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Posts posted by Orpheal.8263

  1. Runes follow exactly the same tier system, as like all other equipment, so its just logical, that also upgrades should have in their final form ascended quality versions (which don#t need to be more powerful, just need to be only accountbound, so that they can work with a build template System)


    Sure, one couls say now - its just simpler to make all exotics now accountbound, instead of adding ascended runes and sigils, but this would then not be in the spirit of ascended quality, if ANet woudl then simply leave out Upgrades and it would leave out also Jeweler gettign back a reason for its existance which this Craftign Job lost since the moment Anet added Fractals into the game and flooded the game instantly with ascended accessoires, so that they was basicalyl from begin on never a reason to let Jewelers craft ascended accessoires, because even if Anet would have let Jewelers craft ascended accessoires, it woudl have been totally pointles,s becuase who with a brain in their skull would be willign to grind for expensive materials just to be able to craft an ascended rign, if all you need to do is farm some easy fractals and get rewarded at the chest at the end with all accended rings you want.. yes its rng, but who cares, its just much simpler and more fun to get that ay your wewquipment, than to do boring crafting...


    With Ascended Runes and Sigils would have jeweler again something meaningful, for what you would effectively NEED this crafting job, if you would want to have the quality of life to increase the access on your account on useable upograde effects for an integrated build template system and the advantage of never ever havign to rebuy again new upgrades for when you eventuallyx have lost one after not regaining them back after an extraction, unless you use a way to extract them, which gives 100% giuaranteed back all upgrades, which is somethign you have only - how should it be naturally otherwise - only via gemstore items, while everything else leaves you at the risk that you lose your extracted upgrades and have to buy them again or luckily regain them back from loot.. which is super annoying.. and yes, surel,y its part of the economy and a gold/material sink thing... but if theres a way to obtain permanwntly these upgrade effects via crafting very valuable ascended versions of these upgrades, then the player who crafts these, should earn it not to have to get back upgrades everytime again you sadly lose them perhaps, only because you hadn' used an extractor with a 100% regain chance from the gemstore, but used eventually something, that has only like lousy 25 to 80% for a few coppers to silvers to buy from the npc merchants.


    Ascended Runes also dont need to have any better effects, or more, just only for being ascended. Here again its just enough to make them accountbound unlockable effects, so that you can't their effects anymore, if you switch out sets to change you build, you have the quality of live not to have to extract your runes for each item always again and again and to rebuy/regain them, should you unfortunatel

    Usign a BTS in GW2 should become basicalyl everywhere in GW2, like playing PvP, where you can always and everywhere exchange your whole build out in a matter of few clicks, without that you ever have to worry about it anymore about having to rebuy any upgrades, just so that you can play the build the way you want!!

    Minus the system of reduced build diversity that the Pvp system offers, due to turning 6 accessoire items into just 1 merged big item with stats for all 6 accessoires, because this effectively destroys in PvP build diversity...

  2. You clearly watched too much Naruto, if you bring up such a ridiculous and totally pointless poll up.. or the only thign you are after is some kind of forum batch for posting a ton of pointless polls ... /sarcasm :trollface:


    On a serious side note.. no, our mentors should not return.. they are dead and should stay dead!!!


    PS: for those interested and just are curious, what a Rinnegan is..

    In the Anime Naruto, which is all about Ninjas do exist in its lore 3 powerful eye abilities with that ninjas of three specific clans get born with.

    The Byakugan, the Sharingan and the most rarest one of them, which originated from the founder of Ninshuu (Way of the Ninja) in this anime, the Rinnegan.


    The reason why the Op mentioned the Rinnegan is one of its anime related powers among 6 other ones that these eyes give you - the ability to revive dead persons, the Outer Path (the abilities are called in this anime Paths) The word itself translated basicalyl means "cycle of rebirth/life from rinne = wheel/cycle ..

    The whole stuff is basically originatign from Indian Mythlogy, as these Paths use the same terms that come from indian mythology


    "Asura" Path, and so on, which represent the six realms of reincanation from the indian mythology with the outer path being the only except that is basicalyl not part of that mythology and thought out only for storytelling reasons

  3. @ Reaver:


    No, Runes and Sigils (except those from the Dungeons) aren't accountbound. Anet did't got rid at all of soulbound Upgrades. Would this be the case, then we wouldn#t find any Upgrades at all in the Tradestore from other people who try to sell them. ANd i have absolutely no clue now, how you come from Build Templates now to "Gear Tiers". I haven't said even anything about Gear Tiers, so please explain though thoought bridge here, so that we can follow you, what Gear Tiers have suddenly to do with Build Template Systems and Upgrades needing to become on their highest tier - which would be after the change then ascended - accountbound, so that they can work together with a Build Template System, because exotic souldbound Upgrades certainly for sure won't work well together with a Build Template System ,which needs to be able to exchange out on a button press EVERYTHING for the playe,r that is part of the player's character build. Something that just can't happen, if Upgrades are permanently soulbonded to a Character .

    So the Solution is to craft out of exotig Sigils and Runes with the help of the Jeweler Job at Rank 500 then ascended versions of the Upgrades, which aren't then soulbonded anymore, but not bonded at the moment of crafting and become accountbound on usage, because the very moment you would use up an ascended accountbound Upgrade, then you would never need again to buy in teh future any exotic versions of that upgrade, because the EFFECT of the upgrade would get unlocked for your account then permanently if you use up an ascended upgrade for your account.

    Ascended Upgrades in that sense woudl then work the same way, as like Minipets. As long you don't bind them permanently to your account, you are able to sell them.

    The very moment you bind the item permanently to your acocunt, the ascended rune vanishes out of your inventory and becomes part of the integrated Build Template System and any other further Equipment Items you want to give Upgrade Effects, so which you can give then unlocked Upgrade Effects in the same way freelly and quickly, as like we can do that in PvP, without that you need to buy each time for every item any Upgrades new again ,whenever you exchange out Upgrades from your Ewquipment.

    This way would receive GW2 massively more quality of life, because everythign from building your character, saving up thigns and switchign between builds with such a system would work alot FASTER AND COMFORTABLE, than it does right now, and with a ton less required clickings in the process as well!!!

    All that is needed for this imprvement is just the implementation of a Builld Template System, ascended accountbound Upgrades which functionate as Unlockables and as a way of receiving ascended Upgrades finally an improvement to Jeweler by giving it as that jobs Rank 500 crafting recipes, so that this craftign job regains finaly back its reason of existance, which Jewelry has lost basically since Anet flooded the gamew with way to simple receiveable ascended accessoires via Fractals, so that giving Jeweler the task to craft ascended accesssoies became from begin on pointless.


    Thats the reason why I said you are wrong and why I'm right, because you said out, that there would be no reason to add ascended upgrades to the game, why I corrected you, that you are wrong, because there exist two good reasons why Anet should add ascended upgrades, which I named up then..

    That I really need to go that deep into the details now to explain why they would be good to have ...sigh when its so obvious why they would be a great addition, but I guess it wasn't well enough explained by me on my last posting, so excuse me.



    To answer your second question, one needs to understand only basically the context around the answer to question 1, because it basically answers pretty much both questions together at the same time. But to bring it down short and simple in few words:


    - Making Jeweler equal to the other Rank 500 Jobs

    - Give back Jeweler a Reason of Existance via crafting out of exotic Upgrades now Ascended ones

    - As required preparation for the implementation of a Build Template System which requires, that all build defining mechanics NEED to be accontbound, this includes Upgrades too!!

    - As quality of life improvement via the BTS, to make changing builds alot faster and comfortable, reducing unneccessary click processes

    - The only Crafting Job making sense to craft no Upgrades is Chef, they are for Buff Food, not for Upgrades and use for their craftings only eatable materials, unlike all other Crafting Jobs, which use only uneatable materials for their products. Chef would receive therefore instead Ascended Buff Food with longer Durations and some new unique ascended only buff effects. this would would be then finalyl all crafting jobs on rank 500 and equal, how anet should have done it from begin on, if they would for once think out their designs to the very end, instead of leaving everywhere unfinished things that make the game look like switzer cheese full of design holes.

    The same goes for the implementation of ascended mechanics. They started it with equipment, they should also then complete it with Upgrades, which are also part of our equipment as well and shouldn't be forgotten, so that those design holes ANet left wide open here for years now, get finally closed.


