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Posts posted by Orpheal.8263

  1. Not only this, but they cutted out also alot of the announcement trailer scenes out of the game ..really disappointing to see, how much they have just cut out of the final product, that should have been part of the story telling without any real understandable reason to that ...

  2. > @phandaria.4891 said:

    > Wanted to say thank you for posting, but not sure why you deleted it. Had a brief read, so thanks!


    Most likely, because his posted summary wasn't complete,. there was alot of things left out, that you can find in an other thread being summarized better

    PS: Nonetheless, still thanks for the effort.


    Here, for those which may ask themself now, which thread I'm meaning, this one


  3. > @OriOri.8724 said:

    > A lot of these ideas are fairly niche. How many players really want fishing in GW2 as opposed to players who want GW2 to be more familiar to other MMOs that happen to have fishing? Genericizing GW2 isn't always a good thing


    > If we get a feature pack, I'd really like to see if focus on a few features but really nail them. Stuff like:


    > * Key ring

    > * Lorebook system

    > * Home Library (could be tied into the lorebook system quite easily in the home instance

    > * Rebalance the AP we get from achievements to accurately reflect the effort to get that achievement

    > * Add in all of the missing elite/healing skills for each class


    What has please "rebalancing AP" to do with Features? Thats somethign Anet could potentialyl do anytime. No Feature Pack needed for this..


    I can absolutely understand Key Ring, Lorebook/Library Menu Point and Implementation of missing utility/Healing/Elite skilsl for all classes, so that al classes also have for each of their Skill types fitting Skilsl in all three categories, cause this has been a clear game design oversight from release day on, that never has been fixed yet sadly.


    That are features you name there that I honestly would put all onto my list as well, but then again - I also have my own priorities ;)


    If I had to reduce my list now onto 5 things, Anet should put focus on, to nail these Features, like you describe it, then I'd take from my list


    * Player Housing

    * Build Template System/ Jeweler & Chef 500 for Ascended Upgrades that would be needed for a working Build Template System

    * Underwater System Redesign

    * Fishing & Digging as new Gathering Jobs/Minigames (maybe in regard of Fishing als with own Masteries, would fit to it very well)

    * Implementation of Polymock, Bar Brawls and all the missing Stuff, that should be in GW2 from Day 1, making all Towns equal of quality with Amnoon now (could include eventually also as merged point my want for a Card Collection Minigame, Amnoon would fit so perfectly as place for the Card Tournaments)


    The other points aren#t nearly as important imo and can wait for beign made somewhen later with an other Feature Pack , but those 5 points I put focus on here, are the thigns, which would positively influence GW2 the most in my honest opinion and make the game greater


  4. Like 95% of the asked questions was completely uninteresting .... disappointing AMA

    Would it have been made here, I'm pretty sure, we would have seen alot more interesting questions ...


    PS: I must correct my self, after havign seen in an other thread, that this summary here isn't complete at all...

    After having seen the complete summary, I'll change my interest percentage from 95% of uninterestign questions down to felt 85% uninteresting questions...

  5. I find it still ridiculous that they don't use stil ltheir own official forums for thigns like this, AMAS and so on ... before they started working on the new version of the forum, they knew exactly, what kind of FUNCTIONS this new forum version needs to be able, to do this stuff also here.

    They know, what reddit offers, what the old version of our forum didn't, so why in hell didn't they just use their chance while they looked for competent forum providers/technology also for one, that is able to give the official forum also the same functions and features, that Reddit has and that our official forum so far not, which is the only reason, why the devs are there doing all the stuff they should do here..


    As long as this fasct doesn't change could anet practially call Reddit their official forum, as long their do always the most important information stuff like these AMAS or other important discussions only there, whikle treating those which care for this forum like 2nd class members which always get first only the summaries of everythign, once the AMAS, discussions ect. are over


    This reddit stuff splits the community!! The first thing I#d care for as a forum owner, if I see, that there is something that splits my community, when I'm gong about to rework my forum is, to improve the forum with the features, that are the reason for why my community is splitted between various platforms, os that they don't have a reason anymore to go somewhere elsewhere to get their official infos about the game.

    Thats the reason why you have official forums, because they are the place, where players should always get the most important and latest official infos about the game FIRST, it should be their number one go to place, and not firts Reddit, then here, just to see, if heres a short summary about everythign that has been discussed first at Reddit.


