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Posts posted by Orpheal.8263

  1. LOL, could naturally make also instead Chakrams for Mesmer, but I d myself a hard time to give any of the classes a Crossbow, because of my own bias lol

    I just like Chakrams and Chain Whip much more, but I also wanted to give at least 1 Spec a crossbow, so I ended up with the Mesmer in case Anet would really give each single 3rd Spec a new weapon and not again just a rehashed already existing one xD


    However, if Anet would't give all of them a new weapon, but only a select few of them, while a few others receive already existing weapons as new additions, then I'd be personally also super fine with Mesmers getting the Shortbow instead for a Bard Elite Spec :3 That would make me very happy as well ^^ Just saying.

  2. Theme Songs I'd give to my Main Character representing best it's Profession and Soul are these:


    Thief (Main) - Everdream by Epic Soul Factory - Non Vocal - Story Telling Theme

    (Originally it has been a long time Cassandra by Thomas Bergersen, which has been also the Name Inspiration, but Everdream reflects by now my Chasracterbetter)

    Reaching after the Stars, dreaming of tomorrow, becoming a better person, stronger, to protect those I love and care for.

    Everdream stands for Cassandra's Wish to protect Tyria, to forget her past and to look forward - always, never looking back.

    Where Fear Not this Night started, an Everdream follows.


    Black Song White Scales from Drakengard 3 - Vocal - Combat Theme




    Vogel im Käfig from Attack on Titan - Vocal - Character Theme - Past/Opening


    As a Thief, Cassandra always felt back in her past like a bird in a cage, before she freed herself from her chains of the past that imprisoned her and she become the heroine she is now.


    Kaine Salvation from Nier Automata - Vocal - Character Theme - Future/Ending


  3. I hope, new Weapon Typs will be part of a next Feature Pack or better Expansion, cause that would be definetely the kind of content, for which people woudl buy expansions.

    Its neccessary to add new weapon types and reformatting the current existign ones by removing obsolete weapon types (harpoon gun, trident are 100% obsolete as they can be just merged into Rifle/Staff, while **Spear should just get changed to Polearm** and work as hybrid weapon both on land as like underwater, this chang step is best done together with an underwater based expansion that leads us for example next to Cantha, that way would have this expansion really great key elements all in one again as a Feature Expansion like HoT to greatly improve GW2 with some totalyl overdue reworks and redesigns of existing gameplay mechanics regardign udnerwater combat ect.)


    **Greataxes** could easily become a new Weapon Type with own Skills, or coudl even be added just as Hammer Reskins and it would work, but much better woudl be Greataxes with their very own skills, so that the new weapon type provides also new build diversity, what is what a reskin can't do, a reskin will always be only the cheap way out...


    **Chain Whips** would be also an awesome addition as a new mid range weapon with range between 450 to 750 around and the abilitiy to cleave with each swing to hit multiple foes, like up to 5 or so, therefore that the weapon deals lesser damage than say for example a sword or a greatsword naturally


    **Chakrams** would be another awesome mid range weapon with the ability to hit foes twice, once on the way to the target and maybe also when returnign to you.


    **Claws/Gloves** for a more martial artistic combat style would be great as well, but also in the form of magic gloves woudl be nice with that the spellcaster class woudl create orbs of magic in their hands that float then around them


    **Crossbows** would be the perfect middle thing between a Shortbow and a Rifle and in fact, howeve,r could potentialyl also be just added as reskins for the Shortbow, but that choice as mentioned woudl be lame, cause as a new weapon type like mentioned it coudl add new own skisll and thus more build diversiy


    **Long Shields** - would be nice to have, as an offensive version of the shield, that is used in the main hand instead of the offhand , GW1 also had two different shields, practically Bucklers and Shields, but in GW2 are Bucklers basically Shields as well, so we'd need as new Weapon Type the Long Shield (also called Tower Shield or Kite Shield, as a gameplay reference for this take Dragons Dogma's Mystic, which uses also shields in mainhand in an offensive way, woudl so suit perfectly for a Mystic Guardian Elite spec ^^)


    New Weapon Types are needed, the Warrior runs already out of Weapon Choices - only the Staff potentially left for another already existign weapon, that makes conceptionally sense for some kind of warriror monkish spec maybe next

    But it woudl be much better, if for the 3rd Set of Elite Specs with the next expansion Anet brings practically for each a new Weapon Category


    3rd Warrior Spec = Greataxe

    3rd Guardian Spec = Polearm or Long Shield

    3rd Revenant Spec = I don't care, cause I'd redesign the whole class anyways, bit if it would be a redesiged Renegade Spec , I'd say Chain Whip or Greataxe

    3rd Ranger Spec = Polearm or Claw/Gloves

    3rd Thief Spec = Chakrams

    3rd Engineer Spec = Chain Whip

    3rd Elementalist Spec = Chakrams or Claw/Gloves

    3rd Necromancer Spec = Chain Whip, Great Axe or Claw/Gloves

    3rd Mesmer Spec = Crossbow

  4. All.


    Because all of them have conceptionally flaws, that need to be changed fundamentally to fix the gameplay problems they have, or just to make the classes conceptionally more fun to play, more diversive in their builds, more intuitive to use mechanics which aren't limited somehow by the environment of the game (water/ground)



    - Completely change the Pet Control System to one, that gives the player actually more control over the Pet by being able to switch between you and your Pet, that you can decide when you play your Character, or your Pet, so that the Pet actually becomes a real feature of your Gameplay you can take over in controling it with its Skills that get rebalanced and reworked for this change

    - Make Dual Daggers baseline and give the to Beastlord renamed Soulbeast as new Weapon instead the Chain Whip or the Chakram to change it to a Mid Range Specialization, which the Game needs more, than just more Close Range Specs, and if nothign of this is wanted to make, then instead the Spear as Polearm Weapon for the Beastlord, which can also work as Close to Midrange Weapon

    - Merge Utility Skills together, where it makes sense to make space for better new Skills and add missing Elite/Healing Skills for Skills Types that have none (Elite Trap, Signet Healing)

    - Rework the Spirit Gameplay to make these Skills more interesting and more supportive for you and your allies, so that enemies don't want to ignore them for too long





    - Add to the Baseline Weapons the Mace and Hammer with the Hammer beign basically the Scrapper Skills

    - Redesign the Scrapper into an Alchemist Elite Spec, which adds instead of the Hammer the Axe as Dual WIelded Weapon to the Engineer as a Mid Range Option, or instead the Chain Whip as a Chain Sickle Skin for a 2H Weapon

    - Merge Utilitsy Skills together to make Space for better new Skills and add a missing Elite Skill for the Gadget Skill Type that has none

    - All Drones removed for the Alchemist and replaced instead with a Homunculus System with that you create your own unique alche magical Cyborg that fights alongside you instead of these Drones and with that you can fusionize together through your Fusion Skills





    - Add Offhand Sword baseline to the Thief

    - Remove Deadeye an replace it with the Chakram (Shuriken Skin) using Assassin that is a heavily on Stealth and Shadow Step focused and specialized build

    - Rework the Shortbow Skills, so that the Weapon is actualy more than just a Utility Weapon for Mobilits, but actually also more dangerous, cause it lacks simply the DPS to be viable for damage dealing, compared to Pistol . Add Trait Effects, with that SB/Pistol Range can be increased back to 1200, cause then theres no need for Deadeye

    - Add more Options in the Skills, Traits and Upgrades, with that you can manage better Initiative Regain under the Assassin Gameplay

    - Assassin removes Dual Weapon Combo Skills and replaces it with a Skill Chain System which allows the Assassin to use with the Action Skill Butto to use practically a 6th Weapon Skill at the end of every 5 Skill-Chain based on what the last Skill of the Chain was. to simulate this was as good as possible the old GW1 assassi Skill Chaining Gameplay under GW2's Combat System and the Initiative System.





