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Posts posted by Aomine.5012

  1. > @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

    > The first ANet reveal (to my knowledge) of Elite Specs was during the HoT announcement at Pax in January, 2015. Here it is, if anyone cares.






    > The part about Elite Specs starts at about 36:30, and runs about 3 and a half minutes. The two highlights for me were, "Almost a secondary profession, if you would... and "...fundamentally change the way (the profession) plays..." There was no specific statement about Elite Specs as horizontal progression, or sidegrades.


    > Fwiw, the reveal of Elite Specs followed the one about the Mastery System which was referred to as horizontal progression, and also as new ways to play. Before that, the announcement also featured the announcement of "no new level cap." and "no new tier of gear" with the rationale being "not invalidate all your hard work." So, the expectations going into the Elite Spec reveal was a heavy emphasis on: both new ways to play that would be better in some situations (Masteries, for example, in hindsight, that allow us to fight in Maguuma poison fields, or detect stealthed Maguum mobs)l; and on L80 core characters still being the end of vertical progression.


    > At least in this reveal, and in the official blogs that followed, ANet does not seem to explicitly state the Elites would be "sidegrades."


    Except almost every single classes are inferior without the Elite Specialization, with exception of maybe Ranger.

  2. Depend on classes and situation

    An upgrade is consider to be an extension of original class that's straight out better than the original in every way.


    Berserker -> upgrade in PVE

    Spellbreaker -> upgrade in PVP.


    Druid -> Upgrade in Raid/ PVP

    Soulbeast -> Side-grade in ???


    Daredevil -> Straight upgrade in all game mode

    Deadeye -> Upgrade in PVP


    Tempest -> Upgrade in all game mode

    Weaver -> Upgrade in Raid


    Reaper -> Upgrade in all game mode

    Scourge -> Upgrade in all game mode


    Chrono -> Upgrade in all game mode

    Mirage -> Upgrade in all game mode


    Scrapper -> Upgrade in all game mode

    Holosmith -> Upgrade in all game mode


    Herald -> Upgrade in all game mode

    Renegade -> Upgrade in PVE


    Dragon-Hunter -> Upgrade in all game mode

    Firebrand -> Upgrade in all game mode.


    So most of them are straight upgrade true, with exception of Soulbeast, which MIGHT be an upgrade in WvW alone.

  3. > @RandomWolf.3986 said:

    > There's an issue that has been rising lately for the Guild Wars 2 community ever since these Boosters were added to the game. I personally don't mind them and I'm grateful that ArenaNet offered them to those who bought _Heart of Thorns_ and _Path of Fire_. Unfortunately, there is a major issue that this gift provides.


    > Allow me to give you an example in order to make a point, but you can skip this paragraph if you wish. Me and a friend spent most of our free-time after school playing MMORPGs together. We did this for nearly six years and we always attempted to find a good new game to start out. Once University began we found ourselves on different courses and establishments and things ended up fading away just like that. During that time I placed a lot of focus onto _Guild Wars 2_ and had a blast. So naturally, I decided to convince my friend into trying it out. And he did; he even bought the game. The game suggested him to try out the Booster and he ended up finding his way to _Heart of Thorns_. Let's say that his experience with the game was pretty **awful**. And I haven't been able to get him to try the game ever since then. The same happened to another friend I had online.


    > What I'm trying to say is that Boosters are **misplaced**. They should not be accessible to brand-new accounts. It would be best if they were to be locked until an account reaches a certain amount of _Achievement Points_ like 1,000 or manages to get one character to _Level 80_ all by itself. **Because players need to get used to the game's flow and mechanics.** They need to be familiar with what the game has to offer; with its community, content and most importantly: the mechanics.The seductive nature of the Booster makes it so that new players don't care about the base game, and they will skip right to end-game content, utilizing a faulty build. Not only will this impact their view on the game, it will also affect other players, including veterans... for Dungeons, Fractals and other major events.


    > I've lost track of the number of players who were outright lost and frustrated with their experience in _Heart of Thorns_ and _Path Fire._ Their interest towards the game as a whole was immediately undermined. This might not be the cause for some players, but it's there. I like to help out new players, and many of said players end up quitting a while after starting. They can't even get into the story because it'll seem ridiculous right off the bat.


    > If you have anything else that you'd like to add to this topic at hand please do not hesitate to post it down below.


    Maybe we'd resort back to the old method , a stupid one but effective one at least:

    Kick base on their Mastery level and AP.


    Since AP is so easy to come by and anyone who play a decent amount should have some, (Same goes to mastery), if people show up to be low at AP and low at Mastery level, it's almost sure that they're new player, and if you don't want to party with new players, it's easily to spot them and avoid them too.

