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Posts posted by Aomine.5012

  1. > @VaaCrow.3076 said:

    > Great, "now you cannot show that you disagree with me, instead you can only agree!" do me a favour and remove the thumb up option, please. I really really dislike the people who don't possess the mental fortitude required to accept that some people just wont agree with them. Do your job Darwinism, PLEASE.


    If Downvote is still there, this type of post will get the most downvote.

  2. > @ThePlayMaker.1058 said:

    > I disagree with this choice. Transparency is important in facilitating open, honest discussion. Removing any sort of negative feedback is kitten, how else will we get a good idea of people who disagree with something?


    After a few days of using this forum, I'm glad it's gone honestly.


    I can even get downvote from just quoting someone's statement.

    Also that dps meter thread, bunch of people downvoting every single posts out there, it's just ridiculous.


    If you don't agree with someone, just say it out load through your own argument instead of relying on this abusive downvote system.

  3. Anet, I disagree with this treatment.


    Instead, you guys should make the merchant penal linking directly to the storage so we can actually see which material is worthwhile and which isn't.

    Making materials stuck in our inventory will only encourage us to discard it or sell them directly to the market, which may not always be the wisest choice.


    I can't tell you how often I almost discard important items in LS3 like Druid Stone Fragments because it's taking up my precious space and I donnu what's it for before I did the research.


    I would also like to notice you guys how precious my inventory space is.

    My main character has every weapons equitable for my class and 4 sets of armors in my inventory , switching around depending on situation.

    I have max 160 slots, and those equipments/ food already filled up 100 of my spaces before any other junks are filled in.

    I cannot afford to carry extra new currency in PoF map.

  4. > @Prophet.1584 said:

    > There's really no need to run tanky in PvE. At HoT start a lot of people ran out and bought tankier gear because they thought the maps where so hard to deal with. if you where to ask most people now they're all running dps gear on those maps. sometimes it just takes some time to learn the content and area but killing things as fast as possible is always optimal, the more dps you do the less damage you take.


    Actually what HoT taught us is not to run defensive gears, but to promote us to actually run defensive trait line.

    Before HoT, I never try Nature Magic cuz I don't think it's really needed.

    After HoT I almost always have Nature Magic with me when roaming, and also help me discover great pet+ boon stacking build I'm running right now.

    I can solo many Champions, and sometimes Legendary too , while still doing good power damage so each foes won't take ages to kill too.


    I have all 9 professions fully geared, and HoT taught me to find a balance between offensive and defensive traits.

    ALL of my 9 professions are running offensive gears, but they never have problem in HoT or LS3 maps because I took my time to trying out a good balance between offensive and defensive trait/ utility selection.


    I do agree that adding a bit of Vitality on thief. elementalist and guardian to increase the margin of error from being one-shot can be a life saver though.




  5. The real question is why do you need tank in PVE?


    Aside from raid, there's no scenario in PVE that you need a tank to begin with.

    Heck, they even add timers on every legendary bosses, telling you that please get some more dps or we're going to despawn!



  6. > @Wondrouswall.7169 said:

    > Still needs more, _"You and your Pet..."_ onto the suggestions, including on new traits found on Soulbeast.

    > * Hunter's Gaze: "You and your Pet gain might when striking a foe depending on their health."

    > * Moment of Opportunity: "Gain an Attack of Opportunity when you or your Pet interrupts a foe. Daze and Stun durations increase for you and your Pet."

    > * Hunter's Tactics: "You and your Pet gain increased critical hit chance when striking an enemy from behind or the side."

    > * Vicious Quarry: "Fury grants you and your Pet additional ferocity and critical hit chance."

    > * Oakheart's Salve: "You and your Pet take 5% less damage while under the effects of Regeneration."

    > * Wilderness Knowledge: "You and your Pet gain fury and cleanse 2 conditions when you use a Survival skill."

    > * Evasive Purity: "You and your Pet lose 1 damaging and 1 non-damaging condition when you dodge."

    > * Loud Whistle: "While your health is above 90%, your Pet deals 10% more damage. While your Pet's health is above 90%, you deal 10% more damage."

    > * Natural Healing changed to Master's Bond: "Your Pet gains health every second. While your Pet is active, gain health every 3s (same effect in Beastmode)."

