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Posts posted by Aomine.5012

  1. And thus why customers are exploited.


    They deserve it because there're alot of people like you.

    Rng loot box and overpriced skin are prevailed in Mobile game and MMO because of people like you.


    When dedicated game developers trying very hard to make good games, including more real contents, and only charging 20~60 dollars for their hard effort, MMO , FPS, Sports, and Mobile dev is charging 20+ dollars for a skin that takes them maybe a day or two to make.

    Kinda sad really our game industry has fallen to this level yet consumers don't protest against it.


  2. > @ProtoGunner.4953 said:

    > BTW why was this outrage not with the other 2000gems mount skin? Most people forgot that together with the adoption license they also sold this forged jackal skin for 2k gems.


    > Also, what I always wanted to know, how can Dulfy afford all skins that the game releases?


    It was there. You just missed it.


    When the RNG box bundle and 2k skin mount first releases, BUNCH of people protested it.

  3. > @Elxdark.9702 said:

    > So your only condi cleanse is the heal?

    > I'd swap griffon for something else, that stance is so bad idk how it will help you in any situation.


    > also another problem you're way too susceptible to burst damage without signet or any source of protection other than your dodge roll which is only 2s.

    > I like this poison synergy from soulbeast and wilderness survival tho.


    Ikr. I'd pick Moa Stance over griffon any days.

  4. > @Anuviel.9216 said:

    > Warhorn is probably the better choice for WvW as you're generally not going to be able to just stand there and axe 5 (even though its damage can be insane, i've had it doing 50k+ over the duration with sic em up).


    > Is this really much better than Axe/WH or even Axe/Axe though? Axe auto stacks might, is ranged, cleaves and deals decent damage (at least winters bite, generally don't even cast 2 unless to tag).


    Axe mh is not a rly good weapon in wvw.


    No mobility, barely hit target that moves quickly cuz the projectile speed is way too slow in wvw standard.

    It's ok-ish for tagging in zerg, but that's about it.

    If you're into roaming , LB is better than axe mh 100% of the time.

  5. > @InsaneQR.7412 said:

    > They also kinda ghost fixed the spider poisonfield. It now hits targets.

    > With vulture stance, vipersnest and predators cunning its pretty hard to die.


    I'd still grab Moa stance over vulture though :P

    The new uptime with regen attached to it is pretty nice.


  6. > @musu.9205 said:

    > might stacking druid . its interesting change to meta .

    > condi soulbeast is overperferming in pve . if you didn't notice that all condition spec which had >35 k + dps got nerfed in this patch including firebrand , rev , and condi weaver .

    > druid is strong just you dont need two druid and you can play more builds without huge loss of group dps .


    > yeah power build buff feels lacking . but comparing other anet balance patch . this one did more good than harm for most classes in pve .


    Condi druid is no-way compare to soulbeast condi...> @Ackzar.9156 said:

    > > @Aomine.5012 said:


    > > And PS War/ Chrono is still on mandatory list because of "unique banner, alacrity, quickness, while only Druid is left behind , and GotL is considered as the lower end of buff compare to banners /alacrity/ quickness due to inconsistent buff uptime. (You can never keep it up 100%)

    > > Don't get me started PS War actually does some dm compare to Druid which does almost none.

    > >

    > > And you find that only gutting Druid is the reasonable choice while the other 2 should still stay mandatory while Druid can easily be replaced?

    > >

    > >


    > PS warrior is not mandatory, but the banners and EA buff is still going to be brought 100% of the time. But it's not a bad thing that Anet gets rid of the stupid unique buffs such as GotL, and now there will be contesting for might stacking. A lot of classes can stack 25 might. "Oh no, poor druids!!" well, we still got spirits, empower allies, spotter, cc, good heals AND we can single handedly give out 25 stacks of might, pretty much permanently. This is good for the health of the game, it frees up 2 new spots in raid compositions as we don't need 2 PS and 2 Druid per group. It's a step in the right direction, and I think we should be glad Anet is trying to fix some of the really bad composition issues we've had for 2 years now



    Ranger doesn't has empower allies.

