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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. Yep, Anet badly flubbed presenting the skyscale. Making it seem like it would be like the beetle to aquire. As well keeping hidden the requirements of the later collection. And the seriously unpleasant suprise of the currencies needed for the saddle. Why didnt you tell us so we could have done it in the four downtime days of feeding it?

  2. Skyscale on top, no contest. It is much easier to stay in the air with it, unlike the griffon And its a relief not to constantly have to wingflap. But griffon still have its uses for rapid descent and speedy flying in places where its useful. Skyscale gains so much when you master dashing with it.


    And beetle is way too fun to use to zoom past large shreds of flat land. I cant help being amused when reacting too late and careeing out into the abyss in Dragonfall.

  3. > @"edforceone.8910" said:

    > I actually enjoyed the collection up until the saddle. I didn't mind the daily reset time gate (which they changed to 2h), i enjoyed redoing the jumping puzzles instead of buying the food to complete the collection.

    > But this saddle.... 250 currency of each ls4 map? Really? I don't have much time to play daily and I will not spend it grinding these maps which I loathe. I can't spend 1 - 2 hours I have available doing something i don't enjoy. I really wanted to have each mount but if they don't lower the amounts I will stick to my griffon.


    You can buy older ls4 map currencies in dragonfall, 5 a day tho. And if you buy the home instance nodes, it goes up further. Just passively you can eventually reach 250.

  4. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > Warhorn has probably more functionality, but Binding of Ipos is worth too many fashion points to abandon for a musical instrument.


    Hah, well said. But I do find myself missing the spikier lifeforce regain from Reapers touch, compared to warhorn 5. But I swap them depending on situation. Sometimes you need breakbars broken or a speedboost and warhorn shines. But for general use, Reapers Touch is great.

  5. > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > You don't use either, offhand for pReaper in PvE is just a stat stick, so I would just take Warhorn for breakbars.

    > I suppose you could take Focus for No Pain No gain in Fractals, but I haven't tested how practical that actually is with how much DPS you loose by screwing your rotation. I'm guessing it's better to just let the Rev take care of it with Mallyx or having the BS go Spb.

    > In PvP, Focus for the boon rip/spike.


    Well ive found Reapers Touch useful if having to range with axe for any reason, such as being low on both health and lifeforce. To faster get back into Reapers shroud

  6. > @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

    > Gliding already has a use even with Griffon being present. You can't mount while in combat, and it's still used for some events. PoF maps are designed around mounts, any HoT related objects are just there as a bonus for people who also have HoT, as not everyone who owns PoF owns HoT.


    Dont forget that griffon cant use updrafts or leyline gliding. Making gliders still relevant. I know people have asked for griffon to be able to use updrafts, but that would take away from gliders.

  7. > @"eldrin.6471" said:

    > when the mastery system was introduced in HOT we done challenges to get the mastery points then had to get the xp to unlock that mastery.

    > now they put a pile of collections in front of it.that is a massive change.and is this a one off or the new norm.


    Have you forgotten the griffon and beetle? they also had collections infront of them.

  8. You forgot Scepter, its under Artificer too. And daggers under Weaponsmith as well. And Huntsman have torch for Scourge.

    But necro isnt the only class with such a spread.


    I have both Binding of Ipos (Focus) and Verdarach (Warhorn). I swap between them. Focus for faster getting back in Reaper. And Warhorn when facing bosses with bars or having to cover ground fast.

    Focus have its use in those fractals with boons needing to be stripped.

  9. > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > Precision flying and landing, plus superior climbing and reconnaissance . <3


    > You know that one hero point in Dragon's Stand, where you have to jump out over a pit and land on the tiny tip of an underground tower to commune, and if you miss, you fall down into the pit, have to fight your way out past slimes and mordrem and fight your way past the smokescales at the pit again and try over? Floated in on the skyscale, landed on the tower, communed, out of there in like two seconds. I don't even want to say some of the other stuff I've been able to do easily, because I suspect the nerf bat is taking some warm-up swings already.


    > How about jumping out of that high window by the POI in the city of Tarir, hovering in the middle of everything being able to enjoy the view in all directions, and then flying back to the window, jumping up the wall, getting on top of that tower, and going even higher? How about being in a pit and being able to elevate yourself right out of it without fluttering from ledge to ledge? How about going up a cliff without having to batter your poor bunny against it fifteen times befiore finding a ledge its feet will stick on, climbing up to the canopy in Verdant Brink without ever wondering if you will miss a branch and fall all the way back down? How about NEVER worrying about falling? How about just plain going straight up to get a better look around at your surroundings?


    > Loving my skyscale.


    People just need to give it time and see what the Skyscale can do. I suspect theres just been a lot of mistaken asumptions about what it was meant for. As well not obsoleting the Griffon.

  10. > @"drmambo.7620" said:

    > Skyscale has been incredibly useful to me personally. It is way easier to climb cliffsides with Skyscale than Springer in many cases, though Springer might be faster depending on if the jumps are easy to land.


    > I think all the mounts have their uses still, but I've been defaulting to skyscale recently due to it making getting over obstacles a breeze.


    > I do climb high on skyscale and swap to griffon when trying to cross the map quickly though.


    Yes, for descent, the skyscale just cant beat the griffon. But I agree, the skyscale is great for when making your way up, and its easier to stay in the air over smaller distances where the burd is hamstrung by the stamina recharge to flap and may juuuuust not reach an opposing ledge without bond of vigor.


    Many secret chests in Thunderhead Peaks is far more easier to reach with the Skyscale for one.

  11. The skyscale is fine. the only thing that needs to be fixed is the useless air rescue. If you mount from too high up, its all red fligh juice.


    And learn to use Dash with the Skyscale. You can make it much farther than you imagine. You can make it up over suprisingly many ledges.


    Dont use dash while right infront of the ledge. But far away enough from it that you can shoot up over it at like a 45 degree angle. Aim upwards, then let go.

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