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Posts posted by Orpheal.8263

  1. OP: The word you are searching I guess is called TOUGHNESS, not robutness xD


    Aside of that ..


    Condition/Boons need to be completely rebalanced, and reworked, thats the only real way to solve the whole problem.


    Reduce the Effect Spam by bringing down these 28 Effects of Condtions and Boons together DOWN TO 16 by reducing the effectzs from both sides from 14 to 8 and we will be a HUGE STEP closer to combat balance in this game and removal gameplay mechanics for conditions and boons becoming able again to handle all this effect spam mess that Anet fabricated with this game since HoT.


    After that remove finalyl buff food from WvW, this stuff has nothign to search in WvW, Buff Food is PVE content!!! and should be also PvE only content, because as pve only content would make that also possible to give the game much better, more interesting, more fun and more diversive Buff Food effects, without having automaticalyl to fear and worry about those effects making WvW literally unplayable ...


    Resistance needs to get removed a boon and turned instead into a new own defensive DUAL EFFECT ATTRIBUTE with the effect of decreasing the Condition Damager you suffer on and improving the player's Break Bar Efficiency, so that you become signicantly harder to CC, to give this game also finally an end to its obnoxious cc spam fest gameplay in WvW!! so that players have with this attrtibute finally a way to make themself become more immune to Condition Damage, which Toughness doesn't reduce amd become more immune to CC effects, so that they dont last on you so long and you also cant become so easily perma stunned, like it is possible right now, due to resistance increasing basically with a more powerful becoming Player Break Bar your chances, that you cant get immediately stunned again ,after you have been cc'ed.

    This way becomes Resitance a much more meaningful and inmpactful defensive attribute that will be important for players to have in competitive play like PvP or WvW, forcing players to put points into there, if they want to increase their survivability, leaind this way automatically in less points beign used into DPS attributes, so that players will deal automaticalyl lesser damage, if they have then to put more points into their defensive attributes, if they want to survive longer.


    This game needs finally for better class balancing dual effect attribute, to give this game more defensive and suportive attribute effects,m which can also help in reducing some obsolete boons, like Quickness, like Vigor, if those get rather reworked to become instead secondary attribute effects, which affect a character's attack speed or, endurance regeneration efficiency.


    rebalance finalyl better the efficiency of Vitalitys, increasign the amount of HP each Vitality Point gives, would also drasticalyl help on balanmcign this game, making finalyl Vitality more important and impactful, if finally 1000 Vitality wouldnt be only lousy loughable 10000 HP, but instead 25000 HP !!!

    This way would finally last battles also longer ridiculous 1 hit kills would become sigificantly less likely so that battles make again more fun for all!!


    Remove attributes from gear, so that the attributes aren't bonded anymore to endless gear grind just to receive your optimal wished attribute setting, makign battles in WvW also more balanced, if players dont have to grind for gear and get upscaled their to max level like in pvp, so that everyone has there maximum stats, without the need to grind for any gear just to be able to play the build you want


    Rebalance the base health values of all classes insividually, instead of still used the 2012er outdated 3 class type health system, which pigenonholes the health values of the classes way too much ,than is good actualyl for the class balance, where individually balanced health values for all classes would make much more sense.

    Under the current balance for example makes it absolute no sense at all, that mesmers, especialyl Mirages, have significantly much more health than thieves, thousands of endless spammable clones, can become also stealth, dodgy as like thieves ect and all this only, because threy have lesser armor values, but can completely negate this out by having tons of boons permanently, whiel the thief has no own access to many of the defensive boons, like stability, protection, resistance ect.


    Conditions in and of itself alone are absolutely not the ROOT PROBLEN.

    The real root problem of this game is its 6 years long ignored completely outdated combat system mechanics, which aren't at all anymore in harmony with the taste of the game, and its added content that anet implmented over time to the game, which are all not part of these outdated gameplay mechancis and the overall initial game balance state that the game had at the begin for which thoser new added effects, e-specs ect were all not designed for around..


    Anet follows sadly the thinking a it seems, that they can permanently add new mechanics, new conditions, new boons ect. to the game, without ever thinking about it, that they need also to change and adapt and to rebalance the old initial gameplay mechanics they are using from the games combat system...


    You cant add permanently new mechanics to a combat system and expect from the old mechanics of dsaid combat system, that they keep on running always perfectly fine and balanced together with all the new added mechanics, as if nothing has been changed or added at all.

    When combat effects get too much and everythign gets to spammy, then its wiser to REDUCE the amount of effects to compress the amount of effect spam to the lessest number possible, to help this way making balancign the game again easier, than to continue addign always only new things to the problem...


    This is like somebody making himself a coffee who keeps on adding then after that permanetly more and more sugar to the coffee, that knows not when the point is reached, where you should better stop adding more sugar to the coffee.

    Somewhen is simply the point reached, where you have no drinkable coffee anymore, but just only a cup full of sugar that you can't drink anymore ...

  2. I absolutely can temper my expectations.

    I just like only to brainstorm and think about things with that current content can be improved and to write them down and potentially discuss them, if there are people to be found which like to discuss the mentioned things ;)


    But I know as well too, that we will most likely receive nothing mores but just the stereorypical number changing patch by Anet, which we all know how they look like and most likely change either nothing, or have kind of the issue, of making things rather worser, than better of what we have had before, when we look back into the past of balance patches.

    That the balance patch is some kind of preparation, or how people do like to say here - a "precursor" of something bigger and greater to come, is in the end nothing more or less, than just own personal speculation, that can be eventually discussed, or not, if there are no interested people in that kind of topic.


    By expecting only the stereotypical standard, will be the the end a bigger chance, that you get positively surprised, should anet really do more, than their standard patching process, nor will you be disappointed in the end, when they basically did exactly only, what you expected from them that they will do from our shared 6 year old experience of their Balance Patches.


    We will see all together the results soon™ xD


  3. In my opnion should have all classes have the moment they use a bow weapon on their backs a "Standard Model" Quiver, which players can manualy deactivat or activate then if they want to see that Standard Model, which gets replaced with any other gemstore Quiver skin you activate..


