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Posts posted by Aomine.5012

  1. Trickery , Critical Strike, Deadeye. P/P.


    With malice signet and 15% crit dm from damage, you can hardly ever die while pew pew enemies from afar.

    Best range class I've ever played.


    Refreshed Deadeye mark triggers 2 initiative gain on steal, as well as swapping weapon gain 3 initiative.

    You'd hardly ever run outta of it, while most veterans can't do anything to you and quickly get pew pew down.


    Edit: If you wanna hit 5 targets, staff seems to be the only choice..

    Rifle pierces but it's really a bad weapon, so maybe just shortbow then?

  2. > @Set.7461 said:

    > > @Aomine.5012 said:

    > > ... Renegade is doing more dm than the old Condition Revenant while providing might and Kella buff to the whole party...

    > >


    > Kalla's Fervor is a self-buff. You can't share it with a party. You can, however share might with F2.


    Oh I thought Kella can share that buff to other :/

    Sorry for the misinfo, gonna edit it.

  3. > @Napo.1230 said:

    > It's absolutely disgusting that they can give us this and be ok with it. I'm currently running Herald for all of path of fire because Renegade is a joke. Like if it wasn't for holosmith I would have been so mad I bought this expansion as a rev main.

    > I get it gives some extra condis....wooo...seriously thats it.

    > The utilities/f abilities are so bad that I swear they arent even working. Then there's shortbow.......what is this non sense?? it doesn't actually function.

    > Can we just buff Herald/shiro so power option is........an option?

    > Stop forcing this weak condi stuff or atleast make it op like the rest.


    > I hate being that guy that complains but you should be ashamed that this was allowed


    Lmao, I'm running power renegade and it's doing better than my power herald .

    I used herald for first 2 maps to unlock the renegade full trait then move on to renegades for the rest of the maps.


    People are just not used the class, donnu what to run and claim is a spec is bad cuz they're running bad builds or not utilizing the class.

    That Kella stun aoe is by far one of the best breakbar skill in pve.

    Enemies inside the range literally can't do anything and die.


    The boons Kella provides is the same as glint too, 25 stacks of might, fury, protection and so on, and it's actually a dps increase over glint in every way because of Kella buff, 100% crit rate, better healing skill in pve, and f3 bomberment doing alot of damage.


    PS: Just because the profession weapon is bad doesn't mean the spec is bad.


    I'm just gonna give you guys build so you guys may stop crying it's not viable.

    I'm running full zerk btw.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/24ORqUg.jpg "")



  4. > @lmaogg.7325 said:

    > > @Aomine.5012 said:

    > > I faceroll open-world with my Power Renegade in PoF maps. (Full Zerk)

    > > The facerollness is on the degree of nature magic Soulbeast + Jaracanda in open world, you just never die, lots of break bar, very tanky because of life leach and so on.

    > > I run Kalla, Dwarf, utilizing life leach mechanic , can self stack 25 mights , fury , protection very quickly, and can aoe stun a group of foes.

    > > Two of the best open world builds I've seen so far. (I have all 9 classes fully geared)


    > Everything is playable in Pve as long as you know how to kite/dodge. It boils down to individual awareness since mob AI are predictable and exploitable to certain extend.

    > Even before burn stack buff, I've been running burn guardian that only stacks burn duration, yet it still works.


    > Gw2 had always been giving players the freedom to play whatever build/role that we like, each class is capable of building any of the role, be it power/condi/support.

    > The main point now is renegade is in a bad spot in any other mode of the game with how bad the skills are. It's suppose to be a range condi/support but can't even achieve the support part unless you are bossing.


    Like I said, I play all classes and I can tell which is better than others when it comes to open world.

    Reaper, Ranger, and Renegade just excel at surviving while doing massive cc/ damage on their own and can tackle some champions solo.

    Firebrand theoretically has highest dps in open world, but go tackle any pof champion in open world and prepare to get one shot.

    The clunky f2 and f3 mechanic just drastically hinder Firebrand's survivability in open world cuz it's intended to work in a group.


    Sure everything works in open world, but when it comes to the preferred faceroll one, ranger, reaper and renegade takes the cake.

    When I do a event solo with 5 veterans spawning in addition to massive horde of enemies, those 3 classes I mention is just gonna faceroll them down while other classes run the risk of getting one shot if you don't play very carefully.


    Also, let's ignore the op firebrand that'd get toned down for sure, Renegade is doing more dm than the old Condition Revenant while providing might , which is a massive improvement over glint and condition Revenant.



    I edit one part of Kella sharing.. Tbh I thought out of all the thing, this buff is something that could define Renegade in a party if it's sharable.

    It's a mis-opportunity... Anet should consider making it sharable.

  5. I donnu what people actually running these days, I'm honestly confused.

    What kind of terrible build they run that they say renegade has less survival tools.

