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Posts posted by Orpheal.8263

  1. its not really the classes, that need heavy nerfs, its the freaking by Anet ignored Combat System, that needs finalyl significant changes... because All what Anet permanently did for years is doctorign aroudn the class skilsl and traits.

    Its enough.. this games combat system is by now so extremely outdated and ruined by Anets ignorance, that the game has become in regard of balsance for everythign, that is not the current meta build of the month totalyl UNPLAYABLE and frustrative to the point you can even say the game has becoem for non meta builds completely rage inducing!!!


    When I play my thief (Daredevil) now, I completely know, that I don't even need to try to fight anything else, that is not self a thief or a Daredevil, because I absolutely won't stand a chance agaisnt all this powercreeped BS Anet made out of the game, because If I'm not able to kill my enemy as a thief out of surprise within like 1-3 seconds, then I'm going to die most likely, because i fired off my powder and have to flee first to get again another chance to be able to burst, while all other classes can easily outheal or outsustain meanwhile all my damage, or can do, if its a mesmer (spec) the same and just reset the fight, until they are in such a masive advantage over me, that they can turn the battle within seconds to their favor..if I don't flee already


    if I fight anythign that is based on a warrior, I wil ljust get stomped into the ground in seconds and deal no damage at all ,cause their ridiculous overpowered passive hels, invuls and blocks ect. make it possible for them to braindeadly just outheal everythign instantly i throw at them ...

    if i fight anythign that is based on msmer, i just get instant killed through either shatters, or massive hard cc spam or condi spam of confusion, torment, bleeds, burnign asnd poison..so basicalyl alöl dot confions all at once and if its not the massive condi damage, then its like i kill practically myself in seconds ...

    If i fight anythign thats based on necro, i ewill either get bombarded with condi spam to death, or ill get power reaped within seconds to death or get just instant kileld now by scourges which need to put just only their facking 3 shades on me and im dead

    if its anything ranger related - most likely druids now, they just outheal everythign i throw at them or they cowardly spam you to death with rapidfire salves non stop out of nowhere, whiel they use trapper stealth to reposition either or they simpyl outsustain everythign you do, with invuls and stuns and other hard ccs

    if its anything ele related they spam ypou to death with aoe damage, burns, lots of hard ccs from air attunement and can also prettzy much outheal you easily if played well... and yo udidnd had the advantage of getting a burstign first strike to put pressure onto them first so that they can concentrate too much on beign offensive

    if its anythign engineer related, you get spammed to death with a mixture of condis and hard cc, while being revealed by them and them having with their turrts and all miuch better dps and support, than you with your lousy stupid thieves guild...

    if its anythign guardian related, you get spammed to death either by their dh traps quickly, or you get burned to death with ridiculous amounts of Burn stacks that they can constantly keep on you ,because its basicalyl the only thing they do and are massively specialized on in regard of conditions with burning being the strongest dot condition of them all, unless you get to ramp up torment7confusion to max stacks, then you kill yourself basicalyl quicker, than burnign can do .. same as warriiros, they can easily outheal you, but unlike the warriro, cant at least run away quickly if needed ...


    cant say somethign to revs, havent fought yet so many, cause the class pretty much died out quickly and is garbage that needs a compelte redesign in my view and should become better a rytlock only story relevant class for him,while it gets replaced for us as a total different new class that has nothing to do anymore with the heroes crap and energy nonsense that turns this class into the black sheep of them all other white ones by its design .



    Anet can fix this game balance by now only, if they finalyl stop ignorign the real issue that the ganme has, that it is outdated and still runs on an outdated combat system, which has been ignored by ANet for the last 5 years 90% of all times to get updated and adapted to all the massive changes they permanently did to skilsl and traits, to the fact that they added new boons and conditions, which didnt exist on release day and never were originalyl part of the game balance of the combat system we use stil lsince 2012 in its original form.

    The combat system, that was made under the design thought, that something liek Elite Specs don't exist!! The combat system, that was balanced aroudn the fact, that conditions like Torment, Slow and Taunt do not exist...


    its no solution to doctor aroudn always only on skilsl and traits and expect from a game like GW2, that the complete rest of the ignored game mechancis just balance themself automatically. This includes especially the outdatzed base health system to which anet never has done Anythign to improve and rebalance it, which still is the 2012er health system, that was balanced aroudn the fact, that all classes excluding the E specs, and excluding everythign that didnt exist at that point, dealt basically fealt 30-50% less DPS, than what everythign snorts out by now in a blink of an eye ... which is the reason why we have the fealign, that everythign is overpowrred, why stuff like mirages can instant kill so easily, because we all have for the state of this game by now way too less health for this high DPS that classes have..


    Anet woudl have either to adapt finally the heath system, or basically reduce all the damage that all classes do in this game generall by like 30-50%, so that the DPS that we deal becoems again in harmony with the health system. And first when DPS and Health System are in harmony with each other again ,then its again first time to make changes specificly on the classes.