    Anet has had over the last years the very bad habit of implementing new features, but designing them not completely to the end and leaving the incomplete things over years as they are iback in the dust and doing then something new, before they completed even before the stuff they have done first... practically abandonding the old things - just look at dungeons, then you understand what I mean - great incomplete content that got abandonded the very moment ANet added a new "toy" into the game.. Or look at Strongholds, exactly the same thing happened there... they added it, lost immedietely their interest on it and abandonded the content..great job and a great way to waste ressources on stuff, that gets immediately not supported anymore after implementation



    However thats a different topic now ... i became offtopic, due to the fact how angry it makes me, how quickly Anet pushes on just only new content beignm important for them, as logn its successful and abandons their own content immediately, the very moment it fails in their eyes as it seems (Stronghold) or becomes replaceable with somethign else (Dungeons/Fractals)

  4. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > Because the exotic ones are what the game is balanced towards? You don't need Runes or Sigils above exotic quality.

    > In fact them being exotic is incidental, there's only master, rare and exotic quality, for your complaint to be plausible there would have to be common and fine quality ones as well.

    > The 3 quality levels only address the stats on them (ie master (minor) runes have 2 item bonus, rare (major) have 4 and exotic (superior) have 6), also since you only have 6 armor pieces where would you equip the final two for ascended ones?


    Wrong, the game coudl use Ascended Runes and Sigils as part of finalyl giving this game


    1) a functional official own Build Template System which allows it to quickly switch out also Upgrade Efftcs for your Builds, for which you need to get all of them into an accountbound system - only possible with accountbound Ascended Runes and Sigiols to be implemented as account unlockables, which would make them very valuable items!!


    2) to have something, that is a good reason to finalyl implement Jeweler 500, as only Jewelers woudl know the technique how to improve Exotic Upgrades into acended ones, givign this Craftign Job finally back a proper reason for its existance, sicne Anet drowns this game with too easy to receive Ascended Accessoires, so that Ascended Accssoire Craftign could never become a good reason for Jeweler's existance sadly ...the craftign job needs due to this somethign else that will work as good Craftign Items for Jewler 500 - Craftign Ascended Runes and sigils IS THE ANSWER..


    Stuff, that I'm already proposing for several years basically, since ANet introduced Ascended Equipment ...

  5. Its rather an Ether Attunement, that would be in my opinion the right term for it.

    Arcane is no element, its a magic category, while you can see Ether basicallly as neutral element, the source of magical energy in our characters, until an Elementalists puts via Attunements an Element into it to create the various magic spells of a certain natural element he/she wants to use.


    Aside of this only , I like the concept as well. If you can implement into the traits effects now also, which allow it the Arcanist to use the elements basically like Ritualists Weapon Spells to enhance with the elements yours and your allies weapons with elemental side effects and/or their armors with defensive elemental side effect buffs, then would become this concept much closer to a complete Arcanist - or what others woudl call such a class as well - the classic Battle Magician/Red Mage basically.


    Id personally also love for a long time, that Anet should make basically all offhand items bi hand useable. with different skills that they provide then. The player shoudl decide for hisself, if he wants to use a weapon like a Focus either as Main or as Offhand Weapon, same as like we can freely decide, if we use a Sword in either the left or right hand. So shouzld be be able to do as well freely with Torches, Focus Items, Shields and Warhorns. Would it mean that ANet woudl have to make some new Skills? Yes!

    Its this very dramatic? NO Would it imbalance GW2, if Offhand Items could be used in both hands as you like? NO


    Personally I'd rename the term Sigil, Sigils are already the term for our Weapon Upgrades... I'd rename this Term into "Pentagrams", or "Engraving/Gravures", or perhaps "Stigmas" or eventually "Charms/Enchants" could work as well. or "Wards" which was also a skil lterm that came from old GW1 Elementalists, somethign that I#d like to see return for Eles as I gives the Spec then some kind of nostalgia, if it uses old skill effect terms from the GW1 Elementalists ;)

  6. If I could work on the next Balance Patch, this would be kind of the fundamental Changes which I'd do on the Elementalist


    **General Changes**


    * Attunement System: Changing between Attunement has not an internal Cooldown Time, this will stop instant changing of Attunements. Additionally swapping Attunements, will exhaust Elementalists now for 4 seconds, which is also basically the internal Cooldown Time, so that Eles will have after an Attunement Swap temporarely decreased Endurance Regen.

    * Trident Skills become now Staff Underwater Skills as Tridents will get merged with Staff and share now with each other their Skins

    * New Healing Conjure Skill added "**Conjure Ethereal Sword"**, a Skill which heals you on conjuring the Weapon and with the AA of the Ethereal Sword Attacks, while the usage of this Skill lets other Conjure Skilsl also slightly faster recharge with every successful hit that dealt damage.

    * New Elite Arcane Skill added "**Arcane Prism**", which temporarely deactivates all your Attunements to perform a prismic beam of all four elements which deals significant dame and causes all targets in line of sight to suffer on Burning, Chill, Weakness and Vulnerability for quite some time. You will be exhausted after this Skill too, but you wil lregain back all your Endurance and lose also up to 4 Conditions. Stun Breaks.

    * New Elite Signet Skill added "**Signet of Catastrophes"** Passively increases the Efficiency of Burning, Chill, Weakness and Vulnerability Durations by 10%. On activation you cause an instant stronger upgraded Skill Effect based on your Attunement. Fire = Meteor Rain (upgraded version of Meteor Shower), Water = Blizzard (upgraded offensive version of Healing Rain), Air = Thunderstorm (upgraded version of Static Field), Earth = Earthshaker (upgraded version of Earthquake)

    * Attunement Deactivation - Elementalists and Tempests are now able to deactivate Attunements and specialize themself basicalls onto lesser Elements. If you deativate two Attunements, then will be Elementalists and tempests able to use a second Weapon Set to swap between the Weapons. Weapon Sets will be able to be set up with different Attunement Settngs. You can use for example then Weapon Set 1 for Fire and Air, while you set up Weapon Set 2 for Earth and Water. Or in a different way, how you like. Weapon Swapping willl for Eles significantly longer Cooldown times, than for other Classes, to reduce Skill Spam, for the advantage of having now two Weapon Sets you can strategetically play with with two Elements per Set.

    * Magnetic Aura: Effect changed from Reflecting back Projectiles to launch Targets back on Melee Attacks

    * New Aura added: Wind Aura - Reflects back Projectiles and causes nearby enemies to Bleed in your near periodically.

    * Elementals can be now summoned also underwater, due to Elementals having now also Underwater Elemental Creatures that replace the Land Ones when you summon them.

    Fire = Magma Turtle, Air = Thunder Octopus, Earth = Rock Shark, Water = Ice Manta Ray


    **Core Skill Changes**


    * Fireball: Targets decreased to 2, Damage increased by 20%. Velocity increased by 15%. Can cause now with a chance of 10% for a second Burning to hit Targets, scorching the immediate Area to create for a few seconds a Fire Field, if it happens that Fireball caused Burn to Enemies. Fireball combo finishes now Fire Fields with AoE Might.

    * Burning Retreat: Decreated Recharge Time to 15s. the Line of Fore doesn't cause anymore Burning, therefore you receive now Vigor and cause a delayed AoE Explosion after the backwards evade, which causes Burning then and knocks foes down for a second that get hit by the explosion's shock wave from standing in its epicentrum. Skill gets renamed to Explosive Retreat

    * Meteor Shower: Can't be targeted in WvW anymore onto Tower/Keep Walls thus making defending on there practically impossible.

    Can deal now as only Skill in WvW directly Damage to Walls, like Siege Weapons. 1 Meteor Shower against a Tower/Keep Wall will deal now basically half as much Damage, as like 1 Catapult Shot of maximum power from a Superior Catapult.

    * Geyser: Decreased Recharge Time to 15s, Duration decreased to 3s. Number of Targets decreased to 3, Range decreased to 900, Healing increased per interval by 33%. Healing Interval decreased to 0,75s

    * Frozen Ground: Decreased Recharge Tiem to 25s

    * Healing Rain: Decreased Recharge Time to 30s, Duration decreased to 5s, Pulses now once per second. Regeneration per Pulse decreased from 3 to 2. Regeneration Duration increased to 5s

    * Chain Lightning: Deals now Vulnerability for each hit target. Deals now increased damage (+25%), if Targets hit by it suffered on Chill before.

