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Posts posted by Orpheal.8263

  1. Hmm, I'll try this out, its sad, but if it temporarely fixes the situation, then I'm fine with this, until ANet has had time to fix this annoying bug ^^


    PS: Test Tes, jup, it works again without the Signuature.

    Kudos to Stin for findign what the Problem actually was and still is

  2. Iconic Weapons that I connect to the image of the class, it have not to be actually weapons that the Class can use currently, or exist so far in the game.

    Id asign to each Class basically two iconic Weapons basicayl as primary and secondary weapon


    Warrior = Sword/ Greataxe

    Guardian = Polearm (Spear/Lance/Halberd ect)/ Shield

    Revenant = Shortbow/ Hammer

    Thief = Dagger/ Chakram

    Ranger = Longbow/ Whip

    Engineer = Mace/ Pistol

    Elementalist = Staff/ Scepter

    Mesmer = Axe / Focus

    Necromancer = Gloves (Claws/Gauntlets) / Greatsword

  3. > @Redfeather.6401 said:

    > Let's come up with new signets. :o


    > **Signet of Stolen Speed**

    > Passive: Crippling a target also applies slow to them. Whenever this effect happens you gain a charge displayed in the signet's corner.

    > Active: Gain 1 second of quickness for each charge. Lose all charges. Cooldown 20 seconds.


    For that to do, i think its bette just to merge first some of the old signets to make space actualyl for better new signets...


    I#d merge for example together


    Signet of Agility together with Infiltrator's Signet as a new

    **Signet of Infiltration**

    Passive: Grants Precision (50% of what it did before) and Increases your Initiative Regeneration Speed by 25%

    Active: Shadow Step to your Ground Target and leech Endurance from up to 5 Targets (basically 20% Endurance per Target) at that spot and convert up to 2 Conditions from you to them as well, while losing also 1 third Condition.


    Signet of Shadows merged together with Assassins Signet as a new

    **Signet of Assassination**

    Passive: Increases your Power (50% of what it did before) and grants you Super Speed when you perform Shadow Steps or when you Stealth.

    Active: Stealth yourself with a Smokebomb that applies Blindnes,s weakness and Vulnerability to nearby foes also and increases your Power for the next 5 seconds significantly. Hits against vulnerable foes as long this Signet is active will be unblockable and steal Boons.


    Increase if needed the recharge times, but at least would be this way these signets more useful and impactful for Thieves in combat, when used and activated at the right moments. The created gap of 2 Signets could be used then for good Thief Signet Skills like


    **Signet of Twilight**

    Passive: Grants you periodically Stealth every 10 seconds for a duration of 3 seconds and increases your Vitality Stat.

    Active: Recharges your Steal Skill and grants you Resistance for 5 seconds, if you have at the moment of activation more than 3 Conditions on you. Had you none or lesser than 3 Conditions on you, then it grants you Protection for 5 seconds instead. Works as Stun Breaker as well and stealths you, if you used it as Stun Breaker.


    **Signet of Venoms**

    Passive: Increases the Number of Venom Charges you have for your Venoms by +2 and increases your Condition Damage

    Active: Recharges instantly a random Venom of your Build that is on Recharge, if you have more than 1 Venom Skill in your Build. If you have only 1 Venom Skill, that is not Basilisk Venom, in your Build, then you'll cause a Venom Splash Attack, which is an AoE Attack, which grants your Allies random Venom Effecs if they run into its Area of Effect. The AoE attack will leave a Poison Combo Field as well for some time. If you have no Venoms in your Build and you activate this Skill, then you'll receive a random Utility Venom Effect.

  4. Side Note:


    it would be very nice of you Anet, if you could announce the beginjing of the Contest Voting here in the forums by makign up again nice a nice red eye cathcer announcement on the top of the forums, like you did that for avatars.

    That way it can't be overseen by anyone, once the moment has come, where we can start to vote for the twenty finalists ;)

  5. I must admit, I kind of like the Shadowcaster.

    Haven't thought that either I myself, or somebody else could ever come up with a good Thief Spec Concept, that actually fits for a Thief using a Scepter, which feels like the Thief actualyl really beign more magical and like a Spellcaster that makes usage of Shadow/Dark Magic.

    I like the combonation of basically the merging Concepts of a Shadowmancer, Puppet Play/Shadow Play and the Thieves' gameplay Elements, giving this way really the thief some kind of build concept, that would work well as a dark spellcaster, who is in control not only of its own shadow, but also forcefully controls the shadows of its enemies and plays with them, like puppets : D Gives this whole concept also some note of Voodo Magic lol xD


    But I think the concept would be slightly better and more build diversive, by using the Focus, not the Scepter, cause Focus would allow 1 more Weapon Combination with the Mainhand Weapon, lettign the Mainhand Weapon in this case change the two Focus Skills, so that the Focus can have in this case for us not only 2, but 6 different Skills with 3 different Stealth Skills based on what Weapon is used in Mainhand together with the Focus.


    Dagger/Focus = Shadow Thorn & Black Burst (sounds better than repeating too often a same word, in this case Shadow, Shadow, this, Shadow that, you know)

    Pistol Focus = Spiral Bullet & Phantom Shot

    Sword/Focus = Shadow Blades & Dark Replay




    I've still also to complete my Summoner, that concept with its gameplay concept is such a behemoth ^^ but it would provide us in the end the most awesme possible summining class that would potentialyl be posisble, by combining the elementalists atunement system with the kit gameplay of the Engineer to let the Summoner have a really big repertoire of creatures to summon and its unique feature of Elemental Avatars for sacrifincingyour Servants , feels like beign the top of the iceberg lol

    Feel like Ive presented so far like only 50% of that concept here xD cause have done so far only the Weapon Skills, Healing and Utility Skills mostly.


    Still have to write up the Elite Skills, Traits and the Evelental Avatar gameplay to finish my Summoner

  6. I didn't say that everythiing needs to be earned immediatly, so don#t please lay words into my mouth, that I haven't written here.

    However, I think it should be earnable in a more reasonable time span. 5+ years of halloweening I don't find is a reasonable time span for just getting these skins.

