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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. Well Ancient Echo is kinda new. I always hear about how Herald is considered useless because others can contribute all the boons. And its rarely you can truly make use of all your utilities without tanking your damage due to lack of energy. But yeah, the cd is probably too high on Ancient Echo to truly matter.

  2. > @"James.1065" said:

    > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > > @"James.1065" said:

    > > > I have been experimenting with Warhorn traited with Banchee wail and Sanctuary Runes. (Also these runes are working super good with the new Soul eater)

    > > >

    > > > Together this increases the locust swam buff to 8 sec duration which feels great with the interval speed of 0,5 sec = 16 ticks vs 10 and additionally this set up grants 25 secs speed buff - which makes it perma speed! (If cast on every CD of 24 sec)

    > >

    > > I tested sanctuary runes as well. With an extreme leeching set (dagger/warhorn + axe/focus with blood and leeching sigil as well as soul eater and bloodmagic traitline)

    > > And it still felt very bad...

    > > The values you get are just too small and might end up in only 1000-3000 extra health in a fight. But you loose a lot of dmg with sanctuary rune or a lot of different sustain (durability rune for example)


    > What I like about the new Soul eater and Sanctuary rune combo is the healing and barrier you get while in shroud.


    > When using them with soul reaping and spite trait lines and with reapers onslaught you can sustain your shroud a lot longer by "protecting" it with a barrier and push out some serious damage at the same time.


    interesting thought, would it make up for not using scholar? Though id imagine it falls when having another source of barrier

  3. I am curious to what people think of this new ability.

    The +25 energy seems to be the biggest draw of the ability.

    Jalis seems to be the best effect, giving the RotGD effect for 3 and not costing 50 energy.

    Shiro seems to be worthless, only buffing two hits and not two attacks.

    Mallyx is more useful with suppressing conditions for a moment.

    But ventari gaining alacrity seems decent?

    All in all Ancient Echo seems to be too weak to contemplate dropping an Espec for it.

  4. > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > And traits? I dont see them shown.

    > > Also, it would be interesting to know if theyve modified anything equipment wise to use with the new Soul Eater. Due to no longer having Decimate Defenses.


    > He posted the explanation in description


    > Trait wise is the same from last time but you use soul eater instead of DD, so spite 122, SR 112, Reaper 213


    I noticed the description just before your reply and added it. But I could see he did use modified gear, an assassin gs. But not seeming to use wh5 at all if i understood it right.

  5. And traits? I dont see them shown.

    Also, it would be interesting to know if theyve modified anything equipment wise to use with the new Soul Eater. Due to no longer having Decimate Defenses.


    Ah: Found the comments.

    So the recent rework to Soul Eater has made Reaper a tad busted in terms of sustain and given it a nice damage buff (even more in fractals!). Due to the 33% crit in shroud you can still run full zerk as investing into precision for ~40% of your damage just really isn't worth it. What I did in this benchmark was use as Assassin GS with precise infusions/accuracy sigil, but for very short bursty fights such as KC/Fractals/Dungeons I recommend using a Berserker GS with Power Infusions/Impact Sigils. As for rotational changes, the lowered CD on GS 3 and WH 5 being moved to lifesteal changed things up a tad but. For your opener you now want to do 2 full GS auto chains and skip WH 5. For your loop you now want to enter GS with GS 3 - 2, 3 full auto chains, 1 auto, GS 2-3, then skip WH 5. Sub 50% is going to be the same rotation as before but skipping WH 5. This rotation has some mistakes and I swapped to axe half a second too early once below 50% so that is why I used WH 5, with some more grinding and optimization this could probably be 31.5k. Though this patch has introduced even more bugs regarding skill canceling on Reaper so it is a tad frustrating to grind out.


    Sounds like he isnt even using wh5 at all. So the benchmark did use modified gear

  6. > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > Will be quite interesting to see what SC comes up with. But yeah, focus definitely shouldnt be used with damage in mind. And what did you mean with GoE?


    > glyph of empowerment, it was removed and is not something you use in benchmarks because is not realistic to upkeep it permanently. People follow a benchmark standard of condis and boons to ensure is done at the same environment.


    > SC video is out by the way at 31.2k


    is there any details on weapons and traits you can share? In particular for the offhand debate.

  7. Focus 4 pretty much should be viewed as a quick lifeforce gain ability over a damaging skill. Thats how you should see it as. And it works fine with axe when you have to range for any reason, which otherwise would make warhorn 5 unusuable.

    While torch is irrelevant for a reaper, I do wonder what people think of dagger offhand to compare with?

  8. > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > Well focus have a long range, so its a good opener if you are low on lifeforce, switching to axe 2, then gs or shroud.

    > > > That skill is slower than a staff auto. If you hit with it at 1200 range, then your target must be afk. It's possible to run out of its range while it's moving to its target.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Ah, maybe its bad in pvp. But I was looking at it from a pve angle. Im interested in seeing if focus or warhorn wins out for pve.


    > Both are useless in pve. Probably not even worth using since both can't crit. Wh doesn't even do 4k dmg fully buffed. Shroud auto hits for 9-10k.


    Kind of why I lean to just consider it a lifeforce tool now. But if you have to range for any reason, then focus outclasses warhorn and chains well with the axe till you can get up close and switch to gs.

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