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Posts posted by Orpheal.8263

  1. Want back LS1 as well too, that it stil lisnt back in the game is also a big thorn in my eyes for years...


    ANet should give this game finally PHASING basicalyl via Chronomancy with the help of asura technology, using Asura Gates practically as Time Portals to travel between the present and the past forth and back as we wish to reexperience this way old content, that slowly gets phased out, as tiem in this game progresses and the living world concept keeps on changing constantly the existing content to create unique event moments for a certain time, which then become somewhen later replayable by traveling back in time to a Time Phase of a Map, where the events were still running and the canon of this game didn't progress further.


    Phasing is in essence already adding to the game just the old versions of a map as own parallel Sub Indstances, to make it possible for the player to change between the primary Main Instance of a map, which represents the present and x amounts of various secondary Sub instances for as much as different Time Phases anet wants to have for a specific map zone of this game, to which players can then jump travel between, like switchign districts felt for playing GW1, where easch map also hads basically douzends of sub instances based on the total amount of players that were on the same map, because that was back then Anets way to make sure, that everyone could be on the same map, despite not needign to be together also in the same district version of the map, which was of this system at the same time its curse, as like it was its blessing, based on it, if you wanted to stay together with specific other players, or not...


    The content is still there, its not just suddendly all erased and needs to be worked on fresh from scratch, its content that needs to get only overworked here n there a bit, to fit again into the game in a way, that the player gets in the end the feeling and impression, as if this content would have never been missed in the game, which is why certain parts of that content require only to be reworked into instances, instead of open world content, unless anet is willing to give this game true Phasing, to simulate like mentioned this way time traveling in the game...

    With Chronomancerts being in this game, tehre exists no argument anymor,e for why we shouldnt be able by now to use time Portals with the help of Asura Technology and their gates, which do look already like perfect Stargate Copies to travels through time and space, just without protective irises to block off incoming harm from one side traveling to your side of the wormhole.

  2. it should be an optional feature, activatable in the Options Menu, that should make it possible for players to decide personalyl for themself, if a Flag Symbol of their nationality should be shown to others (Friends ect) when looking at the Account Names, so example.1111 / Flag Symbol of Example Land, when activated and the flag symbol simpyl disappears, when deactivated and everythign is, as it is like now for that player then.

  3. Not only mounts.. PLAYERS AS WELL too, so that we get finalyl rid of this ridiculous CC spam, so that players can finalyl become more immune to CC spam, so that no eavery simple **** easy little hard CC can interrupt us directly and to stopp finalyl also as well too getting perma cced to death, without that players have a way as part of their builds to specialize themself against becoming CCed way too easily, by gettign themself Breakbars to prevent this way gettign too easily cced by enemy players in WvW/PvP

  4. Woudl be good, if we get first of all those missing GW1 emotes back.. its a shame that GW1 as alot more emotes for 6 years now, than GW2...


    its also ridiculous.. that we have learned after 6 years firs,t how to sit on chairs, but our characters still haven#t learned how to eactually EAT AND DRINK, which is somethign that characters in the same as old as GW2 -gamer, that got developed even as well by NCSoft too - Blade & Soul, at that time, when NCSoft and Anet still belonged together, haf eatign and drinking emotes, when usign buff food!!!


    ANd here in GW2, our food still magically instant disappear, withotu that we even get to see, how our characters eat , what we create for them to eat.. a real shame :/ BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH

  5. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Probably, then, would have been better to post the fleshed-out idea initially.


    > Good luck.


    Sure is, but Ive posted, that I had not the time to do so, so I used the time I had yesterday, just to post first what I can do in that limited time I had for it.

    But I guess you shouldn't expect from forum readers here, that they give the topic creators at least some time first to explain themself, before they already criticize everything like some kind of mowing machines which don't care about it, what gets between them, and their rotating blades, as long they just have something to mow down ....



  6. **Would be throwing only Masteries at players as part of the character progression too hard for new players?**

    No, I think not, it would be quite the other way around. New players would receive a new kind of gameing experience and exploration freedom, that nobody of us woudl have seen in any other game of this caliber ever before. You wouldn't be forced to grind for gear, just to get the Stats you need, you could do instead what you want in the game, and get your Stats you want by just progressing your Character by learning new Masteries, that feel in themself way more rewardign to the player, than it feels rewardign to have to grind hours for hours for hours just for neccessary materials and gold, until you can craft yourself finally the BIS gear you need.


    **Does this Concept need some tweakings?**

    Yes, sure, naturally it needs that.. nothing is perfect right from the start and so far I didn't had even the chance to get a bit more into details here.


    **What to do with Birthday Scrolls and Level Boosters?**

    All items, that had under the old system the ability to boost instantly your Levels up, get changed into Gold/Laurel Boosters, which grant you instantly a certain amount of Gold or Laurels based on which kind of Booster you used.

    Birthday present Level Boosters become Gold Boosters which grant the player certain amounts of Gold, which becomes more, so older the Character becomes.

    1 Year = 10 Gold, 2 Year = 15 Gold, 3 Year = 25 Gold, 4 Year and so on (not retroactively for Characters which surpassed already the last 6 years)

    Level Booster, which raised Levels by +1 become Laurel Boosters and grant the player now eiother 1 or 2 Laurels instead on usage.


    **Is such a change far too late?**

    No, it is not. It wasn't also far too late for anet to give underwater Skills 6 years after recelease their very first Balance Patch Changes.

    It wasn't too late for Anet to give us 6 years after release finalyl the ability to sit on chairs ...

    It wasn't also too late for this game to add 5 years after the release Mounts to this game, which alot of peopel despised for all those years and see. how much people now are in love with them... Like said, to make improvements to a game, it is never too late

    GW1 received lately some Graphic improvements, would you say there too, its too late? I wouldn't because it is simply said always nice to see, when something in a game gets improved and optimized, regardless of when it happens. The Mastery System in its current form feels just incomplete and totally unripe and not very well thought out as part of an expansion. It woudl have been best, if Anet woudl have added the Mastery System as part of a Feature Pack outside of the Expasnion to bind it to so much to Expansions as driving force just to make improvements on that system!!