    I won't support ever this Reddit Site. I go here, because I want to read what is important to know and to discuss officially, because I know, I will receive here always first the infos I need to know... not first like some days after everything has been talked about somewhere else, only because the Devs aren't able to make an own official forum, which provides the features they need, which they find on an other side...


  6. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > This is the response from one of the devs:


    > Also, we already have a thread about this. No need to create new one.


    To the Twitter:


    Thats also what I would say as a Dev, to beware my face in front of the mass of players.. in the aftermath always suddenly something was either bugged and not running as "intended", to give yourself the reason to make the changes for that a tiny minority of players screamed for, that was too incompetent to play their Classes the way how you actually intended them to play them, so you changed it now to infantile mode to make this minority stifle in smoke, so that they don't have to cry anymore ..


    This battle wasn't neither hard nor was it bugged..

    The only thing that this battle required of the player of any class, is to have some brain and to use over the course of combat a mixture between soft CC and Hard CC Skills with just some decent good reflexes to react quickly with Hard CC on the moment the Break Bar Turns blue, to stop the enemy from using his Absorb Attack. The rest of the battle is just DPSing him down, as he has not very much health and is easily soloable due to this, even more so, if you can create help through additionally attackers, like summons, or use environmental items that create additional attackers (ogre flute, flame elemental ect., sylvari turret if you seriously need that little extra DPS)


    There were more than enough people willing to share their successful tactics with the people, builds and so on, with that they breezed through this combat with ease, and still Anet needed to lower the difficulty of the battle into nothingness, so that even the noobiest king of noobs could defeat this enemy blindly now LOL :trollface:


    Can we then now also seriously reduce the difficulty of other things in this game that really need it more, when even such ridiculous things like this battle get nerfed now?

    Like for example making Ascended gear cheaper and easier to craft by removing the idiotic time gating for example?

    Or can we add to Raids also finally an "Easy Mode" with no Timer that forces DPS Races/Elitist Scum onto us with reduced rewards maybe?

    Or increase the drops rates of some way too ridiculous rare items like Orrian Pendant, the materials needed for the Dwayna Bows ect. that are required for some Achievements, which alone together woudl cost players, if you do these achievements al way ove **multiple thousands of Gold**, for rewards, that aren't by far all this much gold worth it (or implement alternative way,s how people can earn/craft these items as well, so that doing some specific events for a 0,00001 asian Grinder RNG drop rate isn't the only way to obtain these items, if you don't want to fork over like 400-600 Gold for 1 item ...)


    Theres so many things wrong in this game, just some examples of wrong difficulty above there, but from all these things, which should seriously get looked over, you nerf this battle, which isn't difficult at all, but can be defeatet with the right tactics within a few minutes, without that you have been attacked by this soooo dangerous absorb attack even 1 single time, if you do it right!!.

  7. PoF maps have currently the following problems


    * They are miuch bigger, than the usual maps people played before, so the amount of players is much more spread thing in the maps, and have due to this move also much longer distances than before, to reach certain locations, also due to the reduction of waypoints. People are lazy, if they see, that they have to move a long distance, even if its now with mounts, they won't do it, if its not worth it.

    * PoF Events are all of Noob Level Niveau in regard of what you gain there, just the typical exp ,karma and low amounts of gold, that no butt cares for, as you receive this everywhere or far more oftenly soemwhere else in a short amount of time from farming Meta Events

    * Bounties are abslutely too unrewarding, and despite this fact, they are still the most rewardign thing, yiou can do in all PoF maps, the other metas everywhere are mostly interstign for peole to do just only 1 single tiem for their personal gain of achievements, but afte that, nobody cares for these thigns anymore, because the rewards after that are pure garbage an totally ininterestign and not worth your time and effort, which is why you see nobody doign at all maw

    * Aside of these points, are still way too many peopel way too budy with other things, like map exploration, mastery receiving, griffon unlocking, mastery/hero point hunt, and do all their very own thing, while running around with horse sight, not looking left and right, whats happenign around them, nor caring for others, if they could help out others in what they are doing...

    * Achievement Hunters roam also still around, having surely not donw all of their stuff in all maps and as long the stuff you do, isn#t on their list as well to do, then you barelly gonna see them helping out somewhere else



    PoF is simply a way too much casual player orientated expansion, because people complaned that HoT therefore was way too much of the opposite and not casual player friendly. With Pof we just received now, what many peopel here in the forums whined for - an expansion, that should feel more like the Core Game as less complex like HoT.

