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Posts posted by Orpheal.8263

  1. In my opininon does the Trait System need one last redesign.


    1. All Classes should have more than 5 Traitlines to choose from (E-Specs not counting to the total) Instead of 5 should it be like 7 to 8, so that all classes get miore traitlines, which define more and better the diversities and roles of their classes, cause the current system with its 5 Line Design doesn#t make usage of all the potentials that each class has to provide more different gameplay styles of the classes. Sure, E-Specs can compensate a bit for that, but everythign also can't E-Specs compensate, some thigns should be rather part of the Core Classes to provide better and broader build diversity, that can then be mixed and specialized together with E-Specs.

    Like the name says, should be an E-Spec just the topping of the iceberg, that is the Specialization which is on an Elite-Level, when you use the specific traits which belong together to it.


    2.From the then 7 to 8 chooseable Traitlines should all Classes be able to use actively then 4 instead of 3 Lines to create your build, so that players can combine 1 line more into their build, and with this increased combination gets added also more build diversity into the ganme, cause you will have access then to more traits, that you can choose from ,which can define your build and playstale with your Character, thus increasign the chance for you to create a unique character also too.


    3. all Traits should get splitted up. All traits, that are currently passive effects, shoudl get removed from the current Trait System, and be reworked into a new Talent Tree-System from which you can automatically learn them as you progress from 1-80 by receiving with every Level Up Talent Points that you can use then to learn new Talents in your Tree. these Talents are then once learned always passively active, kind of "baseline" can you say from the moment of learnign them for your character, cause these talents are what kind of defines your CLASS and differentiates your class from others. Talents are not like Traits and shouldnt be handled like them, that you need to choose them, just so that you can use its effects. A talent is a talent, you dont forget your tallents immediately, only because you have chosen out an other talent for your charatcer. Once you learned how to use a bicycle, you also don't forget it instantly again, only because you decided, that your talent is now to draw pictures ... Passives shoudl be always there, once you have learned them.


    4. The real form of Traits, the kind of active ones, whose effects happen only, if the player did actualyl somethign actively in the game to trigger their effects, thats the kind of thign which Traitlines should provide only for all classes and the huge gaps in the Traitlines from remioving all the passive stuff and changing it into a Talent Tree System shoudl get filled up with new actual active workign effects that trigger only, if the player did somethign actively, like performing a dodge roll ,like using a specific weapon or utility skil lto alterate or improve the way how these active effects work in the game, by either changign their effects positively, or addign new side effects to them, which they would normally not have, if you wouldn't use Trait X now which affects the effect of Skill X in combat directly actively when you use it.


    5. In regard of bringing underwater combat back to the game, does this gamre need for the Trait System a complete own underwater version of traits for all Classes. Land and underwwater combat should have their total individual own different Traits among the traitlines, which are diferently designed for both combat locations, unless an trait Effect can work as hybrid the same way both on land and in water, then it can be naturally be kept in the system and be used in both Trait Systems for a CLass i nthe same way.




    These 5 steps need to be done in my opinion, to have a Trait System, that actually woudl work then everywhere in the game for all classes, which is mainly focused only on active gameplay that has the goal to improve or alterate active combat elements, like using weapon skills, positioning, defense in form of Dodge Rolls, blocks ect,.

    Passives need to get completely exluded out of this system and be changed into becoming their complete own Character Progression System that is simply natual part of our characters as we level them up and learn over time more talents of our Classes that becoem from that moment on then integrated permanent part of our Class that defines the gameplay of the class. Thats true Character Progression, that you also keep passive things, that you have learned ... and not forget them instantly again only because you changed out one passive working trait for another

  2. They all should just get removed from the game, they were doomed to fail from day 1 already and a total bad idea to add to the game. With ANet addign them they opened up just a can of worms, which they can't close anymore ever, unless ANet has finalyl the guts to end this problem by just completely removign them all out of the game.


    Then they also have finally one problem lesser with the Revenant fail design, which is since its introduction the only class, which can't use by its silly class design any racial skills, due to the legendary stances making it not possible to decide, which skills you want to use as utility skills and the stances just dictate you which skills you have, not very clever... while all other classes can freely choose, which skills you want to use as utility skilsl and have due to this alot more build diversity, than the failing Revenant, which has all of this not. The removal would be an important change, to make all classes again a neccessary step become again similar, without redlining/marginalizing the revenent compared to all other classes from content, only somebody here wanted to have the Revenant die hard to be super unique, and hurtign with this mentality the design more, than doign somethign good on it ...


    The ressources they wasted on racial skills should Anet use better on filling up the skill gaps among the classes which Anet created, when they did decided to give all skilsl in this game "skill types"

    All classes shoudl rather get these skill gaps closed, than that ANet keeps on wasting a single second logner with useless racial crap skills with that they can#t do anything, because of giving no playable races any kind of racial advantages of others and are due to this forced to keep these skilsl forever at garbage level, so that they won't be ever seen as more useful, or more powerful, than any other skil lthat can be used by all playable races.


    Thats my point of view., cause that would set the priorities right here in this case in my opinion.

  3. Raid Maps should become also just completely normal explorable PvE Maps that should be in that way enterable only a Guild Content for new special Guild Crusades.


    This way would Anet hit two birds with one stone, Raid maps would become normally explorable and guilds would receive some kind of new content feature that is unique for Guilds with Guild Crusades, an expanded and improved form of basically Guild Missions that could make also usage of the upcoming new Alliance System from WvW maybe to join together with other Alliance Guild Members to form up together with members from other Alliances your Guild Crusade Legion with that you want to do a Crusade in the Raid Maps doing in them just normal guild designed pvE content that has nothign do do with the normal Raids


    And for Solo Players should Raid Maps be reworked into new Dungeon Maps so that also Solo Players can explore them just normally in their own solo play dungeon instances. K, that would be now then hittign 3 birds with one stone.. but what I just want to dsay with that is - that not always addign new content from scratch is needed, when you can just also make new content out of already existign content, just packed and delievered into a different new form of feature.

  4. Who has said here, that Aurene is an adult? Shes in fact literally nothing but just a grown up baby dragon in now like a teenager body still with the mentality of like a baby which tries do follow the commands of her "mother/father" she sees into the player character kind of


    Aurene is far away from beign adult ... would she be adult, then she would be able to communicate with us through her for GW2 dragon typical telepathy powers right into our minds and that in a clearly adult intelectual way... but Aurena can't do this..


    We still have only a 1 way communication from our Player Character to Aurene without any proof, that Aurene even always really understands from us, what we say to her and she doesn't always react to what we say to her and simply does sometimes, what Aurene wants to do at the moment, despite our characters calling at her to not do something specific at the moment. This are clear signs, that Aurene just has an from all the absorbed magic speed growth boosted body, but her mentality hasn't ripened at the same time, her mentality is still at the degenerated state of beign just a baby that just got instantly catapulted into the body of an teenage dragon basically


    Is this now bad? I say no, - what Anet did was just correct to do, because we simply can't way eternal long ion Aurene growign up super slow, due to dragons living much much longer, than humans so, so putting "fantasy realism" now up here, is totally pointless and makes in no way sense, because then we would be never getting further with Aurenes progression, before everyone of alls, devs includeing woudl be already centuries ago long dead , that we could basically call already like for GW100+ or so LOL


    So I don't see, what the whole point of this thread was, because everyone with just clear logic should be instantly able to see, that an such long living Aurene makes no sense and that it is naturally clear, that the deves will speed up her growthz extremely in some kind of way to have a chance to turn Aurene into a more interesting and important character, that can actually become part of the story in an impactful way, other then like I said being always only that dumb baby, that needs protection and can't do nothing basically. If this woudl have been forever the plan for what anet wants do do with aurene, if that woudl be the case, then I say, such characters doesn't need the game - characters that have zero progression are a waste of time and ressources, which is for example also why I'd like to see Rox getting removed.. this character is so far a total waste of time and ressources, she has had sicne her introduction absolute no character progresison at all.. even Aurene hat in the short time shes been now part of this game far more character progression, than what Rox has received so far.. really disappointing, how a character of a game can become so forgotten...


    All others got so far far more attention, than rox, Marjory, kasmee, Rytlock ,even Braham and Taimi, all of them have changed over tiem and progressed in their personalities.. Rox - nothing /sad

  5. Dragons in the World of Tyria grow by the amount of Magic they eat and Aurene received and ate a huge amount of concentrated magic that gave her body a massive growth accelleration.


    You must understand, that we can't wait for storytelling reasons naturally multiple centuries, until Aurene gets finally big enough, that she will become that way a more important story character, that actually can do more, than looking only cute...

    So your problem with her growing up faster than your little standard 0815 imagination of how fast dragons should grow up in your personal fantasy plays no role here.


    The devs handled absolutely right here with Aurene to make her grow up quick and that way make her faster a more equal character, that can participate in the actions around her, instead of having to be protected forever like a little helpless baby.


