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Posts posted by Orpheal.8263

  1. I'd like to see the Devs responsible for Character Progression in the AMA, want to know, what their facit after now two Expansions is, what they think, did work out, what they think did not work out really well and needs improvement over time, and in which direction the game is headed in regard of Character Progresison in the future, now that there are Elite Specs and a Mastery System -their said FOUNDATION - both in my view far away still of making full usage of the potential that these systems offer, especially if both elements would get merged together, would E-Specs benefit alot from putting both systems together, to make out of E-Specs more something, what i've spoken about back in the past when you made the CDI about Character Progression.


    If everything we have so far now is still only like a basic foundation, then I'd find it very interestign to hear about, how Anet plans on the future to build this foundation up with more DEPTH and improved continous Character Progression, other than only adding every 2-3 years from now on a new set of E-Specs.


    Because if that is everything, then this would be very disappointing to see.

    I'd like to hear for example also from the devs responsible for Character Progression, how long they intend to add more Elite Specs.

    They surely must have set themself some kind of "limit" somewhere. 5-6 makes sense (or at least wishful), because with that amount you have basically everything done, that is possible for every class, without repeating something somewhere, while making still sure, that each spec should feel unique somehow


    Just saying, theres so much in regard of character progression, that could be still done with GW2.. I know, the game is already 5 years old, but when it comes to Character Progression, i still get the feeling, as if this game barely even touched this segment

  2. Was just about to post this in an other thread, but suddenlythe forum doesn't allow me to post an answer in that thread anymore

    Guess it got moved to trash bin or so, so that it became impossible to post there anymore, cause I can't also find the thread anymore, but regardless, here a brainstorming I did over things I'd currently improve in GW2:

    You can join naturally in this list, if you want to contribute somethign to it, or simply write something to those 31 points, if you want


    1) Removal of Armor Types and Reimplementation of Town Outfits/Clothes by the Gemstore in a huge amount. Every Character should have a Combat Look, and a Town Look for when being in civil. One thing should override the other, players should be able to freely switch between both in towns, how it was originally the case.


    2) Implement Epic Gear between Ascended/Legendary, that is like Ascended Gear with Legendary Stat Change, without all the Bling Bling and Effect Clutter of Legendaries.

    Make crafting Ascended due to this significantly cheaper and easier to obtain, without a braindead Time Gate Mechanism to artificially slow our progress down, so that Ascended Gear becomes finally more multi character friendly aside of it being only accountbound.


    3) Rework of the complete Condition and Boon System. Removing unneccessary obsolete effects out of the game, which work better and easier as baselined skill effects either, or as traits, or as upgrades, thus helping of to balance these effects more and making thenm more of an integrated part of each individual character build, instead of overflowing the game with these effects as an universal effetc as a Boon or Condition to which everyone has access too (and oftenly way too easily/strongly than is good for the game, without having to sacrifice something for it)


    4) Rework Resistance as part of number 3 as a baselined Immunity System that effects the effeciency of Conditions, so that Conditions can't be applied anymore 100% guaranteed of all the times, forcing COndi Players to make more usage of then now reworked Dual Effect Attributes, so that they need same as much Conditions to minmax their DPS, like a Power Build needs, which is 3 different Attributes beign required, instead of only 1 to 2


    5) Remove Raids completely out of the Game by redesigning the affected Maps into complete new explorable PvE Maps to which everyone can go and explore them easily, like normal and rework the instanced content into complete new 5 Man Dungeons instead, which simply are significantly harder to complete, than the Beginner Dungeons from the Main Game. These New Dungeons are differented then between Explorer Mode (Normal Difficulty) and Vanquisher Mode (Hard Difficulty of current Raids, which ups the Player Limit then to 10, but makes all the content also significantly harder to complete, this way get all plyers with Explore Mode also a simple Training Mode so to say with reduced difficulty, Raids should have never happened, Dungeosn should have get fixed and continued with new and better content - Dungeon/Raid/Fractal Teams shoudl get merged together and work from this point on only on Fractals and Dungeons.... Raids are a fail and are nothign but just 10 Man Dungeons with an other term attached to them


    6) Rebalance the Base Health System, removing the outdated 3 Class Type Split and change it into a Class Individual Base Health System, where each Base Class gets individually balanced its Base Health Values, stopping to shoehorn all classes into this outdated 3 segmented system, that hurts only the overall Class Balancing Process.

    Base Health Values need to become revalued, so that they are balanced with the current state of DPS, that Classes can dish out, which is by now like double to triple as miuch, than what Classes were able to deal 2012!!! This must get ASAP become corrected, because itsm uch easier to rebalance the Base Health Values of all Classes individually, than it is to balance individually all the skill and traits for all Classes by reducing their DPS values, not to mention that nerfing class dps creates only frustration and anger, while rebalancing Base Health feels like a neccessary thing, that causes not frustration and anger in the same way like skill land trait changes do that if you are negatively affected by the changes. Health Changes are easier compensated through Player Skill, Skill/Trait Changes aren#t so easily compensated through Player Skill alone, if the changes on skills/traits were just too much


    7) Remove Gear Stats from the Game and change Character progression to a 100% classic gain of Attributes through just only leveling the Character Up from 0 to 80.

    Gear should. A point, that should be done, if number 2 is out of question. If 7 is done, then is 2 unneccessary. Gear shoudl be differentiated only by its Quality, which defines the maximum Defense Values, its Skins and eventuall effects, which only Legendaries have. GW2 needs to become in regard of this again more like GW1, where obtaining Max Stats is easy/cheap, but if you want to xontribute to Fashion Wars and have the most prettiest/rarest skins, then you have to put in effort intho the game... Build Diversity should not get affected by Gear Stats, that you have to have either legendary gear, ort run around with a douzen of equipment sets which clutter only your inventory full, just so that you can have free build diversity!! When we play PvP, we also dont have this idiotic problem, so why can't it be more liek this not also too for PvE and WvW??? Removing gear Stats would make it possible, and it would make it possible to remove alot of unneccessary crafting crap out of the game and to focus crafting on more important and meaningful thing,s than stat sets... would make also craftign finally alot more overviewable then in regard of the UI...


    8) Implement new forms of Gathering Jobs - Fishing (requires craftign Angling Rods and gathering7crafting various forms Baits, Digging (requires Shovels as a ressource tool), Alchemism being added as new Crafting Job with that you synthesize items out of all kinds of other items from the other craftign jobs, with that you craft also all kinds of forms of Potions, Elixiers, Powders as a new third type of Buff Item basides of Food and Reinforcements, comes with Alchemism and their Potions ect. now then the Buff Item Type "Alterations", which have much more directly effects on your skills and traits, if you use them, or your visual effects (Skill Skins)


    9) Implement through Elite Specs new Weapon Types like Greataxes, Whips, Chakrams, merge Trident with Staff, merge Rifle with Harpoon Gun, these two underwater weapons are so completely unneccessary, and rework Spears as habrid weapon (Polearms) that can be used on land as like underwater and add more of the 1H weapons to be useable under water too, like Daggers, Swords, Axes, Maces, Scepter, Focus, Shield, can all work under water as well


    10) Completely redesign the Elite Specializations and replace them with better ones, that fit better to the game under new names, mergign the ES System with the Mastery System, making this way ES part of the Mastery System includign a new added Mentor System that requires of you to get mentors for the fitting masteries to teach and test you with trials, before you learn to become said ES's, where then is also a difference, between just having only learned an Elite Specialization, and havign truly mastered an Specialization, where mastering an ES unlocks partwise the features of the ES for your Base Class, like becomign able to use the ES Weapon also with your Base Class, if you have fully mastered before the ES and gettign access also to the Utility Skills this way. Red Line stays the Traits and the Elite Skills, for them to use to woudl stil lneed to change to the ES to have access on those exclusively.

    Would make sure under the Process of redesigning the ES, that also the old GW1 Classes Ritualist, Assassin, Dervish and Paragon find as part of ES their way into the game, but under new terms/names, while the old terms will find their way into the game as Enemy Terms in PvE when fighting intelligent species of the same class, like thats the case now in PoF


    11)Implement Housing as one of the next big Expansion Features, together with the next expansion beign focused heaviliy on Cantha, the return of underwater combat/content/balance and finalyl the introduction of the deep sea dragon about which Anet makes such a mystery for 5 years now..enough is enough soon..


    12) Implement new PvP Modes, like Codex Arena, Last Man Standing, Hunger Games, 2v2/3v3, GvG/Battlefields (15v15, 25v25, 50v50, 100v100), Duel Mode/PK(K) Mode integrated outside of Towns on own Risk for PvE with own rewards for taking on the risk together with an Reputation System and Headhunter System thats based on a Top List, Collosseum/Gladiator Mode where you fight in like a small Tournament agaisnt other players of like say maximum 32 players that participate in them to fight in these modes 1v1, while in the Collosseum can happen all kinds of traps and environmental influences in midsts of the battles at any time, like deadly tigers on chains getting released, spike traps appearign and so on ...to influence this way the positioning of the players, while they have to fight each other


    13) implement new Fractal Types to make finalyl real usage of the potential that fractals have, which Anet seems not to realize yet, how much potential this game mode has to give this game all sorts of fun game content, that is free from the design borders of the normal PvE content/lore.

    - Adding Heroic Fractals, which work liek Bonius Mission packs/Books you read to play Chapter after Chapter a story in the view of somebody els,e together with changed skilsl that are from that character, instead of usign your own skills, beginning with Ghosts of Ascalon, so that we can replay the history of this book and see, what happened exactly ouf of the eyes from Dougla Keane for example, or out of Snaffs view, or out of the view of any other revevant GoA Character that was there until the end

    - Adding Dungeon Crawler Fractals, which are each time you enter them different, and become more rewardign, so longer yiou survive in them to reach the most highest or lowest realms of them, like beginning with the Sky Temple Tower of Dwayna or something like that, a 10 floor tower crawler with bosses on each 10 floors, which are the only thing ,that is always the same

    - Adding Guild Crusades, a special new Fractal Type as part of Guild Missions as new guild Content, which is a mixture between Guild Missions and Dungeon Crawlers, unique and special only for Guilds, where you need to play them as guild group with coordination/splitting, while simple dungeon crawlers could be also played solo if you want.