    2-3 years is more reasonable, that why I proposed that it would be nice, if Anet adds on the next halloweens more options to earn the haunted skins, rathern than through only doing halloween dailies with this time gated system.


    They could easily add next year some achievements and a meta achievement, which could reward us example with boxes of chooseable haunted skins as rewards, to speed up this way our progress on earning the skins, so that it doesn#t take us 5+ years just to get a complete haunted skin set.

    It would make things go a bit quicke,r but we'd still not be able to earn everythign immediately... because seriously, havign to repeat the same old halloween for another 5 years, is more of a torture, than it would be fun, just to get all the haunted skins to have a compelte set of them.

  7. WvW doesn't need more titles..


    WvW needs a third unique Borderline Map

    WvW needs a fundamental gameplay redesign based on Factions to fix the populations issues, which never will be solvable with a Server/World System. It needs a server shared Faction System, where multiple servers of different time zones can work together under the Banner of a shared Faction to combat together other multiple servers of various time zones against an other shared Faction

    WvW needs more Character Progression in form of class based WvW Rank Skills, so that all those 10000 Ranks you can earn become actualyl finalyl more meaningful and useful for you, to give your Character in WvW a better feeling of progression. Progression which currently has stopped for multipel years at like 1350 around ranks or so, and from that point on it has become so far meaningless to gain any further WvW Ranks and collect more Rank Point,s which you can't use for anything!! There are peopel out there with multiple thousands of Rank Poiunts already, that they can#t use, because the game offers no content for those Points to use them on.

    Thats really sad and just showes us, how much Anet negclected WvW as Game Mode over the last 4 years

    WvW needs rebalanced own Skills for each Classs, so that Skill Balance Patches which change anythign on the Skills can#t possitively, nor negatively influence anymore WvW, if all Classes would have in WvW their complete own Skills and Traits, that are designed and balanced around this own game Mode.

    Sure, playing a Thief with this would feel then compoletely different, like playing one in pvP or PvE, but people will adapt to this quickly.

    Giving all Classes their very own unique WvW Skills would help anet also too to give all classes better defined "Roles" for WvW which define better, how you should play each class in WvW and it could help also in splittign up the players, more, so that this eternal zerging finally stops

    WvW needs to receive more strategetical and tactical gameplay elements to force players to split up more into smaller groups, like splittign up Supply into multiple different important ressources, like Food, Water, Wood, Ore, Energy Crystals and the like, so that is more important to ensure, that you have from all those ressources enough. Beign everythign just only "Supply" made WvW too simple minded and is one of the reasons, why the game mode turned into such a mind numbing zerg fest, that is is since release of the game...

    WvW needs better and more interesting unique Reward Tracks, not just copies of PvP Reward Tracks, where you earn exactly the same stuff from, but just slower as if you'd play PvP, where you progress in the reward tracks faster, because PvP games are simply made quicke,r than the ticker of a WvW match that lets you only progress slowly every few minutes continously on the reward track, which is also a reason why AFKing has become a problem in WvW and Queuing, because peopel dont log off instantly, they block off due to this bad designed reward track system the joining of others, as longt they can earn passively while afking progress on the tracks, forcign this way others to wait longer, until they can join the maps, which want to actually participate and help they servers actively and not just leech for some minutes afk reward track progress after having juts zerged long enough to reach the maximum point progress per reward point trigger threshold you can get, until it becomes lesser again for afking too long


    could surely list up some points more, but what I essentially want to say only here is, that WvW absolutely has way more important problems right now, than too less titles ...

  8. For now this just means basically for everyone, whos affected by this bug, to write very carefully and to send off your posts first then, when you are 100% sure, that you don't want to change on the postign anythign anymore after sending it off..


    Really annoying, but we aren#t able to change this.

    If at writing the post is currently the only way, where you can still edit normally, then you have to be just more cautious, that you don't send posts, where you don't are 100% sure, that they were ready to be sent off ^^

    So better make any kind of corrections ect. before you send stuff, use drafts to save texts, before you want to send them off, and reuse the drafts then, when you are sure, that you don't want to change anythign on your posts anymore from that point on, until Anet has found out, what the reason for this weird forum bug is and fixed it.

  9. Still cant edit anythign >.>


    I can stil lat least edit things, while writign normalyl a posting, but once I send off somethgn and what to edit the postign after sending it, i can forget it due to this weird forum bug, as I can still not interact after clickign edit, with the text box of the postign, to change anything at all sigh...


    is this some kind of mad halloween joke from Mad King to torture us this way ? lol

  10. I find it ridiculous, that yo ucan earn oen of those skins basically only every 5 days of actively doing halloween dailies.

    So get a full set of the haunted weapons means, you would have to participate in 1 6*5 = 90 days of halloween, which means, you will need multiple years of halloween just to get a complete set. Most people get likely only max 3-4 of them, or lesser, based on how actively you were able to play the game while halloween was active.

    So most people will need like 5+ years and more, until they have a complete set, unlet Anet adds in the upcoming years more options to earn the haunted weapon skins through some new halloween achievents that reward them, so that we have a way to speed up the progress on unlocking the whole set and not only through doing 5 days of halloween dailies with this time gated option only


    I think it would have been even more awesome, if they would have added for each skin an own unique kind of collection or so, while havign to collect all 16 would have made a better meta achievement, that could have rewarded us with an awesome halloween based title like for example "Will O'Whisp of the Mad" or "The Haunter of Madness", or "Lord/Mistress of Madness", whatever it woudl be, it would have felt more rewardign, that gettign nothign for collectign all the skins for 90 days of doing halloween dailies, so 3 months of workload spread over multiple years of halloween needed to get all skins

  11. E-Specs are missing for balance reasons one big part, which is the reason why the Core Classes got so abandoned, which needs to get fixed.


    Elite Specializations must become part of the Mastery System.

