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Posts posted by Orpheal.8263

  1. To give PoF more replayability, I would do:


    - Rework the Bounty System from scratch, to make it more interesting for all types of players, not only the spoiled Zerg Fanatics that are screaming Meta Events from HoT Style Maps, while also improving its rewards, so that all of the Bounty get the chance of dropping new Epic Weapons, Armors and Accessoires with unique Skins and Stat Change Ability (Return basically unique green items from GW1 to GW2) while making Bounty splitted up for various Player types into Solo Bounties, Group Bounties and Raid Bounties, with Solo Bounties introducign for Players a Bountyhunter Rank System with that the player can unlock as you progress more challenging bounties and better rewards (Monster Hunster System) with that you unlock also access to new Hunting Grounds Instances you can access then via the Realm of Torment which you will be able to access from the Domain of Vabbi where you can hunt then all kinds of Demons, Monsters Beasts, Spirits and what not all so much as you want for trophies, glory and EPIC LOOOOOOOT until your fingers fall off


    - Implement finally Jeweler 500 with all kinds of rare Tier 7 jewels you will find only in the PoF Maps and very rarely from WvW/PvP rewards with stuff like White Diamonds/ Brilliants, Tourmalines, Onyx, Jadeite, Jasper, Snowflake Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Aquamarine, Zoisite/Tanzanite, Citrine, Rock Crystal, Chalcedony, Aventurine, Alexandrite, bring back finally Azurite into the game!! Jewels are so much more expandable :3 I mean, we are in VABBI, back in the land, that is full of jewels and djins that hord them, including Zomorros


    - Add much more Masteries for the various Mounts, so that they learn more Skills, can become full combat mounts (we speak of a PvE only feature here!!!), but also more Masteries to the Maps introduced with LS4 that make exploration in the maps more fun, like a Djinn Lore Mastery to earn elemental powers from the Djinn that help you out against the Minions from Balthazar, Joko and Kralkatorrik and their annyoing combat effects/environmental effects from which you can buy then also animated new elemental Djinn Weapons and elemental Djinn Armors for all four Elements


    - Use the Realm of Torment also too to add there to the Game a new Raid with 4 Wings which represent each one of the known Realms , but this time without any Story Links to the LS!! Make it a pure Standalone Raid Zone whose four Raid Wings encircle practically the permanent explorable map "Domain of Anguish" (where you find then also the "Gates" to the various demonic Hunting Grounds) which you reach from the Domain of Vabbi Map:

    >City of Tor'Qua

    >Stygian Veil

    >Ravenheart Gloom

    >Foundry of Failed Creations


    Use this to bring back Margonites into the Game and some other nice old GW1 monsters :3


    - Implement new Gathering Jobs that you can do exclusively first in the PoF Maps - Fishing and Digging, especially fishign for Chef 500!! Elona is so full of potential new cooking material for ascended meals and buff food.. Fishiung in the Amnoon Oasis :3 as a Gathering Job, but also as an Adventure Minigame would be awsome


    - Add 3 new Mount Types, one you can unlock in Domain of Vabbi , the **Cheetah, which is a Speedster Mount** that becomes exceptionally faster, so longer you run with it straight forward and is the most nimble Mount able to perform Dodge Dashes, while granting the player on dismount Fury/Quickness/Super Speed

    **The Crawler**, which is a kind of spider like Mount, with the special ability to climb walls and to run on ceilings with you upside down hanging to reach new areas you can reach only this way, unlocked in the Realm of Torment. Its Dismount Attack poisons and immobilizes foes.

    And lastly the **Behemoth**, which are large Carrier Mounts, with that you are able to carry around a whole group of 5 players. You can break through walls with them, as if they would be non existant to bruise your way through to your destination point, while the behemoth is also armored and allows its group members to support the Mount Rider and its Mount with Buffs and can attack foes with ranged skills as well. See them basically as "Battle Taxis" :3 Simply because its fun to just travel together, while someone else drives the car..uhm rides the mount xD Their practical only weakness is Siege Weapons, as they willreceive from their thick skin and their armroy no damage from enemies that are smaller than them and there are also immune to sulfurous air. ans as you ride them, you are also high enouch in the air, that sufur will be no problem for you.

    So you can use them in the desolation for exmaple to travel safely around as a ground, while battling Junundu Wurms ect.


    - I would add some new ANCIENT RUINS (including at least 1 Pyramid, that is full of cool traps) to the PoF Maps that work basically as new Dungeons to add soem new 5 man content to the game, that isn#t unliek the first dungeons bonded to the personal story, does doesn#t need to have any "Story Modes", unless ANet wants to link this maybe to LS4, but just instead has multiple exploration paths and also an addtional Solo Dungeon Mode where players also can play these new Dungeons alone in Zelda-Style to earn that way also some unique rewards there in form of ascended equipment you find from the Dungeon Chests there, once you found its hidden keys to open them. These Chests would then reset every week or so or every two weeks, so that you can earn this way again new ascended rewards from doing the dungeons again


    - I would add some more fun Adventures to the maps and rework the Mount Races of the Maps also into Multi Player Adventures. For example I would add also Rollerbeetle Racing into the game with various racing tracks (GW1 version got borign quicly, because it had only 1 single racing track - always the same thing gets boring fast) (and include also Rollerbeetles into the game as monsters.. seriously disappointing, that you wind none of them nowhere in PoF, instead we get such junk like Choyas? Seriously? Leave iconic enemies out of the game for stuff like that, for real ANet???


    - I would add a Collection Card Minigame to the region of Elona, starting with your Beginner Deck you receive agaisnt a gold fee of say 10 Gold, which you will be able to buy at the Amnoon Casino. From that point on will have all enemies in the game, especialyl also the bounties, a chance to drop Cards from themself which you canuse in the Card Game agaisnt either NPC Players, or agaisnt othe real players. Make it a game, that is similar to Triple Triad (FF8), Gwint (Witcher 3) and Magic the Gathering, and call it somethign like The Gathering as a little homage to Guild Wars' origin from which the game got inspired basically, or somethign else, if The Gathering could be copyright problematic maybe. Add together with this own meta achievements and collection achievements for Card Sets, Rare Cards ect. and naturally for playing the game, making from that point on every now and then also Card Tournaments in Anmoon, where you will play against other players (and if neccessary NPcs if not enough players are there), where you will earn great rewards for winnign these tournaments :3


    And now im out of ideas for once xD hehe, but I'm sure, these thigns here alone wpould give PoF already a huge replayability for a veeeeeery looong time.

  2. They should do any AMA if there are some in the future again now HERE in rtheor official new forums, thats my opinion, otherwiase woudl be the new forum a waste of tiem and effort, if they still continue to neglect their own forums and stillprefer to do things like AMAs, discussions ect. pp on other unofficial third party sites , than on their own self made official forum, that they finalyl have upgraded into a more modern, better working forum of higher standards, than this crap with that we had to plague us around with the last 5 years

  3. Bounties as they are right now, are a fail.


    First thing first, Bounties should get split up into difficulty types and scale up and down accordingly based on the amount of plyers that want to participate in the hunt

    There need to be bounties, for all kinds of players.