    The only debatable thing over Aurene is her design/looks, but thats just only a matter of taste, cause she's a kid of Glint and for my taste she doesn't look at all as if she would be an offspring of Glint yet... her face isn't what I would expect to be dragonlike and should look more like that of Glint so that the paralleles to her fit better as her offspring


    In fact personally I would wish Aurene would have growed up to the size of Vlast, cause that would have been actually the right size, so that Aurene could work in story instances as a Mount, but however - the season is not over yet and I'm sure Aurene will grow further over time, just a matter of time I guess when our Characters will begin to do teamwork with Aurene by riding on her and soaring through the sky eliminating foes together with right Mount Skillls which allow you to fight, while flying actually really and not with that silly stupid wannabe flying that we have so far with gryphons which can't even handle to fly really without loosing permanently height, where you ask yourself only, where is the damn mastery on gryphons, that allows you to fly without permanently loosing height ^^


    Edited for having made some silly typos and some corrections for hopefully now better understanding of the posting xD


  6. that argument is moot, because low level players dont stay permanent low level.. they can quickly catch up and aside of that is in WvW always also a given thing, that simply your progress in play time simply gets overwhelmed anytime in WvW from one moment to another, by just getting outmanned and overrun by an larger amount of players..


    All the much more Wvw rank points and more player progression to delve in deep into new masteries being added, helps you nothing, if you get overrun by a zerg, or just even a small group which simply quickly out- dps'es you instantly and literally forces you to flee if you want to survive (unless you are like a god mode Scourge >.< which can easily fight alone against multiple targets and make them fall like flies..like seriously???)


    You can't stop always new content beign added by just saying, oh the poor new players will be in disadvantage.. that will you be always everywhere in a game that is 6 years old already and you start in there new...


    Something like that is called NATURAL

    What you can do best to solve such a situation is just to play the game as actively as possible to try to catch up as fast as possible to close that disadvantage as fast as you can and bring you closer to a more equal situation, where you can have better chances to win your fights in situations, where both sides are equal in numbers and it comes then down to each individuals player skills and their character progression.

    But how oftenly do you actactly get that kind of situation in WvW??? very very rarely !!! unless forced and organized by guilds maybe.

  7. definetely both..


    raids were from the moment they got added under this currently terrible design doomed to fail on the long run as content designed only for a tiny fraction of players that anet wanted to die hard try to lure away from an specific other game, at the cost of alienating their whole community just for that ... bad mov,e realyl BAD MOVE from anet, which sould have gotten fixed immediately within the first 6 months after HoT release.


    Every player should have the chance to experience raids at their very owen skill level and time pace how they want and feel themself skilled enough for, until they think they are ready for the higher difficulties, without havign to rely themself on peop,le which must "teach" them how they have to do things ..


    Raids should become finaly a LEARNING BY DOING principle that takes players with an easy mode on their hands, givign them a mode, where you can first collect experience with raids and the new content as in itself, until you get used to it, the raid specific mechanics and so on where the moment when you get to play the higher difficulties should be completely open to the player.


    Easy Moth would make raids more accessible to players, it would solve also the situation of legendary armors, if you could earn them in easy mode as well, but naturally much slower, than when playiugn the higher difficulties, where youd earn them much faster then and earn also in general more rewards there to increase the reward to time spent relationship letting them be on the higher difficulties naturall

  8. WVW needs finally CLASS SPECIFIC WVW MASTERIES, to give the classes in WVW specific improvable (in form of character progression) ROLES that give the classes for WvW special roless.

    Thief for example should have following WvW Thief Special Masteries:


    - Silent Intruder: Increases in WvW your Stealth Durations significantly, lets Stealth grant you and your allies Super Speed and ignore Traps on the ground, cause you are now so fast, that you can just overrun them silently without activating them. So higher this one is skilled up, so longer the strealth increase and the super speed durations.


    - Trap Detector: You can as Thief see now layed traps and remove them for your Allies. So higher this is skilled, so longer the distance on which you can see layed traps and so faster can you remove traps, so higher is also the chance to remove them without activatign them accidently with 95% chance at highest rank (even pros can make sometimes mistakes, so 100% would be OP xD)


    - Espionage: Allows you to see the locations of enemies on the map in a certain radius around you, the higher the skill ,the logner the radius you can see enemies on the map in your near, makign you this way a much better spy/scout ... cause the sooner you can see where enemies are, so earlier can you warn your allies, wjhat is naturally useful especialyl if you cant see them running to you, but if you see them already on the minimap, before you can see them in your view distance, that can save lives


    - Infiltration: gives you access to a wvw unique grappling hook, which makes it possible for you to infiltrate easier higher locations, like climbing up this way walls, if theres nobody there to stop you from getting quick up a wall, they deserve it to lose their locations!!


    - Deadly Assasinations: Improves significantly in WvW only the effectiveness of Venoms against NPCs, so that Thieves can asssasinate at least NPC enemies from all classes alone the most efficiently, especially if enemies get attacked with venoms on from behind. Roaming a Thief should feel with this Special Mastery as a thief again more fun and quick, making you a specialized fast effective NPC Hunter that can effectively flip Camps, which can hunt quickly even the fastest runnign Dolyaks and should be able, if not detected and beign stopped to infiltrate and flip solo effectively TOWERS, because thats the role of the Thief, to cause distraction, to flip as roamer small locations fast and to be constantly on the move to the point, that you can infiltrate and flip even too undefended towers to force this way the attention on you and away from your zerg that is doing the harder stuff somewhere else and needs the distractionsof fast and mobile effective roamers to force the enemy side to split up and spread their people to stop the roamers from fast flipping their controled ressources, cause the side, which constantly holds always the supply ressources is always in a massive advantage and will will the match over the long course, cause if you constantly have no supply, you can build up nothing, you can upgrade nothing/or much much slower than the side, whochs actively and constantly flipping the ressources everywhere so that they can upgrade the owned territory fast, makign it this way in return naturally much easier to defend the important stuff then, like the big keeps and strategetic important towers for trebs

    Raising this up increases durations and effectiveness of Venoms in WvW, while massively boostign the damage you deal against NPC foes that have been attacked with activated venoms or have been in generally "Poisoned" and been attacked from behind by letting become enemies in WvW that have been attcked from Thievers by behind gettign "Shocked", which will be a wvw thief unique condition that backstabbed foes will suffer for some seconds, that reduces a foes Toughness temporarely drastically so that you can deal more damage, whiel the foe is still shocked from being ambushed from behind!!


    Just some examples, all other classes woudl and should receive naturally their own WvW specific masteries as well, but that is something I suggest already for a long time as part of improving WvW character progression...


    it would help drastically to give our characters for alot of points finalyl something to spent them on for a long while, while also help WvW to give classes finalyl improved concrete gamplay style roles that can be used as well to help them this way to balance classes better for WvW, if done well.

  9. The overall balancing of PvP/WvW (the game in general) would be helped by ALOT, if:


    1) The Condition and Boon System would get finally overworked with the goal to reduce the Effect Spam on both sides and reduce Boons and Conditions from like 12-14 down to only 8 on both sides!!! Then from that point on rebalance the Skills, Ergo, Boon Removal/Steal, Condi Removal, Corrupts ect. based on this new situation that the complete effect spam of this game has been brought back to a SANE LEVEL


    2) The Health System would get finally rebalanced with Vitality increasing stronger the Max Health, than the outdated permanent 2012er system that still is in use with it that isn#t at all balanced around the power creep as of now that we have since HoT and the terrible Condition Patch you launched short before launching HoT in 2015.


    3) The overall Attribute System would get reworked with by lettign ttributes have at least 2 Effects, cause this would help you alot to rebalance the Combat System and its attributes to become more equally important and impactful for players in regard of offensive and defensive Attributes, cause since release day this game has a way too strong focus on just offensive gameplay, its at the moment like a 70/30 relationship focused on offense that has synergies, that defensive stats don't have, which is the reason, why Berserker was and still is so effective in this game, due to its Attributes synergyizign with each other perfectly for optimized DPS, which you can keep up way too long in this game by now due to way too much passives, and invuls that allow you to have perfect dps when needed without having the risk to die at all ...

    Take an example look at Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet, despite being no real MMORPG, its Attribute System feels much more meaninful, than ours as part of Character Progression, because offensive and defensive attributes feel in this game equally rewardign and worthful/impactful for you as a player - why is that so? Because every Attribute there has like 4 Effects possitively on your character, making the increase in a stat feel for you more useful, than if an Attribute does only affect one single thing and the game is totally biased towards offense only ...


    4) The Upgrade System would get more oftenly rebalanced. The game has way too many useless/too weak feeling Sigils, Gemstones and Runes.

    Here needs to happen something direly way more consistently than now for 6 years , instead of your permanent number changes only on Skills and Traits, it would help this game massively if you would start finally to put the focus also more oftenly on adjusting these damn Upgrades AS WELL TOO, because they belong to class and combat balance TOO, so stop ignoring them mostly always.


    5) The reduced build diversity in PvP would get removed and players would get allowed to used more diversive builds just like in PvE/WvW, where we can use our PvE Equipment that enables us to use for each equipmentslot individually our stat s, instead of gettign hard pressed into pregiven Stat Builds like in PvP


    But the most important point from those 5 ist the 1st one.. this needs to happen ASAP, otherwise will this unbalanced game never get forward anymore into a positive direction, and become instead only worser and worser.


    What is important in regard of reducing the Effect Spam is also as part of the overhaul from Conditions, Boon and Hard CC Spam, that you need to add into this game finalyl some kind of Resistance System. Resitance should have never become a Boon at all, it should have become as part of giving Attributes more than 1 Effect an Attribute Effect as a new Attribute, which should increase the Immunity Time a Player should receive from a removed Condition, so that you can#t suffer from removed conditions instantly again - THIS would massively help agaisnt al this Condition Spam the game suffers on for so long and would have been a true solutiion, instead of this unthought out band aid fix that your resistance boon was just only for the game, which solves nothign and is as a 100>0 boon effect too overpowered as well, forcing you at the same time to add massively more boon removal/corrups and steals to add so that players get counters agaisnt Resistance to get their conditions through to you.. its a downways devils spiral that you added there to your own game, which needs to get fixed!!