    The moment you learn an Elite Specialization completely for your Character, by having larnt its Elite Skill, the E-Spec should get unlocked as "Elite Mastery"

    An Elite Mastery should then partially unlock some basics from the E-Spec to the Core Specialization too to increase its Build Diversity and to rebalance Core Classes to the powercreeped Elite Specs, so that the gap between Core Classes and their Specializations gets closed/closer.


    Through an Elite Mastery you should become able to unlock the Weapon, the Utility Skills and the Healing Skill also too for your Core Class. Only Traits and Elite Skill should stay for the Elite Specialization as unique trademarks.

    If the Core Classes could become able through Elite Masteries to unlock also the Weapon, Healing Skil land Utility Skills, this would make the gap betwen both closer and would help also the Core Classes to gain a bit more Build Diversity basicalyl as the jacks of all trades, which can do everythign ,but nothing so well, like the Specializations which stay specialized and slightly better in their specializations, compared to the Core Classes with their Traits and the lite Skill, than the Core Classes.

    The only difference woudl be then, that E-Specs compared to Core Classes wouldn#t feel then anymore so massively over the top powercreeped, if Core Classes could unlock with the Elite Mastwery as well the usage of the E-Specs Weapons, Healing Skills and Utility Skills.


    Eventually Anet has then to add a few more Mastery Points retroactivewly to the game, but then at least would feel the game with this feature beign added more balanced.

    On the other hand has to follow by now also too a significant Balance Patch... the PoF specs have been added and the game hasn't seen as reaction to thsi yet a needed Balance Patch, that is overdue. A significant Balance Patch ,that is far more, than just only like usual cherrypicking on SKill and Trait Effects, while ignoring 90% of the rest of the games combat system elements and features, that also heaviliy influence the outcome of battles, like Boons and Conditions needing to get a heavy rebalancign by now together, or Upgrades getitng finally rebalanced ands reworked, introducing as well accountbound Ascended Upgrades finalyl, so that some kind of Build Template System can be added as well finally, for which all combat relevant aspects of the game must have to be accountbound, they may not be anythign combat system relevant, that is souldbound, or a Build Template System won't work!! Plus the addition of that would give anet finally a reason as well to introduce Jeweler 500 as craftign job resposnible for it to turn exotic upgrades into ascended upgrades, so that this craftign job finally becomes again USEFUL and NEEDED....for something. Ascended Upgrades could be this necessary something, so that players have with it an option to unlock the upgrade effects for their account's build template system, when you want to add somehow all those effects to the BTS, pluss givign the game this way another simle gold/material sink as well by turning exotic upgrades into ascended acounntbound ones, so that you can use them for the BTS, so that the BTS can successfulyl change on button click also all your upgrades for you based on your saved build, so that you dont have to do all this manually self anymore, while losing each time your upgrades

  12. clocktower isn't hard, its just a matter of trila and error. Once you know how to run, then its just a matter of quickness to make th jumps quick enough, so that you dotn get into the sitation of beign too slow and beign not fast enough at two points on the way up, before the green acid is already there .

    The first spot been halfway on the way up the stone block in a middle to jump and the next and last one right after the spot where you have to jump DOWN, due to the jump lettign you become knoccked down for some secons, unable to move, you don#t want to give the acid the time to swallow you, while you are lieing downed on the ground, unable to move after that jump


    Even me, as veratne, who hasn't made this Jp for now 4 years anymore, it took also again some trials and error runs, like felt 20 or 30 so, until I was again so used to the run and the jump,s that I became able to reach even the top...


    The game has much much harder JPs by now, than the clock tower ...

  13. New Weapon Types should definetely be:


    **Chakram** = Throwing Weapon, can then be used for skins that look also like Wind Spirit Shurikens, Boomerangs and whatever else for throwing weapons you can think off

    **Whips** = can then be used also for skins of chain whips/chain sickles, flails, the animations do already exists since the release of the main game! Sylvari Nightmare Court...

    Halloween, the lunatics which swings its whip at you, that is even of longer size, than that of the sylvari nightmare court..introduction of Whips as weapon type is long overdue..there aren#t many MMOs out there, which provide actually this exotic weapon in a useable way in the game for classes, it owuld make GW2 only more unique.

    **Polearm** = same with whips, it was even considered to be a useable weapon and then whyever anet removed it short before release of the game ...>.< without ever giving us a good reason for why they did that... its reimplementation is same as overdue, like addign whips to the game, and alot of skisn for it already exist. Just need to turn Spear into polearms as hybrid weapon that can be now used on land as like underwater. Harpoon Gun and Trident just need to get merged with Rifle/Stiff, there two are 100% obsolete and need to get removed to make space for better more senseful weapon types, that make sense to be in the game, like Whips and Chakrams

    **Greataxe** = needs to become another melee alternative over the Hammer and the Greatsword.. Warrior is running out of good new weapon choices for E-Specs, if anet doens't add soon finally some new weapon types. The only Weapon left for Warriors that makes sense, before they run out of choices is the Staff now for some kind of Warrior "Monk"-Spec maybe, calling it Ascetic, you'll see ;) with the ability to use Light Armor as part of its E-Spec concept, cause i find, usign E-Specs to change also your Armor Type would work very well as concept for E-Specs and it would be also logical,y that if you want to change your Armor type, then you need to change with an E-Spec practically also your "Class" first. But that way you'd be able to mix equipment of different armro types together with E-Specs, which would allow that.


    Scythe = Just a Polearm/Staff Reskin, we already have them as reskins for staffs, for a more melee orientated reskin would make Polearm next sense to me, as a scythe, if sen as weapon (warscythe) is just a polearm weapon with a sickle on its top. So I agree with this here


    Morningstar/Flail = Mace Reskin , I agree here too.