  2. - I would completely remove Daredevil and Deadeye first

    - Then I'd fix the Core Traitlines of the Thief and make sure to strengthen them all in such a way, that Thief can again shine in some own areas and becomes finaly useful in all Game Modes again, while also receiving back its identity with features, that should belong to a Thief Class and what people expect from Thieves what they should do - Boon Stealing and Sharing as like Trap Control, Diasarming of Enemies, weakening Foes Attributes this way, so that they can't deal such heavy bursts anymore and give them some proper Group Support.

    - Then I'd improve their Stealth and Shadow Step Mechanics to make sure, that Thief becomes the clear most mobile Class of all, which can't be anymore outrun by Warriors in HEAVY ARMORS, without having to lose all initiative for that ....and beign then like a dry fish on the silver platter for them to kill easily

    - I'd make sure, that Thief gets ways to ignore (or at least weaken) the absurd health Degenerations of Warriors, so that they actually can deal damage to them and not get permanently all of their attacks outhealed instantly, what is ridiculous

    - Then I'd change the Weapon List of the Core Thief, add as baseline Weapons there Staff, Offhand Sword and Rifle (due to Rifle gettign merged with Harpoon Guns to remove this obsolete Weapon Type, so that Deadeye becomes completely obsolete too)

    - After that Id rework the Rifle Skilsl to simplyfy them so that they work without all this Kneel and Malice Garbage under the Core Thief with a Kneel mechanism, w that works automatically and doesn't require anymore manual button clicking

    - I'd make 3 Dodges and the Dodge Styles of the Daredevil baseline for the Core Thief with the difference, that the Dodge Styles are now F-Skills from F3 to F5 and manually changeable anytime in Combat with little recharge times instead of them being linked to Grandmaster Traits

    - Id merge alot of the Utility Skills after that and fill up the made gaps with new useful Skills that help better defining the role of as Thief and what a Thief in Combat should do, while providing in its own unique way some form of Group Support.

    - I'd completely rework all of the Elite Skills and replace them with better more useful ones.

    - After that I'd overlook every single Skill of the Thief, which can't be used under water right now, how to change it, to make it useable under water as well - if that is impossible, then the whiole skill gets deleted and replaced with a new skill, which is from ground up designed for it to work on land as like underwater, so that the Thief doesn't lose anymore over the half of all its skilsl the moment you touch water. This has been so absurd since release of the game and anet never fixed this...

    - After having previously removed Daredevil and Deadeye, due to mostly absorbing them into Core Thief to give Thief back its original identity that Anet nerfed to death to give these E Specs a reason for existance, I'll give the Thief two really useful and thematic fitting E Specs - the Rogue, with giving them Longbows, so that they can choose between two long range weapons with the Rogue being the spec that focuses heavily on Boon Stealing, Trap Control, Disarming Foes and Mobility - and the Saboteur with the Torch, that gives Thief access to Burning, more Group Support through Manipulations, improved Self Defense through gettign more access to Protection and Stability and addign hard counters to Banners, Minions/Turrets/Gyros and the like by becoming able to take them over from your enemies to use them against them and which is a kind of Shadowmancer with specialized Shadow Steps as the Torch with its own source of light allows it them to create on demand shadows that they can use for their Shadow Spells to manipulate foes like a Shadowmancer/Puppet Master



    Thats how i practically would redesign the whole Thief Package including its E Specs which are so out of touch with the game, that they need to be completely removed and merged into the Core Thief as good a possible, just to restore the original identity of the Thief to the point, that the Thief Class feels again likebeing truly a Thief in a competitive way so that you don't get anymore stomped into the ground the very moment you fight against one of the other totally overpowered powercreep specs like Mirage, Scourge or Spellbreaker.

    Thief is currently in absolutely no good spot, it feels so extremely left behind and not on an equal level with the other specs, that it is so obvious, that you just need to play the class for a while and do some fights against the other classes with Thief to clearly see how huge the gap between Thief and the rest is right now - and that is something, that only people who main thieves can truly realize, cause these people have several years of experience with playing this class and know about what they are talking.


    When I see my high defensive thief still gettign one shotted by any total unexperienced Mirage/scourge players, cause all they have to do is faceroll over their keyeboard and the overpowered mechanics of these specs do everythign for them..then you absolutely know, how bad the state of game balance in this game is ...

  3. Sure, the clean up of the current core traitlines surely woudl hel pin the end defining better, what kind of traits can be added for new traitlines. That prerequisite you speak of can lead to the current traitlines gettign their effects better sortated , so that each line becomes clearer for what exactly it is there for your class.

    You can see already in my thief example, there there are also under the thief here and there some smaller cross over in what a traitline does, where I think , it would be better to put those effects that are shared within like 2 traitlines into just one general traitline and makign that line specificly resposnible for the effect, like in the case with Thief having traits that affect Steal ffects within two traitlines.


