THAT.

    * Tempest. Very dull traits with almost no impact. Needs a full rework.

    * Weaver. Like already mentioned in water, add some standalone condi clear in here please, don't make us rely on water all the time.


    Thank you for reading.


  8. Making my full set of light legendary armor through pvp I got SEVEN of each T6 mat gift because I miscalculated when buying mats in bulk off the TP. Now my armor is complete but those gifts are sitting there. The issue is that these gifts are exclusive to pvp armor crafting. I cannot use them for any other recipe in the game and needless to say, I am done with legendary armors forever.


    I got in leftovers:

    1 Gift of Blood

    1 Gift of Venom

    1 Gift of Totems

    1 Gift of Fangs

    1 Gift of Claws

    1 Gift of Dust

    1 Gift of Bones


    Can someone help me undo these? Sitting in my bank atm. Please!


    I did open a ticket on aug 5th but no answer yet... (Ticket #7029570)



  9. > @"Daishi.6027" said:

    > "Does not force movement nor cancel any actions"... Good thing it's not cancelling my blurred frenzy, phase retreat, chaos storm, torch 4, or shatters to doge instead. Cuz that would be imba! Oh wait... lol

    > Again the only things really being covered are heal, and phant summons.


    > Being able to evade during those motions was part of the design for mirage, sorry it took away the "come burst me and you'll be safe before my phant gets to you" sign, and gave a way to cover heal, when most other classes had more efficient ways, or better passive sustain.


    was "dodging" while literally knocked down or stunned also a part of its design?

  10. I proposed this not long ago while sustaining my points better, it was still deemed as trash by the balance experts in these boards so good luck OP.


    One obvious side effect for the mesmer side the is pve part and core mesmer, so it's not as easy as just a swap and forget. Realistically, it's never gonna happen.


    It will forever remain a laughable matter how a class with so much mobility, blinds, stealth and now evades up the ass can have 15k base health, while ele who can only survive through healing power gets 11k.

  11. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"Razor.6392" said:

    > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > > > @"Razor.6392" said:

    > > > > P/P is popular solely because of scourge, it's the one class they actively counter.

    > > > >

    > > > > A scourge is a very low skill-cap build tbh. It's only fair that you get countered by an equal.

    > > > >

    > > > > Get radiation field, hug your FB or reroll if its too much for you. P/P thief doesn't have winning matchups against other classes except maybe sw/d ele.

    > > >

    > > > Sw/D Ele beats P/P thief... Just a matter of using evades when they use unload, let them waste initiative then pounce on them in Air/Earth for teleport and CC then chase the hell out of them when they try to escape.

    > > >

    > > > (I play conquest like a death match, so I'm aware bailing off point probably isn't a good idea but it's not like Sw/D brings anything to the team anyway)

    > >

    > > p/p thief wont die to ele unless he lets it happen

    > >

    > > hell, no class will die to sw/d ele unless they let it happen. extremely easy to kite, slow kitten animations, very low burst damage.

    > >

    > > Sure, in conquest where people are _forced_ to stay in a small circle, they might rack up some damage, but thief is not a point contester or holder, they don't need to 1v1 on the ele's terms.


    > P/P thief gets owned hard by elementalist? Especially by Aura share tempest.



    > In my experience anyway... Sure it obliterated me when they first started poppin up but then I spent freakin ages working out little tricks to help counter them, now they are mere flies on a wall to me. As I said, I play death match when I play, I never fight on the thief's terms, I don't let them escape when they try, I don't give them a chance to refresh either.


    > Sw/D thieves and D/P thieves scare me more than P/P.

    > P/P thieves are very easily countered, all classes have basic ways to deal with them effectively as I posted earlier in the thread.....


    I thought we were talking about sword dagger weaver, not tempest.

  12. Ele used to be a damage only class while being risky to play.


    That is no longer the case, there is no need to bring a risky / zero utility class to the table anymore when you can go for safer choices. Ele lost its niche.


    But sure, at least you can inflict self-pleasure on yourself knowing you can handle playing one. That's the only benefit the ele class has going right now - and people still want nerfs!



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