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Posts posted by Orpheal.8263

  1. I voted mace, cause its a weapon that hasn't seen much love yet at all for specializations, so i think its time for an Elite Spec, that is focused on addign the mace for its core class.


    Mace makes sense for the Necromancer as some kind of shamanic, warlock/ ritualist based spec that could use the mace in a semi melee, semi magic ranged based way as some kind of hybrid midrange weapon practically, while bringign back basically as ritualist the Ash Urns as gameplay and Weapon Spells to enchant equipment (as also new Armor Spells) with the powers of mighty Souls and Demons, callign it the **"Occultist"**, whos also able to summon throug hte Ash urns new Spirit/Demon Minions and by sacrificign them also to turn self into a Half Demon thats able to use Demon Skills while using the "Demonic Veil" as its Shroud Mechanic


    But instead of Mace, which was no chooseable option, id liek to see a Necro Spec also especially usign the Spear as Polearm Weapon for such a kind of new E-Spec, or Chakrams, especialyl chakrams as a new weapon type with some kind of "Dreamcatcher" design for a weapon skin :3 to catch in souls with them ^^

  2. it would be actualyl a great class balancing thign, if actually shouleds would significantly increase as part of the weapon and class balance the characters Defense Valuwe by such a large margin ,that you actualyl feel a significant decrease in the damage you will receive, compared to a character of the same class, as you, that plays with no shield, as a compensation theore, that you dont use in your offhand a weapon, which provides also more offensive based skilsl andl ike like a shield does provide defensive based skills that aren#t very well for dealing superb DPS with them


    it would actually help making defense finalyl more equalk to offensive builds, if shields actually wouldreally have a significant affect on how much maximum damage you will eceive from all sources of damage, like reducign direct damage and condition durations on you that you will suffer on.

  3. Voted my Main Class Profession Thief naturally.

    I play thief, because I need to have a fast acting class in a game like GW2.

    classes that act, move or agitate to slowlya for me in combat aren't fun, which is why I took the thief, because of its initiative System that I found very interesting and intriguing to play with, as it was exactly what I wanted, - to play a class, that acts on demand and doeas what I want whenever I wan,t without having to care always way too much on genre and game typical skill recharge times to slow me down in combat and limitate my options to react in combat on the situations.


    Plus I very much liked the stealth gameplay back then, when Thieves were much more unique to that gameplay mechanic, until ANet watered Stealth down way too much with the Scrapper, Trap Stealth access to Rangers/DH and all the stealth hate that came after it with adding tons of reveal to the game, just only of peopel being too incompetent to handle fighting a stealth class without getting spoon fed with lots of reveal mechanics has hard counters.

    Instead of giving everyone and their mom hard counters to stealth, Anet should have better balanced the core combsat mechanic systems instead of the game, while making also sure, that somethign like perma stealth never sees the light of the day in this game as well.


    Then again back in the 2012ers I also very much liked the image of playing my class as "Ninja Nurse" and I still like to heal and revive unseen whenever I can other people :D

  4. I absolutely don't hate the current expansions, its absolutely the other way around. i love it. But howev,er I do also agree with the peop,e who say here, that Pof is completely unrewarding and kind of a one time experience, because theres is nothign left for you to do there, once you are through with the expansions story and most of its achievements, it offers absolutely no replayability, reasons for why peopel shoould continue to stay there, because older maps like silver wates or the Hot Maps are far more rewarding, than PoF... so its just logical, that people wil lreturn in masses back to these maps, if PoF doesn't become at least more equally rewarding - and personalyl I guess that just right the people Anet actually wanted, so that they will use basically (hopefiully) living world season two, to tweak the PoF maps with the season 4 content and make it through the livign world patches and its epiusodes more entertaining and rewarding as well, to give people plenty of reasons to play on those maps for a long time actively, or basicalyl permanently actively as well and do everything there, what the maps offers, from various events, to the bounty hunts, adventures and so on ...


    People also hope, that we finally see sonn a proper balance patch, that will cut back the powercrrep from pof back to a sane normal level, especially with specs like Scourge, Spellbreaker and Mirage, which currently are just absurdly overpowered in certain cases and just show us more again ,how needy this game has it also as well to get a proper rebalance of all of its ignored combat mechanic core systems, especially Boons and Conditions for now the very most.

    That the game hasn't seen yet for a logn time a proper balance patch is also a strognm reason for why so many peopel are displeased with PoF right now, cause poF is the reason whsy currently WvW and PvP has become even much more unfun to play with its overpowered new E-specs being now part of the game that can partwise already rip you apart, before you even realized that they are they!!!

    GW's deve seem to still live in their self made dream of thinking, that GW2 players all have like reaction speeds of a lightning, by the kind of absurd damage bursts that this game has by now, that they still sem to think ,that its fun if you have combats end in seconds, without that you ever actually had a chance to do aynthign or to react on your enemy, because you got already spammed with conditions and hard cc skills already to death, before the battle even actually had started at all, because all you need to do nowadays is just performing one good burst attack and hope you hit your foe with it, and players are either already downed a few hits later already, or directly downed, if you hit a glass cannon player, cause this games health system is so outdated by now, that its not funny anymore!!! However, thats a different topic ...


    I simply think we as community need to be more patient here with Anet and that the content of PoF surely wil lgrreatly improve and brign peiopel to return to PoF maps, once the next living world season 4 starts and addresses then the issues of PoF through new added content.

  5. @ Doctor:

    I hope, you wont regret it later by asking me for more details ... but to say the least, I simply didn't have had the tiem to write at that moment a big essay full of details

    However, if you want to have more details, here you go:


    Balance Changes I want for the overall Thief Class including its Specializations:


    **General Changes to Core Thief:**

    - Baseline Offhand Sword added with its few new Skills this will add (2 Offhand Skills + 3 Dual Skills = +5 Skills from adding baseline OH Sword)

    - Baseline Longbow added to Thief to improve the build diversity this way for this Class a bit more and to provide a core class based alternative to DE's Rifle

    - Prepareness made baseline

    - Core Thief Steal Skills getting merged where possible to make space for better, more useful Steal SKilsl and give each class more diversity on Steal Skills, instead of stealing always the same things from enemies. So increasing the total amount of possible Steal Skills significantly. Practically doubling to trippling it.