    Best example how it shoudl be more like on the other had is Critical Strikes, this traitlines is for this class so 100% clear focused on just being responsible only for Critical Hits and Critical Damage, that you find nowhere else in any other traitline some traits, that have anything to do with these two specifications. You will always know, as a thif, that wen you want to booost yoir Critical gameplay, then you have to use Critical Strikes as your go to traitline that is mainly responsible for this.


    I wish ANet would have given the Core Classes som more polish first, before implementating with HoT the E Specs and havign done before of that first the huge condition system change desaster that they have kept unchanged for the last 2+ years, until they fixed it finally with the latest patch to some extend, that you can say, it was a first stp into the right direction.

  4. Its the point with these talents to make each class more individually unique.

    If it would have been the plan to give every class access to a talent, that lets them get also too +15% increased gain from selling stuff to npcs or buying from them something, then this effect cpould just be a generic normal Mastery that is shared between all your characters of your account, but then it is not anymore a class specific talent.


    I can understand that many people don't like talents, if it sounds too focused on PVE only.. but it is easier to start of such a system first only with PvE in mind, see what works and from this point on think over it, how the workign stuff might get adapted, so that certain Talents that were previously limited to PvE only, might work as well for WvW.

    Does PvP really need such kinds of Talents? I dont think that PvP is really the game mode for such a classic typical RPG feature as like Talents. Ad if proper PvP games ever would have been in need for Character Progression mechanics like this, especially here in the GW2 pvp, where you have directly everythign on max when you enter PvP and everythign that ypou need to unlock for PvP is only equioment skins and some upgrades to increase your potential build diversity...


    I personalyl think, its not in the duty of a Talent System to have to cover with its effects all game modes.

    No, I think its much better, if a Talent System stays focused completely on PvE only aspects and WvW will receive its very own WvW related class specific Talents (under a different term, lets call it "**War Abilities**",) that are then there designed for WvW only to define better the unique roles of each Class for WvW, which is a different type of idea that I support already for a longer while.

    With this differentiation does not then exist also later any confusion over effects for PvE and those for WvW,. when both sides woth provide their very own class specifics for each Mode, because not everythign that will work for PvE, can also work for WvW too and vice versa

  5. Its clear that content designed for specificly only one class always looks like being designed for rather an offline game on the first look, but its the effects that matter.

    If you read my suggestions carefully, then you should realize, that I tried with my 5 Thief Talents to add in a few of them also something helpful or nice, that can be seen as "Group Support", so that others can also benefit from your Talents as a Thief, thus giving them a reason for why they should take you with you in the group.


    Think about a Raid Group that can have due to a Thief in their Group have more rewards on the way due to finding some hidden unique chests that contain unique rewards you can get only from them, or which can safe them some time, by not having to fight of a larger amount of enemies potentially due to the thief knowing a hidden spot in the raid location, which will be useable as shortcut for your group to safe the time fighting those enemies off first.

    Or think about the Burglars Tools, where a Thief could infiltrate with the Grappling Hoch a place, where he could do something, like activating a trap, that will decimate foes for your group somewhere else, if used before startibg the battle, or weaken those enemies in a unique way, making this way the fights easier for your group.


    A Thief, that can create longer lasting stealths in dark places surely will come in handy also too, especially when it increases significantly then the groups movement speed for that time as well, so that you can eventually reach some spots right in time, where you would be otherwise too slow to do something successfully undamaged, and thus losing your movement tempo, due to getting into combat, thus making such situations easier to do without complications.



    In regard of your few ideas. I thought my concept of increased Traitlines to be only for the Core Classes, not for Elite Specializations as well too, because Elite Specializations are already there as Traitline as you require them currently to switch to said E Specs. So your ideas there would basically count all for the Warrior.

    E Specs would have access to those Talents due to them simply being part of the Core Class, so no need to differentiate here between Core and E Spec.


    If I take myself time now to think over the Warrior next, I'd take such talents for the Warrior :3


    ## Intimidate

    Influences products to be sold from NPCs to you, so that they might sell you things, that they wouldn' normally sell to players and Shouts receive a 10% Chance to cause Fear (kind of upgraded your version to be more unique)


    ## Strong Muscles

    Enables you to lift up heavy things, that are too heavy for all other Classes, like Rock Boulders, big trees and whatever may lie in your way and block off your path, you can remove it out of your way with just your strong muscles of a true battle hardened warrior, letting you reach places this way, that wouldn't be open to explore otherwise for others or you


    ## Iron Skin

    Reduces Condition Durations for you in PvE by 15% and you become immune to Dazes, only Stuns, Knockdowns and Launches will still work on you as Hard CCs

    Increases your Vitality and Healing Power for every Condition you suffer on in PvE.


    ## Motivative Willpower

    Increases drastically the Range of Banners and grants some Banner relevant unique new environmental Effects for you and your allies, while standing in their range.