    It's more survivable than Glint in Open world at least with better healing.

    It can share might and protection like glint does, (Fury only apply to self though)> @Substatic.6958 said:

    > How do you do Svanir in the pvp lobby as melee condition renegade? I'm trying what you've stated, but he just knocks me down half way and 2 shots me. If i do kill him I lose a lot of HP.


    > Worlds different from my Necro, Mesmer, Guardian who just faceroll and lose 0 hp.


    Seriously if you can't even solo this svanir with any build you run, you either have control issue yourself or you're running terrible build.

  6. I faceroll open-world with my Power Renegade in PoF maps. (Full Zerk)

    The facerollness is on the degree of nature magic Soulbeast + Jaracanda in open world, you just never die, lots of break bar, very tanky because of life leach and so on.

    I run Kalla, Dwarf, utilizing life leach mechanic , can self stack 25 mights , fury , protection very quickly, and can aoe stun a group of foes.

    Two of the best open world builds I've seen so far. (I have all 9 classes fully geared)

  7. I am using a power renegade, and spirits are doing pretty decent damage.

    I particularly like the aoe group stun one because it can break bars so easily and make most enemies inside it unable to do anything until you kill them.

    Only Reaper/ Chrono is on par.

  8. > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

    > > > @Tarinis.6054 said:

    > > > It just seems so wrong to me. Shouldnt we at least be even?

    > >

    > > Maybe in future they will develop better rifle technology, but for now it is as it was in the real-life past, Longbows have more range than early rifles.


    > Except in real life around that same era, Rifles had much more power than long bows, significantly easier to use, required less physical strength, and required less training. Like the crossbow, they began to make the Longbow obsolete.


    Back in 19th century, rifle doesn't hit long range (actually alot shorter than arrows), easily explode on itself and damage the user.

    A trained Bowman can shoot further, and attach fire or poison on the arrows to make them more deadly.


    The advantage of using Rifle back then is even farmers/ slaves can learn how to use them , so they're used as a tossed away soldiers to use quantity to overwhelms the enemies to cover up their lack of functionality.


  9. Lmao, out of anything, you guys have to bring out Ranger's trash LB to talk about.

    Why not bring out the hot candy which is Firebrand 50k dps?


    Need grandmaster trait that trade off so much damage (predator onslaught) just to pierce.

    Dps is trash too. Tested on raid golem by myself with realistic buff at 1000+ range, dps is around 14k. If enemy goes closer, dps becomes 12k or less.

    Oh, did I mention that if you grab the pierce trait instead of Predator Onslaught, your dps drop to 12k~10k.

    Utter garbage range weapon in PVE.


    No utility like self might/ fury/ quickness, unlike deadeye mark f1 f2 and P/P which can instantly get all the boons in 2 seconds.

    Gl doing damage in open world with no boons on you when using LB, that dps is laughable.


    Seriously go play that trash LB and play a P/P Deadeye and say LB is good again.

  10. > @OlsenSan.2987 said:

    > I wonder how they create maps like HoT and PoF that are filled with powerful mobs that often hits you in a zerg, and give you an elite spec where you have low mobility and low dmg aimed for single targets when using the new elite weapon.


    > The only way to deal decent dmg is when sitting, what makes you an easy target specially for mobs/players with aoe/dot/charge skills. If you are fighting and some enemy use an area skill you hardly will be able to sit and perform any attack. Can you imagine you fighting baltazar using rifle? Low endurance and lack of initiative recover vs cost. It is useless for most situations in this game.

    > Some people may say it is good for pvp. It can be against players not so experienced with pvp. You can outnumber a fight in a slower way than you could with any other spec.


    > Daredevil vs Deadeye utility: There are 2 daredevil utilities that I think they are essencial for my build when there aren't any dead eye utility that I care to use. I mean, I can use some of them like any other or not.


    > Deadeye made me think that fighting with d/d is the best build ever, but once you go daredevil you never go back.


    Hint, try using weapon other than Rifle and you'd find something new about Deadeye.

    It's very fluid with constantly renewed f1 /f2 to use.

    Self apply most of the offensive boons to maximum by yourself in a short duration, which is very useful open world.


  11. Deadeye feedback, surprisingly good spec, the strongest true range class in pve (Weapon like Ele staff does not count for my range combat perspective cuz most skills are ground target and immobile)


    Deadeye f1 mechanic is good for both trash mobs and bosses.

    For trash mobs you get it renewed so fast that you can spam steal to get massive bonuses from both f1 and f2.

    For bosses you get a free 15% damage increase for 100% uptime.


    The problem is what makes deadeye so good is actually when using weapons OTHER than rifle.

    I'm running P/P atm and it's such a delightful weapon set to play along with Deadeye.