  7. > @Falan.1839 said:

    > Scourge still broken, FB still op. The changes on Warr, Thief and Ele are okay imo. Overall rather bad, I mean even this forum understood that scourge is the biggest problem in PvP balance right now (next to SB) and still it doesn't get touched at all...


    Holosmith joins the OP party too.


    You gotta see them in action, that burst is insane and consistently high.

  8. > @reukies.6418 said:


    > > > @brannigan.9831 said:

    > > > I would have given the patch an A - if they would have nerfed Scourge some instead of pretending its ok so without it I'd give it a B. Excellent nerfs to warrior and thief.

    > >


    > What scourge, PVE? They needed a buff. PvP? They got "fixed" which were heavy nerfs.


    > Don't get me wrong, they are still top teir in PvP, just like SB still are with the nerfs, but no where near OP. People just need to get used to the don't enter their shades and just range them down idea when VS a scourge.



    SB got melt down easily and no way as threatening as b4.


    Scourge remains insane and spammy though.

  9. > @ArthurDent.9538 said:

    > > @Loboling.5293 said:

    > > I'm actually thinking herald might make it back into the meta. We can 1v1 firebrand, or at least the couple I've encountered since patch. Maybe it wasn't the buffs, but lucky to fight bad fb. Time will tell.

    > >

    > > But I do feel Herald is stronger now than it was yesterday in this new meta.


    > We could always 1v1 bunk firebrands, it just takes a long time to whittle them down through the constant healing. The problem is they are always in team fights right next to a scourge which will tear you to shreds without your own bunker firebrand but rev + firebrand is still a decisively losing match-up against scourge + firebrand.


    If a firebrand is being killed by anyone 1 v 1 by anyone but scourge, that firebrand is a total noob, and very very very bad player.

  10. > @Ackzar.9156 said:

    > I seriously hope most of you guys are joking... The GotL was a much needed and REQUESTED change by the community. If you've ever sat foot in a raid, or T4 fractals for that sake, you would know that Druid, PS warrior and Chronomancer's are almost considered mandatory, and having 60% of a group comp being set in stone for 2 years, it gets boring and it's BAD game design. This was the first step in a right direction, and I'm happy to see Anet bring forth this change. If you look at reddit or the forums, there are lots of theorycrafting going on, people discussing different comps, and the reason we can have these discussions are due to Anet managing to lighten Druid, PS, Chrono meta. It's not perfect (heck, Chrono wasn't even touched...). But now we can start theory crafting, and Druid will still be relevant due to 10 man spirits, might stack, fury from tiger, spotter, decent cc and moderate to great healing. Soulbeast were at around 38k dps, that's alot. Of course you got stuff like Weaver and Firebrand, but in turn, they might be gutted in the balance patch. It's no secret MMO companies tend to balance out to have some FotM classes, and we got to enjoy that for a good couple of weeks now with great dps numbers. The forums have been filled with complaints about bugged pets, and skills not working. Well guess what? Anet fixed that! We cried for stance changes, we got them! Sure I agree some of them are still kitten weak, but I now some of them are worth considering at least. We got a good deal of fixes, Anet has managed to loosen up the stale PvE meta comp, and Ranger is still a relevant class. Anet did far better than what we've seen them do previously with ranger, and I think we should be rather well satisfied with what we got.


    And PS War/ Chrono is still on mandatory list because of "unique banner, alacrity, quickness, while only Druid is left behind , and GotL is considered as the lower end of buff compare to banners /alacrity/ quickness due to inconsistent buff uptime. (You can never keep it up 100%)

    Don't get me started PS War actually does some dm compare to Druid which does almost none.


    And you find that only gutting Druid is the reasonable choice while the other 2 should still stay mandatory while Druid can easily be replaced?



  11. Ikr, they gutted Druid for whatever reason,

    Now there's no reason to bring Druid anymore, just bring a Firebrand for both high damage and good healing.


    GotL nerf is huge. Now Druid is officially the most useless healer class that bring nothing to the table anymore.