    Banners with this Talent work now more like GW1 Wards, so that they will have also some negative effects on Enemies, if they stand in the Range of the Banners, like decreasing opposingly the Stats for the Enemy, which get boosted for your Allies.

    You can motivate now also NPCs to cheer them up, by just your presence being there , giving them Boosts, so that NPCs will have increased Health, and higher Stats plus Regeneration periodically every few seconds in your near. (this includes also Story related NPCs regarding Living Story, if a Warrior with this Talent is within you, then those NPCs will fight better and survive longer)


    ## Leader of Legions

    Gain access to a new warriror unique Mount, the War Beast, which is a ferocious huge lizard/salamander type of creature which has the ability to run on walls, so that you can reach this way unreachable locations and is able to see in the darkness, so that you can even lead away, where others would see nothing...

    While riding your unique Mount you will get access to unique Shout Skills worthy of a Leader of Legions with that you can enter a Combat, before getting off your Mount.


  6. > @"artemis.6781" said:

    > You do know we used to be able to use every traitline as long as you choose wisely? I miss those days because some grand masteries really suck.


    If i understand you right here, then I must say to this, that what you mention here is a matter of Class Balance, which isn't right now the topic here.

    Because sure there were times, where you could take basically any traitline, and in most cases you still can do... however I also know that there are still traitlines in this game, that are by their design sadly so mandatory for the class, that the class is most likely uncompetitive to even unplayable in the current situation, if you don#t use these specific traitlines.


    But the topic here now is the question, if you would find it ok, if ANet would increased in regard of character progression for the Core Classes the amount of Traitlines from 5 to 7 and would enable us to have 1 line more in usage (and if yes, what kind of ideas you eventually have for the other professions, which i haven't named here due to topic size reasons, cause 1 class is enough to show an example)

  7. Hmm somethintg I could agree with you Ayumi.

    Would be at least sure worth it to test that out


    @ Edgar: if this pessimistic opinion is your mindset, then I think under your opinion shpould have Anet better never even have started first with implementating Elite Specs, because they do literally the same nearly, as what I suggest here. The only difference between this and my thread here is, that I want to do something with this idea for specificly the Core Classes.


    It is for me no question about - what of those added options might shake up eventualyl the meta and might become a new "best build"

    If ANet would let themself get stopped by such pessimism each time, they want to add some new content, then we would basicalyl get to see never anything new...

  8. What kind of advantage would it have to merge these two Systems together, and what exactly has this merge to do with Character Progression, you might ask yourself now, right?


    Merging these two Systems would have a great advantage for the game, giving us a better feeling of getting Character Progression for our Core Classes.

    By mergign these two Systems togethe,r Anet could make it possible for the Core Classes to become able to use the Weapons, Healing and Utility Skills from Elite Specializations as well.

    thus we will feel like our Core Class has progressed, not only because we have learned only a new Elite Specialization, but also because we HAVE MASTERED that said Elite Specialization, have gone to a Grand Master NPC, which teached us, which put us under hardships and trials to test our wisdom and skills as a said Elite Specialization, so that we can call us truly after all these tests a true Elite of our Class and Master of our Profession...


    And as Masters of our Professions, there shouldn#t exist anymore any borders between the Core Class and the Elite Spec, when it comes down to the Basics.

    The Basics of an Elite Specialization are its Weapon, its Healing and Utility Skills. That are the Basics of each Elite Specialization, while the advanced techniques of an Elite Specialization are it's Traits and its Elite Skill, that should stay unseable only, when you decide to play as said Elite Specialization, cause the Traits and the Elite Skill basically symbolize the Elite Specialization's Gameplay and Style - not only its own unique icon.


    People complained ever since the introduction of Elite Specializations, that the weapons they add to the Core Class, are limited to the Specialization only - and personalyl I have to agree with this sentiment of those complaining players - it feels just like a non thpought out concept by ANet to make it not as part of Character progression possible for Core Classes to use these new Weapons as well too, because thats essentially the main reason of what is meant for Character Progression - that your Character grows and learns new things to use and to do, but this shouldnt come together with technical limitations as well, that these new thigns you can do are permanently locked behind mechanics.


    So far you get as player the impression in GW2, that our characters basically just learned only the Elite Specializastinos, but we haven't really mastered them. And its a mighty difference, if you just have learned only somethign a while ago, or if you are a true master of something on an Elite Level - and this connection between having learned the Specializations and having mastered them is totally missing in my opinion in GW2

    We just grind only Hero Points and et voila, we are instantly said Elite Specialization.

    Do you really call this Character Progression Anet??


    I would have expected more from this, back then in the Character progression CDI from you Anet to make out of the idea of Sub Classes, than just this simple minded form of changing our Classes.

    Yes, i admit, I got surprised by Masteries becoming part of the game, that you kind of split the general idea up into two own systems.. but I think it would be better for the overall game, if just both systems gewt merged together.


    What do you guys think about this?