    - Hunting Grounds, special fractal based huge instance maps that are made for basically reimplentign the Vanquish Gameplay from GW1, where the goal it is to erase all monsters there as fast as possible and which can be used aslso to add maps, which give the player kind of the Monster Hunter gameplay, which you can play either alone, or as group to hunt monsters, where you find also alot more big to huge monsters that are a real threat and challengign to fight, without overflowing the player with health sponges only and mechanics, that force you to fight them with like a group of 20+ peopel or so to have a chance, how it is in certain cases currently with Bounty Hunts in PoF. Huntign Grounds coudl be used to add fractal based Bounty Hunts also as well into the game.


    14) As part of all the above, reimplement Season 1 as complete as possible into the game, in the same style, how you did Season 2 with new own achievements you get, when repeatign the episodes, remove as part of this some unneccessary Fractals, add in for the removed fractals new Mass Fractals which bring people into new Mass Instances, where they can fight again the big Season 1 battles, that is Marionette, that is Lions Arch Defense with the 3 Golems, that is the Final Battle agaisnt Scarlet on the Breachmaker and an Invasion instance, so that this game doesn't look anymore like this cheesehole mess, that it is right now


    15) Rework Scribing to a normal crafting job, that isn't bonded to Guilds and made to to this also significantly cheaper and easier to achieve


    16) Add Gardening as new Crafting Job, allowing to plant herbs, fruits, trees ect. that can brign you this way an income of materials you can harvest later, includign thsi way an option to unlock dyes for you (in a legendary kind of way including gemstore dyes)


    17) Add more Mount Types, like a Speedster (big Cheetah) , like a Crawler (Spiders with that you can run on walls, even upside down), like a Carrier (big Dolyaks/Junundus)


    18) Add in general alot more masteries that are overall useful for the player as Core Tyria Masteries, which you can use practicalyl everywhere i nthe game and give you more the feeling of character progression and quality of life improvement, to make usage of the real potential that the Masterx System provides, instead of adding masteries, that are only useful in certain expansion maps, like the HoT stuff, Mounts was a nice beginning of that sort of type mastery, that GW2 needs more, as they are universally useful everwhere, andn ot just only in PoF maps


    19) Improve the UI of the game, make it alot more customisable, there was a long time iago in the old forum a post of someone presenting an UI concept, that was simply mind blowing,

    because it woudl have made the game not only look bette,r but woudl have made also usage with thingg ike Lore, Pictures ect. tomake the game also look more interestign that way


    20) Implement the feature of Character History/Descriptions, where players can write their own character descriptions per character, which other players can see in to learn more about them


    21) Implement alot more Emotes and in general features/mechanics, that make Role playing in this game more fun, including also own RP Servers with their own unique RP Rules in regard of behavior, Character Naming ect..


    22) implement a Bestiary Feature, wherre you can look after all creatures youve already defeated at least once, what they can drop, where you fidn them, what their skilsl and their behaviors are in combat with strategies, how to fight them best, what their strenths and weaknesses are, some lore text ect, picture/model to look at and that from all angles, zoom in /out their modesl to enjoy simply their looks, maybe with lettign them do some simple sample animations on button press


    23) Remove all forms of gambling RNG from the game, that comes with Black Lion stuff and gamblign offers fro mthe gemstore, replace these with direct offers that are honest and tell the person an honest direct price and make the black lion stuff either part of the gemstore to buy directly, or implenment some older stuff slowler as earnable rewards in the game, like the black lion weapon sets,, so older thwey become so bigger should become the chance, that they get someday addeed as just rewanable rewards ingame for doing some achievements/chalenging content and from that point on should be permanently removed from the gemstore to make space for new content thats sold there then


    24) implementate an official own Build Template system, for that is the removal of gear stats neccessary, ascended forms of upgrades that are accountbound and unlockable for the accoutn need to get added for this too (Ascended Sigil, Runes) with runes beign redesigned in genral with the removal of gear stats


    25) implement missing mini games, like Polymock and all the other stuff, that shoudl exist on Towns, to make towns lively places with unique reasons to go visit them all, implement a card collection minigame that is similar to Triple Triad and Gwent, with also similarities to Terra Battle as a card game based own story mode that you can play solo.


    26) Add more new world bosses to the game, and make sure, that older maps also get revised, beginning with a redesign of Claw of Jormag, like Tequatl received one, that was neccessary, so it is with Jormags Claw too and implement a new dragon chapion world boss, one that represents Primordus and will be found in the fireheart map


    27) Rework WvW massively, make sure, that WVW receives again constantly its own Tournaments, like it used to be in the early years of the game, rework the WvW into a FvF that is based on 3 Factions which are shared among all servers, so solve the population and night problems. No need anymore for so many servers, so that servers can get merged more when neccessary to make space for creating fresh new servers every once in a while, so that players have every now and then a chance to change to a fresh new server to populate it, after before have some servers been merged. This will create fresh new wind in the game. Make sure, while beign on this point, that the new FvF starts then also with 3 unique own Border Maps so that each Faction has its own unique Border Map, where one faction has map based by design a little advantage over the other sides. Eternal Battlefields and EotM get merged as a new multi layer WvW map, so that falling down from high is no death anymore, as you can then simply glide down to the eternal battlefield a layer down, and EB becomes finally a map with a castle, that you can enter always, due to the EotM mechanics having no queues there.


    28) Rework the Trait System and make sure, that each Class with each of their ES have at least 3-4 useful builds you can play as them, so that there is for each class somehow a way how you can be useful in any game mode, be it PvP, be it WvW, be it PvE and its various sub elements like Fractals, Dungeons ect.

    In order to ensure this, get all Classes their amount of Base Class Trait Lines also increased, to create more Build Diversity from 5 to 7.

    - Elementalists for example gain the Traitlines Summon Rituals and Black Magic.

    - Thieves receive Dexterity and Escape Techniques

    - Warriors receive Motivation and Leadership

    - Guardians receive Dignity and Morality

    - Rangers receive Scouting and Hunting Instincs

    - Necromancers receive Demonology and Spiritualism

    - Engineers receive Saboteurism and Gravity Control

    - Mesmers receive Mind Control and Telepathy


    29) Complete redesign of Revenants and its E-Specs into Mercenaries, Rytlock becomes a unique story based Revenant as Class that is unique to him, so that this class becomes more in line with all other classes, able to use Racial Skills too, without this silly energy system that limits totally build diversity on this class, Mercenaries with the 7 Base Traitlines - Pride, Greed, Trust, Professionalism, Strategetics, Battle Creed, and lastly Perseverance with the Specs being Renegade still (but not anymore so super focused on charr lore only due to the hero crap) and Herolds becoming Legionnaires now.


    30) Rework rewards, so that the start feeling significantly more meaningful, reducing of trash rewards, removal of junk loot, that absolutely nobody wants and exists only to clutter our inventories full, rewrok the login rewards, so that the feal more meaningful, without so many repeats of the same stuff in increasign numbers, thats uncreative and boring, improve rewards throughout the whole game, expand them, so that also older content gets again new reasons to be played, like adding new ascended and legendary racial armor sets to the game players can earn, as like new ascended and legendary dungeon armors and weapons. Implement new racial weapon skin sets for ascended and legendary as well.


    31) implement a skill skin system, that allows us to change how our weapon skills and utility/healing/elite skill effects look like, for example makign it possible for starters as Ele/Necro/Mesmer/Guardian/Engineer/Thie/Ranger to change the look of their various summons and things they can create (Environmental Weapons), so that i can change the look of my undead minions for exampel as necromancer, or can change the look of the elemental avatars that i summned as Elementalist, or how the spiritual weapons look like, or the nature spirits that have been callen, to look different with an other skill skin beign in usage, other than the default one.

  3. > @"Lonami.2987" said:

    > > @Svarty.8019 said:

    > > As we have seen from the recent patch, the developers are losing control of balance, if, indeed, they ever had it.

    > >

    > > * There are 1/3 more classes. The balance developers are doing 1/3 more work: Are they working 1/3 longer? Is the team 1/3 bigger? I doubt it. More classes = Less Balance being done.

    > > * Where players are concerned, buffing under-performing classes comes across much better in terms of public relations than nerfing does, _and the developers know it._

    > > * It is with this logic in mind that I predict very little of the necessary balance will be inflicted on the evidently overpowered PoF classes. The balance team isn't going to be doing their job with the vigour that it requires because it will reflect badly on the company to nerf a lot of new content all at once (why is the policy to introduce new classes as powerful? Sales?) - so they'll either not do it at all or do it **incredibly slowly.**

    > >

    > > As more classes are introduced to the game, control over balance will decrease. Entropy always rises.

    > > The company has to add classes with new expacs to make money, but with more classes comes worse balance, inherently.

    > >

    > > They have a dilemma here.


    > The main problem lies in the original design of the professions. They weren't made with elite specializations in mind, and it shows.


    > Also, it doesn't help core professions haven't gotten any upgrades since pretty much release. New weapons and slot skills are necessary to keep them fresh, it's a huge mistake to only add new stuff through elite specializations.


    > They should redesign all the professions from the ground up, using modularity for the mechanics, and then balance around those modules, instead of one by one. For example, "transformation" should cover necromancer, druid, and holosmith, and they all should use the same foundation, with minor variations.


    > A complete redesign would take a lot of work, but it will be unavoidable in the future. The longer they take, the worse it will become.


    Its not the classes, that weren#t designed with E-Specs in mind, no, its the whole outdated combat system, that anet keeps on ignoring all the time, while they are permanently focused only on skilsl and traits, while abandonding all the rest of the olf 2012er state combat system of this ganme, which doesn't get along anymore with all the changersNAt did pover the years to the ganme, which haven't all been in mind for this old combat system and its balance, that was designed around the fact, that all those many changes and features originalyl dont exist.

    ANet has to finalyl greatly adapt and rework these outdated combat system elements and brign them up to date with what the game offers now all for combat relevant mechanics, that need to be all revalued, reconsidered and reconstructed based on all these factors, that Anet keeps on ignoring for 5 years now.


    Yeah, they have finalyl made a tiny nerf to conditions, by changing basicalyl their ramp up time, so that their damage takes now longer to build up..but this alone is no solution.