    - Make Shortbow lesser utility and more a viable ranged weapon, that becomes equal to Pistols, by changing its AoE skills to become more dangerous, giving it a strong signal skill that you will want to avoid beign hit too often with, and that forces you more to change your position, thus making SB also especially in PvP for holding spots more useful and not only to switch fast your own position only

    - Add in general to the Core Thief alot more Boon Steal and Trap Control Abilities to make in general the Thief far more resistant against any kind of Trap Play..you can fool around maybe any other classes with Traps, by a Thief should laugh over anybody, who tries to trick them with Traps and in fact shoudl be able to turn their Traps agaisnt themself! when playing even self a Trapper Build. Thiefs should be able to see Enemy Traps, while other Classes not, except maybe the Engineer with its Goggle Utility Skill.

    - Merge underwhelming Utility Skills together among all categories and use the crated space to add useful new Utility Skilsl that give the Thief more Build Diversity

    - Redesign all Thief Skills as good as possible to the point, that significantly much more of them become useable underwater as well, SKilsl which can#t be redesigned get removed and replaced with complete new Skills, which will work everywhere.

    - Add to the Thief like for all Classes their missing Healing, Utility and Elite Skills, so that all CLasses have for all Skill Types also Skills in their categories. For Thief as example is missing a Healing Trap, a Signet Elite Skill and also a Trap Elite Skill.

    - Rebalancing of all its Underwater Weapon Skills (but this will be kept for later with an Underwater Expansion I guess)

    - For Sword specifically I'd make Pistol Whip not rooting you, after the Stun Attack, you should be able to move and decide foryourself, when you want to burst with the Multi Strike Part. I'd change Tactical Strike from Blindness to Confusion Stacks and Stun instead of Daze and make it hit stronger if hit from behind and always 100% critical.

    - Infiltrators Strike I'd make steal Boons and cure 1 more Condition, increase therefore its Initiative Cost to 4. This making S/D stronger at Boon Stealing, while giving S/X also now an option to steal boons

    - Flanking Strike id make give Vigor, when using it successfully for evading atacks and deal Blindness when hitting foes from behind with it.

    - For Dagger specificaly I'd make Backstab deal increased damage, when hit either from the back, or the sides, and rename the skill into "Assassination" and unblockable and guaranteed critical, when hit from behind and let it grant you now Might, Fury and Quickness, if you down foes with this skill. Even for a logner duration, if you actually kill foes with this attack including then also Resistance for some time.

    - Heartseeker would I increase in range from 450 to 600 and let its Bonus Damage ramp up quicker in more steps. Above 70%, Above 60%,. Above 50% and so on, down to under 30%, what wil help this skill as part of Power Builds to become faster more dangerous and quicker deadlier for fleeing foes that get catched by it from the frontside dealing a little extra bonus damage, if you hit from the front and frontal attacks are now unblockable, if you have boons on.

    - Death Blossoms Evade frame getting fixed finally to a 100% evade frame that covers its complete animation time and its Condition changed from Bleeding to Torment and additional Confusion Stacks, when successfully evading enemy attacks with it. and increasign the amount ot target hits from 3 to 5.

    - Shadow Shot gets its Initiative Costs increased to 5, but its range increased to 1200, therefore is the skill now blockable/reflectable ending up you and your enemy switching positions when being reflected to you.

    - For Pistol I'd say specifically merge Body Shot with Head Shot as new Head Shot that stuns and causes confusions and replace Head Shot on Slot 4 with Ricochet as an Pistol AoE Skill similar to Trick Shot, but less bounces, stronger hits and steals boons.

    - Remove Blackpowder and replace it with a new Pistol Skill, Pistol 5 (one that gives conditions from you to the enemy) is the reason why so many perma stealth thief trolls exist in GW2, The efficiency and usability of blackpowder needs to get reworked into an utility skill like Blinding Powder. on demand stealth shoudl come always at the cost of utility skill/traits slots and shouldn't come from weapon skills


    **Healing Skills on Core Thief**

    - Hide in Shadows should get its Recharge Decreased from 30 to 25 and grant instead of Regeneration now Resistance

    - Signet of Malice should not only heal you passively, but also increase passively your Ferocity and be merged with the trait that heals extra for initiative points spent when using Weapon Skills. Its base heal shoukld be very slightly increasse, while its Recharge Time gets increased from 15 to 20

    - Skelk Venom should rengenerate with the charges it gives you also additionally your Endurance and steal Boons.

    - Withdraw needs its recharge tiem to be increased to 20s, but should be merged with Roll for Initiative and become a Stun Breaker and give back Initiative

    - New Healing Trap: **Antitoxin Trap**. Heal yourself when setting it up and gain Protection and Resistance. Grants Regeneration and cures Torment, Poison, Weakness and Confusion, if a foe runs into it, while the foe gets damaged and its own Healing Skill disabled for its recharge time.


    **Elite Skills on Core Thief**

    - Daggerstorm - Change it back to its earlier version with longer Durations with 9 instead 6 Seconds. Make its daggers hit more accurately. Instead of the cripple effect it should deal Slow to foes and its range needs to be increased from 900 to 1200. Each hitting Dagger should now also have a small chance of stealing Boons, except Stability. When using this Skill you are now temporarely immune to Fear or any other hard CCs, as Stability will get replaced here now with an unremoveable Stability Effect instead of it being a Boon, so that yo u will defientely spin with this attack for its full duration, or until you manually stop it by using an other skill or using a dodge roll, or its duration runs out.

    - Basilisk Venom - Removed from the Game and changed into Salamander Venom, causing Cripple, Burnings and stealing Boons

    - Thieves Guild - Recharge Time reduced from 180s to 120s. Summons reduced back to 2, but duration and health of the summons increased by 50%, so that they last now for 45s instead of 30s. Thieves guild summosn now always 2 Thieves based on your Profession. If you play Core Thief = 2 Thieves (D/D/SB), if you play Daredevil = 2 Daredevils (Staff/ P/P), if you play DE, then 2 DEs (S/P/ Rifle) ect. with one always builded for melee and the other always builded for ranged combat

    - New Elite Signet: **Signet of the Pilferer** Passive: When you steal, you always steal also a Skill from your Enemy, putting it to Recharge, which can also affect already recharging skills to begin recharging from anew. This Special Stolen Skill be useable for you then once. Increases also passively your Initiative Regen by 20% when you have a Stolen Skill on you. Active: Shadow Step Strike your target foe and steal up to 2 Boons from it. The enemy gets an effect, which will make the attacked target for as long the signet needs to recharge unable to regain these 2 stolen Boons again.

    - New Elite Trap: **Sulfur Trap** Put up a Sulfur Trap, that damages foes which run into it and puts them onto Burning, Slow and Weakness. Turns underwater into Sulfur Mine, having basically the same effects as an underwater mine, which explodes if foes get too near to it where the sulfer becomes underwater into sulfurous acid.