    Would you like to get to see both systems gettign merged together, when this makes it possible for us to use the Weapons and Skills (except Elite) of the Elite Specializations, after we have truly mastered them first? Because what we have right now, is simply having them learned only.. which is why I can agree with it, that under the state of havign frshly learned only the Specs, shouldn't OCre Classes be able to use the Weapon and Skilsl of E Specs, but if we truly master the Specs as part of the Mastery System, it should be different!


  9. I'd like to see Anet implementign a Talent System into GW2, as part of individual Character Progression Mechanic for the Game. Its basically Masteries, just with the difference, that these aren't universal Masteries which are for each person the exact same, but they are instead only useable per each individual Class instead.

    Talents are a way to strengthen the individual ROLES of each Class.

    Like I did have done this on my other earlier Class Progression Thread for increased Traitlines, I do this example here again with Thieves, to focus on only 1 Class, so that the length of the starting post stays as short as possible to make it more overviewable.

    You can write then naturally your ideas and thoughts about the topic in regard of any other not mentioned Class ;)


    # Thief Talents


    Or so to say, the unique Masteries of a Thief I can think of, and for the start, each Class should have like 5 unique Talents to begin with, i think could be:


    ## Eye of the Shadows

    Enables Thieves to see hidden things, that only they can see in the World, which are hidden in the shadows, or by magic and can make them with this Talented revealed for the normal untrained eyes of others. This allows Thieves in Dungeons, Fractals and Raids to find unique Treasure Chests that contain unique rewards you will find only in these hidden chests, or hidden Shortcuts, or hidden Traps, that would stay otherwise invisible to the group


    ## Rogue's Tongue

    Enables to haggle with NPCs for discounts and get better prices for selling items to them by 15% and enables you to steal from NPC for a tiny chance of obtaining something random, if you steal successfully, while talking with NPC and distracting them.


    ## Elegance of a Cat

    Reduces for you your Fall Damage by 25% and makes you always perform a smooth Dodge Roll when you fall, not falling anymore flat on your belly, losing time this way. Makes your Movements also more silent, so that you won't be heard when you run, where other Classes would get heard and increases your Stealth Durations in dark places by 50%, whiel granting you Super Speed in Stealth


    ## Burglar's Tools

    Grants you access to a Grappling Hook tool, with that you can reach higher positions, where you won't get to with just jumping, and have not enough space for using a mount or where mounts simple aren't useable, so that you can reeach this way locations, that only you can reach. Includes also a Key Ring with Lockpicks, with that you can open closed things, that would stay otherwise closed for others, unless the door or chest is enchanted, then those lockpicks won't help and you need somebody else, who can remove enchants.


    ## Disarmed Enemies

    Whenever you Steal from intelligent species foes, you will disarm them now, what leaves them unable to attack for a while, until they regain their weapons.

    If the enemy was an unintelligent species, like a simple monster, then will steal lead to temporary reductions of their Power and Toughness Stats. Lets you use Steal Items now 1x more, before they get removed, if the attacked Enemy was from an intelligent species. (this includes other players in regard of PvP/WvW)



    So, what are your thoughts about a talent System, so to say a specialized enhancement of the Mastery System that is designed this time specificly around each individual Class to strenthen each Class Role more, to expand each Classes individuality this way more?

    Would you like to see something like that gettingadded for better Character Progression in the future?

    If yes, what kind of ideas do you have for other Classes, while I focused myself here for my example only onto the Thief?




  10. Ever since GW2 started, I've asked me, why does ANet limit the Build Diversity of their Classes to just only lettign us have 3 Trait Lines to use from maximum 5 Traitlines, which each Class has. There there is unused potential for more, should be more then obvious for everyone, because with a simple brainstorming should be everyone able to give each Class at least easily 2, if not more additional Traitlines that could be used to enhance and expand the Core Classes further, as part of Character Progression, that our Characters learn over time new fields of techniques, that they haven't learned before, that then can be used to specialize into them via Traits to change thios way the Gameplay of your Class to those new chooseable options you learned.


    I wanna show you this with Thief as example, how far you could easily go with this and add with a bit more Character Progression here alot more Build Variety for the Classes.


    Currently the Thief Class has 5 Traitlines - Shadow Arts, Trickery, Deadly Arts, Critical Strikes and Acrobatics


    **Shadow Arts** is focused on Stealth, Deceptions, causing Blindness and Self Sustain

    **Deadly Arts is** focused on DPS, Conditions, Traps and some offensive Steal Improvements

    **Critical Strikes** is focued on Critical Hits and ther Chance of obtaining it, or Effects that happen based on Critical Hits in combo with gettign Fury, which in return helps landing easier critical Hits and Signets as like Critical Damage, so kind of also a bit DPS could you say in the end.

