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Posts posted by Orpheal.8263

  1. I would completely redesign this whole mess of a class and replace it basicalyl with a new better designed class with E-Specds, which actually fits to the overall class design of this game, with a Class, that has free choice of Utility, Healign and Elite skil llike all others, access to the racial skilsl, like all others.


    Removal of those legendary stance nonsense and rework those legendary stance into Mist heroes for PVP Stronghod and in PvE for beign Revenant there as PvE only unique profession to Rytlock.

    Replacement for the Revenant/Herald/Renegade would be then the **Mercenary/Templar/Vagabond**


    ## Mercenary Class Mechanic: Combat Styles

    Combat Styles woudl be unique to the Vagabond Class and its Elite Specializations,

    Combat Styles are actually basically Battle Stances, with that the Vagabond can switch out in combat his Weapon Skills of the Equipped Weapon to a different Set of Weapon Skills based on either the used offensive, defensive, or supportive Combat Style.

    This means basically, that the Vagabond and its Elite Specializations will have under this class Desing with every Weapon they can use 3 different Weapon Skil lSets they can use in combat. It is kind of similar to the Elementalists attunements, but not based on Elements, lesser in amount, which is why this Class unlike the Elementalist wil lstill be able to use a second Weapon Set and comes together with the Weapon Switch Cooldown, while Eles have between switchgn Attunements no cooldown, unless you switch them too fast.

    By theme and style are Vagabonds basically a mixture out of the revenant style, dark paladins and death knights.. so basically kind of the opposite to guardians in style and theme, whereas warriors kind of are the neutral side between those two. Basically what would come out of it, if you would merge revenant, warrior, and Necromancer/Reaper together, that kind of design style would the Vagabond and its E-Specs Templar and Mercenary represent as third soldier class.


    PS: or if that little similarity to Eles isn't wished, then let combat styles change the utility Skills to 1 of 3 different effects instead of changign the weapon skills out, but a change on weapon skills would make the class in the end more versatile, than only a change on the utility skills based on the used combat style.


    ## Elite- Healing and Utility Skill Types:

    The Mercenary would use as Skill Type Signets, Stances, Shouts, Counters and Orders

    Templars would use as E-Spec the own Utility Skill Type Seals

    Vagabonds would use as E-Spec the own Utility Skill Type Hexes



    **Counters** would be utility Skills which help the Mercenary to react defensively on enemy attacks to turn the attacks against the enemies self

    **Orders** are special Utility Skills which force the Mercenary to do something specific without having control over the character meanwhile, but if its done successfully, grant significant Buffs for short time.

    **Seals** are special Skilly of Templars, which enable them to stop their enemies from doing something specific, like sealing away the ability for a moment to dodge roll.

    **Hexes** are special condition creatign skills, which can't get just as simply removed like normal conditions and have negative effects over time therefore on you as well, liftign the conditions from the foes only, if oyu remove the Hex and therefore get rid of your negative side effects s well.


    ## Weapons:

    Mercenaries use: Daggers, Swords, Axe, Mace, Shield, Shortbow, Torch, Hammer

    Templar adds Greatsword

    Vagabond adds Staff


    That is kind of the basics what I'd do with revenant, without going now further deeper into the massive details about Skills and Traits

  2. best solution of all this mess is and stays that anet should work finally on own real solutions in form of implementating stuff that ARCDPS, and Taco Does in form of an own Build Template System and own upgrades of the Menu/UI System with the functions that TACO provides, so that players all over the world will never NEED at all to use any external third party programs for thigns and features, that should be part of the game officially integrated in the best interest of ANet to make the best game, they possibly can.


    Thats my position on this topic. People will always make usage of official unsupported third party programms only if there is in the game a LACK in something.

    The very moment when ANet fixes the lack of that something via adding own official implemented and supported features is the moment, where those players have then no reasons anymore to use third party programs ans eventually risk this way their accounts getting banned.


    That players rather use third party programs to get their needs solved, should be a warn signal for Anet to do somethign against the situation by adding those features that these programs give the player officialyl into the game ASAP. players sholdn#t be forced to use third party programs and to permanently go out of the game to internet sites/wikis ect. just to get the informations they need which such third party programs7sites provide, when you coudl get all those infos and features also just ingame, without havign to leave the game for that or to rely yourself on unsupported programs, which could become anytime in combination everntually with other programs too risky to use and lead in your ban maybe, which is why ANet can only say that using these thigns will be always be at your own risk in the end ...


    So best slution for everyone is just to play GW2 with any third party programs and get together, make yourself together strong for the features you want from those programs to get added to the game. show together consistently the demand for these thigns, so that Anet can't ignore these thigns anymore and rest on the laurels of some indie programmers doing the actually work for them...

    And if they actually do that, then they should at least officially work with those people together to speed up the official implementation of these feratures into the game.


    This goes with other good and helpful stuff as well liek for examplee with Shaders, like this Sweet FX stuff, stuff like what this program does should become possible officially ingame too, without us having to need to use such kind of third party programs, just to be able to influence better the graphics of the game ...

  3. The game isn't dead, but its inconsistently supported like a switzer cheese with many self made holes in it, cause of Anet oftenly working only on new things, before they complete projects they have begun, wostly always when they realize that the stuff they worked on brigns not in enough money and or fixing things they have created in broken ways, aren#t worth it to be fixed, cause of the costs and effort it would take to correct the junk they have left behind, which is in their view better spent on naturally new content, that has the chance to generate new money income, while fixing broken cheesehole content is just only lost money in their view.


    When I list up all this cheesehole content that this game has collected over its 6 years by now, just imaginatign, how much better the game could be, if all this stuff woudl have been fixed by now, I'm pretty sure, people wouldnt have the impression, that this game is "dead"


    - If Season 1 would have been properly reimplemented into the game by now

    - If Dungeons would have been properly redesigned and integrated practically into the Raid System, instead of being abandonded by Anet completely

    - If missing Content would be there, that should have been part of GW2 since release, like Bar Brawls, Polymok and all those Town Activities that were planned to have on Day One to give peopel a reason to go visit and revisit actively all of the towns, instead of putting so much focus only into LA all the time...

    - If Underwater Content would get finally redesigned and rebalanced, but hopes are up on this for the 3rd Expansion wheneveri t may come...

    - If Jeweler and Chef would finally receive too Job level 500 with especially Jeweler beign revitalized and given a reason for existance again ....

    - If Raids would get finally a Split in difficulty settings between Easy/Normal/Hard Mode to not alienate anymore 99% of GW2s playerbase just to lure in Hardcore Elitists from WoW & Co that are just the 1% minority that QQed for wanting to have raids in GW2, while most of all other GW2 players never atually wanted to have Raids

    - If Fractals would receive those parts of Season 1 that aren't reimplementable again in normal ways via new Fractals, like the Marionette Battle, like the Breachmaker Battle with Scarlet, like the Invsasion of Lions Arch with that 3 colored Robot Battle and the Big Karka Queen battle that ends with lettign her burn to death in lava

    - If WvW would receive the attention that this game mode deserves (3rd borderline map, more character progression so that all those ranks points we have by now aren't useless)

    - If PvP would finally be more than just Conquest, theres so much unused potential for more PvP Modes like Hunger Games, King of the Hill, like GvG, like 10v10, Duel Tournaments 1v1, Deathmatch with more new maps than just having only 1 and also expand more on Strongholds, just implemented and they instantly abandon Strongholds again ..seriously?? liek addign more new Stronghold Maps, more interesting Mist Heroes

    - If Fractals would become finally more then permanently one and the same boring 100 instances grind that just becomes artificialyl only more difficult so higher the instance number is, Fractals is basically the big key for ANet to add so much more great content, because it gives them 100% total design freedom, they could add great new gameplay features through Fractals to add this way new interesting content that feels and plays different, than the normal game content, like addign Huntign Grounds to add some kind of monster hutner similar content where you find in the minds then bigger monsters to hunt either solo or as group which requires you actually eventually also to reach catch the foes via traps, or usage of the environments, or fractal content that feels more like GW1s bonus action pack lettign you replay old histories of the game in the view of a completely different character with skilsl of that characte, instead of your own character, woudl love to replay so much Ghosts of Ascalon under the view of Dougal Keane for example ... to receive at the end GoA based rewards for completign the History Books of GoA and turnign it in like in GW1 for rewards to a Historian ...