    **Does there exist a simple replacement for the mastery system, should Anet reconstructure the MS out of the Expansion Model and turn it instead into a general game feature for Character Progression 2.0?**

    Yes, it does exist a simple replacement feature, one, that doesn't require really alot of effort to add to the game, which should have become in my honest opinion instead a Feature of HoT, instead of the Mastery System, it is called - **Player Housing**, because ANet added via HoT the Guild Hall System and with that has Anet basically all assets needed to basicalyl give this game also Player Housing with an overworked Player Home Instance to build up there your very own home within your Home Instance, that is really individual and unique to each player with the help of the Decorations from Guild Halls. I'm pretty sure, HoT would have sold itself much better, if Player Housing instead of the Mastery System would have been used as one of the expansions Key Features instead and it would have been so easy for Anet to do so, because of the Decorations being already part of the expansion for Guild Halls - the step between Guild Halls to Player Housing is really very tiny and its one of the most requested features, the GW2 community wants - so even more not understandable, why ANet didn#t use this big chance here to hit with one expansion literaly two birds with one stone.


    **Did I forgot secondary Classes?**

    No, I absolutely didn't forgot this bad system. I'm in fact very happy about it, that GW2 doesn't have that, because the secondary class system was basically GW1's absolute game balance RUIN and the very reason for it, why balancing GW1 was from begin on always a horrible nightmare, due to tons of permanent unpredictable bad chain reactions after Balance Patches, due to totally overpowered skill combinations that were possible because of being able to combine all skills from all classes with everything as secondary professions, leading only to massive amounts of terrible builds alsotoo at the same time, that were completely useless, due to most of the skill combinations having with each other no synergies, while those that had synergies, felt completely broken and OP and became quickly the game's META.

    Elite Specializations and a Single Class System together are a much better Character Progression System to be honest, which feels also more realistical, immersive and natural to me, like how professions work in reality.


    **Are masteries deepbly embedded in this game?**

    No, they are not, its not a system, which cannot be changed. only because it is part of an Expansion originally doesn't give this gameplay system kind of "immunity" to not be changed and improved, or to be take out of expansion as one of its features, if it is neccessary to do so, so that the overall complete game can profitate form soem changes and become that way better, if a feature liek Masteries get removed from Hot and reworked into a general game feature to which all players have access to, even those that don't own yet HoT, closing a gap between players, which in my honest opinion should never exist, splittign the games community this way basicalyl into some kind of "two class community" between expansion owners and non owners where those that dont own the expansions get treated like worthless dirt with only minimal access to game features that everybody shoudl have access too in fact and not only expansion owners. The Mastery System is siuch a kind of thing, that should have never become an expansion feature.. its too important for everybody to have access to, regardless of ownign the expansioins, or not. Therefore it is too much of a key element for this game. Like said, wheres a will, theres also a way. Masteries can be removed easily from the HoT list of features, if theres only the will at Anet to do so, and a good convincing enough concept to make it happen from that everyone would profitate from, if it gets realized.


    **Does Skills and Specializations mean automatically maxed Alts?**

    No, it does not. it does mean this only, if absolutely all aspects of the reconstructured Mastery System I've in mind would stay accountbound. Then that theory would be right. But if certain Mastery Elements would stay characterbound, like the mentioned Attribute Masteries, Character Masteries, Social Masteries, then you wouldn't end up with maxed Alts, only because you have done those Masteries already with your Main Character.

    To make such a reconstruction concept work, it is naturally, that also some old concepts of the current mastery System need to be openend up for the mechanic of bheing turned characterbound, instead of keeping everything as accountbound, which would be in fact too easy and lead only this way to automatical maxed Alts, if we keep this bad concept, that all Masteries must be accountbound.

    Masteries under a good concept should work BOTH WAYS... certain thigns hsold be accountbound, but other specific masteries should stay characterblund, to make not everything too simple and to keep the playing experience of beign able to create a fresh new weak character, which can progress over time and become better


    **Does this concept require massively more Mastery Points?**

    Who has said even, that my concept makes even still usage of Mastery Points? ... thats the point with people here which comment everythign instantly negatively, without givign peopel first the chance to add some explaining details to the concept.

    In fact, under my concept I would completely remove the neccessarity of having to grind for Mastery Points. Instead the player automatically gathers Mastery Points whenever you have learned a Mastery, basicalyl similar liek Skill Points in GW1 and when you have collected enough Mastery points from learning Masteries, then you can unlock with them new branches of Masteries within the Mastery Tree that is full of Mastery Categories, like my listed up examples, which aren#t based on cntineltal regions that are bonded to Expansion,s but instead are tied to all kinds of the various PvE Gameplay Aspects like Combat, Exploration and Mobility, which are the key elements of this games PvE experience, to which the Mastery System should put completely its focus on to provide for all of these categories alot of interestign and fun masteries, so that the player has always something new to learn in all of those areas, from theb begin when you start with a new character, to the endgame stadium of that created character and even over that for what is to come in the future of GW2 that goes beyond our current endgame state.

    The reconstructured Mastery System shoudl work much more like some kind of classical well designe Skill Tree that is full of tons of lots of branches to discover, which become more and more over time, so more you progress in this game with your character.

    That is true character progression to me, progression, which becomes exponentially slowlya over time more, to give the player a broad range of possible things to learn and specialize into to create this way your very true unique own character that is special in its very own way and reflects back also its players personality of what the player behind its avatar likes and doesn't like


    **Does it need extra a GW3, just to make something like this happen and become real?**

    It would make things in the future surely easier, with a better and improved game engine and such stuff,when starting with a new game from scrath.. but neccessary to wait on GW3, just to get better character progression in this game? No.

    Sure, it takes time and ressources, but time and ressources, which can add with this efforts also new content to this game now, but just only in a different form of new content, that has nothing to do just with new "story" and thats in fact the only thing i guess, which really disturbs here the most people only.. not the fact of no new content, when overhauls of existing content can be in fact used to add really alot of new content too.

    But new content is not only "new story progression", which is what I have the feeling now, is what alot of people see here as the only way of adding "new content", what is somethign I strongly have to disagree too. Adding new story is not everything and surely isn#t also too the most important form of new content. adding new features, and improving existign content is absolutely same as important and shouln't be ignored and neglected, only because of alot of people rushing through their games and wanting to see permanently only new story beign added and nothing else ...because otherwise they get bored and potentially leave the game.


    Can't also understand this permanent fleeing to a potential GW3, when we have here with GW2 - yes a 6 years old game - a game, which still makes basically only like 40% maybe only usage of the maximum potenial it has. It is in my opinion way too early still for a GW3 to even think about it.

    Even if ANet should ever think about working on a new game, they'd be better done with it to work next on a completely new game franchise first and give the GW franchise a break for now first then

    That would do GW as franchise good to take after part 2 a break for some time, sit out one or two gaming pc generations and then return somewhen in the future after that franchise break via a fulminant comeback with a GW3, that will blast all our socks off then completely, due to overshooting all our expectations then, while giving the development teams some time to refresh their creative minds by working for some time on different franchises.