    The game needs a redesign on the complete Condition and Boon System... obsolete Conditions and Boonds, that can easily work besser as Trait Effects, as Upgrades or KSill Effects to improve making some classes more unique and outstandign from all of them, will help much better in balancign this game, if Anet gets finally to reduce the whole effect clutter and makes while working on this also sure, that condi cleanse and boon removal gameplay mechanics get properly rebalanced around these changes, so that it isn#t anymore the case after the chances, that you can be like 10x faster spammed to death with conditions permanently, than you can remove them, so that you just need such a stupid obsolete boon like Resistance just to get the time you need to get some room for breath from all this overwhelming condi spam to remove some, before you instantly suffer again on a whole crap load of them a few seconds later...

    Removal of Conditions needs finalyl to create some kind of IMMUNITY SYSTEM.


    If I remove Poison from my character, the character should become for a few seconds IMMUNE to poison, so that I can't suffer instantly after the removal again on Posipon.

    Thhats how the Resistance Boon should get reworked and by the rework should get removed to reduce effect clutter.

    Resistance shoudl become a mechanism, or an attribute effect, that should become part of DUAL EFFECT ATTRIBUTES, which helps to determine, how long your character becomes immune to a removed condition after the removal. Simpyl said, resitances needs to become a BASELINE MECHANIC and the player should have with skills, with traits, with upgrades and with an attribute a way, how he/she can influence the efficiency of your immune system.


    Merge Vitality with Resistance, call the Attribute then still further Vitality, but now the Attribute doesn't increase only your Max Health, which should get its values rebalanced, so that Vitality becomes more important, by raising the number how much each Vit point incrases Max Health significantly from laughable 10 HP per Point to more significant 25 HP per Vit Point!!! Plus on top of that would work Vitality then as Dual Effect Attribute to increase your characters immune system, makign them more resistant to Conditions (or at least physical conditions, ANet could eventually split of Conditions intp Condition Types as of Physical, Mental and Natural Conditions, so that Vitality becomes not too op by affectign the resistance of too many conditions, Physical would be Poison, Weakness, Blindness, Vulnerability, Cripple, mental is Confusion, Natural would be Chill and Burning for example)


    So higher your Vitality would be now, so more immune your character becomes and so longer would last your Immunity Effect after removing a Condition to give you some protection agaisnt gettign spammed to death with Conditions, what woudl especially help in this case balancing the WvW format of the game...., but also a bit PvP naturally, so that pure Condi Builds aren't anymore in siuch a big advantage over power builds and so that intelligent usage of cleanses makes finally also some influence on the outcome of battles.

    Cleanse skills could then get also reworked to the point, that the become also finaly useful, even if you don't already suffer on a condition. A design element, that always disturbed me, that skilsl that can remove conditions, can be only useful literally, if you already suffer on conditions - when its basically already too late for you and you can use them only in rtegard of a reactions..

    Condi Clease skills should be useful in BOTH WAYS - as a form of reaction by removing a condition and activatign your Immunity.

    But also as a form of PROACTIVE PROTECTION, by activating your immunity (Resitance towards conditions), before you already suffer on them, so that there will exist acchance, that you won't suffer on the conditions, if you get hit by your enemies attacks, that would normally cause conditions on you!! Because thats literalyl the way how resistance as boon works currently - but for this is no obsolete boon effect neccessary, when it can work instantly baseline as proactive effect when using a skill, that can remove conditions, when you dont suffer yet on any conditions, then you can use the skilsl in advance, when you are expecting about to be hit by condition attacks, without having to suffer from the conditions then, if your upraised immunity/resitance was strong enough to protect you from the condition.


    And this brigns me to a final point in which Conditions have to get reworked to make Condition Builds have to use more Attributes, to make them finalyl equal with power builds, that need more attributes, than pure condi builds to be effective.

    Condi Builds should need to use an attribute, like Wisdom, which effects the EFFICIENCY of Conditions. With immiunity/resistance beign there, which affects the chances on you, if you get to suffer on a condition, or not, the other side needs also a way how thery can positively increase the chances that theiur skilsl will cause conditions.


    For balance sake it needs to become so, that Conditions shouldn't beanymore a 100% granted thing to be applied always. Players need to have ways how they can protect themself against receiving Conditions/receiving conditions again, after removing them....

    If Conditions would have an Efficiency Value, which describes the chance for the condition to be applied to your enemy, then there would be also a way to work on it, how condi players can increase their chances to apply conditions on their foes, even if they have proactively ramped up their immunity/resitance towards conditions, because even if you are resitant to condition,sa for balance there can't exist 100% immunity - and thats the mistake that Anet did with Resitance, to make it a boon, that 100% > 0 works against Consitions, which is why many people at the release of Hot saifd immediately, that Resoistances is just only a silly quick band aid solution by anet, to fix their own mess they had created with the patch of june 23rd of 2015, where HoT made everythign after that only worser, so that Resistance was from that point on in its current form needed, otherwise the game would have become completely unplayable!!


    This Efficiency Value of Conditions would be then the counter to the Immunity/Resistance Value of an enemy player.

    Is the resistance/immunity higher, than your efficiency of your condition, then the enemy palyer is completely protected from receiving the Condition.

    Is the Efficiency of your Condition higher, than the Immunity/Resitance value of your enemy, then based on a calculation between the difference value of your efficiency and their immunity/resitance should exist the chance, that your skills cause conditions first to them. plus/minus effects from skills, traits, and upgrades on both sides, that could influence these values for the total calculation that decides over it, if you get to suffer on a condition after being hit, or not.

    But GW2 must get definetly get away from this bad balance, that every condi skill applies 100% of a time always also a conditionö.

    A power build also doesn't 100% of all times, unless extremely haviliy build for it maybe, cause 100% guaranted critical hits with always maximum critical damage..

    So why should conditions have the right here, to cause always granted 100% sure a condition???


    Thats the right and important question here!


  4. This game doesnt need Legendary gear, that is better than Ascended, what this game in fact really needs is a step between Ascended and Legendary gear, to make Ascended gear cheaper, so that this pointless garbage with the idiotic time gated mechanics around ascended materials can be finally removed.


    GW2 needs as middle gear type between ascended gear and legendary gear the quality typ of EPIC GEAR, which should be slihgtly harder to receive than ascended items, where Anet can put in then time gating mechanics, but also significantly easier to gain, than legendary equipment.


    The difference bettween those 2 gear type is then for Epic Gear, that Epic Gear is same as powerful as like ascended or Legendary Gear, but provides like legendary gear the QOL mechanism of being able to change the gear stats at will, minus having not so extra vagant skins and effects like legendaries have, without arm or footstep effects that stay exclusive for legendaries, so that there exists finally a gear type, that is easier to obtain ,than legendaries, but allows players, which aren't interested in massive bling bling and effect clutter to still get at least the real interesting and useful mechanic out of these items - the QoL that is being able to change stats at will!!


    To implement EpiC Gear with this kind of middle thing mewchanic between Ascended and legendary Gear should be normally an absolute NO BRAINER and its very disappointing to see, that anet still forces all of us to work on legendaries, just to get a very useful and important QOL feature, when we players could get that feature that we want also cheaper, but without just all the bling bling and effect clutter, because there exist also alot of püeople out there, which absolutely don't care about blinjg bling and effects, but just want the QoL!!

  5. if there is one thing that i could possibly be disappointed by this balance patch in regard of the thief.. that it touched to little..


    it has the obvious few condi changes to reduce just some condi burstiness for the exchasnge of logner durations, a bug fix, some deadeye focused buffs for pve onlyand a little quality of life change for daredevils.. rofls ...


    its as always, as if Anet simply is way too scared to give the thief some more impactful changes, which makes this class truly much more fun to play and useful in all game modes, away from being just stupid +1 pets changing them to become again fearful roamers, which can also provide useful group support - more than just only a watered down stealth, that was once some years ago the speciality of the thieves and which is by now easily surpassed by other classes to the point, that there is no need to take thieves anymore, because there exist now classes, which can give same as good, if not even better stealth to a group, like Scrappers with their stupid gyro that does that, while providing at the same time also far better group support, than what Thieves gan give people with lousy Venoms, which are already after like 2-3 hits over and provide no real great support, unless you play maybe a condi build, that can make soem kind of effetive usage from the little condi burst that shared venoms give you for one moment...


    The thief Class has so much unused potential to become more fun to play, especially know with Elite Specs being there.. adding the deadeye was a pure mistake imo however.

    A spec liek that should never exist, especially not with such crap mechanics, like this kneel.. but thats a different topic now.. a Bladedancer Spec for PoF would have fitted a thousand times better to Elona..but people were so obsessed with their silly rifles .. sigh, that or Saboteurs with Torches, or Rogues with Longbows, which woudl have been the much better long range weapon choice for thieves to get, that fits as a silent weapon also better to the design of the thief as descendant of the GW1 assassin - yet even an Assasin Spec woudl have fit better for Elona/PoF as the oldest true origin of the assassin comes from hashashin, an old egyptian word with games like Assassins Creed showign th real origins of the Assasins with Ninjas being basically the asian form of the Assassin... so basicalyl the class would have had to be called in factions Ninja, but Assassin was and is stil lthe better known trend word which peopel associate with this kind of gameplay the class provided in GW1 of which GW2s Thief has received only a reduced form of, to fitt better into the more european design style with that ANet started for GW2 and Tyria/Kryta, where you have Thieves, and not Assassins.

    However, enough of this offtopic




    What anet did was basicalyl a beginning to finally reduce the burstiness of cindi builds to fix the catastrophe they created 2 and a half years ago on 23rd June of 2015, before they released HoT with this destrous patch, which brought all this massive powercreep from Condition builds into the game, without fixing first the outdated combat systems for this massive increase of damage condition builds from this moment on were able to deal way too easily in a way too short time, which became after addign the two expansions later from expansion to expansion only worser and worser.

    So in fact, its nice to see, that ANet seems to have understood finally, that condtions are long already completely out of contriol and that reducign their burstiness has to be for now the right decision.


    However, just reducing only th burstiness of conditions and making them therefore last much longer isnt a perfect solution, it will postpone the true problem on,y, that Naet needs soon to completely overwork their whole conditioon and boon system, that they need to reduce in fact the amount of boons and conditions slightly again.