    - If SAB would.. ah forget it, dont want to open this bitter can of worms now..would only make me angry ....


    However, things are, like they are, mourning over these issues of this game won't help or change anything, but I'm sure, the game woudl be by now healthier, if these thigns would be all no issues and completely fixed, even if this would mean, that we wouldn#t be yet at Lliving world season 4, but maybe eventually still only in season 2 or so.

    Better a slow, but awesome story, than a fast rushed story and a game full of cheese holes ... that's my device

  4. I agree with the OP, the thing that should have happened as real Qol improvement is to make unending gathering tools real accoundbound items, so that when you buy one of them, or in fact, craft one of them under the Qol change, that these unending gathering tools are then real accountbound items, which are shared from that moment on among all of your characters, so that you never need to use a limitated use gathering tool of that type you made/bought again for any other characters of your account.


    Sure, a cheap semi solution is it to put these unending tools into a shared inventory slot, but that would be wasting a slot space for these tools, when there is already the own equipment slot for tools in the UI, which would need to be only auto set fix for all your characters of your account to the unending tool the very moment you equip an unending tool for the first time of a type and have from that moment on never to use limited tools again.

    From that point on it is then just only transforming the "SKIN" of the tool you want to have and it is literally only the SKINS of tools which Anet needs to sell via gemstore, not the ability to have an unending tool.

    The unending tool should be part of player progression and earnable/craftable simple, for Anet matters only to make money from selling the skins and if they'd need to sell only the skins, then they could sell them also slightly cheaper maybe, for say 800 gems then instead of 1000, which would surely lead to more people becoming willing to buy those gathering tool skins, especially if the functionality of the unending tools would become finally real accountbound and useable for all characters of your account, without having to waste extra for this any shared inventory slots.


    Aside of this are the gathering tool upgrades, now nothing more but just only a fix to the situation, that Anet began adding extra effects to gathering tools, so that they are more special and give players more reason to buy those skins/effects from the gemstore.

    But now players are simply able to mix and match their gathering tool skins and effects together, as you like and you are not anymore in any kind of disadvantage for using skin X over skin Y, only because you like skin X better than Y, having not to sacrifice for your choice of taste any positive gathering bonus effects anymore, that other skins might give to you.


    Edited for removal of lots of silly typos xD

  5. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

    > > If this has been done, then it can be seen just simply as getting yourself an "advantage" over others, so LITTLE it may be in perception for you, it stays fact that it will be getting an advantage over others, which don't use these key binds and play the game normally, so in that case the ban has been done rightfully then, as you breached with this violation the rules of the game, so sad it is to say...

    > >

    > > Anet removed the ability to perform double jumps some time ago, so doing anything with third party programs and key binds that forces the game to successfully do again jump dodges should be a no brainer in fact, that people will get banned for this action , cause Anet will have had their reasons for taking the ability of dodge jumping after such long time out of the game ...


    > Anet never removed dodge jumping. It's legit in game "mechanic"


    Hmm, then must have what I have read about that I guess been false rumors or simple false information ??

    Havent tested these things out in SAB self since then, due to SAB providing nothign new this year and relied myself only onto what Ive read about that so far.

  6. If this has been done, then it can be seen just simply as getting yourself an "advantage" over others, so LITTLE it may be in perception for you, it stays fact that it will be getting an advantage over others, which don't use these key binds and play the game normally, so in that case the ban has been done rightfully then, as you breached with this violation the rules of the game, so sad it is to say...


    Anet removed the ability to perform double jumps some time ago, so doing anything with third party programs and key binds that forces the game to successfully do again jump dodges should be a no brainer in fact, that people will get banned for this action , cause Anet will have had their reasons for taking the ability of dodge jumping after such long time out of the game ...

  7. after seeing what taco does exactly all ,I must question really myself, whats so difficult on this program to implement its features directly into the game a part of a QoL patch with the goal to improve the menus and UI options we can use to let us show up those things that we can see with tao also too right via using the mechanics of the game..


    The stuff that taco does is absolutely no rocket science and should be easily something, that Naet should be able to integrate in the game in an official way..so that people have no reason anymore to use this silly third party program for these features ...

  8. After having said, that in principle its no problem to have a GS E-Spec for Thief, if the design fits, it has no real world culture connections ect. I just wanted to challenge myself here into making a concept, thats true to what I said to show, that theres better thing, than unfitting Samurais for GW2 ...


    # The Raider


    With this Concept I will try to mix together some of my other Thief Spec Concept Ideas and Gameplay Mechanics together, cause basically those gameplay Mechanics aren't specificly tied to a certain weapon or a certain thief gameplay system or so.


    #### Raider Gameplay Mechanic = Shadow Instinct

    Shadow Instinct is an upgraded version of the Initiative System which works essentially as like a second Initiative Bar that is only useable, while being stealthed

    While being in stealth, does allow you on cost of your Shadow Instinct Points this mechanic to do things in stealth, which would otherwise reveal a normal Thief.

    However, doing these things comes with a hefty cost, cause performing a Shadow Instinct Action will temporarely decrease when being revealed your Maximum Initiative, so you have to twink twice, before spamming too quickly some SI-Skills in stealth, without overthinking first the consequences for when you get revealed.


    #### Weapon Skills


    > 1) **Cross Slash > Tiger Claw Blade > Twilight Moon Cutter**

    > A three section Attack Ccombo beginnign with two x shaped strikes, followed by one big uppercut strike that slices the foe up from ground to head, causing Bleedings, jumping into the air with the sword, finishing the combo with a vertical whirling multiple hitting attack as you fall with the sword down to the down again, with each hit causing vulnerability if the foe had more health, than you, torment if you had more health than the foe.

    > Stealth) **Demonic Shadow Blade**

    > Perform out of stealth a massive long range shadow shockwave blast, which is unblockable and hits all foes in light of sight, causing Burning and Blindness to foes over 50% Health. Fear and Torment to foes under 50% Health. Grants 2 Shadow Instinct Points.


    > 2) **Phantom Strike** - Costs 3 initiative

    > Perform a fast moving Leap Attack that lets you whiel you perform it auto evade incoming attacks and projectiles, while moving even through objectives like Wall Skills that would block you otherwise from surpassing them. With Phantom Strike you just casn leap through blocking wall skills, liek for example that earth ele skill that creates a stone wall which blocks you off. Phantom Strike will allow you to ignore these kind of skills. if used onto a target enemy, that is closer to you ,than the max range of phantom Strike, then will Phantom Strike put you into the back of your enemy to attack it that way from behind. If you attack with this Skill enemies with less than 50% Health, then you gain 1 Shadow Instinct Point


    > 3) **Venomous Counterstrike** - Costs 4 Initiative

    > Block with your Greatword the next incoming attack, to perform then a venomous counterattack that stuns your foe for 3 seconds and causes it to suffer in that time on a powerful Poison Stack too.