    - Solo Bounties, which become more challenging as you rise up in your Bounty Hunter Ranks which are enemies in the open when that when you spawn them, then only you can deal damage to them, nobody else, specific content for Solo Players in regard of bounties should same as much exist, as like those that are Group Content


    - Group Bounties should be basically the classical Champions that are desaigned also as group Battles, which can scale up and down to maximum 10 players which can participate in these kinds of battles , when they are part of a group that has tagged an enemy as their bounty by taking the bounty sheet from the wall.


    - Raid Bounties are the kind of Champion to legendary Bountie,s where simply everyone can participate


    Bounties need to be content, which will be attrative to all kinds of players, not only to zerg players which farm them like champ trains non stop and if you are not on siuch a map, where currently a squad is making bounties, then you are basicalyl out of luck and can't do anything in the maps that feels kind of rewarding..cause the silly normal events are all just a waste of time compared to bounty hunts.


    Bounty Hunts need to receive unique rewards. Each Bounty Hunt Monster should drop 1 unique item, be it a unique skin weapon, an armor part, a tonic, a miniature, an accessoire ect. pp, that just only that one single bounty hunt enemy can drop, if you have luck, cause then have people a reason to constantly do all of the bounties, if they have all some unique rare treasures to drop of similar rarity like the exotic rare drops of the treasure hunter achievement, whose little events peopel still farm daily until now, just to get the chance to get that once exotic rare item dropped that is like 200-400 gold worth, or eventually very rarely even a precursor from the reward chest at the end.


    It would also help alot, if these bounties would give also a rare chance of dropping supreme runes of holding. find it a bad joke, that the only way of obtainign them is currently from ecto gambling in PoF!!! Bounties should drop them eventually as a reward as well if your lucky. You need like 21 of them if you want to craft just 1 single 32 slot bag and each of them is jurrently liek 15-20G worth, so thats over 300-420 Gold just to upgrade one single bag from 20 to 32 slots - absolutely ridiculous, when a 20 slot bag can be obtained for like 10G and some material costs.

    Remember the unique green loot from GW1 and how bosses had all there a unique chance to let their unique loot drop for you?

    Thats what I think shoudl be done for Bounties. Add a new Weapon Category - Epic Weapons/Armors, which are same as powerful as Ascended Weapons/Armors, have unique skins and can be attribute changed like Legendaries, but they have no auras and no foot step effects like legendaries, and can drop very rarely from bounties.

    If Anet woudl add somethign like that, I'm pretty sure, people would swarm from everywhere to PoF. Epic Weapons could have then the Weapon Color Dark Green to basically be the similarity of Unique high end Items from GW1

  4. The eater of souls was ridiculously easy, if you just DPS hi mdown and make sure, that he has always movement impairing conditions on, so that the slightest hard cc will break instantly his bar so that you can deal more damage...

    As long as you instantly cc him the moment the bar turns blue, you have a super simple fight... it becomes only problematic, if you dont get to cc him and he can use is suck in-self heal skill that will basically instantly heal him nearly back to full.


    As a S/P Thief absolutely laughable fight...


  5. The whole class needs to be gameplaywise redesigned. the energy system sucks and is the sole reason for it, why this class iwll never be able to work like all other playable classes that have access to racial skills. As logn this class has this stupid energy mechanic build in to its utility skills, it will always stay beign the black sheep among 8 white ones that work all the same.


    Energy is something, that should be used for the Class only for its Weapon and Healing Skills. Elite and utility skills need to be freed from this bad mechanic, so that players can decide freely, which utility skills/elite they want to use.


    Legendary Stances should get completely reworked into just "Hero Aspects" which are just simply shared powers from legendary characters, that the player should be able to mix and match as you want, instead of letting these skills work like some kind of preset build. This way woudl receive the class also much more build diversity, if you could like all other classes can do that - decide freely which skilsl you ewant to take with you, instead of these stances telling you what skills you have to have with you.

    That way would make playing this class alot more fun as it should be the players own free decision, if you want to take with you all skilsl that are for example Shiro based, or if you want to replace a skill slot maybe from a Shiro Skill with one of Ventari... or one of Jalis. Yes, this woudl make this class more of a jack of all trades, but it would definetely make this class also more fun to play.

  6. > @nopoet.2960 said:

    > > @Orpheal.8263 said:

    > > Utility Skill Type: **Instrument Kits**


    > Love the idea of of instrument kits but Mesmers don't need another support role. Your next spec should be full out selfish DPS


    You can be affected by your own Skill Effects as Minstrel too, like when you play a Melody and stand in its Area of Effect, then you will receive the Stat Boosts as well.

    Boons you receive from Songs ect. will let you receive them as well. Only because a Spec is called a Supporter, doesn't mean, that you can't rebuild it for DPS with the help of Sigils, Runes, Traits and the right Utility Skills (Kits) to do so, because I put among the Instruments also one, that is mainly for dealing damage - the E-Guitar


    But also the Weapon Skills of the Shortbow I gave my concept can be quite good for some decent DPS, cause the Weapon would have a Skill that woudl work similar to the Rangers Rapidfire, with that you can deal in a short time multiple hits to a target, which can be used for DPS spikes then, when you use this under full buffs, while standing in your attribute raising melodies ect.

    Instrument Kits are the only way, how you can give a Minstrel the complexity and build diversity, that a class like this needs to be trustworthy as a representive of inspiration, something, that a thief based wannabee bard never can do. Mesmers are the inspirational class in GW2, so if any class should get the Bard/Minstrel Spec, then its Mesmers.


    The Mirage is basically your selfish DPS Spec now as a Mesmer, cause it is absolutely not so heavily support based as like the Chronomancer, its whole dodge gameplay is focused on aggressive DPSing of foes. Its clone gameplay is even more focused now on DPS, than that of a core mesmer.

    Its weapon skill are focused on melee combat.

    The mirage feels basically more of a merge between Mesmer and Thief, just without Initiative Gameplay, but it has alot of access to shadow steps to close quickly gaps to continue DPSing on fleeing foes.. So clearly obviously, if you want a selfish DPS mesmer, there is the Mirage for you now

  7. I for once just seriously hope only, that all moutns get in LS4 some kind of protection against the environmental effect of the desolation... the skimmer sucks there and way too often you need the other mounts in the desolation to reach places (fast enough) where the other mounts have no protection agaisnt the sulfur and die like basically nearly instantly from it...


    And if not the mounts, then the players should receive some kind of GAS MASK MASTERY or so, which just allows them to explore this map normally, without dieing from the sulfur ... serioiusly.. 250 years have passed, we have combined pact technology and none of the races has come in that tiem onto the idea to invent soem gas masks or so, with that you can survive in the desolation's sulfurious air??? Ridiculous


    The Jackal woudl i love, if its blinks could get some increased range, like 50% longer range from 600 units to 900 range and its run speed could also be slightly faster.

    Skimmers should float 50% higher and should move also faster, they are so incredible SLOW compared to the other mounts, the last mastery of the skimmer should make all mounts immune agaisnt sulfur!!


