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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. > @"narcx.3570" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > Kind of disheartened by the lack of any meaningful improvements to the revenant class. Keeps having piddly damage in pve and being super fragile. Reapers are so much more powerful with a better class mechanic.


    > Reaper's dps is about the same as Rev's. But they have higher burst potential in phases under 50% and better cleave.


    > This is of course for power... Rev's are top tier in condi dps. In fact, the reason you don't see serious benchmarks for Power Ren/Herald is because *even in power fights* the more bursty Baelfire Renegade variant would still out-perform it's power equivalent (and power reaper for that matter.)


    Its the better burst and higher survivability you really can feel as a reaper, and a less obnoxious class mechanic.

  2. Kind of disheartened by the lack of any meaningful improvements to the revenant class. Keeps having piddly damage in pve and being super fragile. Reapers are so much more powerful with a better class mechanic.

  3. Scourge will quickly make you want to stab something from having to constantly plop down your shades before you can start having fun being killy. I loathe renegade for the same reason, too high rampup time.

  4. you can buy shards for karmas as the easiest.

    The mystic forge is not called the mystic toilet for nothing. You could get lucky in a few shuffles, or you might never get anything.

    After having crafted Dusk, then Twilight

    expect roughly 8 hours of following a wvw zerg. But they are doubling wvw xp next week cuz of the warclaw mount.

  5. https://www.mmogames.com/gamenews/guild-wars-2-wvw-mount-warclaw-announced


    WvW players know all too well that content for the least popular game mode is rare, so when it does happen it’s something really exciting. That’s why we’re so excited that there’s a Guild Wars 2 WvW mount coming out. This mount won’t just get you around the battlefield quickly, though there is that benefit.

    The Warclaw comes with three special abilities that will enhance your WvW gameplay. The first is Battle Maul. When you jump into battle while mounted your Warclaw will maul your enemy before it disappears. This is your standard attack and dismount move.


    The second ability is Chain Pull and from a WvWer’s standpoint possibly the most exciting of the three abilities. Those on Warclaws will be able to help pull down gates to gain entrance to whatever structure the zerg is currently focused on. This is an advanced ability which almost certainly means that it will have to be unlocked. As of writing this, pre-embargo we don’t yet have that information.

    The final ability is Evade. Get a quick burst of speed and evade attacks allowing you to break through enemy lines. This will be especially useful in Castle sieges where getting a team through the hall quickly to attack from behind will add a very interesting new element to the event.

    The Warclaw is will be available on February 26th for anyone who owns Path of Fire. While we may have to wait a week before we can play with it we can see it now in this fantastic trailer.


    As someone who is a long time fan of WvW, I’m especially intrigued to see what kind of impact Warclaw will have on WvW. Though I suspect that having the mount will become a requirement for taking part in the game. This has the potential to leave some people behind who haven’t bought Path of Fire and have no plans to do so. Expect WvW queues to come back for the next few days as everyone wants to give the new mount a try.

    If you’re interested in The Warclaw it can only be obtained in WvW but, it can be summoned anywhere other mounts can be summoned. That means you will be able to use it in the open world. However, the Chain Pull ability is something that has very limited use in the main PvE part of the world. So, while it will be fun for getting around with it may not have much utility. Still, how many Charr are we going to see running around riding on Warkitties? The answer is a lot…including me.



    Will be interesting to see the requirement for it, how horrible it is.

  6. > @"wickedkae.4980" said:

    > You're not alone OP. As a vet, I also worry that this game is not going to move forward in a positive, valuable way. We have nothing to do to advance our characters in end game in any real meaningful way. What worries me is that Anet is so afraid of making real changes to shake this game up, we may be stuck in the holding pattern forever. This is the last year for me. If we don't get a REAL expansion (higher lvls, new gear, new ways to advance our character NOT by grinding) then I will be moving to ESO permanently.


    Then you dont understand what the game is about, the itemcurve is flat with ascended gear as the peak.

    Wow have that and you have to replace all your gear each expansion. Also, its far too late in the games lifetime to add a gear threadmill.


    Post cap progression will require grinding, as in playing the game, and the mastery system is solid enough for it. And unlike artifact power in wow, mastery is actually finishable.

  7. Why would anyone want to use it in pve at all? offhand axe/sword will always be a superior choice

    I keep looking at the mesmer chrono shield, now thats a much better designed shield that actually is used.

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