    And no, might is not why people pick Warrior. It's cuz warrior has Empower Allies and Banners, which is a huge dps buff to the pt.


    Also they barely change anything for stance, and barely fix the pet bugs. (Griffon stance still lol)

    At the same time they buff many other classes to crazy degree.


    Yep, ofc Anet is clueless.

  12. Balance Patch:

    Nerf Sick em so it's halfen the effectiveness in Beast Mode.

    Nerf all the new pof pets dps.

    Fix the tool tip of beast mode f2 so it matches the actual effectiveness/ range (the 300 range leap is intended)


    No change to stance and trait.


    Let's see if my prediction comes true or not.

    No hope for Anet whatsoever.




  13. > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

    > > I mean, I'm all for challenges and time-sinks, but gold grinds aren't fun, not functional time-sinks.

    > > Instead of saying "buy the weapon for 80-120g" they could've made a second mini-collection with:

    > > - clear a bounty on the profession

    > > - kill event boss X

    > > - complete story on this profession

    > >

    > > simple things like that, but proofs of valor, instead of proofs of a fat wallet


    > I do agree if it's something account related, but since you have to do the same world boss 10 times for 10 different achievements, sometimes i do really prefer to buy instead.

    > Also it's not the event itself, but all which is related ( Waiting for the event, hope there's a good team, hope it's not bugged, hope it drop 100% the item, and so on ).


    It never bothers me for doing those cuz at least the activity is different than mindlessly following a lab train for 10 hrs to get enough gold per weapon.

  14. > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

    > > @rwolf.9571 said:

    > > So much for these collections being easier than HoT. The named weapons are becoming out of reach quickly as supply dries up. (I'm guessing as peak players for PoF is long and gone now or moved on back to HoT metas)

    > >

    > > Weapons are currently +85-95 gold, and to complete all the specializations from "buy now" will take +500g

    > > And here I thought forging mystic weapons for HoT weapon specialization collections was annoying.


    > Get on veteran player level.

    > Treasure hunter was originally 2k gold to complete.


    > This PoF is a laugh.


    You have to compare HoT collection price, instead of treasure hunter which no-one cares.

  15. > @Zero.3871 said:

    > > @Aomine.5012 said:

    > > > @Zero.3871 said:

    > > > > @Aomine.5012 said:

    > > > > > @MUDse.7623 said:

    > > > > > > @Threather.9354 said:

    > > > > > > What id say are good at the moment: Scourge (very very broken due to trailblazer), d/s + gs spellbreaker (hardcounters most cool specs), daredevil, Herald (no hammer), holosmith (power rifle), soulbeast and power mirage. Ele and Guard are pretty underwhelming, like before PoF, which kinda makes sense as they're more supportive classes.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > you really think scourge is good at roaming ? in group yes but solo i dont think so, like every nekro too easy to kite.

    > > > > > oh and good to see your still playing, wonder when i will be running into you again :D

    > > > >

    > > > > Before the f5 nerf (7 burns -> 1 burn), Scourge is pretty broken, and only lose to powerful range class that's good at kiting. (Deadeye mostly)

    > > > > Before the nerf I literally roamed for 2 days straight with trailblazer until I reach Diamond completion, and the only class I lost is some form of Deadeye/ Daredevil that's good at kiting/ stealth, and some form of Mirage/ chrono that's also equally good at kitting.

    > > > >

    > > > > Even Spellbreaker post no threat pre-nerf because their only trick to win is when Berserker Stance is up, so just kite them until the Berserker Stance is over.

    > > > > With Trailblazer and barrier spam it's very easy to do so.

    > > > >

    > > > > I have to mention that playing scourge during that time is the happiest time I'm in WvW because playing God Mode and unstoppable is very satisfying.

    > > > > Never been so happy in WvW before.

    > > > > I often 1 v 2 with Scourge too in WvW.

    > > >

    > > > scourge EASY KITE SB? xD because of Barrier?!?!?! xDxDxDxD

    > > > omg that troll post xD. you made my day bro, xD

    > >

    > > You probably don't know how broken Scourge is in WvW pre-nerf lolz..