    The sad point is only, that by this decision is PoF naturally for the high active playersa and hardcore players so quickly so unappealing and uninterestign due to the clearly inferior rewards compared to Silver Wastes, and Hot Maps, that the moment where you have done everythign you care for in poF, you have nothign left in poF anymore, which gives you a reason to stay active there, because staying there feels for many peopel like a waste of time, because the maps aren't equally as lucrative for most players as like farmign their daily routines on SW, AB & Co, which is the reason also why so many people are disappointing from poF, that the maps have no hot like Meta Events with epic scaled meta boss battles ala Mouth of Mordremoth, Chak Gerent, Octovine and the various legendary bosses at night time in VB to hunt down which have all their map unique rewards, that feel also more rewarding, than the map rewards and the stuff, you can earn with PoFs map currency which is basically for all maps the same stuff, while HoT provided for each map somethign completely different, which is th reason why peopel begin now already to ask about, what they should do with all their extra of contracts, cause they have unlocked already everything with this map currency now.


    I personalyl hope, that ANet will use this feedback now, they got about PoF, to improve the weaknesses of PoF with the help of Living Story Season 4 Patches, to fil lthe gaps, and add the content, that should have been in the expansion that alot of people missed in the poF maps and so on..


    Therefore that PoF was claimed to be the CONTENT EEXPANSION, therfore has given Heart of Thorns us all the impression to have had added much much more content, than actually PoF did, despite HoT being called by anet a FEATURE EXPANSION.

    Ridiculously, HoT had even a LONGER STORY than PoF, consiting of 4 ACTS each 3 Missions and Side Stuff in between the Missions.

    PoF had only 3 ACTS and so it had lesser MIssions. We were much quicker at the point to defeat Balthazar, than it had taken us, to defeat Mordremoth... as if Mordremoth was the way much more dangerous treat... just look and compare how much harm he did to Tyria, compared to what balthazar did.. he barely did ANYTHING and we already killed him, before balthazar could become active - kind if disappointing in itself, if you look at it this way in regard of a comparison between a Content Expansion, that should deliver in fact a muhc longer and complex story narrative, than actually a Feature Expasnion should, do, whose role it is to focus itself on implementating new gameplay features and adding lesser new story actually, where new story is more like a by product, but not the main focus of the expansion.


    Currently it feels like HoT is the Content Expansion and PoF was more like the Feature Expansion, because the whole expansion is merely focused on the addition of just one single new feature - Mounts.

  8. Anet should bring back Monthly Achievements with their own AP Cap of say 10k Points, and completely rework the Daily achievement System into a Weekly Achievement System, which has an increased AP Cap to 20000 point,s instead of 15000 and Weeklies should give for doing them 100AP per Week, instead of the currentlx system, that gives 10 Ap per day (70), so that we earn 30 AP a week quicker than now, so that we will reach the caps also slightly quicker and weekly active players will catch up quicker)


    Doing a Weekly then successful,y should earn the player then instead of 14G ove the time then 20G, so that players also gain bis this increase a slightly more incentive to play over the week activewly enough to earnthis gold at the end of the week, or eventualyl already sooner, of you fulfill all weekly tasks among the various game modes already before the week is over, this this will incentivice eople maybe also more to play more also in the other game modes to earn the weekly reward this way quicker.


    People which complain that theres no AP to gain anymore would also receive then again some more room to breathe and gain for some time again more Ap, until they reach the new cap. 5000 Points with 100 Points per Week means 50 Weeks of having to do Weeklies, until players that have now the cap, would hit the new cap again ,thats basically 1 year of having somethign to do and beign busy to keep the hardcore active AP hunters quiet for some time, while Anet can work on new content.

    And much more time, if anet lets Monthlies return with its own 10K Cap. Most active playes had like 1,5 to maybe 2k Monthly AP, before Anet removed them.

    If fulfilling a Monthly gives like 500 AP, then this new Cap would be reached for most players in like 12 to 13 Months as well, so also in like a constant year of fulfilling each month the Monthlies and in fact it surely will take most players longer, because for sure not everyone will do them every sinmgle month eventually successfully due to not beign active ebough to fullfill all goals in time. Naet just has to rework the Monthilies, because of of them were done in like 4 days already back when monthlies were a thing in GW2 like 4 years ago. if they brign them back, then the taskas should require of the players also more efforts, and not, that you are done with the Monthly already in 4 days

  9. Id support this as well. Shouldn't be hard too hard to add under our character menu a text box, for our Character Stories, which if other people right click our characters, people see then our Character Stories if they click on it to open it up for them to read.