    Crossbows I do see only as Rifle reskin, if they change also the shot animations from bullets to bolts for that reskin and change the shootign sound file for the reskin as well, because it would be totalyl weird, if you use a crossbow, and it shoots then bullets instead of bolts and sounds thebn also like a loud rifle, and not like a silent crossbow.

    and if they have to make already all this work just to make a reskin sound and look like a viable crossbow, then I think they can add Crossbows also directly as complete own new weapon type with its own skills, where the weapon can just then easiyl share the holdign animations from the rifle, because thats then the only similariy of the crossbow with the rifle, that both weapons get holded in hands the same way, if crossbows are made like arbalests as a 2H weapon. instead of smaller 1h crossbows that could be also pistol reskins then again xD I#d love to run around with my thief with two (1)hand crossbows basicalyl like some kind of epic demonhunter : D, but that would need basicalyl the same efforts, as like with the rifle in regard of sound and animation effects


    [Dual Wield Crossbows Concept Art](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9f/a1/bf/9fa1bfd2ddccc45208c8343f2eaf796e.jpg "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9f/a1/bf/9fa1bfd2ddccc45208c8343f2eaf796e.jpg")


  14. @"Red Haired Savage.5430"

    I don't know, whats so funny here. The proposal I've written down there as an example was made due to me wanting to have juts more build diversity, and how I'd like see more build diversity through increasing for each class and their skill types the amount of skills per skill type from 1 to 5, and made for this as an example, how these 5 skiills per skill type could look on the Thieves Healing Skill Section.


    You can't disagree, that this proposal would definetely create more build diversity, if you would be under my example able to choose between 25 possible Healing Skills to use, over the currently only 4 chooseable Healing Skills only that is Hide in Shadows, Signet of Malice, Skelk Venom and Withdraw, whle there exists yet sadly no Healing Trap Skill, which is why I'm also for it, that finalyl all classes should receive fittign to all of their Skill types also skills for that Skill Type under Healing and Elite Skills.


    Also think about it, how much more Build Diversity we would have, if you could choose among 25 possible Elite Skills for your Build, instead of having to choose from only 3.

    Sure, making all those Skilsl wouldbe quite some effort, but its not something, that ANet has to rush, its work, that they can do slowly step by step every few Balancing Patches adding also for all Classes some new Healing and Elite Skills, until the point is reached, where all classes have for all Skill Types 5 viable options to choose from among the Healing and Elite Skills.


    I am very cionvinced about it, that the Game woudl only profitate much from it, if it would provide us in this way for all classes more Build Diversity through increasign the amount of useable Healing and Elite Skills to help us define better more our own individual builds. I think its very bad for build divesity to limit the amoutn of ksilsl pr skil ltype on Healing and Elite Skill to just only 1, because this gives you as a player practically the impression of Anet sayign that they want in these two Skill Sections absolutely no diversity at all.

  15. I've havign too this problem, whew and before i saw this threads, I thpought the problem is due to soem issues with the mouse or so ...


    The monment i press edit, the cursor can#t interact anymroe with the text box to click on the words, to edit the text box anyhow at all ..

  16. Greatswords fits to thieves so much, as like scepters to fit to warriors... *cough*


    If we say, each Class gets 3 more Specs from now on, then the Thief should receive Weapons, that do actually really fit to its nimble, elegant and mobile gameplay, making it a fast and silent attacker.


    Weapons like Chakrams (Spec 3), Chain Whips (Spec 4), Longbows baseline, Offhand Swords baseline, and lastly Claws/Gloves (Spec 5) are, what does fit to the thief and what the thief needs to receive to enhance a bit more its longrange gameplay instead of having for that only the idiotic rifle that doesn't fit to the thief, just because people cried like kids for wanting to have a wannabe sniper in this game, while giving the class also what it needs for more build diversity - some midrange weapons with the Chakram and Chain Whip and lastly with the Claws/Gloves somethign for the Martial Arts Fans, cause if there is a Class that suits perfectly for this job, to go full on Kung Fu and such stuff, then its the thief with its Initiative system.

  17. All classes should simply have for all their Skill Types 5 Skills. That would add greatly more build diversity to the game.

    And all classes need to receive also for all Skill Types some Skills. Can't be that Anet introduces Skill Types and then is too lazy to give also for all Classes to all Skill Types properly Skills to the Types, or can#t give even all Skilsl also a Type that it is even now stil lthe case, that there exist some typeless skills in the game!!


    What I'd like to see for Thief as example:

    #### Healing:


    1) Hide in Shadows = Vanish in Stealth, Heal yourself and cleanses 3 Conditions from you.

    2) Shadow Clones = Create two Shadow Clones, which heal you with their Attacks and let you regain Endurance, when they get defeated. Works as Stun Breaker.

    3) Smoke Grenade = Throw a Smoke Grenade, which creates a Smokescreen on Target Location, deals damage and blinds and poisons foes. Heal yourself and gain Heals from leeched Health that is absorbed from the by poison affected foes as logn the poison is on them.

    4) Shadow Form = Heals yourself, grants you Super Speed and Quickness while it lets you auto evade the next incoming 3 Attacks.

    5) Dark Avenger = Heal yourself, grants you Protection and Regeneration and converts within the next 10 seconds for each Critical Strike you deal to a foe a Condition over to that Target.



    1) Signet of Malice = Passively Heals with each Attack, Actively, Heals you

    2) Signet of Cruelty = Passively Heals you whenever foes receive Conditions from you, Actively converts all Conditions to your Target foe and heals you a bit stronger for each conditionyou put onto your target this way

    3) Signet of Pacifism = Passively heals you, whenever you take damage and reduces significantly the Hard CCs on you in their durations. Actively works as Stun Breaker and Heals you, while gainign Stability, Resistance and Protection for some time.

    4) Signet of Thievery = Passively heals you, whenver you steal something, or use Stolen Skills. Actively heals you and you steal random Boons from your nearby foes.

    5) Signet of Dexterity = Passively heals you ,whenever you perform a Dodge Roll and reduces Weakness and Blindness Efficiency on you by 20%. Actively heals you and grants you Super Speed and Might for some time when performing Dodges



    1) Skelk Venom = Heals yourself and your next few attacks heal you. Works now also as Stun Breaker.

    2) Scorpion Venom = Heals yourself and your next few attacks cause Torment and Cripple.

    3) Firefish Venom = Heals yourself and your next few Attacks cause Burning and remove Boons.

    4) Jellyfish Venom = Heals you and grants Retribution to you. Your next few Attacks cause Vulnerability and leech Endurance.