    Quivers in fact should be handled as own skin category and be listed up as like Glider Skins, Mounts ect., taking them literally out from the Backitem Category and let them count basically as an exclusive internal own "secondary back item", which you will see only (if you want), when you use a bow weapon.


    That would make in my eyes alot more sense to handle quivers as an own exclusive back item category, that is automatically bonded to the usage of the bow weapons.

  4. I've written several concepts, propsals and suggestion over the years about this .. now it seems Anet has finally found the time and ressources to take on the project of "Make Underwater Gameplay great again"....


    The balancing patch itself won't be definetely the big game changer.. it will be just only a drop of "water" onto a burning hot stone...

    But its at least finally the neccessary step into the right directino that is needed to prepare hopefully this game for the bigger upcoming overhaul that this game needs for all of it's UW related game content, which we already have and especially for which we will most likely receive in the future of either beign part of upcoming living world patches or even more likely the next third expansion, which I guess will be the next expansion focus on underwater content since the very moment ANet revealed with the last living world patch now such a huge area of the unending ocean, which wasn't seeable before of that patch, where the world map wan't expanded to show us this big territory at all - and it would have been a completely pointless action, if ANet in fact doesn't have any plans on making content for the unending oncean as part of explorable UW maps for either the LW season 4 or as part of the next expansion.


    Underwater gameplay consist in my opinion of 3 most important pillars, which need to get overhauled and expanded, or by the way added, cause one of those important pillars so far doesn't exist, but needs definetely to be added, to make underwater content great again and in every single aspect of concept around underwater gameplay better, than the current version of what we have now:


    Pillar 1: Underwater Combat Balance & Combat Mechanics, Controls &Camera Play

    Pillar 2: Underwater Content

    Pillar 3: Underwater Character Progression


    Pillar 1 is the part, where ANet can most likely prepare the most things with a Balance Patch and do significant improvements by fixxing the many smaller issues of the underwater combat mechanics and balance, which are all thigns, which shouldnt stand in the focus for what is to come with an expansion, which should focus itself onto Pillars 2 and 3, because thats in th end the pillars, which give players a reason to buy the expansion.


    What ANet has to do in my opinion under Pillar 1 is fixing all the many smaller issues with the UWCS, which lead essentially to the fail of that content and Anet stopping supporting it completely for the last 5 years


    1) Merge Harpoon Gun and Rifle together under Rifles, remove obsolete Weapon Types!! This makes Rifle then for all Classes that were able to use Harpoon Guns, but no Rifles under the Core Class baseline, leading automatically to also the overhaul of the Deadeye Spec, exchanging it out with a complete new Spec, what is in the end naturally Balancing Work , when a Weapon, that was formerly useable by a Class only via Specialization becomes now due to Balance Work and Mechanic Overhauls baseline and new Skilsl with a Replacement Specialization are to be added which need to be balanced around the existing Classes.


    2) Do the same with Trident and Staff, to remove the second and last complete ovsolete Weapon Type of this game finally.

    If there is a Class, which could use before of this merge tridents, but no Staves, then this change will make Staff for that Class baseline.


    3) Make Spears officially the Polearm Weapons, which can be used from now on under water as like on land for some chosen Classes as part of balancing these Classes, which were before of that patch already able to use Spears under water, which are nearly already all of them - so Warrior, Guardian, Revenant, Thief, Ranger, Mesmer and Necromancer - if you make Spear useable on land, this must be naturally balanced as well - which belongs to the work of a Balancing Patch to add also new Skills, which can help balancing the class by just giving it more Build Diversity though the new added skills, while eventually later then also via new E-Specs for the other Classes, like for the Elementalist


    4) Add more Build Diversity/better Balance for Underwater Combat, by making the choice of weapons for the Classes broader, via adding Sword, Daggers, Mace, Axe, Shield,

    Warhorn, Focus and Torch also to the possible underwater weapons... cause if you can fight with a big clunky spear in both hands underwater, then you can fight under water also with daggers in your hands!!! Or with a Mace and a Shield ...cause all of that won't disturb you at swimming under watter, no more or less than wielding a big heavy and unhandy spear there ....


    5) Give Underwater Combat as part of the Balance Patch to balance the classes for underwater combat all their very own sets of Underwater Trait Lines, which are all specifically designed for the classes in underwater combat, which switch automatically over from Land Traits being in usage to Water Traits, the very moment you dive under water


    6) Remove as part of the Balance Patch all Skills from the game, which don't work under water and replace them with new and balanced skills either, or rework the skilsl, which currently can't work under water, so that they can do work there with little changed mechanics and new skill names, like what you did essentially with the Tornado Skill from the Elementalist, switching it underwater to Maelstrom. this is the kind of DYNAMIC SKILL DESIGN WORK, which all skilsl should have for underwater Combat and all skilsl, which don't fit intio this kind of skill design work, just need to be removed and replaced with new skills, which can work under this skill design concept.

    After the balance Patch there should be under no class no single skill anymore, which doesn't work anymore the moment you touch water!! This was from begin on the biggest design flaw of the whole underwater combat system leadign literal to it being a fail from begin on, because you make a underwater combat systme, in which classes were literally punished for going into water- like the scaredy cat like Thief, which lost essentialyl all of its important gameplay aspects and like half of all its build diversity when you go with this Class into water - thats what I call literally a total skill design DESASTER!!