    **Acrobatics** is focused on Evasion (Dodge Rolls), Endurance Regain, Stun Breaks and Movement Speed and a bit Initiative Regain based on Evasion

    **Trickery** is focused on Steal, Initiative and Tricks


    Now when you look onto these 5 Traitlines, don't you miss there something for the Thief, that could be part of their Character Progression? I do and can name easily 2 Traitlines, that would do fit for the Thief Class to expand on for more Build Variety and Character Progression.


    **Dexterity** is focused on Shadow Steps, Self Defense, Trap Control and Boon Stealing/Sharing/Durations

    **Cruelty** is focused on Venoms, Condition Effects/Durations, Disarmaments via Steal/Hard CCs and Soft CCs


    With these two examples you can easily see, that these two new Traitlines would cover then things, that haven't been covered before by any of the other original first 5 Traitlines, thus giving the Class more Build Diversity through them and the feel of Character Progression, because there would exist two new ways how to specialize the Thief in two different new ways that weren't possible before.


    The same could and should be naturally done with all other Classes as well.


    If you would get asked now, what kind of 2 additional Traitlines would you like to see for your Class, I'd like to see your answers here now, which kind of 2 Traitlines that would be and for what exactly they should be aiming for to improve the mentioned Class in your view.

    I'd also like to get to know from you, if you would agree with it with a simple yes , or no answer, if you would like to see the Traitline Limit getting increased from 3 to 4 useable Traitlines, should ANet increase the total amount from 5 to 7 Traitlines.


    Me personally, I'd say, yes, increase the limit to 4, (including rebalancing the existing Traitlines on the fact that now 4 lines can be used together), because if we woudl have 7 chooseable lines from which we could use then 4 Traitlines, instead of our current have 5 lines and use 3 of them-model, we would have more build diversity with this and more build options, with that each class could become potentially more useful in all game modes.

  11. > @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

    > > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

    > > The top 5 expansion sellers features I want to see in Expansion 3 are currently for me:

    > >

    > > - New Elite Specs which implement for example 2 new Weapon Types - Chain Whips and Greataxes for the start, while Spears get reworked to Polearms, Tridents merged with Staffs and Harpoon Guns merged with Rifles, so that Rifle becomes a Base Thief weapon and Deadeye gets a complete redesign with Longbow in mind and a new better name and gameplay concept/ Rogue. The Whip could get introduced by the Ranger Spec as an Explorer, kind of like Indiana Jones, just with pet. The Greataxe would become introduced by the Warrior Spec, which is named Berserker then, while the original Berserker gets renamed to Vagabond or somethign else that fits better to the Torch, than Berserker to which a big 2h weapon like the greataxe should belong to better. Or instead of the range,r the Thief with Chain Whip as a kind of "Assassin" (Kusarigama/ Sickle & Ball Chain inspired gameplay from the Toukiden Series), but just with an other name, not Assassin, maybe Infiltrator


    > Chain whips? Kusarigama? Yes, please!


    > > like Spider Mounts

    > Please no. :s



    Why no to Spider Mounts? if its a phobia thing, then you should be already agaisnt all those spiders in the game that you can kill as enemies. Do they scare you as well? I guess not..

    but a spider like mount, it doesnt even have to look really like a spider..call them crawlers with a different look would do the job as well. Just want a mont with the ability to run on walls, because that would be a nice unique ability to play around with in regard of world design.

  12. WvW has been neglected and abandond by now for like 3 years, there was only some small breath of life for it again when they added the desert map, but from that point on, they ignored it again...


    A big game mode like WvW needs some bigger changes to get back on track. With WvW is it as like with mass. If you want to move big mass, then you will need also alot of power/effort to get the mass to move.


    - WvW needs 3 different unique Borderlands (Alpine, Desert, Tropic Islands/Volcanic or Swamp)

    - WvW needs significantly better rewards, which are eqally good for playing WvW offensive, AS LIKE defensive

    - WvW needs much better Character Progression and clear ROLES for each Class by implementating class specific WvW masteries

    - WvW needs for the mode own Class Skills that are balanced for that mode alone, so that PvE/PvP changes don't negatively affect anymore WvW

    - WvW needs a game Design reconception change, turning the mode from a server based battle into a Faction based battle mode, this wll solve population issues and will make it possible for Anet to merge servers together, to create space for making fresh new servers

    - WvW needs illogical broken things fixed, like AoEs reaching over the complete wall, so that defendign from walls becomes impossible, this is somethign ,that Anet shoudl have fixed instantly back in 2012 already!!! Players defendign the playces need to receie some kind of Home Advantage that is dealing more damage and having higher range with skills, when attacking foes that stand below them. its a simple mechanic, that already existed in GW1. Theres no good reason for removing this mechanic for GW2, especialyl not for WvW where having it makes total sense when defendign your locations, where defenders shoudl have an home advantage over the attacking side, unless the attackign side brigns the tactical clever counter siege weapons to neutralize the home advantage to the field., what will cost supply for them, supply thta then again is rather needed also for gate/wall opening siege weapons

    - WvW needs to receive again in a constant manner Tournaments between the Factions.