    5) Viper Venom = Heals you and grants Swiftness. Your next few Attacks cause Poison and Slow.



    1) Withdraw = Heal yourself and perform a backwards evade roll, while regaining Initiative now and removing 2 Conditions

    2) Somersault = Heal yourself, perform a Salto over your enemies while reflecting back projectiles and deal aoe damage at the ground target where you will land. Combo Finisher for Combo Fields.

    3) Shadow Dash/Grasping Shadows = Heal yourself and perform a Shadow Step to your Target, turns into Grasping Shadows, which lets you and your target to which you shadow stepped return to your position from where you activated Shadow Dash to forcefully change the position of your target foe that way. Stun Breaker

    4) Dark Net = Heal yourself and throw a Net of Darkness at your foe, which will stun and blind periodically the target enemy as long the foe doesn't destroy it, or use a Stun Breaker Skill to instantly remove it completely.

    5) Mirror of Shadows = Copy Cats the Healing Skill of your Target Enemy and grants you stealth when you use the copied Healing Skill.



    1) Sling Trap = Heal yourself when you set up this Trap. Weakens the foe which runs into it and launches into the air, causing knockdown when landign back to the ground.

    2) Signet Trap = Heals yourself and deactivates for some time all the Signet Effects for the foe which runs into it and nearby foes.

    3) Banish Trap = Heals you, and deals damage, which will instatly kill Minions and Summons, if the foe had some active at the moment of running into the trap.

    4) Dust Trap/Self Activation = Heals you and causes a huge dust cloud, that will stealth you and allies, while blinding and weakening foes inside of it, as logn it is up. Works as Stun Breaker when using Self Activation.

    5) Screamer Trap = Heals you and makes it temporarely unable for foes in their near to use any Shouts, as long the loud scream of this trap is active and overcovers the shout effects with its nullifying mechanic.

  18. All I read in these answers for al lthe time now is nothing but just searching for excuses for why they simply don't want to fix that cheesehole work they have left there to rot...

    Same why Dungeon Content doesn't get what it deserves.


    ANet works on content and when they see, that the content needs some heavy reworks, bug fixes and so on, to keep that content actualized, and smoothly working, then they always suddenly change to argue with us, if that workload is "even worth it and that naturally this will mean a slowdown for new content"


    But what anet doesn't grasp here is the fact, that people not always want only permanently new content, people want also, that older content keeps on working smoothly and is also replayable. People don't want one time content that is then thrown away like garbage that you don't need anymore.. and thats actually how, Anet treats their own game's content, when they see, somethign hasn't worked out, like they wanted, or wasn't so successfull after release how they hoped it would end up, when it sonded so awesome maybe on paper, but the community destroys it into 1000 pieces.

    So the immedietely lose completly the interest to make things better, as logn that content isn't somehow relevent to key elements of the game, which is why for exampel Anet was interested to revamp like 3-4 times the Trait System, because THAT is a key element content of the game, so they are naturally interested in it, that we like that system and the content ...


    Dungeons? who cares, no key element, just side content that can be ditched and forgottzen forever and replaced with fractals ...sigh

    Living World Season 1, just side content that not worth it to be fixed, cause it affects in no way any real important key elements of the game, that need to be constantly fixed and have to run smoothly.

    WvW? No key element, just unimportant side content, because we were on our personal crusadfe on makign the game THE Esports Game ...*cough*, you see, where this brought us ... to a game, where PvE content rules over the income of this game 100%, and where everythign else is unimportant, underveleoped content, that gets the moment where it turns unprofitable for Anet ignored or directly replaced by somethign new, in the hope the community bites on that new cotnent and also just forgets the old stuff, cause it has been replaced by somethign new shiny (gets overrun by a horde of brainless skritt)


    The sad fact is, I can understand why anet treats their own game like this, like a company usually will do always, because they have to bitterly look after every penny of their ressources they have, just to ensure, that they can pay all their bills, ther personal, servers ect. pp and have at the end also enough ressources to make new content, which has potentially bigger chances always to generate more money income, than fixing something old, which has worser chances to generate any money income at all, so the chances are bigger, that ANet just loses money... and who in the world even wants to work basicalyl for free, or even worser, works for free and loses meanwhile even money, when they could have made instead new content, with that they can earn money ...

    Thats just the sad truth of life, that will always be so.

    Money doesn't grow on trees ... but this is an issue, that Anet could eventually solve, if they just would allow this game to have an optional subscription fee, that could help in making the money income more stabile, than it is now, because the gemstore alone is too weak and no guarantee to create enough income always, that ANet would need to have to make sure to fulfull all our wishes for fixing old content, while having also enough ressources to work at the same time on adding new content.

    Anet just hasn't enough ressources for working in a hybrid way, they always have to decide for one thing only, which is the reason why the keep on telling us everytime, that new content will slow down, if they would work on reimplementing LS1 completely, or on fixing dungeons, and so on and so forth.

  19. Somethign that disturbs me by design personalyl too, I tried also somethign out, how peopel react on the german part of the forums, how they think about renaming old terms..


    It ended up in fact like a thought how it would - people just don't care, or when they care, then they are so protective over these old terms, jzst becasuse they are lazy and used to these terms now for nearly 5 years now, that their minds kind of woudl get irritated, if Anet would suddenly come up with renamigns of older terms, even when these renamed terms in fact woudl make much more sense and would be finalyl in line by design of all the othe terms, which are parameters of a characters values and not like in case with "Condition Damage" just measure numbers, where you get as a player the impression, that the devs sem to have been too lazy for giving this attribute a proper term name, thats in line with all the others conceptually, because we also don#t call Power instead "Physical Damage", no, we call Power, just Power because it just fits better, because its a common used and known parameter for how much strength our character can put into its attacks, which decides over it, how much damage we can deal

    However, I don't agree with the term "malice"... malice doesn#t fit to heroic character,s which is why I think it made sense, that anet removed this term and it kind of disturbs me also ,that they basically reused it as term now for the deadeye as a gameplay mechanic term, which on the othe hand is again a strong reason for why condition damage should be named malice, as logn theres the deadye mechanic with the same term in use.