    - Give back Acrobatics all its positive better effects back, that it once had, before it got nerfed to death so that Daredevils traitline received a reason for its existance and give the daredevil traits its own reasons to take them instead of destroying a core traitline for the sake of the daredevil gameplay

    - The Dodge Styles shoudl become integral part of the gameplay of the Daredevil and shold be changerable anytime in combat with their own recharge times, basically letting them functionate more like Elementalists Attunements, lettign the dodge styles have their very own effects on the combat stykle of the daredevils weapon skills


    Haven't played DE long enough yet to have actually a strogn opinion over it, what actually needs all to change there, if at all, but one thign I dislike about it most is its silly kneel mechanics, instead of letting these mechanics rot as dumb grandmaster mechanics, where they dont make usage of its full potential and add two more dodge styles to the daredevil for F4 and F5. Grandmaster Traits for the Daredevil should affect more its mobility and its resistance agaisnt condition spam through more Resistance Boon access to be more a meele orientated in your face enemy that can withstand better incoming damaging conditions.


    Thats it first for more "details", because most changes I'd do to the class comes practicalyl from out of the root of the problem - the Core Class Design of the thief, which is compeltely outdated for the current state of the games powercreeped "balance" in which the core thief didn't stay up to date with everythign, that Anet basically changed all around the Core Thief meanwhile, which is th reason why I said, Thief back in the 2012er/2013er years made alot more fun to play, because that was the time, where the thief design as of this class was way more balanced and in line with the whole combat system of this game, than it is right now...

  6. The only thing I wish for the Thief, is that this class needs to become again more fun to play. Over the last years Anet continously watered down the trademark gameplaymechancis of the thief more and more, that the class itself has become a shadow of its former unique past.


    The class needs to be reiterated to some point, because by now it completely has lost all of its design focus and has been watered down by anets changes into nothingness, with absolutely no real trademark features anymore, which give players a good reason to exactly play the thief class, and not maybe instead class X with its spec Y, which does this and that all already better, than actually the thief, who was originally from release of the game intentially the best class originalyl for these things by design, andn ot some elite specs of some totally different core classes .


    The game is a total mess since june 2015 and the upcoming patch wont change anything , until ANet gets finalyl their heads out of the sand, stop playing ostrichs and get the guts to make finalyl the needed groundshaking fundamentdal gameplay mechanic changes, that this game needs to get back on track for game balancve, whre also its gameplay mechancis stay up to date with all the changes they do make to skills and traits as also newly added content, like new E-Specs thatadd more content, which needs to be reconsidered also in the whole balance aspects of all core classes and the first set of specs also as well too.


    Playing Thief in GW2 back in 2012/13 made way..wayy WAY more fun, than it does actually right now in 2017 5 years later ... , because that was the time, where still all combat system relvant mechanics were mostly still intact ands balanced around each other, where ANet hasn't ignored 90% of it to keep balanced as well.

  7. Shortbow can be buffed and should be buffed to become more viable in combat, because against Pistols, Daggers, and Sword this weapon just sucks hard in regard of DPS.

    It has the weakest AA damage, unless used against bad positioning players, to make usage of its bounces between them

    Clusterbomb is way too slow and should have more range than 900 and it should deal burning and vulnerability instead of Bleedings to give it more of DpS through the condition damage ramping up faster into a dangerous area, if ignored for too long, because the bleedings from this skill simply are too weak.

    skill 4 takes way too long, before it dazes foes and it dazes not long enough to be of any danger to a player to force them to change their position

    the mobility factor if this weapon rebalances it self due to the mobility havign the highest initiative costs, so that you can't spam it for too long too oftenly, without quickly running out of initiative and bringing yourself into a situation of having to wait for initiative to regenerate first, if you use it too carelessly, so that you have to play defensively for a while, if you get surprise attacked after using skill 5 spammy a few times after another directly..


    Therefore that SB should be better suited for group fights, you barely even realyl notice that this weapon really outshines the others in such situations.. the other build options with D/D, S/P, P/P or D/P al are better in group fights, because especialyl in group fights you get quickly forced into melee combat, where the melee orientated weapons are much better choices for self defense, than the SB... SB is by its currenty skil ldesign nothign but an underwhelming utility weapon that is in regard of the dps only most useful in PvE, due to the lackluster A.I being too dumb to avoid bad positioning so that the bounces can do there their best work, whereas in pvp and wvw you dont get oftenly intpo the situation, where its AA can work very efficiently, unless in WvW you get ignored in a zerg clash and can used while beign unattacked the SB aa agaisnt all the people around you not carign about their positioning so that you can make best useag of your bouncing shots to hit as many enemies as possible always.. but the moment you get the main aggro of your enemies onto yourself as they realize, what you are doing actualy, to try to quickly gank you dont, Sb helps you nothing and you are better of to immediately change to either D/P, S/P or D/D as you will be able to defend yourself better with these weapons, than you will ever be able to defend yourself with SB with its very bad and predictable backwards evade mechanic on skil l3, which makes your inevitable death if you stay for too long in this weapon when being outnumbed just a tiny delay, while not dealing out enough damage to foes with it, that you could defeat with this weapon anyone, before you get already defeated first from all the powercreep that is in this game by the latest set of e-specs again, whid added even far more ridiculous powercreep to the game, than the first set did with HoT, which makes it far more obvious how direly the game needs now a balance patch to tone done the powercreep that came withb PoF, especially with specs like Mirage, Scourge and Spellbreaker which are the 3 biggest ridiculous offenders of powercreep atm imo.


    But Core Classes and also the 1st set Specs need now adjustments.. its not done with it now, that only the newest expansion specs get looked at now.

    Everything needs to be brought back more in line with each others within the Core Classes and their Specs and especially the game needs to rebalanced and adjust finalyl all of its outdated combat system mechanics step by step - beginning especially with Boons and Conditions, followed by the Health System and Upgrades and finished with the biggest rework, that is the Attribute System.


    However, making Shortbows for thieves better, would be also already a tiny milestone into the right direction for now. Doesnt need huge Dps buffs, cause thats not the role of this weapon, but it should at least give enough DPS, that its damage can#t be totally ignored by everyone and absolutely forces nobody to change their positions, because everybody can simply outlast for a half eternity the damage that you can do with SB, before fightign agaisnt somebody with a SB becomes even at all dangerous for anyone - this must change.