    - Make Tempest Gameplay Elementalist Baseline with Warhorn baseline and Overcharge of Attunements and replace the Spec with a Chakram using Summoner Spec, that is focused and specialized on Summons that work basically like "Kits" and integrate the creation of Conjured Weapons into the Overcharge Mechanic, remove them as Utility Skills completely

    - Merge Utlity Skills together where possible to make space for new better skills and give them the missing Elite/Healing Skills (Healing Aura, Elite Signet, Elite Aura, Elite Arcane, removal of FGS as Conjures are no Utiltyy Skills anymore, but now Overcharge Features as result of overcharging an attunement)

    - Rework of Cantrips and rename Cantrip to "Enchantments" under their new design and effects, which are then elemental buffs that work like unique unremoveable Boons which cause Exhaustion, if Elementalists keep them active for too long, letting their Recharge Times become longer under increasing Exhaustion. Therefore boost Enchaments of the fittign elelements the power of the Weapon Skills or add new Effects to the Weapon Skills, which they wouldnt have without the Enchantments, like increased range, dealiing more hits, having bigger AoE circles and so on... Enchantment Skills would work basically like proactive traits and so more you use them, so more exchausted do you get quicker, to force the player to deactivate them somewhen agan to lose Exhaustion % again. In brief, make Eles again more like GW1 Eles.





    - Change their Minion Gameplay more to that of the PoF Mission where you have to control Minions near the end of the Expansion, increase the amount of Minions you can have at the same time, by adding the system that makes it possible to use a skill multiple times, before it recharges and make Minions therefore again lose constantly Health. The Utility Skill Minions should have that mechanic, so that you can summon them like 2-3 times and the health Degeneration slightly becomes stronger, so more Minions you summon in a brief time, so that you can decide, do you summon slowly one after another, or do you want to overwhelm your foe quickly with a burst of many minions, which decay thefore also much faster again, if you can't keep them alive with your Blood Ritual Skills (Corruptions) which need to get stronger bonded to the Minion Gameplay then, to give us again more the GW1 Minion Master Flair of GW1 back

    - Merge Utility Skills where possible to make space for better skills and add missing Elite/Healign Skills - Elite Well, Elite Signet, Healing Spectral

    - Nerf their gain of Life Force, but rebalance therefor also the Costs of Life Force, Necros and their Spaces can use way too often for too long times their Shrouds. Either this change, or increase the amount of LF reduced when being hit, to force Necros to have to make better positioning, dodging ect. to stay logner in the Shrounds, instead if just brainless face tanking the damage and in case of reaper even receiving LFfor that ... (wtf) giving you the feeling, as if they stay eternally in their shrouds, always when you are about to attack them...

    - Make Spectral and Well Skills influence positively your Mininos somehow, by granting them based on the Spectral Skill some unique Buffs, so that theres also some Skil Synergy between Minions and Spectral and Well Skills, if they are standing in them.





    - Change and rebalance Clones to be actually real clones of you, that fully copy everythign of the original and reduce the amount of Clones you can have similtanously to two, Clones have their own amount nnow and are split from the Mirror Mechanic, Clones can't be shattered anymore. Only Phantasms can be shatrered now.

    - Phantasms get fundamentally changed, they are not anymore transparent versions of you, they are now class based Nightmares that allow the Mesmer to counter better their oponents which provide effects, that go agains the weaknesses of your oponents directly, thats why Phantasms get also renamed to Nightmares. Nightmared have also the unique effect of decreasing the Stats of their oponents in close combat and evenetually (if traited) causing Fear when they deal critical hits

    - Merge Skills to make space for better new ones and also here ad missing Healing & Elite Skills - Make Ether Feast a Healing Glamour and add a new Healing Phantasm, add a Elite Phantasm and Elite Mantra

    - Nerf Confusion back to its previosu state where it had no constant damage over time effect, slightly make thefore the punishign part of confusion more powerful

    - Rename Manipulations to Hexes and rework them fundamentalyl to work more like GW1 hexes, which woudl be in this case special Conditions, that aren't removeable, but like Enchantments for the Ele,mentalis,t Hexes cause Exhaustion for the mesmer, which becomes stogner so longer you keep the Hex up, making your skills recharge slower and slower so higher your Exhaustion % rises





    - Merge Skill and make space for better Skills, add missing Elite/Healing Skills - Elite Spirit Weapon, Healing Spirit Weapon, Turn Shelter into a Concecration, Elite Concecration

    - Make Longbow baseline, remove Dragonhunter and replace it with the Inquisitor that adds the Chain Whip and instead of Traps adds Glyphs or Enchantments

    - Add two more Virtues to the Class for F4 and F5 - so that there is Justice, Resolve, Courage and newly Mercy and Faith/Trust





    - Exchange Torch and Greatsword in regard of Berserker, redesign the Berserker based on the Greatsword, not the Torch, or better, make both baseline, and redesign the Berserker based on the new 2H Greataxe Weapon

    - Merche like with al others skilsl together, to make space for better skills, add missing Elite/Healing Skills. Make Mending a Physical or redesign it into a Banner and add a new skilll as Healing Physica. If doing option 1, then add a new Healing Banner instead and also add an Elite Stance and Elite Shout





    - Completely remove this Class out of the Game and replace with with an other new one with two new Elite Specs, make revenant a Rytlock only story based class, because its whoel class design as the black sheep with its skill design doesn't fit to GW2. Its nice on paper only to have a class, thats based on characters from GW1, but as stereotype this just doesn't work with GW2, if it ends up like this, that they are by design then the only class that cant use racial skilsl and which has no freedom to mix together various utility skills , cause of the legend giving you no choice, thus heaviliy reducing your build diversity into nothingness, compared to the other classes.

    - Replace the Revenant with the Renegade, which is a dark themed mixture basically of the guardian and the thief, which uses its Energy System then instead of Initiative and the utility skills are instead of stances that replace all skills on the right side of the bar then a utility skill type, which works just like Kits, so that when used it changes now the weapon skills.

    E-Specs are then the Vagabond and the Outlaw, which add as weapons the Shield (Vagabond) and Shortbow (Outlaw)

    Brief said, the Class must get brought back conceptually in line with all other classes to fit into this game.

    Basic Elements like the Boon Sharing can easily be reworked into the new form of the class and its E-Specs with the new names. All that has to go is the legendary stance crap that throws conceptually the whole thing out of the window by it's design.

  5. They should have focused the game first for say the first 2-3 years completely on PvE content only, and should have added by now PvP or WvW as next big game mode as a new feature.


    That would have helped alot the game, but Anet wanted to have everything from begin on, instead of focusing on first 1 game mode, making sure, its great and receives great content, before they get onto another different game mode, like PvP.

    Its in the end anyways always PvE, which drives in the huge amounts of cash for the game, not PvP, not WvW.

    Why do we have stuff, like gliders, mounts, outfits, minipets ect. .. so that people can show around this visual fluff mainly in PVE, where you are seen and where people care for stuff like that.. but not at all in WvW or PVP, where stuff if this mostly is out of performance reasons disabled, or simply not allowed or has just no place there by game design..cause who the hel needs glider skins in PvP, if theres no PvP map where gliding plays a role at all... same goes with mounts now... who cares for mounts, when its by design just PvE content (currently) in PvP or WvW??


    I'm pretty sure, that the Game Balance of GW2 would be now in many things much better, if Anet would have released the Core Game only with PvE Content in mind for say the first 3 years and woudl have implemented for example WvW as a new Game Mode either with an Expansion or with a Feature Pack later.


    Same goes for PvP, especialyl using the moment of chance then to implement these new Game Modes directly also from begin on with completely OWN mode specific Skills for all classes, so that there would have been never at all from begin on the problem of class/skill balancing between all the game modes, if from begin on all modes would have been seperately implemented over time with their own unique skill sets for all classes to make all three game modes truly unique and differently to play.


    Then could have been filled PvE content for example instead for the Core game from begin on with gameplay features, like Player Housing, a better Crafting System, more Emotes and so on, instead of wastign the ressources on too many Game Modes from begin on.

    But I guess, that stood never on the table of discussion for anet to even think on this possibility of just focusing themself first on the cash cow element number 1 of the game first completely for some time with the release of the main game, because all they had in mind was to try to turn the game from begin on into some kind of Esports game with their 4 year long crusade they followed to try to make that dream come true - and yet we all see and know by now, where this has brought us now - it miserably failed, to the point, that GW2 has been removed from the ESL, due to its miserable game balance state and its boring form of PvP that never got within the last 4 years ever a chance to truly evolve itself into something great, due to the game balance being shared among all game modes and Anet not willing to make a clear cut between all three modes.