    Healing Power just shouldn't exist at all as individual Attribute. It woudl be best, if just the effect of healing power - to increase the effectiveness from your Healing Skill and that to heal others with your skilsl that can heal others, or cause Regeneration, that heals others as well too, should be merged into Vitality as its secondary effect

    Vitality in itself aloen is useless, Healign power aloen it itself is useles,s but merged together as the Dual Effect Attribute Vitality, it is much more useful and build definign, due to its bigger impact of beign now two effects in 1 attribute.

    If All Attributes woudl work thsi way finally, Anet could much simpler balance this game and make better sure, that offense and defense become finally more equal, as such a system allows Anet to add soem missing defensive effects that would help dramaticalyl in balancign this game, like an Endurance Regen Increase Effect, I know, that you want to have in teh game same as much as me -me, because I know how much it woudl help in rebalancing obsolete boon effetcs to the point, that they even could be completely removed and perhaps replaced with new and more useful boons, whiel the removed boons just get recycled into improved Attribute Mechanics, Traits, Skilsl Effect,s or Upgrade Effetcs instead, where they'd make more sense to be there in the game.

  20. Theres a simpler solution that is long overdue....


    Get Rid of Gear Stats!!


    Without Gear Stats, theres no need for all this garbage all around "Prefixes and adding lots of variosu prefixes, just so that the peopoel can get together somehow through them the Stat build you want of your dreams.

    100% free instinctive Character Progression does not require at all any Gear Stats... Anet has added gear Stats only to the game, so that they can fill up the Craftign System through that will millions of recipes for all kinds of Stat combinations to craft, tzhat then again can be gained only through various materials and as part of the games economy to work as gold/material sink this way..

    But Anet sacrificed there just for the game econmy alot for a better and easier Class balancign and much better feeling of Character progression and Freedom of Choice, that we had back in GW1 already, where every player was from begin on 100% free in his choice, how you build your character, because you were able to freely distribute you points on your character builds, as you like, and if you were udner the impression, that you eventually misbuilded your characte, then there was ALWAYS the option in the game, to reset your settings quickly for loudy 500 Gold, what was in GW1 like 5 silver ....


    GW2 doesn#rt need a gazillion of Stat Combination Prefixes, it needs in fact NONE at all, to reduce this overcomplex and unneccesarely artificialyl slow downign system for characte progression to one, which is again much more intuitive to the player, can be anytime resetted and freely 100% decided by youself, without having to grind either gold or materials for it, just so that you can get the illusion of having 100% freedom of choice.


    The materials and gold costs can be easily redistributed to other aspects and thigns of the game, to ensure, that the removal of Gear Stats from the Game wouldnt end up in an ingame economical desaster.


    Player Characters should simply gain while levelign up from 1 to 80 all the Attribute Point,s that a Character at Max level should have at this point, with that the player can do then whatever he wants, to freely distribute the points as you like.

    if then also each Attribute becomes more impactful, by providing from then on a primary and a secondary effect, then we woukld also a much better balanced game, where not only just offensive attributes count, but also defensive/supportive ones equally, because Dual Effects would allow Anet very simple to rebalance the Attribute System in itself by making sure, that offense and defense become finalyl equally good as a choice to make.

    A game, which basically by design is already from begin on in some kind of felt 70/30 favor towards offensive gameplay, because of the fe, if it would be 50/50, we might see the return of the holy trinity, has already failed, before it has begun, because when a game design takes over for you the decision ,that offensive gameplay has to be favored over defensive play styles, just so that the game can run smoothly, then this is just bad game balance and shows also thst on the combat system is somethign wrong, if offensive play styles must be favored over defensive ones, just so that offensive playstyles are made sure, that they are the most efficienty way to play the game ..., which goes completely against the motto of "play GW2 as you like"


    Gear Stat Removal would allow ANet to improve the Character Progression in a much more depthful way, than what we have now.


    Weapons and Armor could be made much more unique, interesting and effectful, through the addion of "Talents" instead of Stats, so that they provide instead more useful effects, which can either affect your combat system elements of your class, your boons or conditions or even directly the skills of your class, how they work, what they do exactly and so on, what would be alot more build diversity also too and like mentioned much more freedom of choice for the player.


    Accessoires especialyl also too could be made through their oqn unique effects much more interestign, than they will ever be through Gear Stats


    Rune Sets could be all better rebalanced around providing Effects only, instead of wastign half of the potential for interestign and useful Rune Sets by lettign them give us 50% of them small to big stat boosts, depending on how many runes ohe same type have been used.

    Through this rework and rebalance of Runes I think it should be also much more important, that each Rune Set should provide a much stronger, more fundamental Set Bonus Effect, that is not just a 6th Effect, but instead an additional 7th and 8th effect, as primary and secondary bonus effects, that one shoudl receive, for using a complete Set of a specific Rune.




    **Rune of Flames**

    1) Burning deals 33% lesser Damage to you and extinguishes 25% faster on you

    2) Fire based Skills and such, which can cause Burnings will have 20% increased Range

    3) Fire based Skills and such that can cause Burnings will recharge 10% faster for you.

    4) Projectiles you shoot, cause now Burning additionally for a second.

    5) Critical Hits have now a Chance for you to cause Flame Bursts that deal small AoE Damage and scorch the ground,. causign a Fire Field that can be used for Combo Effects


    7th Bonus Effect for using 6 Runes of Flames (Head, Hands/Arms, Shoulders, Body, Legs, Feet): Gain Might Stacks when using either your Healing or Elite Skill and gain a Fire Aura too, which Burns foes on contact and grants you more Might.