    So more E-Specs there add, so more nrew conditions and boons/effects they add to make those added Specs uniqeu, so more will become all the permanwently ignored and outdated combat system mechanics for that ANet had never until now any time to overlook and adapt them, because they were 5 years long always only focused on changing skills and traits mostly, so more will become balancing this game harder and harder - more of a problem, which won't be anymore so easily to solve, so longer these outfdated thigns don't get reworked in a flow with the other sweeping changes Anet does to the game, so that the systems and mechanics of the combat system stay in harmony with each other.



  6. If you think, that bursting your fanboy dream bubble of a mary sue-ish "concept" that includes copy pasted mental property of one of the latest very well known anime/game franchises, is an insult - then so be it, please play the so hurted oversensitive person for all of us here..thats exactly what we need here now - drama queens


    And you - lol, play it off, as if this is nothing, as if it would be the most normal thing to steal and copy paste mental property from other franchises and call the result then "your concept"....

    Have the other posters, which didn't share your opinion and didn't liked your concept as well and pointed out as well like me, that they find that an AA perma knock down is absolutely overpowered and 10 seconds of total immunity to all damage sources is absolute ABSURD and out of reason - have they also now insulted you too, cause of that? Awww... one round of sympathy please!

    Because thats literally exactly, what I did here only, I just agreed to what people said before me, that I too find these effects too powerful for these skills.


    Ok, mentioning that you should better play GW1 was maybe a step too far, but I have written it only, because I thought.. if you already kind of write somethign up like this, that looks like just a try hard Assassin 2.0 with exactly only GW1 Assassin Skills copy pasted into it - showing absolutely no real own creativity here, that you can't even come up with completely own thought out skills that have own new names and aren't all just copied from GW1 - who here should take your "concept" then any serious, if everythign you did was literally all just only copy pasting GW1 content??? Because thats then not called a concept anymoe, its just a plagiate!"


    If everything you want is basically just only a plagiate of the Assassin for GW2, then the easier solution is simply to stay better at GW1 and play this, because Anet adding an old GW1 plagiate just into GW2 will NEVER happen - and if there is just more than just only childish hope in your head, you know, something called that is common sense, then you will know that I'm right with this!


    You seem to believe, only because there exist currently some overpowered gameplay aspects in the game, like those examples you posted, that it is absolutely ok for this Game, that Anet simply just counters powercreep with even more powercreep permanently, like fighting fire with fire and everything is instantly balanced?? ROFLMAO.

    How good that you aren't responsible for this game's balance, otherwise I think this game would already by your design style overflow with so much powercreep everywhere, that Dragon Ball Z's battles look compared to that like little babies and the power meter would surpass already far beyond over 9000 high a gazillion lol (sarcasm) :trollface:

    Brief said.. it is never good to balance a game with continously always more powercreep, to shut down one overpowered thing in a game with a next new more overpowered thing to counterplay the previous overpowered game content.

    It leads only automatically quickly into a death spiral for the game with everyone later 1shotting each other and that is absolutely not at all the meaning of a balanced game, nor will this be in any form FUN to play for anyone.


    Buying Copyrights, just for having the right to name a single skill after a more or less famous anime character's skill.

    Yes sure *rolleyes* You have any better ideas, on how ANet should completely WASTE their ressources??? Absolute priceless....


    Last thing to say - It is absolute one thing to accuse people of having insulted you for not sharing your opinion and liking instantly your "concept" that is nothing but just a plain simple plagiate in real.


    It is another thing to be to another person just rude and complain towards people, which clearly and obviously (more or less for native speakers) aren't English native speakers, like I am - and I'm not the only one of that sort here, so get used to it, that they have spelling and grammar mistakes in their posts.

    I also don't let out instantly, like English people in their slang would say now - the "grammar nazi" (theoretically it would even fit lol, cause I'm a German xD) and complain what kind of spelling and writing mistakes you did in your posts - because, who am I to correct you and what you write? I'm not your English Teacher...

    So which right do you seem to believe to have to correct me, trying to say, as if I have nothing to say here, only because my English maybe isn't Oxford perfect English??


    You clearly have understood perfectly fine everything. Otherwise you wouldn't have been able to understand, what I said essencially.

    You just have no arguments towards my proof, which showed that you just copy pasted mental property of something else into your so called "concept", so you decided to go insultive towards me and and my personal lack in English - thats really pathetic and so far in your thread here the only real form of an insult you will find in this whole thread.


    But you know what? I know, that I and my English aren't perfect, but I stand over this and that is literally also why I decided to report you not for insulting me personally for my lack in a language, only because I showcased people, that you concepted here nothing, but just copied GW1 content and tried to obviously plagiate a well known skill from an anime franchise for those, which know it and instantly recognize it by the detailed copied description of the skill you did...


    So, thats it, won't post more in this thread,

    Isn't worth it to waste my time on something, that has from begin on no chance to never see the light of the day, because the TO thinks, its ok to make usage of plagiarism of other franchises and literally just wants to have Assassin 2.0 copied into the game with powercreep, that is just there to counter the already existing powercreep.

    With this being said, and having said with this last posting here everything I wanted to say...


    Good Luck

  7. Add finally ascended Sigils and Runes to the game, which are accountbound unlocks..

    Then you can add these for PvP as rewards, so that players can slowly, but progressively unlock via playing PvP either them for their account, or through crafting in PvE

    This is needed, if you want to ever make a functional working Build Template System, which requires, that all pats that should be affected by it, need to be accountbound and from everythign that can be affected by a BTS, upgrades like Sigils and Runes sadly are in their Exotic versions all soundbound.. so the next logical character progression step that needs to be implemented finaly is ascended accountbound upgrades


    Ascended Upgrades in Pvp could then be rewards you can buy by just using the PvP currency that you earn for wins and if you have enough of it, you can buy then whatever of an ascended upgrade you want.

    The very moment you buy it, its permanently unlocked for your acocunt and allows you to use the upgrade everywhere in the game whenever you want as a possible upgrade you can choose to use for your equipment.


    A really valuable reward, that gives the player also more comfort... sure, it will also devalue exotic upgrades eventually a bit, but only if you make ascneded upgrades slightly more powerful than exotic ones... but thats not neccessary, unless you think they shoudl be as part of character progression/reward slightly better.


    Aside of adding Ascended Upgrades as Rewards/Character Progression (with eventually PvP beign the most effecttive/fastest way to obtain that to give people a reason to priorize PvP over PvE to play) I think it woudl be also nice to see as rewards for PvP:


    - Earn there a new Equipment Type - Epic Weapons/Armor Sets, that is same as powerful like Ascended Equipment, but with the difference, that you can change with it stats as like legendaries, but they aren#t so flashy like Legendaries. For the people, which just want to have only the comfort of stat change at will, without wanting to have the skins of the legendaries,. nor dont want to grind for the gold, materials ect. but just play PvP onlyto have a faster way of obtaining just the stat changign feature, that is helpful in WvW/PVE to have and most importantly comfortable (saving ivnentory space, not needign to have multiple armor sets anymore)

    Costs no ressources at all ..so very simple to add new reward type... make therefore ascended stuff slightly easier /fasterto craft and as result of that cheaper to gain and for gods sake, remove finally this stupid time gating , it was neccessary onl


    - Add Portrait Frames as new reward type.. so that you can earn for your Character Portrait the Status of "Veteran" (Bronze), "Elite" (Silver), "Champion" (Gold) , "Legendary" (Purple) and lastly a new and player unique Portrait Rank that is over the top of being Legendary - which is being a "Myth" (Mint Green with Laurels)


    - Add as unique way to obtain it for PvP and new type of reward coming from playing PvP as new feature SKILL SKINS to the game, that allow us to change, how our skilsl look like.

    I want to be able to change for example for my Necromance,r how their Minions look like, or i want to change for my Elementalist, how their Summons look like, changing them from ugly litle rock golems n djinns to more ferocilous looking elemental beasts, like summoning a majestic phoenix, instead of a silly fire elemental, or summoning a frightening Kveldulf, instead of a borign ice golem and so on ...


    - What could be added as rewards and what is somethign, that many people want to see in this game and what was unique and part of GW1 is - CAPES.

    Make them a special guild reward eventually

  8. Make finally first Stronghold again a strogn thing .. You added this game mode, just to abandon it instantly??? Seriously?


    You haven't done anything yet to improve or expand this alternative pvp form after implementing it ..


    Add more Stronghold Maps, add more Mist Heroes (bring back Heroes in general!! but thatsa an other topic xD) ...


    Aside of that, make a PvP Mode, that resembles to WvW and feels more like a small form of "Guild Wars" (GvG) in a kind of wvw like scenario (100v100; 50v50, 25v25)

    Call it Battlefields eventually.


    Bring back the Codex Arena as PvP Mode, where you have to fight with randomized pregiven builds, where your equipment, your skills, your traits, ya even your class/character are each time you enter a randomized product, so that you never know, wehat expects you and what you need to handle for your battle together with your other totally randomized team members.


    I woudl find also very interesting to see a Last Man Standing-PvP Mode, where like 100 people in all vs all pvp are on a map, and the person whos alive last, wins..

    Or some kind of smaler version, which resembles the movie trilogy Tributes of Panem - the Hunger Games, which I would find awesome to have in GW2 - as homage - but also as kind of unique pvp, where you just fight alone for yourself, just with the goal to survive vs all others (Survival PvP is something you see not often/alot in MMORPGS)

    in the movie its multiple teams (12) with each having 2 players in their Team.


    Yes, the Ui is a problem now.. but the ui should surely be no excuse for GW2, to add more Pvp modes to the game, to add more DEPTH to PvP and make the game mode in itself more rich in variety, broader in its surface area and simply said, just more depthful, because a game mode like PvP becomes quickly boring, when it offers over x years permanently only the exact same thing, that is fighting over points in conquest style, when Pvp in itself can be so much more.


  9. ## Traits


    Minor Adept > **Combat Dancing**

    Unlocks Offhand Sword, Combat Stances, Dance Skills and the Chakram as integrated 3rd Weapon Set unique to the Bladedancer.