    7) Give players better UI mechanics in underwater gameplay, which indicated the player, from which direction you get attacked, if from behind, from abobe, from below ect. by adding Damage Signals on the screen , like red/orange (for color blinded chooseable in options) damage flashes on the borders of the screen, so if you get attacked from above, a damage flash signal will appear on the upper side of your screen, if you get attacked from below, then it appears down on your screen, if you can attacked from behin, it with flash in the middle of the screen, so that you allways visually know, from where you get attacked, which is one of the main reasons, why many people dislike underwater combat, together with the clunky camera


    8) Rebalance especially the Downed Underwater Skills, extremely especially the extreme overpowered rally potential of the Ranger's dumb Pet, which ressurrects WAY TOO GOOD.. it can even outheal the damage of several players easily once the ressurection speed of it has grown to the maximum, giving rangers underwater essentially a completely overpowered guaranteed rally, while you have NO CHANCE to stop the pet whyever from rallying its downed master, cause you can#t kill off the will ,while it rallies the player, cause out of a sudden you cant attack the pet anymore while it rallies the player, you cant stop it at all, you can pump the downed player full with tons of CC spam, it wont stop the dum pet for rallying its downed player for sure ... which is super frustrating, which you have a battle with a ranger and al he needs to do is making a save jump intpo the water when hes about to die, just to get rallied for sure by the pet as long they dotn get overwhelmed by too many players to outdamage the already overpowered heal aspect of the pet. Pets should ressurrest much slower and weaker than players and their rally speed should definetly not become any faster at all over time that they can outheal the burst attacks of multiple players easily to a kind of guaranteed rally!! Pets need to become targetable, so that you can kill them off or cc them to stop them for healing their downed masters


    Thats the best Anet can do in my opinion for Pillar 1 as part of a Balance Patch that is focused on the removal of obsolete weapon types, spear as land weapon/new skills that come together with these changes/E-Spec Replacement for Deadeye and a neccessary addign of own underwater traits for all classes and changes to skilsl to make them work all under water and the required balance changes that need to be done by doign these thigns in combination with adding more possible useable weapons underweater to give us under water a similar build diversity, than what we have on land, so that underwater combat become more interstign and not so "boring" with its currently only 3 useable weapon types.


    With Pillar 2 comes then underwater content, that is about the Expansion:

    - Cantha Maps/UW Maps

    - DSD Story

    - Underwater WvW Map as 3rd Borlderland "Tropical Islands Borderland"

    - Underwater Guild Hall like kind of Atlantis inspired with a GH map, that can SINK underwater and RISE UP again out of the water

    - New legendary gen 2 spear



    With Pillar 3 comes then the content, what ANet can do about Underwater Gameplay so that players have the feeling of having Character Progression

    - Adding exotic, ascended, legendary Aqua Breathers

    - Adding underwater related legendary Rings maybe as part of some kind of SUNKEN TREASURE in some kind of GHOST SHIP or so full of DSD minions as well to continue this way the implementation of legendary accessoires

    - Adding Underwater/Water related Masteries for Underwater Exploration (Propulsions) Swimming, Diving, Fishing Gathering Job/ together with Chef 500 for nice new fishing related cooking recipes, Underwater Mounts and the simple improvement of turning Skimmers into the first underwater Mounts to become able to use them also while you are under water to get this way quicker out of water if you want



    I don't expect much of the balancing Patch ,it will end up most likely only in damage number changes, bug fixes and trivial changes to the skils as usual, what anet is doing basically permanently for 6 years, but the list up things here are just in my opinion the things, which need to happen, to make Underwater gameplay as great as possible for this game to make it a blast, which will throw everyone who dislikes currently UW content out of their socks, if these things would be done. And that in the right convincing way, so that underwater cobmat will make for everyone with all classes fun again.


    A complete no from me and absolute disagreement do I have personally with underwater exclusive Elite Specs..that would be imo a total NO GO, lets not go there, that would make definetely the game worser. E -pecs are for everywhere, not only specifically for UW usage, or on land. A third expansion surely will get its next set of E-Specs again, but they shouldnt be designed around uw content. That would be in my opinion clearly the wrong way to handle the 3rd E Spec set.

  5. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > I don't know about you, but a horse seems rather bland and boring, when compared to a flippin' jackal, raptor, or griffon! Still, YMMV! :)


    Let this please decide everbody else for themself what they find "boring"


    Thank you!

  6. I wouldnt recommend doing anything of these not really thought out "ideas"..


    With this would go Anet onto extremely thin ice for receiving massive negative backlash.. because every player might have their personal own "head canon" for how the story of their GW1 PCs ends and should be linked to the story of GW2..


    It shouldnt absolutely be ever anything, that should be enforced upons us by some kind of weird unfitting head canon ideas of the devs, nor anybody elses from this thread here and if they are smart, they will keep this untouched forever and don't make us fight against our own former main characters as awakened.

    ANet won't make themself many friends with it, should they ever do with the old GW1 characters any linked stuff into GW2 storytelling enforcign this way upon everybody head canons, which people might not like at all, which would kind of be a massivecase of so called "powerplay" ..of taking control over other characters you shouldnt take control over as narrator...


    It is as if I would come up now with some kind of crazy stuff, telling everybody here now, that you all have to take this as your GW1 PC's end stories, despite you all disliking that outcome of it. How would you feel about that, if I would be in the position to tell you, how your beloved characters have died all? Not good, right? Right!


    Why is that so? Simple answer.. because you all want to decide SELF over it, like everybody wants to do so, how your self created characters have died and what their last moments were like and so on ...

    So don't destroy this for everybody. It is extreme thin ice which nobody else has a right over it to step on it as you please, except the original creator of a character self.


    A topic that is an absolute taboo!

  7. I must admit, this here sounds good, theme fitting and in fact would be a concept, where I'd accept thieves getting Axes with , even if I personally would rather prefer giving them Torches as Mainhand Weapon to give Thief access to Burning, instead of giving them Bleeding, but that can simply be kept also for something like a Saboteur or Stalker Spec..


    And I rarely say this about concepts, if I don't really mean it the way I say it.

    I must somehow laugh, because the very first picture I had in my mind when I have read the name of the concept, was whyever this here xD




    maybe most likely because of my memories of this good game, which was all about its heroes and its main heroine being about being "Drifters" ^^

  8. > @"Cyprien.4208" said:

    > **The problem is that Anet doesn't care for players privacy.** There is no middle ground you're all they way in or all the way out. I myself don't mind the followers and even have pages and pages of followers back when I was a leader in a PVE guild however I can understand the need of people wanting more options which it's never a bad thing to have.



    This. Nothing more to say, other than to say,that I'm sick of this 6 years long unchanged situation of having no real full control over my own privacy in this game.