  8. Rytlock should just die and leave us back (or Logan) Sohothin as our basically rightful "legacy" from him.


    Its time, that some old characters get just removed, so that the story of GW2 can progress and we get to see some new heroes and characters, that get into the foot steps of the older ones., the story needs some new faces to receive some fresh new wind .. we have now already for whopping 5 years permanently the same faces of Marjory, Rytlock, Kasmeer, Rox, Braham and Taimi.. ok, Eir died - tragic - boohoo, but to think about, what we have done in these 5 years, its kind of illogical, that the chances have been so low, that not more died of them... ok, Zojja nearly died, but shes still alive and blind now as Anet put her on ice due to VA reasons..


    I think the death of characters can be also important for story telling, cause the death of a character is a very emotional thing, somthign, so strogn, that it can change the character of somebody completely - see Braham...

    Just think over it, what the death of Marjory could mean to the character of Kasmeer?

    Or what the death of Rytlock could mean to Rox?


    If a hotheaded Braham would die now , I just guess nobody would even miss him from ous players xD He has become so replaceable, but think over it, how his death could affect for example Taimi, cause she likes him so much, even if she woudl never admit it officially maybe ^^


    Introducing new Heroes into the story tellign for example Living Story Season 4 and beyond is also something, that makes the game more interesting, if you see gettign introduced every now and then some new faces that become part of the story.

    Its for example still completely uncleared, where the second sylvari tree is and where Malyck has been all the time, he woudl make surely a great replacement for one of the other characters as maybe a guardian hero (cause Logan is now Pact Marshall in a safe spot, so we basically lost our guardian)

  9. I would love it, if ANet would redesign everythign what has to do with Books in any form in GW2, like the Books in GW1, which really looked like Books, that you opened up to actually read them, where you were able to flip the book pages, givign you even more the impression of really holinding the book in your hands and readign it, where you had also additionally PICTURES in the books to show you the lore you read about too, or where the boon gave you through pictures also instructions, like showing you plans of something, how you create something and so on..


    the Bonus Mission Pack was also very nice, where you replayed the lore, to fill up lore entries in the book, using the completed book then as a currency to receive rewards based on the amount of completed entries.

    Thats why I keep on proposing that anet should improve Fractals of the Mist with more additional Fractal Types, so that anet makes finalyl usage of the huge potential of this game mode, cause it seems Anet isn#t realizign yet for 4 years, how much potential they have with Fractals to add great different gameplay content to the Game, where they have with Fractals per see complete design freedom over the normal game world, where they are much more restricted on what they can do, do to being limited to the present date, wherre Fractals does allow them to show us so much more of the PAST from Tyria


    I'd so freaking love it, if ANet would implement as a new feature "Heroic Fractals", which would work basically like Bonus mission packs from GW1, that are Solo Player Content, or Group Content for 5 players based on the Mission of the Story Chapter you play.

    That would allow them to make for example finally the Novelle Books from GW1 playable content ingame - Ghosts of Ascalon, Destinys Edge and Sea of Sorrows would be such fantastic candidates for such Heroic Fractals, so that we can play as Dougal Keane, Rytlock/Logan and Cobiah Marrinereir past and see what actually happened in their histories from their own eyes.


    If their woudl be then alo in the game for our home some kind of accessible Bibliothecary, where we can place the Lore Books like Trophies, that owudl be also nice and then this would remove also some item clutter from our inventories, or as alternative, the menu should receive a "Lore" Point, where when we use up the lore book like a consumeable, the Lore Entries get then unlocked for our Accoiunt in that "Lore Section", where we can read it then whenever we want like readign the book, but we don#t need to have then eanymore the items in our inventory ...

  10. Despite all this... you can unlock also black lion skins from collections by using these guaranteed Wardrobe unlocker items. if you are luck,y then you can also unlock skins from those colelctions ..


    The last time i used such an item, for example I was so lucky and unlocked with it the shield skin of the Gallant Weapon Collection, I just screamed yippie, cause that was literally 400 Gold saved ^^



  11. I want to see Aurene becoming our grown up Dragon Mount for personal story instances, basically of the size of Vlast would be I guess fitting for that job :D

    For normal persistent maps, I'd love to see also too a Wyvern Skin for the Griffon Mount with some kind of Dragon Breath as Dismount Attack that burns and torments and feels being similar epic, like the fire breath of a Hydra


    Horse would work only as Human only "Racial Mount", which is somethign I would love to see too, each race gettign its own Racial Mounts.


    Norn = Shapeshift to Animal Form

    Humans = Horses/ Moas

    Asuras = Golems

    Charr = Motorbikes

    Sylvari = Thorn Wolves




    I want more unique different Mount Types with own Masteries.


    - Speedsters = Feline agile elegant nimble Mounts whose speciality is to evade incoming attacks, while you ride them and which run the fastest of all mounts

    - Spiders = Climbing and running on Walls or using Spider Nets, to slowly get from a high place downwards and use the spider net liek a rope and with them you can reach places, no other moutn can reach in a unique movement kind of way, like hanging on a wall, seeign everything upside down xD, removing them due to arachnophobia of peolel is a terrible bad joke, when you conside all other spider mobs in the game ...if you argumentate with such lousy reasons, then there shouldnt exist any spider enemies at all in the whole game ...

    - Stalkers = Mount with the ability to perform Stealth to reach unseen places, where you need to reach them quickly unseen

    - Carriers = Large Mounts with that you can carry up to 5 people at the same time , so basicalyl "War Taxis" ^^, stuff like Junundu Wurms, Siege Devourers/Turtles where other players can interact with you, while you control basically your mount

    - Summons (Elemental Beasts) = Unique Mounts that you practicaly summon by performing a magical ritual, which require some preparation to use them, but are therefore in their effects and what they can do for you in combat very useful when you initiate the combats with them (could be also working as Class Based unique Mounts, with this being the ones for Elementalist), a Necromancer coulds instead summon a Bone Dragon, and so on ..

  12. this game needs finally a complete sigil and rune rework and rebalance. Somethign that this game had so far in 5 years partially only once, and its long overdue, that the game gets finalyl its first big serious great overhauling balance patch that takes every sing sigl and rune into consideration of reworkign them to make the item in the end more interestign, more balanced, more useful, equally simple to receive, insteasd of being hided behind all kinds of events, mechanics and what not all to make the aquasition of some upgrades arteficially more harder, than neccessary .


    Theres lots of upgrades, which shoudl simply get removed andreworked instead maybe into masteries, like for exampel the slayer sigils, that absolutely no body uses.

    Upgrades need to receive with that patch then also finalyl ascended sigils and ascended rune,s which shoudl be accountbound unlock items with that you should be able to unlock the effects of these upgrades for your acocunt permaently to access, slo that these effects can be then later useed for an official build template system to be able to quckly switch while being out of combat also your upgrades on the fly per button click, without that you lose each time your ugrades when you change your build.., would give jeweler 500 finally a reasson to be implemented to be the craftign job, that is responsible to improve upgrades from exotic to ascended level of quality.


    Class Based/Spec Based Upgrades should also be only useable by the fitting classes/specs.