    Using the Chakram while in Panda Stance makes its Initiative Costs get decreased by 1 and Whirlblade steals Boons, which it gives then to allies, that are in the line of sight of the attack


    Major Adept > **Claws of the Tiger**

    Changes your Initiative Gain from Regeneration Style to Attack Style, letting, you recover Initiative now based on the amount of Hits you do. Increases the Chance of Critical Hits by 10% and lets Critical Hits cause Bleedings.

    Major Adept > **Feathers of the Crane**

    Changes your Initiative Gain from Regeneration Style to Retaliation Style, letting you gain Initiative whenever you receive Boons and grants you Retaliation whenever you take damage every 5 secondsfor a duration of 1 second. You receive 10% lesser Damage of all sources, while you have Boons on.

    Major Adept > **Fangs of the Snake**

    Changes your Initiative Gain from Regeneration Style to Condition Style, letting you gain Initiative whenevr you deal a certain amount of Conditions. Increases Expertise in % based on your Condition Damage


    Minor Master > **Paws of the Panda**

    Improves the basic Regeneration Style Initiative Gain and lets you gain Initiative, when you change Combat Stances or cleanse Conditions.

    You and nearby allies gain for a second Resistance, when you use Dance Skills.


    Major Master > **Long Claws**

    Increases the range of your Sword Skills and increases the amount of targets they can hit from 3 to 5, while being in Tiger Stance. Sword Skills deal 10% more Damage

    Major Master > **Strong Wings**

    Increases your Toughness based on your maximum Attack Power and makes you more resistant to Hard CC Effects by reducing their Durations for you by 25%, while being in Crane Stance

    Major Master > **Venomous Scales**

    Being attacked can grant you randomous Venom Skill Effects which you spread also to nearby allies and increases slightly Vitality based on your Condition Damage, while being in Snake Stance


    Minor Grandmaster > **Wild Fur**

    You and nearby allies gain Fury, when you change your Combat Stances or when you use Dances. The Fury will last longer, when it was give by changing your Combat Stance, than when usiong a Dance. On Stance Change, its 5 seconds, on Dance usage, its 2 1/2 second.


    Major Grandmaster > **Flexible Muscles**

    Increases the range of your Leaps from Heartseeker and Flashing Blade by 150, Both Skills deal now additionally Torment based on how much initiative is left over.

    So lesser Initiative you have, so higher the Torment you deal. Every 3 Initiative lesser = 1 Torment Stack more.

    Major Grandmaster > **Down Manteau**

    Reduces Fall Damage for you by 25%, Gain Protection, Regeneration and Vigor, if you get attacked by Hard CCs or if you suffer Fall Damage. Increases also Stealth Durations for you if you have any of thse 3 Boons on you by +2 seconds

    Major Grandmaster > **Infrared Sight**

    Makes it possible for you to see stealthed targets, while you are self in stealth, you can see in stealth also traps now and safely remove them and replace them in stealth with your own random Thief Traps to surprise foes who think their traps are still active, that they run in your traps now, if they run in their own trapswhile they hope they lure you into them.

  10. Better go back to GW1 n play there Assassins

    What you proposed here is basically just the wish to have assassin 2.0 in the game, without understanding the gameplay mechanics of GW2, that what you suggest here simply doesn#t work with GW2s combat system, the basic thief design and mixed this together with complete overpowered skill suggestions, the the two mentioned examples people already mentioned, like, like beign 10 seconds immune to all damage, or beign able to perma knockdown an enemy on AA.. just the plain idea of thinking about this skill shows, how less you understand about skill balance and how much more you basically just thoiught what sounds "cool" as skill effect or under your imagination of what would look like cool for an Assassin.


    And you know what? Do you think, people don't know, that you implemented into this concept one of many well known anime dual sword skills of latehistory into your "concept" andl iterally completely 1:1 copied it into your concept, because you literally just want to mary sue one anime character with your idea, that is Kirito from sword Art Online???


    *cough* just mentioning this says everything about your "concept" ...



    Dual attack Combo skill. **Starburst Stream: 16 hits: Horizontal slash**, Uppercut slash and full circle spin, horizontal slash continuing spin, horizontal slash with both swords, downward X-slash, upward X-slash, 2 opposite direction diagonal slashes, lift swords up and turn away reversing grip, reverse grip downward X-slash, Corkscrew attack and shift swords into forward grip, downward X-slash, upward X-slash, Diagonal slash and spin, horizontal slash, uppercut slash with both swords, downwards vertical slash, downward diagonal slash and spin, downward diagonal slash, forward thrust and forward lunge. (Costs 10 initiative; Open to balance by Arenanet.)


    Do you really believe just only for a single second/cent, that this would be a balanced skill for a Game like GW2, to just copy paste a skill from an anime/manga other video game series that is an Offline RPG designed for a SINGLE PLAYER, would really work here???

    Here the proof for your shameless copy paste


    Kirito using Starburst Stream in exactly the way, how you described the skill ... play Sword Art Online Hollow Realization, there its also described as a 16hit skill ... or just reread on here ...



    Don't misunderstand me, personally I also like and love the franchise SAO, but stuff like this absolutely has no place in GW2, conceptunally, also as like in regard of licensing, copy rights ect. pp


  11. Thief should be high vitality medium, because it has just only so far its high mobility as one defensive mechanism and blinds.


    Rangers have Damage Absorbs, Damage Reflections, their Pets as Tanks (at least in PvE), blinds based on their builds/pets, access to Protection and Regeneration, as as Druids when played well basicalyl unkillable as they simply can outheal your damage..


    Engineers have lots of access to regeneration and protection as well, have basically perma regeneration/vigor as long you dont destroy their healing turret, have reflects, can make themsel briefly invulnerable to becoming tiny, have their turrets for distractions and can call on demand any tie a whole bunc h of them to crush on you, stunning you.

    When it comes to self defense, thy have much more variety, than the thief, so they absolutely dont need to have the highest health of all medium classes.


    If there needs to have one of them the highest health, then basicalyl the thief, because if has the least minimum amount of defensive gameplay.. its all about focused on stealth, if you do a mistake with stealth or your dodges, your dead practically, because you have unlike the other classes no real goo ways to mitigate incoming damage, other then eventually using at the right moment skills, upgrade effects or trait effetcs, that can blind your enemiy in situations, where your stealth or dodges won#t help you and even then its by current design so ,that thieves have of all medium classes the lowest health, when it fact it would be more right for them to have the highest that they should have as a roaming class specialized in 1 on 1 combat that the thief should be, instead of a +1 pet that the class has been misdesigned into over the last 3 years by ANets skill changes and trait changes.

    it would be at least fairer, if they woudl have at least same as much base health, as like rangers instead of lousy laughable 11,6k Base Health then better more balanced 16k Health, what would make Thieves more balanced in review that they have just only Stealth, Dodges and Blindness as their defensive mechanics, while Naet has mostly destroyed their uniqueness of Stealth mostly compltely, and added quite a load of reveal to the other classes too to the point that you can say, that Stealth by far isn't anymore the bst and easiest self defense of the thief anymore, that it once was 2012 to say, its right that this class should have such an extreme low base health by now..


    But as I do say, the game is so extremely outdated in most of its combat mechanic systems by now, health in general needs in this game a complete rebalancing among all classes to become finally more adapted to all the powercreep of the last years

  12. Nope, not at all..


    if Anet ever makes another game, they should make a completely fresh and new game franchise that has nothign to do with Guild Wars and plays in a compeltely different fantasy world with other playable races, a completely different story, doesn't try to mixture real world cultures into the world design of the game ect. pp.


    it would be a fresh new chance thack would allow it ANet to make alot things better and not repeat with such a fresh franchise all the lots of mistakes that they have done with GW2 over the last 5 years ...


  13. # The Bladedancer


    The Bladedancer is a Thief Specialization as a way to kind of brign back under this new term back the Assassin.

    I don't think the Assassin has a chance to return, when we keep the term Assassin, it is somethign that I kind of think, fits better as enemy design for when we might weventually return one day to Cantha, that enemies among the intelligent races there are called Assassins - just like we see now in LWS4 Ep. 1 Dervishs and Paragons among our enemies returning - which is ok, but this just shows me, thast the term is then alrady used and out of question for a playable Elite Spec, which is why I think ,Anet should do the same with the Canthan Classes of GW1.


    Bladedancers will add to the Base Thief Class following Features:


    1) They give the Thief access to Offhand Sword

    2) They enable the Thief to wield 3 Weapon Sets instead of 2, the third Weapon Set is a Elite spec integrated new Weapon Type that only this Elite Spec can use and is no equipable Item for that ANet has to make Skins like for all other usual Weapon Types - the Chakram - instead Chakrams change their design only via Gemstore

    3) They improve the Initiative System with an additional Combat Stance Mechanic which changes how Initiative is gained and what Effects their Utility Skills will have based on various Stance Types

    4) The Healing, Utility and Elite Skill of the Bladecancer are based on Dances, which function as like Stances


    ## Combat Stances

    The Bladedancer uses Combat Stances to change his carienty of is Dance Skills and how the Initiative System works for the Elite Specialization.

    Combat Stances will be put upon F2 to F5, Steal gets changed to Thievery, which disarms the enemy briefly and lowers their Attributes, but you don't gain anymore a Stolen Skill, but otherwise is still the same in functions/trait effects (Shadow Step).

    F1) Thievery = Shadowstep to your Target, causes Disarmed, a Bladedancer unique form of Stun, which lowers also Power, Precision, Ferocity, Condition Damage and Expertise for 10 seconds by up to maximum 150 Points

    F2) Tiger Stance = Offensive Style, while active grant your Stances you and nearby Allies increased Power and Condition Damage, Conditions you cause last in this Stance 20% longer.

    F3) Crane Stance = Defensive Style, while active grant your Stances you and nearby Allies increased Toughness and Vitality, Boons you gain last in this Stance 20% longer.

    F4) Snake Stance = Evasive Style, while active grant your Stances you and nearby Allies increased Precision and Ferocity, Conditions on you last in this Stance 20% less long.