  9. > @"Exalted Quality.8534" said:

    > > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

    > > I hope this finally nails the coffin to dervishs ever returning - suggestions here , as this outfit and weapon skins should make by now more than clear enough, that there is no intent by Anet to ever brign back Dervishsx as a new class, or new spec or whatever..

    > >

    > > They kind of exist now officially just as an outfit together with a fittign staff skin, so that basicalyl every class which can wield a staff can be potentially turned visualyl now into a dervish ...

    > >

    > > Make yourself an elementalist with staff, use that skin and outfit and swap back and forth between air and earth attunement, there you have your dervish now basically ..., or like mentioned above, for a more melee orientated wannabe dervish..use daredevil

    > >

    > I hope they bring back the Paragon in the next expansion.


    > Those of us that played GW1 might recall the devs saying they were working on a paragon overhaul right before they discontinued skill updates. You still owe us ANET. That paragon buff has been coming soon for almost 5 years.


    Wont happen as well... if you search paragons.. play Guardian.. thats the most kind of "Paragon", you'll ever see in GW2.

    Sorry, I know, this is somethign that you don't want to hear, but if ANet would have actually the intention to give this game paragons, then we would have received them already with the Main Game.. but the class provides absolutely nothing of worth, that could have not been merged just into either the Warrior, or has been given to the Guardian already...


    They are doen with Paragon alread,y there exists already the classical Paragon Outfit.. play warrior with that paragon outfit on - done.. only thign missign to make thigns perfect woudl be that anet needs to fix finally the underwater system, merge harpoon guns with rifles, merge staffs with tridents and make spears instead polearms Weapons, which can be used on land as like on land and give Warrior as next E-Specc something like the Gladiator, which fights then with polearms, so that you can have basicalyl a spear throwing pseduo-oaragon as Gladiator spec using warrior combinated with the Paragon-Outfit ..


    Thats most likely as far as thigns will go and have a chance of beign realized this way... and thats me thinking optimistically about this topic ...

  10. hmm, haven't seen these 2 yet.. k, but therefore that they are exotic, they are same as worthless, like masterwork feasts..dont even have longer lasting durations..so pointless to make them

    I disagree with your first statement, its neccessary to make finally all professions equal, to make the crafting system complete, to give especially jeweler again a strogn reason for existance, that anet destroyed by floodign the game with ascended accessoires right from begin on, instead of doign it slowly with a properly added jeweler 500 as well, cause then we wouldnt also have needed this time gating garbage, just to ensure, that ascended accessoires immediately lose their worth too fast ...


    Somebody wanting to get the crafting jobs not fixed ever can wish only somebody who iss too poor to work on those crafting jobs to bring them to 500.

    Food Rarity should at least affect the durations, otherwise its totally pointless to have any rarity grades in buff items ad all and all food and boosters could be changed all into common white items.

    Making rarity affect the buff food/booster durations is no power creep, it woudl be just a helpful quality of life improvement for the game, having to use over a specific amount of time lesser amounts of said buff food/boosters to cover a certain playtime session you are doing for a longer tiem with those effects, havign not to redo them in the mists of your play session eventually due to the buffs lasting then long enough to coplete you play session without needing to renew your buffs.. and if ascended food would give now 10% better stats, won#t make a big difference to call it powercreep...


    PvE is anyhow only fightign damage sponges, it wont make fights end much quicker now these 10%..

    In WvW counts only the mass of players...

    and for pvp you have no buff items, so there they are naturally no problem at all, those 10% better stats from ascended food. That would be from an item, that boosts normally an attribute by say 70-80 Vitality that a plus of PHENOMENAL 7-8 points more in mostly 1-2 attributrs that these items buff up .. .. WOOOOOOOW, so much powercreep /endsarcasm

  11. I hope this finally nails the coffin to dervishs ever returning - suggestions here , as this outfit and weapon skins should make by now more than clear enough, that there is no intent by Anet to ever brign back Dervishsx as a new class, or new spec or whatever..


    They kind of exist now officially just as an outfit together with a fittign staff skin, so that basicalyl every class which can wield a staff can be potentially turned visualyl now into a dervish ...


    Make yourself an elementalist with staff, use that skin and outfit and swap back and forth between air and earth attunement, there you have your dervish now basically ..., or like mentioned above, for a more melee orientated wannabe dervish..use daredevil


  12. The things I miss from GW1 and want to see back in GW2:


    - Official Build Templates

    - UI Change Options

    - Capes (in various forms)

    - Polymock

    - Hero System (as improved Companions to make even usage of your own Account Characters as Companions)

    - Codex Arena/ Fort Aspenwood/ Jade Quarry PvP (GvG)

    - Learning new Elite Skilsl from having to hunt special monsters and enemies

    - PvE Only Skills what would be in case of GW2 PvE only Weapon Skill Sets as alternatives over the normal versions which you can use for PvP/WvW

    - Ritualists returning as Necromancer-Specalization, Assassins returning as Thief-Specialization

    - Weapon Skins like the Draconic Aegis, or the Obsidian Blade and alot of the GW1 Armro Sets, like the Human Norn-Armor from EotN

    - Cantha being in GW2 explorable content again

    - Story Content thats designed like GW1 Missions with like more than 5 people you need, but in case of GW2 then 10 people now, which also have Optional tasks to do for Extra Rewards

    - Hard Mode - for Story Content, Dungeons, Fractals, Raids (in case of raids, making the current form then easier a bit) with also designed for it own Hard Mode Achievements for competign the content you have completed already under Normal Mode then now also under Hard Mode

    - Vanquishing -Players should be able to enter every explorable PvE Map (at least the maingame maps) also as an personal instance either alone, or as 5man group, to be able to "vanquish" the instance from all enemies in there, together with the return of Vanquish Achievements for doign so. vanquishing solo will give then extra achievement with title

    - The PvE related Faction based Reputation System, which granted then also as part of that pvE only skills as rewards for raising in your Reputation among the factions.. could be done in GW2 with Vigil, Order of Whispers and the other last faction, Zephyrites ect.