    The fact is, we have now a game, that is still using outdated gameplay mechanics from 2012 and Anet keeps on adding new elements to the game, like new Conditions (Torment, Taunt), new Upgrades (Runes from E-Specs) and new E-Specs itself which add new Traits and Skills, without ever having looked really seriously bakc, that they actualyl need to keep 90% of the games combat system also up to date as well, instead of adding permanently only new things to the combat, and epecting from the game, that everythign balanceas itself from alone, by just making changes only onto Skills and Traits and keep on adding new E-Specs every few years from HoT on now ..


    Thats not how game balancing functionizes.

    Especially not, when its done only like every 3+ months or so with the tiny amount of changes, that Anet dares on doing at all, cause they seem to be too scared to make some serious fundamental changes to the game balance, that this game needs to receive, to finalyl get out of its being outdated 2012-hole of ignorance into which ANet has thrown their own game for 5 years now.

    Like I#äve written it in the other last balance thread that has been made few days ago..

    Balance Patches for GW2 must be done at least every 2 Months!!

    Every 6 to 12 Months must be make a big more fundemental Balance Patch, which makes sure, that also the bigger gameplay elements of the combat system stay in touch with all the changes that have meen made meanwhile onto SKills, Traits and Combat Effects like Boons and Conditions, so that they can keep on riunning smooth and in harmony with each other further.


    The game feels so unlanced, because all classes deal in regard ouf our current health System way too much damage, than for what the current 2012er Health System was designed ans balanced around for.

    With a ridiculous low Base Health Value of only 11k HP its no miracle, that certain builds in this game aren't played at all in specific situations in PvP or WvW, when just a snails sneeze can instant kill you that wasn't even a critical hit nowadays. If just the Health Values would get increased individually for all Classes, so that fights would last again longer and couldn#t get ended anymore in like 2-3 seconds cause of way too overpowered bursts from Condis or High Critical Power Builds with the help of Buff Food or synergies from other allied players, then would make combat in GW2 also again more fun, then we'd see also again more people roaming in WvW again, because nobody wants to be there instant killed, without having had at all a chance to fight back...same goes for PvP!! For PvE nobody cares,s there we know, that we fight only brainless multi million health sponges for half eternities, but alos these kminds of battles in PbvE could be easiyl designed to make more fun, to be more challengign and so on, if just the combat system would get finally completely overworked, so that theres no need anymore for such health sponges just to create arteficial challenges in regard of the question, if you can just survive long enough, iuntil you brought the HP to 0, before you die of boredom cause of the unneccessary long battles that, which take only so long, so that enough people have the chance to participate on the battles to deal enough damage so that they gain rewards later


    GW2 needs no Gear Stats, Gear Stats in fact are bad for Game Balance, just see what Dire & Trailblazer did to the Game.. problems that wouldn't exist, of the Game wouldn't need to have Gear Stats for Character Progression, but instead would allow every player to distribute 100% freely their Stats as you like, juts like we did do that in GW1. Gear Stats were a HUGE STEP BACK, a total gameplay degeneration for Character Progression for this Game compared to how simple, but yet intuitive the GW1 Chasracter Progression was in regard of Attributes, despite of the game not using the classical Parameter Attributes of Power, Vitality ect. but instead used Trait Lines as like Attributes, stuff like Fire Magic, Valor, Strength and so on.

    Gear Stats are an outdated plague of ancient old game design systems for RPGs that are totally overrated, and absolutely unneccessary, if the Character can just progress automatically over the course of time and the player just freely distributes Attribute Points to vsarious parameters, as you like, with the option to reset your setup, whenever you want outside of combat, if you think, you made a mistake, or if you just want to change something on your current build.


    Could continue, but I just would repeat myself only on what ive written in the other thread already. Anet must come out of their self made stagnancy

    If they don't finally dare to make some more fundamental changes to the combat system of their game to actualize it and keep it up to date to all their skill/trait changes and added new content in form of more E-Specs, then this game will just get out of control completely sooner or later beyond the point of repairability.

    You can't just keep on ignoring 90% of your games combat system literaly forever and cherry picking on changign only skilsl and traits.

    Thats a mentality that will revenge itself and it already has partwise revenged itself in regard of Anets fail at making this game at all a successful E-Sports game the very moment the game got ditched out of the ESL.

  6. Its only a problem for balance, because ANet hasn't ever done ANYTHING for these core mechanics to get balanced.

    They instead just kept on permanently ignoring the bigger important combat system mechanics and just cared for only making changes on the much simpler to change basic combat system elements, that are Skills, Traits and Conditions, the only the pillars of which ANet has ever dared within the last 5 years to truly touch at all, while they didn#t care at all, what happens to the rest of the comat system, which they literally left there to die without giving it EVER any attention at all to improve these totally outdated mechanics, that were originally designed and "balanced" around the state of the game in which GW2 was release AT FREAKING 2012!!!


    But ANet has changed over the last 5 years by now so much stuff on the game, that affects the combat system of 2012's gameplay elements, that the ganme has been massively in the need within the last 2+ years at least to get finally a huge combat gameplay ADJUSTMENT in ALL of its important parts that belong in all together to the combat system of GW2, because a combat system and class balance doesn't consist only out of skills, traits and codinsition,s as it seems that Anet does want to make us all believe that, that thy can balance a game like this, whis this complexity, with this big sum of changes on skills and traits, and added new mechanics by only cherrypickinmg permanently on the tiny michanics of the combat system only - it is unevitable, that you MUST update in reasonable time periods also all of your other combat system relevent gameplay mechancis, to keep them adjusted, actualized and working smoothfully with all the skills, traits ect. together.

    But what we have currently here is a clock, whose interiors are totally rusted, because of Anets ignorance, which runs with golden shining clock fingers, because thats the only thign of the clock, that Anet has cared for in the last 5 years....


    This game is like a 5 year old book, whose cover is looking all shiny and good, but its rotten and outdated from the inside.. thats the balance state of this game sadly, because as it seems it is the case, that anet simply has not the will, nor the manpower, noer the ressources for it in regard of money (what would be the case if theres for example an optional sub fee to stabilize the money income-option, if well designed and implemented, just compare GW2 with FF14, you'll see the difference in quality quickly and what the reason for this is)

    Quarterly Balance Updates aren#t enough for this game. To keep this game balanced, GW2 would need to receive at least a Balance Update every 2 months!!!

    And every 6 to 12 months its necessary to give the game a big, and with this I means a seriously bigger balance update, which isn't just focused only on stupid skills and traits alone, but which has also a widened focus on all the other combat system and class balance system relevant parts of the game, which influence the outcome of battles heavily that is


    * Conditions

    * Boons

    * Upgrades (Runes, Sigils, Gemstones)

    * Base Health Values (this System is heavily outdated and needs a redesign from scratch!! Al,l classes must have to be balanced individualy, kick this limiting health type system out finally, it hurts the class balance more, than it helps the game at all!! )

    * Removal of Gear Stats, give players 100% freedom of Character Progression, this allows also for much more interesting build defining effects for Upgrades!!

    * Rework if the Attribute System - making all Attributes equally worthful and effective in regard of Attribute Synergies with other Attributes and give all Attributes two effects, os that each Attribute in itself becomes more important and inpactful for your build (Power, Vitality, Touchness, Precision, Agility, Courage, Wisdom - the only 7 Dual Effect Attributes that GW2 needs to cover with them everythign what a Combat Sysrem needs to be equally effective for Offense, as like Defense, including alot of defensive mechanics, that can make some other things in this game completel obsolete, like Boons/Conditions, to help to reduce the effect cluster**** that this game has become down again to a normal sane level!!!, while putting some of these effects back again into Attributes, where these effects should belong to better, so that your build iof your Character plays again a more impoertant role and how you have distributed your Attribute Points among your 7 choices - together with the option to always reset the build, whenever you want - just like we were able to do that in GW for a fee of 500 Gold, what was back in GW1 nothing at all, what felt there like what would be here like 5 Silver


    Yes, this all sounds when you read this down like a kind of "mission impossible", because of that immensive workload that this task would mean for this game and its devs, but thats the workload that Anet caused themself due to 5 years of ignorance and not caring at all for all the parts of the combat system and cherry picking permanently only onto the tiny thigns they can change, instead of looking over also the bigger gameplay elements, that keep a combat system together, and also belong to class balance as well too.