  7. I find it funny to see, that despite me having not written yet any word about it, how I'd like to realize this concept, most people just look always negatively on the idea and think about it, as if everything is impossible, too late, would fail, can't happen, adds no new content ect. pp.. and all this typical nay sayings which search always only for the negative things, instead to view first onto the things in an open minded way of "what if ..." because searching for the negative thigns can you do still, once I've had at least the chance to describe the concept a bit more in detail to make the idea in itself a bit better understandable, because it is easy to be always against everything, as long you don't even know the details yet - this typical flair of ANGST of change...ooooh changes -bad oO oh please no changes, they coudl even lead to a better game, if we could for once throw our permanent angsts from changes in a game over board /sarcasm ;)


    Nothing is ever too late.. wheres a will theres also a way. Nothign can be don from now to tomorrow...every improvement of this game means naturally somehow more or less effort to be take to make some positive changes happen. Only because soem changes should be made to content, that was added via expansions also doesn't mean, that these things aren#t improveable and should not ever be touched by ANet again.

    If you remove a feature from an expansion and change it into a general improved game feature, that has become under the change part of the core game, then you simply REPLACE the removed Expansion Feature with a new one, that way you add new content to the game, even while reworking older existing content.

    Reworking the Mastery System, to give it significantly better structures is also an easy way to let these efforts become in themself new content, just by adding alot of new interesting and useful masteries through the new restructured mastery system, which haven't existed before those changes beign made before - that is also too a way of adding new content.


    You don't have to permanently add complete new from the scratch designed content, just to get new content.

    You can also work with existing content and add new content through improving the old content, enhancing and expanding it - which is somethign that can be done either via a Feature Pack-Patch, which is somethign, that we haven#t gotten anymore for several year, after ANet began to make Expansions..the last Feature Pack we received was before the release of HoT over 3 years ago!!!


    Or these efforts could be incorporated into the work for the third Expansion, if these changes on the game become kind of eventually too expensive, that Anet would do them only, if they are part of an Expansion, with that ANet can make new revenue together with to kind of get a big load of the costs right back from the sales of the third expansion that could give us an overhaul of the Mastery System and the general Character Progression Mechanics to raise these systems and mechanics to a next higher "level" of quality, content and depth through improved connectivity.

    The Mastery System, which is now this games end content in fact, should provide in my honest opinion as that significantly more content and depthful character progression. It doesn't do that so far, due to its current lack of struture, because of the system being based on continental regions, because of expansions being tied to that mechanic, instead of gameplay aspect, that would allow it anet to design the Mastery System on a completely higher and better design level that can provide the neccessary depth for such endgame content then to keep players for years to come busy.


    So in the next posting I'll step by step answer some questions that people most likely have to such a concept like some kind of FAQ

  8. I'm posting this thread, because I want to reflect back with it, what has been improved in regard of this topic, since Heart of Thorns put some focus onto this aspect of the game, and where I think, there is still potential to make those improvements even better, because Character Progression is nothing, that is done simply with a few features being added.

    Character Progression is an ever ongoing aspect of a game like Guild Wars 2 - one that is very important to keep actualized and constantly enhanced in its content, comfort/QoL and functionality within the game.


    To me, the games isn't making currently full usage of the whole potential there lies in the Character Progression. Yes, ANet added Masteries and Elite Specializations with HoT - but is this really everything ANet can doe for making character progression in GW2 an awesome player experience? I say no!


    To be honest, there is alot more, what could be done in this game and to make the mechanics that we have already in an overhauled way together better, than how the single mechanics in itself are now for themself alone not as good, than how they could be, if all the various mechanics would be reworked to be in harmony with each other more to create one important thing, that I'm personalyl missing alot in this game's character progression, where GW2 is lacking in - Structure!!


    So, what are the elements GW2 has, which are part of the Character Progression GW2 has so far?:


    - Leveling Process 1-80

    - Attributes

    - Skills

    - Traits

    - Specializations

    - Masteries


    Now the big key question:


    How can all this be simplified and be brought at the same time more into harmony within each other to create a new character progression structure, which feels like being one core mechanic where all of its elements are designed around each other and not like where all of these elements are not really connected all to each other.


    The answer is very simple - **Make everything based on just only Masteries and restructure the game system based on this change!!**


    What would change?


    - Removal of Leveling from 1 to 80!! You now have to learn Masteries only

    - Attributes not being linked to Gear anymore, but just as part of your natural Mastery based Character Progression! over the time that you play the Game.

    - Skills not be linked to the Leveling Process but now instead part of your Character learning new Masteries unter the new Mastery Structure

    - Traits being split up into active and passive Traits, being called now Abilities (Active effects of Combat Mechanics) and Talents (passive effects of Combat Mechanics) for on land as like underwater seperately within the new Mastery Structure that can now differentiate between Land and Underwater Masteries as two different categories.

    - Specializations become now integrated part of the Mastery System, being significantly improved character progression that becoems now independent of Traits and part of real Character Progression, instead of just only a "Build Choice"

    - Masteries in itself become under the new overworked Structure more diversive.


    How does this new Mastery Structure look like for Character Progression 2.0?


    Masteries wil lget restructured for this process of improving the Character progression in GW2.

    At the moment this Games mastery System has only the simple minded Structure of just only Masteries based after "Continental Regions". But is this already everything Anet could really do with a feature like this? I don't think so - and with this restructurign you will truly realize all, how much more potential there lies in this feature, and how it could be used to make the Character Progression in this game a far much more outstanding gaming experience, never seen ever before in any other MMORPG in this kind of detail, without being in the end way too overcomplex, due to the structures being very easy to understand.


    Instead of focusing the structure of masteries only on continental regions, ANet shold focus on reworking the Mastery System by design to be based around "Gameplay Aspects" which are part of this game and the character's progression in a multitude of different ways by changign these continental region based Masteries into alot of various Mastery Categories among the new structure, categories like:


    - Combat Masteries

    - Exploration Masteries

    - Mobility Masteries

    - Attribute Masteries

    - Knowledge Masteries

    - Specialization Masteries

    - Crafting Masteries

    - Guild Masteries

    - Character Masteries

    - Social Masteries

    - Fashion Style Masteries

    - Class Masteries

    - Trade Masteries

    - Housing Masteries (for Player Housing as replacement feature of the Mastery System)


    This is so far only food for thought. Tomorrow I'll continue on this thread and will go more into details, cause I've now sadly not the time for this to go enough into everything.