    > 4) **Ravenous Blade** - Costs 5 Initiative

    > Perform a wide cleaving swing attack which hits up to 4 foes and evade after the attack backwards auto evading incoming attacks, which steals from all hit foes up to 2 Boons and grants them to you and up to 5 of your nearby Allies.


    > 5) **Shadow Catcher** - Costs 6 Initiative

    > Ram your Greatsword into the ground, causing some short ranged AoE Damage that leaves a Smoke Field on the ground through that you can gain Stealth, if you leap through it, which creates a shadow from it that will bind itself to your target enemy. The to the enemy tethered shadow can then be used to shadow step to your target foe within a certain amount of time within a range of 3000 units, so that fleeing from a Raider that has successfully tethered their shadow on you will become very difficult.


    ####Elite- Utility & Healing Skills

    The Raider will use as its Utility Skills the Skill Type of **Glyphs** as he uses supportive Shadow Magic Spells, which help the Raider to perform multiple helpful things, with that they are great Group Supporters, be it in PvE, PvP or WvW.

    With their Shadow Spell Glyphs they provide for all kinds of situations something helpful - be it either localizing and removing set up traps, or being it disarming and weakening foes through significant AoE-Attribute Reductions to counter the Effects of Banners, or be it through stealing and sharing stolen Boons.


    > _Healing_


    > **Glyph of Twilight** - Heal yourself, gain Stealth if you have full Shadow Instinct and regain some Initiative back. Can remove some of the Initiative limitations from having performed a Shadow Instinct Skills from F3 to F5 (F1 and F2 are still Steal & Steal Skills.)


    > _Utility_


    > **Glyph of Disarmament** - When being used, you will stun a foe for 3 seconds and every second the foe is stunned, he will lose a Boon that you will steal from your target foe.

    > **Glyph of the Black Eye** - When being used, you reveal hidden foes in your near as like also detect and remove Enemy Traps. Detected Enemy Traps will explode and cause damage to your foes if they got reveled through the Glyph of the Black Eye as they get removed from the field.

    > **Glyph of Suppression** - When beign used, you create an AoE suppression field, which decreases all Attributes of foes which enter this field and also negates any positive Attribute buffs from Banner, which can't be used in a created Field of Suppression from this Glyph, which have the same radius size from that of Banners.

    > **Glyph of the Nightsky** - When being used you create an area, in which "night" gets simulated, which becomes darker, lettign you gain in there quicker Shadow Instinct Points, which enhances the durations of your Stealth in there significantly and adds to yours and that of your allies attacks you perform in that Area Chill and Bleedings, while your successful hits let enemy boons end slightly faster each time. Stealth Attacks performed in an Area of the Nightsky are also more powerful by +20%..


    > _Elite_


    > **Glyph of Dark Ravens** - When being used, you summon a group of Shadow Ravens to your side, which will swirl around you like a protective shield, taking hits for you, until either all Shadow Ravens have been killed, letting you receive in that time no damage - or the Shadow Ravens will be useable for an unblockable string of Attacks, letting you send them out like a swarm to deal multiple hits on your target foe, granting you back some Shadow Instinct per Shadow Raven, while causing with their attacks Bleedings, Blindness, Weakness and Poison, but then you lose their defensive function, if you use them instead for the offense.


    #### Shadow Instinct Abilities


    Shadow Instinct Abilities are 3 specific Raider unique Skills which are to be found on the F3, F4 and F5 Button.

    They are three special maneuvers a Raider can perform while being under Stealth, to perform powerful Attacks for the cost of Shadow Instinct, not getting revealed for using them, but using them will reduce for some time your maximum Initiative Pool for when you decide to deal an Attack that will reveal you. However if your Shadow Instinct runs out or you have not enough anymore to perform a Shadow Instinct Skill, you will automatically get revealed as you will gain new Shadow Instinct Points only, while being not in stealth.


    > 1) **Unseen Fury**

    > Perform a wild strike from stealth, which will launch your foe away when beign attacking it from behind and grants you fury and might. Costs 3 Shadow Instinct. Reduces Initiative Pool on reveal by 3 for the next 20 seconds


    > 2) **Shameful Fear**

    > Strike a foe from stealth from behind with this, and you will cause Fear and Torment, but you grant to your Target foe as well Super Speed in that time that Fear is active for 3 seconds.

    > Costs 4 Shadow Instinct, but reduces on reveal your Initiative Pool for 25 seconds also by 4 Initiative.


    > 3) **Shadowy Burden**

    > Perform a ranged Blast of Shadow Magic to deal damage from stealth, which immobilizes and slows the hit target, while also temporarely reducing the Toughness Value of the foe for the next 10 seconds. Costs 5 Shadow instinct, but also reduces on your reveal your Initiative pool for 30 seconds by 5 Initiative as well when being using in Stealth, before it ends.


    #### Traits


    The Raider's Traits will exactly provide with each line one different Playstyle Build. There will be basically:

    - The Shadowmancer Style, which is fully focused on Shadow Instinct, the Utility Skills, Stealth and GS Combat

    - The Rogue Style, which is fully focused on Boon Steal & Sharing, Steal Mechanics & Stolen Skills and Disarmaments

    - The Marodeur Style, which is fully focused on Trap Control, Enemy Suppression, Sabotage and Mobility Control of foes.




    > _Minor Proficiency_ - **Greatsword Proficiency** - You can wield Greatswords

    > _Minor Adept_ - **Rogue Tongue** - Grants access to Shadow Instinct. Gain access to Greatswords and Glyphs

    > _Major Adept_ - **Dark Spellblade** - When you hit a target with your Greatsword critically, you have a chance to cast randomly a lesser Glyph-Version of your Healing & Utility-Glyphs.

    > _Major Adept_ - **King of Thieves** - When you steal, you recharge one of your Utility Glyphs in cooldown instantly and you gain the chance to receive a unique Steal Skill, that can prevent you from getting revealed once and increase the power of your Stealth Skills.

    > _Major Adept_ - **Glyphs of Revelation** - All your used Glyphs will automaticaly activate also the Glyph of the Black Eye as well too now and grant you Protection, Stability and Regeneration for some seconds, when you use them.

    > _Minor Master_ - **Pact of Shadows** - For every spent 3 Initiative you gain now 1 Shadow Instinct and your Maximum Initiative is increased by +3

    > _Major Master_ - **Night Assault** - Increases the efficiency of Shadow Instincts by +20% if performed under night situations or when being under the Effect of the Glyph of the Nightsky

    > _Major Master_ - **Ravenous Spellblade** - Whenever you use Glyphs, you will steal a Boon from nearby foes, and share them with nearby allies and when you use your Healing Skill, you have a small chance to set the Healing Skill of your Target Enemy into Cooldown, or if it was already on cooldown, increase its cooldown again for your Target Enemy.

    > _Major Master_ - **Suppressing Analysis** - Increases your Critical Hit Rate with Greatswords, Swords and Daggers by 10% and suppresses via critical hits the Attributes of your hit targets by a certain amount for all Attributes, which stacks with the suppression coming from Glyph of Suppression and its Attribute Reduction it causes to foes inside of its effect area.

    > _Minor Grandmaster_ - **Realm of Shadows** allows you while you are in Stealth to see also hidden stealthed foes, that are in Stealth as well too, making this way stealth against you from now on pointless and you see now also hidden traps to directly remove them with a press on F in their near or whatever button you assign to this task, allowing u then to reuse removed traps against your foes after having sabotaged them to turn them against your foes now.