    * Lightning Surge: Damage decreased by 20%. Recharge Time reduced to 8s. Blindness exchanged out with Weakness

    * Gust: Recharge Time decreased to 20s Knockback increased to 600 and you gain for a few seconds a Wind Aura, which reflects back projectiles and lets nearby foes bleed.

    * Windborne Speed: Duration reduced to 5s. Swiftness exchanged with Super Speed. Reduced Recharge Time to 20s. Cures not anymore Chilled, but therefore now Fear and Torment.

    * Static Field: Stun Duration Decreased to 1s, Recharge Time decreased to 30s. Damage increased by 25%, Duration increased to 5s. Number of Targets reduced to 5

    * Eruption: Bleeding Stacks decreased to 3, added 3 Stacks of Torment now. Duration decreased to 10s. Radius increased to 360. Leaves now for a few Seconds an Earth Field which can be comboed for AoE Protection by hurling Stonings through it.

    * Magnetic Aura: Launches now attacking foes back instead of reflecting projectiles. A by a Magnetic Aura launched back foe wil lwork liek a projectile, causing damage to other foes in the near into which the launched foe has crashed into.

    * Unsteady Ground: Becomes now Skill on Slot 3, while MA becomes now Slot 4, Decreased Recharge Time to 25s. Renamed Skill to Rock Wall which grants now on activation also Barrier and Aegis, if it blocks off foes successfully.

    * Shockwave: Effect changed from dealign Bleedings and Immobilize to deal Vulnerability and launches foes away by 600 that stood in its way in line of sight.

    * Flamestrike: This Skill has been removed

    * Dragons Tooth: This Skill has been removed

    * Flare: New Skill which replaces Flamestrike. Create at your Target Position a small Orb of Fire, which explodes two seconds later and deals small AoE damage on 240 Radius. Hit targets by the explosion will suffer on Burning. Causes Blindness for a second at the Target Location the moment the bright orb of fire appears like a Flare Light.

    * Incendiary Bonds: New Skill replaces Dragons Torch, Deals Damage and causes after some delay of the damage Burning to up to 5 nearby targets at the position of the foe that got hit earlier by Incendiary Bonds. Gain Might Stacks per foe, that gets burned via that side effect.

    * Shatterstone: This Skill has been removed

    * Blurred Vision: New Skill that replaces Shatterstone: Create a field of mist AoE, in which foes periodically get blinded while they stand in it. Lasts for a Duration of 5 seconds. Can be used as Stealth Combo Field if you Ride the Lightning through it for example, or when using Windborne Speed inside of it for AoE Stealth.

    * Water Trident: Recharge Time reduced to 15s

    * Rock Barrier: Grants you on Activation now Barrier for 5 seconds. Increased Range of Hurl from 900 to 1200 with increased Velocity of 15%

    * Dust Devil: Increased velocity by 33%. This Attack is now unblockable and removes a Boon from hit Targets, ignoring basically Aegis.

    * Dragon's Claw: This Skill has been removed

    * Immolate: New Skill which replaces Dragon's Claw, causing foes on 400 range to suffer on damage and Burning where the damage becomes bigger, so longer the foe suffers on Burning each time you use Immolate on a burnign foe.

    * Drake's Breath: Skill renamed to Breath of Fire, Range increased to 600

    * Cone of Cold: Skill renamed to Breath of Cold, Range increased to 600, Recharge Time decreased to 8s, Healing lowered by 20%

    * Frost Aura: Recharge Time decreased to 20s

    * Lightning Whip: This Skill has been removed

    * Shell Shock: New Skill which replaces Lightning Whip, which deals up to 3 targets two times damage on 300 range, but lesser Damage than LW, but causes therefore Vulnerability per Hit.

    * Shocking Aura and Ride the Lightning: Switch each other Skill Slot and Recharge Times out, so that the Aura is now on 4 with 30s Recharge Time and Ride is on 3 with 25s Recharge now

    * Updraft: Recharge Time reduced to 30s

    * Magnetic Grasp: Effect changed to Pulls Target Enemy to you now and causes Target to suffer on Slow for a few seconds after . Magnetic Leap removed

    * Earthquake: radius increased to 360. Number of Targets increased to 10. Knockdown decreased to 1s. Damage increased by 25%

    * Flamewall: Recharge Time decreased to 10s. Duration reduced to 4s.

    * Flame Shield: Skill renamed to Flame Aura. Recharge Time reduced to 20s

    * Freezing Gust: Chill changed into a unique Freeze Effect, that works basically like a 2s Immobilize, after which you suffer on Chill, once the Freeze is over for 2s. Recharge Time reduced to 20s

    * Comet: This Skill has been removed

    * Winter's Embrace: New Skill which replaces Comet. Deal damage to foes and cause Chill for 4 seconds, 3 seconds later, the foe wil you lsuffer again damage and get knocked down, if by this time Chill hasn't been cured before.

    * Swirling Winds: Recharge Time reduced to 25s

    * Gale: This Skill has been removed

    * Shock Arrow: New Skill, you will shoot out an unblockable arrow of lightning, which strips up to 2 Boons. Grants you Fury and Retaliation for a few seconds. 25s recharge.

    * Obsidian Flesh: Recharge Time reduced to 40s

    * Ether Renewal: Skill Activation reduced to 1,5s, Recharge Time increased to 20s. Each interval happens now every 0,75s. Ether renewal can be used now also underwater

    * Arcane Power: Recharge Time reduced to 30s. Lowered the Ferocity Bonus per Stack by 30%

    * Arcane Shield: Recharge Time reduced to 30s, Blocks now maximum only 2 Attacks and explodes at the second Attack

    * Arcane Wave: Grants now Allies in its area of Effect Endurance back

    * Armor of Earth: Recharge Time reduced to 40s

    * Cleansing Fire: Doesn't cure anymore any 3 Conditions, Cleanses now only Burning, Torment and Confusion. Deals now increased Damage for any of these 3 Conditions being cleansed by +33% damage for every of these 3 Conditionds removed. Causing Burning removed. Its now a direct damage skill and no Condition Damage Skill anymore.

    * Lightning Flash: This Skill has been removed

    * Mist Form: This Skill has been removed

    * Ward against Melee: New Cantrip Skill, creates a Ground Target Area Effect over Time, which Slows foes inside of it, while Allies receive periodically Aegis inside of it.

    * Ward against Harm: New Cantrip Skill: creates a Ground Target Area Effect over time, where Allies in it gain periodically Regeneration and foes suffer on Weakness.

    * Conjure Skills: All Conjure Skills can be used now under water, the Environmental Weapon will float now in an Air Bubble to be taken by you or an Ally.

    * Conjure Earth Shield: becomes underwater into Conjure Earth Spear with accordingly changed Skills that suit to underwater Combat for it.

    * Conjure Flame Axe: becomes underwater into Conjure Magma Axe with fittign changed skilsl for Underwater Combat

    * Conjure Frostbow: becomes underwater into Conjure Ice Harpoon with changed skills for Underwater Combat.

    * Conjure Lightning Hammer becomes underwater into Conjure Lightning Trident with changed skills for underwater Combat.

    * Glyphs can now be used all underwater, Lesser Elementals gets its new underwater Elementals, Storms will simply function now also underwater through replaced Underwater Skills which simulate Storm Effects basically, like Fire Storm becoming simply Steam...

    * Conjure Fiery Greatsword: Now useable under water. Becomes there Conjure Fiery Glaive with fitting skills for Underwater Combat...



    **Tempest Skill Changes**


    * Heat Sync: Decrease recharge Time to 25s. Lower Damage by 20%

    * Wildfire: Lower Damage by 20%

    * Tidal Surge: Decrease Recharge Time to 30, Lower Damage by 20%, Remove the Healing , and replace it with Removes Burning, Confusion and Torment on Allies in its path.

    * Cyclone: Add bleeding to it for each number of impact

    * Lightning Orb: Increase Velocity and Damage by 25% and decrease the Launch Interval to 1/8s. Increase recharge Tiem to 30s. Increase Cast time to 1,5s

    * Sand Squall: Replace Protection with Barrier Effect, Reduce Recharge Time to 25s. Remove Gain Magnetic Aura. You gain instead Retaliation.