    Just want to say, that compared to this, does feel the current Mastery System like only a tiny fraction of what the Mastery System could potentially be more in my opinion, where everything feels being more connected to each other under one big game lead mechanic, instead of like a douzen small and different mechanics with different concepts and connectivities which don't belong all together more or less.

  9. Why updating existing mounts? man.. because thats what smart people would do with their existing game content!! So simple.

    They update it, if they find a way to make something existing in the game better/more fun/more comfortable (Qol) ect., than how it was before.


    Why only focus on new mounts only for some quick money via expansions, like some kind of money greedy locust/grasshopper plague, when you can make with lesser work and effort first the things that you already have perfect and more fun to use, to make full usage of the potential that your existing content has?

    Not making usage of this potential is just really wasting money, if you just add something to the game, just to instantly ignore it from then on again ... *cough* see for example of that ..Stronghold PvP/Guild Halls .... the perfect examples of what happens with new content, when it gets the moment of implementation ignored again and not updated to enhance the potentials behind those features, to even the Mastery System self.


    **Quality** > Quantity

  10. No to this concept...

    have posted some time ago in an other thread concept about Marriag,e which is the only way how Id accept somethign like that added as feature into the game...

    But this "concept" I find personalyl absolutely terrible and has nothign to do anymore with a fun feature - when it comes down to such nosense like dowries and divorces feeling to players more like "punishments" they way how the Op wants these things to functionize...


    If peopel would use only more the now functionizing search function, we'd not see the same topics and ideas appear again every X months after an initial thread has basically disappeared liek far beyong like page 5+ or so after the frontpage of the forum, until where lazy people are willign to search if there exist already similar threads (if at all) xD

  11. All mounts should receive additionally masteries to upgrade them furterh with useful QoL.


    Skimmer should get a mastery, which upgrades it into a real underwater mount, makign it possible to use it anytime, if you are above or under water, playign then no role anymore...


    Gryphon should get a mastery, which stops its permanent sinking and allowing it to make usage of Wind gusts, to raise quicker in height, so that you can fly permanently and easier with Gryphons through the sky. it shoudl be expectable from a gryphon with its huge and strogn wings to be able to keep permanently its height!! They can do that also without you on their backs, they shoudl do so as when when they get used onto their riders on their backs and strengthened their wing muscles from all the carrying you around to compensate the weight plus with more powerful wing flaps ...


    Raptors should get a mastery, which enhances their maximum health significantly, makign them the mounts with the absolute highest health pools as kind of "war mounts"


    Springers should get an upgrade mastery, which slightly increases their maximum jump height even more and reduces even slightly mroe the fall damage reduction


    Jackals should receive an upgrade, which significantly increases their maximum teleport distances and their amount of dodges to that you can teleport with them more oftenly before they run out of endurance, together with a way that makes it possible for them to telport also not only horisontally, but also upwards by like 45% degree into the direction you teleport to raise this weight height in the middle of your teleport jumps as if they basically jump from dust/sand platform to platform in the air, enablign them basicalyl temporarely to run in the air even maybe on a path of sand/dust kind of silversurfer style, but just with sand, instead of ice


    And Anet definetely should add more new Mount Types in the future with Multi Character-Carriers, Climbing Crawlers and stealthy fast evasive Speedsters.

    thats the way how they can keep the current living world season interesting by adding some new mount types as part of the new maps, plus enhancign the gemstore with more Mount types even more for their skins then.

    These three missing mount types would definetely enrich the PvE experience of GW2 by ALOT

  12. Under**whelming** ..


    instead of putting more focus on underwater combat and doing with it finally what they should do with it, they waste half of the whole balance patch to revert older made pvp/wvw balance changes just to merge the splitted versions only together again... makes so much sense to waste so much time, just to undo some earlier made patch changes again now.


    I would have expected AT VERY LEAST, that they fix more, if not all of the still unuseable skills to become useable underwater, but instead they made only a small hand full of skills useable under water, while most of them were left untouched...really great ....NOT.


    And I would have expected as part of overall class balance and underwater combat balance, that they give all classes finally own underwater traits, instead of wasting all that time and ressources so much on on land stuff which has had it's focus on changes now for the last 6 years, while Anet kept on ignoring the underwater combat for the last 5 years permanently...


    There it would have been now the perfect chance to make up a signal move, by giving underwater combat with that patch for once now 100% full attention, instead of this shameful 60/40 result that they delivered here with again more focus on land changes, than to give underwater combat finally what it needs and deserves to receive after all these wasted 5 years of underwater ignorance....

    Last hope I guess is an underwater expansion ... I think that's the only way that this game will ever get to see in it's lifetime still some bigger neccessary gameplay changes to the underwater combat system and balance to make it gameplaywise EQUAL with Land Combat....




    PS: fixed spelling/grammar mistakes and typing errors

  13. About Golemancers...


    This can't work as Class for all, it makes sense lorewise only as a Asura only Racial E-Spec

    Something lile that would become same as much wasted time, effort and ressourses in the end only, which exists maybe only for flavor then, like Racial Skills do.

    Thats the same exact reason, why Monks and Dervishs make absolutely no sense at all to have for other races, than Humans, because it are relgions profressions and from all professions are only the humans bonded to religion!!


    Charr despise everything that has to do with religion, it rembers them on their past and how weak their race was, when they followed their kind of own religion cult that was the Flame Legion and their Titans ... they see i nthe human gods also no gods at all, just only some powerful beings, but a Charr with some pride in his chest will never call somebody like Balthazar a "God",, for Charr Culture exists no religion anymore.


    Asura are the only race, which are intelligent and smart enough to control, construct and repair Golems.. its THEIR CULTURE TECHNOLOGY.. it would be absolutely immersion breakign beyong repairability of this game, woudl anet come up now with Golemancers as E-Specs for everybody.. just makes no sense and would harm this game more lorewise, than it woudl do this game anythign good at all. They also have no collection to religion, all that asuras can think of is their own superior eternal alchemy...


    It should be clear for everybody, that the moment where Anet decided to have for GW2 multiple different playable races with all their own cultures, that there simply can't exist then in this game any playable races with classes or E-Specs now, which contradict then any kind of those racial cultures, like Dervishs, like Golemancers, or like Monks do that.



    A technopriest makes no sense.. a technomancer yes, thats the correct term!!