  10. how much I wish the last "balance patch" would fall under this thread, cause its nothing more but a 1st aprils joke full of sensefree massive nerfs and riduculous buffs in certain cases - yes, even if only being focused on PvP and WvW only.. but in cause of the this this trash completely destroyed the whole class to the point, that you CAN ONLY HOPE FOR IT, that the patch was an aprils fools jokes, sadly the patch was too early for this to be one, so it ends up to stay as sad reality which proofs, how a game can be patched for specific classes to destruction for 2 of 3 game modes.




    You can even see within the first lines that there is just some kind of "style method" that they used this time for the balancing they have done with all classes in the same way, like all classes have like half of a douzen random skills for WvW and PvP either massively buffed or nerfed in their cooldowns or efficiency even in certain cases, while a certain amount, like 4-5 random chosen skills get for all classes only for Pvp their cooldowns either reduced or increased, but in most cases only reduced, while naturally in the case of the Thief, while all others gwet buffed into oblivion, the thief is naturally again the only class, which gets 100% nerfs without a single compansation for all the nerfs ... hooray, there makes playing thief instantly 100% more fun to play ... - I'm pretty sure by now, you can feel the **strong salt** in my wording by now, right?


    However don't want to T.T here too much over my massive dissapointment with this aprils fools worthy balance patch.

    Aside of this, the yearly aprils 1st patch notes was very amusing, yes


    Best line in it did I found personally, is this one ^^


    **Players must now fight each other at the end of every fractal. The last player standing gets all the rewards.**


    oh my, just think about this "reward system", how much frustration for certain people that would cause, if this would be real xD lol

    On the other hand, i know alot of people, which would love somethign like this to have actualy in the game, the kind of people, which demand also player killing to become part of GW2, I'm sure, these kind of peopel would love such a kind of reward system, which rewards only the person, which has fought for it agaisnt other players.


    Kind of remembers me also a bit on .hack ^^ God what would I love it, if this anime/game series would actually become a real MMORPG for PC, but thats now an other topic




  11. yeah, its nice to see that the game will see finally some improvements in this case of Enrichments for WvW..


    I agree that theres unused potential to provide alot more interesting and useful Enrichments as supplements for your Character progression or as part of quality of life improvemenets to speed up certain things..


    What I would add as wel is:


    * Gathering Enrichment, which increases the amount of times you can gather something, before the node is empty by +1 per used Enrichment in your Equipment.

    * Crafting Enrichment Type 1, which boosts significantly your Crafting Exp you gain from craftign something, or

    * Crafting Enrichment Type 2, which boosts the Chance to gain Extra Bonus Exp (Critical Exp Boosts that sometimes happen while crafting), or

    * Crafting Enrichment Type 3, which significantly reduces the speed in which Crafting of lower leveled Items gives you no Exp anymore, so that you can gain longer Exp also from low level Stuff significantly. Or simpyl add all 3 types with different names (Crafting Efficiency, Crafting Experience, Crafting Expertise Enrichement)

    * Currency Enrichment, which boosts the gained map specific Currency Gains by a percentage.

    * Health Enrichment, which increases your Health pool when you are downed, or significantly slows the loss of Health per second, when downed (PvE only, eventually WvW also)

    * Resistance Enrichments, which make you against specific Conditions more resistant, so that you dont receive them anymore 100% everytime

    * Stability Enrichment, giving your Character a Break Bar that needs ot be removed first, before you can get stunned too easily (PvE only)


    could find surely some interestign thigns more, but that small list is enough for now, the point is, the Enrichment System has room for potential, sadly Anet doesn#t make anythign so far out of this mechanic, except now by adding the WvW based Enrichments, which is long overdue and should have been rather something that should have been on day 1 in the game at intruduction of the system mechanic of infusions/enrichmeents, cause WvW doesn't exist not long ago, it exists since 6 years when the game got released and due to this should be something, that shouldnt be always be forgotten by Anet,, as if it wouldnt be such an important thing to think about too as well like PvE.


    its not the first time, where they add something WvW based very lately, while PvE, even PvP got their mode specific improvements much earlier and WvW was like the abandonded forgotten last light in the bright bulb, when there was someone at Anet that got his/her "Ah moment", that's happening when they remembered that there is also a third game mode in this game called WvW (/endsarcasm)

  12. Example:


    **Pact Commander:**(Requires no Points, Pact Commander Progress will be learned and mastered over the course of your Personal Story)


    Ability - **Pact Mentor** - Automatically learned over the course of Personal Story when you become Pact Commander. Mastery Condition: Complete the Main Story

    Bonus Effect when mastered: Players in your Party receive a Bonus to Exp, when they are Level lesser in their Level, than you. You gain a Bonus in Karma for every party member in your party which you lead, while being the leading Mentor, when doing successfully Events with your Party. You hear now a Winning Fanfare Sound when completing Events successfully under your lead.


    Talent - **Noblesse Oblige** - You learn how to revive defeated Allies faster. Mastery Condition: Complete the Main Story, learned when you revived enough defeated Allies.

    Bonus Effect when mastered: You receive now lesser damage while reviving an Ally, better looking visual Effects at reviving and revived Allies will get rallied now with more Health than before and receive for a few seconds Might, Protection and Swiftness.


    Talent - **Advanced Logistics** - You will Auto Loot now and move in peaceful areas like Towns with your Party 33% faster - Mastery Condition: Complete the Main Story, learned when you by buying and selling stuff in Towns over time, until the progression reaches 100%. Won't be mastered, if not learned first before in case someone wants to try to cheat the system by trying to complete the story without having bought and sold stuff enough first before.

    Bonus Effect when mastered: Your Run Animations look now more heroic/epic/faster like expectable from a heroic Dragonslayer and you gain now access to new Trading Goods from NPCs all over Tyria, which you didn't had access before. Karma vendors will have now all significantly upgraded better rewarding Stuff to sell for Karma, than before especially, now that you are Hero of Tyria, the folks trust you alot more and want also to thank you with their improved goods they sell now... (includes also vendors which sell stuff for Gold..)


    Ability - **Call of Duty** - A unique PvE only Healing Skill which can be used also too to revive yourself, working basically like a skill version of Revival Orbs. Learned when you rally your first time up after gettign downed. Mastery Condition: Complete Zhaitan Battle alone without getting defeated more than once.

    The more often you use this Skill in an Instance, the longer the Cooldown will become

    Bonus Effect when mastered: The general Cooldown of this Skill gets reduced and the Fail Punishment Cooldown Increase gets reduced, more impressive visual effects now for you when you rally up in general


    Ability - **Call for Reinforcements** - A unique PvE only Elite Skill that enables you to call for help in form of your chosen Faction that you followed, before becoming Pact Commander - Vigil, Order of Whisper or Durmand Priory, so its basicaly a 3 different version Elite Skill that is based on your choice of your personal story. Automatically learned when you join one of those factions. Mastery Condition: Complete the Main Story while having this Skill in your Build

    Bonus when mastered: The Effects of this Elite Skill will get boosted in their Efficiency, making them this way more fun to use and spectacular to watch and when you use Elite Skills in general you gain for some seconds an heroic Aura Effect to underline this way visually, that you have performed something elitious right now ...


    Thats for example how i'd rework the Pact Commander Mastery, so that you get an impression of what I mean with Talents and Abilities, just that this line is an exception in regard of requirign no points ti increase your progression, as i find, this one here should get progressed naturally over the course of our Personal Story, where we are the pact Comanders, so its for me just normal, that as part of our Character Progression as Pact Commanders in our Story we should learn new Talents and Abilities, which make our characters as a Pact Commander better.

    I removed Productive Downtime here, cause that has nothing to do with being a Pact Comander,m that I suddenly become faster in crafting..that one belongs into a specific Crafting Mastery Line, that is just only focused on Craftign alone.

    Under my Proposal wouldnt this Mastery Line require anymore its 19 Central Tyria Mastery Points, it also wouldn't require anymore to grind like 11,5 Million Exp nearly, all that would be required of you then woudl be to have fun with the game and complete the game!!! That is, what players should do in the first place - play the game and its story, not grind exp and points just to unlock step by step something for your character progression and pact Commander was there just the perfect prime example for this, how it could be done definetely better, less grindy, more fun and feeling more immersive in regard of character progress, cause the progression becomes simply natural part of playing the game, and not something, that just artificially distracts you from playign actually the game and its story by having to grind obnoxious high amounts of exp for them and to collect mastery points all over the place by basically getting forced to do certain achievements for them, if you want to have enough of these points


    The same treatment would I do with all other already existing lines and see, what can be merged, or moved elsewhere to become part of a more fitting own Mastery Line (see Crafting/ removed Productive Downtime, cause it doesnt fit to Pact Commander!!), look after, what of the current existing stuff can be changed over into either a Talent or an Ability to distribute them into the new two Mastery Types and add some interesting, and rewarding feeling Bonus Effects to those talents and Abilities to make them interestign and rewarding to be mastered and not just only learned by having interesting and (more) challenging mastery conditions, than naturally Pact Commander woudl have by mostly completing only the Main Game xD - which is quite simple - but naturaly everything should start first with something simple and become then slow but surely more challenging, so further you progress with your character and become better at things to learn and master new things, lke the Elite Specializations, which should be definetely more challenging to master, than the Talents of Abilities of the Pact Commander Mastery Line, thats clear for sure!!