    The work load would be naturally much smaller, if ANet would have cared in the last 5 years more oftenly for Upgrades, Boons, and Conditions - and the only single time when they actualyl cared for Conditions, that totally royalled f ...ed up everything from June 2015 on, and didn't changed even until then to today anythign from those changes, which massively ruined the whole game balance and lead to the Condi Meta, that we have since then now, that rules over the whole game in all modes, cause of Condi builds being so massively OP anmd braindead at the same time, requiring of the player absolutely no skill at all, because a mechanic that ticks down does just all the work for you - which is the reason, why a GW2 without damage dealing conditions woudl be also a much better game - conditions are there, to influence the combats, not to replace the fighting, by just spamming an enemy full with dot conditions and watching from then moment on, how your foes dies within seconds, while all you have to do is running away and makign sure, that the conditions don#t run out what is no problem at lal, because you can spam anybody here in this game full with conditions constantly faster, then the enemies are able to ged rid of the condtion.. and what is most ridiculous is, that all the conditions also complwetely ignore all your defense values and players have no way at all, to reduce this , except with the resaistance Boon to bullify it instantly completely, which on the other hand is then so veryl imited useable , that not all classes have access to hit


    I'm not proposing without reason for the last 2 years over and over again, that these mechanics are all outdated and need changes.


    Anet has lost already completely their plans of making GW2 any kind of successful Pvp game, due to its horrible outdated combat system to the point that they basicalyl could completely remove WvW and PvP out iof this game and I say, I wouldn#t really miss those game modes at all, if ANet then completely 100% focuses themself on the PvE element of this game and makes sure, thast the cobmat system is at least enjoyful, fun, balanced and well designed for the only part of this game, that actually RUNS WELL and BRINGS In ALL THE GOD DARn CASH In for this company - not PvP, not WvW, nope, PvE is the single cash cow for this game....peopel buy expansions, because of the PvE content..

    Did PoF ANYTHING at all for PvP or WvW? NOOOOOOOO - there you have it!! Why? Because peopel buy xpacs for pvE content mainly and for nothign else, the changes that come to PvP/WvW areonly there due to the new Elite Specializations, that have their influence on the game balance naturally.


    Its time, that ANet shifts their whole balancing of the game to the focus of PvE... PvP and WvW miserably have failed and are just wasted ressources, they are dead weight and GW2 would be much better set for its future, if they would ditch this dead weight finally off completely, if they don't plan on focusing more ressources onto game balance, to keep all 3 modes equally supported for the next years, while addign also consistently new content to PvP/WvW as well in form of new maps, player progression ect..


    When has there been the last WvW Tournament actually? Its already 3 years ago... when has WvW actually seen the last bigger attention and new content, that was not based on an expansion?

    To make an end to my rant here - I'd just truly wish for this game, that it soon receives finalyl for once one honestly big true balance patch, that this game really deserves to receive after 5 years now, where not only changes on skilsl and traits asre made, like Anet always does only, but where they finally put and eye also on at least again all Conditions all boons, all Upgrades and remove Gear Stats. Then would be basically already half the job done with just the simpler things, while they could keep changes to the Attribute System and Health System for later for exactually some kind of Feature Pack or the next Expansion, cause thats the big stuff, that would require the most work effort of rebalancign the game, that affects also the most game content to be changed, adjusted and rebalanced of everything ther is to consider among all gameplay modes.


    But that mammoth work would be worth it, as you will see, should Anet ever dare to make this job done, that they ignored to do for the last 5 years, then this game will run so much better from this point on and will feel again, like a completely fresh new game, where all of its combat system mechanics would feel again, like a running smoth clock, where all of its parts are not rusted, but in harmony, oiled, and ticking in line, like made freshly new.

    Nobody would ever expect from ANet to do such a mammoth task all in one go, its naturalyl somethign that would take its time to make it happen - one thing after another - but anet finally has to BEGIN, insteand of beign permanently stagnant on this topic and doing nothing, as if the'd be too scared of touching these things to improve their own game.

  7. I personally just want more implementated versions from the old Guild Wars 1 Armors, including those from the Heroes in GW2 as well


    I'd so love to have specially some of the Eye of the North Armors from GW1 back in GW2, like especiallly

    I would love to see also that Naet should implement CLASS SPECIFIC ARMOR SETS, so armros which are by design only useable for specific classes, to unterline this way more the style of those classes and to make also classs, that use these visually more distinctive, compared to the current mash of styles which is shared among all classes.

    Would also give ANet an option to add some new fashion achievements to that section.. why only cultural armor sets, when you can have also class specific armor sets like it used to be for GW1 as well.


    For Warriors I'd love to see returning the Templar Set, Elite Platemail Set, Elite Templar Set (renamed to Paladin Set maybe), Elite Kurzick/Luxon Set (maybe with new names now), Silver Eagle Set, Deldrimor set, Koss Elite Sunspeer, Goren Primeaval, Jora Standard, Jora Brotherhood, Jora Deldrimor


    For Rangers I'd love to see returning the Druid Set, Canthan/Elite Canthan Set,Elite Sun Spear Set, Primeaval Set, NORN Set!!, Obsidian Set, Jin Sun Spear, Margrid Standard, Margrid Ancient, Margrid Primeaval


    GW1 offered in so many cases clearly superior armor designs over what GW2 offered so far in the lat 5 years... its as if completely different people responsible for armro designs work now for Anet, than those people which were resposible for the Armor Designs of GW1

  8. Sohothin, as same as like Magdaer should become just earnable (through story) legendary swords, as as part of some kind of story related collection achievement after the swords have been destroyed and you bein tasked to find a way to repair them to claim this way the right to own them from that point on, due to Rytlock by then beign either died (hopefully), or having found an other weapon as replacement so that he has a reason to think of you becomign the rightful new wielder and owner of the sword as part of his regret that it was him who freed balthazar, and that it was the PC, who saved all from Balthazar with the help of these swords, thinking, in his view, that only true heroes should wield such legendary weapons, which can also control its powers and are basicalyl "chosen" by the weapon, to be their master.


    Gettign back Magdaer could be part of the legendary tour to claim the right to be the wielder of Sohothin, cause Magdaer is the twin dragon sword of Sohothin and also still exists, as its still in the hands of the corpse from King Adelbern in his grave.


    ANet has added also the "Shining Blade" as a legendary sword, which exists now in unendless copies, which was known also to exist only once basicalyl as the symbol of the shining blade of kryta.. we run around with tons of copies also now from Caladbolg, which was once known also to be unique... not now anymore.


    So i see now issues with anet implementing Sohothin/magdaer in a story related way with some kind of special collection achievement stuff into the game as well as maybe some kind of earnable ingame reward for doing somethign special within maybe Living World Season 4 now that earns us as reward these sword(s)

    I also see now reason, why legendary weapons should be receiveable only through crafting, when Anet could also alternatively add them as earnable rewards that you just get for doing something epic in the game as part of a collection achievement, which earns you in regard of this then also a legendary weapon based title maybe like in this case for example of "Wielder of the Twin Dragonswords" or somethign more simple like Swordmaster of Sohothin/Magdaer

  9. I would just wish, that anet would add more use for the tons of garbage, that you still get from trick and treat bags like every years ...


    Why can#t they just add some kind of vendor npc, which trades you seomthign good and useful in for say all of these useless Eggs, Toilet papers, Potions for X Tranforms, all the various Halloween Food Items that are mosly obsolete, because there exists just better stuff you can craft, than this garbage that fills your inventory only up and can#t be used for anything else..


    Can't there be not simply some kind of Halloween Bag Loot Eater Item, that eats up randomly all kinds of halloween loot items for your inventory and turns the stuff randomly into somethign more useful, like rarely bags of coins, luck essences, crafting materials ranging between tier 1-5, lodestones, ect


    And Anet should please remove the tier 7 craftign stuff fro mthe loot list (dragonite, empyreal, bloodstone dust.. the game lets os loot this stuff already more then enough from just salvaging items, ect and doing just normal game content, we don#t need this crap also as loot from festival items, which should give us instead maybe some kind of festival related currency item or so with that we can buy us if we have enough if it also sooner or alter the stuff, which has super ultra rare drop chances...

    like the candy corn cobs.. trick and treat backs shoudl have some relative good chances to drop there also every now and then, or you should have sme chance to get thse in return from using that propose halloween loot eater item that shoudl help us with inventory management from all this tons of halloween loot you still get flooded with, if you get to open up just a few douzens of tot bags >.>

  10. The game would be simply better, if it wouldn't have Gear Stats at all.


    Characters should naturally become more powerful in regard of character progression. Gear should provide only its Defense Value, Upgrade Slots that should provide Effects only, not Stat Bonuses, Visual Effects and Gameplay Mechanics for specific Modes, like Fractals (Agony Resistance)


    The Attribute Stats that we have, should players manually deside by each level up from 1 to 80, how you want to distribute your Stats, just like players were able in GW1 to manually decide, how you build up your character and put your points into various values to improve this way your character - together with an option that players should ALWAYS be able to reset their Build Settings completely, so that you can redistribute your Attributes again newly as you like.