    Technomancer is the term for a specialized class, who combines Technology together with Magic Spells to fuse both techniques together, to perform this way skills, that both abilities alone wouldnt be possible. A Technomancer is in fact, what a Weaver does with two Elements within the School of Magic, a Technomancer combines the Schools of Magic with the Technologies of Science, that has absolutely nothing to do at all with RELIGION, so where does this nonsense about priests come from???


    @Leo G.4501

    Like said, my Class names may sound maybe for one or another "generic", but they are at least all, but some exceptions all proper class theme fitting terms with names, that are based around the core class and their gameplay elements and try not to make suddenly out of the core classes somethign totally different, which makes absolutely no sense at all, like Elementalist > Monk or Engineer > Occultist , which are terms that are totally out of touch of the overall class theme from the core class.

    I take class names very seriously. Class Names have to sound at like like some halfway proper, not immersion breaking, core class theme fitting profession terms, like jobs that sound reasonable, that you can learn somethign like that to become as one of the playable intelligent races, as if it would be some kind of halfway normal "job" in a world like Tyria. There is too much fantasy involved in class names never good, nor way too much lore also as well, which is why its always best to make class concepts fiurst and foremost always best on historical facts, fantasy and lore is then just only the flesh on the bones, and not the other way around.


    A Rogue may sound on first sight very generic, but its not the generic name of a class, which makes the difference between games, its in the end still the gameplay concept and what a class can do, besides of it having maybe a generic term as E-Spec.

    However, to see Rogues in GW2, would make much more sense, than to see something weird and totally unfitting imo running around, like "Changelings?" or suddenly wannabe necro-thieves as "Soulbinders?" like what ??

    Stuff like that makes me personally only cringe hard and roll my eyes, turning me off to ever continue playing the game, cause it just doesnt fit to the rest of the classes, would I see such things ingame, unlike as when it would be E-Specs, that do fit actully to the core class theme and have generic, more on historical facts based class terms like Rogues and Saboteurs, which are per concept based on specializing exactly on things of what the core class does already - Stealing/Boon Stealing/Sharing & Disarming as like also Trap Control, Manipulations, stronger CC focus and fightign fire with fire as basically one of the biggest classical thief combat strategies, to use, what the enemy has agaisnt themself, what is an Saboteurs highest speciality, very especially against minions and turrets.


    Spinning locic and story around all these 27 terms would have exploded the thread, tmi ;) Thats why also Lonami made on these 27 concepts just only very concise descriptions, and not fully fleshed out explanations full of flavor text to give each concept your wanted story and logic around everything.

    By I agree with your last words.. naming a class is only a small part, in the end the most important thing of a concept, is, that class name, and class gameplay should be congruent, if the one thing or the other feels incongruent to the other side, because the name feels not fitting to the gameplay, or the gameplay not to the name, because of the effects being not, what you would personally expect from a specialization with name "X", then thats not good. Something, on which I personally alway try to put very heavy emphasis on in my own personal concepts. Always have first the name in mind, and then concept the gameplay, skilsl & co around the name, to make everythign fit to the name of the class concept - thats the way how one makes sure a concept is in the end also congruent to its class name term.




    I have to disagree with you, because under your logic wouldn't fit Reapers also to the game. aside of this, under my concept list doesn't exist this garbage, called Revenant, anymore, but would have been completely redesigned into an own Ritualist Class, as 9th Class, and be handled basically the same way, how anet handled both Necromancer and Ritualist also too back in GW1, where Ritualists, besides of being occultists like Necromancers, where also their own Class.

    Yes, personally I'd like to see Ritualists also as well as a Necromancer E-Spec, would appreciate this also as well, but if i would have to decide over my priorities, if either Ritu E-Spec, or Ritu as own Class to get rid of this Revenant-Junk, then I'd always choose rather to turn Ritualist as part of a Revenant redesign into an own Class, that has turned within the last 250 years within the mists from a light armored scholar profession into a heavy armored dark mage which uses ash urns instead of the legendary stance nonsense, to make usage temporarely of heroic "Auras" ... that you can place if you want around like banners, so that you can share this way your heroic Auras with others, instead of lettign it be such selfish stance gameplay, like the revenant-crap that we have now ...


    A Witcher is a necromancer, who is heaviliy specialized into Curses and uses the Engineer Gameplay Element of Elixiers to buff themself with all kinds of necrotic powers that only the experienced body of a Witcher can survive, that would negatively harm everybody else, who is not a witcher.

    They would add also back as unique gameplay special Condition Versions that count as "Hexes" from GW1. So called "Cursed Conditions" from hexes have the speciality, that they are harder to remove , but they have also negative effects on you so long you keep them up and so more you use of them at the same time, with some kind of negative effects, which can only be temporarely neutralized by your Witcher Elixiers!! Witchers can you basically describe as Demonslayers/hunters, they are very skileld swordsmen, which make usage of necrotic oils of all sorts to enhance this way their combat efficiency. They are able to make usage of the Cursed Shroud, that allows them to make usage of said oils to enhance their combat skills with them and share them basically like venoms work.

    This spec is in fact basically a homage to Geralt of Rivia, the Witcher from the polish Witcher game and Novelbook Series from CD Project Red, because it would fit so much to the necromancer gameplay as an alternative to the Reaper.


    In GW Necromancers Torturers enjoy the pain of their victims and draw their powers out of that, to make their victims suffer as much pain as possible. Torture and Torment, thats basically in a nutshell the essence of SPITE, which is part of the Necromancer!! and the highest form of specialization into spite, a Necromancer can get!!


    And Executioner is in fact similar to a Reaper, just that their weapon of choice is a more brutish greataxe and that their gameplay is more specialized on soul reaping and blood magic as executioners, whiel the Reaper is more based on Death Magic due to lore reasons cause as Reaper you belong basically to Grenth's Elite Champions which protect the Underworld under his reign and act as Death Guides for lost souls, like basically what happens to us self, when we were at the brink of death as wandering souls ...wouldn' there have been a Reaper of Grenth, to judge over us, if we may return back to live, or not ...


    Your examples don't fit.. a Lich and a Vampire are no classes, it are no professions that you can learn how to become one by yourself, it are undead creatures. Somethign liek this can't be called a Class.. buts thats a common mistake that really alot of people make conceptionally wise sadly, that people can't tell, when something is a class, a race/species, or just a creature/monster.. people tend to mix these things together as they see fit ...


    Witch is basically nothing else, but the female short term for a Witcher, but Witcher is the better fitting unisex term for that kind of profession, because it can be used on both races as class term.