    To fight somebody using a SB, should make you as enemy same as cautious to play against, as like when you fight against somebody using P/P or D/D or S/P, which all have their skilsl and tactics for that you have to look out for, that you dont get hit by them too oftenly, like Unload for P/P, liek Pistol Whip for S/P and like Backstab from D/x

    SB is totally missing this kind of dangerous signal skill, players need to be cautious of...

    peopel easily outlast even clusterbomb spam I#ve seen already countless times happenign in WvW, where people eat my clusterbomb spam and still aren't dead if I run out already on initiative - maybe because i dotn play a glass cannon build ..but even without glass cannon build this skil lcan be spammed rapidly like felt 7 times or so before you run out of initiative, havign let that foe also like 12-14 stacks of bleedign meanwhile also too .. and whdn you see than that the base damage and the bleeds together are so low, while a DE compared to you needs to do just basicalyl only 1 single critical shot and you lie dead on the ground, then theres somethign massively wrogn in this game.... when a signle shot can deal in short tiem way mroe damage, than like a douzen of exploding bombs all around you beign spammed to you as fast as possible.

  8. There are already some entries here, which far surmount the quality of any of the 20 finalists.


    Peronally absolutely shocked, that the absolute awesome longbow concept, I briefly call it now "Ten Suns", cause too lazy to type out its full name :P actually hasn#t made it ...


    But also the sword design from the poster, who said, he maded a rushed job, is like x times better, than most entries that made it to the 20 finalists and you receive the impression, that some of those entries simply didn'ät made it into the top 20, simpyl because they overwhelmed anet with so muhc full on details in the design, which most, if not all top 20 entries absolutely don#t have at all, that they got simply out of technically ,because of just "too much details" that making tsich high detailed concepts is just impossible with GW2s engine lol


    Or you receive the impression, that some entries kind of aimed for a too high goal, there are some entries hier,e that are visualyl so stunning, that they potentially make up for awesome possible legendary weapons, while I think the contest was practicalyl thought for makign designs for just kind of named exotic quality weapons, which was then the reason certain entries got disqualified for getting into the Top 0, because of simply looking to good for beign in the end just only a named exotic weapon, like for exampel this would be the case for my taste with Ten Suns, as much as id like to see this bow being in the game, but for a simple exotic weapon this design is then again looking already way too good ;)


    However, keep on posting guys, we want to get the 900 complete hehe ^^

  9. I've seen the 20 finalists, and seriously, if these twenty are the creme dela creme out of the 900 entries, then this choice is really disappointing and I'm glad, that we can vote out of them only 1 weapons, because out of this 20 finalists is really also only like a hand full of entries, that actuall made a really outshining good weapon design, while liek the other 15 entries are boring 0815 designs, which even partwise don't fit into the art style of GW2 at all, like for example the longbow - stuff like that belongs maybe to WoW, but not to GW2

    Number 19 looks so extremely unpractical as a sword, that you have to ask yourself, how the hell do you want to cut even anything with this.

    It even has barely a blade for a sword weapon ...to do that with all the impractical wings there, maybe you will want to poke somebody to death with that perhaps ...because slicing and cutting can you forget with this thing lol


    I#m also very surprided, why we have to vote for the weapons on Dulfy, and not here? At least I haven't seen here yet an official Voting Thread made by ANet, where you also can see the 20 finalists and vote for them. Again its a third party site, where somethign important like this is being made.

    Not that I'd really complain about this, dlfy is an awesome site, find it just weird that Anet hasn't even made any official announcement jhere on the forums, that voting for the weapons actually has started!!

    Kind of gives you as a player the impression, as if they even don't care about it, that people should get informed over this fact and that people have time only for voting until friday the 10th november!

    That way will surely participate not as many people in the voting, as how much potentially surely could, if there would be more information about this on the top of the site...


    If I would have to name my top 5 of the 5 among which I think, which will make for becoming the winner, then I think it will be number 1, 3, 12, 15 and 20, and i think personally, number 15 or 20 wins - wil lbe getting close between those 2.

    I'm hard undecided between voting either for 3 or 20, but I've still time to make up my final decision until 10th november : D


    PS: numbers based on dulfies list up, however, have overseen that the site relinks to ANets official voting site, where the weapons are listed up in a different row up

  10. Good ones only


    Those kind of titltes, which actually kind of reflect the journey of my character's story over the years, like especially Hero of Lions Arch, or lately Primeaval Descendant or how that one is called in English again, which got added lately with PoF, as this one pretty much has that kind of vibe to me, that my current character is kind of a heroic person as a descendant of my hero character from GW1, like being some kind of living breathing legacy on two legs lol, as a primeaval descendant of my Main Character from 250 years ago, givign me the feeling, that when my character wears this title, that the person I descended from was kind of "legendary", that even 250+ years people respect my character for beign a descendant of practicalyl my main character of 250 years ago..


    Thats why i like currently that one title the most, because is depthfully meaningful and not just only a fluff/fun title

  11. I simply support this.

    Everythign, of QoL features, which makes Inventory Management easier and more comfortable, or just quicker, will always a good implement for this game and will help in making GW2 a much better game and as such, should get a high priority to be added to the game.


    Then theres this debate here, what is again "too simple" for the dumbest person ever playing this game, which is the reason, why in fact the beginner regions of this game got so dumbed down ,that even infantile chimps could play this game blindly, but thats an other discussion.. howev,er if ever anyone deletes somethign with the help of a simplyfied deletion system, like a trashcan feature, then its THEIR OWN PERSONAL FAULT.

    People have two god damn EYES in their heads - USE THEM - and I have heard, people have brains, which they should use first to think about it, what they want to delete out of their inventories..


    If then even such deletion protection mechanics, like having to type in the names of items first for a deletion don't help, then I seriously don#t know, what even will help at all against the stupidity of some people *ponders*

    What I just want to say with this is - Anet shouldn't stop from making this game better, more comfortable , easier and quicker to handle in regard of quality of life features, only because there are people out there, which make out of their craziest reasons for themself in a certain moment a fatal mistake, leading to them having to make a support ticket to make hopefulyl for them this fatal mistake undone. thats just natural, its human. People make mistakes, and people making mistakes should never becoem a reason to make not a game better, when it cane be potentialyl made alot better in many quality of life aspects

  12. Funny to see such a thread pop up, after I've suggested this earlier before in that legendary mastery thread from someone else before xD just saying ...

    Howev,er I've posted the idea of this also basically a few tiems in the old forums, which soon get deleted with all of its content, so i think its just a question of time, when sooner or later this idea would get reposted by someone else.


    Personally I'm abslutely in favor for this feature, otherwise I naturally wouldn't have re-suggested it again in that Legendary Mastery Thread as part of the legendary mastery concept I proposed there based on a Legendary Crafting Mastery that lets you create all kinds of unique things, from dyeable and renable weapons and armor to Skill Skins, Mount Skins as also Aura Dyes & Effect Changes and a unique craftable Card Collection Minigame.


