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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. The only boring part about the collection was the 250x6 mats, as I alike many others was empty on mats. The other parts of the collection was fine, just use the guide to not flail around in confusion.

    But I also completed Vision, and the Skyscale got absolutely -nothing- on Vision. For example the x3000 kralkatite ore needed.


    Yeah, this is a lesson for ls5. Under -no- circumstances spend your accumulating mats more than nessecary. You will come to regret it and badly so.

  2. Both skyscale and griffon is optional mounts, you dont need them. You can play the game just fine with the basic mounts. Raptor, Springer, Skimmer and Jackal. Griffon and Skyscale is both prestige mounts to work towards earning them. You are approaching the game with a wrong mindset if you want them here and now. That is a fallacy, they are meant to be a long term project.

    And the only content you are missing out on incase of the Skyscale is the Vision trinket.

    Griffon allows the griffon only adventures.

  3. > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > Griffon is absolutely not good at maintaining altitude on the fly like the skyscale. You need to have space to drop down to superspeed dive, but then you can stay in the air for a long bit and go far ahead of the skyscale.

    > > > >

    > > > > Griffon needs space to work with, the Skyscale does not. Skyscale excels at precision and shorter distances where the griffon absolutely struggles due to its momentum.

    > > > >

    > > > > Overall I am using the Skyscale far more than the Griffon, because the long superspeed dive spots are far and between. And for going down Ive just taken to use the glider.

    > > > > The Griffon have its niche, and is far more situational than it used to be. The Skyscale is simply way more enjoyable to use as you dont need to hammer space constantly to flap.

    > > >

    > > > Even without the dive, I'm pretty sure the griffon can get further just by flapping than the skyscale. It does depend on the height, of course - if you've got no height at all, obviously the skyscale will get further (but in those circumstances, you probably want raptor or beetle anyway). With a decent amount of height, though, the griffon will get further without having to land, _especially_ if you use the faster endurance regen mastery.

    > > >

    > > > (I just performed the experiment, crossing Lake Mourne from the Biergarten roof to the far goal of the Keg Brawl. Both can clear the lake easily enough, with or without Bond of Vigor, but the griffon hits the wall higher up than the skyscale does.)

    > > >

    > > > Admittedly, though, if you know the skyscale will get you there, not having to hammer space is a definite plus. And if you're on flat ground and don't want to use a terrestrial mount for whatever reason, the skyscale is the clear winner. IMO, they work great in concert - the skyscale is good at getting you to high places, the griffon is good at converting that height into distance.

    > >

    > > So many times Ive just failed to reach a ledge with the griffon by inches, sometimes only managing it with blowing bond of vigor. The skyscale doesnt need to rely on a cooldown, just needing to once or twice doubledash while aiming upwards and clearing the ledge just fine. Same for precision landing, the griffon momentum makes it much more difficult than the glider itself. But even the glider have momentum that can cause you to slip off the mark. That is where Ive grown to love the skyscale for precise and exact reaching difficult spots for map complete in hot, where the griffon is an exercise in frustration.


    > You're arguing based on acknowledged strengths of the skyscale. Yes, it's more precise, and it has means to _temporarily_ get out of its envelope if you find yourself falling just short. If you've got a little bit of elevation and are looking to cross ground, though, (and if there isn't a trail of volatile magic to follow) the griffon will get further and faster before having to land. If there's space to swoop, the griffon is a LOT faster.


    > To go back to the original point of contention, the griffon absolutely DOES maintain altitude better over longer distances. I've done the experiment. The skyscale envelope is taller, but at a steeper angle, and getting out of that envelope by dashing or wall-jumping is fairly strictly limited before you get pulled back into the original envelope. The griffon envelope isn't as tall, but it's flatter. With even a little bit of altitude to start with, the griffon envelope extends further than the skyscale's.


    > 'Course, if your target is a narrow spot close to the crossover point between the two envelopes, you may still be better off using the skyscale, since if you miss with a griffon that's basically it, while a skyscale can usually recover from a miss. But that's not the point I'm making.


    And that is exactly why the griffon is inferior. The griffon envelope is just too small compared to the altitude gains the skyscale is capable of doing. Having a long flying range matters nothing if you arent capable of recovering your height to a more effective degree. Subtly angled downwards when starting from a high spot, the Skyscale can keep safely airborne for a long time. The griffon is a slave of momentum, the skyscale is not.

  4. > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > Griffon is absolutely not good at maintaining altitude on the fly like the skyscale. You need to have space to drop down to superspeed dive, but then you can stay in the air for a long bit and go far ahead of the skyscale.

    > >

    > > Griffon needs space to work with, the Skyscale does not. Skyscale excels at precision and shorter distances where the griffon absolutely struggles due to its momentum.

    > >

    > > Overall I am using the Skyscale far more than the Griffon, because the long superspeed dive spots are far and between. And for going down Ive just taken to use the glider.

    > > The Griffon have its niche, and is far more situational than it used to be. The Skyscale is simply way more enjoyable to use as you dont need to hammer space constantly to flap.


    > Even without the dive, I'm pretty sure the griffon can get further just by flapping than the skyscale. It does depend on the height, of course - if you've got no height at all, obviously the skyscale will get further (but in those circumstances, you probably want raptor or beetle anyway). With a decent amount of height, though, the griffon will get further without having to land, _especially_ if you use the faster endurance regen mastery.


    > (I just performed the experiment, crossing Lake Mourne from the Biergarten roof to the far goal of the Keg Brawl. Both can clear the lake easily enough, with or without Bond of Vigor, but the griffon hits the wall higher up than the skyscale does.)