  13. I would completely revamp the Mastery System and combine it together with Elite Specializations as for which reason the system has gotten implemented nto the game for the first place actually - for Character Progression, so it just makes sense to put together systems, which follow both the same goal and in fact should belong together for a better ingame immersion. I would add alot more masteries in general, so that there is on the first look an overwhelming amount of Character Progression, that Players will be busy for a long while, not nowing, where to begin first, while at the same time simplefying some aspects of the mechanics, so that the whole thing gets less grindy for huge amounts of Exp only, and receives instead more of kind of a Quest System that requires the player to fullfill somethign in the game to gain new Talents and Abilities which will be needed to learn Masteries - but learnign is not everything - you have to master also what you have learned by beating Trials that will test you, if you truly can master what you have learned to receive a Bonus Boost in the Efficiency of learned Mastery.


    Masteries will get first splitted up into two types:


    Mastery Types are called Talents and Abilities.

    A Talent is a passive Mastery, something that is always there, once learned and mastered, for that the player has nothing to do actively.

    An Ability is an active Mastery, something that your character can do, if the player actively does something in the game with the Character to perform that kind of active Mastery.




    A passive Mastery, a so called Talent is for example Riding Arts, which is a Mastery focused on Mounts in general to improve your Riding Skill on mounts and make you a better rider, you have only to learn and master them and from then on they are always passively there for you, your Character progresses indirectly by them.


    An active Mastery, a so called Ability is for example the Ability to use Fishing Rods actively, making it possible for you from that moment on to go Fishing anywhwre you want and where water is in form of ponds, lakes, rivers, seas ect to pull out your Fishing Rod out of your "Tool Box" to use it activelythe moment you put it out of your Tool Box.


    Both Types can support each other, from an Talent can you get to learn how to use new Abilities.. and by using your learned and mastered abilities, you can improve in return eventually some of your Talents and become better this way in them.


    The point is, ANets System is rushed (as usual), but also as usual provides alot of potential, which the system so far as it works right now, absolutely makes no usage from.


    To learn Masteries in form of Talents, the system under my poroposal woudl get made easier. The Beginner Form of any Talent should get learned very simply, for example by reading Books, by talking to some Master NPCs that take you in as their Pupils and teach you some BASICS from where you start then progressing under their teachings and lessons THAt YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW for immersion, instant of instant learning and mastering everythign in this game, without ever having done something for your wisdom ... that just killing unendless amounts of monsters for exp and collecting some points by traveling around the maps /facepalm.


    However, Mastery Points can be kept, it woudkl be anyway too much of a rework now to remove all this junk now, so its best to resuse this Mechanic and the collection of Mastery Points for somethign else - TRIALS, Mastery Points under my proposal would become acrtually the kind of "Currency" that Grandmasters of the Masteries that you want to master, to become accepted as a true Master of your Talents/Abilities self is to overcome the trials of grandmasters twhich test your wisdom and skills, if you truly are worthy to be called a Master.

    To unlock the feature to become able to start the Mastery Trials of your Talents and Abilities that you have learned, you have to find the fitting Grandmaster NPCs in the world of Tyria, do domething eventually to convince them to take you as their pupils and win their trust, until they want to test you, if you have everythign whats needed to become self a master and to overcome them by beating their trials for which you would need then a certain amount of Mastery Points, that they want to have to accept your request to try their Mastery Trials (which can from then on be tried as many times as you need, once unlocked, in case you fail miserably and need to put back your butt on their learning chair first again to hear again their lessons better next time an be better prepared on your next try xD


    Elite Specializations under this proposal wouldn't be learned anymore via Hero Points. Instead there would be Grandmaster NPCs of the corresponding Professions added to the game, which will teach you then the basics of becoming an Elite Specialization and if you master their Elite Trials, you iwll unlock this way then some parts of the Elite Specs to become useable for the Core profession as well (Utility Skills, Healing Skill & Weapon), while Traits and Elite Skil lremain Elite Spec unique and stay useable only via the Specs, if your Character is builded for the E-Spec by using their Traits.


    Traits and Skills of the E-Spec won't be learned then anymore by Hero Points, Hero Points will get renamed into either Talent or Ability Points based on what type of task you do in the game, some spots that gave hero points earlier wil lgive now talent Points instant, other spots Ability Points, it will get split up.

    Talent Points will be needed then to learn Traits from your teaching Grandmaster, while Ability Points will be needed to learn Skills from your teaching Grandmaster.


    Aside of this can be Talent Points be used to boost the progress of your Character in learning Talents. EarnedTalent Points can be used to buy with them then Talent Boosters which increase your progress by a certain percentage in order to speed up the progression of learning new Talents.

    Same could be done then with Ability Points for learnign faster new Abilities.


    To learn a new Talent or Ability from a Mastery Line, the Talent/Ability has to reach 100% Progression to be "star"'ed as symbol for having learned something.

    From then on begins for the learned Talent/Ability the progress of "mastering" it, another 100% Progress bar, which will take this time triple as much as long than it took to just learn something. Once you reach here 95%, then you fulfill aside of having enough Mastery Points the second and last requirement that is needed to master truly somethign in the game as part of your Character Progression, doing then your Grandmaster's Trials successful will earn you the last 5% needed to reach the 100% to master your Talent/Ability to receive its Bonus Effect(s) that truly make you outshine from others, which haven't mastered, but just only learned that Talent/Ability, so that you can see as player, how outstanding you are as a master, compared to a non-master of a Mastery. (inclusive eventually some other improved visual fluff here n there where it fits, cause as a master of something, you are legendary, so this needs some visual improvements as well). Once uve mastered a talent/ability, it will become triple "star" ed as symbol so that you can see, what you have so far only learned, and what you have truly mastered with your Character.

  14. Resistance should have never been from begin on an obsolete Boon, ANet should have made an Attribute out of it with overhauling the Attribute System to Dual Effects.


    That they added it as a boon is just only the cheap solution by them to hotfix the condition damage fiasko they KNEW which would they create for PvP and WvW the moment they increase the overall damage of conditions for the whole game with the June 23rd patch of 2015 short before they were going to launch HoT and addign with it the E-Specs and other gameplay Mechanics, liek the Breakbar System and the massive increase of hard cc spam that HoT brought to the game as well, which was like the pinacle of desastrous game balancing which brought together with the condition changes back then absolutely everything out of control, instead of bringing first the expansion, doing balance fixes and makign then first LATER a more balanced attempt of overhauling the Condition System... but now, they just added and changed one thing over the last 3 years after another, without really lloking over the made previous changes to get balanced, as if +1ing would make always things better and more balanced, instead of looking over first of the last added athings and made changes, if they were good and exactly did successfully for what they were thought after, before adding and changing already somewhere else skills and traits ect. and addign new stuff to the game which massively influences the whole game balance on multiple levels in regard of all game modes >_>


    Would Resistance be, like I propose, an attribute, then it would be an important and very impactful point in class balance, which would positively influence especially PvP and WvW and would reduce the powercreep there, if people would need to have to focus now then on a new defensive Attribute to survive actually better against condition and hard CC heavy builds.

    I don't keep up without a reason my pressure on this proposal, because this proposal has at least hand and feet, what I wouldn't say about Anets solution about adding Resistance as a Boon and thus increasing with this decision only the game's effect spam in regard of pumping this game way too much full with boons and conditions, which this game has of both already way too much, than are good for this game - 12 Boons and 14 Conditions can't be good for game balance!!!


    Reduce them both down to 8 and rearrange the removed conditions and boos into skill effects, traits, upgrades or merge them with the remaining effects to make them that way more impactful and meaningful, like for example merging Weakness together with Vulnerability, or Cripple together with Torment, while removing on the other hand Fury and Vigor from the game, while merging Vigor basically as secondary effect into Vitality, so that this Attribute also becomes more meaningful and impactzful as a defensive trait, cause under the current powercreep of this game is Vitality with its lousy tiny Health Boost per Point just ridiculous and useless with that effect alone, but if it would boost up aside of your Maximum Health also your character's Endurance Regeneration, thats something else then.


    Compare the Attribute System of GW2 for example with the Attribute System of Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet, there has every Attribute not like here only 1 lousy single effect, but more like 3 to 5 Effetcs, making sure, that each of the Attributes is meaningful and useful for all kinds of various playstyles and builds you can make this way, because every Attribute there will in some kind of way useful for you and your build, because of each attribute having not only one, but multiple different effects on your character, that can be helpful and useful for you!!

    Thats exactly what GW2 needs and under such a superior Attribute System wouldn't exist at all the neccessaity that GW2 has as it seems for its tons of boons and conditions just to get everything Anet wants somehow into the game, if alot of this effect spam could just get reworked into better gameplay mechanics that are not Boons or Conditions, so that these two gameplay Elements can get finally euqalized and reduced to a bare neccessary MINIMUM to reduce this permanent effect spam in this games combat system, what will definetely help the most for GW2's class and combat balance to become certainly alot easier again for Anet then.