  13. Believe me, I'm a decent good player enough ,to absolutely handle mostly everythign solo in PoF.. I'm achievement hunter and earned mostly everythign of my current 27,5k AP alone. What I meant with "can't sol,o poF" is specificly the Bounties, because they don#t scale down and are all designed around doing them either a group of like 5+ playrs to large zergs..

    Theres no single bounty, you can do alone, because you simply lack the DPS to deal enough damage, before the timers would run out, or you deal no damage at all, because you can't deal alone enough CC to break the foes bars so that you can deal even at all damage to the bounty...


    Yeah, insane mat generation, which again also works only if you farm the bounties, because these are the enemies which let you earn the mount unidentified items with that you actualyl generate all the tons of mats by just salvagign all the stuff, which gives you now more materials while salvaging it undentified, plus aditionalylyou receive tons of chest keys by doing the bounties which you can then use to upen up everywhere in the map hidden chests which can give you quite soem good amoutn of materials..


    I'm not blind to not to see and realize, where and how to get quickly lots of materials in PoF, plus the maps as mentioned are also very good for orihalcum and ancient wood too, which is why on the other side people are now again complaining, that these mats are currently alot lesser worth now, cause peopel naturally overfarm these mats now, until ANet adds again some material sinks for those things.

    However, what I think, and thats just my personal impression I got from bounties, which I wrote down in my previous posting is, that bounties in itself seem to be too unrewarding/uninterestign for the peopel that are spoiled by the massive rewards you get in HoT Maps and SW in regard of gold making, which is why aside of the maps being much larger, you get kind of the impressiobn by now already, that poF maps are empty - and i think its a bad game design sign, that shoudl make Anet alarm bells ring loudly, if their player base seems to be already a few days after release bored, cause they think the new content isn't rewardign and interesting enough for them to stay active in the new map for longer, than just only the few days they needed to rush through the whole story content and unlock specs/mounts/griffon ect. already in such a short time, that they think, it woudl be a waste of time for them, if they don't immediately return back HoT, or even much older maps like SW, just because these maps are significantly much more rewarding for players, than the neweest maps.


    I think also with Pof havign not like Hot huge Meta Events and beign by its map design again more casual friendly and feels more like the vanilly game, just with mounts now, doesn#t have to mean, that poF should/couldn#t also be equally as rewarding in a different way, than HoT or SW per se.

    But at the moment it feels like, people can easily earn much more over hsort time by staying in HoT/SW, than if they woudlstay the same amount of time in PoF maps and would do the bounties....


    Cause Bounties so fare are pretty much unrewarding and absolutely boriung and uninterestign the very moment you have done them all once just for the achievements of doing so, but aside of that, you have absolutely no reason so far anymore, to ever do any of the bounties ever again, once you have done them once, have learned all masteries, and bought everythign you care for with Karma, because aside of this tiny things, bounties reward you with nothing, than the stereeoptypical exp, karma and a bit money like doign a successful event. Thats why I proposed in my postign before, that Anet should make the bounties more interestign by addign more unique loot to them, which shouldn#t be sellable by TP, you would need to have to earn it through participatign in the bounty hunt,s. thats the way how you bring people to do something, by addign unique rewards to something, that you ca't just simpyl buy from TP. That will increase the interest on people to actualyl participate in bounties then non stop, cause people wil lwant then to earn these unique things as loot drops from the specifique bounties they would have to defeat for these items.


    As long bounties are nothign but just boring exp, karma and lousy amoutns of gold..peopel wil limmediately leave Pof the moment they have done everythign there and go back to SW and HoT to stay there for gold farming and doign the large meta events, that do make also more fun, than the bounty hunts, cause the fights are also alot more challenging, than the bounties are, which get just zerged down easily, like every simple vanilla game world boss as long you just have enough people...

  14. I woudl love it, if Anet finally adds as explorable maps the EotN Regions including the Hall of Monuments back, adding as a feature into GW2 basicalyl its own form of Hall of Monuments for our Characters, where we can link our achievements of our account onto to unlock this way unique rewards and to have with the Hall again an instanced showcase, where we can present other players, what we have achieved, and which gets used then also as a place for Player Housing (because I think reworkign the Personal instance for this wouldn't work, we need a new place for this to make a feature like player housing happen and I think a personal house instance, thats linked also to our Hall of monuments beign part of our house in Eye of the North makes more sense, than to rework completely the old hard coded personal instance from our hometowns)


    Under the GW2 version of the Hall of Monuments should they add then also basicalyl everything that we could link in GW1 to the HoM there, to unlock the GW2 achievements/rewards from the linking of the accounts also by just playing GW2. It should stop that players are literaly forced to play GW1, just to unlock something for GW2, that should be implemented directly into GW2 as well and hsould be gainable through your actions in GW2 as well in a similar way...


    The Hall of Monuments consisted out of these Categories:


    **Miniatures** - GW1 had Miniatures you could collect and earn, GW2 has its Miniatures, which you can collect and earn. For maximum rewards you had to add at least 25 collected Miniatures to the Hall. All GW1 Miniatures should also exist in GW2, but a few exceptions like those, that exist already in both games, promotional ones, CE ones.

    People should earn these by various means, either as part of achievement reward,s for karma, by crafting ect. pp


    **Titles** - GW1 required of you to earn 25 Titles or so, to make the hall of Monuments full for this Category... GW2 has already way more titlres, than GW1..so another unproblematic Category


    **Weapons** To make this Category full, you have to earn rare weapons, one for each weapon type to make this category full. This coudl be basicalyl replaced here for GW2 with Legendary Weapons. To make the Category full, the player should earn for each Weapon type a legendary Weapon as a kind of effort compensation therefore, that you would not have to play GW1 anymore to earn the God Walking Amog Mere Mortals Title also by just playing GW2 and the Ap that comes with those earned titles


    **Armors** In GW1 you had to put rare armors onto this Hall, if I remember right the hall was full with like 4 or 5 armor sets put into the spot there to quality for max rewards later... could be easily replaced for GW2 by having put in there instead a Legendary Armor, a new ascended cultural armor set and then some new rare collection armor sets from new explorable Elite Maps (Underworld/FoW/RoT that should return)


    **Heroes** In GW2 you had to put Heroes with their Hero Armors onto the Hall... if GW2 would introduce back (hopefully) Heroes back, then we could easiyl do this again for GW2, otherwise this category could easily be replaced withTrophy Hunts, for reaching certain milestones of AP


    Its a one time thing anyways.. once people have earned these thigns, they won't ever return anyways to GW1, cause the game is dead, it doesn't ever get any new content anymore, so why should people be needed to go play an not anymore supported game, just to earn somethign for the sequel, when the sequal could essentialyl provide exactly the same mechanics as well too to earn all those things in GW2? Would be 5 years aftwr release now only fair to stop this unneccessary go to GW1 attitude, just for earning a few titles and AP that should be earnable by GW2 means as well - the player however should have his own free choice , if he wants to earn these thigns by either playing GW1, or GW2, both should be equally legit to claim these rewards


  15. I find it sad to see, that people all kind of rushed through the whole content in less than half a week after release, have done already basicalyl everythign and the maps provide absolutely nothing at all, which keeps people wanting to play also actively in the maps.