    - WvW needs a rank System, that is meaningful, but also easier to reach its maximum.. lol 10000 Ranks of WxP grind, Reduce the 10000 Rankls that are totally meaningless down to a say 10 to eventually maximum 20 Rank System, where each reached rank is really meaningful and comes together with depthful character progression in WvW

    - WvW needs Eternal battlefield becoming merged with Edge of the Mist as a dual layer map, so that finally the only map with a castle can be accessed always without queues

    - WvW needs an own WvW Lobby from where players join the maps and whwere they can go to AFK, while not disturbing or stopping other active WvW players from actually joining the maps, only because of their greed to afk pips...

    - WvW needs more strategetical and tavctical depth, by splitting Supply up into multiple different important ressources, to force players to stop blobbing and split up much more into smaller groups to be able to cover everythign important on the map good enough to get hands on all the important ressources. The urrent ressource mechanic is way to simple minded to enforce upon players beign more splitted up in smaller groups to cover more territory, because they don#t need to do so, cause receiving supply in WvW is way too simple. Supply needs to become into 4 important ressouces, than only just 1, splitt it up into Food & Water, Wood, Metal Ore and and Oil and make building thigns up require all those fource ressource,s so that upgrading locations requires more than just only "Supply" and gold.. Gold, as like Karma/Badges of Honor should be also included more in these processes, but shoudl also be more included as part of rewards as well to close the cycle

    - WvW needs mounts to become integrated part of it as well, same as much as like Gliding has been added, but also too, like with Gliding with restrictions, that you can use mounts only in territory, that belongs to your side currently.

    - WvW needs to expands its depth as a game mode and needs to offer also too there guild related GvG battles that work like Battlefields as 15v15, 25v25, 50v50 and 100v100 platforms as alternative sub mode of WvW, that is more designed with guilds in mind, instead of servers


    Im sure, id come up with a few points more, if i continue, but i think this list is already enough to show, how much more could be done with WvW, to sinificantly make this mode better, than it is right now

  13. This recorded player was clearly a total noob, I guess from the way how that person played the warrior, id say even a complete game noob with like unter 1k Ap and basically none experience with the game yet, who just wanted to test out WvW and did it for the first time...


    Its really ridiculous when you die versus a NPC in WvW in such a laughable way, like this person.

    But does showing off such videos help us in any kind of way to make it happen, that WvW becomes better? No...


    It will make your days maybe once, for the LOLZ, but it won't make WvW great again, other than showign devs, how bad the rifle for warriors is xD

    Id go so far even to see, it woudl be better for Warriors, if ANet removes Rifles from this class completely and replaces the weapon with somethign much better, that makes for the Warriro much more sense as a ranged weapon - SPEARS!!!

  14. I made after all these years only 1 legendary weapon, after I decided myself to go for one and that is so far only Chuka & Champawat for my canthan based Thief Main Chara, I thought it would be correct to fight off Dragons with a Tiger Bow :D


    Costed me around like 780 Gold or so if i remember right, was very fun the journey with doing the stuff on the way to get the precursor Tigris, once i had that, the rest again felt just only like braindeads borign grind for materials just to make all thoase stupid gifts that exist only as material sinks, where I think making legendaries woudl be much more fun, if these thigns would need to be crafted, but require of you also too challinging things to be done instead... and gettign therefore rewarded with those gifts, instead of grindign your butt of several monthas, until you have from all t6 materials enough ect. until you can finalyl click once the craftign button and through the results with the precursor into the mystic forge ....

  15. The top 5 expansion sellers features I want to see in Expansion 3 are currently for me:


    - New Elite Specs which implement for example 2 new Weapon Types - Chain Whips and Greataxes for the start, while Spears get reworked to Polearms, Tridents merged with Staffs and Harpoon Guns merged with Rifles, so that Rifle becomes a Base Thief weapon and Deadeye gets a complete redesign with Longbow in mind and a new better name and gameplay concept/ Rogue. The Whip could get introduced by the Ranger Spec as an Explorer, kind of like Indiana Jones, just with pet. The Greataxe would become introduced by the Warrior Spec, which is named Berserker then, while the original Berserker gets renamed to Vagabond or somethign else that fits better to the Torch, than Berserker to which a big 2h weapon like the greataxe should belong to better. Or instead of the range,r the Thief with Chain Whip as a kind of "Assassin" (Kusarigama/ Sickle & Ball Chain inspired gameplay from the Toukiden Series), but just with an other name, not Assassin, maybe Infiltrator

    - Complete Underwater themed Deep Sea Dragon related Story campain that leads us to Cantha finally, after we cleared first the sea route to it and which enables us to get as part of the Story also playable Tengus