    Naming Rules for Characters should simply also be applied as Namign Rules for Weapons/Armor/Pets and the issues are done. add to Reporting just the side note, that you can report players now also not only for bad character/pet names, but also for bad equipment names, and people will be very cautious when and where they will show others, how their weapons were named by them... especially, if that name change is permanent and when a name changed item could not be destroyed or reforged anymore, only thrown away and practically deleted by typing in the renamed name into the type boy that pops up then to confirm the deletion, to make sure, that violations agaisnt the namign rukes will be simply reconstructable for Anet, if it has to be investigated, what someone did name a weapon and deleted it in hope, this will spare them from beign punished, when in fact Anet can clearly reconstruct ,what has been deleted from our account by us, so see the name of the item and if it eventually violated the naming rules, and if yes, how exactly.


    So I see absolutely no reason, unless a technical one that is out of my comprehension, why it shouldnt be possible for Anet to add Equipment naming, basicalyl the same way like they have given us Pet Naming.


    Basically go into equipment, mark the item you want to rename, right click it, window pops up, choose Rename Item, window pops up, where you can type in the name name, confirm the new name, Finish


    Its basically the same with pets. Just quicker with less processes. Click Button assigned to pet Menu, Chose pet you want to rename, type in new name, confirm, finish (and hope, that the game saved it for you and you don't have to redo this again if you pet swap xD stupid bug ^^)

  13. It be just happy, if ANet finally removes the idiocy, that is the time gatign for ascended weapon/armor relevant materials.

    If this woudl finalyl get removed, then woudl prices for ascended equipment finalyl normalize a bit, cause peopel coudl craft then slightly faster the needed materials, offer of those materials will grow, and so mroe the offer grows, while the demand eventualyl stays the same, so cheaper wil lthe mateirals bcome and thus also craftign these thigns wil lbecome then again cheaper...


    Aside of this, Anet should add into PvP and WvW Reward Tracks that let you earn ascended equipment, or chances to get rewarded with ascneded weapons7armor parts shoudl get increased for gainign WvW Ranks/Pvp Ranks

    ALso Fractals need to become more and faster rewardign in regard of ascended weapons/armor, you should be able to earn there mostly only ascended accessoires, when you could use the currency there also to buy ascended weapon/armor chests with it instead. Anet needs just to add only the option to buy these chests with fractal, pristine fractal relics as well...


    Players in pve shoudl also have the option to make via the mystic force out of an exotic weapon an ascended weapon, only the the results from the mystic force should be by random, if you throw in 4 exotic weapons, you should also have the chance to receive in return instead of an expotic item also as well as result an ascended item.


    Then theres also the option that anet should add more achievements and meta achievements, that should reward us with ascended weapons/armor, instead of always only stupid ascended asccesssoire that nobody needs or wants.

    Fort reaching every 1000 AP should give the reward chests also a guaranteed option for either an ascended weapon ,or ascended armor part of choice , so that actually AP huntign becomes more rewarding and worth all of its efforts. this should be rewarded then also retroactively in a time gated way.

    So people who have for example like me 28k ap, woudl receive then time gated retroactively every week 1 ascended chst of choice for a total of retroactive 28 ascended chests.


    Stuff like this actualyl would make playing then with many alt characters also fun, if you get rewarded for all your efforts and your time spent more oftenly with actualyl useful and rewsarding items, that jhelp you gear all your alts quicker, so that they become quicker and quicker competitive as well and same as powerful, as liek your main character with that you spent your most time in the game, while the alts just collect meanwhile dust for you in the background ...

    personalyl I want play for sure alot more with my alts, if gearign them all into compelte ascneded items, wihtout by so extremely time consuming and expensive.

    So more characters you have, it should actually become over time eadsier and easier to gear all your alts into BIS equipment as wll.

    Its enough for player,s that gettign a first complete set of ascneded items should be expensive and time consuming, but from that point on it should become easier for the playe,r not stay same as hard, or become even much harder, due to changes of the games economy balance, see leather right now ... turning crafting medium ascended equipment into a financial nightmare for players!!!


    I really hope, anet wil lrealizes this finalyl soon, that gettign ascended equipment shoudl become more accessible, gettign your hands on a complete set has become way too difficult over time and too expensive, than is good for Guild Wars 2 with its majority beign a community of casual players, not asia grinder experienced and resistant hardcore gamers, who actualyl like this kind of extreme gear grind...

  14. absoluitely agree with this proposal, have already indentified liek thousands of items, and havent yet seen for my main the needed exotic for the achievement drop, while havign had already a few exotics, but it where completely useless named exotics for me, that I didn#t need at all, basicalyl typical vendor trap that is for an exotic by like 1 to 2G or so or lesser by even now.


    There should exist more way to obtain those exotics, than just only through buyign from the TP from greedy players for way too much gold ,than these items are worth it, or extremely rarely having eventually a chance to obtain them randomly out of an identified item, for which you need to use unitendified rare items just to have the biggest chances to obtain out of them also exotics, because all exotics i got so far out of unitendified items were always out of identifying rare items, not masterworks or common crap


    ANet should add crafting recipes for those exotic e-spec collection weapons, so that there is also as alternative a way how you can just earn them by makign them yourself.

    Or bett,er Anet shoudl add additionalyl also mystic forge recipes.


    Throw in an Elonian Skin Weapon, a few globs of ectoplasm, an Augur Stone and a Joko Weapon into the forge, and if both weapons are of thee same type, then you will receive as return also the exotic achievement colelction weapon of the same weapon type.


    So if you want to go for the deadeye rifle weapon for example, youve to throw an Elonian Riflke, an Joko Minion Rifle, Ectos and an Augur Stone into the forge, and you'll receive the exotic rifle that is needed for the deadeye rifle collection to get the ascended rifle.

    Make then those exotic weapons unsellable.

    Peopel should earn them, not simply buy them from TP... sikmply buying new cotnent from Tp is just like rewardign players for being rich.. just bad game design


    Additionally to this, Anet should add to Bounties as rewards chess as items that can drop, from which you can choose directly one of those weapons from, this would make bounties more rewarding, especially if the chance to receive these chanct slightly increases, so more bounties you make on a map continously, until a certain cap has reached. This way woudl have peopel then also a way to practicalyl farm exotics, which then in return coudl be thrown into the forge to have a chance at receivign precursors from zomorros for the first gen legendaries.


    Fixing this and making thingss liek this more rewarding would be just a win/win for PoF maps

  15. The next logical higher step from an AAA game would be basically an S Game, or if you want to keep it in the A realm, then basically an AAA+ Game

    GW2 is far away from ever gettign to see such a rating.