    F5) Panda Stance = Supportive Style, while active grant your Stances you and nearby allies increased Healing Power and Concentration, Utility Skills recharge in this Stance 20% faster


    ## Offhand Sword and Combination Skills


    Skill 1) **Blade and Soul** (Offhand Slot 1)

    A Combination Technique of your two Swords in which the first strike is unblockable, and removes a boon, followed by a second reverse hand strike that catches the enemy by surprise and causes Weakness and Confusion


    Skill 2) **Flashing Blade** (Offhand Slot 2)

    You leap towards you target and cause an unblockable strike, with that you cut through all enemies in line of sight, causing multile stacks of Bleeding, Vulnerability and Blindness.

    The Skill works as Finisher and can be used like Heart Seeker to gain Stealth from Blindness Fields.


    Combination Skill Sword/ Sword **Death Pirouette**

    A deadly Counterattack with your two Swords. You block for a certain time all incoming attacks and so more attacks you absorb in the 3 seconds of blocking phase, so more hits will deal the following Counterattack spiraling Blade Dance Attack of the Death Pirouette extra to the enemy, causingthis way more damage, than usual, making it a perfect counter at situations when you are about to expect alot of incoming attacks in a brief time.


    Combination Skill Dagger/ Sword **Red Lotus**

    You strike the target with a fast offhand attack, followed by a shadow step backwards and a thrown dagger that Poisons the target and which explodes lastly, causing AoE Damage to the target and nearby foes and Burning.


    Combination Skill Pistol/Sword **Shadow Blade**

    You shoot with your pistol a target, shadow stepping to it on contact of the bullet, followed by a Shadow Blade attack, which removes Conditions from you and puts them onto your hit target.


    Combination Skill Empty Hand/ Sword **Blade Reversal**

    You whirl the offhand sword quickly around yourself in a defensive way, that reflects back incoming projectiles, hits nearby targets, while gaining Retaliation and Resistance meanwhile


    ## Chakram

    The Chakram is the Bladedancers unique third Weapon Set that allowes this Elite Specialization to have more combat variety integrated, to have still a ranged weapon at hand when you want to go with your primary and secondary sets both for different melee builds. The Chakram, also known as Ring Blade is a throwing weapon.


    1) **Whirlblade**

    You throw your Chakram at your target, causing amage to enemies in line of sight while on the way to your target enemy, and when returning to you after having bounced two times between targets

    2) **Shooting Star**

    A more powerful unblockable throw, that causes Torment on contact and aoe damage as it explodes on contact.

    3) **Spiritual Force**

    Throw a Chakram, that can't be blocked, which on hit steals boons and which heals you based on a percentage of the damage it dealt.

    4) **Flying Dragons**

    Throw five Chakrams at once in a fanshape , each of it bouncing from a hit target once to a nearby target. Each of these Chakrams causes Bleedings.

    5) **Shadow Gate/Shadow Flare**

    Throw a Chakram at your Target and gain Swiftness and Stealth when it hits. Turns into Shadow Flare, while being in Stealth, throwing it at a target causes Burning.


    ## Healing

    **Dance of the Falling Leaves**

    Heal yourself, gain Vigor and gain Regeneration and lose a Condition the next 3 times you evade successfully an Attack, while having no Combat Stance active.

    On Tiger Stance you lose not Conditions on evades but cause instead Conditions (Bleedings) on evades.

    On Crane Stance, you lose not Conditions on evades, but gain additionally Protection aside of the Regeneration

    On Snake Stance you gain not Regeneration on evades, but lose two Conditions instead and gain some Endurance back.

    On Panda Stance you lose not a Condition on evades, but you heal instead nearby Allies a bit and they lose a Condition in your near.


    ## Utility Skills


    **Dance of the Soaring Eagle**

    While you have this Stance active do you and your nearby allies gain periodically Fury over the next x seconds and you gain Super Speed when you change meanwhile your Combat Stance.

    On Tiger Stance the Fury changes to Might

    On Crane Stance the Fury changes to Retaliation

    On Snake Stance the Fury changes to Vigor

    On Panda Stance the Fury changes to Regeneration


    **Dance of the Mimicking Monkey**

    While you have this Stance active does this Skill an arcane thievery on the skill with that you have been attacked last from your enemy, before this skill was on recharge.

    When you use a copied Skill with Tiger Stance, then this will lower for a while the enemies Toughness and Healing Power Damage

    When you use a copied Skill with Crane Stance, then this will lower for a while the enemies Power and Precision

    When you use a copied Skill with Snake Stance, then this will cause Slow and lowers for a while the enemies Condition Damage

    When you use a copied Skill with Panda Stance, then this will lower for a while the enemies Concentration and Vitality.


    **Dance of the Rampaging Ox**

    While you have this Stance active, you gain periodically Stability over the next x seconds and you gain Resistance when you change meanwhile your Combat Stance.

    On Tiger Stance being attacked while you have this Stance active, will lead to reflecting the attack fully back, causing knockdown and gaining Retaliation

    On Crane Stance being attacked while you have this Stance active, will lead to gaining Protection and performing a Counterattack, that will knockback the attacker

    On Snake Stance being attacked while you have this Stance active, will lead to a Counterattack, that causes Poison, Torment and Cripple

    On Panda Stance being attacked while you have this Stance active, will lead to a Counterattack with that you steal up to 2 Boons from your Target and share them with nearby Allies


    **Dance of the Fleeing Rabbit**

    While you have this Stance active, do you gain periodically Stealth every x seconds for 3 seconds and you shadowstep away from a Target to a random location when you change Combat Stances.

    On Tiger Stance does change toe direction of the Shadow Step from away of target to closer to nearby target Shadow Steps and the interval of gaining Stealth is briefly shorter.

    On Crane Stance to you receive 10% lesser damage of all sources, while being in Stealth and Falling Damage is reduced for you by also 10%

    On Snake Stance do you gain Endurance over time back quicker when you are in Stealth

    On Panda Stance you give the periodical Stealth instead to your nearby allies. and you lose Conditions on Shadow Steps.


    ## Elite Skill


    **Dance of the Sneaking Rat**

    While you have this Stance active, recharges your Thievery Skill 20% faster and you gain Stealth after using Thievery, while also being immune for the duration of 3 seconds to Reveal Effects, if Thievery was used on a Target with more than 50% Health

    On Tiger Stance do you cause Torment and Cripple on usage of Thievery to your Target.

    On Crane Stance do you gain Aegis on usage of Thievery and Attributes get decreased for a longer time.

    On Snake Stance do you recharge an Utility Skill if there is one currently recharging, for the cost of becoming Poisoned and Weakened.

    On Panda Stance do receive nearby allies when you use Thievery a Target the Attributes that have been lowered on the Enemy by 50% as Attribute Boosts.

  14. Because its also player skill to recognize, how your defensive oponnent works and how you have in combat to react upon a defensive build to crack it like an exposed nut...

    There is no fun in combat, when everything in this game's combat system is designed around boring 1 to 3 second wins because of way too overpowered burst capabilities of the classes... where both sides of a combat are just waiting only on the moment, where one side makes a fatal mistake, so that the other can safely land their deadly bursts that bring your enemy if you are lucky basically nearly from full health to basicalyl near downed state or from half health to instantly downed state.. and that currently with out being even actively involved in the combat even at lal, because condi spam does just braindeadly all the work for yu, while you have to avoid fighting only and make sure, that condis dont run out ... as you can spam them much faster, than your enemy can cleanse them.


    However, that the game is so heaviliy unbalanced like it is, is not only the faault currently because of the combat system favouring offensively mechanics over defensive ones.

    Its maynly because of outdate combat elements that were dsigned and balanced around the games state of 2012, which are still in an complete unadapted and unrebalanced way still inm usage with this game, after Anet has changed on Skills , Traits, Conditions, Boons, Upgrades (not so much, but there was one bigger change on them) and added by now two sets of new E-Specs plus 1 new Class with the Rev, that weren't part of the original games state of combat system balance.. and all the changes that anet did on skilsl and traits, didn#t fiix until today this huge root problem with the games balance.


    Health System, Attribute System, Conditions and Boons, Upgrades - they all need to get finalyl adapted and rebalanced around the fact, that we have now the Rev, that we have now 18 Elite Specs in the game that influence alot in regard of class balance with their new skills, their new traits, their new gameplay mechanics that they chance in regard of their base classes, the new boons and conditons that have been added and the catastrophal condition patch of june 23rd of 2015 that changed everythign in regard of class balance for the competitive play of GW2 to the worst and that hasnt been fixed until today..


    Just raising there the defensive only in the game is no solution.

    Fixing the Combat System as a whole is the solution and for that to happen, must Anet begin first tzo finally stop ignoring the 90% of the combat system for tzhat anet basicalyl nearly never has done ANYTHING in the last 5 years, because they were permanently only focused on their many but tiny changes on the skills and traits mainly, while doing nothign for everything else basically.

  15. As long she will look in her final grown up adult state alot more ferocious, with dragon horns at the right places and a more dangerous and dragon like face/head, everythign is ok...


    Her current form is just basically only a next step of her development, but surely not her last one in her phase of growing up and becoming adult...

    Just think of it, that Aurene was even able only to make this growth she did had lastly, because she got fed up by quite for her state large amount of magic - more than Aurene in her previous form was most likely able to handle, even if it was just only the tidbits, that Kralkatorrik in her feast had left over for her to catch up an devour.



    I hope Aurene will grow a bit further over the course of Season 4 and at least becomes a story based mount...a permanent useable mount would go way too far as a gryphon reskin. If the gryphon ever receives some form of wyvernlike reskin or so, then it should have nothign to do with Aurene.


    I hope aurene will become looking in the future more wild and ferocious looking like this, what we should be expectign from a perful dragon to look like that has reached ha most powerful adult state.


    White Crystal Dragon < This, just with a more blue scale tone, that Aurene has


  16. > @Funky.4861 said:

    > Revenants don't have access to racial skills. Just thought i'd throw that in :)


    Which is a class design flaw whose fault lies by Anet for not coming up with a proper revenant design, that works actually with Racial Skills like all other classes do work with them, marking them as the only black sheep among 8 white ones, because all what Anet cared for with the Revenant was making a class for all costs, that should be "unique" and uses a different utility skill system which by its unthoughtful design doesn't allow the option to use any racial skills, which would have been for me as a class designer in charge already a big reason to completely scrap the whole design and begin with it from start, because the whole class is just a symbol of ANets design incontinuity in my eyes

  17. The System wouldn't be needed at all, if the true problem of the system, the root issue would get fixed first finally, by removing Gear Stats completely out of the game and changing the Attirbute System to one, which doesn#t need at all any silly increasing prefixes for that always need to be though out new recipes and all this unneccessary obsolete stuff, that owuldnt need to exist at all without sensless gear stats.