    The most optimal Resistance Gameplay would be Resistance as Dual Effect Attribute to decrease the incoming Condition Damage you suffer on and to increase your Condition/Hard CC Immunity Time for when you cleanse/stunbreak a Condition/Hard CC Effect like Stun or Knockdown, Fear ect., so that so better your Resistance is, so lesser Condi Damage will you receive, instead of being totally OP and being like 100>0 shutting off all Condit Damage instantly, the player can then this way reduce the Condi Damage, which is something alot of people of this community are requestign for a long time, that there should exist a way just to decrease Condi Damage... not their durations, but their Damage they deal to you, similar like Toughness decreases direct damage (or should do that, I kind of have the impression, this Attribute is bugged since 2012!! and does just nothing, or the reducing is so tiny, that you barely feel a difference, if you have high or low toughness...) polus with the Immunity Time you'd receive fro mthe secondary effect of Resistance would make you using Condi Removal/Stun Breaker Skilly temporarely immune to just only the cleansed Conditions/Hard CCs, so that Condi/Spam/ Hard CC Spam finds finally an end, making it pointless to keep on spamming poison onto an enemy, that as just cleansed his last received poison conditioon via Removal Skill , due to beign immune from that point on for Poison then for a feew seconds based on how high your Resistance Value is, before that Character can become poisoned again.

  15. How I wish this game would provide for immersion real dark nights and places where it fits, where you need sources of light to see something..they do exist, but in my honest opinion way too less. the whole game should have this realistic darkness...


    best game ever hands down ,when it comes to realistic immersive darkness ...light and shadow/ daylight time mechanics



    You see here, as the time wents on, how the game becomes darker and darker as time passes by and the time ingame goes over slowly from daytime to nighttime, until it becomes just so dark, that you need to take out your lanterns out, if you just want to see better your surroundings. ANd where also aenemies change based on the time, that day and night active creatures appear and go as time passes by.. somethign that would be so awesome, if we could have this in GW2, that enemies in the maps change, when the day/nighttime changes and not only as part of some meta events like in Verdant Brink where day and night time plays only a role as part of the meta event ...



  16. If ANet ever makes again a rework of the Trait System, they should make sure, that it stays after that the last one - as a reminder, they have already changed the Trait System like 3 times and the only moment where it would make sense to touch that system again as an attempt to rework and rebalance it in one go is, for when they make an underwaterbased expansion, hopefulyl the next third 1 leading us to Cantha, the unending ocean has become with the last patch massively PRESENERTIVE now, than before, kind of suspicious that the world map shos us npow so much more of the unending ocean, than before, that you kind of get the impression, that this has been done for the next expansion leading us to an underwater expansion. otgherwise it would make not sense to change the scaling of the world map, and let us see now like tripple as much of the ocean, than before of the latest patch...


    An expansion, that if it reworks the traits, should naturally consider everything for an reworked underwater combat system that should come with such a kind of expansion..kind of what I have described all in that one thread where you should say what you want, that would satisfy you - I kind of wrote up there a detailed explanation of my vsion of the 3rd expansion, which would be that ONE thing that would satisfy me the most now - and to this belongs naturally also under a trait system rework the implementation of complete own Underwater Traits for all Classes, so that each class should have its complete own Land Traits, which are active, while you are over water on land, and their complete own different underwater traits, which become the moment active and switch out the land traits, when you go into water and dive down.


    Aside of this, I think the Trait System should get for each class expanded to create more Build Diversity.... all classes should have instead of 3 minimum 4 active Trait Lines useable and should be able to choose not only from 5 but maximum 7 or 8 Trait Lines.

    All Classes easily have to potential for 2 to 3 more Trait Lines that could define the Gameplay Styles of the Classes.

    Just 3 Examples, 1 for each Class Type.



    - Leadership

    - Motivation

    - Combat Stances


    That are two of the old Paragon Traitlines, that woulkd perfectly fit to Warrior as additional Traitlines, plus eventually as third line "Combat Stances" as a traitlone which influences in a different way how you play a Warrior and has strong influences on the Weapon Skills based on your used Stances in combination of either defensive, offensive or supportive Combat Stance traits being in usage together with them..



    - Disarmaments

    - Cunning

    - Dexterity


    Trait Lines, which cold put more focus on Boon Stealing, Boon Sharing, Traps, Dodge Styles, Counter Attacks/Parades/Blocks and Conditions to which the Thief has not so much access to so far, like Burning or Boons like Stability



    - Summons

    - Heraldry

    - Source of Ether


    Letting the Elementalist have a Traitline, that specializes much more on the summons and created elemental weapons to change the way how they work, what you can do with them ect., making Eles as Summoners of Elementals much stronger and more comparable to Minion Master Necromancers which currently totally outshadow "Summoner" Eles that make usage of their Elementals to the point, that id love to see alternatively Summoner become one Ele E-Spec, should the game get not more Traitlines for each Class to increase this way their Build Diversity. Heraldry could help the Eles as Traitline to receive more environmental impact in the game, by influencign strogner weather effects for example that affect the environment..strong environmental heraldic rituals that take their time to perform, but if you don't stop them from being cast will have strong effects knd of style traits, that have heavy influence on certain Ele Skills if you use them, turnign with these Traits your Ele kind of into powerful "Sages" of the Elements and Nature which influence with their rituals far more than just only Fire, Wind, Eath and Water itself on a low scale., but with that traitline also on a higher scale level, therefore that it will make you cost more time to perform your spells and cause Exhaustion on you after performing them, giving the Elementalist this way back some GW1 nostalgia, where performign the most powerful spells caused exhaustion to the Elementalist.

  17. 3 pet peeves, so 3 things I find annoying in this game?


    1) That you have never ever since 6 years as a player full control over your own ingame privacy - that you can't influence at all, who "follows you", if you want specific persons to follow you, that you don't get even requested at all, if you want that follower, or not.. the game should ask you always first for permission, if any person should become your Follower!!! and I as a player should be able ALWAYS to decide over what that Follower can see from me, if they should be only able to see, wen I'm on, or if they should be also able to see, on which Map I am, on which server ect. which are delicate infos, which not just every stranger, who wants to be a Follower should get to see, if I DONT WANT THEM TO SEE THIS


    2) The inability in this game to reduce visual effects/sound effects of others, like being able to deactivate specific Auras, like specific Back items, like Miniatures, like Legendary Effects (Foot Prints, Weapon Swing/Sound Effects ect.) and all this stuff that can negatively affect your own Game Performance (lag) massively, your FPS Performance and so on, if we would just get the option to reduce the effect spam of OTHERS DIRECTLY, instead of having to reduce our own game performance and cripple down this way our own play experience back into stone age >.>


    3) The fact, that this games combat system is so unbalanced, because over the time most of its components got permanently ignored by the developers, especially the conditions and boons, where it doesn't help at all to make only number changes on skilsl and traits, when this game has by now simply way too much effects, thsn are good for this games balance and its outdated combat systems from 2012 which were never MADE for all this effect spam, the E-Specs ect.. When something too much is just too much, it doesn't become bett,er by adding always more on top of it. ANet must get to learn, when enough is enough and it is better to REDUCE effects, instead of addign always only more and more to something, making things just worser, than they are before.

    This whole unbalance and effect spam is basically one of the main reasons, why I become more and more inactive in this game, just because fights make absolutely not so much fun anymore in WvW, like they used to be like 4 years ago when the last WvW Tournament was held and all this effect surprul crap didn't exist back then, cause no Torment, no Taunt, no Alacrity, no Slow, better balanced conditons overall for WvW/PvP, no powercreep from E-Specs, no Rev, which is in itself complete junk and needs a rework in my opinion, cause it has been by its design from release day on already a black sheep among 8 white ones, which would have gotten under my lead this way NEVER a green light for implementation ..., cause the whole design has nothing in common with the other classes and just try hard wants to be "unique" and different, as off to help this way for HoT to sell better ... well this shot got mighty into the wrong direction I guess ... instead of the Rev Anet could have just used better something else as a Feature for HoT to improve the sales, like Housing or adding Fishing as a new Gathering Job together with finally Jeweler/Chef 500 or so, i guess that would have received much better reactions, than the Rev ...




    Well, theres more, than just 3 things I could name, but these are currently my 3 biggest peves I guess which i woudl put under the Top 3


    Theres alot here, what others have written, where I could bliedly agree with as well, what I would call not a pet peeve really, but are things, which belong for me under quality of life aspects, that should get definetely improved for this game ,like


    - Making Crafting accountbound.. it should be enough to master Craftign Jobs once, you shouldn't do this for every single character.. and if you need to have that gold/material sink so much, then at least let Characters with maxed Crafting Jobs craft accountbound "Profession Guidebooks" of various types (Beginner, Professional, Expert, Master, Grandmaster), which give a character that uses them massive booosts to Crafting Ranks to speed up the processes and make it a bit quicker and cheaper for players that have already maxed out crafting jobs to let their secondary characters close up quickly, so that you dont have to switch permanently between characters just to craft efficiently!!


    - Complete Reformatting/Reorganisation of the whole achievement list, can't agree more with this, the whole thing has become so massive and unoverviewable, that it should get better reorganized with more sub menus that help making the achievement list become smaller again, so that you dont have to scroll down so much... but instead just open up the sub categories of achievements, that you actually want to see


    - Raids need finally a Difficulty Setting Split between Easy, Normal and Hard Mode

    Easy Mode could then be 5 Man rebalanced with significantly reduced rewards, but no limits for repeating them to farm there slowly...