    * Flash-Freeze: Exchange out Chill with Freeze, the Elementalists unique form of immobilize that ends in Chill after Freeze is over.

    * Rebound: This Skill has been removed

    * "Master of Magic!": New Elite Skill which replaces Rebound, granting to you and up to nearby 5 allies for the duration of this skilsl effect each time Endurance back, whenever you use a Skill, gain a Boon based on your Attunement and helps on recharging Healing Skills of you and your Allies by a second each time you use a skill in that time.



    This plan has been made with the goal to basically strengthen Core Ele and to balance Tempest, so that it becomes more equal to the Core Elementalist and with the basic idea of changing the skills so, that they would make simply after the change more fun to use, despite being among these ideas buffs as like also nerfs.

    Simply giving the Class also more Build Diversity due to removing silly underwater restrictions, which will be essential, should we ever get to see an Underwater Expansion, then I think its very important to think about it, how all these Skills can get fixed - this is basically my approach here for the Elementalist, which luckily hasn't this much restricted Skills, which don't work underwater and are based mostly only on 2 problematic skill types, - glyphs and conjures, which can easily be fixed like you can see in my proposals here.


    I'd like to hear from you constructively, if there are some ideas among these changes which you like, as also the ones, which you don't like, because especially those which you don't like would I try to improve then ;)

    So lets see what happens :D

  7. > @"corey.6451" said:

    > > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

    > > Absolutely no, this crap would make balancing only totally more complicated to balance ..

    > >

    > > If traits would receive all different effects for each E-Spec, and the gam is stil labout to receive more in the future most likely continously, will mke class balancign continously only more difficult...

    > > With this idea you absolutely do not reach the goal for what you have written the posting, you won#t make balancing easier, just only worser!!


    > No. With the current system, they have to balance core trait, for it work with both elite spec(more in the future). Right after pof releast, most trait dosnt really work well with the elite. And then some were consider underpower trait, became op with the elite spec. It would be harder to balance the trait so it would work with both elite spec. And more in the future.


    You haven't understood at all what I've written.

    With the current system each trait just has only 1 effect. 1 Effect which works for every Class for each of their Builds exactly the same way. the total number of traits the game has with this system is significantly lower for ANet to look over and to balance, than what you suggest what Naet should make out of the system ...


    If Anet would do what you want here, without thinkingfirst for a second over the consequences of your idea, we would end up immediately with currently due to 2 E Specs TRIPPLE THE AMOUNT of Traits that ANet would need to look over and balance, because the game would need to offer for each Core Class and each of their Elite Specs different Effects.


    Currently we have Trait Effect X for Class Y and its Elite Specs 1 and 2 being exactly the same, regardless if you play Spec 1 or 2, the Trait will do for both specs the exact same effect. The Number of Traits that ANet has to look over and balance in regard of this simpel example is 1.


    With your suggestion we would have this scenario:


    We have Class Y with its Specs 1 and 2 and their shared Trait X with its versions XY, X1 and X2, which instantly trippled the amoutn of Traits that have to be in the game, just so that every Core Class and every Spec of the Core Classes can have their very own version of Trait X, just so that as like you want, it can#t happen, that there can exist a Trait in the Game, which is for Core Class Y and Spec 1 useful, while it is in your subjective opinion useless for spec 2.


    The mentioned problem with your idea is, that we have yet not reached the end with E Specs, Naet will add in the future even more of them, at least most likely 1 to eventually 2 more plus.. nobody yet knows what ANets plans are in regard of how many E-Specs this Game should have, until they think its enough perhaps.. if they even think at all that there should be a limit for them ...who knows, we can only speculate, until Anet finalyl reveils their official plans on how far they want to go with E Specs in this game... the point is, to more Specs they add, so more woudl proportionally increase with your idea the amount of Traits that we would need to have in this game, that anet woudl need to look over and balance then constantly with every kind of change they do from that moment on whenever they change anythign at all to any class or their specs... thus makign class balancing proportionally with your idea constantly worser ...


    Can repeat myself only - just no to you idea,, can't agree with an idea, that will make over tiem class balance only more and more complex to the point, that it becomes ridiculous, if ANet continoues adding E Specs over tiem as well.

    It has to be kept overviewable for the sake of this game.

  8. Just no to all this ...

    Core Classes and E Specs need to come a bit closer, so far yes, but its enough to reach this goal by simply merging Elite Specs into the Mastery System and allowing this wax Core Classes to use the E Spec Weapon and Skills (Except Elite Skill and Traits) to use as well too the very moment you have "mastered" your Elite Spec, because the kind of way how we currently receive the E Specs, you can't say that we mastered our Specializations.. our Characters just LEARN THEM ONLY .. and simply learning something and mastering a profession is a COMPLETE DIFFERENCE


    Giving all weapons to all classes makes absolutely by cklass design ZERO SENSE, nor will it help making class balance easier, it will lead only to the complete opposite - it will make game balance only horribly WORSER and nothing else!!


    Classes liek Ele and Engineer have for the sake of Class Balance by DESIGN only access to 1 Weapon in Combat, because they are by design the only classes which have in cobmat access to the highest amount of SKILLS and thus have for a skilled player the highest tactical gameplay value that allows players to react more specificly well on changing situations by simply changing your Skills like an Elementalist changing his Attunements, or an Engineer changing between his Kits which give them all complete Sets of different Weapon SKills.

    No other Class than those two has access to more skills at a given time in combat, so its just making sense that in return for this massive advantage over other classes that they have to have therefore only access to 1 weapon of choice and can#t swap therefore weapons out as a measure of counter balancing these two classes with the disadvantage of not beign able therefore to make usage of the equipment upgrade synergies from swappping out weapons, which is therefore that you have significantly mroe skilsl to use in combat ,than to say for example a thief or a warrior just only a really TINY DISADVANTAGE for the massive advantage of having like double as much access to skilsl and more, than most other classes in combat!!


    A Thief has with 2 weapon Sets only access to 10 Weapon Skills, an Elementalist will have always by design 20 Weapon Skills!!! An Engineer with only Kits in usage will have always have even 30 Weapon Skills, if build with only Kits everywhere!! 5 Weapon Skilsl from Weapon, 5 from Healing Skill Kit, 15 from Utility Skill Kits,. 5 from Elite Skill Kit.


    Not very fair by class design, if you ask me, just only for the lousy difference of the low skill classes being able to have weapon swap synergies for the difference of having 10-20 skills lesser to use in combat, than those two classes...


    If you ask me, it would be even time to rebalance all classes that can swap weapons to receive by changing their class designs to get somehow access to at least 5 skills more in combat to balance this discrepancy out a bit by giving these classes access to 3 instead of 2 Weapon Sets to swap out!! Then would be all classes finally be more equal in regard of skill number access in combat.


    Anet has not to give every class every weapon, what ANet finally has to do is ADD NEW WEAPON TYPES INTO THE GAME.

    Merge Rifle with Harpoon Gun, merge Staff with Trident.. these two underwater weapons are the most obsolete weapon types of the whole game, which shoudl get rteplaced with better new weapon types, like addign Greataxe and Chain Whip to the Game, and change Spear then into Polearm and make it a hybrid weapon that can be used everywhere, on land as like in water. Long overdue!!

    After that would be also good to add Chakrams as a Throwign Weapon, this game has yet no real Throwing Weapon at all, which is kind of sad, when chakrams could be so awesokme for the whole game, as its a weapon that woudl improve positioning in combat alot to fight the most efficient way with such a weapon.

    Or Claws/Gauntelts would be awesome to have in this game finalyl a weapon type, that gives a class like the Thief some kind of Martial Arts Gameplay with a kind of monkish Spec, what I woudl have hoped would have become the Daredevil with its Staff much more like, but it shouldnt be this way sadly ...


    Crossbows as a new weapon type woudl be interestign as well to have some kind of middle type between Shortbow and Rifle which plays differently by havign to use together with it an ammunition system that changes the effetcs of your shots (Bolts) (Toukiden Rifle gameplay style kind of with infinite ammo where you can change on the fly in combat your bolts as you load the crossbow whenever you've shot off all your prevcious bolts first, a system basicalyl that id love to have for all ranged weapons if possible, cause it woudl make playign ranged builds in general for all classes more interesting in my opinion and each ranged weapon should be special then at something, while lacking at somethign else)


    Pistols: Low Range, Ignore partially Defense, deal more damage so closer you are your enemy. Have the fastest Attack Rate

    Shortbows: Slightly longer Range than Pistols, Bouncing Arrows baseline. Attack faster than Longbows.