    8th Bonus for using 6 Runes of Flames: Unlocks a visually more stunning Skill Skin Version of the Skill that looks more epic and heroic/mighty for Skills X. Your Burnings cause now 33% more Damage and last 25% longer and receive the side Effect, that your Burns have the unique behavior of spreading over to nearby foes, like a disease if they get too close to each other, while one of them burns. and when you dodge roll, then you leave a trail of fire foe a few seconds, that damages foes on touch and causes burnings


    Just a simple example, how Rune Sets could be made more interestign, with a design, thats based on 100% effects, no Stats.. as stats are Character Progression, which belogns 100% to the leveling process of reachign just level 80. Once you are Max level, the player should not worry at all anymore about Stats at all, you should have liek everyone else then maximum stats you can receive and no additional higher tier armor, like Ascneded shoudl change anythign on this fact.

    The only thign different between Exotic and Ascended gear would be its looks, and that Ascended Gear has for each part a slightly higher Defense (Armor) Value, which is there to just better differentiate the class types and to ensure, that a Warrior for exampel is significatnly sturdier, than say for exampel a Mesmer, due to their Armor Type differences of the one weing light robs, and the other heavier armors that are better made for redicign incomign damage, than just light robes are, which is logical, that the armor types need to give at least their different defense values, so that the removal of Gear Stats wouldnt destroy the class type system.

  21. Originally Shortbows in the game had also a range of 1200, until anet had the awesome idea of nerfing their range down to 900 together with Pistols, whyever.

    The problem , the wait.. now he comes PUN PUN **cough* "shortsight" on their side was, that anet absolutely hasn#t thought about it, that by just decreasing the range of the shortbow, that they literally conceptionally in regard of gameplay DESTROY the range weapons that is Shortbow and Pistols for for a whole game mode, because with that reduced range these weapons don#t work anymore (and thats so ridiculously laughable for a ranged weapon, because therefore are actually ranged weapons made and designed for) to defend yourself good with them in WvW when defending places, because due to the decreased range you can't attack no **** anymore from the walls, towers and so on, because since there you lack now the range that you need to have just to freakign be able to TARGET your enemies that are on the ground ....


    In fact it is so, that when you stand on a higher position, than your enemy, you short have in WvW when defendign some kind of HOME ADVANTAGE, that you have increased range on walls with ranged weapons, that you deal higher damage from higher positions onto enemies below you, while enemies from the groudn should deal lesser damage to enemies on a higher position and shoudl have decreased ranges when targeting somebody on a higher position.. you know, god damn GRAVITY working against you ,when you shoot high ... logic, not really ANets best strength sometimes ...this is one of such cases..., especially when you consider, that the gameplay elements I'm talking about here, ALREADY EXISTED BACK In GW1 and now 5 years later, GW2 degenerated to this back step, providing not good gameplay elements, that even its older prequel had!! Its so silly, I could cry ...really about such a no brainer not beign part of the game, when even its prequel offered these mechanics and it just makes sense, because its just naturally logical to have these mechanics affect the combat, and it would naturally balance WvW and make taking over well defended places harder, because then you would be able to just nuke everybody with AoE skilsl from the walls away, because you wouldnt be able anymore to cover the whole walls with tons of AOEs anymroe, due to reduced range that lets you not place them anymore there and defenders would deal more damage against the overload of enemies below them, giving attackers actualyl a good reason to be not for too long in their range to be attacked, before you actually opened a way with siege weapons, which should be the answer to a good ranged defense on the walls.


    But i guess, things liek that will never change anymore with WvW, this game mode has always been from begin on the neglected game content, that was just only supported for like the first 1-2 years, but then completely left to rot slowly away. No WvW Tournaments anymore for already 3 years speaks for itself.

    OWuldnt have been HoT, then WvW wouldnt have seen until today any new substantial fundamental improvements or any new real content.. the implemention of the deswert map feels like being an exception, whereas before of that anet just has only removed content from WvW - Events, Water Ares, Jumping Puzzle Areas.. WvW is degenerating only, because I say it out now and I'Äm pretty confindent about it, that this is the case - Anet is simply clueless about how they should continue with WvW, they lack a vision on how to fundamentally improve the game mode and to fix its population problems.

    Just review, how long it just took them to fix the WvW Achievements and there they have already officially admitted back then basically, that they were a long time clueless about it, how they should fix the achievements, because they knew, on the one side, they make lots of peopel happy with the changes, but on the other side they make also alot of peopel angry with the changes..


    Thats life, you cant always please everyone, but stagnancy is no answer... a game and its gameplay elements must evolve continously. Change is good, stagnancy is a game's death!! Especially when stagnacy becomes degeneration and you get as an active player the feeling, that the game begins to develop itself backwards, and not forwards through the removal of content....

  22. Id be personally just happy, if this garbage gets the moment you receive it just auto activated, if you receive it, so that you dont have to double click it anymore and so that it cant clutter your inventory fully anymore..


    Does anet even ever think about it whenever they design items for the game with the mind of a player, that has to handle and manage all this stuff??? I think not, I just beleive, they think only with $ notres in their mind, that so more junk they can put into container items , the miore likely it wil l be that they force is this way to buy more bag slot unlockers so that they can make more money from us...


    But on a serious note now, it can't be really wished to much to expect from an item designer, that they create those things at least with some quality of life aspects in mind out of the view from a player, not from a designer that just wants to make money, because they have to know, that if they play in the end their own game, they self also have to handle and manage all this inventory clutterign crap that creates only just tons of obsolete and unneccessary clicks and makes the whole inventory management much more of a chore, than it needs to be ...

  23. More in detail changes, how I'd change the Ranger in regard of Gameplay Mechanics of Pet Control and Ranger Skills.


    #### Pet Controls


    * Old Pet Control F1 to 3 Skills removed

    * F1 becomes now "Control Pet" - The moment you press it, you switch the controls between your Character and your Pet, you play now the Pet and the A.I takes over your Character with your Skill Build, so that you can move around with the Pet as you like and use all of its now 5 Skills it will have (under A.I. Control it are only 4), the new 5 Skil lis basically each Pets new own unique "Pet Elite Skill" that out of balance reasons will be only useable, when you control your Pet self). When you contrl your pet self, then turns F1 into Return to Character, so that you can switch back to your Player Character anytime, or if needed for balance, with a little recharge time added in between.

    * F2 becomes now "Pet Combo Skill", that each Pet will receive now, a special pet based Combo Skill that you perform in synergy with the Player Character.