    > _Major Grandmaster_ - **Shadow Barrier** - Grants you and nearby allies of yours Barrier when you regain Shadow Instinct or use Shadow Instinct based on the amount of regained or used Shadow Instinct Points

    > _Major Grandmaster_ - **Swift Interruptor** When you perform a Dodge Roll you will cast with an Internal Cooldown now a Lesser Glyph of Disarmament which stuns nearby foes for 2 seconds and your Dodges become now Stun Breakers for you to ensure, that you stay swift and mobile as a Raider at the frontlines.

    > _,Major Grandmaster_ - **Painful Strikes** Your Greatsword Attacks cause now on low chance Cripple and on critical hits have a chance to cause Torment as well.

  9. Theres definetely the need for more core tyria masteries, but definetely not through mounts... but through other helpful masteries that give the player more the feeling of palyer progression and which help the player to experience the old maps in a new way while being part of character progression and story tellign at the same time.

    Ive done nearly like all tyrian masteiores and have like a huge amount of unuseable tyrian mastery points, that are so far jzst a waste, because I can't spent them on any core tyria masteries cause the game has so far way too much core tyria mastery points for too less core tyria masteires that the game provides so far, that there are enough tyrian mastery points at end to easiyl add like 5-6 more masteries into the game and have stil leasily left more than enough surplus of mastery point,s that the player isnt forced to do everythign just to max all masteries.. having a surplus of like over 30 points is way too much.. it should get reduced to like a surplus of 5-10 points


    1. Gathering Mastery

    2. Crafting Mastery

    3. Exploration Mastery

    4. Swimming & Diving Mastery

    5. Time Portal Mastery


    Gathering Mastery:


    1) Unlocks new Gatherign Jobs Fishing & Digging, by unlocking the new Gatherign Tools Fishing Rod and Shovel to use - 1 MP

    2) Increases the amount if times you can harvest from nodes by +1 - 1 MP

    3) Increases the Effect Efficiency of "Glyphs" from Gathering Tools by 10% - 1 MP (hopfully this term gets renamed soon, glyph, the skill term makes no sense to be recycled here)

    4) Enables accountbound permanent Gathering Tools to be really accountbound, that all of your Characters will have them on your Account of you have them from now on, buying other permanent tools will unlock from then on only just the skins - 2 MP


    Crafting Mastery:

    1) Increases the amount of Craftign Exp you receive by 20% and makes all your Crafting Job Exp/Levels now accountbound - 1 MP

    2) Increases the chance to receive Critical Craftign Exp Bonuses by 10% - 1 MP

    3) Halves the Material Costs to craft items on a low chance - 1 MP

    4) Increases significantly the chances to receive somethign really valuable, like named rare weapons, or even precursors back from Zomorros, if all sacrificed weapons were either crafted exotic or ascended weapons, with the chancse being even much higher, if all 4 weapons were ascended crafted weapons - 2 MP

    5) Free Bonus Mastery that unlocks, if you have crafted an legendary Weapon and have already Ranks 1-4 here earned - So more Legendaries you craft, so higher will raise the amount of Gold that killed monsters will drop for you based on a formular that includes your Total Crafting levels of all your Crafting Jobs. Each crafted Legendary will raise the Percentage Bonus thats multiplied and calculated through the Craftign Level formula by +10%


    Exploration Mastery

    1) Increases the Amount of Exp, Gold and Karma you earn for doing successfully Events and adds now a Bonus Exp, Gold and Karma System for doing in a certain amount of time a certain amount of Events in one map plus an increase in Magic Find so more Events you do in a row on a map, which resets if you change maps. - 1 MP

    2) Map Exploration in regard of POI, VISTAS and TELEPORTS are now accountbound for your Account and shared among all your Characters, making Map Explorations on newer charcters now faster for you, having not to redo them again - 1 MP

    3) Unlock Map Seller NPCs, which sell Fully Explored Maps that are accountbound consumeable items, which will fully uncover for a character that hasn#t explored and uncovered a map of your Character for the cost of receiving no Map Bonus Reward for 100% Exploration, if you used these consumerables. - 1 MP

    4) Unlocks new special Fishing Pond Gathering Places with rarer fishs to catch there as like more rarer Digging Spots with higher chances to dig up rarer hidden treasures out of the ground and valuable jewels that will be neccessary for Jeweler 500 recipes as like Chef 500 recipes in case of the rarer fish to catch in those new ponds - 2 MP


    Swimming & Diving Mastery

    1) Increases your swimming and diving speed in PvE by 33% and enables you to surpuse Water Streams, that would push you otherwise away - 1 MP

    2) Enables you now to dive deeper to farther depths as you are now a skilled apnoe diver - 1 MP

    3) Enables you to see now better in the dark depths by making usage of underwater luminous plants which require this mastery to know how to make them shine - 1MP

    4) Enables you to use Skimmers now underwater and to switch with your Skimmer from underwater to right overwater usage smoothly - 2 MP Hidden if you don't own PoF


    Time Portal Mastery

    1) Enables you to use now Time Portal Divices to turn Asura Gates into Time Gates with that you can travel between the present and the past and from the present you are in to a certain point of the future that doesn't exceed the time range of your character which hasn't even experienced yet its own future with the help of mixing Asura Technology together with the powers of Chronomancy, makign it possible to have Phasing Technology in GW2 to brign all the maps of this game that are still living in the past of this games story then to the present time, lettign them change this way, have completely different deisgns and events running on them that represent the current time stage we are in the games story, beign able to switch via Asura Gates practically the "Timeline Districts" of the games maps - 4 MP


  10. it would be fitting, if Anet successfully can add finally a phasing mechanic to the game which would allow it anet to bring all the maps that are by design still in the past via phasing into the present, with different new map designs that show the maps and what happens on them on the present day of where the history of tyria is right now, now where balthazar is no more, that then naturally as a reaction of his betrayal have been places, locations, objects ect been renamed to show as a sign to his betryal to tyria that the humans have no respect and no believal in him anymore except naturally some fanatics that do always exist and believe, that what balthazar did was "right"

  11. Use buff food, that raises your maximum health and grants you health regeneration.

    Time your shroud times for the moments where you need to mitigate damage the most, otherwise try to let your massive regenerations outheal damage as good as possible if you can.

    Use the Heal Skill with the shortest recharge to best heal amount relationship time so that you use it the most often if neccessary.

    Use a full defensive build thats from ground up made only for the goal to survive, receiving the most less damage that is possible, why regawining health via Regenerations


    Necromancers have alot of options to stay alive:

    In brief a list what to use:


    - Well of Blood

    - Signet of the Locust

    - Signet of Undeath (lets you generate life force in combat supporting your Shrouds to be used more oftenly)

    instead Spectral Armor to gain Life Force when you take damage and gain together with it also more Protection, or maybe a combo of both for even faster Life Force generation

    - Well of Power, to gain Stability and other boons that may get converted from your conditions, making sure thet the CC there might not perhaps throw you from the platform, Stability is a must, unless you want to run in the inner of the circle, but thats more risky than to run on the outer circle, where the aoes are not so dense, but the risk to fall off naturalyl higher, unless you have stability.