    The Game would become alot less full of grind for the right stat combo, making builds would become alot faster and comfortabkle without pointless gear stats.

    GW2 would become significatly more similar again, how gear worked in GW1, where gear provided mainly only a base defense value and aside of this was just only fashion!!! Where the maximum base defense value was realively quicky and easily received and where just only the fashion and rarity decided about the items gold value, not what kind of stupid stats the gear provided just to be able to complete your "build" with it.


    people may say now, if Anet removes Gear Stats, then alot of things would become worthless..

    Sure, some items would become maybe eventually a bit cheaper - but only, if ANet doesn't add into the game some kind of new recipes as a compensition to catch up the loss of demand for certain materials ect. that maybe were used for specific recipes earlier to create gear with specific stat combos.


    Upgrades would become alot more important and interesting, if none of them - especially Runes - would provide no stats, but just only useful and interesting effects that can be part of your character's build to complement it somehow, what is far better, than just only a stat getting boosted up by some points.


    The current Stats are too outdated for the games combat system that is full of outdated combat mechanics from 2012, which aren't really balanced around the fact, that we have now two sets of elite specializations in the game, a few conditions and boons more in the game, that weren't there 5 years ago, and countless of changes on alot of skills and traits that are all not really in harmony anymore with the current Stat and Base Health System together at all.


    GW2 would become alot more balanced, without Gear Stats, instead allowing the player free distribution statting with a reset option out of combat with Stat Points being all gained only via natural character progression from leveling up from Level 0 to 80

    This together with a overhaul of the Attribute System to Dual Stats to rebalance the effectsw of the attributs to become more equal offensively as like defensively.

    This in return would allow Anet a better redesign and reduction in the Boon and Condition System , because alot of Boons are unneccessary and would work alot better as secondary Attribute Effects, while some Conditions are also unncessary and would work better as unique Trait Effects to individualize better the Classes.


    A game without an obsolete gear stat system would be also alot easier handable for a Build Template System, because there wouldn't exist a ton of unneccesary prefixes anymore that the Build System would need to work with and woudl need to get updated with whenever any new prefix had been added to the game.

    Then a Build Template System woudl have to handle on button click just only the Weapon you use, the Upgrades you use and the Skilsl and Traits you use and your Setting of your Attributes that you saved by the way how you have distributed your Points to the various Attributes

  18. another thread of this type.. really they rise up like mushrooms here ...


    The only way I'd personally ever support the return of that GW1 stuff, is for Dervish and Paragon under the restriction, that these return only as Elite Specs and with complete redesigns to fit into the GW2 game design - this includes also better fitting terms (names) cause Dervish and Paragon are now already used for nostalgic enemy terms in LW Season 4 in Istan - it would be weird if they add first Dervs and paragons and make them enemies this time and at the next step they becom playable specs and we literally begin to fight against ourselves...

    The GW1 Expansion Classes should return as Elite Specs with new names, new gameplay elements that are unique and give them a reason for their existance.


    Assassin should return as **Bladedancer Elite Specialization of the Thief**, introducing for them Offhand Swords and as new Gameplay Element Combat Stances and new utility Skill Type Stances as also the unique ability to wield 3 Weapon Sets as the 3rd Weapon Set is a build in Chakram Weapon Skill Set which doesn't require the introduction of Chakrams as new Weapon Type, its just a Bladedancer related integrated feature.

    Combat Stances would allow Bladedancers to be played more tactically, by allowign them based on their combat stance to change the effects of their Weapon Skills and the Effects of their Stance Skills between Offensive Effects, Defensive Effects and Supportive Effects with that they can provide more and better Group Support, than the Base Thief and have throigh this more variation, than just only Stealth and Venoms.


    Ritualist should return as **Occultist Elite Specialization for the Necromancer**. The Scourge should get completely redesigned from sratch for this and become less ritu gameplay like with its sand shades, give them instead of Sand Shades miore Condition Gameplay with the introction of a scourge unique new condition - Disease!! because thats what a pestbringer like them should spread amogn the battlefields, and thats also like this spec shoudl get renamed into, into the 1:1 same way, how you called scourge in German, because thne it would fit by its name also to its design intent tp spread plague like a pest and bring diseases to everyone that gets in touch with them.


    The Occultist as Necromancer Elite Spec that should bring back basically the Ritualist would come with the Spear as new weapon using it on land as an more offensive medium weapon, than the staff,, which returns with gameplay mechanics like Ash Urns as their unique own form of environmental weapons that work similar, but also in their own way differently, than conjured weapons by providing aoE effects, while you hold them, instead of changing your weapon skills and having aoe effects, when you put them down somewhere like basically a banner.

    They let return Weapon Spells, and introduce also Armor Spells, which are unremovable buffs that change for the affected weapon temporarely their weapon skill effects in regard of Weapon Spells and they change in regard of Armor Spells the defensive gameplay elements of a character, like Dodge rolls, like the effects of Rune Sets, like Blocks, like the Effects of Boons itself get basically affected while having an Armor Spell on you, like protecting Boons from being corrupted, stripped, stolen ect. or changing a boon by makign it tempoorarely able to stack higher than normal, or simply boostign the efficiency of a boon temporarely.

    but thats not everything, as occultists they brign back as utility Skills their Rituals. When you prform a ritual, you will summon an enchained spirit, which is a soul which neither inthe mists yet, but also not fully yet out of the world of the living - a restless soul as to speak which embodies all kinds of forms of negative, as like positive EMOTIONS, like Hatred, like Greed, like Love, like Sorrow and so on, or simply Pain/Agony. Emotions that the occultist can manifest with the help of its rituals tobbrign them to eiother help them or to turn them agaisnt their enemies in various forms.

    They will have the Demonic Veil, which is a special form of veil mechanic this time, that allows the occiltist, of they havre performed enough rituals, to transform themself into Half Demons, what will temporarely boost their stats, makes them move alot faster, like basically beign in permanent Super Speed in this form, as long you can keep this form up, as in this form, you will defenitely lose the form after some time. you can't peramently keep it it in combatt unlike a reaper to protect your real health as you will definetely lose in this form much faster your soul force, than you will gain new.


    The Dervish would return as **Mystic as an Guardian Elite Spec**, which comes with the speciality, that with this spec the guardian will be allowed to wear Medium Armor, what will give your for losing defense power some unique spec based features as compensation for losing some tankiness.

    The Spec will introduce as feature Enchantments and Charms as Utility Skill, which will do have Enchantments as Effects,

    Enchantments will be working like similar Boons, just only, that they can be kept up permanently for the cost of Endurance Regeneration.

    So more Enchantments you keep up permanently, so more it will reduce your Endurance Regenration quickly to th point, that it fadster and faster will go to 0.

    if if reaches 0 , all Enchantments wll immediately end.

    Instead of God Avatars will the Mystic use instead virtue based "Personifications", which is somerthing that can work with all races and isnt bonded to human lore only.

    Personifications are practically Mystic Avatars, spiritual mindforms that will take you over and possess your body to embody your faith as their vessel.

    A Personification is a much more radiant expression of your faith. For disbelievers they might seem like more of a curse, cause they take your free will, but therefore you gain as their vessel powers, beyond your imagination. As weapon, the Mystic is using Daggers.


    The Paragon would return as **Minstrel, as a Mesmer Elite Spec**, which comes with the speciality to allow Mesmers to use Medium Armor, They come with the Shortbow (Harp Skin) as Weapon, as also a much stronger focus on Echoes, Chants and Songs/Hymns that come together with a Rhythm System that replaces Shatters and creates instead of Clonnes now Melodies. Minstrels are the Paragons of inspiration, where they are, will change the mood of your allies to your favor by the help of their chants, songs.

    They motivate their allies through their melodies that they sing and the echoing rhythm of their chants helps you to repeat whatever you did, as if you did it the first time full of inspiration just like a moment ago ...

    This elite spec would finally combine mesmer and what anet tried to make with them in GW1 (Wannabe Bards) now into GW2 and would give us with the Minstral finalyl some kind of real working inspirational bard that motivates his allies, while providign with the Shortbow a new good alternative ranged weapon over the Staff and Greatsword that can eventualyl work like some kind of hybrid between Staff and Greastsword in regard of Power/Condi Gameplay


    That would be in my honet opinion the most optimal solution, to finalyl end this endless whining about Derv and Paragon, while providing the game more build diversity through some fitting new Elite Specs for those four mentioned classes that make the most sense to be used for those old GW1 classes as their spiritual successsor classes to build upon them these Elite Specs to let those old GW1 classes return in a way, that they fit into GW2s gameplay and combat system design.

  19. This video imo lets me cold as a player...

    Would I see this as a new player, or one, who plays already GW2 and made a break, I would't get incentiviced to return or to even begin with this game...


    The comments every few seconds just feel only disturbing...

    When I look an advertisement about a game, I want to see the game, not some comments of peopel I don't know at all, where Anet thought, their statements do fit into their advertisement...

    A good advertisement of a game doesn't need any comments of random players, it speaks for itself.

    Pictures/Video Material do say more, than 1000 words/any one liner comments for unknown people can ever express.


    1 Minute Videos are pointless, you can#t show and advertise a game of this size, this complecity and this grade of detail and content in just 60 seconds, and expect from that, that this will make the people storm your house practically and everyone wantign to play now the game. Impossible.


    A good advertisement trailer, with depth is at least 3 Minutes long, 180 seconds are enough to put good context into the advertising, that the advertise can also explain a few things and show gameplay elements and not just only premade scenes that show actually no gameplay, but give the viewr more the impression of watching just a 1 minute movie.