    When you call a witch, you will always think and associate with it only a female riding on brooms with a cat on their huge black hats and eventually warts on their noses ...thats kind of the standard child definition maybe of a witch, but not what i'd expect to be from a female Witcher as a dark demonslayers that are specialized in the usage of Curses and Elixiers in combat together with their experienced sword skills with that they hunt down the evil things in Tyria


    Shamans are not really Occultists.. they are Naturalists. Eremites so to say... thats also why you have Shamans amogn the Norn, cause they use the shamanistic powers of nature and animals, iE. here Naimal Spirits. What you are kind of thinking over is most likely the "Voodo Shaman", which is the more occultic sub form of that, which makes usage of dark rites and dark magic, like curses to kind of manipulate their victims, get possesion over them or something, so that they can take control over them or that something...but shamans to be pidgeonholed in general as occultists under the Necronmancer would be wrong. Here are real facts, fantasy and even lore much stronger on the side of the Ranger to make Shaman a Ranger Spec using Scepters focuses on Animal/Insect Control and Totems as some kind of environemental gameplay aspect from which the Ranger could profitate from more.


    Warlocks would fit, here I agree on, and could be in fact based on the concept design an alternative for the Executioner, if they'd use Shouts

    However, the Reaper makes already usage of Shouts, so wouldn't be Reaper already there as a lore based spec, then id potentially say, I'd redesign the Reaper into being Warlocks basically ;) cause that would make for that spec the most sense to me, if we would want just to remove the lore from that E-Spec which has been bonded to its design, because then we would end up in fact with Reapers turning into Warlocks simply.

  15. The game shoudl get improved in GENERAL with a n ingame timer function, for the world bosses, for specific events ect., that when you activate them, that the game will give you like x minutes before your markec activity begins, you receive an ingame message to remember you on your activity you want to do... basically working like some kind of ingame schedule book/ date book system


    This way we woudl not need anymore to use any kind of silyl third party websites, just to get to know, when some events in this game are about to start.. the game itself should inform the player when an activity or event is about to sttart, so that the player can get to the neccessary location for it in about time, without needign to look extra in the internet on third party sites, just to get the information, that you need, which the game itself could tell the player as well too, if just such a gameplay feature woudl be finally part of this game as a menu to open via a button press, like - press T for example for time limit menu, where a windo pops up that allows you to set up situations in which the game should inform you automatically .

  16. I support also as new mount rypes the **Carrier and the Climber/Crawler.** But additionally to those Id also love to see as last additional mount type the **Speedsters**, which are high speed felines like big Cheetahs with the speciality to run extra fast and auto avoid incoming attacks when running at full speed


    # Speedster


    * Default Appearance: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Cheetah.jpg , but just big enough to mount them, lets call then King Cheetahs for now basically

    * Skins: All kinds of fast running felines.

    * Specs: Runs extraordinary fast, faster than any other Mount Types, Auto Dodge when using Sprint. Can jump higher than Raptors/Jackals, but not higher than Springers, Can jump wider than Raptors, but only at Maximum Speed, needs some seconds first to reach build up Maximum Speed, loses speed when changing quickly directions. Can Burst Sprint only for a short time.

    * Special: Auto Evasion/ Roaring/Stalking Stealth (Roar = Fear Enemies)

    * The Speedster can automatically evade incoming attacks and projectiles, when you sprint with it, which would hit other mounts, with Speedsters you avoid being hit.

    * Speedsters have a secondary Special, which is roaring loud at their prey, causing nearby enemies to run away in fear . It is unlocked via Mastery

    * Another secondary but unique Special is Stalking Stealth, enabling you to go temporarely into Stealth, while riding the Speedsters, which happens also automatically when moving through high grass for example. Using the Engage Attack out of Stealth, changes the Attack to its Assault Version, which deals more damage and has extra effects.


    * Engage Skill: **Savage Claws** / Assault Skill: **Lethal Bite**


    * Jump at your Target Enemy and knock it down, scratching and biting the knocked downed enemy, causing Bleedings and Vulnerability.

    * Base Damage is the same as of the Raptor

    * Causes 5 Stacks of Bleeding and Vulnerability for 10 seconds

    * Lethal Bite: Causes 50% more Damage than Savage Claws and adds additionally to the Bleeding also 5 Stacks of Torment and Cripple


    * Mastery 1 - 1 MP - **Wild Roaring** - Learn with your Mount to peform a loud Wild Roar at Engage, which will fear all nearby enemies away from you.

    * Mastery 2 - 2 MP - **Hunting Instinct** - Gain Stealth when you move through high grass or when moving very slowly only (not running, going), changing your Engage Skills into Assault Skills

    * Mastery 3 - 3 MP - **Highspeed Runner** - You gain faster with your Mount Maximum Speed and you avoid automatically now also incoming projectiles. Burst Sprinting will cost now lesser Endurance also, so that you can sprint for a longer time.

    * Mastery 4 - 4 MP - **Roaring Discipline** - Share by learning this Mastery the Wild Roar Ability with all your other Mounts. If the Engage of a Mount caused a CC Effect like Knockdown, will Fear activate first, once the hard CC has ended.


  17. Beats in no way the original, sorry


    The original catched an emotional moment, that this remix never can do the same


    PS. to go a step further, I'd say even it would have been better not to remix FNTN, but make instead a complete new vocalized song that could have been used for the LW content..but maybe eventually for the end of the current season, where it fits better to create a new emotional catching moment.

  18. @ Lonami: that is just 1 single character, which exists only as part of raids in PvE. Raids are not the main canon of this game, they are just only little side stories if at all.

    When you compare just the wiki description of what an Inquisitor really is, or better said was, based on REAL HISTORY, it just makes no sense that a Inquisitor gets represented as a mesmer - they'd be clearly if at all Guardians...

    However, we two have completely different concept styles.. you seem to like to put as much game lore as possible into your concepts, regardless if that makes historically sense, or not.

    I'm a bit different. I do put historical facts if there exist some, first on priority list, when it comes to class names, then comes fantasy and lore to fill up the gaps for easier explanations after that.. otherwise I can't explain myself your weird concept of calling an engineer spec an occultist for example ... ortrying to make suddenly out of the Elementalist Monks, which were already in GW1 two completely different classes and not suddenly one and the same thing ....