    - The Expansion of the Fractal System with new additional Fractal Types, like Heroic Fractals, Mass Fractals (for reimplementing Season 1 completely), Dungeon Crawlers, Guild Crusades, Hunting Grounds, so that finally is beign made usage of the huge potential that slumbers in the Fractal System, that yet hasnt been seen by ANet to make out of this feature somethign much bigger, depthful and fun, than it is right now, with its boring ever repeating same fractals which just get only more challenging , so more oftenly you repeat them to get into the deeper levels

    - The implementation of new Crafting Job Types and Gathering Types, like adding Alchemy, Fishing, Digging and Gardening to the game, as also adding finally Jeweler and Chef 500 to the game together with useful and senseful content, like ascended sigils and runes for jewerler 50, so that thsi craftign job finalyl gets again a good reason for its existance, plus its neccessary for ever addin an own official build template system, to remove everything that is soulbinded from the game, as soulbinded stuff simply cant work for a build template system, like accountbound stuff can work better with it, without complications .

    - The implemtation of Player Housing with fittign masteries around it and again fitting craftign job (Craftsman/Artisan) to create all kinds of stuff you can put into your home later (and makign Scribe with the expansion a normal craftign job, that is not anymore bonded to guilds)



    In brief, a **Cantha/Deep Sea dragon/Tengu Story/Lore based expansion**, which completely reworks all underwater combat and systems and reorganizes for this the weapons, while adding with new Specs **new Weapon Types**. Which is focused on improving Fractals with various **new modes** to add significantly more depth to Fractals, other than letting it be forever always the same old boring depthless crap that it is right now.

    Aside of these three things more **Crafting Jobs and Gathering Types** and lastly **Player Housing**, because if rumors are true, is Player Housing already in the making and basically waiting for us in one of the expansions in the future, because these rumors belong to the leaked infos we have from PoF and everythign from these leaked infos was later to be found 100% correct nearly and showed even things, that haven't made it into the final product and got removed, like Spider Mounts sadly and the idea about Carrier Mounts which can transport a whole group, when it would have been nice to see the return of Junundu Wurms as Mounts, even if those woudl have been map related only mounts.

  16. For something like different skill sets on the same weapon type would have anet either to add somethign like switchable Combat Stances which decided over the preset weapon skills, or they would have to break up the preset skill system and enable us to exchange Weapon Skills in the same way liek we do Utility Skills.

    I think option 1 would be the more balanced combat system integrated mechanic, while option two would be definetely the much quicker,. but less balanced solution that simply ignores the Combat System, therefore that you can exchange skills only outside of combat..


    This is something I'd like to see happening too as part of further improved Character Progression through Masteries to unlock further new Combat Stances with that we can get access then to new Skills that we have to learn then from new masters that have to teach us them, or in a old GW1 fun way, by learning them from defeating special enemies.


    In regard of Specs, I think each class should have like 5-6 specs, but I guess this game won#t even get at all so far, that we may ever see so many specs in this game, I guess Anet will stop for the sake of Game Balance already after maximum 3 to 4 specs, because going further woudl definetly brign them to the point, that they can#t avoid havign to add new weapon types, if they don#t won't to give the Warrior idiotic weapons, that make for this class absolutely no sense, because of them beign either no typical warrior weapons, or because they are just too similar compared to the Weapons the Warriro can already use, and provide due to this fact nothign really new, unless Anet woudl get the Warrior instead some new weapon types with that this class normally should have started already from begin on, if there wouldn't exist E-Specs now, like the Greataxe and Polearms being universally useable, instead of turnign them into only underwater useable spears... which genius at Anet really had the thought, that it would be a "good idea" to make out of spears an underwater only weapon??? seriously ...


    The game should get rid of total obsolete and unneccessary weapon types, to make space for more useful and sensefiul weapon types.

    Trident shoudl get merged finalyl with staff.. they are already nothign else, but just staffs with 3 pointy ends.

    Same goes with harpoon guns, total obsolete weapon type, should just get merged with rifles and which become just skinned like harpoon guns underwater.

    Then would Rifle already be a base weapon for the thief, it it woudl make the silly deadye completely obsolete, so that this spec cal be completely overworked and give a much better and more useful long range weapon, that the thief should have received as a Rogue E-Spec - the longbow!


    This game is so massively overdue to completely overwork its fail designed underwater content with a fitting underwatr expansion set for Cantha and the deep sea dragon..


    Ths game would be so much more fun, if there would be more new weapons types, especially exotic ones, that you usually get not to see in MMORPGs, like Chain Whips, like Chakrams (Throwing Weapons), like Claws/Fist Rings, like Crossbows.

    Its natural, that Anet first avoids new weapon tyes, cause they mean more work, cause of animations and skins if they want to make the skin fashion nerds happy, that naturally want to see for a new aded weapon type also skin versions from al the previous black lion weapon sets **rolleyes**


    But if they would finally add new weapon types, this would show me, that Anet truly intends to improve also their game with meaningful new content, that increases also the depth of the game, while providing with the same move also more build diversity and new ways to play a class differently


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