    This kind of movie feelign can you use for the beginning and the end of the trailer, like the first and last 30 seconds, but the big meaty middle of the advertisement must deliver in the 2 minutes that are left for it all the infos that the viewer show see and get to know about the game in a context rich way, that the viewer can also grasp and understand, how those shown features work in the game, why they are especially in this game unique, what differentiates this game from the rest. These two minutes have to show and explain exactly this and fill the shown pictures and elements of the game with context - contest that has the main goal solely to create interest, to awake in the viewer the feeling, that he7she has either to begin playing this game, or that the game under the view of a veteran players has by now improved so much over time, that you have to return and experience thecontent, that you didn#t have so far while you made a break.


    Nothing of this kind of impression did I have within these 70 seconds of this tiny trailer, - this 1 minute movie which just basically showed only a few key features of PoF in a felt quick flyby, without explaining anythign at all and distracting the viewer meanwhile every two seconds with absolutely uninteresting unimportant player statements, which are for the viewer even completely irrelevant and unproofable, if these peopel even really exist, or if this is just the typical marketing trick of doign so, as if there were some people who stated these things to make the video look good, but these peopel in fact dont even exist at all... because we all know too well that marketing is basically just only an other word for the mastery of customer manipulation in a psychological way of viewing it.

    So advertisements do even use also too kind of "fake statements" to let the people simply read, what they should read to make the product look better.


    So I can agree only with whom said earlier in this tread, that Anet should let the game and its content speak for itself, such comments are totally obsolete and is nothing that is ever needed... and is what just only blender games need and make usage of most of all times.


    I'd use 3 Minutes for an advertisement Video about GW2 PoF like this way:


    Second 0-30 = Introduction, show of Logo, Partners. little introduction scene to show, that the upcoming scenes, are about the content of the expansion and what is about to come in Living Word Season 4, maybe in these seconds is one of the devs basically presenting the trailer, cause..reasons, its always nice to see when devs basically introduce and present their own content ;)

    Second 31-60 = Shows the Main Features of PoF (Mounts), with some Gameplay shown what they do (Leap, Teleport, Jump, Float, Fly) and Elite Spcializations

    Second 61 to 70 = Shows Story Sequences of PoF without spoiling too much

    Second 71 to 100 = Show the Specs in Action with the Games Combat System in PvP and some mixed in scenes from WvW

    Second 101 to 110 = Show the new Guild Hall and the social aspects of the game like Guild Missions, Dungeons briefly

    Second 111 to 130 = Show Fractals and Raids

    Second 131 to 149 = Show Crafting Legendary Items (new ones), some form of new rewards you can get in PoF, cause peopel love to see new shinies and rewards they can strive for

    Second 150 to 180 = Ending Scenes and a little mixture/closure of all the above, together with a tiny sneek peak about Living World Season 4 that ends the Trailer, because there has always to be that kind of bright light at the end of the tunnel, something that people want to have soon™️ and can't wait for to let the hype train getting started. chooo choo


    Dont take these numbers now too serious, in the end its the decision of anet how much time they#s give to each of thse things, but thats how i#d kind of split up these 180 seconds worth of content into a context ful trailer, that shows more, than jiust only briefly a few premade scenes from PoF...


    You'll see, a 3 minute trailer will definetely in the end generate much more player interest among new as also like returning veteran players, than such a 1 minute movie with obsolete distracting comments will ever be able to create.

  20. @ Mud:


    Nop,e not everyone iwll be the same, because if the Character progression of Characters come from your natural progression of just playing your character and leveling up, the individualism that is needed to make build diversity comes from the ability to freely distribute your attribute points then how you like.

    That system was in use in GW1 and it worked perfectly fine.


    there you leveld your charascter up, gained attribute points for your character that you then could freely put into the Attribute Lines, which are here now Status Parameters, while what were Attributes in GW1 are here now this time Traitlines basically.

    Just imagine you reach level 50 as a new lowered Max Level for the Main Game, and by the moment you reach this level, your Maximum Amountof distributable Attribute Points would be for this example lets say 10000 Points, what would mean, you'd receive with Every level Up (Start Level = 0 and not anymore 1) 200 Attribute Points.


    200 Points, which you as a player could then freely distribute among all possible Status Parameters, as you like. the way how you spend then your points will be for each player individually.

    Sury, many peopel surely will think of such a system, its too easy to screw your "build", if you give the player too much freedom to customize the status parameters as your character grows stronger all manually. But for that would exist the option to reset your build to start anytime you want out of combat then, so that you can freely redistribute tzhen all your Attribute Points onto your Status parameters again to change your "stat build".

    Its a classic and traditional rpg mechanism of character progression, which simply works and is much easier to handle, while giving the player alot more freedom to define your character build in a more detailed way, than what is possible with pregiven stat increases onto which you receive zero influence on, by how and which stat should get increased by how many points the moment you level up. It leaves for the player no room for stat specialization and focusing on certain things, that you want to specificly focus on for your build - for what we currently need this limitated stat gear system, which is there only to be an arteficial money sink, but for the gameplay itself its absolutely in no way helpful, that it exists and it decreases in fact true detailed build diversity massively.


    One player coudl spend these 200 points completely differently on the status paramenters, then an other player. it lies all about, what you personalyl priorize for your character and your build you want to play, without being artificially bonded to your equipment, when equipment in fact in this game should be nothign more, than just only fashion, base defense values and build diversity through upgrades, but not through stats. Stats belong to Character Progression, not to Equipment

    Ehe equipment is just a tool in the hands of your character with that you as a character act and do something, but it is not your character itself or any form of its progression. (ihope this makes somehow kind of sense in English in the way what I want to express with this LOL)


  21. How will you want to know, if actually this really would happen Ayrilana?

    Where do you have this insight from, that actually people would stop playing Raids, if the only thing you would get from it in fact would be mainly Achievement Points and the raid related currency plus the fact, that you can beat the actual "most challenging content" of the game?.


    I'm pretty sure of it, that people wouldn't stop immedieately playing raids, only because of legendary armors being not anymore exclusive to raids and the biggest reward among exclusive weapon skins and minis/fun items becoming mainly achievement points (something, of which the game lacks also and gives us currently not enough from ,cause Anet fears that if they would give out proper amounts of achievment points, that we earn then too fast the Ap related rewards)


    If seriously the removal of legendary armors as exclusive rewards would be already enough of a reason, that people stop on playing the raid content in this game, then the raid design surely must be very cheap in fact, if the removal of legendary armors as rewards would lead immediately into the content to die out, cause of nobody doing raids anymore, don't you think?


    Yes, sure, there woudl be eventually people which woudl stop, because it was basically their only goal for why these peopel even begun to play raids, because it was basicalyl their only motivation. But these kind of peole that count to this type of player are basically already PvE players only to begin with in most cases or rarely eventualyl PvPers/WvWers which do Raids pretty much agaisnt their will with help of their PvX Guild they joined extra for Raids, just to obtain the armor, because they are basically only interested in its SKIN, and do the content only as long as needed, until the skin is obtained and immediantely stop from this point on then with raids and return to their favored game mode.


    However, nothign on all this changes the fact, that there would be basicalyl no need at all for this kind of discussion, if all game modes would provide equally same as much content design depth to allow for it, that everyone can play this game how they want, without beign forced to have to play all game modes, just to obtain a legendary weapon, without beign forced to do raids, just to obtain legendary armors, withotu beign forced to do Fractals or WvW for a legendary backitem - and in this single case even provides us Anet a little bit more freedom of choice at least ...


    ANd thats pretty much everything, what most people want - more freedom of choice, people don't want to be shoehorned and forced to plax just one specific game content element, just to be able to obtain something, that is of so much important endgame value and game comfort relevance, as like legendary equipment.


    Would legendary equipment be 100% only about fashion.. then I absolutely wouldn't care about it, that legendary armors are only obtainable via raids..

    But the very moment you do add to their functions also the ability to change stats whenever you want and soon eventually also in the future the ability to exchange runes and sigils aslike you want most like (ANet said in their last AMA, that they are actually looking onto this), then this changes everything on how important full legendary equipment becomes for a player, that wants to stay in any kind of game situation fully competitive, and that in a player comfortable way as best as possible.

  22. hnmm, this could be really in fact a solution... basically an menu bound library system ;) genius. And then hopefully with reworkec books, that actually do look and function like books, that you open up to read then, where you change the pages in them like ypou actually are reading a boo, ,taht you hold in your hands, basicsalyl what Anet already did in GW1 ...

  23. > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    > > @Shiyo.3578 said:

    > > Raids should offer zero rewards besides achievements.

    > > If that isn't enough to get people to raid, perhaps development on raids should stop.


    > PvE should offer no rewards besides achievements.


    > If that isn’t enough to get people to play, perhaps development on PvE should stop.


    > See how wrong that argument is?


    The difference is... PvE is played by the majority of ALL players, you can't compare this statment with Raids, with is basicalyl only a small fraction of this game, which is played only by a tiny minority of this games community...


    A small game content, that is played only by a tiny minority of a games community should never dictate on what gets focused on in development for the game, or its rewards that are found there only, when it would be in fact possible, that players could earn anythign they want by playing how they want, if all modes would be just treated equally by ANet and would also provide for the player equally enough content design depth to make it possible to put in the game mores all required taskas to do that need to be done by a player, which are worth it to be called legendary, so that the player deserves the right to earn in the game mode thse item


    But its just a sad truth for now, that PVe and WvW are so neglected, that you don#t find in these gam modes right now the neccessary content depth, that woukld be required to be able to earn all these legendary items in a similar way, how you can do that actually in PvE now.


    You can't earn any legendary weapons by just playing WvW or PvP, unless ANet brigns up some form of Tournament, where anet rewards the winners with legendary items of choice.

    How long has it been already since we had, a WvW Tournament?? 3 years, the last one was around 2014!!! Did we had there a chance to earn legendary items as rewards for winnign the tournament? No

    But for PvP Tournaments anet easily handed out legendary items of chocie as rewards, but aside of this, the game mode itself provides no content depth, that you can earn yourself as PvP any legendary items. How even? There exists nothing in this game more, thats worth it mentioning that is anyhow legendary as a task to give the player as a reward for doign it a legendary item, or even some kind of smaller parts needed to craft one in a shortened PvP-version crafting process designed aroudn this mode, instead of PvE which sends you from place for place like doign some form of journey


    What you did here is only just comparing apples with oranges, just to belittle shiyos posting ...

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