    By its current state, ive not even call it an AAA game, but just an AA to AA+ game


    For me has to happen first these point,s until Id call GW2 worthy of beign an MMORPG with AAA to AAA+/S Rating


    - Balance finally the 90% of the rest of the Combat System, that has been ignored for 5 years

    - Rework the Underwater Gameplay and reintegrate it completely in a viable way with own masteries, rebalanced skills, own underwater traits and content, that makes actually usage of the underwater gamepay (3rd WvW borderline map based on underwater gameplay, underwater themed maps in PvE, an underwater pvp map, underwater stronghold map)

    - Complete Rework of the Dungeon Content and actually continuing on adding also new Dungeons, like for example those old GW1 Dungeons reinvented for GW2, the GW1 dungeons actually felt alot more like dungeons, than the gw2 ones..realyl sad how the content design degenerated here from GW1 to GW2

    - Improvement of the Fractals of the Mist Mode, by adding new content in form of alot of interestign new Fractal Mode Forms that make usage of the massive potential that FotM has in regard of content design freedom, like Heroic Fractals (Bonus Mission Pack Style), like Dungeon Crawlers (climbing a 100 stock tower fractal that is each tiem different when you enter it), Hunting Grounds that are more like Farm Territories Monster Hunter Style, for real bounties to hunt there, that are rewarding, Guild Crusades as new fractal based unique guild missions that are a mixture betwen Wvw gameplay, fotm and general PvE, content design for aroudn like 50-100 people of a guild to do in instanced maps in the mists, Battlegrounds fotm based invasion maps for huge battles of epic scale to take place on there and os on, FotM is this games raw gem, and anet makes so less usage of it, its realyl sad, that fractals is since its implementation just the same borign stuff, where you do always the same thigns in them, when there could be done so miuch more with this gameplay element.

    - Implementation of helpful QoL things and long wanted features, like a Build Template System, Player housing,including a rework if the personal instance system to allow players there to build up their very own houses with the assets of the guild hall system beign shared for this for decorations ect. for where it makes sense

    - Implementation of the missign content stuff, that should have been in the game already from day 1, like Polymock and alot of other Town activities, i.e. Minigames to keep peopel attracted to actualyl go visit every now and then all those towns.. AMnoon shows, that towns can have now their very own events, all other towns should have the same treatment now

    - Implementation of more weapon types through Elite Specializations, the game just provides the generic weapon types every other compareable mmo out there typically provides as well. Id love to see more exotic weapons in GW2 beign useable, like Whips, like Chakrams, stuff, that makes GW2 truly shine out of the mass and more unique, givign this way more of a reason to rate this game AAA or even higher, if a developers even goes so far to add more exotic weapons into their game, which usually never find their way into games like these

    - Adding at least the Tengu as new playable race and making throgh their their regions and the hometown as explorable. in a true AAA and higher mmo shoudl be everythign you can see and reach in the pve part of th game also explorable too. It has been enough time of isilation for the Tengus.. how much longer should they live like birds in their own made cage?? A true AAA mmrpg shows, that they can also add later through expansions new playable races and this in such a good what ,that after their implemention the race should feel, as if it would have been always from begin on already part of the game. A true AAA game can implement new playable races in such a way.


    Just to name some of the more important thigns that come up my mind, when brainstormign over this topic, surely could come up with more point,s but the ones i listed up here are already good enough to show, how much the game is away for me personally to be called an AAA game, unless these thigns are done, fixed and added

  16. No, not 1 second rofl, you need to play it at least so long,. until you reached the Hall of Monuments in Eye of the North, so you basically need GW1 and main game, and EotN, the little expansion, and once you are in the Eye of the North, you can link both Games together, so that if you log in into GW2 with an account, that is linked to a GW1 account and you have made in GW1 enough progress within the Hall of Monument, then yo uwil lreceive a Black Widow for the Ranger as reward in GW2




    On this Site you will see, if you type in your Character Name of one of your GW1 Characters, how far your HoM progress is to unlock the various HoM rewards you receive in GW2.

    Its a mixture out of Skins, Pets and Titles you receive, plus also a nice amoutn of extra AP for every earned title (50AP per title)


    To earn the black Window, you need to earn in GW1 30 HoM points of 50, which is taking you quite some time you have to play first GW1, until you have those.

  17. As if Anet would ever dare to touch anything that is "core" in this game, lol, they havent done this for a single time in 5 years ...

    They don't have the guts to merge if neccessary core skills, to maekover them into somethign better, to use the created new space to add new better skilsl which provide the this way the classes better build versatility.


    The community is providing since 5 years very good ideas how to merge and improve the games core skills that are underused, because of how useless and underwhelming they are by Anets core design which these skills have since day one. Do you think ANet would change anything on these skills? nope.

    Underwater Skills for example haven't seen since release of the game a single rebalancing...just saying, but its so denotive for the situation in which GW2 is into right now.


    And I tell you why, because reworking skills costs precious ressources, money, time ect. that could be spent elsewhere in the game rather than for new content, than to "waste" it on old content like core skill content to improve that instead.

    Thats likely Anet's answer you'd receive, as its the standard excuse you will hear from companys, that struggle with their ressources, due to a too weak gemstore not generating enough money income to ensure, that Anet can work on both - new content, while having also the ressources for working and fixing old content, which is why they always keep on nicely reminding us all, that if they serioiusly should work on fixing something old in this game, that this will slow down the progress on how fast we will receive any new content in the near future... nice, or?? as if we didn't knew this, that it would be the consequence naturally xD


    I can priorize fixing old content, over making new content, if I know that the game is in the dire situation of fixing the old content over makign new stuff.

    But Anet sadly priorizes always only on making new content, because thats the type of content, that is able to generate money income, while fixing old content is in reality only a money-losing business, which is the reason why I pesonally have given up the hope, that this game gets a more significant skill makeover ever.


    This is maybe here only my 5 years of disappointment speaking out of me now however, full of pessimism and negativity, but it would really positively surprise me, if this game ever will see a proper full on balancing update with everything that belongs to it, before GW2 dies out, as long nothing does change on ANets financial situation first, to make sure that they can work on new and old content at the same time, so that not old content has to be permanently abandonded by Anet with only the focus on new content to make money, like they did that with Dungeons, like they did that practicaly with WvW for 3+ years now... and like they do this with 90% of this games combat system since release day practically.

  18. > @Antroz.4908 said:

    > Let us see what this patch will bring us..


    I can tell you this already:


    Nothing but the usual Bug Fixers of Skills by "fixing" some skill texts and doing the usual change numbers game on just only skills and traits, while ignoring 90% of the rest of this games combat system to balance as well.


    That will happen.