    Longbows: Longest Range, Deal more Damage so farther the enemy is away, Same attack speed as like Rifles

    Rifles: Long Range, ignore partially stronger Defense, than Pistols, especially so closer enemies are to you, Daze Chance if hit from closest Range

    Crossbows: Slightly longer Range than Shortbows, guaranteed unblockable hits, attack slower than Shortbows. Hits Interupt you if you were about to use a Skill.


    If GW2 would have finally Polearms, Greataxes, Chakrams, Claws, Crossbows and Chain Whips, this Game would make then so much more fun, than right now and we woudl have also alot more build diversity among all classes, than the game offers right now and we would have again enough access to new weapons for coming up Elite Specs in the future for everyone, without that we just have to give nonsensically all weapons just to all classes.

  9. Absolutely no, this crap would make balancing only totally more complicated to balance ..


    If traits would receive all different effects for each E-Spec, and the gam is stil labout to receive more in the future most likely continously, will mke class balancign continously only more difficult...

    With this idea you absolutely do not reach the goal for what you have written the posting, you won#t make balancing easier, just only worser!!

  10. Thats somethign for what finalyl a build Template System is needed to be officially implemented, because then you could eaysily switch out per button click all your Elite Specs out as you like, because they are just part of your Trait settign, that is part of your overall Build which could then be saved up in a Template which anet could let us have with the basic system like for the beginning 3 Templates to save, and if the player wants to jhave more Template Slots for the account per character, then the player could buy more template Slots from the gemstore, just like basicalyl more new bank slots, or more bag slots for shared inventory items ect...


    its so extreme overdue, that this game gets finalyl an own officiall proper integrated Build Template System ...

  11. 1) Complete Rework of the Boon and Condition System

    2) Making Expansion 3 let us go to Cantha and rework and fix the complete Underwater Gameplay with an awesome story abour revealing and defeating finally the Deep Sea Dragon and making Aurene stronger as part of that due to the loss of another Elder Dragons, whos magic balance Job has to take over Aurene with the help of a revived and brought back from the dead (out of the underworld) Abaddon who returns as our new God of Secrets & Water then, while Kormir takes over then the place as new Goddess of War after having made up her history with us and Abaddon first, telling us, that it is the best for Tyria and World Balance, if she gives back Abaddon his old god position back, whil the gods will keep a close eyse on Abaddons actions, while taking over therefore the position as new Goddess of War.

    3) New Weapon Types being added to the Game, while removing obsolete junk like Tridents (merge with Staffs) and Harpoon Guns (merge with Rifles) out of the game - Chakram, Greataxe, Chain Whip, Polearms, Claws/Gauntlets would be the greatest choice ANet could do that makes sense


    More I don't want currently the most.. a compelling awesome third expansion which adds more new weapon types as part of its feature list, redesigns and reworks therefore also the underwatr content to brign it in an awesom way back to th game and which is used at the same time for a complete overhaul of hte boon and condition system with a massive rebalance together that comes with the change on those combat system elements together, because the outdated combat system elements of this game trulyl need finally the adjustments that Anet should have given this games combat system already several years ago basicallly with the first expansion already... but sadly Anet was too scared to make such a proper step towards a more balanced game and ignored again most of all fundamental combat system elemts and focused themself only as usual onto skills, traits and made only desastrous changes on conditions, while completerly ignoring to make adaptions and compensations to boons as well, and instead added as cheap solution their band aid fix that was adding resistance as a new boon, when it would hsave been a 1000 times better, if they would have added Resistance as an dual effect attribute, together with changing the other attributes to dual effetcs as well, which owudl have made more sense, than a very short lastign ,strippable, corruptable 100>0 overpowered boon which is eitrher totalyl overpowered for the time its there and you cant strip or corrupt it, or which is totalyl uselss, if you get spammed full in cobmat with boon strips and corrupts, that it bare can protect you at all fro mall the condi spam that got added from HoT on


    Resistance needs to be an attribute, which helps with its primary effect to reduce Condition Damage - Toughness would be overpowrred if it would reduce all damage types, so there needs to be an other attribute that is focused on reducign Condition Damage - Resistance as an attribute woudl be the perfetc option for that.

    And as its secondary effect needs Resistance to increase a characters efficiency to resist becoming CCed, so reducing significantly the durations of becoming stunned, dazed and giving through the final full implementation of the Breakbar System to also players as well the game a system, which allows it players to resist better CC spam, while stun breakrs need to get reworkled intio skills that simpyl help refillignm of your Breakbar


    This game could be potentially already soooo much better, if Anet would just only begin to update all of their year long ignored combat system mechanics and woudl rework and rebalance them accordingly to the current state of the game and all the changes that have been made to the game over the klast 5 years, which weren#t part of the 2012er game state balance, that is still heavily in usage by Anet until today with all the outdated mechanics from release day of the game, which anet never dared to touch and rebalance sadly until today


    if all of these 3 points could be done within expansion 3, then I'd be again a very happy GW2 player

  12. Absolutely NO


    Only because we haven't skyrocketed Anet 60k AP reward cap yet does't mean in any kind of way that the system is broken , poorly designed and not very well thought out to thr end - yes maybe, but surely not broken just because it doesn reflect back your personal expectations OP of how much AP players should have by now.


    The issue is not the amount of AP, we can have so far, the issue is more the lack luster designed reward system behind the achievement point, which feels absolutely underwhelming and not worth the time investment...


    Getting 2 Gold for getting 500 AP feels ridiculous compared to the fact, that you can get daily 2 Gold already for like 30 minutes or lesser time investment of doing 3 daily achievements, while it takes a player alot more time to get 500 AP together.

    The Reward System for AP needs to get improved retroactively. The AP rewards need to reflect more the three game modes in my opinion based on your own choice of which one you prefer.

    Lets take WvW for example.. yes we get blueprints from the chest, but instead of rewardign us for WvW with something more meaningful, so higher the tier of the reward chest gets, so much anet just increases only the amount of blueprints and badges, when there could be just more meaningful rewards for WvW, than just only more badges and more blueprints


    I could write down here now an example of how it could look like, but i think its more important that Anet realizes it for themself how they need to make their Ap rewards more appropriate for the effort it takes to get the amount of Ap required to get the chests

  13. > @"Enoah.1956" said:

    > Super-easy/exploration mode with no or dumbed down enemies. Make them drop no loot, let players not get any or super low-tier rewards through it. This is what I would have loved to have for dungeons too (in the exploration mode too). It's so hard to do some of them and pay attention to the story and explore the areas (I like to see things and do panomara shots with HUD hidden) when you are going in with others.


    > The wall that keeps most from raids, or me at least, is the requirement that you can only enter them with a 10-man squad and that you need to fight hard mobs with the right builds and knowing the mechanics.


    > Or add a spectator mode where you can watch people or fly around as (visible or invisible) whisps similar to how you do in Southsun Survival. This way people could perhaps get warm with how Raids work, or at least explore the areas and get to know the lore that you would otherwise forced to read up on the GW2 wiki anyway.


    thats actiuayl a pretty awesome and good idea, that would really actually help, without that anything needs to be changed at all on raids, while giving beginnrs at the same tiem easy access to Raids, to see the story stuff in their own pace, while having as an invisible spectator also easily the chance to watch other players actually doing what they do LIVE out of third person view...


    Nothing is better than learning mechanics, than seeing live how somebody does it just in frotn of you , while you watch the fights ect.

    When beign in ts with those that actually play and communicate there, it can be used in this way also like a showcase training session where the people doign actually ther can can give tzhem over vopi their live instructions to those spectators which watch invisibly the fights and mechanics ongoing, while hearign at the same tiem from ts the backgrounds, why the people do right now what they do.. and those peopel which do the raid work can play together practically like normally, without having to "carry" beginners, or change anythign on their playstyles due to having low potential builds in their setup, while the spectators just experience the whole thing, as if they would be basicalyl part of the raid, but just invisible and receive at the end no rewards.


    all that such people would have to do is basicalyl to lfg for a group, whose leader allows for their Raid "Spectator Mode" and invite themself into such a partty (or get invited by someone into that party who is actually part of the real raiding group)

    Spectators in a Raid party woudl be basicalyl a hidden "party group in a party group", so to say practicalyl a "Sub-Party" in which peopel from that Sub Party can follow the true raid Party into their instance with their Characters invisibly like mentioned similar to the minigame activity as "Ghosts".

