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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. > @"Ototo.3214" said:

    > > @"inaho.2046" said:

    > > To be fair - you can buy those items you need on the TP for about 100g as of now. I dropped 250g on the griffon. Or wait 22 days.... That aspect of the time gating does not bother me, because you can either already have charged quartz, or you can buy the items you need, or you can charge your own. At that point speed is limited by your materials storage or willingness to pay and I'm ok with that.


    > I specifically said "and you don't have the money or time to farm gold to buy it off other players" ;P

    > I don't lack Charged Quartz, but it's still a point to be made that some people will be gated by it. And who knows what the next 2 collections require.


    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > Completely irrelevant. If you have the gold and no charged quartz, you can buy your way out of the timegate. And if you lack gold, farm it in the highly profitable new map.

    > Completely uniformed. Regardless of how much gold you can throw at it, you still have to wait 4 days to feed the food to the skyscale, so that's still a time gate.


    I was refering to the timegate of making charged quartz.

  2. > @"Rukario.1695" said:

    > > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > > 5 days is nothing. Equivalent content like Gryphon dont have timegate but get u easily burned out if u try in one day, even worse if are out of gold and will had to farm it for days. even for those did aurora, its just a cup of tea. for early rushers, 5 days is almost 1 week after realease, not one month.


    > It is now a minimum of 7 to 8 days, that's if you have the gold. Longer if you do not.


    > The Griffon's collection is already much easier than this one and--potentially--cheaper, as one of the next two collections will require more items or crafting to be had.


    > For people who can play each day and invest 5 hours a day, yes, that is one week after release, but that is only catering to those who can treat this game as a second part-time job.


    Completely irrelevant. If you have the gold and no charged quartz, you can buy your way out of the timegate. And if you lack gold, farm it in the highly profitable new map.

  3. > @"Kidel.2057" said:

    > I find Aurora to be completely skippable, and Anet probably agrees with me, since it wasn't even advertised. The skyscale was (and maybe still is) the main reason why people wanted this update. For me at least.


    > I wanted a mount as fun as the beetle and the griffon, that have adventure tracks and races, reshaping the whole game, including the old maps.


    > And the storm is just at the beginning. Wait until the masses realize that they need every PoF episode for step 5.


    > And they'd be kitten right to be pissed, since we know that only from leaks and the collections are hidden. Imagine going through the first 4 steps, spending 10 days, 150+g and countless hours, only to find out that you can't complete the collection because you lack 1 episode.


    I think you overlooked that it says quite early in the skyscale questline that you NEED all of LS 4 to finish it. quite noticeable in big red letters.

  4. > @"Kidel.2057" said:

    > The temporary fix is only about the ice tornados in CoJ event (that are going to be a pain in the kitten for people that are not working for that achievement, so the permanent fix will probably involve a change in the achievement itself step or a change in the tooltip for that particular step).


    > "Better communication" is not a fix and hiding the mastery to allow spirit shards to be farmed is a permanent fix, not temporary.


    I dont think you realize theres another and easier way for that one. Simply hug one of the abundant ice storm mobs in bitterfrost. Voila, icecubed and ticking for it.

  5. > @"Kidel.2057" said:

    > > @"tekhiun.8653" said:

    > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > @"tekhiun.8653" said:

    > > > > Anyone defending this failed system atm is just trolling. Ignore them. Anet already acknowledge they have made a mistake and are working on a fix. If they want to stand for mistakes and bad systems that's on them.

    > > >

    > > > And what mistakes are they fixing? where did you see it?

    > >

    > > If you bother to read the comments, you will see that Anet already said they would fix the mastery problem and that they are looking on how to fix the mess they made in a permanent manner. I will copy paste here so you there isn't any chance you will pretend to not have seen it if you reply:

    > >

    > > "Hi everyone,

    > >

    > > I wanted to provide a brief update after talking to various developers. We’re aware of the concerns expressed in this thread. The team is currently regrouping and we’re aiming to communicate more about this topic as soon as we possibly can.

    > >

    > > In the meantime, we're pushing a hotfix that will include hiding the skyscale Mastery line for players who have not acquired the skyscale so that they will continue to gain Mastery experience toward acquiring Spirit Shards.

    > >

    > > We're also working on another hotfix coming later that will alleviate issues with finishing the Skyscale of Ice achievement in Frostgorge Sound by making the Corrupted Ice Elementals near the Claw of Jormag event respawn regularly. These creatures can encase you in ice and progress the Skyscale of Ice achievement. This is a temporary fix until we can get something more permanent.

    > >

    > > Thank you for your understanding and patience."