  19. I have to say for my opinion are most of these ideas nonsense sadly and don't like them, because they are either based on the core class and theme completely unfitting, have terrible names, partwise totaly unfitting names, or have absolutely no chance at all to ever see the day of light like Paragon and Dervish - when will people stop it about these two. Paragon is nothign but just everythign what the Guardian already is, the GW1 version absolutely offers nothing at all, what the Warrior, nor the Guardian already provide in a superior way!

    Just some examples of your very weird ideas ...:


    Occultists as Engineer E Spec... Do you even know, what an Occultist is??

    Just in case you dont't, a Necromancer is an Occultist, a Ritualist is an Occultist, but absolutely not in any way, shape or form ever an Engineer.

    Occultism has to do with blood, death, spirits, souls, rituals, demons, curses and hexes, dark magic so to say and is not anything that has to do with technology and engineering...


    Thieves and Soulbinders..eh what?? since when have thieves powers to bind soukls, which is basically what Necromancers do ... if at all, or a Ritualist does/did back in GW1..


    Technopriest, ..makes as name absolutely no sense and sounds totally terrible .. Technomancer in fact makes more sense !! Thats the correct fantasy term for such a kind of class!


    Inquisitor makes for mesmer absolutely no sense, for a Guardian Spec maybe..cause an Inquisitor is no illusionist or so of any kind of form.. an Inqusitor is comparable with a Sentinel, like some kind of law enforcer who hunts down people for heresy performing blasphemism in front of others, and back in history, when the church has had more power to the point, that the teachings of the church were seen like "everybodies highest law" to serve under those holy rules, the curch used its inquisitors to make sure, that this situation stays so and punish everybody for their disbeliefs..until the church came somewhen finally back to senses, that you cant punish people for it, only because they dont beleive in god, or have an other religion ...


    The closest alternative definition and term for Inquisitor is basically the Seeker as a class/spec name, which is in essence why I was strongly for it, that Dragonhunters should have been renamed into either Inquisitors or better even Seekers, due to these terms fitting much better to the overall gameplay and themse design of this Elite Spec ...


    To come to an end, if I would have made a topic like yours, I think I would have come up rather with a better fitting list concept like this. (with rev being redesigned) and certain earlier E-Specs getting renamed/changed)


    Expansion:-----------------3 (Land of the Dragons)-----4 (Wars of Demons and Gods)---- 5 (Age of Utopia)

    Warrior:--------------------**Gladiator** (Staff)----------------**Berserker** (Greataxe)-------------**Legionnaire** (Greatshield)

    Guardian:------------------**Patron** (Warhorn)-------------**Warden** (Greatshield)-------------**Seeker** (Whip)

    Revenant (Ritualist)-----**Soulbinder** (Whip)------------**Mystic** (Scepter)--------------------**Oracle** (Focus)

    Engineer:-------------------**Alchemist** (Axe)---------------**Technomancer** (Staff)------------**Forgemaster** (Mace)

    Ranger:---------------------**Beastlord** (Whip)--------------**Shaman** (Scepter)-----------------**Forager** (Greataxe)

    Thief:------------------------**Assassin** (Chakram)----------**Rogue** (Longbow)------------------**Saboteur** (Torch)

    Elementalist:---------------**Summoner** (Chakram)------**Bender**(Whip)----------------------**Spellslinger** (Pistols/Longbow)

    Necromancer:-------------**Witcher** (Sword)--------------**Torturer** (Whip)--------------------**Executioner** (Greataxe)

    Mesmer:--------------------**Minstrel** (Shortbow)---------**Bladedancer** (Chakram)----------**Dreamcatcher** (Whip)

  20. Anet has just to completely rework the revenant in my opinion and its E-Specs together and remove this illogical and completely impractical legendary stance/energy nonsense and rework it by design into the same system that all other classes use as well too, with healing, utility and elite skills freely changeable by the player, so that this class also can make useage if you want from Racial Skills finally too.


    Exchange the silly legendary stance mechanic out with something completely different, like ASH URNS and basically completely redesign the revenant into a by now heavy armored Ritualist Class, which would make much more sense, if Anet has no intentions to give the Necromancer a Ritualist Elite Specialization, which would make in fact the absolute most sense, but on the other hand is having the Ritualist back as a complete onw class, like in GW1 naturally also an onw interesting concept that could work out, if the Revenant receives therefore a complete class redesign, including its silyl unfitting E-Specs, being turned then into Forgemaster for a Ritualist Spec, which is specialized then on Spiritual Armors, using spricitual armors like for example Sasuke from Naruto,, turning his spiritual armor basically into a commandable Avatar, called Susanoo, which is based on japanese mythology and the name of a brother from the japanese Sun Goddess Amaterasu and Moon Goddess Tsukiyomi, beign self in that mythology represented as the God of the Sea and Wind ("Sea" Storms). while Renegades would be turned then as Ritualist E-Spec into something like "Soulbinders" to have a spec that is focused stronger in a different way on the Ash Urns to bind with them souls of "Heroes" turnign this way the revenant gameplay basically more into a generic Elite Specialization, that would have made more sense to me ... instead of putting way too much focus onto these legendary stance stuff to try too hard to put too much uniqueness into this class just for the sake and hope, this will make HoT sell better, than what is good for this game ...


    Thats for me the only solution, how anet can solve also the underwater design disaster around this class which cripples this class even much more, than how much underwater combat cripples already Thieves since 2012 into total uselessness, which were before of Revenants the unbeaten number 1 in uselessness for underwater combat losing there over half of their whole build diversity, if we dare to touch water, which is an absolutely non acceptable situation that we thief players are already enduring for the last 6 years, that it is just so sad to see, that they created with Revs a class, which gets hit by the "make you useless-hammer" for underwater combat even much harder, than it hits us Thieves

  21. > @"Biff.5312" said:

    > I honestly don't see what's bad about it now. The only issue I have is that sometimes it's hard to guage the distance of something I'm attacking.


    Have you really ever played underwater combat to not realize its baltantly not overviewable problems of design that this part of the game has?


    Do you not find it bad, that all classes lose up to like over half of their Build Divesity the moment they touch water, because of so many Skills in this Game and Class Mechanics being not useable in water, that it completely cripples down classes to become completely useless there, like the Thief, to the point, that garbage like the revenant, becomes there even much more useless garbage, because of its incredible terrible class design mechanics that were absolutely not thought out at all, what is unevitably the result of if, if you try too die hard to make outof a class something "unique" just for the intention and hope, that it will increase this way most likely HoT sales, instead of designign a class with mechanics, that make more sense, that work also everywhere in the game without putting the whole class massively in disadvantage, even much more, than Thieves, making this black sheep of a class design look even more black there and like a stillbirth of a class design.