    - Elite Endgame Content, like making again the Underworld explorable, or in regard of Elona now the Realm of Torment with its 4 locations and Sub Realms that are essentially part of the underworld

    - Grentch and Humbugs playing actually a role again at Wintersdays in GW2 ..where the hell are they ??? let them please invade next windersday the towns and let us protect unter that theme next wintersday from falling into chaos..that would be a real nice change for once in Wintersday, than to repeat always the same stuff over and over ...

    - Alot of the GW1 Minipets/Ranger Pets to return, I want my CE Mini Kuunavang back in GW2 ... as also my Rainbow Phoenix back

    - Weapon Dying instead of having preset weapon colors which can't be changed

    - BMP Content and its reward System of tradeable in History Books with actually better designed real looking books that also have pictures and nut jiust only plain text without page animations of swappign the pages, like in GW2, which feels like a step backwards compared to GW1 ...seriously Anet? How can you make reading books in GW2 look much worser, than in GW1??? Fractals would be such a great potential game mode to brign back BMP like Game Content in form of heroic replayable Chronicles, starting for example with the Chronicles of Ghosts of Ascalon, replaying the history as Dougal Keane and receive then later for trading in a GoA History Chronicle for rewards (Exp, Karma, Gold, Item Skin Token)

    - No silly Gear Stats, instead a free Attribute System where you were able to simply reset your Stats anytime and having this way no Gear Grind just to get the build you want to play ...

    - No stupid time gating mechanics

    - Increased Bow Range and Damage when attackling foes from higher positions, giving you therefore an advantage in combat for your good positioning!!

    - Monsters not instantly beginning to regenerate to full health back, only because they ran out of their areals until where they follow you ..so god damn stupid and annoying AF

    - No Stacking possible

    - Better balanced Boon/Condition System with Enchantments and Hexes that were all much LESS spammy

    - Dungeons ,which actually feel like dungeons and those old GW1 dungeosn being also explorable again in GW2 as added new dungeons, but calling them in GW2 rather now explorable "Ruins"

    - EOTN Maps being explorable again in GW2 and lettung us go also again underground into Cave Systems that are below Tyria to the Stone Dwarves locations (ruins)

    - Alot of original gw1 monsters that I'd like to see returning into GW2.. happy, that after logn time returned now hydras for example, but theres alot more creatures from GW1 that are missing still, which should return, unless anet gives us some lore based ingame explanations that certain species have become within the last 250+ years completely extinct.


    This I absolutely don't miss and never want to see ever back returning to GW2:


    - Dervish

    - Paragons

    - Dual Class System to return ever, it was the most ridiculous game balance nightmare ever

    - WTS/WTB Spam in Town Chats

    - Lvl 20 Max

    - Tutorial Maps to which you can't return again


    So compare to the good thigns from GW1, its not very much, just only the things, which in my opinion destroyed GW1 or made no sense to be added ever or were simple pointless decisions or in case of the classes could have been done just through other classes better, cause the paragon for exampel was nothign else but just a ranged warrior in terrible looking always whitebeing boring armors with just a different form of shouts, while dervishes were basicalyl nothign else but just a melee combat based different form of monks with wannabe god complexes and wieldign farmers tools as weapons ..while beign halfway elementalists at the same tiem with their wind and earth prayers... no thanks..ANet as essentially merged everythign that is possible out of those two classes into warrior and guardian now...guardians have even a paragon PvP title.. that says everythign that . its enough that they have returned now in Elona as our enemies, where they make sense as part of the enemy faction Mordant Crescent from Joko as his Awakenends


  13. The whole meta of that map needs to get adjusted ..


    1) there needs to be added a mastery, which helps the players by making them immune to these super annoying lightnings that permanently hit you like every 3 seconds, and force ypou to travel by either gryphon or manta just to avoid getting permanently damaged, making it very hard to survive in these areas, unless you are in such a djinn bubble, which protects you fro mthe lightnings, or you are together in a group/zerg, to let all the aoe heals ect. keep you alive and negate the constant lightnign damage this way. But für juast having a less stressful exploration experience, a mastery that makes you immune to be targeted by those lioghtnings woudl be nice to get ...


    2) the enemies which you need to kill, shoudl get shown onto the map, so that you don't have to esearch half the map, until you find these enemies finally, wastingmeanwhile alot of time , which makes the whole event row just only annoying. rather show those enemies directly and buff them therefore a bit for not havign to search them anymore and the event will make more fun ...and palyers wil lget this way quicker to the meaningful part of the meta, the final boss fight.


    3) the absolute ridiculous way too strong breakbars need either to be reduced, so that the djinns can be stunned easier... cause its absolutely absurd how you you have to spam them full with cc, until you receive a way too short time window off dealign damage.. or instead of this just increase the time window in which players can deal damage, so that the burst phase becomes better, so that players actually have a better chance of defeating them and not get after a few minutes just out of a sudden instant wiped everybody..withotu knowing, what actualyl went wrong to know, why the event failed and everybody got wiped with a massive aoe 1 hit kill attack ...


    The event needs to get scaled down better , so that it becomes better to do also by smaller zergs. PoF is due to the bad rewards of the maps by far not actively enough played anymore buy the players, than what this event under its current design requires for a neccessary amount of players similar, like mentioned before, to gerent, tarir and co and that is not ok.. the event needs to get adjusted, especialyl now, where you have actually a reason for havign to do this meta, aside of gaining 10Ap from an achievement, by needing to have to do it now, if you want to complete the current living world episodes IG-achievement row to obtain the ascended version of the episodes backitem reward for which you need to complete this meta event to get for your recall device what you need to teach IG heroism

  14. This is no argument, and you know that.

    Why are people always under the false opinion, that only because a game has an online component, that it has to force everybody to play always together...

    It is a MMORPG, which stands just only for Massively Multiplayer online Roleplaying Game which means nothiung else but just only, that alot of people are playing online the same game either together, or against each other, or for themself alone, while others can be around you in the same game world, without that you need to interact with them, nor are you, or should you ever get forced by the game to do so.


    So, by your words.. this is a MMORPG - not a FPTMMORPG for actually a "Forced Play Together-Version"...


    Who are you even to decide over me, how I should play GW2 and why should I be forced as player to endure the chore of searching for several hours for other players, just so that I can play the content of the game i want to do, if this could be simply just solved by a Companion System.