    Yes, PoF maps are alot bigger in site, than say Sivler Wastes or the HoT Maps, but it is very unfortunate to see, that the poF maps are as it looks like so extremely uninteresting for by by SW and HoT spoiled players, that people see no reason at all to stay in the poF maps (especialyl when you think ablout it, that PoF is so scaled by design, that you need to do mostly everythign there in large groups, except hero points and some champions (except bounties) which you can't solo at all.


    PoF Maps hopefully get tweaked enough with LS4, so that people actually see a good reason to stay also actively in these maps, that you actualyl can get things done there, otherwise do the mechanics of the maps need a rework and SCALE DOWN significantly, so that also smaller groups of people or you alone can do the events and bounties in PoF as well, even if it meants, it will be for you mpore challenging, but it shoudl at least be possible with enough player skill ,right build and equiupment + buffs ect. and not be completely impossible at all.


    The maps have become basically the perfect go to maps, if you need alot of orihaclum and ancient wood.. but you see barely anyone harvstign for these materials in the map, which is kind of weird...


    Bounties need a rework, they shoudl be more rewarding and give people more reasons to do them, like every Bounty should have its own chance to drop unique ascended loot for weapons and armor sets. Then would have people enough of a reason to constantly farm the bounties, if they would give you each the chance to earn unique looking weapons and armors of ascended quality, that makes it worth it to do the bounties.. not because you get a huge load of gold out of them, but because you get realyl helpful and valuable items from them, that are uniquely dropping only from them.


    5 Maps with each like 10 Bounties or so , thats 50 unique items Anet could let these bounties drop from a full set of unique weapons - 2 for each category (32), to two full set of armors for each body part a box from which you can choose 1 of 3 armor types from of choice ( 10), to a unique looking backpacks (2), unique aqua breathers (2) and maybe 4 unique other loot drops (Miniature, Recipe, Tonic, Outfit), then people woudl have alot to do.


    Combine this then with another "Treasure Hunter" Achievement that rewards you with a new title, some good AP and an item, you will need for later to make the Precursor Ring for the first Legendary Ring Item Accessoire, and I'm pretty sure, peopel will be constantly farming the PoF maps then non stop dpoing all kinds of bounties there actively.


    Its completely fine if PoF isn't designed to be the gold farm map, like Silver Wastes or HoT, but when its not a gold farm map, then it should be kind of a material/gear farm map instead, which puts focus on helping players gettign quicker their characters geared for high end content/raids, while doing the bounties as PoF's form of "Meta Events"

  16. I do kind of agree with you, that ANet could have done by now far far more to provide Achievement Points, as they make not very good usage of the potential the game has for basically alot of new achievements.. but its not so that this lack for achievements/AP does come only from missing collections, even if Anret could add alot of more collections for sure - the solution is rather more, that anet shoudl expand ALL of the achievement categories with new achievements and new achievement tiers.

    They should also revaluate alot of the existign achievements, even if this means for alot of people a gift of free AP... its neccessary to ensure, that people will gain enough AP to be able to reach in a reasonabl amount of time the achievement reward ranks...

    anet has currently planned already ahead for 60000 AP and after al the years, we even have roughly slightly over the half of that - and that only the most active kind of addicted/no job players there you can find, which have the time for this extreme activity, that peopel with jobs never will be able to have like that


    ANet has still so much unused potential for more AP:


    - Add finally Jeweler and Chef 500

    - Add finally all the missing Minigame Activities with their own Meta achievements, like Polymok, Bar Brawls, add back Basket Ball ect.

    - Implement Ascended and Legendary Cultural Armors for the Fashion Category

    - Add the missing Legendary Weapons of Round 2, as also Legendary Rings/Earrings as missing legendary Accessoires for more Achievements for Legendary Items

    - Add Meta Achievements for exploring all Regions/Maps, just like you did in LS Season 2 with Drytop, Silverwastes ect. this woudl be very good to revive also the older maps by giving Achievement Hunters in all older maps again somethign to do for a while/can be also combined with Adventures for the old maps being added

    - Remove the Daily Achievement Cap and remove Daily Achievements and replace them instead with the return of Monthly or either Weekly Achievements with a new rebalanced cap, which lets players also reach quicker this cap.. if done by a Weekly System, peopel shoudl gain per Week 100 AP, that would be compared to now a bonus of 30% more points (70>100), if the Cap would get increased from 15000 then to say 20000, that would be a great step forward with a Weekly System, that lets you gain also faster the points. From that point on

    - Give each Dungeon its own Set of Meta Achievements (youve shown you can do that with Twilight arbors aetherpath, which had its own meta achievement, each dungeon path should have this) with new dungeon related rewards, like ascended Dungeon Armors/Weapons you can gain access to by new NPCs which will sel you these then for Dungeon Tokens to rekindle the interest of players to play actualyl dungeons and to give players more access to gain ascended gear for their alts quicker

    - Increase and expand the Slayer Achievement,s add alot of missing slayer achievements for various enemy types, which don't have 5 years later yet their slayer achievements in this game, what is a shame... and especially add more giants to the game..its nice to say that the pof giants count towards giant slayer, a beginning ...

    - Add new playable races with Tengu and Largos for new Hero Achievements fro mthe personal story

    - Add new Weapon Types to the game for new Weapon Mastery achievements, like Chakrams, like Polearms, like Crossbows (merge Staff+Trident, merge Rifle and Harpoon Gun)

    - Add new Weapon Mastery Achievements, like not only such for kills, but also such for dealing Criticals, for using Downed Skills, lettign each Weapon have its very own set of Downed Skills, what woudl make the Downed System more interestign as well if not everybody would use with their classes the same downed skills anymore)

    - Add more Community Achievements that are linked to all the various Festivals as Meta Achievements for halloween, Wintersday, Dragon Bash, Jubilee ect. pp

    - Let us have access to the Hall of Monument again and implement a GW2 Version of it, where we can link our GW2 Acccount Milestones to to gain HoM Achievements based on what we achieved all in GW2 and implement ways how we can earn as well the old GW1 Hom based achievements in actualyl GW2.. no one should be forced anymore to return to a slowly but surely dieing out GW1 just to earn some achievements, when th players could do also somethign SIMILAR in GW2 that is of equal time effort,, skill level requirement ect. to unlock and obtain these achievements/titles in GW2..if Naet would basicalyl implement the items, miniatures ect. that are linked to the HoM as GW2 versions as well, so that players could earn the thigns they haven't earned yet in GW1 as well in GW2... plays absolutely no role, if i earn now primordus weapons in GW1 and link thenm with the Hon, or if i earn primordus weapons now in GW2 and link them to my HOM, the result should be for th player the same, regardless of which game I play.

