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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. > @"Graymalkyn.8076" said:

    > I think ultimately the question people have isn't instant gratification, or cost, or effort, or any of that individually, but all combined so that this mount is so hard to get and offers so little compared to the other mounts.


    > Raptor = Renowned heart task = Fast ground travel

    > Springer = Renowned heart task = Vertical leap

    > Skimmer = Renowned heart task = Fast water travel

    > Jackal = Renowned heart task = Fast ground travel / limited teleport

    > Roller Beetle = A few relatively simple collections = Very fast ground travel

    > Griffon = A few more difficult collections / 250 gold = Extended air travel

    > Warclaw = ~8 hours in WvW = Usable in WvW

    > Skyscale = Multiple collections / Timegated / Extensive grinding in old zones = Hovering at about the altitude a springer can jump / Cling (but not climb) to walls.


    > It just seems like our expectations were for this to be along the lines of the simpler mounts considering it's grievous limitations. Then to realize that we need to do what is akin to legendary weapon effort to get it...


    > We're just trying to wrap our heads around why. What was the reason behind why this one is so much more difficult, time consuming, and costly, than the others?



    The Skyscale does have a limited climbing ability. You can wall jump upwards twice with a full stamina bar. Pop bond of vigor after and its four times.

  2. > @"Graymalkyn.8076" said:

    > How about an option (could be a mastery) to actually be able to scale the wall you are clinging to? Rather than just stick to it, you could walk up it. This might actually add some relevance to the mount.


    With the third mastery you can jump up the wall, but it takes a lot of endurance. So you can do it twice.

  3. I think people are dissing the Skyscale too fast. With wall jump you can get really high up, and chaining ocassional Bond of Vigor to push further. I managed to get so high up in Divinitys Reach that I could see the blue abyss behind the facade of the buildings. Neiter Springer or Griffon couldve gotten all the way up there. Which demonstrates why free flight is not good for the game, as the world simply isnt built with it in mind. Even with the skyscale we can push the limitations of the world.


    Also, you only loose height if endurance is under 1 bar. Ive managed to scale multiple walls that was beyond the springer.

  4. I ground the hell out of yesterday and collected the saddle. But it was too late for the last part, 5am, so I went to bed.


    I am just upset over that they kept the 250 x6 bit a secret. We had -FOUR- days of doing nothing were we could have prepared at a more leisurely pace.

  5. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > Its quite doable in a multimap group


    > No one on the EU server has been doing this, though. It's a shame. I am sitting at 9 of 25, and it's majorly annoying.


    I am on EU and Ive seen a few of them. It doesnt prevent you from taking the initiative and doing it. If you have a com tag that be.

  6. Its quite doable in a multimap group, which makes it a lot faster.

    You get a large group with multiple subgroups that spreads out among the bridge zones on different maps. So if the event spawns for south bridge on map 3. Then people at south position on like map 1-2-4-5 warps to 3 and knocks it off, before going back to their previous maps and calling out if they get it there.


    took me about 2 hours to get x25

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