    > * Furious Strength: "You and your Pet deal 7% more damage while under the effects of fury."

    > * Second Skin: "Protection also reduces incoming condition damage by -33% on you and your Pet."

    > * Predator's Cunning: "You and your Pet steal health from foes when applying poison."

    > * Twice as Vicious: "You and your Pet gain Twice as Vicious when you or your Pet disable or strike a disabled foe."

    > * Oppressive Superiority: "You and your Pet deal increased damage and apply longer conditions to foes with less health %."


    > It's ridiculous that the Devs managed to have and create so many traits that still do not include or interact with the pet for a pet class.


    Dev really need to see this post.


    Can someone send this directly to Anet's superior?


    It's like Anet is so busy developing this new specialization to get rid of pet that they forget to make a pet class's trait affecting their pets cuz it's no longer needed once the Soulbeast is there? (Dev's perspective. )

  7. > @"Pvt Frosty.6973" said:

    > Soulbeast will not beat a druid in a 1v1, I would be very surprised if any class beat druid that isnt a variation of necro post patch.




    > The purpose is not to beat something 1v1, it is to enable a snowball by killing your 1v1 opponent (for example with the help of a thief).


    > Soulbeast will be better than druid if:


    > it can sustain the same set of 1v1s for a long time (likely, most of the sustain comes from core traits)

    > it can lockdown a target better than druid (possible)

    > it can dps spike better than druid (100% true)

    > it has similar matchups to druid in 2v2/3v3 etc (possible)


    Actually is not that hard to kill the current Druid one on one unless they build on a complete bunker.

    Numerous pet nerf, much longer CA CD , much longer CD for staff, alot of nerf in We Heal as One solely for PVP diminish the capability of Druid nowadays in PVP.

    Back in season 1 and season 2, Druid is still killable 1 v 1 without all the nerfs mentioned.

    Now after the nerf, it's not as invincible in 1 v 1 as people make it be.


    Not to mention Druid is very vulnerable in any +1 situation due to lack of stability.

  8. > @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

    > How do Lynx and Tiger dps differ when using attack of opportunity? Lynx f2 hits twice, Tiger once?


    Simply because Lynx F2 is just much stronger in general, with high damage (hit twice) and high condition ticks.

    Yes, F2 does make a difference on some pets.


    Don't ask me why some pets do much more damage than others and why some do pathetically low damage.

    Ask Anet. I'm just showing the result.

  9. Even though your claim about Remorseless outperform Predator Onslaught is dubious, I really think Sharpened Edge need to be changed to cast minor sharpening stone when hit a foe under 75% hp or something.


    And Fortify Bound baseline is really a must...

    Pet does not even get boons properly due to target cap and boon application priority.

  10. I make this post so people can see some of the issues regarding to certain pets, as well as to get rid of the bias against certain pets.


    The test is taken under these circumstances:

    Pets will have all boons available against enemies with 25 stacks of vulnerability: (No profession specific buffs aside from spotter are included)


    Trait: Sharpened Edge, Bountiful Hunter, Spotter buff, BM Line

    Skill: Signet of Wild Passive

    The reasoning of this trait choice is because in order for pets to get all boons realistically, nature magic is basically a must.

    Sharpened edge usually result in merely 2 stacks of bleed on most pets.


    I take 2 portion of dps numbers on raid golem and take the average number of that 2 numbers to avoid damage fluctuation.


    Hot Pets:


    Bristleback: 3302 (F2)

    Tiger: 3036

    Fire Wyvern: 3027 (F2 + AOE)

    Electric Wyvern: 2806 (AOE)

    Smokescale: 2416


    Vanilla pets:


    Lynx: 3515 (F2)

    Eagle: 3192 (F2)

    Forest Spider: 2375 (F2)

    Lashtail Devourer: 2131 (F2)

    River Drake: 1707 (F2+ AOE)

    Pink Moa: 1604

    Dog: 1573

    Boar: 1425

    Brown Bear: 964



    Lynx is the highest damage pet because of F2, but Bristleback’s dps is very close to Lynx dps, but it has advantage of fighting in range, so take that into consideration.


    Wyvern’s dps is quite amazing for a pet that hit multiple targets, so it’s very useful against trash mobs. Even against bosses, they have pretty good CC skill, while not doing horrible damage at all, so take that into consideration if you need more cc.