    Rifle on the other hand, really is a terrible weapon, with low dps and clunky mechanic.

    The damage and most of the skills/ cost effectiveness need a complete re-haul.

    I were thinking Deadeye is trash when I test Rifle, then I switch to P/ P and it's so much better.

  12. > @Vagrant.7206 said:

    > > @Aomine.5012 said:

    > > > @Aldath.1275 said:

    > > > > @Aomine.5012 said:

    > > > > Saying Holosmith is squishy when they have a 25 seconds aoe protection skill, as well as lots of CC..

    > > > >

    > > > > I wonder how people trait themselves. Do they even grab alchemy?

    > > >

    > > > That's the thing. The meta as it stands right now isn't friendly to non-DPS roles, unless they bring lots of CC and buffs, that's why Druid, PS Warr and Chrono can get away with hitting like a noodle.

    > > >

    > > > High DPS and squishy classes like Thief and Guardian have forms of damage mitigation, like Aegis or life drain or evades. Elementalist hits like a truck and has few survivability options with the perk that he gives wide areas while being ranged, and having immense DPS.

    > > >

    > > > Holo is melee, deals less damage than Staff DD, his buffs and utility are all personal oriented, and he lacks damage mitigation unless you slot a trait line like alchemy or inventions, which is a severe DPS loss, sacrificing either explosives, firearms or tools, in order to avoid being mauled, when Thief and Guardian don't even have to sacrifice trait lines. Don't pretend his barrier or blocks are even close to good.

    > > >

    > > > This class is the Reaper all over again, hyped because of the thematic, but in the end it's selfish with only damage as time, and even then his damage is pretty much the same as power engi, with less utility and survivability.

    > >

    > > I highly doubt it's only damage selfish build though.

    > > If people stop caring too much about that little number difference, maybe they'd start appreciating a 25 seconds group wide protection in a casual t4 fractal run.

    > > It's not like 30k~ something damage is low or anything in HoT standard.

    > > It's not like Engi doesn't have unique buff in terms of +150 group wide condi damage.

    > >

    > > For example Reaper, even though they're not top dps, they're just super tanky, does massive break bar damage, lots of weakness and chill application as control, so even though they don't do top tier dps, they are still highly desirable in fractal , as well as super powerful in open world.

    > >

    > > Also I have every single classes, and in order to survive in LS3 and PoF map, all of them need to run at least one , sometimes two defensive traits.

    > > Many of them are squishier than you thought. (Go try Firebrand, they're super squishy when solo)

    > >


    > You realize that that extra DPS can contribute in ways more valuable than the 25s of protection, right?


    > If a team has another 10k+ DPS, that means the big boss goes down or phases 10k DPS faster -- which often is more valuable than that 25s of protection (which can also be stripped). Reduced time for fights also means there's a much smaller chance for mistakes to be made, and for faster progression (which is good for morale). As it stands, our DPS only reaches that 30-35k DPS on holo if we abandon all defensive traits and pick only offensive traits and skills, which is unrealistic for DPS as lackluster as this.


    > Condi engi, on the other hand, still does more DPS **AND** retains a lot of survivability and group buffing.


    I'd take massive protection over 5k more dps in fractal any days because many encounter are either hordes or just mechanic boss that stall for awhile.

    If people gonna die , they're gonna die anyway even though they do like 5k more damage. It's the same why I like Reaper more than other condi spec with similar dps.


    I'm talking about 25 sec GROUP PROTECTION, benefiting the whole party, not just yourself. You don't have to grab any defensive trait, just one utility skill.

    This skill is even more powerful than Tempest's Earth Overload pre-nerf because you don't need to channel it like Ele did. (One cast 1/2 sec)


    PS: condi engi is the more selfish build lolz.. The rotation is too hard for just doing the same damage as every other dps build.

    They don't even have 600 range big CC skill that're super useful against tough trash hordes in certain stages.


    PS2: Just because you didn't do as much damage as that OP Firebrand build doesn't mean 30~35k dps is weak.

    Firebrand is going to get nerfed anyway. 50K dps is the outlier here.


  13. > @ProtoMarcus.7649 said:

    > > @Wondrouswall.7169 said:

    > > > @ChocolateBlaze.7840 said:

    > > > I don't remember why it was changed on RoA

    > > https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/info/updates/Game-Update-Notes-May-16-2017

    > > >Skills and traits that previously granted pulsing stability now grant a block of stability up front in order better allow for counterplay through boon removal.

    > >


    > And then you got

    > + Balanced Stance

    > + Rampage

    > + Lich Form

    > + Avatar of Melandru


    > And probably a few others that still grant pulsing stability


    > I guess I can understand transforms but Balanced Stance is not a transform


    Because balance only applied to ranger.