    This way have spectators the chance to view the raid happening like practicalyl a normal player out from all angles like they want, without that they can disturb somehow the raidign group or interact with them at all, cause they are conmpletely invisible all the time, can't use the chat, or eventually they can, if the party leader allows it and activates for the Sub Party the Group Chat, which could be used as feat if you want to teach spectators in raids, as no everyone can/or wants to use eventually TS, deaf players for example, which have as option for communicatrion only the chat to answer somebody or to react to others.


    If there would be some kind of Spectator Mode at least, then I think it wouldn#t be neccessary anymroe to add somethign like an Easy Mode.

    The question is only, what makes more sense and is easier to do - adding a Spectator Mode, or addign for Raids an Easy Mode with reduced rewards. Both would be practically the neccessary simple solution, so that people can get ready for raids at their own pace better to receive the experience first they need to become ready for the real deal

  14. people which shoudl be able to count 1+1 togwether - should have by now more clues..


    isn't it obvious by now, that Living World Season 4 and the raids that will be connected aroudn it again, will have "dead surely" (pun intended) to do with Dhuum, and THE UNDERWORLD and its various realms, especially also due ti Nightfall / Elona being from begin on alwas heavily tied to the underworlds, and its realm of darkness (shadows) and demons... ANet killed as part of the story our characters, just to bring us back from the deads, before our souls would have been brought to the underworld, we stood practically at the edge between this mortal world and our afterlife.


    That now the undeads (coudld be also a reference to Palawa Joko) are again for once out of contriol or play again a role in GW2, coukld be also just a sign of the return of joko, him breaking out like we did from the underworld where we left him be, after we returned back to life.


    I think its just a matter of time and logical, that due to us beign for a whiole now back in Elona, that we will most likely return sooner or later over the course of the Livign World Season, maybe this Season, maybe next season - back to the Realm of Torment (I hope so, i want to see the return of the Margonites somehow :D, some of the most awesome deisgned enemiies the GW franchise had, especilly this type - https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:%22Margonite%22_concept_art_1.jpg)


    i still believe also in the return of Abaddon, it would make of for an awesome living story season, if he could somehow return and could eventually turn up as becoming the new god of war perhaps, now that Balthazar isn't anymore with him rivaling against Dhuum for power, but this time helping us, so that we can defeat Joko and bring him back sealed awaya into the underworld as part of his atonement for his sins of the past, havign used pretty well the last 250 years to think over, as the other gods freeing him, after Kralkatorrik gets defeated, to ensure that with his help gets Tyria stabilized and Aurene trained to become able to handle more magic, so that she gets enough significant growth spurt (becomes double as big than right now and can be used from then on on living story content from that point on as mount), so that Aurene will become one day able, should the last elder dragon ever fall, to take over the role as eternal magic balance of Tyria - but for this to make happen, Tyria needs the help of Abaddon and his secret wisdom and knowledge about Magic, which only he has.

    Even before Season 4 was there already a feeable strogner presennce of Abaddon becoming again more important and playing a role in the game again ,with Siren's landing.


    Tyria needs to regain its balance of th past. Humans need to get back a God of War as well, one which they can trust again.

    So my bet for GW2s future is, that we will go explore relatively soon surely more of the underworld again and its various realms like the Realm of Torment, that we go returnign to this place, but out of which reason is naturally completely unclear to me.


    But shoudl i be right with this assumption, then i woudl find it awesome.. i#d lovce to know, how these places look now 250 years later, how these places may have changed eventually also as well over time and it would give GW2 back greatly some nostalgia, if we can explore those locations somewhen also again as part of the living story.

  15. Do i understand thius right.

    playxers receive now with every chest they open guaranted such a statue, and these statues can be used - if you have enough of them naturally - to buy with them directly ANY BLC CONTENT you want that has basicalyl also a chance to get dropped from the BLC#s or were once part of the BLC, so that you can progress slowly but steadily with them to get what you want, so that people that never have had luck to get what they want, can get now basicalyl what they want with the help of the Statues, once we have enough of them?



    If that correct, then I find this a great addition - a concept, that should get also implemented finally in form of BOSS TOKENS which get dropped guaranteed from bosses liek Tequatl, or the TRI WURM and any other enemies which can drop unique items qwith unique skins, so that you can slowly but surely get those items/skins, if you have killed them already countless times and have had no luck to get the drop that you want, like the tequatl weapon skin set, or the tri wurm armor skin stuff


    Long overdue

  16. No, we don't already have this... Personal Story and Living Word Seasons are something completely different and have absolutely nothing - ZERO/0 to do at all with either Dungeons in the form like we have them right now, nor in the way how I described them in my last posting as part of becoming integrated world design of the persistent maps, where you can anytime run into them while exploring the maps. Dungeons are only part of the Personal Story Design as you have to explore them, to progress in your personal story, nothign more, nothing less.


    Something like this basically never happens at all in personal Story, because PS is nothing else but just a string of instances in which the starting story of your character gets told until the point where you defeat the very first elder dragon to set up for your character basically a fundamental plot, on which then the Living World Content builds up...

    But also all the Living Word Story from that point on is just only a mixture of either instances or persistant content that plays on a persistant map in form of events


    But all of this has nothing to do with dungeons and I absolutely don't get it, how you are thinking, that both should be in the same.

    The story related dungeons are all ones, to which the character gets lead too automaticaly by just following the personal story, they are part of the personal story..

    They aren't somethign that you just randomly found while exploring the the map and thats exactly what I was talking about in my last posting - PoF has this kind of hidden dungeons, which you find only when you completely try to explore the maps, or eventually out of coincedence, because you just fall down somewhere, without thinking about it that you might find the next second you stand up after rallying up, that you just stand suddenly in a dungeon full of mysteries, treasures (achievements) and monsters - a place thast you eventually even never would have normally found, if you even would have not falled down that hole maybe ...


    these kinds of dungeons.. places, that feel like Zelda Dungeons would be even gpoinmg the next step further in dungeon design.. but just that feeling of having found hidden treasures in a place, that you wouldn't find in a normal way is exactly this kind of "Dungeons", which I'd love to see alot more often in the world design of GW2 as part of solo content that MMOs should offer also as well more or less for all those peoplek, which love especialy the exploring in fantasy worlds in MMos and the thrill of findign hidden treasures like true adventurers - would be something, which i can truly accept as compensation threfore that ANet would completely stop making any new dungeons in the kind of way how the original main game dungeosn of the personal story have been designed - and when Anet would give also finalyl Fractals more depth

  17. yeah, somethign that id like too .. if dungeons basicalyl get more integrated directly into the world design of the maps..

    poF had this with the few weapon related achievements where you had to search for their parts to craft them in basicalyl a hidden dungeon, that had in itself no story and such, but it had a very clear kind of dungeon feel the verym oment you accidently found it and you got kind of the flair of like beign suddenly not anymore in a MMOPG, but more like in an action adventure zelda-Style (if you could cut out eventually other players runnign around there too, but I had the luck to find this play completely alone, being not at all distracted by other players runnign around and this felt to me at that moment, then like beign in a kind of solo dungeon content, that i always wanted to have for GW2 :D It felt great and it was very fun..


    In regasrd of this I#d simply also be happy, if Anet reworks Dungeons as feature in the future simply into SOLO Content, because it would make it so much easier for anet to implement dungeons as solo content, than to do and design them as 5 man content. i wouldn't also be bad about it, if anet completely redesigns the exiting story related dungeons into solo content.. as that woudl require basicalyl only scalign down the enemies that thexy aren#t anymore silly damage sponges like now and eventually some changes to certain mechanics, which definetely require at the moment to have more than 1 player to be successful, that they can be doen after the change alone...


    So that Anet basically makes a clear design split between Dungeosn being then and for the future just Solo Content, while Fractals raids will be by design then the Party Content for 5 to 10 people.