    This patch will change not really something, as long Anet doesn't have the guts to make finally a bigger proper balance update, which actualize some of the more important core aspects of the game balance that are long overdue to get rebalanced:


    * Conditions

    * Boons

    * Upgrades

    * Health System

    * Attribute System


    are the 5 Main pillars besides of Skills and Traits, which need to be kept close on eyes as well and need to receive at least every 6 to 12 months an overlook as well to make sure, that these core elements stay adapted and actualized to all the made changes to Skilsl and Traits as well in the meantime.

    But these pillars of the game are still partwise so massively outdated by not, sitll using mostly unfitting 2012er balancign states, that by far aren't good anymore for the game by today, that makign any changes on just only Skills and Traits wil lalways feel like a tiny drop of water onto a hot stone, going instantly on release of the patch POOOF into thin air, so frelevant are Anets balancing patch since years in their value..

  19. > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > Black Widow skin in the Gem Store please!!!!

    > I never played GW1 and I need the Black Widow!


    Play GW1, you can get that game very cheap, and you earn the Black Widoe as part of linking GW1 with GW2

    So it will never happen that this pets becomes buyable through the Gemstore


    PS: ah, Ill was faster xD, the Hall of Monuments is the way to go here yeah

  20. Nothing of these suggestions is something, what I personalyl woudl ever consider to be worthy to call a "Legendary Mastery"


    Why do we even have to have sonmething like Legendary Masteries? Are simple Mastereries just not enough?

    The game isn't making even usage yet of the massive potential that just normal masterirs could add to this game. In the old forums I#ve listed up already several times, how many potential Masteries the gam is missing and what ANet kind of should have added already from begin on with HoT, to give the Mastewry System directly enough weight, so that people have enough things to do and that also in Core Tyria too, because especially with Core Tyria anet can use the Mastery System also very well to add with it alot of Quality of Life improvements that gets pack into the Mastery System as a form of character progression, that can revive also kind of the old maps, cause if you want to progress in the masteries, you have to play in the fitting maps so that the gained exp lets you progress on the region based masteries, like that you can progress on HoT based masteries only, when you play in HoT Maps, same as like you progress in the Moutn Masteries only, while you play on PoF Maps....


    So adding alot of more Core Game Masteries from which also everyone and not just only expansion oweners have somethign is also a natural and easy way to revive the core maps, if you can progress on these masteries as lek with expansion based masteries only, while playing on the various core maps.



    However, if there is something, that I'd consider eventually being some kind of "Legendary Mastery", if you ask me, then it would be something thats based on your equipment.


    Like on the Crafting System, a Mastery, that builds upon having mastered first all Craftign Jobs, and with this I mean truly all, including Scribing, Jeweler and Chef to Job Level 500, becoming Grandmaster in the Job, which unlocks then the Access to the Legendary Mastery


    "Legendary Creator"

    Which unlocks for you then legendary Features, that should belong only to players, that have done the same legendary workload in the game, giving players which have done these thigns then some priviligious gameplay features, that aren't making them better ove other players, which don#t have also too this mastery - so it has to be visual fluff.


    Legendary Creator I = **Weapon Fashionista**

    Unlocks for you the Feature to Dye your Weapons by becoming able to craft "Weapon Dyes", which are sellable new Items you can use then onto Weapons to dye them with them. With the Introduction of this feature receive Weapons now also 1 to 4 Dye Slots like Armor whre ANet makes it possible to dye the weapons.

    Excluded from this are Legendary Weapons and those Ascended Weapons that do already exist in all colors of the rainbow. Works otherwise only on normal weapons.

    Unlocks for you also the Feature, to give your Equipment own individual unique Names, so that you can give your Weapons, Armor and Accessoires own Names, which underlie the same naming rules as like player character names do.


    Legendary Creator II = **Skilled Designer**

    Unlocks for the Player the Feature to craft for their Characters "as a Scribe "Skill Skin Tomes", which when used unlock for your Account unique Skill Skin Sets that allow you to change the style/theme and look of your Classes Weapon Skills, Utility Skilsl ect. like turning the looks of a Necromancer's Minios into something else, like turning the Bone Minion Rats into some more ferocious looking two Hellhounds for example, or changign the Look of the GW2 Flesh Golem into the GW1 Flesh Golem Design remastered for GW2 and so on ...


    Legendary Creator III = **Charismatic Person**

    Unlocks for the Player to craft legendary unique Aura Infusions that and change also the effects and colors from Foot Step Effects and Arm Auras from Legendary Weapons that you own. You don't like your Aurora Balls in pink? Then this legendary Mastery wil lhelp you out to bcome able to turn its colors into somethign else, or to eventually change its design into somethign else, that will orbit around you insteal of a pair of orbs, you could turn with this mastery the orbs maybe instead into a veil of many smaller twinkling stars or so to be coated practically in a rain of stardust :3 You get what I mean, this mastery could just extent basicalyl our options to make us more visually individual - thats what counts for me as aspect of a legendary mastery that improves the visuak aspects of the game.


    Legendary Creator IV = **Mystic Rider**

    Unlocks for you the ability to craft legendarys Mount Saddles, with that you can change your Mount Skin to the only way earnable Legendary Mount Skins there would be in the game, everything else only via gemstore. And it would be the only way to obtain unique special Racial Mount Skins, like Horses, for Humans, Motobikes for Charr, Animal Spirit Avatar Transforms for Norn, Hoverboards or Golem Mech Suits for Asuras and Thorn Wolves or Kirins for Sylvaris

    Legendary Gryphon Skin = HoT Style Wyvern

    Legendary Raptor Skin = Golden or Black Grand Choco ehm "Moa"

    Legendary Springer Skin = Giant Frosh

    Legendary Skimmer = Im no good with Skimmer Skin Ideas xD Just not my type of mount ^^

    Legendary Jackal = Mistfire Wolf


    Legendary Creator V = **Fabulous Player**

    Unlocks a unique Card Collector Minigame for you, making it possible or you from now on to craft also "Cards" for your Card Deck with that you can play then against other players for one of their Cards similar to Triple Triad from FF8, but more stretegetical and well designed like Gwent from Witcher 3 with various types of Card Sets that have their own Play Styles. As a fabulous player, you will also want to participate, once you have enough cards for a complete Card Deck eventualy in Card Tournaments then agaisnt other players, which will be held among other legendary creators every few months, where players can earn prices, if they win these card playing touraments.