    Normal is then like now, 10 Man Content, but better balanced, without instant kill mechanics, without stupid timers that bring up only DPS races/Elitists

    Hard Mode is then like now, with instant kill mechanics, with timers, has the best rewards therefore ect. so that if you play that mode constantly, will make sure, that you earn this way your legendary equipment the most fastest/cheapest way, so that it feelsl for you as a player the most rewarding in an effort/time relationship seen, while PvEers7Achievement Hunters and people which just have issues with frustrative difficulty settings, elitists, and just want not to wait for 19 , but rather only 4 others to join will stay then in Easy Mode, can experience the content thrn there at they own pace, without having to pay other players for that even extra just for cleared instances to experience the story tidbits ect. >.>

    Thats the reason, why there exists also different difficulties in Fractals... the community has to accept that the same should count as well for Raids, to make them as content more accessible for all types of players, so that even every single WCSN can get their foot into this content and progress there on, until they think they are ready for the real deal and want to speed up their progress in the game and better rewards by tackling on the harder mode versions, once they have collected first enough experience in the simpler mode versions with the raids in itself (WCSN = Worst Case Scenario Noob).

    Its unbelievable, that Anet can just dumb down this games beginner stuff into kind of INFANTILE MODE sort of, to make the content for people more accessible and easier to understand, but they just can't do the same so far for Raids to increase the accessibility to this content, while still keeping their minority of hardcore raiders happy by lettingthe hardest raid forms stay the most rewarding ones, instead of forcing that kind of hardcore difficulty setting upon everybody and expecting of that 1% of the community that is kind of into raids to kind of teach the other 99% of people that are not into raids how to play Raids in this game, when its kind of Anets job to take uninterested peopel onto the hands and kind of slowly let them experience Raids at their own pace just via different difficulty modes, that would be for everybody easier.

    Can't understand this Anet Logic in this case ...

  18. So longer Anet waits on making some more drastic and fundamentally needed gameplay alterations to adapt the outdated combat systems on the chang situation, that we have now E-Specs, and that we have new Conditions and new Boons by now, that we have alot of new Attribute Combinations, alot of new Upgrades ect than at the time of the Main game Launch 6 years ago for which the combat system has been designed for originally, so more difficult will it become only over time for anet to fix such more effort costing problems.


    They can't keep on playing ostrich forever and keep on running away from these issues, cause this won't make them disappear at all and out of the way. No, the problems will grow over time only stronger, like a small snowball that rolls down a hill and becomes bigger and bigger as it collects more snow on the way ...until its such an avalanche, that it becomes unstoppable and crushes everything on its way down the hill.

    Balancing a game like GW2 means more, than making every now and then some number changes or skill splits for Game Modes.

    Balancing a Game like GW2 means also, that Combat System Mechanics needs to get kept up to date based on added new gameplay elements and this includes in cased of GW2 by now Boons, Conditions, Health System, Attributes and Upgrades, which are all important parts of Class balancing, that anet kept on ignoring most of the time nearly always and kept on mostly only adding new things here and there, without ever thinking about it, if its good ad all to add alwys only new effects to the game, instead of maybe thinking over it for a second, if its not better for the Game baalnce, to REDUCE these Effects.


    Not every Boon and not every Condition in this game must exist as either a Boon or a Condition. Alot of them are basically totally obsolete and could get, or in case of certain ones, should get better reworked into other Gameplay Mechanics, like class specific Trait Effects to reduce also the accessibility of certain effects down to strenthen this way also a bit the uniqueness of classes. Some of those Boons/Condtions would make also wonderful secondary Attrbute Effects, so that Attributes in this game become finalyl more impactful and build defining in an attempt to finalyl rebalance better the synergy between offensive and defensive attributes, to make both sides more equal, cause that would help game balance and would increase build diversity.


    The game has currently 12 Boons and and 14 Conditions !!!

    I know not many other online games, which spam their players full with so many combat effects, like GW2, especialyl because it was Anet who said, that want to make with GW2 a game, where the player IS NOT forced to look permanently on their UI to see, what kind of effects we have on - positive as liek negative ones and then they do THIS, what is like 100% contradictory to what they originally wanted to do with GW2 compared to GW1, where it is the same and you have too look constantly on your UI, to see on what you are sufferign on ect. and the UI beign spammed full with countless effect icons due to skills being even able to put up like all conditions at the same time on you and there existign many indirect or direct ways in this game for several classes to cause multiple conditions with one skill, that you can easily overwhelm the condi removal capabilities of players,


    From those 12 boons are at least 4 completely obsolete and should get removed and reworked differently into the game, which are

    - **Resistance** > Resistance should not be a Boon, it should be an Attribute with the two Effects of reducing received Condition Damage and giving you a Immunity Time after being CC'ed or having cleansed a Condition, that you can't get instantly CC'ed again, or receive the cleansed Condition instantly again. Means, so higher your Resistance attribute is, so less powerful and impactful will Condition and CC Spam be on you and so more impactful will Condi Cleanse be for you and Stun Breakers when they receive Immunity Times via a Ressistance attribute, making it a very important defensive Attribute then for PvP/WvW!!!

    - **Vigor** > Vigor is obsolete and should get simply be reworked into class specific Trait Effects that strenthen Endurance Regeneration or become better a secondary Attribute Effect of VITALITY to male Vitality finally more meaningful, because its lousy Health Increase it gives per point is meaningless currently, but if it would additionally improve a Characters Endurance Regeneration, which fits for Vitality very much, cause when you are very vital, then you have good stamina/endurance

    - **Fury** > Fury is totally obsolete, its plain direct Critcal Hit increase of 20% is the reason, why some offensive builds are overpowered, because it allows people to ignore to put in points into their builds into precision, if they want to have good critical hit rates. Fury just needs to be rebalanced into Traits/Upgrades, so that this big boost in critical hit rates can become more permanent, but also for the cost of giving up a slot of your traits/upgrades therefore

    - Aegis - Aegis as a mostly guardian unique boon for single damage absorbings is totally useless as a boon and should just get reworked into a guardian unique trait effect so that their aegios becomes more unique to this class, it should not be something to that other classes should get access to somehow, stuzff liek this needs not to be a Boon and Guardians wont become instant OP, only because their aegis effect cant be then stripped, stolen or corrupted anymore


    From those 14 conditions are at least 6 obsolete and should get reworked either into Upgrades, or be merged with other conditions or reworked into class specific traits.

    These are: Torment, Taunt, Fear, Immobilized, Confusion and Vulnerability


    - **Torment** > Should get merged with Cripple and under the term of Cripple, cause if you have crippled legs n hands from combat, its normal that it hurts while you move....this would help also makign the damagign component of Torment a bit more accessible to other classes.

    - **Taunt** > should just become either Upgrade of Trait Effects

    - **Fear** > Should get changed into Necromancer unique Skill/Trait Effects, by turning them to effects, thy become more impactful, but still stoppable via stunbreakers

    - **Immobilized** > should just get completely removed.. in agame where positioning is key should not exist conditions that can make you completely stop moving, for that exists Stun and for this exists exclusively Stun Breakers and should exist for players as well BREAK BARS, before they can get stunned

    - **Confusion** > should get its damage effect removed and replaced with the effect of Friendly Fire Removal and turned into class specific skill/trait effects that can be removed via Stun Breaker as well then. This way will mindless AoE spam get reduced, if there exists a way to temporarely remove friendly fire, so that used AoEs potentially could hurt your allies as well, if you suffer on confusion and dont know for the moment anymore, whos friend and whos foe for you ... and this game would get finally rid of the most broken and annoying damage condition >.>

    - **Vulnerability** > should just get merged with Weakness, therefore that Weakness loses the effect of the 50% glancing hits and gettign its % of increased damage fixed from max 25% down to max 15% that have now with stacks only increased duration, instead like Vulnerability before intensity, meaning that with Weakness now, you can have instantly a bit faster some stronger bursts, but your maximum bursts will be weaker, making fights this way mroe balanced, due to the damage beign now maximum only 15 instead of 25% higher!!.


    This way would get the effect spam reduced to 8 Boons and 8 Conditions, so that both sides have equal numbers, so that they can be used smoothly for the corruption system.


    Might <=> Weakness

    Protection <=> Blind

    Swiftness <=> Cripple

    Quickness <=> Slow

    Alacrity <=> Chill

    Regeneration <=> Poison

    Retaliation <=> Burning

    Stability <=> Bleeding


    If we would ever get to this, then would be GW2 again on the right path to game balance, cause the whole game with its 9 classes and so far 18 E-Specs would become this way then alot easier to balance again.

  19. I would be hyped about this, if we could see finally World 3 at least coming, instead of this permanent rehashing of one and the same ugly looking item set in basically all colors of the rainbow ... you know, because this would be actually real new content and not some kind of warmed up old coffee in a different color just only...


    And it would be good, if the content could stay finally permanent accessible, instead of making it a silly yearly thing... and use actually April as a month for something better for patches, than to just bring back for some temporary time some old content back, like for example using that time to make some kind of yearly planned Feature Pack Patch instead that is placed then in there always every April to have a special month, that is extra planned just only for feature and QoL improvements of this game.