    Smokescale’s damage is not as low as people made it be. It is higher than most of the vanilla pets, while being as tanky as Bear.


    Eagle damage is as high as other cats except Lynx which is pretty good.


    Pigs , Dogs Drake, and Moa need a huge dps buff.


    Bear is absolutely atrocious, so please avoid bringing it in general.


    PS: If you grab the meta build that has no nature magic in it, there's no way your pet can have all boons all the time, so your pet dps should be count lower.


  11. > @"Substance E.4852" said:

    > > @GodSpeedFist.8642 said:

    > > yeah I agree.. I kept thinking whether soul beast could handle sudden condi bombs from necos/condi warrior/mesmers... and I think the new heal on the soul beast can't handle that or maybe i'm wrong...


    > I tried it during the beta in a squad and was completely underwhelmed.


    > -Cooldown is too long without a trait to reduce it

    > -Base heal is too small

    > -Cast time just gets interrupted in large scale combat with our limited stab.


    > It's just better to use traited trolls which will also spawn a muddy terrain.


    Yep, Troll cleanse 4 condition immediately when traited in WS, grant fury, does not get impacted by poison too much cuz the first tick is small, spawn a slow/ cripple field on spot, and heal for 8496 total with a CD of 20.

    Heal per sec is 424.6


    Bear Stance heals for 4963 with a cd as long as 25, and conditional bonus heal per condition cleanse which is very situational.

    Heal per sec without condition on you is 198.52 per second.


    If I'm gonna grab WS anyway for the cleanse, I'd pick Troll over Bear Stance any time.



    Bonus calculation:

    We Heal as One (traited) heals for 6520 with 16 sec cd.

    Heal per sec is 407.5 + 130 (regeneration) = 537.5

  12. Agree with you completely.


    I remembered there were a similar topic in old GW2 forum discussing about the same exact issue.

    There were a guy telling me that: "In T4 fractal, most power spec does not deserve to exist and you're just expecting to be carried and you don't deserve a spot if you don't use the top dps meta condition spec." (DH being the exception here ofc).


    When this degree of Elitism exist even outside of Raid, the game pretty much becomes unfun.


    Edit: And I got a downvote for just quoting a claim I heard from other person .

  13. > @"Substance E.4852" said:

    > -Dagger gets no updates at all. Same for the craptacular offhand.

    > -Greatsword Maul now applies "Attack of Opportunity" after skill resolution. (can't self buff)

    > -Sic Em reduced to 10% damage bonus.

    > -All the low "pure damage" pet skills in BM largely ignored or only buffed by 10%.

    > -Deadeye will make Longbow look like crap. Will see a squad slot that we never got to have in WvW.

    > -People will do proper golem testing to find that Cranger is still better than condi Soulbeast

    > And finally...

    > -All this will be apparent on Day 1 and we'll get completely frozen out while they deal with Firebrand, Spellbreaker, Weaver, and Scourge bugs and issues. Eventually, everyone will just go back to using Druid and Cranger and all forget how mediocre Soulbeast is.


    > Ideally, none of this will happen but I absolutely expect Sic Em to get nerfed and was only in the beta because of an oversight. Everything else was so underwhelming and the complete lack of hints from Anet on how they're buffing up the classes for release makes me doubt many of the issues will be addressed in a timely manner, if at all.


    > Druid was clearly made to be the healbot of Raids and got the attention it needed to fill that role. Soulbeast feels far more like a fun gimmick they came up with at the last minute with no real clear concept of what it's supposed to do or bring to a team.


    > Druid being solid in PvP and Raids also really kills my smile and optimism. Those are the only two places anet really cares about class balance and as long as we can fall back on 2 year old content and succeed, SB isn't going to be high priority. Much like Cranger being in #4/5 made buffing power options irrelevant.


    Why do I feel like this is entirely the case here..

    It's not like Anet have time to fix those big issues within the short time frame of Expansion releasing period.

    All I need to do is pop the Doyak Stance and see if Anet actually does anything for SBeast.

    If a bug as simple as that is not even fixed, all the other issues you mentioned would most likely be there too.


    PS: According to my statistic , LB is already a pretty crappy weapon in PVE.

    It doesn't need Deadeye to ruin LB's position.