  4. > @MUDse.7623 said:

    > > @Threather.9354 said:

    > > What id say are good at the moment: Scourge (very very broken due to trailblazer), d/s + gs spellbreaker (hardcounters most cool specs), daredevil, Herald (no hammer), holosmith (power rifle), soulbeast and power mirage. Ele and Guard are pretty underwhelming, like before PoF, which kinda makes sense as they're more supportive classes.


    > you really think scourge is good at roaming ? in group yes but solo i dont think so, like every nekro too easy to kite.

    > oh and good to see your still playing, wonder when i will be running into you again :D


    Before the f5 nerf (7 burns -> 1 burn), Scourge is pretty broken, and only lose to powerful range class that's good at kiting. (Deadeye mostly)

    Before the nerf I literally roamed for 2 days straight with trailblazer until I reach Diamond completion, and the only class I lost is some form of Deadeye/ Daredevil that's good at kiting/ stealth, and some form of Mirage/ chrono that's also equally good at kitting.


    Even Spellbreaker post no threat pre-nerf because their only trick to win is when Berserker Stance is up, so just kite them until the Berserker Stance is over.

    With Trailblazer and barrier spam it's very easy to do so.


    I have to mention that playing scourge during that time is the happiest time I'm in WvW because playing God Mode and unstoppable is very satisfying.

    Never been so happy in WvW before.

    I often 1 v 2 with Scourge too in WvW.


    Thief is good at roaming only cuz it's good at escaping, but when it comes to duel, there're many classes that counter them directly in a fair fight.

    (Freshair Ele with lots of reflect, Condi Chorno/ Mirage, Spellbreaker, Longbow Soulbeast and so on)



  5. > @SugarCayne.3098 said:

    > > @Offair.2563 said:

    > > Give him a condition treatment back into its face. Fight cancer with cancer. If only rl scientists could do that.


    > Well they kind of are : http://time.com/4989537/blood-cancer-gene-therapy/


    > To the OP: the best way to counter a class that's giving you trouble is to make that class and learn its weaknesses. A lot of fighting chrono is understanding their time outs. It will help if you play it.


    I have every single class as a head-start player , and I played every single one of them, fully geared. (There's no reason not to do so cuz I played this game for so long that I get bored of my main classes eventually)

    I do admit that I didn't play mesmer nearly as much, but I know all their skills, weapons, cd, functionality, and so on.


    Still that doesn't help me with how to deal with their range condi spam on top of constant block/ invulnerable.

    I don't get confused by clone too and can instantly tell which one is the player, but that still doesn't help :(

    I don't have trouble running away from him if I want to though. Maybe I should just leave him alone or something?

  6. I equip this signet often ONLY for the passive and never once did I find the active useful, sadly.

    It's never worth activating it.

    The main reason being the passive also applies to pet too, so it's a double increase on both you and your pet.


    On top of that, a flat stat boost utility beats most of the new stance/ utility Ranger got makes me feels even sadder.


  7. > @Sojourner.4621 said:

    > > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

    > > > @RoseofGilead.8907 said:

    > > > > @LeSavage.1359 said:

    > > > > That doesnt change the fact that drop rate of those exotics is ultra low plus chances of getting the one u need makes it impossible to aquire, instead u are at mercy of other lucky players and how much money they want for it. Beside that, a "collection" that literally force u to buy item from trading post instead of doing open world/crafting or somehow working towards it is plain stupid. At the moment its: /map "looking for a guy who got my sword!"

    > > >

    > > > The collection doesn't require you to buy anything. The rares for it drop very often from yellow and green Unidentified Gear containers, as well as on their own as event rewards on occasion. I had five of them in the first day of playing PoF. So, do events and stuff in PoF.

    > > Completing the Elonian weapon collection gets you _one_ named Sunspear weapon, of the _six_ you need for the specialization collections. That's still roughly 3-400g of weapons you need to buy.

    > >

    > > Anet desperately needs to address this somehow. The easiest fix would just be making unlocking the sunspear skin count for the collection, allowing you to get it by crafting your own instead of paying out the nose on the TP or praying to the RNG (since the named Sunspear weapons drop all of never, and even if one does it's statistically more likely to be one that isn't needed for the collections).


    > "Very Often" They have a 1.5% drop rate from rare unidentified with 0% Magic Find... The math has been done several times at varying MF levels (300, 500, 1000%+ through pushing silverwastes buffs) that means that in 1000 Rares you are likely to get 15 total... this is of course highly RNG dependant, and there is VERY little gaurantee that you will actually get the specific one required for the collection you in particular are working on. Some people might get stupidly lucky and get 4 in 100, others might never get one in 1000... much like winning the lottery. 1.5%, that's it.


    You can't even choose which one you get on top of that 1.5% drop rate.

    Getting anything other than the named 6 exotic means you lost the lottery too.


    And where did you get this statistic?