  20. Originally my Main Characters Them was for a long time this here, as its the reason for why I named my Character after that song when I heard it at the moment I created the character and I thoight - I must get to know, how that song is named, surprised was I then when I found its name it, to be named after a person ^^

    And I was just like - this must be fate xD



    But as time progresses, stories unfold in Tyria and my Character did progress, the Theme Song naturally has changed over time by now as well from this theme song, that imbodies the hopes and dreams of a young woman, that didn't know, that she would be one day destined to lead all of Tyria into a better future, like being destined and chosen to do so into this theme of a heroic leader that has grown adult, has seen losing lives of beloved ones just in front of her eyes, who has killed Dragons, has seen Death into the Eyes and came back alive and defeated even a former God of War by now - that I thought, such a hero of Tyria definetely needs a new Theme Song worthy of such a legacy

    From a poor Thief Girl with Child Dreams to a legendary Hero, who not just saved only Lion's Arch, freed Tyria from some crazy weed, slain two Dragons and a God - a pure leap of faith that is. Turning from a nobody into a fine and strong willed warrior which stands her ground now. Here it is:



  21. @Ardid:


    I don't know, what you want.. this all is just 1 thing, packed with alot of various things withing that ONE THING ... one thing is relative.

    For everybody can be one thing something different. I define MY one thing under the next "Expansion" as one thing and it is usual that Expansions naturally consts of multiple features that they include. The point is only, I was in my postign specific, what kind of things this Expansion as "one thing" should include for my opinion to satisfy me, that ist the whole point of the Ops thread, to describe that one thing, that would satisfy a person...


    More clear can#t i be, this kind of Dream Expansion as one thign which includes these features would definetely satisfy me (and I'm sure, also alot of other people as well )

  22. 1 thing that would make me for a long time satisfied huh?


    That one thing could possibly at the moment be only the ultimate third Expansion that covers basically in one go alot of things that would improve this game and could make me more satisfied again for a long time. Lets call this Expansion Guild Wars 2 - Depths of the Past


    DoP would provide following Features:


    - A long Story based on the missing Deep Sea Dragon with CHOICES similar like the Maingame Story with its string of missions, which are different, based on your choices - Personal Story 2.0

    - Return to Cantha with 7 Maps: Kaineng City, Echovald Forest, Jade Sea, Shing Jea Islands, Nahpui Quarters, Dominion of the Winds, Sanctum Cay (Tengu Town within the Dominion of the Winds)

    - Implementation of Tengus as playable Race

    - Complete Rebalance of Underwater Skills, Replacement of Skills which can't work the same underwater as like on land, after this Expansion there won't be anymore a single Skill, which can't be used underwater.

    - Rework of the Trait System into a Split between Land Traits and Underwater Traits for all Classes

    - Overwork of the Skimmer to become a true Underwater Mount with that you can switch easy from under to overwater seamless!!

    - New Elite Specs for the Classes: Rogue (Thief), Bard (Mesmer), Ritualist (Necromancer), Summoner (Elementalist), Alchemist (Engineer), Hunter (Ranger, DH renamed to Dragonslayer), Berserker (Warrior, first Version renamed to Mercenary), Mystic (Guardian).

    - Complete Redesign of the Revenant, Revenant is now Rytlock only PVE Story related Class, Player Version becomes the Vagabond as some kind of Dark Knight Variant without Legendary Stance nonsense that cripples only the gameplay of this Class, Herold becomes Crusader, Renegade as Name stays, but receives also Gameplay Chances to be not anymore 100% Charr Lore focused. Its never a good idea to bind lore into Classes, Classes need to stay RACE NEUTRAL ALWAYS... with its new third E-Spec being the Pathfinder

    - New Mastery Lines: Swimming, Gathering (includes unlock of Fishing, Gardening and Digging usiong anglings Rods/Bait, Seeds and Shovels as Tools with Shovels being used like Pickaxes, Sickles and Axes), Crafting and expanding the existing Mount Masteries with new Options including a line for new Speedster Mounts and Crawler Mounts, with Speedsters having the ability run especially fast, faster than any other Mounts, they are like Cheetahs with super fast acceleration. Crawlers provide the ability to climb with them walls and to ride them also vertically up and down, where you would otherwise fall down or get not up...

    - Introduction of Player Housing/ Expansion of the Guild Hall System

    - Adding together with the new E-Specs three new Weapon Types - Greataxes, Crossbows and Whips/Chain Sickles, Spears get reworked into Hybrid Weapons useable on land as like underwater, Tridents get merged into Staff, Harpoon Guns get merged into Rifle, so that these two obsolete Weapon Types get removed, so that basically Staff anc Rifle become Hybrid Weapons as well for Underwater Combat and Rifles just receive a Bolt Shot Animation underwater, instead of shooting Bullets.

    - All Classes receive their additional missing Skills, so that they have for Healing , Utility and Elite Skills all Skills for all of their Skill Types

    - New Activities added: Polymock, Rollerbeetle Racing and a new collectable ingame Trading Card Game similar to Gwent/Triple Triad with various forms beig added into the game to obtain them. Animated Card Versions can be obtained via Black Lion Chests only

    - PVP: Receives a new Stronghold Map and general Stronghold Improvements, like new Mist Heroes, 2 new added Modes - Hunger Games (Practically teambased Last Man Standing) (2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2) + 8v8 Guild Battles (GvG)

    - WvW: Adding of a third Borderland Map - Tropical Island Theme (Pirates of the Caribbean xD) with lots of Underwater Combat, Naval Battles on Ships ect.

    - Fractals: Adding of new Fractals that are based on Living Story Season 1 - Marionette Invasion, Scarlet Battle/ Lions Arch Invasion and adding of two new Solo Player Fractal Modes - Chronicles of the Mist, which is kind of Bonus Mission Pack similar history based Solo Player Fractal Content with that you can play old historic Events in the view as other characters with their Skills to earn rewards from the past in form of weapon skins, armor sets ect. for completing your "History Books" and "Mist Dungeons", special FotM based Zelda like Solo, including unique Dungeon Crawlers, which are each time different when you enter them. Yes, this is a MMO, but it doesn#t mean, that a MMo can't offer also Solo Content, Fractals would be the best option especially for this, as it allows total design freedom for ther Devs to add with it whatever they want, without that it disturbs anyhow the rest of the game ...

    - and adding two new Multiplayer Fractal Modes - Guild Crusades, as imprroval for FoTM based special Guild Missions and Hunting Grounds, as 5 player based Farm Raids in kind of Monster Hunter Style, having to hunt as team unique creatures, you will find only in the mists.


    If id get that kind of an Expansion, then I'd be so satiesfied with GW2, I'd surely be busy with this game again for like the next 6 years being in that time totally wishless happy

  23. GW2 would be the perfect game, if:


    - it wouldn't be such a story cheesehole mess, that it is since Season 1, if Anet would jump over their self made own shadows to fix this self made situation and give this game again a proper story telling, without any holes, even if this fix means to alienate some veteran players by letting them see some old content return, that was thought to be originally a 1 time only thing, being turned into permanent dynamic Event Content instead, with slightly different Story Writing if neccessary, than how the original was, when the outcome of that rewritten story stuff ends up still as the same as the original, everything is fine, as long the whole living story feels then being fixed finaly and its season 1 stuff beign again permanent accessable part of the game with its own achievements to get for replaying the episodes, like you can do that with all LW Episodes since Season 2


    - it would fix finally the cheesehole gameplay design of Crafting Jobs being ALL raiseable to level 500, this includes also finally Jeweler and Chef 500 by giving these two Crafting professions somethign USEFUL, that makes sense for them to have, so that these two Crafting Professions regain some usefulness and a reason for existance - especialyl Jeweler, whose reason of existance normally should have been to craft ASCENDED ACCESSOIREs.. but whyever anet found it better to overflood this game alresady wirth them via Fractals /rolleyes, so that there actually was never a point to make with Jeweler the thing, that would make naturalyl the most sense for this Crafting Job - to specialize it for craftign actually ascended accessoires, what would have made the most sense of all, which would feel now kind of stupoid and obsolete to add by now, cause the game is already so overflown by ascended accessoires via Fractals, that craftign them via a craftign profession like Jeweler would kind of feel stupid and liek a waste of time as a playe,r cause its much easier to just grind the Fractals for Relics and instantly buy you your accessoire, that you need, than to get materials for crafting the accessoire instead.

    However, if Anet would finally add ascended Upgrades into this game as a means of implementating finalyl an own official Build template System, then would receive Jeweler 500 back its reason for existance, if you would need this Craftign Job, if you want to make usage of the Build Template System via unlocking your Upgrades as accountbound versions as ascended upgrades, so that you could use all your for your account unlocked upgrades via the Build te,mplate System like in PvP to quickly switch out your upgrades in your equipment, without ever needing to rebuy them anymore, if you removed them from equipment and didn't use for it an upgrade emove with a 100% chance to retrieve the upgrades. Ascended Runes, Ascended Jewels and Ascended Sigils..add this for Jeweler 500 Recipes and Jeweler wil lbecome finalyl again one of the most useful Craftign Professions that it was once, before you added Ascended Equipment and Fractals to this game ....


    - Towns would be finally the lifeful places that anet advertised them to be, with many good reasons to go revisit them, instead of being dead ghost towns mostly, unless you are in either DR or LA, which are basicalyl since 6 years the only towns, that play for anet at all a role, while all other towns permanently get the cold shoulder by them.

    With lifeful places worth revising do I mean, that all towns should provide their very own dynamic events, whichget as part of the living story over time also updated evrery now and then with new events..so that players actualyl have a REASON to visit the towns, because there is ACTION, somethign that can dynamically start in the town, like in every other normal explorable map outside of towns too. towns shoudl be full of "Adventures", actual Minigames that ANet kind of advertised for Towns to have.