    Players, which don't participate on these toruaments, can then make BETS out the outcome and eventually earn this way also too their money, by just making good bets on players. The first tournament will start, once there are enough players first in the game, which have become a rank 5 legendary creator, who has mastered this legendary mastery completely and has enough cards for a full deck to be able to participate in a tournament, who has also payed the "Entry Fee" to be able to participate in the tournament. The reward money is then practically the sum out of the entry fees minus some gold sink percentage that goes to the bank for to pay the poor npcs ;) They must live from somethign as well xD


  21. Voted Longbow only, because its the actually better weapon that the deadeye shoudl have received, instead of the rifle, without this idiotic kneel mechanism as a Infiltrator spec or as a rogue with have been the spec with longbow alot better, together with more supportive gameplay, lots of boon steal, trap control and a higher focus on initiative management to not run so fast out of of if you od some bursts.


    However, personalyl Id love to see ANet finally adding some new weapon types, with the Chakram for Thioeves as a good midrange weapon that fills the range gap as a weapon that ha a range between 600 to 750 base and makes usage of good positioning as well to be able to hit foes multiple times.


    Daredevil, or how I'd call this call ,the Marodeur focused on Dodge Styles and Mobility.

    The Sniper (Deadeye) focuses on Ranged Bursts to take out single targets quickly, they are practicalyl like vultures, waiting in stealth for their weak prey they can take out quickly, boring to play, but it was just a matter of time, intil the silyl counterstrike kiddies get their wish granted and such dirt finds its way into the game. Boom Headshot >.> Such an anticlimatic spec, that should never have existed, it totally ruins the fun for many in WvW and im sure pretty much in PvP as well


    The Thief needs long an alternative to the dumb Rifle, Longbow would be the best alternative that is there only for either a Rogue Specialization, that is focused on Shadow Stepping, Trap Control and Boon Steals


    Then theres a need for a Torch wieldign Saboteur Specialization, that is focused on Manipulations, taking over enemy powers to use them against them (Fighting Fire with fire Concept), Malfunctions so to say, and destructive forces, with access to Burning, that the Thief so far hasnt. A class Süecialization ,that is also more sturdier to fight, with more access to Protection, Stability and Resistance that provides in this case also more Group Support passively, so that this Spec provides finalyl more for group Support, than only Stealth.


    Then theres the Thief Spec, that is totally focused on Shadow Macic offensively as like defensively, which makes usage of Shadow Clones to deceive foes, and to distract them, forcing foes to do thigns they do not want to do by binding their shadows and controling them like puppets, so a Thief spec that is completely based on the Control Aspect of the Game which is focused on alot of Soft and Hard CCing (for that is no silly epeen hammer needed, when you can use for this a much more stylish Scepter or Focus in an in theme based shadow magic casting style similar to Shikamaru from the Naruto Series whos binding shadows of his enemies, to control them, and let them do things against their will.)


    Naturally theres the throwing weapons using Assassin/Ninja type of Thief Specialization as well, which could be much more specialized onto deadly venoms, the sealing of enemy powers as a control gameplay, the weaking of enemies through Attribute Reductions, that so far makes no class really much usage of.. its always only buff attributes here, butt attributes ther,e but yet we have no single class, which weakens foes by reducing their attributes..kind of sad.. an Assassin Spec with its specialized venoms could fill this gap together with mid ranged weaponsl ike a Chain Whip or better a Chakram.


    Theres enough of good specialization gameplay elements left open for the future for the Thief.

    However, the game doesn't provide enough weapons for all this and personally i don't want to see Naet wasting the chance of addign a good new spec with a new weapon, for just addign then a spec, that adds a weapon, which should have been imo from begin on baseline for the Thief, like the Offhand Sword or the Longbow, so that they would have never been the need for such crap liek the deadeye.

  22. Whips and Claws/Gloves absolutely do fit to Thieves much more, than say Hammers, Greatswords, Warhorns, Shields, Maces or Axes.

    The only Weapons of the base Game left, that actually could make sense is the Longbow, Offhand Sword if Anet actually really wants to waste on these two weapons that should be baseline for Thief E-Specs. Then come to mind just only Scepter, Focus and Torch that are left, which could potentially make sense, where Scepter and Focus being too similar, so it wouldnt make sense to give them just both.


    However, not all professions in the game are in the situation, that they have potentially left a few base game weapons over to use for upcoming expansions for new E-Specs.

    Some, like the Warrior are hard on the edge of running out of Weapon options, that do make sense to give thenm, unless Anet doesn#t add for the Spec a new Weapon Type...


    Adding new Weapon Types is no huge work, especially if animations do already exisst, and skins, like that would be halway the case for Polearms that could reuse the animations and skins of spears, which is by far now the most simplest new weapon type to add, by just making Spears turn into polearms as hybrid weapon useable on land as like in water. And whips already exist in their animations.


    Greedy people do make out of the whole thing just only a much bigger fuss, than it really is, because alot of people expect from Anet, that the moment they add a new weapon type, that this weapon type should have already from begin out the same huge amount of weapon skins, like an 5 year old weapon type, that has been there from day 1.

    How ridiculous this expectation from these people is, i surely don't have to explain you, because its selfexplanatory, that a new added weapon skin never will get introduced instantly with hundreds of skins for it also too. anet sirely has the option to retroactively add skins for these sets to the new added weapon, but thats something, that will take its time and will happne if at all very slowly step by step, because 5 years of time advantage, that the other weapon types have over a new weapon type isn't catched up just in no time by tomorrow, ints not liek that they have to do like Bibi Blocksberg just a "hex hex" and its magically there >.>


    Yes, Anet has mentioned that they "currently" have no intentions of adding new weapon types, but before we even are again so far that we can possible think about the chance of addign new weapon types, are going again at least another 2+ years into the lands... and in 2 plus years can change alot and out of a currently not planned can quickly become the next expansions great expansion seller feature number 1, like they did with Mounts ...

    How long have they told us, that Mounts are not currently planned basically and see, what we have now? Right, Mounts!


    One should never take the words of a Dev for always 100% granted, it might end up that they say no to something just simle, to not create preemtive hpye for somethign, so that they have something on the backhand for late,r with that they can surprise us as part of added new features via Expansions like they did that now with Mounts... because ANet was surely working on Mounts already way longer, than the last 2 years and Mount Wish Threads have been basically there since the release of the game...


    What I want to say with this is, that people shouldn#t give up so easily on Anet havign to sadd new weapon types. If we, the community are just liud enough on this topic for a long enough time, that ANet sees, that we really want to have them, and don't giver up on this wish, then they simply somewhen can't ignore this wish anymore, until the moment has come, that Anet can even make profit with this wish becoming true - like with Mounts beign added with an expansion, to make profit with them as expansiion seller feature, especially in this case after the game sales through the help of mount skins from the gemstore that will come.

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