    * F3 becomes now "Open Pet Command Ring" with that you open a Ring Menu from where you can click quickly various Pet Commands like "Guard Area", "Rescue", "Follow/Get to Me", "Defend Me", "Defend Nearby Ally" and lastly "Go There/Stay" which lets you move your pet to a Ground Target, similar, liek we were able in GW1 to freely move our Heroes to where where wanted them to go to, by placing a Ground Target somewhere.

    * F4 becomes now the toggle to remove your Pet and it stays removed, until you toggle it via F4 again on, simple mechanic for when you want just to reduce visual clutter, Attributes of your Character is changed based on if you have your Pets active, or not, allowing this way players to play also Rangers in a petless way. That way becomes the Soulbeast Spec completely obsolete and can easily be exchanged with something better, a namely true Beastlord Spec that has itself specialized on Beast Mastery, which is focused on more simultanous Pets and not on the removal of them >.>

    * F5 is added for to "Change Pet", with that you exchange your two Pets.

    * Druid's Skill Toggle changes from F5 to F6



    #### Skill Changes


    **Mergings and Reworks**



    * AA + Maul become now Slash > Slice > Powerful Maul

    * New - for GS2 added now "**Tail Blade**" = You swing your GS like a sweeping tail with a wide swing, that cleaves, crippling and weakening foes that get hit.

    * Counterattack/Crippling Blow get removed

    * New - for GS4 added now "**Wild Swing**" = A fast evasive 180 degree uppercut swing with the gs, that will launch the foe away, which causes Vulnerability.

    * Hilt Bash removed

    * New - for GS5 added now "**Fang Strike**" = A powerful overhead arc strike, which dazes foes, stuns when hit from behind and refreshes your Tail Blade Skill if hit successfully a foe, that suffers on Torment.



    * AA + Point Blank Shot become now > Staggering Shot where the AA will stagger the target more, so closer they are to you, so that the AA becomes the skill with that you constantly can try to keep your target away from you and at distance, to force your opponents to make good usage of positioning, blocks, reflects ect.

    * LB2 Rapidfire is now moved to spot LB4 and has now 15 Seconds recharge time therefore and its Skill animation Time is reduced from 2 1/2s to 2s., so the shots are made therefore now faster

    * New - for LB2 as replacement comes now - "**Sloth Hunter Shot**", which gets merged with Hunter Shot from LB3 = You stealth and grant Pet Swiftness on hit. Additionally the hit deals now significantly more damage, if the target was generally not moving, stunned/dazed or immobilized at the moment of impact.

    * New - for LB3 as replacement comes now - "**Splinter Shot**", which is a fan of 5 arrows shot in a fan/cone shape in front of you. By these arrows hit foes will get crippled. Deals also damage and Bleedings to adjacent targets as well, if blocked.

    * LB5's Barrage gets renamed and reworked to "**Arrow Rain**", which will mechanically stay as it is, except that Cripple gets replaced now with Torment.



    With Mainhand Dagger now baseline, the Beastlord receives a different Weapon - the Chain Whip.

    * AA + D4 become now "**Stalking Gouge**" The Initial Attack is evasive for you, while you hit two targets, causing Vulnerability. Vulnerability therefore on the 3rd chain attack Deadly Delivery removed and replaced with a Stealth Effect for you, if you hit a target, that suffered already on Poison and Bleeding.

    * D2 + D5 become now "**Predator's Pounce**" and functionally changed: Leap at your Target, strieke foe foes in line of sight twice, causing bleedings. Your Pets next two Attacks will cause Poison and Cripple.

    * D3 gets renamed to "**Instinctive Disengage"** and changed to a Backwards Evade, throwing your Dagger at a target, which immobilizes foes, while your Pet gains Quickness, if that Dagger hits successfully.

    * New - for D4 as replacement comes now "**Scavenger Strike**" You strike with your Dagger, and replace a Condition from you with a Boon from your Target. Had the Enemy no Boon to replace it with a Condition from you, then do you and your Pet gain an Attack of Opportunity

    * New - for D5 as replacement comes now "**Throw Dirt**" instead of throwing a Dagger, you throw officially dirt now, which will blind foes at the ground target to where you have thrown the dirt. You cause a Dark Field at the location, which can be used to combo trigger Stealth and Health Absorb Effects from Combo Finishers



    * S2 gets slightly changed, it will deal now on initial hit Poison, and dazes foes, if your strike hits a foe with 5 or more Stacks of Poison.

    * S3 gets also slightly changed, the Poison from this Skill gets changed to Confusion



    Stays as it is.



    * T4 receives simply a reduced recharge timew from 15 seconds down to 10 seconds.

    * T5 also simply receives a reduced recharge time from 25 seconds down to 20 seconds, but now also additionally grants Might and Regeneration to Allies standing nearby to it, where its placed.



    * T4 receives a reduced Recharge Time from 20 to 10 seconds, therefore a Hit Reduction from 16 to 10 Hits, but each Hit deals therefore 12,5% more Damage

    * T5 recieves a Recharge Time Reduction from 30 to 25 seconds, but its Durations are reduced now from 15 to 10 seconds Using this Skill has now also the Effect to instantly bring a defeated Pet back to Life with 25% Health, if the Skill revived a defeated Pet, then you and your Pet will gain also Resistance for few seconds.



    * SB3 and 4 get mergerd and become now "**Triple Shot**" = you shoot now 3 Arrows at once at your target, while evading back. The first hit grants you Swiftness, the second hit criples foes and the third Arrow hittign lets your Pets next 3 Attacks cause Bleeding. If you attack with Tripple Shot from behind, causes the second arrow Immobilize, instead of Cripple.

    * New - for SB4 as a replacement comes now "**Needling Shot**" - Fast moving shot, that deals low damage, but causes Vulnerability, can't be blocked and the skill recharges itself, if it hits foes with less than 50% Health.

    * SB5 gets its Recharge Time reduced from 25 to 20 seconds and deals now also additionallly Confusions, if hit from behind.

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