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Posts posted by Razor.6392

  1. It's not an "I win" elite. It's no one wolf pack (60s cd), it's not rampage (120s, 96 if traited and its always traited), prime light beam (60s cd), winds of disenchantment (90s cd) or dagger storm (90s cd)


    It's a freaking mobility tool with some decent DPS and an evade attached. No one has ever said in the history of games "oh fuck he popped fgs, careful". WHY DOES IT HAVE SUCH A LONG CD? Even weave self has a ridiculous 90s cd... but that's another topic.


    The only elites that have 180s cd are racial skills, whirlpool (of course), battle standard and time warp.


    Why does elementalist always get the short end of the stick? Scepter skills are still bugged since release and no one has cared to fix a fucking line of code in 2 years.

  2. > @"Halikus.1406" said:

    > Remember when they nerfed the f*** out of ele for might stacking 25 easily? Yeah..... Now everyone can do the same, rev get hit hard and nerfed by the same reason but every other elite spec doing it is fine?

    > Either you allow classes to stack 25 might alone or you nerf them to prevent that. No picking favorites here please....


    Yeah Ele had to blast a lot and use utilities for that while spellbreaker and holo just facesmash through their usual rotations lmao.

  3. Out of those holo is the one that is truly broken. The amount of burst, sticking power, active defenses, tankiness and boon generation is absolutely ridiculous.


    Photon forge needs REAL drawbacks. Free stability needs to GO. They are hulking juggernauts with protection and just about every single boon in the book rushing at you with 2s cd gap closers and 4-6k dmg hits + CC up the ass. They're pressured? Oh? let me activate shield stuff and the shield utility skill, stealth or invuln. Or what about a comboable healing skill that recovers 10k health on a 20s cd and is nigh impossible to interrupt?


    People say corrupt ruins holo, except holo eats scourge.

  4. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > @"Jwake.7013" said:

    > > Really just wanted to point this out... Djinn's Dominion is still 'Stickied' as one of the three choices. It's been eight months this way and now it's out of beta.


    > Yeah, this will be getting unpinned soonish, which is sooner than "soon" on the soon scale.


    hey remember when you said they'd fix the map selection thing from being forced in the middle of the screen, unable to be minimized

  5. Ele has to cast spells to heal with signet


    Warr regens health automatically with signet


    Ele gains like 3k health on activation and that's it


    Warr gets 3k health and 7s of resistance


    Ele has the signet on a 25s cd


    Warr has the signet on a 20s cd

  6. Mainly from wvw perspective, but there's rarely good balance talk in the wvw forums (mostly whining about matchups and ded game mode).


    They remind me of HoT herald. Multiple skills that are *must* dodges otherwise you take 10k damage. This would be fine if they dropped quickly - they don't. They are the tankiest of every single possible glass cannon in the game (even more than glass warriors imo).


    Protection up the ass, stability up the ass. Boons for days, everything stun breaks, a block and evade on GS and a rather stealth if you decide to blast / leap it.


    Let's list the abilities that are must dodges now okay?


    * Rapid fire: If you want to fully avoid its damage, you need to dodge twice or reflect it. Reflecting it is not an option in wvw because you don't know when they will use freaking Sick 'Em. By the time you noticed, you already took at least 2-3 arrows for 2.5k damage each.

    * Maul: 10k+ damage, easy telegraph but you have so many dodges.

    * Worldly impact: easy telegraph but you have so many dodges. Also 15k+ damage.

    * Merged Smoke Assault: Together with quickness and one wolf pack I'm pretty sure this can do over 30k damage in 2~ seconds. Must dodge but the animation lasts longer than 1 dodge duration, also I might be wrong but it's instant unlike Unrelenting Assault that has a cast time.

    * Merged takedown (pet skill): Usually utilized right after smoke assault, also a must dodge unless you want to eat worldly impact.

    * Point Blank Shot: Must dodge unless you want to either waste a stun break or eat more than 6k damage from rapid fire. You're taking damage anyway.

    * The whatever GS sword daze / stun: Must dodge, even if the range sucks, gap closing isn't hard as a ranger these days.


    Then let's not forget the pet CCing you and using smoke assault itself for 4k ish damage passively.


    As a power class it's hell to face one. Projectile reflects can't be trusted with sick 'em, and if not equipped, ranger can just switch to GS. Signet of stone lasts for so damn long it's absurd, passive toughness alongside prot make soulbeasts tanky as fuck even though they're spec'd as glass or semi-glass. I mean, you don't need to be a glass cannon to gib people with OWP + multihitting skill.


    What's their weakness?

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