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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > Only two issues with it. The cling is extremely oversensitive. And the air rescue needs work. If you are too high, you plummet with red bar. Elsewise its a joy to use.


    > That's how I felt with the rented ones. Since I have my own I rarely ever stick on something and if I do I feel like I deserve it for being lazy and flying closely above the ground, sticking to some dead tree lol


    Well ive mostly observed it in tangled depths, were the skyscale will cling onto fronds hanging down in a tunnel.

  2. Legendary stat swapping is only really useful if you frequently change spec. and I think mainly jewelry and armor have the most benefit from it. Weapons? Not so much, as different specs mostly use different weapons. But its not like its difficult getting extra jewelry and with a little effort you can craft another armor set. So no, legendaries is mainly only a cosmetic pursuit for Fashion Wars.

  3. > @"yusayu.3629" said:

    > > @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

    > > > @"yusayu.3629" said:

    > > > In WoW mounts are glorified speedboosts. It's one of the amazing designs in GW2, that all the mounts feel different, and you actually have to do something to stay in the air (the griffon can permanently stay in the air with all the masteries). WoW mounts are incredibly boring.

    > >

    > > In WoW, there are Many mounts that require work . . .

    > > blood, sweat, and tears,

    > > to master.

    > > To become really, really good with them.

    > >

    > > Please don't generalize about things that are false.

    > > Many WoW mounts require a LOT of work to master.

    > > The fact that you did not

    > > does not mean they are boring.

    > > It means you did not do the work to master them.

    > >

    > >


    > What?


    > The only work a WoW mount requires is crafting/dropping it. I've played WoW (at least until WoD), mounts in WoW didn't even have abilities iirc. You just used your mount, activated auto-run and waited for a few minutes and you arrived where you wanted. Also, ALL the flying mounts are exactly the same. They are literally just different skins with exactly the same functionality.


    Yep, almost all wow mounts is absolutely cosmetic. Theres nothing to master in the glorified speedboosts.

  4. > @"holodoc.5748" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > @"holodoc.5748" said:

    > > > The Skyscale isn't even worth it. It has been sitting fully upgraded on my main account for days without being used once. Flashy Spyro wannabe to impress players that don't have it, sure. Usable? Not by a long shot. Just a giant waste of time and energy.

    > > >

    > > > If I'd known the cost and content of the entire Skyscale collection I would have never done it. Not in a million years.

    > >

    > > Then you dont know what you are being all naysayer to if youve never used it. It have a quite fine niche for ascending and reaching things much more easilly than normal. You give up too fast, learn to use the dash move. Seriously improves its performance when you master it. You can aim it with the camera direction. But dont use it too close to a wall. But correctly angled you can shoot over it.

    > >

    > > I map completed hot again today, and with skyscale its been the fastest ever completion.


    > It stands to reason that the "fully upgraded" part implies that the associated masteries have been at least tried out. They are clunky, especially the vertical clinging system which is unpredictable causing the player on uneven terrain to guess if Spyro is going to register flat horizontal spot an regenerate the "green" bar or just cling to the side. It also can't pass above the head blocking obstacles which are otherwise easily beaten by combining the Griffon and Bond of Faith. Portal closing mastery that does nothing else except adding a long path of 1-2 volatile magic spots? Don't get me started on that one.


    > Is the Spyro useful on itself? Absolutely. Is it worth getting if you already have all the other mounts unlocked? Absolutely NOT, especially if you are only interested in it's practical use. On the other hand if you are trying to justify to yourself the ridiculous amount of time and energy wasted into getting it, that's personal preference. Even then getting the Springer and Griffon is a far better and less time consuming time investment.




    I cannot take that serious. I find great use for the Skyscale. It is perfect for improved navigation of HoT, in particular Verdant Brink. Youve not given it enough time at all. It shines on ascending in spots where the springer seriously struggles.

  5. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > Okay, I have to admit: although I still consider the speed of ascending/descending to be way too slow (especially dives feel like I was riding a granny mount) and the exhaustion feature (red bar) badly implemented, the basic mechanics are absolut fun and the mount proved invaluable on the HoT maps (for map exploration), especially in Auric Basin (never thought I would get to see this map from up above some day, with its huge vines that I could land on and everything; and cheesing all the POIs was nice, too).


    You are clearly meant to use griffon when descending, the skyscale is just too slow for that.

  6. Pof is far easier than Hot, almost to a ridiculous degree. So many hero points you need groups for in HoT, whereas you can solo the majority in pof on your own.


    And even hot has been nerfed plenty, it started too hard for the casuals because of the vocal minority wanting harder content. Infact ill suggest starting in pof over hot, as mounts will make the confusing layout of hot far more bearable.

  7. > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > > @"holodoc.5748" said:

    > > The Skyscale isn't even worth it. It has been sitting fully upgraded on my main account for days without being used once. Flashy Spyro wannabe to impress players that don't have it, sure. Usable? Not by a long shot. Just a giant waste of time and energy.

    > >

    > > If I'd known the cost and content of the entire Skyscale collection I would have never done it. Not in a million years.


    > Yes, if you had a mount released with the same exact mechanics but with a default skin of, oh, a bumblebee (also change the engage skill) I am guessing less people would want it. The people that are saying it is great are just because they can say they have a dragon. Even though anet does not call it that.


    You have no idea what you are talking about. It does have great use. Learn to use it properly, instead of trying to be a naysayer just because you find the collection insurmountable.

  8. 2 days more and ill be done grinding kralkatite to make 6 weapons. Been doing the 3 hearts with 6 chars daily.

    But I doubt ill make vision anytime soon, nor aurora. Theres just far more interesting and visually pleasing legendaries to make first. Ive recently made Verdarach and Binding of Ipos which goes well with Astralaria. Currently working on Exordium.


    I just want to be done with the collection to have it ready should I ever decide to take the plunge.

  9. > @"holodoc.5748" said:

    > The Skyscale isn't even worth it. It has been sitting fully upgraded on my main account for days without being used once. Flashy Spyro wannabe to impress players that don't have it, sure. Usable? Not by a long shot. Just a giant waste of time and energy.


    > If I'd known the cost and content of the entire Skyscale collection I would have never done it. Not in a million years.


    Then you dont know what you are being all naysayer to if youve never used it. It have a quite fine niche for ascending and reaching things much more easilly than normal. You give up too fast, learn to use the dash move. Seriously improves its performance when you master it. You can aim it with the camera direction. But dont use it too close to a wall. But correctly angled you can shoot over it.


    I map completed hot again today, and with skyscale its been the fastest ever completion.

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