    If GW2 would get rid finally of Gear Stats, then they could get rid also Ascended Equipment, everybody would be again equally same as powerful once you'd reach Max Level automatically in regard at least of Stats, Armor Value still not, but at least for Stats, cause thats then the only point left for why Anet could keep Ascended Stuff then in the game to let Ascended bit the tiny bridge between Exotic Stuff and Legendary in regard of Armor Value minus visual effects.


    If Gear would not have Stats in GW2, then there woudl be also no need to have a gazillion of "Stat Set Combos" that make more and more the game complicated to balance, so more Set Combos Anet adds to the game.

    Yes, such a change would mean a lot of changes to economy, remobing alot of then useless content (dead weight!!) and reallocating materials that were part for recipes ect in regard of craftign to new recipes ect. that will take the role as replacement content, so that the games economy doesn't fall in like a house of cards from this change, so that lots of materials ect. still stay in demand..


    If GW2 would have no tons of Stat Set Combos and Stats on gear, would be implementign a Build Template System also a big step mucxh easier for Anet, if there wouldn't be anymore the huge point of having to handle with such a system tons of equipment changes in just a button click, just only to change your Stats, when its basicalyl only your Stats as a Setting, that needs to get changed per button click, not neccessarely all your worn equipment on your character as well.


    Removing Gear Stats from the game woulld allow Naet also to redsign the concept and gameplay effects from Upgrades to make them for more interstign and useful for Character Builds, if not half of their effects woudl bve all based only on boosting only your silly stats.

    Especialyl Rune Sets could become a much more interrestign Build creator Tool for all of us, if not half of all their effects would be wasted on boostign our Stats only, but wouzld be focused and designed around the concept instea,d of making individual changes to the gameplay of our class instead, our skilsl and traits, how they would work for us, based on which upgrades I use.


    The whole combat system of GW2 could be potentially designed alot more fun, interestign and player skill orientated, if there wouldn't exist Gear Stats in this game.

    Thats just my opinion.

    Gear Stats is an obsolete game design concept, from which ANet should have stayed away imo from begin on, instead they continued to follow the path of the Stat Combo Set treadmill and made it over the years only larger, more complex and harder to keep balanced.... absolute wrong desicion

  11. Instead of going for the more difficult way of changing 3 species names to base type names, its easier just to change the two base type names into species names


    * Raptor

    * Bunnyroo

    * Manta

    * Jackal

    * Gryphon


    And instead of usign these mounts like types, if ANet adds in the future more Mounts with different skins, they get then also own combat entry skills, but just share the same mechanics


    So for example if Anet ever should implement somethign like Racial Mounts (Horse, Hoverboard, Motorbike, Golems, Thorn Wolves ect), these would juts share the gameplay mechanics of the original five Mounts, but they would look completely different and could provide they completely own skills that fit to their design.


    Why enforce upon all mount with their potential skins some kind of "mount type", when we could just have 100% individual mount that have all their individual names, and just share among each other the same gameplay mechanics that are


    * Leaps

    * High Jumps

    * Float

    * Phase Jumps

    * Flying


    to which Anet could (should add more mechanics also in the future, like:)


    * Stealth

    * Transport

    * Climbing/Wall Running

    * Speed Running/Dodging


    Would make more sense imo, than to go for mount type terms only and limiting the skins to the terms, when you have more freedom of design, if you go for species names over limited type terms

  12. People.. what are you freaking expecting?? We have HALLOWEEN? So its absolutely normal, that if ANet would come up with mount skins, that they'd start with a halloween themed Set naturally for this festival.....


    And ANet naturally is testing out the waters now, starting first now the test with a bundle, just to see, how well this is received by the community..

    If sales of the skin bundle will suck, its definetly sure that they'd split up that bundle and allow also to buy them eventually later as single skins...

    However, its also a martketing decision in the end, if they simply let it be at "bundles", because bundles are simpler to design and to sell in the gemstore, than to make a gazillion single skins like they did that with gliders.

    Thids doesn't mean that Anet can't do that, sure they could also add tons of single skins for each mount type, but thats I guess more work, than designing skin sets that share a common theme to begin with, especially when theres just a fitting festival in front of all of us, where it just makes sense to start first with a themed skin set, to make sure, that the content is ready for when Halloween started yesterday.


    But it is in the end much more likely that we will see Anet adding more mount skins for specific mounts on the long run over time.


    Example Mistfire Wolf..


    If ANet starts this skin project, this will bring up automaticalyl the question to the designers - Do we stop with it at the Mistfire Wolf Skin for the Jackal, or do we make out of it a Mistfire Theme Set, what would be in this case much more work load to do, that to make just some kind of copy paste skin of larger size for the mistfire wolf, cause then would have to make Naet also mistfire skin models for the Raptor, Bunnyroo, Gryphon and the Manta as well practically, if they would decide to go for the Set Option, instead of just doing the Mistfire Wolf Skin alone for the Jackal

  13. Hooray, finally, after 5 whopping years of waiting, gets this stuff finally a return, so that all people get treu chance of earnign this skin, including all the hundreds of thousands of players that got their accounts hacked in the first couple of months after game release ...


    For every selfish "salty" person there may exist, that has their flabbergasting moment of greed and rage over the return of some pixels will be existing therefore 10 happy players, which will finalyl receive their fair personal chance to earn this skin, like everybody else, who was able to play the game normally and never got forcefully removed the ability to play normally, just because there was some kind of antisocial butthole with too much time, which thought its fun to screw up the fun for as many other peopel of a game to make profit from the suffering of others ...

  14. ah, ok, thats why this poor rat gets so hunted ^^ lol yeah, I myself didn#t concentrated myself this liek like I did on the E-Specs to unlock them all immediately ec.t but this time i focused myself first on my main character and the story, which is why I haven#t realized yet, what I need to do all, to unlock my PoF specs ascended spec weapons ;)


    So thank you for the info.

  15. yeah, this place definetely gave me a bit of zelda-falvor, while explorign it "nearly" alone..


    Still have to find 1 single shield piece there to finish the last weapon collection achievement there, which I haven#t found yet, the others io could find all on first try, just doign the rooms one after another in order and the bank achievement is also nicely hidden in that area, but I did'#t felt that I'm lucky enough atm, to waste there lots of gold at that moment, just for some achievements xD

  16. Anet will release surely over the course of living world season 4 new raids within either the PoF maps or within new maps that lead then to the new raid instance maps.


    So its pretty sure, that the next raids and its wings that part of it will have exactly liek the first one al their very own map instances and thus it means, certain spots on the world map will be locked and reserved as place holders for once ANet adds the next raids, so that certain yet not explorable spots ion Elone will become first explorable, once anet added the raid wign map instances there and won't be completely free xplorable regions, like any normal maps - the only point I find very said about the raid Design of GW2, that these map regions can't be also completely normally explored like any other normal persistent map of the game.

    Nope, for that to do so practically you always have to do first practicalyl the raids >.>


    Would be nice in the future, also fir the first raid maps, if ANet cold add also some normal content to these areas for players which want to explore these areas like a normal persistent map, cause in the end is a raid map nothign else but just a 10 person instance, so I see no reason, why these reagons can#t be also explored in a pesistent way. (this counts also for dungeons as well... always wished to explore the Ruins of Orr as a persistent map area, to go there, where the corpse of zhaitan crashed :3 and beat further onto that dead dragon lol just for the fun of it xD :trollface:

  17. Continuation from my Summoner Concept, first the huge Skeleton, now comes the Flesh onto its Rips ;) that finishes the Concept.