    - Lich Form, for more stability if needed and to regain some life force back quickly if needed for shroud to protect your real health from damage

    - Staff Weapon, as Mark of Blood helps you to keep up Regeneration and Putrid Mark to get rid of Conditions

    - Axe Weapon for quick Life Force generation

    - Warhorn Weapon, for swiftness to move fast enough





    Blood Magic

    - Blood Bond, if you want to take Scepter over Axe instead, otherwise the choice here is regardless

    - Life from Death either to regain health when you exit shrouds, or banshees wailt to recude WH cooldtodn and make its effects last longer for longer swiftness

    - Vampiric Rituals - to make Well of Blood recharge faster, grant Protection and leech life

    - Last Rites and Mark of Evasion will help if your health should get low with regeneration on dodge and increased healing power so lower your health gets


    Soul Reaping

    - Gluttony helps receiving more life force

    - Soul Marks helps gettin back life force when you use Mark skisll with Staff and on evasion

    - Last grasp lets you get free Spectral Armors if your utility skill is on recharge

    - Either Spectral Mastery or Vital persistance, one for faster recharging Spectral Armor, the other if you want to have more max health to survive longer damage you receive

    - Strength of undeath, to increase your maximum life force, alowing you to protect longer your real health

    - Foot in the Grave, to gain Stability when you enter shrouds to stay save from getting cced down the plate...



    - Spiteful renewal, to increase the regained health via consumed conditions

    - Signets of Suffering, to keep the passives whiel in shroud and to improve the passive effects


    use equipment, that increases your Vitality, Toughnees and Healing Power the most, cause in this battle you need absolutely no offense at all, all you need is only to buy yourself tiem and survive at any costs all the damage you might receive by either outhealing it, dodging it or mitigatign it via invul skills, which the necromancer doesn't have aside from its Shroud Mechanic to mitigate damage as logn y

    theres nothign in the battle to kill ,so you need ways to create life force passively, thus oyu make usage of all the ksills and traits, which will givre you life force either actively or passively for usign them, so that you have the best build to use your shroud as oftenly and as long as possible as you can for moment where you can't dodge or can#t use right after takign a biger hit a heal to keep your real health up.


    Aside of this its naturally of big help, if you have friends/guildies with you, which have doen the achievement already and can support you to stay alive with constent defensive and supportive skills ..if you have druids, a heal rev, a heal ele, or heal engineer with you or just everythign of that, then its just a fool proof sure made achievement

    if you have others with you that keep all an eye on you to keep you alive and protected from cc.


    But in case of trying it solo, this build described above should be also enough to do it successfully if used together with right gear for best defense stats and highest health you can get.


    I did it with my daredevil thief just with the dodges I have, dagger storm and the terrible low health and absolutely not so much access to regeneration and was able to survive just long enough with the help of just 1 guardian friend of mine that made sure, i have stability, when its needed the most to cover the full time not running out of it.

    Stability is just key there, with this permanent spinning gravity cc that tries to push you off down the plate if you get too close to those spinning around things there, whiel trying to avoid the staccatto from the massive AOE spam of attacks, Stability make there just sure, that you have full control of your mobility, and the swiftness is neccessary so that you can move quick enough out of dangerous aoe. If you need to dodge, always dodge into the inner of the plate, dodge while being on the outer rim of the plate is too dangerous

  12. Fact is, Ronin are no Samurai anymore, they are just Ex-Samurai. Yes, some of they became criminals/thieves...but not all

    Again, this is Tyria, not Japan.. we also don't have here any Ninjas or Shinobis. If you want to play a Samurai/Ninjas, FF14 is your best choice then, but GW2 is a game, which isn't based on asian culture... we haven't even yet at all Cantha back again...

    Even in GW1 didn't exist in Cantha any kind of Ninjas, Samurais and that kind of stuff. There we had Assassins only and thats just the international known term for Ninjas basically which comes from the arabian older real origin, not the asian ones.


    Everything speaks from ground up agaisnt it that this game will ever get to see any kind of Samurai/Ronin Spec for theives..


    It is just better to come up with something more original and new/unique as a thief concept, if you want so much to have Greatswords for Thieves.

    It shouldn't have by design better anything to do at all with Samurai/Ronin and be instead something more creative that is not bonded to asian real world cultures.


    In principle speaks nothing against a Thief Spec, that makes usage of Greatswords, if the result ends up as something unique, which makes the Greatwords look elegant and smooth in their hands and not heavy and clunky, like in the hands of a Warrior or Guardian, which seem to move slow with them and in no way elegant and agile, which are things what I expect from a Thief to be.. there is any kind of huge heavy clunky weapons totally counterproductive, if the gameplay, animations and mechanics don't make the result look like the Thief just handles a 2h aword same as easily and swiftly as like a 1H sword in either one or both hands.. and even that we can'tdsadly do yet, when it is something which should belong to be baseline to Thieves to be able to dual wield swords, which is for me personally something that I would always priorize much higher, than to see thieves wield such unfitting huge clunky weapons like those by Anet made huge af greatswords, unless Anet really would give us Katanas as new weapon type, then thats somethign different, cause those are not unlike ANets typical clunky greatswords too big, they look smaller and more elegant to perform swift and smooth strikes with them which you would expect from a Thief (Samurai).

    But that this will happen is even much more unlikely, than the chance that this game will ever receive Samurais, cause Katanas would mean even more effort to Anet, just to give this game some historically correct Samurais which have skills and animations which look also good and fitting.

    It would end up so terribly bad looking, to see in this game a Thief ending up as Samurai, holding a katana skinned greatsword with the terrible holding animations of the greatsword and using with it then super slow and clunky looking skills of warrior gs niveau xD

    That would become the greatest terrible immersion breaker ever. Then better something that is new and has no bonds to any real word cultures...

  13. > @"Slugonaut.9841" said:

    > How does GS not make sense? It would make total sense if they approached it from a Samurai perspective. Now I'm not saying I want GS on thief but it could totally work. Samurai GS would also thematically fit with Staff as well.


    > Id prefer Axe/Mace/OH Sword before anything else though. Since the last two weapons we've gotten have been 2 handers, I would expect a 1 hand weapon for the next elite spec.


    Before you talk about Samurais, I suggest you to educate yourself first what exactly Samurais are, because if you would know what Samurais are, then you'd clearly realize, why exactly they make for Thieves absolutely NO sense at all.

    But I will make it easy for you and tell you the reasons, why Samurais make no sense:


    1.) Samurais are WARRIORS/ GUARDIANS (if basically translated by word directly from Servant/Protector what Samurai means directly) , no Thieves, which are led by a Shōgun, which comes close as rank of a military "commander" of the Samurai.

    2.) Samurai is a real world term that has no meaning to the lore of Tyria, because it has to do with asian/japanese culture, Tyria is not Asia/Japan!!

    3.) Thieves are POOR, Samurais in the real word were of aristocratic status!!! They were simply said noble warriors/soldiers. If there ever would have come out, that among the Samurais is a poor thief that steals from others, they would throw that person instantly out, or just kill that person for putting dirt on the name of the Samurai and their codex of honor, for that is one o the highest honors to protect their land, their emperor and its folks people, not to steal from them....

    4.) Thieves are no Soldiers, they are Adventurers, so Samurais make for our Class Type no sense at all, they make in fact more Sense for Warriors, if ANet would eventually come to the idea to add Katanas ever as a new Weapon Type for a Samurai-like Warrior-Elite Spec

    5.) Samurais are praktically only MEN, in the culture of Samurai exist nearly no females, they were forbidden to become Samurai, because it its against the Codex of Honor of Samurai to have women among them. There have been exeptions yes, but they were absolutely not the rule.

    6.) If theres a Weapon for Thieves as "Samurai", that fits better, then in fact the Longbow, not the big bulky western Greatswords, cause Samurai were well known for their skills (Kyuudo) with the Longbow, they were very skilled and feared mounted archers in battles using their long/big Yumi Bows (Dai Kyuu) while riding on their horses into the battles, having from horseback naturayl a better position to perform killing shots either into the heads or hearts of their enemies. However, points 1-5 make this point moot, Warriors have already longbows in GW2, Guardians also too, and Anet didnt use the chance with that Weapon for Samurais, they gave us instead the crap that is called Dragon Hunter ...