    Is there someone showing it on youtube opening 1000 bags?

    If not, the statistic you mentioned is worthless.

  8. > @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

    > As a DE, you can out stealth them and outrange them. Keep in mind DJ and Three round are channeled so they will track. Mirage's mobility is...weird. don't let them get in Melee range. When they stealth, you stealth. You both have the element of surprise at any given time, yours can hurt more.


    You still can't kill a condition chrono which tank all your hits and wear you down with confusion/ torment spam from range which is also undodgeble cuz of how spammy they are.

  9. > @XenesisII.1540 said:

    > Oh people are waking up about this finally?

    > There's only so many versions of thieves, condi mesmers, and full blown aids that people want to face before it becomes really boring, and with more than half the classes being built for group kitten there's no variety for roaming anymore.


    Scourge is pretty broken in roaming before the f2 and f5 nerf.

  10. > @Hesacon.8735 said:

    > I roam every day of the week and I'm constantly running into enemy roamers trying to stop me.


    > Warriors generally are broken because they take no power or condition damage. Every other class I've found beatable playing necro, thief, or ranger.


    > I recently rolled a spellbreaker to try to find weakness in it, so far I haven't. I've won every fight where I didn't make a mistake that can be attributed to my learning the class.


    Deadeye can beat spellbreaker with enough stealth and patience.

    Just find the opening when his invulnerable and shield reflect is on cd.

  11. > @Justine.6351 said:

    > People see me on my hammer rev, turn around and run away, see an ally and come rushing at me.


    > Put simply, people who don't solo roam don't want to ever take a 1v1. That's their perogitive.


    Run away from Hammer Rev XD..

    Any condi spam class eat them alive, that's why I stop playing power rev.

  12. > @Silverstone.4539 said:

    > ok so a War, how should i set it up? knockdown? tanky or zerker?


    > reading more i think the new spellbreker class night do the trick


    Spe> @Choppy.4183 said:

    > > @Turk.5460 said:

    > > > @Juba.8406 said:

    > > > Core Warrior with sword/shield-GS, Bull's charge traited with Peak Performance, Might makes right and Heightened focus.

    > >

    > > Yeah but Core Warrior is and has been the most powerful *_1v1 duel_* profession for a while now. It has all the handicaps and over-tuned utility/abilities to deal with anyone of equal (and often higher) skill level. But shhh, don't let the core-warrior "It's not an xpac-spec therefore requires more skill" try-hards hear me! They might fall off their crutches in rage.

    > >

    > > The only downside to using core warrior in the context of OP's post is that if the Thief decides to bail, it's chase potential is limited to a single attempt - Rush, Bull's, Whirlwind, and either Throw Axe or Savage Leap - provided none are already on cooldown.


    > Eh, that's a stretch, but it's certainly more powerful now than it has been for a bit. There are plenty of counter builds still, and thief has a couple of them. For example, I came across a s+p thief yesterday who had enough damage and control over melee to unpack any melee warrior, provided he kept focus and patience. A well played zerk druid with lb and some mobility weapon (staff, gs, etc) can do the same in a 1v1. Things tip more to the warrior's favour in a more constrained space though.


    Warrior sure have the upper-hand if thief fight fair without retreating and re-positioning.

    But thief can generally reset the fight until they actually burn the warrior's cd up, so in an unfair fight where retreat is an option, thief still has the upper hand.

    The lack of good range option really hinders warrior alot compare to thief's teleportation / stealth, and mesmer's stealth/ range condi spam.

  13. > @InsaneQR.7412 said:

    > Hilt bash should improved and should kinda work like the warrior shield rush skill. You rush with your GS and stun an opponent. All other effects stay the same, vut distance and animation should be improved.

    > AA could use some bonus dmg. It should not be as high as sword but it should be a little bit tuned.


    Hilt Bash still hit shorter than the tool tip suggested.

    As for the block, Warrior's block can contentiously blocking regardless of range and can have reflect traited.

    In PVP, GS block probably will only block one attack because people attack you from all kind of range by spamming their skills.


  14. > @Veprovina.4876 said:

    > > @Aomine.5012 said:

    > > > @Veprovina.4876 said:

    > > > Honestly, you're gettin an ascended weapon out of basically no work required. What do you expect? For it to be free? There has to be one expensive aspect of it. In this case it's the named exotic. Crafting a weapon would cost you a fair amount too. I do agree that they have to at least get that drop rate up a bit, it's kinda ridiculous, but they shouldn't be available everywhere.

    > >

    > > Out of no work?

    > > Time is not work?

    > > Mordant weapons does not cost 200 flax seeds already?

    > > Ascended crafting price is cheaper than the named exotic already, how does that make sense?

    > >

    > > Also this is just ONE time availability, much like precursor crafter, so ofc it should be cheaper.

