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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. The air rescue ability NEEDS to have a full flight juice meter. As you frequently end up with nothing in the tank and still plummeting, where it wouldve been better to just glide or use the griffon instead.


    And I support toggleable cling. Way too easy to get attached to scenery.


    The engage skill is hilariously difficult to properly target and needs a targetting reticule.

  2. > @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

    > > @"Sarpan.9074" said:


    > > Rift Repair seems to only lead you on a path of Volitile Magic. It's OK for feeding, but is there a purpose to this? Is there some destination that I'm not seeing yet?


    > I found a couple of rifts in Lion's Arch while practicing the controls. They both lead me on a trail of Volatile Magic with another rift at the end that game me a Mistborn Mote. They were both really short trails. Maybe there are more involved ones that give more of a reward for completion.


    Considering how abundant volatile magic is in the world, these barely seem worth doing. Thunderhead Peaks is probably the most volatile magic dense zone in the game.

  3. > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > I agree, and would like to add one thing.


    > The mastery for recharging endurance while clinging to a wall is super clunky. You have to hold the arrow button to cling and the space bar to recharge. IMO, once you have the mastery, recharging while clinging should be automatic.


    I think its because of the wall jump mechanic. Either you spend endurance on recharging flight, OR you jump upwards.

  4. The griffon does not have free flying, it cannot stay airborne forever. Plus the fact it needs a deep dive to gain superspeed which isnt that often available.


    But I am starting to see how the maneuverability of the skyscale is better. Much more precise in shorter distances. Also, whats really selling me, no constant hitting space to flap!

  5. > @"Blur.3465" said:

    > > @"Airyll.7849" said:

    > > If I see one more person claim that free flight is going to "break maps" I'm going to start finding out addresses to send very angrily worded letters.

    > >

    > > Do you people - who claim this - understand we have been breaking maps _since day bloody one_? We were breaking maps _before mounts even existed_ because that's just what happens in games like this. Caledon Forest was infamous for the forgotten jumping puzzle, and we knew about a _Heart of Thorns, Living World Season 3_ area literally in the base game, six years ago, when it was found in Queensdale by breaking out of the map and "void jumping".

    > >

    > > These maps are _already broken_. They have been since the game released and people started to experiment with exploration - something the game encouraged with jumping puzzles, something the game was built around. And then gliding arrived, and what happened to Core Tyria maps? They broke just a bit more. No-glide zones were added to a few, but not many, jumping puzzles. Exploration became easier. And then mounts happened, the first five, and what happened to Core Tyria _and_ Heart of Thorns maps? They "broke", too. Griffon can take you through Verdant Brink as fast as you like, for example, because of the huge chasm that scores through the whole map, and between it and Springer you can easily reach the canopy before nightfall.

    > >

    > > Why do you people who claim that this game would "break" if free flight existed not seem to understand that the game has been broken by players since _before_ mounts and gliding existed? And beyond that, why do you act like this is such a bad thing? There are so many invisible walls that were created _because_ of Springer and Griffon in Core Tyria maps that the Skyscale with free flight isn't reasonably going to break anything that wasn't already broken. But no, you conveniently forget about all of this because it wouldn't fit your narrative, because "well, the devs said so" is a reasonable enough excuse to not consider the possibility that actually, free flight would be _just fine_.

    > >

    > > "Oh no, this person is completing Core Tyria maps by slowly flying around using their Skyscale, having fun and feeling like the legendary grind was worth it because they can fly around a map at a slow but fun pace. The game is breaking, the game is breaking!" Get a _hold_ of yourselves.


    > So much this.

    > I truly want unlimited, slow flying with Skyscale. It would justify this collection and make us love the mount a lot.

    > I really hope ANet considers this, as right now Skyscale is quite useless :(


    As already said, free flying is bad for the game. And the skyscale IS a situational mount, the earlier you understand that, the better. No mount is ever meant to replace another.

  6. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > I’ve found it beneficial as the spinger relies on ledges to scale up cliffs while the skyscale doesn’t. I can also fine-tune when the mount goes which is something you couldn’t easily do with the other mounts.


    Yes, the Skyscale is a fine -situational- mount. But yeah, I think players had expectations set far too high due to the sheer scale of the collectaton compared to the beetle.

  7. > @"Heibi.4251" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > @"Graymalkyn.8076" said:

    > > > How about an option (could be a mastery) to actually be able to scale the wall you are clinging to? Rather than just stick to it, you could walk up it. This might actually add some relevance to the mount.

    > >

    > > With the third mastery you can jump up the wall, but it takes a lot of endurance. So you can do it twice.


    > Yep. I was practicing on a wall with the third mastery just finished. Was easy to grip the wall build up endurance and then go higher and higher up the wall. The bunny can't land on shear vertical surfaces and keep going up. It needs a ledge. The wall is the ledge for the skyscale. May not be super fast but it will get you up there.


    > My only gripe: The breath weapon dismount is the real problem. The targeting is nonexistent and it doesn't fall where you really want it. Wish we could get a target area so we could abort the attack or re-target.


    At last someone is seeing it. The skyscale does have climbing advantages over the bunny, whom is dependent on ledges.

  8. > @"Oogo.4083" said:

    > > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

    > > I'll add my opinion into this pile for good measure.

    > >

    > > I understand that the time gates and material costs are meant to provide some feeling of accomplishment once you finish the collection, so that the time and materials/gold feel like an investment. That beeing said, I don't think that it actually fulfills that purpose since the timegate isn't a time period spent doing something for the Mount instead its basically just waiting time. Material Costs are fine as long as they're reasonable but I dislike raw Gold costs.

    > > Rather than artificial time gates which cause nothing but boredom and insane material/Gold costs which just stops some players in their tracks (it's more expensive than the griffon...), I'd prefer a time investment which is spent actually doing something that is neccessary for the mount, maybe some challenge that requires a little bit of finesse. Although I understand that challenges may not be the best choice either since we have a incredibly wide variety of skill levels across our player base here so challenges may be very frustrating for some players.

    > >

    > > Oh and for me, 2h **waiting time** between collections is exactly the same as an entire day, I'm not gonna log in again 2h later. That waiting time serves no purpose other than to create an artificial time gate which adds absolutely nothing to the game, on the contrary, it actually takes away the excitement to achieve something new because you just sit there waiting or getting invested into something else which doesn't make you wait for no obvious reason. And don't tell me we have to wait because gorrik has to do some research or whatever, we can traver through all of tyria within seconds and kill Zhaitan, Mordremoth, Balthazaar and Kralkatorrik within a day, there is no way gorrik needs 2 Hours for some research or whatever ;)

    > >

    > > I hope my opinion offers a new perspektive to this thread.

    > >

    > > Have a nice day o/


    > Did anet actually confirmed this 2 hour time.gate?? If yes can yoingive.me the link. Cause i do.not.find it.anywhere. when is this change coming??


    You didnt look deeply enough in Dev posts.



    Next patchday the 28th.

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