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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. Its absolutely not proven, and completely wishlisting. It could be a power axe mainhand for one. Dont post misleading threads when theres no proof at all.


    Revs does not need Greatswords, sets them apart from the other heavy classes. Dont try to homogenize everything.

  2. hrm.. So far I can only imagine that either food improves slightly. Such as Beef Rendang going from 100 condi and 70 expertise, to 100/100. Or a tertiary useful effect getting added to the 100/70 food. Or some kind of endless legendary food of one specific dish.

    The new food also have to remain within reasonable cost range per unit to be worth using.


    Though I remember they spoke of making lower tiers of food useful. I shudder at the idea. I remember how -painful- it was to make the once favored super veggie pizza condi food. Way, way too convoluted a production tree. I am so much more happy for the much simpler to make Beef Rendang from Sandswept isles.

  3. Necros are easy to play, unlike many more super complicated twitch classes you need to be at your A game to do competently to reach potential numbers. If you have to remember long and convoluted rotations to play optimally? Who can do that consistently without flubbing it and lowering their potential?


    That is not fun classes to play.

  4. People always struggle with coping with change, and it was always a delusion to think mounts wouldnt come to WvW once gliders made their entrance. Its all about enticing people to buy the expacks to stay competitive, a simple financial reason. Learn to adapt, theres no other way, and anet have already reacted to feedback. The warclaw have been significantly downsized since the starting incarnation. Take a deep breath, it will be adjusted.

  5. Its pretty much hit and miss what animations the legendaries replace or augments. Some classes/especs recieves a lot more attention than others.

    But utility skills do rarely if ever recieve animation changes. Engineer grenadekit and renegade citadel bombardement is the two I remember.

  6. People are just jumping about like the sky is falling down. Remember what they said when the Beetle came out and people QQed over its limitations, it took time to sink in that it wasnt meant to displace any other mounts, but having its specific niche. Aka omg fast travel on long, mostly flat maps. You can be sure that the Skyscale will complement, but not replace the Griffon. Just like how you can still land travel everywhere with the Beetle if you want, but its not the most efficient land travel on many maps.

  7. > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > > > @"suffish.4150" said:

    > > > > It’s definitely rev by a pretty significant margin. Try playing against 2 good revs then try to deny this fact lol. The damage is just absolutely ridiculous and that reveal hurts so much against many builds. It needs nerfing to the same level as thief for sure.

    > > > >

    > > > > Second place would be chronomancer (illusions bunker build). Scrappper imo really isn’t OP because even though it’s sustain is far beyond any other duelist in the game, it’s damage is very low so you can just counter it by leaving it in a stalemate all game and winning the rest of the map.

    > > >

    > > > you... you do realize rev only has one viable build for pvp in general right? Which is herald/shiro power build. If they nerf it then rev's will vanish completely from the game mode as its all they have to run; They dont get to make the same choices you do with your class. Glint is the most useful legend in the game due to one thing, the heal on its own.

    > > >

    > > > Now if they buffed up their other choices and made rev capable without glint, alot of the problems would vanish completely because as it stands now glints heal is one of the few reasons to take her over other specs. (For ten seconds it turns all damage received into health, pretty good with the zerker face roll meta we have.)

    > >

    > > [infuse Light](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infuse_Light "Infuse Light") only lasts for 3 seconds.


    > funny mine lasts longer, typically. But I digress it still is used primarily for the heal as the heal is the bread and butter of the rev; Most of the other heals we have access too kind suck? I mean jalis is ok but that whole legend is kind meh from jump street.


    Theres no way about it, infuse light does not last any longer than 3s.

  8. > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > > I wonder if this will makes griffon invalid(?). Climbing walls, time to break maps :lol:.


    > yeah, same question, how much will this mount make griffon, and also springer irrelevant in game :\


    > i dont know about anyone else, but i find jackel to be the most unless mount ... and the beetle, is slightly more used than jackel


    > most of the time i find myself on the raptor and griffon for travelling across maps


    > and i'm running out of hotkeys to quick switch


    As already said, the griffon will not be invalid. You can be pretty sure the skyscale will not have the superspeed dive. the griffon will be a circumstance mount like the jackal.

    However, you are undervaluing the jackal. The sand portal jump can be used for breaking falls, making heights completely irelevant. Where the raptor would be smushed upon hitting the ground.

    All of them have their specific uses.

  9. > @"Snowflake.7952" said:

    > I just bought the Runecrafters Salavge-o-Matic today and found out it works just like my Copper Salvage-o-Matic, plus it does not do what the description says it does. Can i please have a refund of my gems.


    Completely untrue, and you misread what it does.

    Runecrafter's Salvage-o-Matic

    Double-click to salvage crafting materials from an item in your inventory. 20% chance of rarer materials. 100% chance of salvaging upgrades. Cost per use: 30 Copper

    Salvaging upgrades means you do NOT pull them loose, but will always gain the crafting materials salvaged from any upgrade in it. Which could like a charm of potence from a superior rune on it.


    Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

    Double-click to salvage crafting materials from an item in your inventory. 10% chance of rarer materials. 20% chance of salvaging upgrades. Requires 3 copper per use.


    Runecrafter is ten times as costly as the salvageomatic,which is thusly best used on whites or blues, which doesnt come with upgrades at all, unlike green and higher which can contain them. If you persay salvaged an exotic with a superior rune, you now only have 20% chance to gain the charm of potence. Unlike Runecrafter's 100% chance.


    Runecrafter is intended for those wishing to gain crafting materials for making runes and sigils. Its not meant to flawlessly pull out upgrades instead of salvaging them.

    Theres an endless upgrade extractor and it costs over 3000g, its folly to expect a 600gems item to give the same benefit as the endless extractor.

  10. The skyscale will sure be a good pick in areas like Draconis Mons. The griffon will shine when you can divebomb and fly fast for long distances.

    I usually use the griffon as main mount because of the snap verticality, instead of needing to charge it like the bunny. I dont find the superspeed dive as frequently useful. So I think the skyscale might be the new main choice for me.

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