    ANet does't need to reinvent with Dungeosn the wheel new, when its absolutely just enough to scale the stuff down to solo content level and use the term of Dungeons then from then on for the future as Solo Content, because i think a MMORPG absolutely must not consist only out of party content. it is also absolutely fine for me, if GW2 includes also content/features, which would be spcificly designed as Solo Content and I can easily see Dungeons becoming that, if Anet just wants to at least turn out of group content they have personalyl given up at least Solo content, that has in itself in that way a chance to survive and to be continued this way at least.


  18. As long Anet themself doesn't realize the huge potential that lies within fractals as game Mode and begins finalyl to make usage of its huge potential, as long this doesn#t happen, will it be forever Anets biggest mistake to have gutted Dungeons for them and destroyed alot of this games design integrity for letting Raids replace them instead just to please a tiny minority of hardcore gamers in the hope to lure them from other games like WoW to here that way, while giving basically to all other players, which wanted this stuff never to see in GW2 the middle finger.


    I personally could accept it, that Dungeons as concepot have failed and aren't absolutely worth it anymore to improve for the advantage of theire beign ressources for Raids and especially beign much more ressources for the improval of Fractals.. but so far we have seen absolutely NO substantial improvements at all to the Fractal Game Mode to improve the DEPTH of it ..

    Addign every now adn then just a new Fractal is not improvign the DEPTH of the Fractal Mode ...

    What improving the depth would be in real is adding more different ways and options as to what you can experience WITHIN FRACTALS...


    Stop it with them beign always only the same boring Fractals on a 100 rank roster, which becomes as you increase the rank only more challenging through some kind of random instabilities that are there just to artificially make the same content more difficult to have a reason for it to give out at the end of it better rewards, than if you would have doen the same content without these arteficial stuff that s there just to annoy you and slow you down...


    I have it said here so far only once, but I will write it here again... I have personalyl the feeling, that anet themself still doesn't realize after al the years in which Fractals already exist as game Mode, what a RAW GEM they have with it, with this instanced gam mode that allows it the devs to practicalyl implement EVERYTHING into the game, because Fractals underlie absolutel no game design borders that are anyhow restricted to lore, game mechanics and so on ... because the Fractals of the Mist could potentially show you everythign what you want to have in there with easy access to it from LA.


    The Game Mode itself needs to become richer of depth.. as long anet doesn't change fundamentally soon something on Fractals (via a Feature Pack or just with a Livign Story Patch, doesn't care with what exactly, only important that they do something soon with it), so long won't find I it anyhow acceptable that Dungeons got screwed for Raids, just because Anet has given up their own content basically and they simply don't want to admit that .


    With a more depthful Fractal Mode we could have something similar in GW2 like Bonus Mission Packs in GW1 have existed as interestign Solo/Group Content that lets you replay all kinds of stories out of the view of an other character with unique Skills of that Character.. not like the borign Fractals like we have now, where we play visually other characters, but still have the skills of our own characters ....

    Id personally love it so much ,if we could finally replay the GW 2 novel books with the help of that to see out of Dougal Keens/Snaffs eyes the history of the past, filling with each "Chapter" of their History a page of a History Book, which once havign been completed can be turned in for rewards like Miniatures, Weapon Skins, Armor Skins ect. and Achievements ect.


    Giving Fractals mroe depths would easily make it possible to implement a much more superior form of just the dungeons that we know so far - Dungeon Crawlers, special unique Dungeons, which are everytime different as you enter them and which can work in a similar way liek the current Fractal System with its 100 ranks - think of an awesome 100 floor Tower Dungeon Crawler like Melandrus Sky Temple Tower) or a 100 floor deep cave that works similar to Lufias Cave of Trials, where you get artificialyl resetted in there back to level 1 and you need to get out of it alive again with only the help of the stuff that you find on the way on each floor .... that would be somethign fun and challengign to do, especially if yu can find there like in Lufia special chests with unique rewards, that you can get only from there ...which are the only things you can keep at the end, while everything else you found on the way will get returned back, if you leave this cave again


    Fractals getting more depthful wold allow it ANet to implement special new Guild Missions, so called Guild Crusades which could be designed for like 20 to 100 people raiding in these kind of special instances that you can enter only as a Guild within the Fractals of the Mist... design content that would be so in this way in the normal world of guild wars just impossible to add, but within an instance of the fractals, where practicalyl everything you can think off can be added into the game easily due to the freedom of creativity that the Fotm offers for the Devs, its no problem there to have a feature liek this.


    Same with content like a smaller WvW similar form of competitive Pvp that you could find there in the mists, that could be designed as GW2#s form of GvG to have a place where you can fight 10v10, 25v25,100v100 on an instanced "Battlefield" that is just designed for this and Guilds can enter it simply via Fractals of the Mist by a special for this designed Lobby there that you can reach, if you enter from FotM a for that added Portal for example that or eventually a Portal, which you can use directly from your Guild hall to that Lobby, if you own a Guild Hall and have build up the Guild rank to craft that portal for your guild first... which coudl brign yu then for free to that lobby room, while using the FotM way coulld cost a small silver fee to use....


    It could be used to add a new form of farmign Instance to the game, where you can either hunt solo or with other playrs together really huge monsters, so that we could have somethign similar to "Monster Hunter" in the game, just with a better combat system and better classes what could be called "Hunting Grounds"


    Everythign possible via Fractals...but instead we get only new fractals whiel the game mode stays always the same boring, where the new added fractals get done only a few times, until youve doen the achievements and then most likely never again ,if its avoidable.


  19. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > Aw, umlauts aren't ugly. The problem is they change the pronunciation, so the name here becomes something like Bay-lthacharr. Ok, likely all the other accents also change the pronunciation, but I studied German so that's the one my brain automatically re-sounds when an umlaut shows up. It wrecks the pun for me.


    > For me, all my names are completely lacking in special characters. I have no interest in typing them out or making others do so in order to invite me to stuff or join my squad. And yet I can generate plenty of untaken names. So once again I don't see a market for names; why pay when you can make a perfectly good one for free?


    I'm German and for me are umlauts ugly automatically in any language, where you can AVOID THEM easily, either through other nicer looking accents (its just a visual taste thing that is preferred), or simply through the removal completely of accents and just changing the wording of the name, until its pronounciation sounds also well just without any form of accent ;)


    Umlauts are just our fancy lazy way not to type out ae, ue and oe, but just to shorten it all down to just 1 single letter with two dots on top.... which is for the internet completely normal not to do, because the internet doesn't know any umlauts, there its also either ae, ue or oe.

  20. I'd love to see this happening that Anet simply adds finalyl via a balance Patch for all classes their missing skills for their remaining missing utility skill types, that have yet no fitting skills ...


    Like for example Thieves missing a good useful Elite Signet Skill and Elite Trap Skill, same as much as they are missing a Healing Trap Skill, as weird as that may maybe sound to some of you, its missing and we shoudl have this, because with enough creativity you can come up on skilsl for everythign for every skill type for every class...you just need only to brainstorm over these things and you will have ideas for thse things ...


    Same did I do and came up after a while on alot of nice ideas for all kinds of Healign Skills theoretically for the Thief for the idea, that basicalyl every class should have for every of their Skill types at least 5 Skills, to give this way the game more build diversity - just to get belittled for something else with "lol a healing thief", cause that person didn't understand the point behind why I've written these skilll ideas up, to show, that everything can be made theoretically possible, if you just think enough over it and have the creativity for something like this to think about many possible skills.


    Other classes are missing similarly for some of their Skill Types either Healing, Utility or Elite Skills to make the amount of Skilsl per SkillTtype basically complete and no one can tell me, that it is basicalyl too much work for a Skill Balance Patch to add eith it for each Class also a few more Skills as part of fixing such a simple design hole oversight, which hasn't been looked onto yet, because it simply yet wasn#t ever on Anets priority list to do so, because Anet themself sought it woudl be just enough, if they simply give skills after a patch new "skill types", which didn't exist before and be done with it, without rethinking it first, if there exist even at all enough skills for all skill types to have equally enough skills for all of the new types they added with that patch.


    But who are we kiddign here? It took anet several years, until they were finaly able to fix some WvW Achievements .... so we will most likely wait also several years here, (or forever), until this tiny oversight will get fixed ... sigh

    At the end of all this frustration.. something funny just to get back in a good mood (end of the story, whenever you want something badly, it becomes only worser xD, so better get used to the situation and be patient ...)


  21. resistance woudl be best if removed completely out of the game and be redesigned into an Attribute as part of the overall change of the Attribute System gettign changed to Dual Effects...