    I'm still missing Polymock for Rata Sum, or Bar Brawls for Divinty Reach, or the Gladium Arena for theCharr Hometown Black Citadel and so on and so forth


    - this Game would receive as next Expansion an Underwater Expansion that includes Cantha as explorable Region, with a full redesign and rebalancing of the whle Underwater Combat System, including adding complete own Underwater Traitlines for the Underwater Cmbat for each Class, so that each Class as own Traits for Land as like Underwater Combat with each Class having no Skilsl anymore, which can't be used underwater, this is just a total NO GO. A good Story, that is all about the last since 6 years long unknown Deep Sea Dragon for which ANets makes a total mystery around whyever for no reason about its name - must be really special this dragon, if even Anet won't tell us its name for whopping 6 years by now ...


    - it would have all of its interesting intelligent races its lore provides and counts as **high** intelligent as playable races, this includes the Tengu and the Largos, whome one could be added over time via Feature Pack as part of the Living Story, the other could be used as Expansion Feature for the Underwater Expansion (Largos, in a redesign form that makes more sense, without these terribly stiff Manta Wings which look like being glued onto their backs and rename that Largos Back Item to Manta Wings, so that it has no connection to the previous Largos Version anymore)


    - we would have more interesting useable Weapon Types and would get removed therefore some totally obsolete ones, like the Harpoon Gun and the Trident, while turnign the Spear into a Hybrid Weapon finally, useable on land as like underwater, so that GW2 gets Polearms Weapons, like they were once planned to become, before ypou decided to turn them just into a Underwater Weapon. Stuff like Crossbows, Greataxes, Chain Whips/Sickles, Chakrams and Claws/Cesti are what GW2 needs to become more interesting and are the stuff, with that especially Elite Specializations could become real great additions to the game, if they add also new Weapon Types, which come together with them as part of them.


    - the Game would have the likely most wished and wanted feature that this community has ever begged for (aside of Mounts xD) - Build Templates, which are an official part of this game, and not such inofficial third party garbage option that has no official support from anet, should it come ever to any kind of problems with these programs, cause they werent officially made by Anet Programmers for the game


    - the Living World Storytelling would be better and Episodes would last longer, than just only like a few hours of play, like essentially watching two episodes of a TV Series for like several months of waiting in between. A new Story Patch should offer Story Content at least lasting for 2-3 Days, cause that would be then worth the wait, than like Story Content, which entertains only for 2-3 hours and your done with what the new patch offers.. kind of feels unfitting. And if Anet follows with the Living Story some kinf of TV Series Format of storytelling, it would be also nic,e if they learn to add more oftenly some new characters, switching characters in and out more oftenly, instead of presentign us always the same few more or less good characters that are splitting up the community in likes and dislikes massively with the tone currently being, that most people I hear here and ingame - me included wantign to see some characters to "die", cause theyl iterally have no personality, no real character improvement over time and or/are just annoying AF due to their bad storytelling **cough** Braham **cough**


    - WvW would have 3 completely different looking Border Maps with each side having their own Theme and Eternal Battlefield becoming merged with EotM as the one and only Map that has a Castle in the Middle, should always be accessible!!. WvW should receive also like WvW some kind of "Lobby Area, which can be used by WvW then there also for their 1v1-Duels as also GvG-Battles


    - PvP would provide more depthful Play Modes, than only Deatchmatch and Conquest. There are much more interestign PvP Concepts, that could make fun and should get provided in GW2 2v2, 3v3 , 8v8 (like in original GW1), Last Man Standing, Hunger Games (2v2v2v2v2v2 ...) and so on. PvP must grow and must become more interestign, it can#t stay forever being just the same... and to thing belongs also making something better and more depthful out of Stronghold as a PvP Sub Mode!!


    - Fractals would be seen finally by Anet as the kind of huge potential game content jackpot for freedom of design, that it is, with that anet could kind of add anythign into the game for interesting new gameplay modes, features ect. via Fractals, like Monster Hunter Style like Hunt Maps withreally big monsters to find on nowhere seen before on any other GW2 map on a whle different proportion... Dungeon Crawler Fractals, where entering them is everytime you do a complete new and different experience, instead of permanently beign one and the same boring stuff like we have no, that is only interesting the first like 2-3 times and after that not at all anymore, cause youve seen already everythign ,uve done already everything in them and do them then only for the grind of rewards/gold - hooray, how whas that once againß you swing a sword, oh, and you swung it again and again and again.. fractals in a nutshell ..


    - Players would receive finally full power over their complete own **Privacy** in this Game by becoming able to manage their own Friend and especially Follower List by becoming just able to DELETE people from the Follower List and keep it clean from people you donm#t want to see on it by being SELF able to decide. who can follow me, by having to receive a request first that if I say No, then this means also a no and that nobody I don't know who wants to follow me, most likely only for WvW abusal to see where I am, can't follow me via Follower List to the map I switched over


    and some other points, but this list shows good enough ,that GW2 is far away from being a "perfect game", whith these points fixed, it would at least be alot closer to "perfect" in my own personal view, that has to be said last, cause naturaly I can speak only for myself here.

  24. Really pointless mastery and a waste of ressources.. when i saw it getting asvertised in the trailer, that we get a new mastery, I was in hope, that it is somethign useful, somethign fun, somethign that really completements this game and makes it somehow better than before, that feels rewording at the moment as you achiev it.. and then.. this...


    it would have been at least a meaningful kind of somehow useful achievement, if it would do at least, exactly what its description say - otherwise correct the irritating description that are clearly an error here, cause they say somethign totalyl different out, than what the mastery exactly does ..


    When a description for a mastery like this says out basically, that the health pool of my mount and the health pool of its Rider get together, then I do expect from such a mastery exactly also THIS - means if my Mount has like 10000 HP and I have like 20000 HP, that I have as a character with this earned Achievement then while riding on my mount instead of the lousy 10000 Hp actually then 30000 HP, so that I can survive on my mount riding through dangerous territory just longer, so that there is actually NO NEED for a total obsolete Heal Skill slot being added, what is actually in fact what this mastery does do.


    It just adds a very risky heal skill, which feels more like a stupid punishment tio the player, as you get downed when using this heal skill, to basically replace temporarely the heal pool of your mount with yours and if the damage you receive meanwhile brings you down to 0 you get downed, instead of just thrown off of your mount as usual, like manx others before me have already mentioned it.


    It would have been much better for this game and the fun factor of using mounts, if this trait would actually really do, what it's mastery description says it does... Because there is really absolutely no need to add a useless healing skill slot, when you can do the same proactively with just raising the terribly low health pool of our mounts through this mastery by doing just SIMPLE MATH with the health pools of both - you and mount as in 1+1 = 2


    Why the need to add extra an obsolete Heal Slot? Proactive Play that requires Palyer SKill/Good Positioning with your increased Health Pool is always better, than reactive Gameplay, with that you need to heal you up, just so that you don't die on your mount in a situation, where it's tiny health pool alone would not be enough to make it alive out of a situation.. like that poison corridor for saving a skritt in one of the current episodes missions, which would be impossible to do without that mastery, cause you'd be already dead with your mount, before you are even at all half way back out of that corridor >.>

  25. Its not the same as Attunements... I just changed only the Kits as a Utility Skill into a Feature Skill, where the mechanics of switching out your whole Weapon Skill Sets makes for the Engineer much more sense, than to waste utility Skill Slots on that. On the F-Slots it would feel much better and more natural to the gameplay design of this class, instead of the Toolbelt, which provides with its design only reactively based on your chosen Utility SKills some additional Skills that are more or less useful for you.


    removing the Toolbelt and turning Kits into the Main Feature would definetely make the uniqueness of the Engineer Class much stronger.

    The difference between an Elementalist and an Engineer with its Kits is...

    When you change with an Elementalist itsa Attunements, you still play with your Weapon, your Skills are bonded still to your chosen Weapon which decides over it, how your elemental skilsl will play out, if ranged, or melee ect.


    With Kits, while feeling similar to Attunements, each Kit has no bond to one specific chosen Weapon you used before activiatign your Kit. When you activate any kit,m you won't fight any longer with just your normal Weapon anymore. Your Weapon gets completely replaced with something else.


    If you activate as Technomancer the Lightning Kit, you won't hold in your hands then anymore your Staff, no - you hold in your hands then maybe a Lightning Canno which shoots alchemagical infused Lighning Bullets super fast like kind of a Railgun, that you can switch into an other mode to shoot instead slower bigger Ball Lightnings for more AoE Damage.

    Do you switch now to the Gravity Kit you won't have then that Lightning Cannon in your hands anymore. It will change over into a Fokus, that allows you to control Gravity with it to push and pull your foes around, send them flying basically like using Psychokinesis, but just only with the power of gravity, which you control with that device in your hands, instead of your willpower. ANet shows with the current episode, how much fun magnetism can be ;) think how much fun the power over gravity really can be, if theen used in combat ^^

    Switch over to the Steam Kit, and you have nowmybe a Warhorn or kind of Shield in your hands and with the Signet Kit you just eventually simply stay at your Staff.


    What i want to say with all this is only, the possibilities are endles,s this concept offers definetely more potential for being a greater Engineer Class in the end, than what we have right now, where kits are in their usage very limited as Utility Skills and for Class Design and Balance Reasons it would make also sense to sülit up the potential of the kits among the class and its E-Specs, so that each of them would have its very own 4 unique kits - an amount of kits, that would be unter the utility Skill design of anet also impossible to have with this class so many unique different kits as part of the class, to increase this way also the build diversity of the engineer class.

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