    It is my decision. NOT YOURS!

    And as part of my own free decision, it should be normal also for a game like GW2 - once the demand for such a feature should become stronger, that Anet should add it to the game as a quality of life improvement to help playing the game' content, even when parts of this game have become over time harder to play and totally deserted due to missing player activity, that expecting from the playerbase to search for multiple hours for other players becomes ABSURD...

    Because meanwhile in that time that people waste for searching for other players, could you have done the game content you want to do already with your own compansions eventually sucessfully, before in certain cases has joined even only 1 single person maybe your LFG ...

  15. I voted rev.. and my main is thief, so your hypothesis is false on me definetely Exalted Quality.. just so bad is this crap that is called revenant that I want to see it completely redesigned even much more, than I would like to see thief getting redesigned, just because of how much out of touch this junk is with all other classes that follow all a same clear and obvious class design, which the revenant has crossed, just for Anets insane sake of wanting to add a die hard "unique" profession which should be completely different than all others, just in hope, that this would increase the HoT sales ..., not with the intent to actually make a profession which actually does fit into the game and its gameplay systems like all others.

  16. We don't even have yet Chef 500 and we don#t even have yet Exotic, nor Ascended Food and you ask already for legendary food? LOL


    I thin kit would be first good, if ANet adds first finally exotic and ascended food, then we can see further with legendary Food.


    Exotic Food = Basically Fine Food (Blue), with Extra long Durations and slightly stronger effects (10% more efficiency in attributes/effects)

    Ascended Food = Basically Masterwork Food that is shareable with others, but like Exotic Food with much longer durations and slioghtly stronger effects


    That would be already a huge step forward then.


    When Fine Buff Food has Durations between 30-45 minutes, should have Exotic Food durations between 1-2 hours

    When Masterwork Food has durations of 1 Hour, should have Ascended Food durations of 3 Hours

  17. > @"Devildoc.6721" said:

    > /thump

    > HoM is meant to be a reward for GW1 players that shouldn't change.


    HoM items are **GW2 rewards** for GW1 Veteran players which should be also earnable as GW2 vererans, if you fulfill the same requirements basically for those rewards.


    If you put now 25 GW1 Minpets into a GW1 HoM Minipet Podest, or if you put in now like 50 Minipets from GW2 into a GW2 HoM to earn this way the same amount of HoM points for the account linked GW2 rewards, plays imo absolutely no role.

    Same as much, as if you put in now 11 Destroyer Weapons in GW1 into your HoM's Weapon Podest, of if you pit in in GW2 11 Destroyer Weapons into that podest of GW2's HoM.. woudl be fulfilling exactly the same task which can essentially even require the same effort of the player, when done and rebalanced good that you have neither in GW1 nor GW2 any advantage of doing that tasks on one specific side.


    If you give now Hero Armors to 5 Heroes like Dunkoro, Koss, Melonni, Anton and Gwen, or if you give them to basically GW2s equivalent form of Heroes like Rytlock, Logan, Caithe, Taimi and Braham, plays no role, it is literalyl doing exactly the same thing for that Hom podest...


    If you add now xx gw1 titles to the HoM podest, or like tripple as much GW2 titles that we have compared to GW1, is also no big deal, its essentially doign the same task.

    The extra reward gw1 players receive, which GW2 players shoud'nt receive is the extra bonus in AP and the titles..


    But the skins and ranger pets should be also earnable by gw2 veterans doing the GW2 HoM, so that you aren#t forced as a GW2 players to play GW1 just to get access to all skins and ranger pets. I'm an old GW1 veteran, despite me beign annoying by the grind to get the 50 points - am at 39 and the last missing 11 points comes only from havign to grind for weapons/armor sets and gettign 1 title more...so I have already all skins and ranger pets from HoM earned, and I#d absolutely have as a GW1 veteran npo problems with it, if GW2 veterans coudl earn them by now too by justz playing GW2 by havign to do here the same to very similar tasks to earn them ...


    We have had 6 years long the privilege to be the only players having acces to those skins, pets and titles. That has been long enough as a privilege and it is absolutely nothing worth it to be entitled about to forbid GW2 players to have a right to earn GW2 rewards actually by playing also GW2 and not the outdated stone old by now GW1, which is barely even played as much anymore, than how the game was like over 6 years ago, when GW2 didnt exist.

  18. The whole crafting system has been from begin on only a half hearted, kind of unfinished feelign project and this will never change, until:


    1) Finally Cooking and Jeweler 500 get added too

    2) Crafting becomes finally more than just a silly huge UI screen that covers 70% of your screen as a huge list of recipes, but actually craftign disciplines with craftign animations, where we can watch our characters exactly producing the items we want them to make for us at the fitting crafting stations

    3) Crafting in masses gets speed up, so that we don't have to watch above mentioned animations for an half eternity, until we have finayl crafted like all xxxx thousand units of something we want to craft, while seeing a huge steam of crafted items flow down on the right side of the screen and also in the chat appear, which don't need to be and are only disturbing. If we dont want to watch the animations - because somewhen they become boring , when you have sen them already thousands over thousands of times, the player should have just the option to SKIP the craftign process and immediately receive the complete crafting process, getting your for example 2000 units of mithril ingots to name an example all at once dsirectly, instead of having to watch, until the crafting ui has finally counted down all 2000 units of mithril ingots ingot per ingot...which takes some time, that feels wasted, which woudl be a massive QoL, if we could get what we want to craft just instantly, if we could skip the craftign process just by a specific button press which shoudl pop up when we start the crafting, so that the players can decide for themself then, if they want to watch the animations and wait, until everythign has been done unit per unit..or if you just want to safe the tiem and skip the whole animation stuff and get the things you craft directly,without having to waste any unneccessary tiem of watchign craftign animations. Win win for all - RPers happy and people whom is only time efficiency important happy.