    Then could be Resistance as Attribute one, which has as its two effects:


    1) Reduces Condition Damage

    2) Improves the Efficiency of your Break Bar, making you more resistant versus Hard CC Effects, thus making it harder to stun you or to launch you ect. pp


    So if you put much points into this Attribute, you would suffer then on alot lesser Condition Damage from enemies, which doesn't then anymore simply ignore all your defense, because Rsistance woudl be then your direct form of defense against Condition Damage, which doesn't get ignored like Toughness and the Defense Value of your Armor Set. Plus you would have some defense against Hard CCS, cause Resistance woudl drastically reduce the Durations on how long you can be Hard CCed and it woudl significatly decrease for your enemies their chances, that their Hard CCs instantly can affect you at all on the usage of the first CC Skill beign used against you, cause it wouldn't instantly make your Breakbar break - it woudl require then more constant CC beign used agaisnt you coordinatedly, to brign your breakbar to 0, before you can get stunned, plus the game having then finally also something like a Delay Time (the time the breakbar needs to refill), in which a stunned player would be in that time immune to follow up CC, so that you can't get freakign finayl anymore perma CC'ed to death... Rework then Stunbreak Skills just to refill up the Breakbar of a Character and everythign would be fine.


    This way would solve the new Resistance with its Dual Effect as Attribute several issues of the game at the same time.


    - Reduction of Effect Clutter, due to 1 total obsolete Boon lesser in the game

    - Easier to balance this way, as it becomes part of your Character Build directly and you have now to build your Character for it, if you want to profit from it, what will balance your build out in your DPS output (Give and Take) You can#t have then anymore super DPS, whlie being at the same time total immune to Condi all the time

    - We would finally have a direct counter against Condition Damage, without that Toughness needs to be used for that, because it works already for direct damage and would be too OP, if it would reduce both damage types at once together. resitance always felt from the moment of its introduction with Hot only like a cheap band aid fix to the root problem of this game, that is in real its desastrous Condition System that ANet just wanted to quick fix only with this OP boon !!


    Do that then with all other attributes as well and let them have all two effectas instead of one (helps also in reducing the total amount of Attributes) and the game woudl be alot more balanced again and would provide also finalyl better synergies for defensive attributes to make them more equal to the offensive ones.


    Merge Vitality with Healing Power for example.

    Merge Power with Expertise

    Merge Toughness with Concentration

    Merge Precision with Ferocity and remove therefore Fury from the Game

    Add Agility as a new Attribute to have one, which improves our Endurance Regeneration and Skill Reharge Times by a percentage/Initiative Regeneration and remove therefore Vigor Alacrity from the game


    Simple way to let this game get rid of 3 completely obsolete Boons that are Resistance, Vigor and Fury, which would be alot easier to balance, if their effects woudl get kind of integrated into the attribute System and by this woudl become more part of your direct Character Build , instead of being Buff Effects that clutter this games combat system only unneccessarely full.

    Same thign can be doen with Conditions. there are also some (at least 3) totally obsolete conditions, which could be instantly removed, and no one would really miss them if their effects get kind of merged with other Conditions or reworked into side effects of Traits or Class Skills directly to make this way the Classes more unique, instead of having too many classes have access too easily to too many Conditions... (Torment, Taunt and Bleeding are these 3)

    Torment should just get merged with Cripple.

    Taunt is obsolete and is nothign but just an opposite of Fear.. the game has already enough CC effects with Stun, Daze, Fear, Cripple, Chill, Knockdown, Launches and Pulls, Taunt isn't needed at all and simply too much. Those few skilsl n traits that cause Taunt, shoudl just get reworked to Fear or any of those other cc effects.

    Bleeding is just too boring..the game has already too much DoT conditions then are good for this game, currently 5 are at least 1 too much, and theoretically it are seven, because Necros can turn if traited Chill and Fear also into a DoT condition...

    Bleedign adds also nothign interesting to the game, its just only a middle powered thing practically between Torment and Burning and by design currently the most used DoT condition amogn them all, because its the most easiest one by design to give to any class very easily to skisl and traits, because simply everyone is able to make someone else somehow bleed if you attack them...

    But do we really need this as a condition, if it can work also just as a side effect of a skill??? I think it woudl be better, if Bleedign becomes just a side effect of specific skills, when you deal critical damage with them, that as result of the critical hits, your enemy bleeds for a few seconds, without the option to remove this instantly by a condi removal skill, making the fact, that you got criticall hit (wounded) also more MEANINGFUL AND IMPACTFUL for combat design, so that receiving critical hits doesn#t just mean onkly, that you get more damage, than usuage from an attack, but that the damage you receive, will ongo also for a few seconds later over time and coudl this way potentially lead to you defeat over a delayed time, if you don't react quickly to being critically wounded by your enemy.

    And this again woud reduce the effect flustercuck that is right niow GW2 for years in regard of condi and boon spam.

  22. > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

    > > If I was rich, I'd hunt down the dude who has "Balthacharr" taken and buy him out.


    > What about: Bälthacharr? Thanks for the idea! Goes perfectly with my login name and I had a spare slot and enough boosts to make another 10 level 80 characters.. bahaaa.. how cool is that.. Bälthacharr.. my new Charr warrior! rawwwrrrrr


    I would have rather gone with something visually better looking like:


    - Baalthacharr

    - Baelthacharr

    - Ballthacharr

    - Baltacharr

    - Balthácharr

    - Balthâcharr

    - Balthachârr

    - Balthachárr

    - Bhalthacharr

    - Balthacharrs (in case of a surname/fun name)

    - Bal Thacharr

    - Baltha Charr

    - and so on..


    but never anything with Ä,Ö,Ü ..looks always soooo ugly ...and unfitting

  23. ohh, havent seen that this has been added to the game... and I keep askign myself all the time.. why the f.. is my thief suddenly so much lamer in regard of endurance and not anymore able to dodge as often as it was before ... (one should read all skill descriptions completely after every single patch .. /doh)


    Completely agree here, this crap has to be removed agin, otherwise this Trait feels like you cripple yourself and not like somethign that is useful.. especialyl in time like a game full with scourge garbage that spam you even much more full with condis, than anythign ever before, where you need as much as Condi removal as possible you can get ..and then gettign punished for it, only because you removed a Condition.. lame, really lame ANet!!

  24. I can only fully agree to what zedek has posted before me.

    There is currently absolutely nothing at what Thieves especially are best anymore, the other classes and their specs do practically everythign better than Thieves, either with much more DPS than Thieves, or with much much more Group Support together on same level of DPS like Thieves.. we can outrunned by stupid coward warriors in HEAVY ARMORS since several years, with the difference, that the moment they decide to fight, they can do that at full power, while we are like sitting ducks on the silver platter without any initiative left to fight back at all, until we bought ourself with dodges and stealth first some time to get initiative enough back to be able to fight - which is if you are unlovcky oftenly enough time to get rammed into the ground quickly, if they happen to hit you strong enough. and even if you seriously try to fight such troll builds, they even with that build have then on top of that ridicullous amonts of self regeneration, that you barely deal any damage to them, which isn#t in a matter of seconds outhealed again ...

    Playing Thief now 2018 isn't by far anymore as balanced and fun, like what it was like 2013 around, which was imo back then the best year for GW2 as playing a thief in this game. after that year went everything quickly down hill for the Thief Class with the pinacle being the balance patch of 23rd september of 2015 and shortly after that HoT and its massive hard cc spam that came along with it through the first set of E-Specs, basically forcing everybody to switch over to Daredevil, if you wanted to stay halfway competitive. This situation hasn't changed sadly until today.


    PS: @ Zedek: you forgot Necromancers, cause Scourges are selling due to their OPness itself like hot cakes, same as much as like Mesmers do with their OP Mirages.


    have sadly made no picture of it, but a few weeks ago before i looged out out of annoyance from the massive imbalances in this game to the point, that playing WVW makes more and more absolutely no fun anymore, I saw once on my enemy side some kind of small squad, like 10 peopel or soo, all of them being only Scourges .. says everything to me ... how bad PoF has been for this game's class diversity ... and they all literally playing the same build usign the same tactics of just spammign together their enemies to death with massive condi bombs and their shades >.> basicalyl most likely on command in TS coordinated ...

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