    7.) Samurais are based on family clans.. this kind of inner political structure doesn't exist for Classes in the game at all.

    Do I have to continue?


    I guess this alone shows more than enough, why Samurais as class make no sense and only because other games like FF14 have Samurais, doesn't mean that GW2 must have them too, especially not as part of a Class where they make absolutel no sense.

    If done as some kind of Warrior/Guardian- E Spec it would make at least sense, but Anet didn't make usage of that potential and I'm pretty sure, that they had their reasons for this decision to give neither the Warrior nor the Guardian a fitting Samurai-Spec yet.

    The only chance that is left for those 2 classes is like said, if ANet would decide to add Katanas as a new Weapon Type and make actually the only one single greatsword skin that looks like a katana actually really a katana in the game... with its own animations, own skills ect. that are different of the big bulky western greatswords and would fit better to a martial artistic Samurai Warrior...


  14. The point was not, how overflown this game has become with ascended accessoires, that you can basically think of them having by now lesser worth than toilet paper.

    The point was to make Jeweler finally again important and useful. Somethign that would be the case, if Jeweler woudl receive finally unique crafting recipes for Gear Stat Combinations that you can then obtain only via Jeweler 500 and nowhere else in the game.

    Neither through Fractals, nor through boring farming grind of LS3 maps.


    It would be again meaningful and important, if it would become the only craftign job, with that you would be able to craft accountbound ascended sigil and rune unlockers that you could use then for the by then integrated official implemented Build template System to switch out quickly per 1 click all your Upgrades from your saved up Builds out.

    Changing Upgrades same as fast and simple, as like switching out Skills in Pvp in the Lobby to change your Build.

    Build templates need to dictates the game, which kind of Upgrades, Skills, Traits, Weapons and so on it should switch to from your previous used setup.

    In regard of Sigils and Runes can work this only, if these Upgrades become accountbound finally for the Build Templates, because a Build Template System can work only, if all of its parts and components are based on accountbound data.

    If there is still something in the game, that is characterbound, then it can't work and will cause only problems. A BTS is there to manage fast and comfortable your Builds for the character that you play.

    It is not there to manage every single Character of your account and who of them has the upgrades, that you need at the moment for the Character you want to play - that is why it is a must that Sigils and Runes need to become for an official Build Template System accountbound.

    Plus it would help making Jeweler more unique and impactful... all those cheap upgrades in this game would become instantly alot more valuable, if Jewelers on Rank 500 could use them then to turn weaker Upgrade versions then into accounbound ascended versions.


    That way could receive all this minor and major trash finally some value in this game and the exotic versions surely woudl also raise in their value, but surely not as much as like minor and major upgrades would raise the most and gain the biggest increases in their values!!

  15. Most likely something, that Anet just has forgotten, like many other things.


    However, I support this request naturally.

    All Elements should be represented properly in the Combo System Mechanic of the Combat System.

    Same as much as like each Element should have an Aura Effect, like each Element should be somehow represented as a negative Condition, meaning turning Petrification finally into a Condition instead of having it as an CC effect, so that it can just be removed by condi removal skills, not havign to waste for that anymore Stun Breakers, which are in fact therefore then, when you get knock downed, launched, stunned or dazed. Petriofication is an earth elemental condition and as such should be findable also part of earth elemental Elementalist SKilsl in their repertoire of Earth Skill Effects or be part of earth elemental combo effects.


    The Field System should get first reworked into providing


    Fire, Water, Ice, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Dark, Light and Ethereal Fields.

    Smoke and Poison should get removed as Field types and get their effects basically merged into Dark/Water fields with Poison beign part of Water, when the Water Combo Effect is of offensive nature, then Water fields should poson foes, while in defensive supprotive combo effects, Water fields regenerate, makign Water fields this way finalyl a logical design - dirty water basically that poisons when its offensive, clean water, that cures and refreshes, when its of defensive/supportive effect.


    Smoke Fields are simply combineable with dark fields where Blindness/Stealth is part of defensive/supportive combo effects in Dark Fields, and Health Siphon the offensive effect of dark field combos. So two obsolete field types removed in favor of adding instead senseful ones - Ice Fields and Wind Fields to compete finally the 8 forms of natural elements, cause ice and water are different and shouldnt be pigeonholed into the same category, same as like wind and lightnign are two complete different thigns and shouldnt be pigeonholed into the same category, only because lightnings are created from two different wind temperatures colliding ionizatign this way the air until it comes to a lightning, but in regard of physics has a lightnign nothing anymore to do with wind, which is just oxyd in strong enough motion, that we feel it on our skin.


    New Finisher Type "Upgrade Finisher" = Triggers special Skill Versions, when using the correct Skill with Upgrade finisher Trigger in the correct Fields for them to activate their Upgrade-Finishers

    **Fire Field:** Blast = Might, Leap = Fire Aura, Projectile = Burning, Whirl = Fire Bolts, Upgrade: turns Fireballs into Firebirds, while standing in a Fire Field with more range, and which will home in to targets, never missing their enemies, even if they dodge rolls, the Firebird returns until it hits.

    **Water Field:** Blast = Healing/Regeneration, Leap = Water Aura, Projectile = Poison, Whirl = Water Waves, Upgrade: turns Vapor Blades into Mist Sabers that are more powerful, unblockable and cause now additionally to Vulnerability also Bleedings from the razorsharp cuts they deal to foes...

    **Earth Field:** Blast = Protection/Barrier, Leap = Earth Aura (former Magnetic Aura), Projectile = Petrification, Whirl = Rock Pillars, Upgrade: Turns Earthquake into Gate to Hell, causing additionally to the Earth Quake also multiple Eruptions and Lava Fonts to arise randomly around you when you perform this Skill when standing in an Earth Field, making it just more powerful with additional side effects from other skills.

    **Wind Field:** Blast = Swiftness/Fury, Leap = Wind Aura, Projectile = Bleeding, Whirl = Sonic Sickles, Upgrade: Turns Tornado while standing in a Wind Field into Hurrican, making it last longer and hit stronger, while launching foes with Dust Charge further away than before and reflecting now projectiles as a Hurrican.

    **Ice Field:** Blast = Retribution, Leap = Ice Aura (former Frost Aura), Projectile = Chill, Whirl = Icy Grounds, Upgrade: Turns Water Trident into Frost Spear, dealign significant more damage and causes Torment and Chill to foes, instead of healing health of allies, turning this way a supportive skill into an offensive skill while standing in an Ice Field..

    **Lightning Field:** Blast = Quickness, Leap = Lightning Aura (former Shock Aura), Projectile = Weakness/Vulnerability, Whirl = Chain Lightnings, Upgrade: Turns Lightning Surge into Thunder Cannon, which is used faster qith a quicker animation that takes only a half second to perform, deals more damage and launches struck foes away now in a way, that hit foes become self projectiles that can deal damage to their allies that stand in their way the get launched into. Foes hit that way will get weakened.

    **Dark Field:** Blast = Torment/Stealth, Leap = Dark Aura, Projectile = Torment/Life Siphon, Whirl = Leeching Bolts

    **Light Field:** Blast = Condition Cleanse, Leap = Light Aura, Projectile = Blindness, Whirl = Radiant Lancer, damages foes, cleanses allies, Upgrade: Zealot's Defense into Shining Resonance (game trivia), lettign the skill receive longer range, shooting more projectiles now in a cone instead of a line to have a broader area in which you can hit foes with it, grants you now Retribution for each hit foe with it and Might, when projectiles of this attack deal critical hits, which cause foes to suffer on blindness additionally then.