    Utility, Healing, Elite Skill and the Traits ^^


    ## Healing Skill

    **Servants of Restoration**


    **Lesser Servant - Phoenix** - Heal yourself and turns Burnings on you into Healings. Cures on activation1 Damaging Condition that is not Burning. Fights then with you, until you die or you send it back to let the skill recharge, so that you can use it later again. Can on sacrifice revive a dead ally, but then its Recharge Time is much longer


    **Lesser Servant - Frost Wurm** - Heal yourself and turns Chills with its ranged chilling spit into Damage over Time as long Chill is active. Send it back to let the skill recharge. Sacrifice lets you Swap locations with it and cures 3 Conditions for you, but its Recharge Time is then longer


    **Lesser Servant - Thunder Crab** - Heal yourself, gain Retaliation and Fury, when Thunder Crab is in your near. Send it back to let the skill recharge. Sacrifice lets you earn Protection, Resistance and causes a big thunderclap attack that stuns all foes around yourn ear for a logner time, but you have to wait also longer too on its recharge.


    **Lesser Servant - Dustdevil** - Heal yourself, become immune to blindness and become able to see stealthed foes by revealing them in your near. Send it back to recharge the skill. Sacrifice lets you become temporarely stone, so you receive no damage, while also reflecting projectiles with dust whirls which blind foes together with their reflected projectiles.


    ## Utility Skill


    **Servants of Support**


    **Lesser Servant - Flame Goblin** - Summon a Flame Goblin, which grants you and allies in periodic time Fire Auras and Might. On Sacrifice you create a large burst of fire that causes damage and creates a fire field. Send it back to recharge the skill.


    **Lesser Servant - Aqua Stalker** - Summon a Aqua Stalker, which stealths and surprise fores from behind and dodge surrounds them. Whenever it does that, it heals nearby allies. On Sacrifice you create a large burst of water, that launches foes and create a water field. Send it back to recharge the skill.


    **Lesser Servant - Jaquaranda** - Summon a Jaquaranda, which grants nearby allies Swiftness and Vigor. On Sacrifice you create a Thunderstorm that dazes foes on touch and causes damage, while being an air field. Send it back to recharge the skill.


    **Lesser Servant - Sand Shark** - Summon together with magical created Sand Ground for it a Sand Shark, which grants Resistance for a short while upon summoning.

    On Sacrifice, create a big Sandstorm, that causes damage and blinds and weakens foes, while being an Earth Field. send it back to recharge the skill.




    **Servants of Battle**


    **Lesser Servant - Magma Ooze** - Summon a Magma Ooze, which creates on Target Location a Lava Font upon arrival. On Sacrifice it turns into a Magma Bomb that deals heavy damage. Send it back to recharge the skill.


    **Lesser Servant - Ice Imp** - Summon an Ice Imp, which creates on Target Location Frozen Burst upon arrival. On Sacrifice, it turns into an Ice Bomb that deals damage and freezes all foes in its explosion range. Send it back to recharge the skill.


    **Lesser Servant - Chickenado** - Summon a Chickenado, which creates on Target Location a Gust upon arrival that pushes foes back. On Sacrifice, it turns into large size Tornado, which sucks in and whirls around foes in range. Send it back to recharge the skill.


    **Lesser Servant - Rock Armadillo** - Summon a Rock Armadillo, which creates on Target Location Unsteady Ground. On Sacrifice, it turns into a big Rock Ball that tries to roll over nearby foes to knock them down and cause vulnerability that way. Send it back to recharge the skill.




    **Servants of Defense**


    **Lesser Servant - Salamander** - Summon a Salamander, upon summoning your Toughness gets increased based from the Power you have. Burns you receive, will be reflected upon your Enemy as well. On Sacrifice, receive your nearby allies the Stat Boost


    **Lesser Servant - Undine** - Summon an an Undine together with magical water so that she can move also on land. Upon summoning your will be your Vitality increased based from the Toughness you have. Poisons you receive, will be reflected upon your Enemy as well. On Sacrifice, receive your nearby allies the Stat Boost


    **Lesser Servant - Quetzalcoatl** - Summon a Quetzalcoatl, upon summoning your Power gets increased based on your Precision. Bleedings you receive will be reflected upon your Enemy as well. On Sacrifice receive your nearby allies the Stat Boost.


    **Lesser Servant - Gnome** - Summon a Gnome, upon summoning your Precision gets increase based on your Vitality. Torments you receive, will be reflected upon your enemy as well. On Sacrifice receive your nearby allies the Stat Boost.


    For now a break, will continue later with the last two Utility Skills, and Elite and finish it then with the Traits :D

  18. # The Summoner

    **Class**: Elementalist

    **Weapon** Chakrams (1H Dual wielding Mid Range Throwing Weapons/ 750 Range, Line of Sight-Positioning Gameplay with Return Effects

    **F1 Mechanism:** Elemental Avatars - Make a Pact with a Djinn and transform yourself into an Elemental Avatar based on your attuned Element, which changes your Weapon Skills into Avatar Skills.

    **Gameplay Mechanism:** Dual Weapon Skills on Slot 3


    ## Utility Skills:

    Meditations, a Summoner must medidate, to become one with nature, so that they are able to perform a Pact with a Djinn, an Elemental Spirit. Only through Meditation and becoming one with Nature can a Summoenr gain the massive Powers of Elements that are needed to summon their Elemental Servants, massive Creatures they control, these Meditations that work like Meditations work in the same way also like Kits, cause the Meditation used to summon your Servant changes also like a Kit your Weapon Skills to Summoning Skills, because the very moment you call a Servant, your Gameplay Changes to that of a passive Summoner, who controls the actions of the Servant (PoF Minion Gameplay from the Foe of my Foes similar)

    A Servant can't be killed, but lives only as long as the Summoner is alive (Downed state doesn't count) Servants are very protective, if their Masters get downed, they become raged and very aggressive and receive Boosts to their Stats and can use eventualyl Rage Skills to which you as a Summoner normally have no access to to command them to use them. Its something they do only on their own free will to protect their beloved Masters that they serve and are bonded to.

    The Gameplay differentiates between Lesser and Higher Servants. A Summoenr can summon up to 3 Lesser Servants at the same time. A Higher Servant (Elite Skill) can be only 1 at a time on the field from you, and replaces all other Lesser Servants, by absorbing them, but is also significantly more powerful, than Lesser Servants.


    **Dodge Mechanic** Summoners have a unique Dodge Mechanic, if they dodge, they have different Elemental Effects based on the Attunement. If traited, they can increase their Dodge Bar to 3 Dodges, like Daredevils.

    Water = Leaves an Ice Trail, which lets Enemy that touch it slip and get knocked down.

    Air = Shadow Step 900 units into your Direction, significantly increasing the Distance of your Dodge Roll

    Earth = Leave a Trail of Dust, which blinds foes and blocks Projectiles for a few seconds and can be used with a Blast finisher to Stealth you.

    Fire = Leave a Lava Font at your Location, that deals damage over time and causes Burnings


    ## Weapon Skills:



    1: **Searing Mandala** - Throw multiple Burning Chakrams, each dealing not much damage, but each hit causes stacks of Burning.

    2: **Liquid Flame** - Throw a chakram, which creates a wall line of fire on the way to its foe and when it returns to you, which can't be crossed.

    3: **Double Dragon** (Dual Weapon Skill Chakram/Chakram) - Throw both of your Charams, creating two fire snakes that hit foes in line of sight and immobilize

    3: **Flame Djinns Haste** (DWS Chakram/Dagger) - Leap forwards, deal AoE Damage on Imapc and Gain Swiftness, Fury and Quicknes for a brief time.

    3: **Glowing Gaze** (DWS Chakram/Focus) - Focus your Gaze upon your Target and cause it to Burn heavily and blind it from your Glowign Gaze. you regain also some Endurance if the foe was already Burning.

    3: **Incendiary Bonds** (DWS Scepter/Chakram) - Foes that are Burning and got hit by IB, will receive all damage, whenever a burning foe receives damage from a Fire Spell

    3: **Inferno** (DWS Dagger/Chakram) - Create a large circular AoE field, that cascades from your epi centrum, causing with each cascade Burn and Vulnerability

    4: **Meteor Strike** Basically the same Meteor like Skill, that Hydras in PoF use. Call two Meteorite Strikes, that hit all nearby foes, if they stand in the impact area for too long and knock them down.

    5: **Obsidian Flame** Causes a Black Fire, that causes weaker Burnings, but which can't be cured, as long the Summoner self is over 50% Health.



    1: **Enervating Charge** - Throw a charged up Chakram, that bounces 3x between nearby Targets and causes Vulnerability per Hit.