    > > It's not like you can get any more than 6 ascended weapons out of it.

    > >


    > Compare getting Veilrender to Horologicus for example. I'll use this as an example because i play a mesmer so i know this because i've done it.


    > Veilrender has you doing a few events, a few errands (drop mystic coin in fountain lol) and one craft (mordant sickle). The only mastery you need for this is the Jackal, and you get it by buying it after you've done the thing.


    > Now Horologicus on the other hand needs Mystic Barricade created in the mystic forge, Chronomancer's Inscription which means you have to do Dragon's stands events and get the noxious pods, Stealth gliding (gliding mastery 4), Itzel hourglass which requires itzel mastery 2 and airship parts to get, Invisible Chronomancer's Mushroom Spore dropped by invisible shrooms (nuhoch mastery 4), Chronomancer's Auric Sharpening Stone (requires exalted mastery 5) and machined shield collection which is yet another collection you have to complete in addition to crafting the shield required for the collection that gives you the machined shield.


    > So for Veilrender (PoF ascended) you need:

    > - some money

    > - jackal (9 mastery points, 3 trainings)

    > - few events and a bounty

    > - crafted item


    > For Horologicus (HoT ascended) you need:

    > - a lot of money

    > - Stealth gliding (11 mastery points, 4 trainings)

    > - Itzel poison lore (11 mastery points, 4 trainings)

    > - Nuhoch stealth detection (11 mastery points, 4 trainings)

    > - Exalted gathering (19 mastery points, 5 trainings)

    > - All combined 52 mastery points and 17 trainings

    > - Machined shield collection (and this, unlike tip of the spear is required)

    > - mystic forge item


    > So by your own logic, time is money, which one is cheaper? :wink:

    > Like i said, you're getting PoF ascended weapons with basically no work. So think before you speak next time.


    You can work for mastery and it's one time unlock and it cost nothing.

    I would rather unlock something I can work for instead of paying hundreds of g or begging for RNG.

    All blue/green reclaimed weapon has a chance of reclaimed ticket and yellow one is garunteed reclaimed ticket.

    I literally cost next to nothing for HoT specialization weapons.


    Mordent weapon cost 200 flax seeds each.

    You have to waste time on a full map completition.

    On top of that you have to pay 100+g for each named exotic weapons cuz it's near impossible to get it on your own.



    Think before you speak.

  15. People who vote thieves, please go fight a Condi Chrono :)> @PaxTheGreatOne.9472 said:

    > Most condi builds will hold their own in WvW, trailblazer's can be usefull... I agree, but in case of thief it isn't neccesary. you can just keep bounding around untill everything is dead. and if you run out of stamina and initiative you just stealth and wait a couple of second and you start again :)


    > This said in groups up to 5 ppl I prefer a mirage, a condi ranger and maybe a condiweaver as well for invisibility, traps, and fields and with 4 condi's epidemic might be useful as well making room for the ever present necro.


    Condi Ranger is over-rated.

    It doesn't have the tool to survive other than some minor stealth.

    The lack of blink/ teleport to disengage is troublesome.


    Condi mirage/ chrono is much stronger.

  16. > @Veprovina.4876 said:

    > Honestly, you're gettin an ascended weapon out of basically no work required. What do you expect? For it to be free? There has to be one expensive aspect of it. In this case it's the named exotic. Crafting a weapon would cost you a fair amount too. I do agree that they have to at least get that drop rate up a bit, it's kinda ridiculous, but they shouldn't be available everywhere.


    Out of no work?

    Time is not work?

    Mordant weapons does not cost 200 flax seeds already?

    Ascended crafting price is cheaper than the named exotic already, how does that make sense?


    Also this is just ONE time availability, much like precursor crafter, so ofc it should be cheaper.

    It's not like you can get any more than 6 ascended weapons out of it.


  17. > @Aomine.5012 said:

    > > @Pelto.9364 said:

    > > Check this video; condi chrono comes after 6.5 mins.

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > Thx for the video.


    > Even though Daredevil seems to have a clear advantage over Condi Chrono, it still take ages to kill him.


    > Condi Chrono really is a very very strong dueling class it seems.

    > That Daredevil guy is able to 1 v 3 and win, but condi chrono takes him ages to kill too.



    Accidentally posted a 2nd post.

    Ignore this please.


  18. > @Pelto.9364 said:

    > Check this video; condi chrono comes after 6.5 mins.





    Thx for the video.


    Even though Daredevil seems to have a clear advantage over Condi Chrono, it still take ages to kill him


    Condi Chrono really is a very very strong dueling class it seems.

    That Daredevil guy is able to 1 v 3 and win, but condi chrono still takes him ages to kill too.


    Guess next time I see one I would switch to Daredevil before encounter.


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