    Axe Warhorn: 15217

    Longbow (1000+ range + Predator): 16779

    Longbow (1000+ range + LtW): 14911

    Longbow (<500 range + Predator): 14797

    Longbow (<500 range + LtW): 12929


    You'd most likely grab Lead the Wind outside of Raid for the piercing, and most of the time you'd be within 0~700 range of the enemy, so the damage would be even lower than spamming axe from range. Axe also applies might to yourself and to your pet too, and have better aoe in general if you grab Hone Axe.

    (Barrage cd is too long) It also lock yourself out of off-hand, which either provide good dps through axe offhand or good boons through warhorn.

  14. > @GodSpeedFist.8642 said:

    > > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

    > > I doubt it. PvP is about holding points, I just can't see the Soulbeast bringing anything of merit to the table there except for perhaps being a good +1er with burst. Losing the Druid sustain, the staff mobility, condition cleanse, stealth/Super Speed etc is pretty massive, what are you trading it for? Maybe a bit more burst damage and CC?

    > >

    > > For roaming WvW, sure, for zergs, not really since there still is no real AoE weaponry. Even for roaming, I still think vanilla and druid will be better because of the excellent access to condition clears. Making the assumption that the traits will remain the same as the beta.


    > yeah I agree.. I kept thinking whether soul beast could handle sudden condi bombs from necos/condi warrior/mesmers... and I think the new heal on the soul beast can't handle that or maybe i'm wrong...


    > is Marksmanship Traitline still used by druids in spvp?


    The problem of Soulbeast cleanse is that it's on a long cool down and it "waste" your healing skill slot.

    Let me explain, would you pop your heal skill when you just get hit by a long duration chill or weakness?

    If you don't remove it, it'd be a pain if it stick it on you for a long time.

    You probably have to pop your 25 CD heal skill cuz ranger doesn't have too many cleanse unless you grab WS or use Trooper rune (huge dps lost)

    Your sustain is severely hindered as a result.

    There's also another problem being Bear Stance initial heal does not cleanse Poison before the heal applies, further decreasing the healing amount.


    Do you guys remember Warrior has a similar heal that remove condition and heal for a decent amount?

    No-one is using it cuz it trade off too much healing for the cleanse.



    Soulbeast will most likely being pigeon hole to survival cleanse or shout trooper cleanse in the end again, like all vanilla ranger.


    I am very reluctant to bring Bear Stance in the table even in PVE cuz We Heal as One is just so much better in every way cuz it can easily help me self stack 25 mights on myself and enhance the quickness / protection duration, and it's on a short CD and heal more. I probably would only use Bear Stance if the condition pressure is too vital in that area. But if it's PVE, I can grab Empathetic Bond + Food + Rune for -90% condition duration on myself, making Bear Stance neglect-able again.


  15. > @Skuzz.6580 said:

    > Seriously.. downvoting a personal opinion that is different than your own? I guess that's what this forum has turned into..

    > > @Aomine.5012 said:

    > > > @Skuzz.6580 said:

    > > > My biggest fear is logging in the 23th, unlocking Dolyak Stance and still see it not apply it's effect to the user..

    > > >

    > > > Also a sidenote: Soulbeast is amazing and the stances are very neat utility skills

    > >

    > > Can you tell me why you think Stance is such a neat idea because they're actually acting exactly like shout but this time only affect yourself unless you waste your grandmaster spot?

    > >

    > > Press this bottom, remove some conditions. (Oh, and with cast time too)

    > > Press this bottom, grant yourself some stability.

    > > Press this bottom, oh you get some boons like fury and protection.

    > > Press this bottom, oh you get some might.

    > > Press this bottom, you do slightly more damage.

    > >

    > > How's it any different front shouts?

    > > Don't get me started it doesn't even affect your pet in most case.

    > >

    > I also like you contributing to this topic by writing your own fear.. ooh wait, you prefer to bash on people rather than contribute yourself..


    > As for if I can tell you why I think Stances are neat utility skills, it is simple. They give uncounterable effects (Stance effects), its a bloody STANCE why should a Stance buff everyone around you? This is why the Grandmaster trait is actually well thought out.. I guess you rather join the bandwagon and say they are crap, I understand.


    > Just taking Dolyak stance as an example, I hope you realise that this is now our #1 defensive utility skill we have access to? Just to name one.