    4) Mechanic Overwork, that the Craftign System should work always from a Top Down View, showing you only top tier items to craft, that they are craftable for you, when all lower tier parts that are needed are craftable too and which should be automatically crafted in that process, without that the player needs to do manually anything

    5) Settign up multiple different craftings at the same time.. its stupid that we can craft since release of this game always only 1 single item at a time and not various multiple things simultanously, as lognm the materials are there for it, to safe this way time spent, but this would maybe somethign great for a Crafting Mastery, to enable us players to unlock more simultanous Crafting Processes at the same time, as long there is enough materials for all of them.

    This would speed up alot of things singificantly.

    6) The Time Gating garbabe has to be removed, its totally counterproductive for craftign to have such crap... there are other ways to keep ascended materials valuable, than this silly artficial slow down of crafting them ... using such outdated methods is so much the 90ies.. we have 2018!!!

    7) in a good working craftign system should be receiving craftable items always cheaper, as of lettign it be rewarding to make the wanted item self, than by buying it from other players and not the other way around, where buying from others is way much cheaper, than to craft the things you want by yourself. if buying somethin is much cheaper, than to craft something yourself, then thats just a sign of bad economy, due to there being no demand for the crafted goods, cause if there is no demand for crafted goods, its clear that they will have naturally then the worth of a roll of toilet paper... *throws halloween toilet rolls at ANet :P.*

    8) Scribing needs to become as normal Crafting Job, which offers just additional if you own HoT some more crafting recipes on top of that you can craft only if you have the Expansions

    9) The Crafting UI needs better filters, so that you can deactivate recipes to be shown in the list, so that the crafting list becomes more overviewable, without that you need to close directly the categories to shrink the list for a better overview

    10) The crafting system needs to show the player also as well, which things you can't craft yet, and where or how you can unlock the things in the game, which you can't craft yet, basically as like the minpet list shows you, which of them aren't unlocked for your account ye. The players should see, which recipes aren't unlocked yet for your account/character among the various crafting disciplines and how you can obtain them.

  19. Why do you assume directly, that a forced weapon switch would last for 10 seconds? Nowhere have I said yet, that they would last this long.

    It is naturally clear, that out of balancing reasons a forced weapon switch should not last same as long as like a normal self decided weapon switch does.

    I haven't written down anything about this yet, but when we are now at this, I had literally a cooldown time of maximum 5 seconds in mind, until you regain your weapon back to become able to switch back to your weapon that has been stolen from you.

    5 seconds are enough time to cause disorientation, are enough to give the thief a brief moment of advantage over you, if he can make good usage of it in that short time window. 5 seconds are enough to stop an enemy from bursting you in critical situations to death, giving you the eventual neccessary time to use a heal, before its too late.

    Anythign above 5 seconds would I agree with you, makes no fun to fight agaisnt and would be overpowered denial... but 5 seconds of a specific weapon denial are absolutely acceptable, especially if you can circumvent that time by playing just defensively, until you get your stolen weapon back.


    Also, this is a fantasy MMORPG, not full contact full speed combat real life simutation wars 2

    We have here Classes that shoot out Fireballs as if it woudl be the most normal thing ever, we have classes here which summon and control the undeads, we have dsimple animals here, which do on command the craziests thigns, that animals in real life would never ever do ... and you have actually problems with theives stealing weapons??

    Have you never played back in the days when it was popular MMOPGS, like Ragnarok Online? There you also have Thieves/Rogues per see, which are able to disarm and steal the equipment - weapons included in the midsts of a combat to weaken this way their enemies .


    You have listed up some good examples of improvisation there, I have to admit, they sound all logic, but we two have some completely different views on the definition of improvisation. There exist different forms of improvisation.

    What I am talking about, is basically improvisation in engineering, the kind of "Mac Gyver Style Improvisation", where you make the best out of your situation with whatever you get right at hand, so basically with whatever you receive out of a 1 of 3 chance to simulate this way a bit the realism, that you can never know, what you receive from someone, when you steal, otherwise it would be immersion breaking powercreep that lets thieves look like fortune tellers, gettign always 100% accurately the same things.


    What you are talking about and what your examples describe there, literally is "applied improvisation" which we see everyday in all kinds of daily life disciplines, like for example your mentioned comedians, which improvise with their listenes, by just interacting with them, making them part of their show, making spontanous jokes here n there that aren't eventually even part of their program, but which just happen out of spontanousy, just because someone of the listeners made out of a sudden maybe something "unpredictable", which is the element of randomness, ancd be is just only laughing in a funny ridiculous way, that awakes the attraction of the comedian to react onto that then with something spontanously., makign the full room laugh then even harder and louder together after that improvised gag from the comedian, that has been added to the random situation which has been caused by an unpredictable act of one listener that nobody can foresse, would happen.


    Would the comedian be able to foresee this situation now, then we would have exactly the same situation like what we have now with thieves, which always steal one and the same items, which can practically foresee and know exactly what they get from every steal, before even doing the steal.

  20. Its just only a different form of "Stun", so I dont know, what your problem with gettign basically your weapon stolen is, because thats actualyl what thieves should do, steal their opponents weapons and its just logical, that if you have gotten your weapon stolen in combatm that you have to switch fro a moment to your other weapon set, until you receive your stolen weapion back..


    Its just a proactive tactical move of a thief to weaken his foes, by taking them something away that they use against you to stop them from using it agaist you ...

    Naturally this can work against a foe only once , meaning you can't take someone both weapon sets temporarely away, otherwise it would become naturally unfair and unfun, there I agree with you.

    A player, who has been stolen from, will become temporarely immune for the time he has only 1 weapon set left to be targeted by Steal and can be stolen from first again, when he has received his stolen weapon back.

    Also a Weapon Steal will happen only, if the player is acutally using a stealable weapon, which fits to the SKills you receive as Thief for the Weapon Steal.

    If you are for example a Shortbow Ranger, stealing from you won#t result in you gettign the Shortbow Stolen, because the Thief has no Shortbow related Steal Skill.

    But do you run around as a Dagger using Soulbeast instead, your Daggers will be stealable, cause the Thief can have from you the Steal Skill "Stalker's Strike".