    A linked GW1 Miniature, should i have also in GW2, a linked Weapon/armor Skin should I be able to earn/craft in GW2 too, and we all know howm uch people would love to have especialyl the GW1 armor skins back in GW2

    - WvW shoudl have 3 individual Borderland Maps, where each of the 3 borderlands shoudl provide its very oewn map based Meta achievements, but also EB shoudl have its very own achievement,s same asl ike EotM has its very own achievements

    - Fractals should have like they did with Nightmare/Chaos all theior own sets of achievements plus meta acbhievement rewards for doign all the achievements within set specific fractals, instead of this chaotic unsorted mess that Fractals currently is in regard of achievements

    - More Weapon Sets could become Basic Collection Sets that coudl reward players for compltign these sets with an ascended version of the weapon set skin of choice to help players more out gearign their characters up with ascended weapons, would help making lots of weapons more valuable, than they are currently



    Aside of this, we can do wait only on ANet adding more Expansion,s more LS Patches that continue the story, to provide every few months new achievements for more AP slowly but steadily... but like said, thy shoudl also revalue existign achievements... there hsould exist achievements, that give only lousy 1 or 2 AP

    AP should range this way from lowest to highest possible amount of points: 5> 10> 15 > 25> 50 > 75 > 100

    Gaining through crafting for example a legendary weapon, should grant the highest amount of 100AP for each Weapon as gainign these items is basicalyl the most endgame content you can do in this game, which requires the most effort of the player to receive them, thus its only logical,y that gainign these items should let the playr gain also the highest amount of AP you can receive in GW2, that would make sense.. and not only lousy 5 AP.



  17. I completely do agree here with OriOri I have to say... the way some people behave here on the forums in an entitled way when it comes down to rewards from older game content is more than ridiculous and an absolute point to feel yourself embarassed for those people being the same people with that you play the same game..seriously!!


    This is also the reason, why we can't still earn in GW2 anymore such nice thigns, like in Halloween the Memoires...cause whenever the topic is some kind of skin reward, people go nuts here and put out their pitchforks and torches like going on a civil war for "their rights" lol that they may be the only ones in GW2 which are allowed here to have said skins, only because they had the luck/time to be online in GW2 at the right moment at the right place ....

    Seriously, people which think this way absolutely have to grow up ...


    PS: oh and onto the actual topic, I want to say..personally I'd love to see Boss Weeks returnign as some kind of little filler content, especially if they use them onto either some of the older bosses to revamp them, like they did it with Tequal with the introduction of new boss specific achievements, improved rewards ect.


    Next Boss, which should receive finalyl this kind of treatment, should be the Claw of Jorma,g this stupid chore of a bad designed battle is logn overdue for a remake, that makes this battle more epic, more rewarding and in fact simply just more fun. anet did it with Tequatl, they did it with the Shatter - oinly the Claw of Jormag is still missing from the original vanilla game dragon champion bosses to get reworked and to receive better rewards and own achievements with an nice meta achievement for doing all of its smaller battle related achievements.


    But also all the other World Bosses should in my opinion receive this treatment, that its basicalyl enough content for quite some Boss Weeks for the future, that Naet could potentially make as small fillers in between Living Story Patches, or Festivals ect and its something, that doesn#t require too much of work to make it happen, to focus slowly onto 1 World Boss after another every few months, to make the encounters more fun and rewarding, bringign this old content up to date for 2017 technological standards!!

  18. This is very simple answered:


    Our Characters gain more power over the course of time from alot of various sources.


    - Level 1-80 is natural Character progression, becoming stronger and more experienced over the course of time

    - While we traveled over Tyria, we collected basicalyl everywhere from sources of power their magical energies by attuning to these locations, gaining this way powers from those locations, artefacts, and the like

    - We become more powerful through the ascended magical improved gear we wear, which is inbued with powerful magical runes and sigils that we gained, or crafted over the course of our journey, to the point that we use even legendary magical equipment.

    - We defeated two elder dragons and surely absorbed also parts of their magic partially, and elde dragons already rival in power with the powers of the Tyrian Gods

    - We share powers and technologies with all the races from Tyria, which makes us stronger, than any race from Tyria could be by itself alone. The defeat of zhaitan was pure proof, that alone this was enough to become for at least him an equal enemy (despite me finding the whole battle cheap to the point, it shoudl have been completely redesigned to make the battle more epic, but the poitn stands - anet wanted us, that shared powers and technologies can become equal to the powers of Zhaitan, that working together is the key to the problem)

    - We are linked to the powers of Aurene, we have basically with her at our side Dragon Magic with us.

    - As a human you are basically blessed with the powers of one chosen god from your birth on already, Sylvarie are already blesssed/cursed with the powers of Mordremoth basically as his lost Minions, Norns have the powers of the wild spirits and their shapeshifting abilities to become even stronger lorewise, Charr have their warbands and superior war technology and Asuras even top them in regard of magical technology and wisdom over magic in general with their high intelligence of their colleges that represent their understanding about the Eternal Alchemy, which understands no race better, than them, so each race has its unique strengths they can put into the battle

    - We got help also of mighty allies when we needed it, for example the Druids, protecting us in LS3 from massive heat, so that we could follow Balthazar

    - Plus Balthazar has also been massively weakened, sure, he regained some o his powers back, but he surely isn#t anymore as much as powerful, as before the five other gods stripped his powers and put him into prison in the mists, basicalyl liek they did with Abaddon 250 years together, and there they did it to him as 6th.

    To regain basically his full powers, I'm sure, Balthazar would have must absorbed completely all the Powers of Primordus as the Elder Dragon of Fire representing his divine powers surely would have brought him back to full powers, but we stopped him, before he could kill Primordus and absorb his powers, which is why he fled in the first place to Elona to try it next with Kralkatorrik to regain his powers. Before Balthazar fled from the Mists, woudl have Rytlock known, whos before him, he was in such a weak state, that Rytlock surely easily could have killed him, but he didnt realize, that this old and weak lookign man is the god of war from the humans and Balthazar just abused the situation by being nice to him and reigniting Sohothin with its low fire powers he had left, that he would free him out of thankfulness

    - Our Characters also ascended, like the Heroes from GW1 ascended, thus being through this ritual of might basically not anymore mere mortals, which is why we are even able to travel into and through the Mists at all, which is why we were even able at all to go to Kormir and have a meeting with her in the mists, an unascended being wouldn't have been able to meet with Kormir... and now in PoF we actually returned to the place where heroes ascend in Augury Rock.


    So, looking at all this, we have had within the last five years more than enough of sources and methods, to become more powerful, by obtaining and absorbing large amounts of magical powers, to hone our physical, mental and spritual abilities as well, gathering allies to share with them powers and technologies as liek also again magical abities, that helped us out in various situations .

    Its not unlogical anymore for a fantasy MMORPG like GW2 with this story, that we have become now after all this time such powerful ascended beings,that we test now our waters and battle even a rogue god, if we have to do so -and Balthazar wants it, he forces us, as he gives us no other choice, than to battle him, if we want to stop him from harming Tyria, so we kind of have to put in everything we got against him and even with that power level we have, we were already in the first encounter no match for him and survived only due to the help of Vlast, at the cost of his life therefore to the point that we still even are at the next encounter not still powerful enough for the weakened Balthazar - we need the help of Kralkatorrik/Aurene (a source of Dragon Magic first more, to become equal with him, which is basically the power that Balthazar wants to claim all th time to become again as powerful like he was before of his emprisoning in the mists and the other gods don't want to help us, because they fear for a war between gods and directly tell us through Kormir, likle a mother would tell to its child - that we have to grow up and strogn enough, to stand on our own legs, that this is a problem, we have to solve self, cause we basically created with our actions of slaying two elder dragons the problem, causing the magical imbalance of Tyria, now we have to be also responsible for solving the self created problem and its roots.