    **Ethereal Field:** Blast = Alacrity, Leap = Chaos Armor, Projectile = Confusion, Whirl = Random Elemental Attacks, Upgrade: Any Healing Skills used in Ethereal Fields are more powerful and recharge 20% faster as a general working Upgrade Finisher example.




    Fire Aura = Foes that attack you with Fire Aura on will receive Torment, while you cause with your Attacks Burning, that has under the Aura the Special Effect to spread out like GW1's Disease to nearby standing foes, if they stand too close for too long time.

    Water Aura = You regen slowly health over time and Conditions last 20% less long on you. Your Attacks Poison now additionally foes

    Earth Aura = You reflect Projectiles and weaken foes that hit you, while having Stability as long the Aura is active.

    Wind Aura = You have Super Speed with this Aura on, as also 50% increased Endurance Regen, which stacks with Vigor and an 20% increased Critical Hit Rate, which in this case stacks not with Fury

    Ice Aura = Skill based Cripples you deal turn into Chills and Skill based Chills you deal turn into Freeze, a more powerful form of Immolize which cant get removed by Condi Removal simply, the frozen foe must free himself by destroying the ice, Incoming Damage is reduced by 15% now.

    Lightning Aura = Causes Daze on Contact of Enemy Attacks, Gain Quickness while its up. Gain Alacrity, if you defeat foes, while its up.

    Dark Aura = Gain Stealth on activation, Your Conditions under Dark Aura are stronger and last longer, especially if they are caused by Venoms and Stealth Attacks under Dark Auras have a little chance to not let you end up being revealed, so that you can eventually use another Stealth Attack, that will be then a guaranteed reveal.

    Light Aura = When being attacked, you gain Retaliation and received Condition Damage is reduced by now 15%. Your Attacks have now also a chance to blind foes eventually

    Chaos Armor/Aura = You gain All Boons and now also a little boost to All Stats

  16. hopefully more of the GW1 items from the contest will find its way also into GW2 to honor the works and those who made them.


    The Celestial Compass is nice, but the Glacial Blade, the Draconic Aegis especially, the Bonedragon Staff, the Emerald Blade, the Exalted Aegis and aside of these Contest Weapons, the Obsidian Edge, Envoy Sword/Axe/Staff as like many of the GW1 spear skins, readding the original animations of the Voltaic Spear to Al'ir'aska woudl be also very nice nostalgia to return to GW2 as well too.

  17. Still hoping for the day to come, when Anet will fix this Jeweler Mess they created by themself when they implemented ascended equipment and flooded via Fractals the game by so much ascended accessoires, that they seem to have thought, it makes no sense anymore to implement Jeweler 500 - by finally implementing Jeweler 500 with new jeweler crafting recipes that gives this crafting job again a reason for it's existance by the ability to craft quicker and faster any ascended accessoire in a **reliable** way, than by the RNG reward BS that is Fractals and with recipes that enable you to craft **unique ascended accessoires which you can receive only via jeweler 500**, together with the final implementation of crafting recipes unique to Jeweler 500 for making **ascended Sigils and ascended Runes**, that are accountbound and used as Upgrade Unlockers for your account, so that these account unlocked Upgrade Effects can be then used unendlessly unlike normal characterbound upgrades in the finally by ANet implemented own self made official **Build Template System**... so that people don't have to use for that any kind of obsolete third party programs anymore, but in fact an official integrated game mechanic, that is part of the game and by this fact also OPTIMIZED for the game, it's UI and so on ...


    One can dream and hope ...

  18. It would have been a nicer surprise, if the system upgrade wouldn't just cheaply recycle Glyphs as term for that system, but use instead a new term word, that is fresh, new and fitting better in that place, like for example **Gravures, Stigmas, Grips, Enchantments, Enhancements or Reinforcements.**


    Please rename that term to make sure, that there won't be in future any mistakes or misleadings with any Glyph-Skills from the Classes in regard with "Glyphs" from gathering tools..


    Terms, especialls not Skill Type Terms should not get recycled and be reused as terms for other game mechanics, like Upgrades now for gathering tools.

    That is simply uncreative...


  19. > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

    > > All others got so far far more attention, than rox, Marjory, kasmee, Rytlock ,even Braham and Taimi, all of them have changed over tiem and progressed in their personalities.. Rox - nothing /sad


    > To be fair, it does seem as if Rox may be being set up for some character development now. She was showing a _lot_ of interest in the Olmakhan.


    I hope you are right with this hypothesis and Rox gets finally some screentime to show us some character progression, that shes not anymore like Rytlocks little lapdog that follows just around Braham, cause shes gets not from Rytlock that kind of attention shes wishes to receive from him, while improving all the time not at all anything on her personality, while receiving just only like others a new dress * wow" /sarcasm


    However, back to Aurene.

    I know that Glint per se was already really big, just realied I made in my last postign some stupid name typos, which I have corrected now, that should make sclear that I have spoken mostly always over Aurene, not in fact about Glin. I compared Aurene only to Glint in regard of their looks, cause I think that Aurene doesn't come very much aster her mother yet and I wish this woudl be the case. I dislike for this fact the design of Aurenes face, it should look in my opinion more dragonlike like that of Glint, with a longer and thinner pointy snout, with more horns in the face that make her look now more dangerous, and less cute, cause shes no baby anymore definetely..


    But Aurene is far from being grown up yet, she hasn' even yet surpassed the size of Vlast, who definetely looked at that size and growth level more already liek Glitn, more dangerous, more dragonlike from what i personally expect from a Dragon to look like, so heres still nmore than enough room left for improval of her design as when Anet lets her grow up further into an more adult dragon, that will become at that grows level hopefully then also finally able to speak with us, like all kinds of intelligent beings should be able to speak and communicate through languages with other beings that are intelligent enough to understand these languages and ways of communication, like Telepathy, without getting mentally shocked and falling in hysteria, that they can hear voices in their minds, speaking for our characters, that we are illtelligent and experienced enough as species in this game, to handle this kind of communication, without going crazy.


    With Dragons being in the lore of Tyria naturally higher beings, than us, i found it personally only a bit disappointign to see, that Aurene yet isn#t able to communicate with us directly at least..usign telepathy for communication, like Glint could do that is naturally of a much higher skill level, than speaking just physically directly usign your mouth to create sound, than to transport your mind voice into the mind of somebody else, which should be out of reach by far stil lfor Aurene, which is the reason, why we can see from Aurene so far also only wild glimpses of voiceless visions, cause thats so far the only skill level Aurene has, with that she tries to communicate with our player character to try to say us this way, what she wants to tell us - to warn us from the things she knows that are the legacy of Glint that are part of Glints wisdom, that all dragons share from generation to generation, basically like the dream of the Sylvari works, but unlike the dream being an external source of wisdom, that uses the tree in the grove as a catalysator, dragons share their wisdom biologically through their genes from generation to generation.


    This way will be Aurene basically the key to tell us everything, what basically Glint would be able to tell us, if she woudl be still alive about Kralkatorrik and thats in the end the reason, why Aurene is very important for us and the overall story of the game, she will become one day one of the games biggest lore keys around which will turn everything - most likely becoming Tyrias most important Magic Catalysator one day that stays intact, while all other Elder Dragosn will get either killed, or sent back to eternal sleep for the next amount of milleniums, until the amount of Magic in Tyria reaches a point, that Aurene won't be able to handle and catalysate for the world alone, thus resulting in the awakening of Jormag and Primordus again and who knows eventually some other yet unknown Elder Dragons that are stil lsleeping all the time somewhere under Canthan regions... cause in theory there are at least 2 Elder Dragons missing - one that represents Wind and Alteration to complete the Elements and Bloodstone Connections and lastly one that represents Light and Life basically as counterpart to Zhaitan, which stood for Darkness and Death to complete the cicle of life, cause when theres a dragon for Death, it means there must be logicalyl one also for Life - we havent met yet, but we also weren#t yet in Cantha, which is more than enough land mass to hide under it two more sleeping Elder Dragons in the "Land of Dragons" - Cantha.