    > >

    > > So yes anyone arguing for something that Anet admits is a mistake and is trying to fix at this point is just a concern troll and should just be ignored.


    > The post you quoted doesn't say anywhere that they're going to fix the timegate and mount movement issues. Maybe they will, but that post only talks about the Ice Egg (not really a problem since you don't need CoJ already), spirit shards and communication.


    > Sorry dude, read more carefully.


    yep, he read too much into it. And indeed, the mastery issue is fixed.

  6. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > Late entry question:


    > Tldr: Why are there human God statues on Dragonfall that just happen to match Kralk's three stolen energies?


    > Dragonfall exists because it is Kralk's corpse, right? He didn't just happen to fall on an existing landmass? (Or did he? I saw some NPC chatter about previous structures engulfed by the changes, I think, and I have seen some burned out building frameworks). So why does it happen to have *statues* of the three Gods who most represent Kralk's stolen energies? Melandru for the nature from Mordremoth, Grenth for the Zhaitan death energy, Balthasar for Himself.


    > It seems strange for the statues to spring forth from his death, and a real stretch for him to have just happened to be rift-portalled out to the waiting fleet over an island that happened to worship the three relevant Gods. Plus while Balth makes sense, Melandru and Grenth simply share some aspects of magic that Mordremoth and Zhaitan also used. Is there some deeper lore reason for all this or was it just efficient re-use of game assets that sort of matched?


    I think you missed that Kralkatorik flew through those god realms, balthazar, grenth and melandru, before Aurene forced him out. Dragonfall is pretty much formed from god realm islands falling from the mists.

  7. > @"Aerlen.5326" said:

    > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

    > > I see all of you are acting like the real problem is the time gate. When in fact the real problem is that you are upset of not getting the "toy" as fast as you want because you want it sooooo bad.

    > > There are time gates all over Tyria, let's remove all of them? After all you all said that time gating is bad design.

    > > If ANET remove this time gate, I want the WvW time gate to be removed too, the PvP too, the HoT meta events rewards too, the eaters too, the crafting too and anything else. After all, it is what you want, righ? Remove the time gate, coz it is a bad design, right guys?


    > Did you even read what I wrote?


    > Timegate? Annoying but that's all it is. Managable so long as the entire quest can be soloed at one's own pace.


    > The problem? Collections that cannot be soloed in a game where the playerbase moves on quickly and can make some collections near impossible to complete - IE once the people really excited for this mount who started at Day One are done with the entire collection chain then good luck getting the non-soloable parts done if you lagged behind or started late. We've seen this with Wayfarer's Henge and Griffon already.


    > The bad design? Relying on the completion of any content that takes a large group or an entire map to fetch a single item, especially if it's multiple events or a meta.


    > Removing the timegate won't fix that.


    Utter hyperbole. I finished wayfarers henge not long ago with ease. All it took was calling out the bosses with a com tag and people came flocking. And I had plenty for killing the big legendaries at the bottom. Draconis Mons is still full of players.


    And I know of plenty whom is working on the gryph and its easy to get people to join events as long you announce it and have a tag to let them see where you are. com or mentor.

  8. > @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

    > > @"Obtena.7952" said:


    > > You don't know how many people are unhappy about it and you don't know if it's the majority. Unhappy people complain ... happy people do not. It's always biased to unhappy posts.


    > ...Yeah, that's kinda how all criticism works. It's pointless to come on just to say "I don't care about this.", so people don't.


    > I'm sure that in the millions of GW2 players, half do care about the time-gate and the issues it presents them, and half don't. That's not the point though.


    > The point is; why does it matter so much to those who don't care, that some people do? If people really didn't care about the time-gate being in place, then it should also stand to reason that they _also_ wouldn't care about the time-gate if it wasn't in place.


    > Yet here we are.




    Its because the vocal minority frequently proclaims themselves to speak for an entire community, or we the people. Its not just limited to guild wars, you can find such soapboxing tendencies everywere.

  9. > @"thehipone.6812" said:

    > >I had ran up to my local Dollar General and bought a bunch of beef jerky, doritos, cheese dip, and mountain dew just for the occasion. But when I returned to Gorrik, he reluctantly told me to put down the beef jerky, to seal up my bag of doritos, to put my chees dip & mountain back in the fridge, because now _____________.


    > This has copypasta potential.


    > My main reaction was a bit of disappointment that there was this new map, obviously designed for the new mount, and here I am playing a bunch on the new map WITHOUT being able to take advantage of the new mount. That is, once I finally get the thing, I'm likely to be ready to go back to some other parts of the game and take a break from grinding on new map.


    You get access to borrowable skyscales in the map.

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