    > "Don't get me started it doesn't even affect your pet in most case. ": This only confirms my assumptions that you have no clue what you are talking about.. The whole Soulbeast class was designed with the thought in mind that you AND your pet would become 1 entity. So why would stances be applied to your pet?? That goes against the design philosophy.

    > The trait Leader of the pack is just brilliantly designed lore wise when you think about it. But i guess I'm alone on this one since all I ever get when being positive about things is negative reactions and downvotes..




    I actually took my time explaining why Stance is not neat by explaining their functionality case by case, because they're almost identical to Guardian's / Warrior/ Ranger's own shouts and Warrior's Stance.


    Your original post just simply stated: "Hey, SBeast is awesome and Stances are so neat!" without explaining your reasoning to back up those claim.


    You could have just explain your reasoning about why you think it's neat instead of throwing those pointless sarcasm to me, which I didn't do it to you in the first place. How do you interpreted my post as bashing your post in the first place is beyond me. All I said is if you could explain why you think it's neat.

  16. > @anduriell.6280 said:

    > > @Prophet.1584 said:

    > > Since this attack can crit, on crit sigils on weapons would add a considerable amount of dps if they have low cooldowns. playing as a hybrid Earth sigils could stack a lot of additional bleeds, playing as pure power air sigil could proc additional times with the extra attacks. High single target damage is helpful in raids.


    > **You are not counting the ICD from the sigils.**

    > You still do the same procs once every 2 seconds with air and once every 5 seconds with earth. This stance will not benefit from anything other than effects with no ICD.




    Air ICD is 3 sec btw.

    Earth is 2 sec ICD.

  17. > @Skuzz.6580 said:

    > My biggest fear is logging in the 23th, unlocking Dolyak Stance and still see it not apply it's effect to the user..


    > Also a sidenote: Soulbeast is amazing and the stances are very neat utility skills


    Can you tell me why you think Stance is such a neat idea because they're actually acting exactly like shout but this time only affect yourself unless you waste your grandmaster spot?


    Press this bottom, remove some conditions. (Oh, and with cast time too)

    Press this bottom, grant yourself some stability.

    Press this bottom, oh you get some boons like fury and protection.

    Press this bottom, oh you get some might.

    Press this bottom, you do slightly more damage.


    How's it any different from shouts?

    Don't get me started it doesn't even affect your pet in most case.


  18. > @"Pvt Frosty.6973" said:

    > > @Aomine.5012 said:

    > > Don't worry, in 4 more days I can test this on raid golem.

    > > I doubt it'd be more useful than Strength of the Pack aside from organized pve group set up though.

    > > We always lack stability, and SBeast doesn't change that a single bit.

    > >

    > > Also does the tool tip says One Wolf Pack can crit or not?

    > >

    > > PS: Condition ele FGS is doing alot more damage than 60k, with much higher uptime.

    > >


    > Actually, Soulbeast does give you Dolyak Stance for stability


    Not in the Beta :P

  19. Don't worry, in 4 more days I can test this on raid golem.

    I doubt it'd be more useful than Strength of the Pack aside from organized pve group set up though.

    We always lack stability, and SBeast doesn't change that a single bit.


    Also does the tool tip says One Wolf Pack can crit or not?


    PS: Condition ele FGS is doing alot more damage than 60k, with much higher uptime.


  20. > @Ralkuth.1456 said:

    > > @AimEd.3519 said:

    > > I miss the old auto attack that glued you to the enemy in PvP.


    > You mean the old Slash > Kick > Pounce auto with the 3/4 second animation lock at the end (you can't stow the leap) that always got you killed, and will get you killed even harder now with the elite specs?


    > The changes to Sword auto was admittedly a bit wacky looking, but it is so much better functionally now since you can cancel it to do other clutch things. Reading that someone uses it for the auto-aim is a first for me in 5 years...


    It's not just the control improvement, the attack range is better with new AA too.


    Do you guys know all melee attack actually has a "phantom range" that it can hit beyond what the animation / tool tip hint (your aa can still hit when tool tip bar shows red), because 130 range is alot further than what the animation shows?


    Back then sword aa can't hit at max range of melee weapon because it'd glue yourself as close as possible toward the enemy. This is particularly deadly to the user when they try to fight against numerous aoes of the enemies.

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