    They don't care about other class like Guardian and Warrior getting out of control in PVE/ PVP though.


    They care so much about gutting down ranger that they never return the CD of Strength of the Pack (60 sec cd or 48) even in PVE.

    They don't bother to return the pulsing stability too.

  14. > @Aldath.1275 said:

    > > @Aomine.5012 said:

    > > Saying Holosmith is squishy when they have a 25 seconds aoe protection skill, as well as lots of CC..

    > >

    > > I wonder how people trait themselves. Do they even grab alchemy?


    > That's the thing. The meta as it stands right now isn't friendly to non-DPS roles, unless they bring lots of CC and buffs, that's why Druid, PS Warr and Chrono can get away with hitting like a noodle.


    > High DPS and squishy classes like Thief and Guardian have forms of damage mitigation, like Aegis or life drain or evades. Elementalist hits like a truck and has few survivability options with the perk that he gives wide areas while being ranged, and having immense DPS.


    > Holo is melee, deals less damage than Staff DD, his buffs and utility are all personal oriented, and he lacks damage mitigation unless you slot a trait line like alchemy or inventions, which is a severe DPS loss, sacrificing either explosives, firearms or tools, in order to avoid being mauled, when Thief and Guardian don't even have to sacrifice trait lines. Don't pretend his barrier or blocks are even close to good.


    > This class is the Reaper all over again, hyped because of the thematic, but in the end it's selfish with only damage as time, and even then his damage is pretty much the same as power engi, with less utility and survivability.


    I highly doubt it's only damage selfish build though.

    If people stop caring too much about that little number difference, maybe they'd start appreciating a 25 seconds group wide protection in a casual t4 fractal run.

    It's not like 30k~ something damage is low or anything in HoT standard.

    It's not like Engi doesn't have unique buff in terms of +150 group wide condi damage.


    For example Reaper, even though they're not top dps, they're just super tanky, does massive break bar damage, lots of weakness and chill application as control, so even though they don't do top tier dps, they are still highly desirable in fractal , as well as super powerful in open world.


    Also I have every single classes, and in order to survive in LS3 and PoF map, all of them need to run at least one , sometimes two defensive traits.

    Many of them are squishier than you thought. (Go try Firebrand, they're super squishy when solo)


  15. > @Razor.9872 said:

    > As cSoulbeast I just use evades and debilitating condi's like immob to avoid damage. Things melt before they can damage you anyway.


    Well, I have a pure dps condi Firebrand, and while it's doing massive damage, higher than any other classes, I do occasionally got spiked down by silver elites though.

    I have to run Valor and grab Mediation to avoid getting one shot. Though I do tend to kill everything very quickly if I don't get spike down.


  16. > @BlunterMonk.2089 said:

    > Most people don't take any defensive stats on any class outside of tanks in raids. And for ranger being primarily ranged you wont need to be tanking anything. So the extra power (more damage) and precision (more crit) just makes you all that much stronger.


    > I personally use Carrion (power vit condi) for open world, which if you want survivability that would be what I recommend. Plus some traits in Wilderness Survival. Toughness doesn't make much of a difference in most cases.


    Condition ranger rotation is in point blank range though..


    Also I believe open world need to run some defensive traits, it is raid which you don't need to run defensive trait cuz there're healers in each team.

    Try running pure raid build in open world and you could die alot in open world while soloing events / veterans.

  17. > @Oglaf.1074 said:

    > That being said, I asked nicely if I could play around with Spellbreaker when we fought Vale Guardian and they let me. You can really have an amazing uptime of 25 Might with just Dagger auto-attack and Magebane. But, as I feared, my personal DPS suffered greatly.


    Not like GS is doing anymore damage though.

    After getting rid of GS, Power Warrior is doing much better in everywhere else lolz..

    The introduction of mount rly changes things up abit cuz I can ditch GS without feeling slow.


    I feel like if people rly wanna stick with power build might sharing, Spellbreaker will be the way to go, not that clunky mess GS.


  18. > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

    > > @Aomine.5012 said:

    > > Also F1 need a global cooldown of 10 sec to prevent people from recharging f1 instantly upon killing one single foe.


    > That's the point of the trait, to recharge F1. Blame the design of the tome, the trait is fine. If tomes were more similar to kits, we wouldn't have this problem.


    I mean the global cd of f1 tome for firebrand ONLY.


    The balance of that trait is base on it proc a single burn once for its active effect.

    For tome, it's instant 30 stacks of burning on a big radius for F1.

    So getting a free recharge of the whole package per kill is just overpowered in both PVE and WvW.


    Also if Firebrand F1~F3 would become a kit (which I'm in favor of too), all of the skills on it will need a massive CD increase and decrease in effectiveness.

    It's like arguing why Celestial Avator on Ranger has a CD, and is not a Kit to be toggle with

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