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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. I find Skyscale absolutely superior to griffon. You dont have to break your spacebar to flap to stay in the air every few seconds. Plus its extremely stronger at map exploration, in particular in maps with complicated geometry such as Verdant Brink or Tangled Depts.

  2. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > But tagging remains just an utility purpose of the staff, not something youd use anywere else but mass events as a reaper. Thats what im saying, it has no other purpose because of too low damage. Completely poor for you alone in open world, or fractals/raids because it is a significantly low contribution.


    > Again, not every player's fun in the game depend on damage value output. Even for soloing champion/elite the staff hold value despite not being optimal for damage. Players in fractal and raid follow rigid build that are focused on being the most effective into a specific array of professions, there is no room for personnal gameplay enjoyment, in these 2 gamemodes you don't main a weapon, you just play the weapon that fit into the "meta".


    > However, as you know, scourge can be a healer (just like core and reaper). Staff can easily sustain perma regen for 5 allies, staff blast into well of blood can also cleanse condition in an area all while dealing damage and controling foes through chill/fear. And this is already enough to be considered as a good main weapon for a healer.


    Now that last part is useful, it was what I was trying to get here.

  3. > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > Dadnir is right. There are PvE events where staff is a good tagging tool. The traps are useful for mob spawns and trains. The AA's piercing tags mobs in trains, too, with proper positioning.


    > WoS, WoC, Life Transfer, Terror, Unholy Feast, and Feast of Corruption are also good for tagging and that is just core Necro. Since the elite specializations like Dragonhunter were introduce, though, tagging success dropped.


    But tagging remains just an utility purpose of the staff, not something youd use anywere else but mass events as a reaper. Thats what im saying, it has no other purpose because of too low damage. Completely poor for you alone in open world, or fractals/raids because it is a significantly low contribution.

  4. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

    > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > > @"Aediph.2873" said:

    > > > > > My PvE Reaper mains Staff, the thought of things getting better from what some of you folks mention sounds great

    > > > >

    > > > > Isnt the damage rather low to be using it as a main pve weapon?

    > > >

    > > > Depends on the type of pve tbh. For events that require quick tagging of multiple foes, it's second to none.

    > >

    > > And thats just utility. He said maining staff, which had me puzzled. I have a staff as well for tagging for when joining groups, but that doesnt make it a main weapon.


    > A main weapon is just the main weapon you use. If your main purpose in PvE is to tag mob, why would you deny staff as a "main weapon"?

    > The staff is the most efficient weapon when it come to tag mobs, there is no need to look elsewhere. GW2 is a cooperative game afterall, people have the right to gather in large group and use the most efficient weapon suited to their way to play as their "main weapon".


    I definite main weapon as your primary set. For reapers it would be greatsword, whereas axe and warhorn/focus is utility.

  5. > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > @"Aediph.2873" said:

    > > > My PvE Reaper mains Staff, the thought of things getting better from what some of you folks mention sounds great

    > >

    > > Isnt the damage rather low to be using it as a main pve weapon?


    > Depends on the type of pve tbh. For events that require quick tagging of multiple foes, it's second to none.


    And thats just utility. He said maining staff, which had me puzzled. I have a staff as well for tagging for when joining groups, but that doesnt make it a main weapon.

  6. Some really good words here. I think it ultimately boils down to shroud. Anet being terrified of making necromancers stronger because of the shroud.

    But yes, Core is in -dire- need of attention for just basic qol improvements and general damage increases. The damage just isnt there without an espec. And even then its still depressingly low.

  7. The only way I could see this happen, is that upon set times players are auto loaded into a different map with higher water. But that carries its own issues with ppl with potato computers or bad connections fails to load or dcs.

  8. > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > I cant agree on high sustain for Rev, extremely fragile compared to a Reaper. Sure the Glint heal is strong, but its only for a few moments.


    > Herald/Shiro has the lifesteal aura, anything Jalis has, well, Jalis, and Kalla can also bring down some potent heals. Reaper, meanwhile, isn't what it used to be.


    Honestly never found it amounting to much for herald. My reaper is far more survivable and kills due to much better cleave. Even if their damage level is about the same.

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