    2: **Sonic Ring** - Throw a razorsharp Wind enhanced enlarged Chakram, that cuts through everything, causes Bleedings and can't be blocked

    3: **Storm Djinns Haste** (DWS Chakram/Dagger) - Leap backwards and dodge incoming hits, causing in front of you Lightnings which cause Confusions. Gain Quickness if one of these Lightnings hitted a foe successfully.

    3: **Glowing Clouds** - (DWS Chakram/Focus) - Create a thunderstorm of clouds, which can be used to stealth you and allies, while it causes damage to foes that get too close to them. This damage of this skill reveal you, as its not damage that was caused by you, but the foe getting too near to the cloud, so a reaction to the foes action.

    3: **Shell Shock** - (DWS Chakram/Chakram) - Stuns first a foe only, but deals decent damage and causes Weakness, Confusion and Torment if the foe reacts on the stun with a Stun Breaker.

    3: **Whirlwind** - (DWS Dagger/Chakram) - Creates at your locationa Whirlwind, which sucks foes in and whirls them around, causing Bleedings over time.

    3: **Chilling Winds** (DWS Scepter/Chakram) - Send out a cascading wave of cold wind javelins, which damages per pulse, pushes foes back and chills them, with a chance to freeze them, if they were too close. Freeze is a new unique trait effect for Chills from a Summoner.

    4: **Ionized Air** - Create a field of Ionized Air, letting foes get dazed and struck by lightnings, whenever enter it, which suffer on Burn and Chill, otherwise it Weakens them, Combo Field for Blindness also

    5: **Eye of the Storm** Become a blinding Storm and create swirling Storm Gusts around you as you move, dealing damage on first contact and push foes on touch away from you as long the skill effect is active.



    1: **Rust** - Shoot unblockable Water Rays at your target that let their Weapons rust, causing Weakness with this skill

    2: **Freeze Lancer** - Shoot out multiple Ice Javelins, that are unblockable, cause Chill and have a Chance to Freeze foes and remove with that also a Boon.

    3: **Glowing Ice** (DWS Chakram/Focus) - Causes on your Target foe directly Freeze definetely. Lets you gain Health back, if the foe was already frozen or chilled and cures 1 Condition additionally.

    3: **Water Djinn's Haste** (DWS Chakram/Dagger) - Leap backwards and attack your Target ares with Geysirs of steaming hot water, which launch foes into the air if they get hit. Gain Swiftness and Regeneration if you successfully launch foes with the Geysirs

    3: **Blurred Vision/Bursted Bubbles** (DWS Scepter/Chakram) Send out a Wave of Soap Bubbles, which blind foes and negate projectiles and cause on burst damage to nearby foes and cripple foes.

    3: **Ice Prison** - (DWS Dagger/Chakram) - Strike a foe with an ice cold blade, causing Vulnerability and Chill. Did the foe suffer already on Vulnerability, then this skill immobilizes, if he suffered already on chill, then it freezes, and if both, then it freezes and deals extra damage and is always critical..

    3: **Flood** (DWS Chakram/Chakram) Send out a circular cascade of water at the impact point of your thrown Chrakram and another on return when you catch it

    4: **Shatterstone** - Create a huge Ice Crystal, thatyou let fall down on your Target Area, which shatters and causes AoE Chill and leaves a Water Field to Combo with.

    5: **Slippery Ground** - Create an Ice Field, that manipulates the movement of foes and makes it easier to knock foes down, on critical hits, you and your allies slide on this field gainign Super Speed and are unaffected by th movment manipulation. Blinded foes get knocked down immediately on Blind if they are on Slippery Ground.



    1: **Ebon Hawk** - Send out an Ebon Hawk, that causes Bleedings to foes in line of sight on the way and on all on return.

    2: **Sliver Armor** - Gain Retaliation while also having a chance to gain Aegis whenever you receive ranged Damage.

    3: **Stoneflesh Aura** - (DWS Dagger/Chakram) Gain an Earth Aura that reflects Projectiles and which causes periodically Weakness to nearby Targets

    3: **Earth Djinns Haste** (DWS Chakram/Dagger) - Leap forwards, deal damage, stun and create a huge Rock Wall that no enemy can pass as long its not destroyed and which blocks projectiles. Gain Quickness when the Wall blocks of Projectiles. while it is up and not destroyed.

    3: **Glowing Stone** (DWS Chakram/Focus) Send out a homing in rock snake that follows its target and which blinds, poisons and petrifies a foe on hit. Grants allies random Venoms on line of sight except Basilisk Venom

    3: **Scirocco** (Scepter/Chakram) - Create a small scale Sandstorm around your Target Location which stealths you and allies briefly and which cripples nearby foes with tons of sand

    3: **Earthbreaker** (DWS Chakram/Chakram) Let big earth Spikes shoot up out of the ground, that cause bleedings and cripple. if the foe was vunerable, then they launch also

    4: **Ward of Stability** - Create a protective area where you have permanent Stability and Protection as long its effect is up, which cant b stripped or corrufted in that zone..

    5: **Ward Against Foes** - Create a protective area, which Torments and Slows foes inside of it periodically.


    Whew, what a beast of a concept, but its an Elementalist Spec, its natural with their four Elements :3

  19. I personally hope, that in LS4 we see a mastery added, that makes us immune to the fury of the brand effect.. this will make first these kind of maps and other branded maps in the future more enjoyable to travel around to, if you donät have to permanentkly use your skimmer, just to be save fro mthise stupid lightnings, which hit way too oftenly.. like basicslly every 2 seconds.. if not this, then it would be good, if ANet could just raise the timer in which lightnigns hit fro mthe ridiculous 2s timer to say a 10s timer, and make therefore the lightnigs slightly more powerful and stun you if you get hit by them, but howeve,r give peopel then also a chance to dodge/avoid them with effects that make you immune to damage or auto evade incomign damage...


    Then this event just needs to get changed, that all champion boses need to spawn visibly from begin on.. this idiotic chase and search for them costs only way too much time, important time that you need to defeat those 5 bosses. The event by its design offers way too less time to defeat all 5 bosses right in time.

    Better woudl it be, if this event simply has no timer at all... because I see in this map also no consequences for failing this event..


    somethign that NAet design technicalyl completely stopped to do with Pof as it seems, failign the events has nowhere in PoF really hard consequences for the players, which is another reason, why simply alot of people don#t care for these events, if no one does them, because if those events fail, the map just runs further exactly the same way, as if just nothing has happened - really bad map design in that case, or just a total design oversight to give the events also fitting negative consequences for failing them, so that people actualy actively care for these events and want them to be made, so that no one has to suffer from the negative consequences..


    Acsimple negative consequence could be, if the meta events fail, that then for 1-2 hours our so somethign on the maps changes so much ,that you can#t do anywhere on that map instance any Bounties then... then would peopel care for makign these events successfully, to ensure, that the Bounty Trains can keep on cycling ...

  20. Just as a du.m.b question from someone, who has killed so far by accident coincidentally just such a coffee skritt once and doesn#t knew, what he was doing, because it looked just like the usual skritt event where a skritt with loot bag runs away from you ...


    What exactly is so special about this Caffinated Skritt?


    Do you get some kind of unique special reward or so from killign this poor skritt 9 times? Like a Title or an Item with a Skin that you can earn only this way?


    Or what is to interesting about this Skritt, that people care about it to hunt it down 9 times???

  21. The only new playable race that i evern want to see added, is the Tengu, and i think this is already workload enough in regard of costs, ressources, time needed to make, animations ect. pp and the Terngu are from the design process the only non playable race, which has gotten so far, that they were even considered to be playable and fulfill therefore everything ,that a playable race needs to have..


    Largos, as much as i would loved them to be playable and as much as they would have made sense to fil lthe game of the aquatic/amphibic intelligent race, I do agree, the stupid ugly gemstore Largos Wings practically destreoyed the dream bubble of ever gettign playable Largos, unless Anet renames these Wings and hopefulyl like i propose, completely redesigns the Largos race, cause these stupid stiff wings were always from begin on the biggest problem with this race to begin with...

    But unless anet doesn#t make changes in that direction, they are officially now off the table, cause addign them now makes that way no sense anymore...


    Any other stuff listed up there is garbage, that makes no sense...