    The other 5 Gods in form of Kormir, the Goddess of Truth basically gave us a lesson and our characters, the commander is it, who accepts it first, as the role of the Champion of Aurene, whose role it is to protect her with your life, so that Aurene can fulfill her destiny as. the legacy of her mother Glint to end the Flameseeker Prophecies.

    Kormir tells us at the meeting ,why the Gods were away for so long time, because they thought, if they would intervene, that this could provoke a war between the gods for power, and battlign the elder dragosn which also already rival the powers of the gods at the same tiem would be too much of a risk for them as well, so they decided together to leave Tyria and watch us from their safe realms, how things would just run, as the awakening of the elder dragons is seen also as a natural cycle of magical balance for Tyria, as they awake, when they are hungry and have to clean tyria from too much magic, and go into sleep, when they are satiated and have eaten enough magic energy to ensure, that the magic stays balanced in Tyria and doesn't overflow, which woudl be bad for tyria as well as like when theres either too less magic in th world, or if magic would be unbalanced and flow uncontroled through Tyria, if there would be no elder dragons at all.


    The Flameseeker - I always wondered who or what this could be. After PoF I must say, that I now know, who or what is meant with the Flameseeker.

    Balthazar is it, who is meant with being the Flameseeker. The prophecy of Glint was always from begin on about the fact, that we woudl have one day to fight against Balthazar and stop him, but so far into the future couldn't go Glints Vision.

    He as the divine representative of flames and fire as the God of War and Fire, is it who seeks to become the only God of all in Tyria, thus the "Flameseeker Prophecies"

  19. I hope your right and anet uses LS4 (like I proposed in my list basicalyl as well) the Patches to expand the Mount Feature ... fells kind of lame when you have already like in 2-3 days if your fast maxed out everything with Mounts and still feels so incomplete and not using all of the potential there is, when Mounts as a Feature could provide so much more, than what PoF initially gives us with them.


    Mount Names are no unneccessary "clutter" , not more or less clutter, like generally titles already are. If Anet implements Mount Names basically as individual nameable Character Titles, it would work as well too.


    Character Name

    Rider of "Mount Name"


    And the name of your Mount can you type in then for that individual title by riding your Mount, pressing K and typing the name for the Mount you ride at the moment into its Name Plate Field, which is linked then to the spot if your individual title, so that you will always when you use that Rider-Title at the end the Name of your mount that you currently are riding. its not so has if this kind of title technology would be rocket science, its kind of very simple to add somethign like this, its just so that ANet would basicalyl do it for that title the very first time then, while all other titles so far never had such a kind of naming interactivity linked to them, that allows it the player to change manualyl self their titles.

    With the same kind of technology could ANet even allow us players to hav complete own individual REAL UNIQUE titles, if the defeault title for that is just blank where we coudl type then in what we want to have as our individual unique titles, but thats in the end an other topic/feature to discuss, because real unique titles would basicalyl make titles as rewards pointless from that moment on.

  20. There should be no red areas in my opinion at all in story instances.. or at least should these red borders be of much wider area, to have more space for movement, without fearign to get kicked out of the instance..


    So in this point I agree, the kick mechanic shoudl just get replaced with an invisible wall.. or better, our charactes shoudl just AUTOMATICALLY TURN 180° around and move for some seconds back into the other direction back, as if they literally just decided to turn around, because reasons..



    example: Witcher 3... its cleverly hidden and covered there with a Return Mechanism and Voice Overs, which show you when you reached an end of a map, a borderlien that you cant cross and explore further, by geralt just startign to talk something and you get after a few seconds turned around back into the other direction.

    Now surely, this can be done more smoothly for GW2, by our charascters not beign just forcefulyl turned around, but by actually just a moment animation, that lets our charactrs turn around automatically in a normal looking ways, just so as if we woudl have turned ariound them manually by ourself.

  21. Vitality should get changed form Points per Points (laughable 10 HP more per point, so 50 Points are just ridiculous 500 HP more, which won#t help you much in any battle, thats just 1 AA hit or Condi Tick barely staying longer alive ...) into a Percent per Point Attribute, because then would have each Point you invent into Vitality have a much strogner impact actually on your Max health, thus beign of a much better help for you to survive longer bursty Power Buillds and annoying Condi Builds.


    Think of a 15000 HP Thief with 1000 Vitality raises his Vitality unter the dumb useless current Vitality System to 1750 Vitality.

    Thats 750*10 = 7500 HP more, so you would have then 22500 HP as that Thief.


    7500 HP are nothing in this game, these 7500 HP more will barely keep you alive significantly longer. Agaisnt Condi Builds maybe, as long you can effectively remove them always, before they become too dangerous, there you wil lsurvive with these 7500 Hp longer ...

    But agaisnt a Power Build that deals insane critical hits won't save you these 7500 HP more at al, you survive maaybe 1-2 seconds longer. And why is that so? Because Toughness is crap and the whole defense gameplay in this whole game has for now 5 years absolutely no synergy within each other, so that the player actually fells a massive differnece also too in comba,t that people in PvP and WvW actually will have a harder time to defeat you with your defensive build, that they need actualyl to fight agaisnt you longer to wear you down, and that also as a high critical offensive build, which shoudl also take significantly longer to kill


    The sad fact in GW2 is, you can play a high defensive build in this game, and you stil ldie basicalyl exactly same as fats as like a nonm defensive build, because all the defensive attributes barely have significant influence on the felt damage, that you take. Your Health Pool doesn#t significantly grow large enough, that you can actually see a massive difference between you with your like 1750 Vitality and someone else whos not defensive and has only like 1250 Vitality or lesser, and you see that defensive builds sadly also aren't more better in survivability, cause the defensive attributes all have absolute NO EFFECT on mechanics, like Rate of Criticals that you receive - ANet relies the game balance here way too much onto the kind of obsolete Weakness Condition, when in fact that is a Combat Balance Mechanic, that should be balanced through an Attribute, not a Condition.


    We have no unfluence, aside of using a Boon, again here, thats somethign that should be balanced through an Attribute - to influence through a defensive build our own endurance Regeneration. Again are we here dependant upon a Skill Effect - this time a Boon - Vigor, which is easily again an absolute obsolete effect in the game that could get quickly replaced through a better attribute balancement, and nobody would ever miss Vigor.


    But lets return for now to my Vitality Exampel from above, lets repeat that example with an percent based gameplay, and lets see, how much more effective and impactful such a vitality formula would be, to make Vitality per se for everyone just more important, than it is right now.


    15000 HP Thief, with 1000 Vitality. Each Vitality Point here woudl increase the Halth instead of +10 HP now with +0,1% more Max Health.