    > Admittedly, though, if you know the skyscale will get you there, not having to hammer space is a definite plus. And if you're on flat ground and don't want to use a terrestrial mount for whatever reason, the skyscale is the clear winner. IMO, they work great in concert - the skyscale is good at getting you to high places, the griffon is good at converting that height into distance.


    So many times Ive just failed to reach a ledge with the griffon by inches, sometimes only managing it with blowing bond of vigor. The skyscale doesnt need to rely on a cooldown, just needing to once or twice doubledash while aiming upwards and clearing the ledge just fine. Same for precision landing, the griffon momentum makes it much more difficult than the glider itself. But even the glider have momentum that can cause you to slip off the mark. That is where Ive grown to love the skyscale for precise and exact reaching difficult spots for map complete in hot, where the griffon is an excersise in frustration.

  5. Skyscale is the clear winner, followed by springer, roller beetle and skimmer for their situational uses. Sure Griffon have its situational uses, but i rarely find much of a need for them over the Skyscale's precision and better uptime.

    Jackal I default to on ground, its just plainly superior to the Raptor. Better and more precise movements. Its sand portal abiliy is available more often than raptor dash.

    Raptor is quite fragile compared to the Jackal due to less uptime on special move, and its dash struggles upwards. Jackal have no issues there. It can blink through mobs with ease and it laughs at falls. I never use raptor, its just useless.

  6. Griffon is absolutely not good at maintaining altitude on the fly like the skyscale. You need to have space to drop down to superspeed dive, but then you can stay in the air for a long bit and go far ahead of the skyscale.


    Griffon needs space to work with, the Skyscale does not. Skyscale excels at precision and shorter distances where the griffon absolutely struggles due to its momentum.


    Overall I am using the Skyscale far more than the Griffon, because the long superspeed dive spots are far and between. And for going down Ive just taken to use the glider.

    The Griffon have its niche, and is far more situational than it used to be. The Skyscale is simply way more enjoyable to use as you dont need to hammer space constantly to flap.

  7. > @"Omernon.9762" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > Bfa being bad is extreme hyperbole, the new zones are pretty good have revitalized the expansion.


    > That doesn’t change the fact that the foundation is terrible. Redoing same raids multiple times on 4 different difficulties for better gear (What is this? Diablo 3?) instead of having new raids being increasingly harder. CRZ terribly implemented. Useless Warfronts where you literally can’t lose. Dailies and time-gated content everywhere. Not to mention how Azerite gear works and best raid gear being obtainable from mindless dungeons if you are lucky enough.


    > I mean it’s not terrible, just bad. New patch did implemented few good things, but it did nothing to bring community back together. You can play WoW without speaking to anyone and with enough time, luck and some effort become equally geared as most top players. This is the problem - not the abundance of gear, but the focus on single player experience new MMORPGs seem to cater to. It’s really letting me down; the fact that more and more MMORPGs focus on content that every singleplayer RPG does waaaay better, instead of creating a virtual world full of players that you want to interact with. You know... things that historically were the strong points of MMORPGs.


    Single player is important in am mmo, that you can play on your own and ocassionally group with others. Legion had easy gear too, and it was well recieved. And heroic warfronts is in the making, where you need a premade and good organization.

  8. The skyscale is well worth it once you learn to properly use it. Its incredible for map navigation in hot, over the griffon. And indeed you are looking at it in the wrong way if you want it here and NOW! Chip at it daily and you will get there. Get the ls4 homeinstance nodes, or mooch from someone else daily. And you can buy x5 of earlier ls4 maps daily in Dragonfall. You can get the skyscale saddle in a month for just logging in, buying the currencies and harvesting home nodes, and paying karma for the mistborn motes, and doing -nothing- else. If you are patient, you dont need to burn out yourself.

  9. > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > You can see some of the new skins (Branded, Axejaw, Bioluminescent, etc.) in this article: https://mmohuts.com/news/guild-wars-2-dragon-bash-festival-preview/

    > > (At around 16:00 in the video.)


    > That branded skyscale is a hot mess.


    > I guess I'm looking for ones that are a lot more varied in the face and horns. The bioluminescent one is kinda cool though, and I imagine they would all look better with some different dyes.


    > And what's with them not just clicking preview on the weapons? lol


    It most likely wasnt the proper colors for the branded skyscale. I think he forgot to reset the colors with the color remover, from the last skin he used.

  10. If you remember. The roller beetle started with 1 premium skin. Then they began to offer skins for it in the following skin packs.

    I could imagine they either launch a new skinpack for all of the mounts, but feels less likely as its not that long ago that exotic breeds came out. And that they might do a warclaw and release a set with multiple skyscale skins only.

  11. > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > @"preacher.9370" said:

    > > welcome to mmo, where content generally means a grind of some sort

    > >


    > I get the feeling there's a huge difference in how the achievements are handled each episode.

    > One episode is a huge set of tasks you have to compete, and another just has 25 meta events, 3x1000 kills per area, and gather a few hundred resource.


    > I wonder if the teams have very little communication in streamlining their methods


    Variation is the spice of life. It would be boring if the same tasks was repeated from episode to episode.

  12. Never use the raptor anymore, its just not good compared to the alternatives. Jackal and Roller beetle are much better land mounts.

    The jackal laughs at falls that will end the raptor, it has more stamina that also takes less time to regenerate the blink compared to the imprecise raptor dash. And the blink is far more effective at evading enemies, especially because its available way more often.

    It takes too long to charge the raptor dash, leaving you a sitting duck when its not available.


    And a personal observation. Blinking doesnt seem to trigger enemy AI. Frequently been able to blink through enemies in a chain of blinks without them reacting.

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