    This means simply, if you are using Weapon Sets, which give the thief no Steal Skills, you are SAFE from getting your weapons stolen, cause the Thief can't steal Weaponds, which give him no Steal Skil land force i nreturn the stolen victom to force switch to their other Weapon Set for that moment.


    Forced Weapon Switches is just a different not yet by the game utilized form of Crowd Control, which works just very similar to Daze, but is in fact weaker, cause under daze you can't use for the time you are dazed any weapon skills. The forced weapon switch is just limited only onto the stolen weapon, you are still able to use the weapon skilsl of your other weapon set.

    And if you play a class which has only 1 single weapon set, you are also totally save from this counterplay as a measurement of class balance. So Elementalists and Engineers don't need to fear thieves in this case as much ,as like specific builds of from the other classes which can have two weapon sets and due to this, can get forced to switch their weapons, if they get 1 weapon temporarely stolen from a thief for a short while.



    Improvisation is not choosing the moment of when to use a skill.

    Improvisation is making the best out of something random you received and what you have at the moment to turn a situation to your favor, somethign that you can have only, when the steal skill you receive is not always guaranteed the same item. Cause only then can be improvisation simulated.

    if you always get the same item, you don't need to improvisate at all, cause if you know already, what you will definetely receive from your Steal, you can make it already part of your Combat Strategy, before you have even used the Steal on your foe.


    You may find this being a horrid design, but I give in fact the thief just only, what you should expect from a thief to do and that is stealing the weapon from your foe, to stop them from attacking you with it.

    That is what i'd expect a true thief to do in combat, what a smart thief would actually do if he just gets the chance to take from his foe their weapon away.

    If you haven't realized it yet, my whole current concept is based on restoring the identity of the thief profession with full focus on giving thief skills and mechanics that fit to their theme of a thief, what is kind of what you'd list up, if you just ask yourself the simple questions "What does a Thief do?" and "How would a Thief do, what he does actualy in combat to get either for hisself an advantage, or to help others?"


    Like said, we are thieves, no fortune tellers, getting always 100% accurately the same item from a steal from a specific class is just completely unrealitic and immersion breaking on top of that, plus it makes certain Steal Skills overpowered, if you can receive them always, without any alternatives

    If you are an improvisation talent as a thief player, you won't have any problems with it that there would be 3 possible different Steal Skills instead of 1 always the same Steal Skill.

    When you know how to improvisate, you will know how to make always the best use of whatever you may receive, regardless if you receive from a foe now always the same item, or 1 out of 3 different possible results,. thats my opinion. Period. it makes no difference, but at least thieves won#t be for other classes totally predictable anymore.


    When I play my Mesmer and a Thief steals from me, under the current design I will know instantly, that the Enemy Thief will have soon for a long time all buffs and I need to be prepared for that time when he uses the Glob..

    Buf if it would be now the case that the Enemy Player could now have from me either a Glob or my Staff or (if I used it at that moment of the Steal), or my Sword, if I used it at that moment, makes the situation less predicable for me, because I can't then be 100% sure anymore, if the thief will just get soon all buffs, or either uses my own staff or my own sword against me next, before I receive my disarmed weapon back, being forced to use meanwhile my other weapon set, shoudl I have used these weapons self, instead of using a GS, or Scepter, or Axe, which aren't stealable, due to the Thief getting no Steal Skill for these Weapons.

  21. I know this Linken, but turning Shards into Gold is a chore...from having to do all the material conversions..

    Simpler woudl it just be, if i could decide to switch the reward of the spirit shard directly into a Bag of money, to save the time of needign to convert all this stuff first until i get the gold out of the used up shards. Thats what I meant.

  22. You call stuf like 1 potential laurel from a level up big rewards? LOL Or a bag of a random material?

    As you mention the Tome of Knowledge, this is why I said, that they would need to get drastically reduced, should ANet ever give each day a level Up a different reward like proposed by me, so that peopel wouldnt not be able to massively farm those anymore. The game got flooded long enough by them, that it is overdue, that they need to get reduced.


    There is no problem with it by floodign the market with specific items, as long Anet adds at the same time also enough material sinks to give those flooded materials again also enough demand again, so that their valies will also rise up again.

    the boosters you mention don#t work on characters, which have not reached Level 80 yet, so they won't affect the market at all, cause you won't get ever any past level 80 rewards from those...


    And hey, the game also rewards players simpoly just only for logging into the game .. lower that this can't it really be and we also receive from daily logins materials, even low end gemstore items like black lion salvage tools, laurels and mystic coins as also tomes of knowledge.. which woudl be the first thing that that id replace out with something else, if Anet would make it possible to gain each day different past lvl 80 rewards, than only spirit shards.


    Howeve,r please stop focusing yourself too much on my examples.. its in the end Anet owns decision as to what they'd add as additionalx daily changing past level 80 rewards. Personalyl I'd be happy with ANYTHING, as long its just not only spirit shards ...


    PS. someone mentioned thats possible to make gold out of shards, but it being a chore... gettingg instead of spirit shards instead now a bag of money would be also a nice begin, just so that players don't have then the hassle anymore to have to exchange the shards into gold ... but get the gold instead directly.

    That would be already a little awesome QoL change and would give people like me, which have no usage for shards an alternative that is more generally useful for most people.

  23. And if they never reach somethign ,they even complain much much MORE... the argument is moot.. people will always complain, unless they have the constant feeling, that they used time was no waste, which is only the case, if you let achieve people something when a cap has been increased...


    The voice of complainers that QQ about no constant growths will be definetely much more silent, than the massive SS that you will gain of complains, when your playerbase has the impression that they never achieve a new cap, before the game is already dead.

    It makes more sense to give the players a constant flow of many small AP cap increases with some little breaks in between,than only a few huge cap increases, that nobody will ever reach in the games life circle just to that people are gettign their reasons to complain suffocated in the smoke... like - look guys, we raised the caps now so high, that you will always get Ap from dailies, but the hook is, you will never be able to reach the cap - and now be quiet !!


    Thats the way how it feels, if you put the caps into absurd heights, when things get changed just to quiet the complainers. It doesn't feel right. Is it a solution. .yes sure, but there are better ways to please the community, without having to raise everything directly into absurdity.


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