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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. > @"Neural.1824" said:

    > I'm more interested in the amount of materials harvested. As I said, the animations that are associated with the various tools are going to necessarily require different time lengths. I see no problem with that.

    > The Consortium Harvesting tool, for example, is super fast when harvesting a single plant node, but if you hit the plant nodes in a guild hall, the unbound harvesting tool is optimal because it takes all three swings at once.

    > Again, just my opinion, but I think the rather worn out "convenience vs. appearance" argument needs to be set aside. In a game where cosmetics is the end game, the majority of the appearances do not affect the item they are applied to in any way (weapons, armor, glider skins, mount skins, minis, etc.)



    Not a really good argument there. The unbound mining and logging tools both takes multiple hits in one strike, and is the fastest gathering tools for mining and logging, before you can move onto next node. So yes, theres a problem if some of the tools takes +50-70% longer to gather.

  2. Bad idea. Better to keep it simple with more meaningful choices, instead of a thousand little bits. The deeper talent system in WoW got removed for the same reason with the simpler talent choices. Which this is alike.


    Much easier to keep track off and adjust when you need a trait flipped without needing a degree in math.


    Fluidity is good as we have it now, excessive complexity is not and fluidity gets lost.

  3. > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

    > > @"Bish.8627" said:

    > > "Increased the radii of the charging crystals in the "Repel invading Branded, and kill them near the charging crystals to fill the resonance crystal" event. Creatures killed outside of the charging crystals’ radii will no longer drop loot, and Branded creatures will cease dropping loot after a certain number of kills."

    > >

    > > This company is really taking a giant dolyak poop on it's customers right now. It's not even subtle.

    > Or, you know, they wanted people to _do the event_. This isn't even remotely the first time they've made this exact change, for the exact same reason every time.


    You got it wrong OP, ive seen people willfully running the event out of time and keeping it from being completed despite others protesting, just because they wanted to farm karma. This was a GOOD change to stop such abusive behavior.

  4. If revenants ever gets greatswords, they should not have standard moves like a guardian or warrior have it, simply too cheap to copy them. That is why im strictly opposed to greatsword as I worry they might just get a generic hacknslash moveset just to appease the Twilight edgelords.

    And revs does have unusual moves with their weapons, like sword 2, 3, 4, or all the abilities opening mist portals.

  5. > @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

    > The loot change was bound to happen, people just ignored the mechanics of the meta and farmed it, so that change was seen coming a mile away, the no loot from branded is going to depend on if it happens at each stage, if you stop getting loot altogether from enemies during the charge the crystal event and nothing after it at all, then this meta will be dead in a few weeks, and people will go back to older maps again, they just cant seem to get that balance of reward vs time/fun, this map will be difficult for people just doing it for the first time in a month from now, when most people have gotten what they need from it.


    Dont be silly, you still get your chest for finishing the meta.

    But yeah, it was a -good-change. Ive seen a few north metas fail because of time running out, because they refused to stop farming.

  6. > @"Carighan.6758" said:

    > List of weapons which would be utterly boring to get because everyone and their mother already has them:


    > 1. Greatsword.


    Has to be said once again, Greatswords are -boring-. Play a warrior or guardian or reaper if you want to use one. Dont force such a bland weapon upon unconventional revenants, they dont need it. We dont need a shiro copycat power dps legend, but something more unique to make a new way of playing the class as Especs is intended for.

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