    0,1% of 15000 = 15 HP. 750 Ponts* 15 = 11250 HP-7500 = difference of +3750 H? = Bonus of +50% exactly.

    Now imagine for a second, how Naet could even further influence the Class Balance here now bett,er with a reworked Base Health System with Class based individual Base Health Values, so that Vitality could become for each Class also individually more or less important, as each Class would receive this way also individualyl stronger or lesser strogn more Health from Vitality, due to each point percentally affectign now your Max Health,m instead of receiving just a flat +10HP per Point.


    So a Warrior for example which could have a Base Health of 20000 would receive instead of 15 Points per Vitality then 20 Points, thus makign Vitality for this class more impactful and effective by design, than for a Thief.

    The Thief on the other side could for example have a better outcome from his Precision upon its Critical Hit Rate and so on.. thats the way how you individualyl balance classes - through strengths and weaknesses in the Attribute System, that each Class also individualyl has its strenths and weaknesses upon the Attributes.

    For Vitality has the been from begin on alway th most overdue change thats neccessary by now to balance the game, especialyl now with its out of control conditions since 2015

  22. The game definetely should become more friendly towards Multi Character Players, as GW2 will profit only on the long run of that, so more rewarding Multi Character play becomes, so more full of life will be all places of the game across all Levels of Characters from the peoples Alts they have .


    1) So more Characters a Player plays actively and progressed with them past a certain point (play through Main Story of the Main Game), so lesser should become Time Gating for your Ascended Crafting.

    Every Character with that you played through the Main story should decrease Time Gating for you by 1 Hour. So after 24 Characters would you have no Time Gates anymore.

    I think thats more than enough effort worth it to be freed finalyl from this silly system of artificial slowdowning your progression in regard of equipping your characters with Ascended Gear, without having to be for this stone rich ...


    2) So more Characters a player plays actively and progressed with them in the Living Story until certain Milestones, so more Bonus Ponts should your Account get towards Bonus Gold Gain%, Bonus Karma Gain %, Bonus Magic Find %.

    For each Character which finishes a Living Story Season Campaing, shoudl receive all of the Account Bonus Effects +2%

    For each Character which completes the Expansions should receive your Accoutn some Bonus Gems (100 Gems for playing through the Expansion Story Campaigns per Character.

    So if you played through with 10 Characters HoT, then this would have earned you 1000 Gems as a little Bonus.. Thinking on the amount of Gems you paid first to get the 5 Extra Characters I think it would be only fair to earn a little amount of Gems back when you complete with those Characters also the Expansion, thus giving peopl also motivation to play with multiple Characters and redo also things with other characters, that they already have done with their Main Characters earlier - howeve,r this would help in keeping older content longer alive, so more peopel get rewarded for playing with as many characters as possible, with which they will automatically play also again on the older maps, thus indirectly will revitalize the older maps , keeping those areas alive.

  23. I've done it, was literally one of the first thigns I stumbled on my exploration tour on the second map by accident, cause I felt down at a place while riding on my Springer around, when I saw I was close a Vista I hadn't seen yet and when I fell down there, I thought directly - ok, what have i found he, some kind of hidden ruins? Awesome


    And then I directly made the whole thing and discovered on that tour also treasure with that I unlocked some new dwarven weapon skins which belonged to Collection Achievements and also a kind of mysterious room, which leads into the chest chambers which you have to reach to its end for other achievements, but you have to play each tiem you want to enter 1 Gold Entry Fee and you have each room a 50:50 chance of gettign put back to the start.. so its an obvious luck based gold sink also ...


    I always wished and proposed that GW2 should provide also more Zelda like Dungeons, be it as part of the world exploration, be it as actualyl real "Solo Dungeons" that are personal instances as part eventually of the story of the game. Anet could rework for that for exampel all the original GW1 dungeons and its ruins of them as Dungeons.

    Would so love to see them back in GW2, but just different this time, as naturally 250 years have passed...


    the runestone "puzzle" was no puzzle at all, its just 4 closed doors and each of them requires 1 runestone more to open them and whenever you enter another of those doors, in the sections behind them wil lyou always find all the next runestones you need to open with them the next door.


    Howve,r this kind of hidden mini dungeon is in some aspects also realyl annoying

    1= The aggro of the enemies, especially the destroyers and spiders there is really makign you quickly angry, as you feel like being constantly under attack....

    2= The Spider Room there with its Net walls and its countless of spiders there everywhere that keep you always in "attack mode", so that you cant switch mounts (what you have to to reach the rune stones and the weapon parts for the collection achievements) is seriously one of the most annoying places in the game, I have ever been into >.>

  24. They should have completely abandonded in in my opinion until they make a real Underwater Expansion and should have completely merged the Weapon Types together.


    Staff + Trident = Staff

    Rifle + Harpoon Gun = Rifle

    Spear should they have turned with that change then into a Land Weapon as Polearms


    Underwater Combat should have been redesigned then completely into a Mastery, which just unlocks then class based generic Underwater Combat Skills.


    This neccessary change is something, they should have done with the game the very moment they decideded to put Underwater Content completely on ice and they decided to implement the Mastery System - that opportunity to fix this weapon mess in one go together with the Skill Design Mess, that there are alot of Skills which can't be used by certain Classes, would be so easily solved, by just giving us a Swimming/Diving Mastery instead, with that we unlock for our Characters just simply all Combat Skills, all Utility Skilsl that we can use underwater that are pregiven then to us based on our Class and also too the Healing an Elite Skill.


    **Swim and Dive Mastery**


    1) Swimming Fans - 1 MP

    Receive a pair of Swimming Fans to unlock the Ability to swim faster and against Water Streams that would push you away otherwise.

    Unlocks also Underwater Combat Skills and Healing Skills for you based on your Class you play.


    2) Pressure Resistance - 2 MP

    You can dive now deeper than before, before the Water Pressure becomes life threatening for you.

    Unlocks your first Underwater Utility Skill for you based on your Class you play


    3) Apnoe Diving - 3 MP

    You can dive now even more deeper than before and you can sink and rise up now underwater faster, than before.

    Unlocks your second Underwater Utility Skill for you based on your Class you play


    4) Streamliner - 4 MP

    Unlocks for you Access to additional Underwater Mounts aside of the Skimmer that is default useable, which enable you to reach places you couldn't before, like the Octopus, like the Sea Turtle, like the Shark or like the Orca. Unlocks also your last Utility Slot for Underwater Skills based on the class you play


    5) Clear Sight - 5 MP

    Allows you to see also better in muddy water and dark underwater caves. Unlocks access to your class based Elite Underwater Skills


    All underwater skills should gte for this then completely reworked, rebalanced and if needed redesigned to fit into this new and better mastery based system which makes ideally for all Classes their Underwater Skills more useful and fun, while turnign the whole system for the expansion just onto a part of our Character Progression, so that ANet has a purpose to completely focus on improving the Game with Content and Features, that are solely based around the Aspect of the Game, that is unique on GW2 and which should have basically shined already much brighter on Release Day, which it surely woudl have had, would there have been already on Release Day of GW2 in the Game the Mastery system ect. from begin on, to design the whoel system with more "depth" (pun intended!!)



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