  20. The weapons that do fit to Thief are aside of what they have already Offhand Sword, this should become just baseline, its total stupid that Offhand Swords is not part of the Core Thief Weapon repertoire, but dual daggers is... a thief who fights with dual daggers, should also easily be able to wield dual swords. *rolleyes*


    Aside of that should receive Thief Longbow, cause thats the weapon of a true Rogue

    Torches or MH Mace, cause thats the weapon of a true Saboteur, I prefer Torch over Mace, cause Stun Thief is boring, Thief needs access to Burning!!

    Chain Whips/Sickles, cause thats the weapon of a true Infiltrator/Raider

    Chakrams, cause thats the weapon of a true Assassin

    Focus Artefacts, cause thats the weapon of a true Stalker and which mastered Shadow Spells, not this garbage that Deadeye provides ...

    Claws/Cestus, cause thats the weapon of a true Ascetic (Shaolin "Monks")

    Crossbow(s), cause thats the weapon of a true Seeker

    Rifles should become a Core Thief baselined weapon as part of fixing the underwater combat system, merging obsolete Harpoon Guns together with Rifles, that way would they replace the obsolete Deadeye with the Longbow using Rogue then which woudl fit as a E Spec alot better into the game, than the Deadeye, deasdeye also absolutely doesnt fit thematicalyl to PoF, Rogues do fit better to PoF



    Aside of this no other weapons should thieves have..


    No nonsensical unfitting greatswords, no unfitting shields, no unfitting warhorns, no unfitting hammers, no unfitting axes, no unfitting polearms/scythes and such crap.


    Classes in GW2 should use only weapons, which fit to the theme of the class, are historically correct and fit to the role of a class while filling up gameplay gaps of the Thief, which aren#t covered yet by any of the existign weapons.

  21. From worst to best based on my personal impressions, experiences and opinion


    Revenant > Necromancer > Thief > Engineer > Ranger > Elementalist > Guardian > Warrior > Mesmer


    Revs, Necros, Thief, Engineer and Ranger, so basically the lower half of the list needs basicalyl the most the "mesmer treatment" to receive a complete rework of gameplay mechanics, to even a complete redesign of the class in case of the revenant



  22. The first thign they should do with Weapon types, before addign any new from the scratch made Weapon Types like Whips, like Chakrams or like Crossbows should be gettign ridd of complete obsolete garbage weapon types that were from day 1 on total pointless to have - Harpoon Gun and Trident.


    Merge Trident with Staff and make basicalyl Stafff a Hybrid Wesapon which can be used instead on land as like underwater. Is there a Class, which can'tly can't use Staves, but Tridents instea,d this woudl mean then naturally, that after the Chance would be the Class then able to use Staves, but not Tridents anymroe, cause Tridents wouldnt exist after the merge anymore (Tridents are basicalyl nothing else but just different looking Staff Skins!! Most Trident KSins are already shared with Staf, Trident has way too less unique skills, than that it does make sense to keep this crap ion the game as own Weapon Type, just convert the few trident only skilsl to become Staff Skins, Done)


    Same thing should happen with Rifle and Harpoon Gun..just merge finally the Harpoon Gun into the Rifle, make the very few unique Harpoon Gun Skins then Rifle Skills, job done, remove the Deadeye from the ganme, merge its gameplay into the now for the thief baseline rifle and replace the deadeye spec with a new spec that makes usage of the Longbow (Rogue), Torch (Saboteur) or adds a complete new fitting Weapon type (Chain Whip or Chakram/ Assassin)


    And then add as very first new Weapon type into the Game the reworked Spear as "Polearm" into the game. You planned long ago before the game got released, that the polearm was once originally planned to be a useable weapon on land.. its time, that this gets changed and the Spear does get changed into the games first hybrid weapon renamed as polearm. weapon with the definition as "Halberd", cause if you call it by definition as Weapon Type "halberd", this would allow you also to add then into this weapon typre as reskins Greataxes, cause greataxes are basicalyl nothing else but just polearm with 2 big axe blades at its end, instead of 1 like a Halberd that has aside of its axe blade naturalyl a pike on top for itys thrust attacks and for a greataxe reskin its no prblem to add to the deisgns also pikes on the tops, its also nothung unusal for big axes to have pikes due to having been originally first a halberg, which just got demontaged into becoming an axe instead due to its long pole got removed, cause the weapon got destroyed maybe in combat, but could work further just as an axe or turnign it into a greataxe, by addign another axe blade to the axe head piece of the weapon... weapon customization isn't part of GW2 sadly, but it doesn't change the fact that this have has obsolete weapon tyes that should get removed to make space for weapon types, that actualy make sense to have in this game and which could easily get implemented into the game via new Elite Specs that make then also usage of those new weapon types. It woudl help the specializations then also, in lettign them be more unique compared to the core classes, if they would provide every now and then also new weapon types.


    And once they got implemented then via E-Specs and rebalanced through then, then can Anet slowly decide, to which core classes the new added weapon types can become slowly through balance Patches new retroactivwely added baseline weapons for some of the Core Classes which receive this way also then some new skills and this way also then soem new build diversity.


    What I want to say with my posting is literally - They should close first their self created design holes, before they add any other new Weapon types.. first should get the issues around Spear, Harpoon Gun and Trident get fixed, then we can see further after that.

  23. Definetely.. GW1 provided for this kind of thign "PvE Only Skills", cause it were simply skilsl that were designed and made to be powerful, and Fun to use, that were clear from begin on, that they woudl kind of be overpowered in PvP, so Anet excluded them from begin on out of Pvp and made them useable only for PvE..


    That kind of thing needs to happen with PvE when they decidec to split the PvE effects fro mthe rest of the game, cause that would allow Anet then finjalyl to make the skilsl of all classes for PvE more fun and powerful, without that the other game modes woudl suffer the consequences of making the skills for Pve only significantly much better.


    A PvE Only Skill basically would make it possible for ANet to implement "SKILL PROGRESSION" so that the more experienced you become with using your skills, that you can then also progress with your skills and level them basically up into more advanced versions that look then also more epically and powerful, than basically the 0815 noob version of the skills with that we begin with.




    Fireball ... Beginner Version.. progress with this skill in PvE and the PvE only advanced version would turn Fireball now into "Dragonfire", letting you shoot now a Fireball with bigger size, with longer range than the usual fireball, exploding with a bigger radius due to having a strogner shockwave now on impact, increasing this way the number of hit targets from 3 to 5.

    And when you progressed with Dragonfire then to the final PvE only Tier of Fireball, Dragonfire turns then into Dragonflame, which changes the skil lskil again into its last most epic looking form, where the fireball leaves now a mighty flame trail behind its flight path, causing foes that get in touch with that line of fire to receive Burning and the skil lhaving now much more velocity, lettign it fly much faster to its target, lettign it become unblockable for the target foe, or the foe gettign knocked back, if he tries to block that now much more powerful form of a normal Fireball, where a simply beginner's fireball would have been easily blockable.


    Skill Progression that woudl add PvE Only versions of our current existing skills would be just a different way of classic Character progression, but its a mechanic that owuld be only possible to make happen, if ANet would completely split the effects from PvE out of the rest of the game, which woudl mean, that you'd have your progressed skills not for PvP or WvW accessable then

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