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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > Well focus have a long range, so its a good opener if you are low on lifeforce, switching to axe 2, then gs or shroud.

    > That skill is slower than a staff auto. If you hit with it at 1200 range, then your target must be afk. It's possible to run out of its range while it's moving to its target.



    Ah, maybe its bad in pvp. But I was looking at it from a pve angle. Im interested in seeing if focus or warhorn wins out for pve.

  2. The shiro effect of ancient echo is indeed two hits, not two attacks. So it feels mostly meaningless, at least in pve. But 25 energy on demand with15s cd? its gud! But definitely not something that can compare to losing an espec for, at least for dps.

  3. Could anyone properly math out wether or not decimate defenses or soul eater is the better choice now? Figure it out before declaring the sky is falling down on the new trait.


    I know locust swarm was used as an opener to roll while in shroud due to the duration, but seems almost meaningless now with the lowered damage and shortened duration.

    But the benefit of warhorn still seems to be horn4 for break bar damage and swiftness on horn 5, compared to more meaningful lf regain on focus 4, whereas focus 5 is only useful in some fractals and pvp still.


    Death spiral feels good to use now, and you dont feel 'guilty' about hitting it below 50%


    Regarding reapers touch, it provides 11% lf regain with 2 charges, 3s cd, 15s to regain a charge


    And XXnecro, you have nothing constructive to add to the discussion.

  4. > @"Blaeys.3102" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > @"Blaeys.3102" said:

    > > > I like the idea of making the different elite specializations feel different through trade offs. I don't like the idea of pushing any specialization too heavily toward a hard trinity role (tank, heals, dps), which I feel they are hinting at with the druid changes. This isn't a raiding game and no single game mode should dictate how professions are designed.

    > > >

    > > > The driving force should always be - "is it fun to play." Yes, make things feel different, but make them feel different based on their archetype, not on some pre-assigned slot required for a single game mode. While that may make it easier to design raid bosses, it makes things less fun for those in the rest of the game.

    > > >

    > > > I know a small group of people will have issue with this thought, but I firmly believe the path they are taking with some of these changes crosses the line - pushing the game closer to being a WoW clone - and that is something we should avoid at all costs.

    > >

    > > Healers should never have respectable damage and thats what a druid is, healer from top to bottom.


    > The druid should be a ranger with a deeper connection to nature. That doesn't mean pure healer. It could just as easily mean reliance on poisons, vines, bleeds from thorns, etc.


    > The idea of the druid specializing in just heals is driven by the needs of a single game mode and sets a really bad precedent. Development should center around fun, interesting specializations - not what matches the needs of a niche game mode.


    > The berserker elite changes are a good example of how they can do this. Those changes are centered around compelling gameplay - not fitting into a pre-defined raid meta.


    The druid has been built and presented as a healer right from the beginning. A fundamental different way to play the ranger, so its a pure support spec. cemented further in the identify by downsizing the pet.

  5. > @"Blaeys.3102" said:

    > I like the idea of making the different elite specializations feel different through trade offs. I don't like the idea of pushing any specialization too heavily toward a hard trinity role (tank, heals, dps), which I feel they are hinting at with the druid changes. This isn't a raiding game and no single game mode should dictate how professions are designed.


    > The driving force should always be - "is it fun to play." Yes, make things feel different, but make them feel different based on their archetype, not on some pre-assigned slot required for a single game mode. While that may make it easier to design raid bosses, it makes things less fun for those in the rest of the game.


    > I know a small group of people will have issue with this thought, but I firmly believe the path they are taking with some of these changes crosses the line - pushing the game closer to being a WoW clone - and that is something we should avoid at all costs.


    Healers should never have respectable damage and thats what a druid is, healer from top to bottom.

  6. > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

    > As mentioned above, nothing stops Anet from creating a couple expansion-like maps in a completely new area with LS5, along with the respective masteries. Besides themselves that is.


    Exactly, they are going into unknown territory. So its hard to know what we are going to get. Like if they might be trying to shake up the current living story format with a different approach since its not 'bound' to an expansion pack as foundation.

    I for one cant imagine a continued focus on mounts, a dragon mount is a fantastic capstone to a mounts collection.

  7. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > The shards are expensive to craft. You could buy 3 per week, times 52 weeks in a year. Somebody who truly has no other use for baubles or doesn't want to buy other things can definitely buy them every week.


    A single run of the 3 sab dailies and finishing all normal areas would in a single day give enough baubles to buy the x3 weekly shard chests.

  8. > @"VixusIrine.9013" said:

    > I think holo for the most part is fine but I'd like anet to look into the viability of main hand sword. It's kinda inferior compared to running hammer on scrapper. Hammer gives you a tonne of damage as well as heaps of utility like reflects, blocks, barrier and a lightning combo field. Even the trait associated for it is pretty good too since you gives extra damage on top. It really needs more burst damage to help it compete against other power weapons like hammer and rifle or perhaps giving it some extra range like Crystal Configuration: Storm for holoforge.


    But how is the scrapper pve dps viability? I hear noone speaking about it at all, all about holosmith

  9. > @"Queen.5837" said:

    > Going to miss the weakness and daze on staff 2. It's such an useful skill in pvp/wvw.


    > I'm not a big fan of the healing orbs. Engineers had med packs for ages and they were never impactful in any gamemode. I don't see the healing orbs useful as a main source of healing unless Anet powercreep it.


    > Curious to see how good Ancient Echoes is and if any core builds will benefit from it instead of running elite specs.


    The most obvious would be hammernants in wvw ignoring blockspam with it. But it depends on how effective it is, and the cd on the skill

  10. > @"PeerlessArch.6547" said:

    > I have a question about this ring.


    > Is the only part that is tied to the raid the first part "kill a raid boss and loot a chest?"


    > Or do you have to constantly raid for all the other parts of the collection like the legendary armor.


    The collection items is looted within the raid, and you need to complete the raid, a cleared instance doesnt work.

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