    Dwarves don't exist anymore and addign them woudl turn GW2 only into a class MMORPG clone, what comes next then please? Elves of a billion types? Like in every other typical 0815 MMORPG? Let this borign race finally rest forever in their eternal grave against Primordus, Ogden is the only still living Stone Dwarf and so should it stay, they are only relevant for the story telling, same as much as like Jotuns, Grawl ,Quaggan, Kodan, Skritt and any other undeveloped/inferior race in Tyria.


    The Tengu are also the only potential playable race, which has its hometown also in the near of Starter Zone Maps, so that you could play with them simpyl the same Personal Story, like all other races, if Anet just implements as new map the Dominion of the Wind/Sanctum Cay (Home Town), which is directly east of the Sylvari Starter Map.

    The Tengu is also the only race, which ANet could potentially greatly incorporate as a new Feature that is also very story relevent, for when we should ever return to Cantha, because the Tengus originate from there and had to fled from there, cause within the last 250 years, Anet turned Canthas Emperor their into a human imperium similar to a German Nazi Regime, which forced all races, that aren't humans out of Cantha - so to speak is basically Cantha by now the biggest human race bastion of whole Tyria, where everywhere else in tyria the human race has massively decreased in numbers, compared to 250 years ago, where basicalyl the humans reigned over Tyria as the strongest race of all, where they were still in war with the Charr over their homelands, cause Ascalon was basically never homeland of the humans, it belonged originally to the Charr, but it was taken by the humans, which is why the Charr brought up the searing with the help of the titans to reclaim back their homelands and destroy Ascalon to force the humans to flee from there back to Kryta.


    If we swear the Tengu to make things right again in Cantha, once we set up foot there again, so that they can return to their homelands andlive theire in peace again ,so that they don#t have to isolate themself in tyria anymore, then that would be a great way to introduce the Tengu as new playable race,. ANet would have showbn then, that they listedn to us and our wishes, proved then, that they can add also new playable races with the least minimum amount of effort needed by just 1 and stopping from doing it further then, because simply more added new races are just not neccessary. 6 playable races would be for a game with the dimensions of like GW2 more than enough.


  22. Definetely not as a real world card game.. but Ingame as a Minigame, absolutely yes..

    A full detailed, complex, big Card Collection with Gameplay similar to Triple Tria, Gwint and Magic the Gathering would be awesome and absolutely the right thing, ANet could do to give this game something that is really fun, can be played ingame as tournaments, can be used as time filler for players when they have to wait on something, can be used as rewards, as achievement category, titles can be earned with it as well, could be played against NPCs as well if you have no other player at hand to play against.

    The lore of the game provides more than enough Card Types for GW2 having an Ingame Gard Game


    - Characters (Heroes/Villains/NPCs)

    - Monsters

    - Abilities & Effects (Boons/Enchantments, Conditions/Hexes, Skills, Traps, Magic Spells)

    - Environments & Objects (Places, Weather Effects, Artefacts, Runestones, Bloodstones

    - Lore Books (Special Effects, Class Effects/ Jokers)

    - Mighty Entities (Field Effects with Elder Dragons, Gods, Animal Spirits, Tne Dream, War Machinery/Siege Weapons)


    Various Card Rarities are simple to add as well - Common, Veteran, Elite, Champion, Ascended, Legendary (this counts for Game as well, Ascended shoudl be added there too as a Rank between Champion and Legendary for better Scaling/Balance)


    Rules in Triple Triad were very simple, and this is why the Game was so succeeful and liked alot among people, to the point, that FF14 copied it into their game.

    Each Card simply had 4 Valies, one per side, and if an Enemy Card was put to a side of yours, left, right, under or above, and had a value higher than your card on that side, your card was flipped over and turned colors, so that it belonged from that moment on the the side of the enemy, the player which had at the end when the field was full the most cards on their side, won. Values ranged from 0 to 10 (A) beign the highest, so a card that had somewhere an A, was practically immune from being flipped from that side, unless you found a way to reduce the value from the card lower to the value of yours, like making usages of elemental Strengths and Weaknesses between the Cards


    Gwint in Witcher 3 is similar, only with the difference, that you there have more complexity, with Traps, Spell Effects.. the best version of it can be currently played for free online to get inspiration and ideas from it how to make a good Ingame Card Game, that anet could potentially use also to earn real money with, by letting players the free choice, if they wantto earn rare cards slowly by playing, or if they want to get them faster/instantly through paying Gems/Real Money.

    Gwing (CDProject Red) made exactly with the Card Game the right decision, they made the Game itself visually impressive and addictive and topped all of this with Card Animations as rarest form of the Cards, so they added more aesthetics to the game by justaddign animated Card Skin Versions to each single card for the collectors, which whant shiny and good looking cards, that would happily fork out also real money, if they can this way boost their egos by having a full collection of animated cards, instead of just mere normal unanimated ones. What Gwitn made also right is givign the Cards also various "Factions/Card Sets" so that each player could have its own favourite Card Set/Gameplay Build, so the Card Types there weren#t just Card Type,s they were their own Factions as Card Sets which defined how you play with the Cards, cause every Faction has there its very own different gameplay style and tactics, how you win with them.


    And lastly, Magic the Gathering was and is still the absolute origin inspiration from Guild Wars, woudl that card game never have existed, then we wouldn't have a Guild Wars 2 now. Pesonally sadly i had never the chance to play this Card Game from where naet got its ideas and inspirations from, but to have also an ingame card game in GW2 that you can play in tournaments with agaisnt other players, would be a pretty huge homage to MtG, especially if the Card Game rceives later a similar name, like for example - Glint - the Legacy (to give it also a little pun to Gwint xD) hitting two flies with one stone ^^


    PS: keep Polymock out of this discussion, thats a completely different sort of Game, Polymock was more like ANets version of Pokemon, letting Monsters with their Abilities fight against each other, in form of basically Monster Chess Figures as collectibles to unlock the Creatures you could take for you into Polymock Battles.

    This has absoluely nothign to do with a virtual CCG.

    For Polymock it would be just awesome, if MINIATURES would take in the place of these Monster Chess Figurines, so that you would use the Miniatures, that you have unlocked for your Account as possible Polymock Figurines to summon them onto the Polymock Battlefield against your opponent.

    its just somethign ,that has finalyl to happen, the poor Asura in rata SUm is already working lonely for 5 years on that Asura Gate, so that we can play finally Polymock... how long has he still to work Nate? Give that little Asura finally a break Anet and let him finish his work!! Thank You.

  23. > @joneirikb.7506 said:

    > > @Orpheal.8263 said:

    > >and Implementation of missing utility/Healing/Elite skilsl for all classes, so that al classes also have for each of their Skill types fitting Skilsl in all three categories, cause this has been a clear game design oversight from release day on, that never has been fixed yet sadly.


    > Just to clarify, at launch none/most of the healing skills or elites had "types" at all. And thus didn't benefit from traits etc that enhanced such skills. This was added later to the game, when they also tried to shoe-horn the existing skills into the "type" system.


    > This was the same time they removed the Guardians 2 Elite's tomes, and made the new isgnet and shout ones, both because the tomes was largely considered pretty meeh, but also to have something to peg to any kind of type of skills at all. Though it would have been hilarious to have Tome of Wrath marked as a Shout, and Tome of Courage as a signet just to smack them into types :)


    > So it wasn't an oversight, the game launched with each class having 3 heal skills and 3 elites, which in most cases didn't have any types at all. "Enduring Renewal" for Guardian for ex, was not a Meditation.


    Oh yes, it was an oversight the moment they decided to give skilsl "types", it was an oversight from the first moment from then on to make not sure, that all skilsl have for each of the implemented skill types also a fittign skill. Don't twist my words, only because you see the mentioning of "oversight" from a different angle of view.

    Viewn just from the moment of the change, it was just an oversight of quality to make not sure, that the new system isn't incomple (but ANet likes to leave things incomplete ...don#t know, thats kind of their design style I guess ... just to make things that are incomplete somewhen maybe eventually if enough people complain about these thigns finally complete and right, I'm not complainign without reason for 5 years now, that anet designs their game like a switzer cheese full of holes!)


    We all know, that makign thigns from begin on right would have meant naturally more workload and effort for ANet, worload and effort I guess for which they had back then no ressources, time or manpower for to assign the needed people to this task to make sure, that by makign this change to the skill system, all skills also receive properly skills for easch skill type, what would have meant adding new skills for all classes, rebalancing work of these new skills ect., animation works and so on and so forth.

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