    Do you not find it bad, that this game offers for all classes for its combat system and underwater combat specifically own underwater traits, which are designed for the classes and their underwater combat styles, so that there can exist the same build diversity, the game is offering for land combat for underwater combat as well too?


    Do you not find it bad, that this game provides such an extreme boring underwater combat experience, due to there existing just only 3 useable weapons, from which are two weapon types if you look closer to them, based on how anet is handling WEAPON SKINS in their own game completely obsolete? Especially in context, when there could exist asily same as much intterstign combats underwater, if ANet would add more useable weapons for UW combat. You can easily fight underwater with Daggers, Swords, Maces, Axes, Shields, Warhorns, Foci and even also Torches!! (Magnesium Fire burns underwater!!!!) to make this way underwater battles more interestign and fun, than to see everybody use only Spears, Harpoon Guns and Tridents, when in fact two of these weapon types are nothign more and nothing less, but just a Rifle shooting Bolts and basically a tree pointy staff/polearm..so theoretically Tridents coudl also just get merged with Spears/but skin wise it makes more sense with Staves, cause they share with them skins already and are used in the game for magical weapon skills, not physical attacks like as with the Spear ...


    Do you not find bad, that you despite you mentioning already the distance issues, also have underwater a hard time, telling from where you get attacked and that alot of the underwater skills are totally unbalanced? ANet has done since 2012 NOT A SINGLE BALANCE CHANGE effectively on the underwater combat skills.

    At least I can not remember anything they have done about them to make sure, that underwater combat feels becoming more fun for everybody again, like for example fixing the massively overpowered rallying of downed rangers and their ridiculous pets which can rally them guaranteedly, without you being able anyhow at all to stop their stupid pets from reviving them, cause as like describe,d the moment they rally their masters, you suddendly can't attack them anymore, you can't cc them anymore, even not with AoEs.. and they rally much more efficently over time, just like players, but just faster and stronger to the poin,t that they can easily outheal the damage of multiple players attacking the downed ranger and the pet outhealing them easily!!! thats not normal, but sadly the situation for 6 years and needs to get finally nerfed.

    No other class has in underwater combat such an extreme overpowwered guaranteed rally mechanic, like them, that it gets abused by ranger players constantly so much in WvW that they try to flee into water combat, if they can, cause they know, there they will most likely not get killed at all as long they don't get overwhelmed by a full zerg, cause of their pets being able to easily outheal 2-3 players eventually, that it feels more like a waste of time to try to kill that downed ranger, than to go search for a target that is easier and quicker to kill in that time, that it takes you to overtake a downed ranger who gets too strongly healed by its uninterruptable, untargetable pets...


    Agaisnt all of this is just being sometimes unable to realize the distances between you and your target enemy really the tinyest problem of underwater combat in my personal opinion.

  22. No, not anything ever that is been written by Anet just to couple my character, because they want to make out of the game some kind of love story suddenly, nor is my character asexual for not wantign to get coupled...


    If I ever would give my character a kind of love interest, then only in one out of 2 possible ways:


    1) as part of roleplaying it actually together with an other player who plays a character of the other sex compared to mine character to make this way eventually even usage by a by then added also eventuall Marriage System just for fun, as long said Marriage System gives players no advantage over others to literally force me of having to do that,. if I don#t want to be in any disadvantage for not playing a married beloved character ...


    2) or instead of 1) as part of a new Companion System which allows the player to use his own made Characters of your Account as improved version of the GW1 hero System as party members to take them into your group, and command them and switch play them as you like without needing to log out and log in again for that anymore to switch between your played characters - as part of that I would eventually make my Main Character some kind of Companion that could become roleplayed as some kind of love interest...



    But any story related NPCs.. no, an absolute NO GO

    In brief, this poll misses for me the 4th option that is "Potentially interested in it - yes, but only under a different system (Include description)

  23. Personally I'm surprised, why the game doesn't offer in the character creation any options of all to give the character out of a list of possible options some kind of differently looking undergarments for the moments to see them, when they player takes off all of their equipment...


    To me is undergarment also part of your characters "fashion", same as much as like all the different kinds of armor skins, so I#m versurprise that this game offers for 6 years now absolutely no improvements and expansions in that area of the game, letting every single character run around in exactly the same standard ugly looking undergarments...


    or had in all these years no single deve that is working for armor skins, outfits ect. ever the desire to work on more nicer looking dyeable undergarments to increase our options in how our characters can look, when we take off all our armor???

    Can't believe, that they did doo allö this work so far just only for a hand full of NPCsfor giving them swim suits, but we players self can#t wear anythign like tha,t nor change our 6 years OLD UNDERGARMENTS..




    Don't want to think about it, how damn sweaty and dirty these must be after wearing the same undergarments for over **2190 days,** with our characters without ever changing them ... xD

    How dare you Anet to let our characters become so dirty and unhygienic ...

  24. > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > I don't think it's going to be a huge rework. I think some skills will be able to be used underwater that weren't before and some number adjustments but not much else.

    > Who knows though. ThatShaman datamined a couple things called "water walk" and "deep dive" or something so who knows, we may start walking under water instead of swimming. It would be similar to how WoW did their underwater content in Cataclysm.


    > I don't really mind the way underwater combat is now, it's just how long it takes to kill things at times, the amount of kiting you have to do, and the fact that many abilities are locked out.


    > People are taking this as concrete proof that we're getting an underwater expansion but I don't know why people keep insisting that we have to fight the deep sea dragon IN the sea. It could easily surface or be in some dark cavern somewhere underneath the ocean for all we know.


    > I do however believe that we will be getting a revamped Aquatic fractal and potentially some underwater content in the next living story episode though. Don't think it will be an entire map.



    Sonds to me more like ternms for possible Underwater Masteries,


    Water Walking for making it possible for us to walk underwater normally and move around, like on land ... or to actually walk on water ( lol like Jesus xD, sorry, had to ^^) and be able to run on it.. but i think this would make Skimmers obsolete, so option one makes more sense to becoem able to walk and run underwater like on land, what could be a way to change underwater combat ...


    Deep Dive sounds to me simply like a Diving Mastery which enables us to dive deeper than usual , like kind of Apnoe Divers can do that by having mastered that kind of deep diving technique, so that we will be able to explore this way deeper and darker underwater territories, which you ould be able to reach without that mastery, because if you dive too deep, without having mastered that technique, you are gong to die literalyl from water pressure destroying your lungs ...


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