    > > Even in PVP they have the upper-hand. In PVE where trail-blazer exist, Spellbreaker is of no threat to Scourge pre-nerf, with easy 100% condi duration, insane bulk, insane damage, and boon corruption.

    > >

    > > Doesn't matter you believe it or not, I feel like playing easy God Mode back then in WvW as Scourge pre-nerf.

    > >

    > > Oh, you probably didn't even know you don't need Shade to pop to use f2~f5 because they acts like shatter.

    > > The target doesn't even need to stand in shade, because the the Scourge itself is a melee bomb without the present of shade or stand inside shade.

    > > You can also engage in any fight with 100% Life Force cuz some skills of Scourge generate LF out of combat too which is insanely broken in WvW.


    > perma resistance and massive invuls and blocks of SB allow SB to fight easily any other class. Mirage nearly perma invul and more mobility than thief can ez fight scourge too. thief just need P/P for ez frag against scourge. so plz stop trolling. recharge of shade WITH sand savant is 10 sec, exactly the same time you need to to get a dodge role automatically by regeneration of endurance, so you can EVERYTIME dodge shades. and the slowliest class in game can activate f-skills on his own position just in 300 range. so every class can easy outplay him while bombing scourge in a 300+range.


    Permanent resistance as to it can easily be corrupted to negative condi unless it's a pulsing one which is Berserker Stance.

    Guess you don't even know Spellbreaker well at all too.


    Also many of the skills are literally unblockable from Scourge.


    I played both of your so called OP specs in both PVP and WvW, donnu who's trolling.

  16. > @Zero.3871 said:

    > > @Aomine.5012 said:

    > > > @MUDse.7623 said:

    > > > > @Threather.9354 said:

    > > > > What id say are good at the moment: Scourge (very very broken due to trailblazer), d/s + gs spellbreaker (hardcounters most cool specs), daredevil, Herald (no hammer), holosmith (power rifle), soulbeast and power mirage. Ele and Guard are pretty underwhelming, like before PoF, which kinda makes sense as they're more supportive classes.

    > > >

    > > > you really think scourge is good at roaming ? in group yes but solo i dont think so, like every nekro too easy to kite.

    > > > oh and good to see your still playing, wonder when i will be running into you again :D

    > >

    > > Before the f5 nerf (7 burns -> 1 burn), Scourge is pretty broken, and only lose to powerful range class that's good at kiting. (Deadeye mostly)

    > > Before the nerf I literally roamed for 2 days straight with trailblazer until I reach Diamond completion, and the only class I lost is some form of Deadeye/ Daredevil that's good at kiting/ stealth, and some form of Mirage/ chrono that's also equally good at kitting.

    > >

    > > Even Spellbreaker post no threat pre-nerf because their only trick to win is when Berserker Stance is up, so just kite them until the Berserker Stance is over.

    > > With Trailblazer and barrier spam it's very easy to do so.

    > >

    > > I have to mention that playing scourge during that time is the happiest time I'm in WvW because playing God Mode and unstoppable is very satisfying.

    > > Never been so happy in WvW before.

    > > I often 1 v 2 with Scourge too in WvW.


    > scourge EASY KITE SB? xD because of Barrier?!?!?! xDxDxDxD

    > omg that troll post xD. you made my day bro, xD


    You probably don't know how broken Scourge is in WvW pre-nerf lolz..

    Even in PVP they have the upper-hand. In PVE where trail-blazer exist, Spellbreaker is of no threat to Scourge pre-nerf, with easy 100% condi duration, insane bulk, insane damage, and boon corruption.


    Doesn't matter you believe it or not, I feel like playing easy God Mode back then in WvW as Scourge pre-nerf.


    Oh, you probably didn't even know you don't need Shade to pop to use f2~f5 because they acts like shatter.

    The target doesn't even need to stand in shade, because the the Scourge itself is a melee bomb without the present of shade or stand inside shade.

    You can also engage in any fight with 100% Life Force cuz some skills of Scourge generate LF out of combat too which is insanely broken in WvW.

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