    If it works then like reading through a book, this would be awesome. That way could you write then also a story about your characte, that maybe has several chapters, so that it doesn#t has be to just 1 site of a text box with very limited space.

  10. If I had to name 10 features I would have to put into a Feature Pack that should be focused on non combat related mechanics, then it would be these things:


    * Player Housing = Using the Guild Hall Mechanics, Assets ect. for that including a new and completely reworked Home Map Instance, where the player can completely influence, on how this Home Map will look like, where you basically build and design EVERYTHING by yourself similar like in Dark Chronicles, where you build your own towns, you get the Ressources to make everythign and design your own personal home zone, with your own House being part of it.


    * Fishing & Digging as new Gathering Jobs and Adventures/Minigames


    * Implementation of a Magic the Gathering/Triple Triad/Gwint similar Ingame Collection Card Game that you can play either against NPCs, or against other Players with its very own Card Tournaments, Rewards, Collections, Achievements, Titles, and all


    * Implementation finally of Polymock, Bar Brawls and a huge load of many other Town Activities/Events, so that every Main Town in the Game finally becomes a place full of life, in which things happen also on a daily routine, which give players a reason to go visit the various towns also out of different reasons, be it Minigames, be it Events and so on. Events must not happen only outside of towns, Amnoon is the best example for this now. The same treatment should receive all other Core game Ctowns as well with the introduction of Town Meta Achievements.


    * Implementation of finally Jeweler and Chef 500, Jeweler 500 being used for the implementation of Ascended Upgrades as a preparation for an official implemented Build Template System, Chef 500 uses Materials from Fishing for new Seafood related Buff Food with significantly longer durations and new effects


    * Implementation of an official Build Template System, which allows players to save up to 3 (more unlockable through Gemstore) Build Slots , where players can change outside of combat between their saved builds, where when you use the key that is assigned to those Build Slots, lets you switch all of your Skills, Traits/E-Specs, Gear/Upgrades, and Weapons out, that were linked to the Build you want to change to, with the ability to add to your saved Builds also Names, so that you will know per the look on your Build Name directly, for what the Build is for. Then you could have there for exampel a "Farm" Build, a "Raid" Build and a "Survival" Build for example and many more, if you want so by unlocking more Slots via Gemstore to be able to save more Individual Builds for your Character. So in fact, it woudl be like Bag Slots a Character Individual System with that ANet can earn also some money


    * Rework of the Music Instruments, Implementation of a Music Sheet System that allows players to create they replayable "Songs" which they can sell then to other players, who can then "Autoplay" these Songs with their Instruments, so that also people which don't play also in real life music instruments can have fun with these items, without sounding totally horrible to all others nearby, that they ears start bleeding xD. Music Instruments should also sound like that ,the Bass Guitar doesn't sound like a Guitar more like a broken car motor, also more Instruments need to be added - like Violins, Cylophones, Triangles, E-Guitars, Rattles, Tambourines, Ocarinas/Panflutes, Saxophones, Clarinets, Cellos, Pianos.. so much great instruments with that Anet could do much, so that people could make their very own ingame orchestra, that would be owesome. But first need to become Music Instruments with a Autoplay Function/Song Sheets more accessible to everyone, so that also non musicians can use them in a way, that it sounds good


    * Implementation of alot of new Emotes, Dances and Social Functions to improve the Chat System, Commander System and general social elements of the Game, like adding "Circles" that are like private Chat Groups for various different topics which you can eithe join to discuss things there, or which can be used to organize things ingame, or where you can get help from Mentors and so on...


    * Implementation of a Recoloring System for Weapons, so that all Weapons receive 1-4 Color Slots just like Gear/Removal of unneccessary Color Clone Reskins from certain Ascended Weapons, instead craftign these Weapons becomes a Stat of Choie Mechanig with a generic skin that you can color then as you like.


    * Implementation of Epic Weapons and Gear with unique Skins that only these items have, which are same as powerful like Ascended Weapons, but have the Ability of Stat Swap, like Legendaries, but have no Auras and no Foot steps and now Skill Animation Changes like Legendary Weapons, that are very rare unique Rewards from Bounties in PoF, while introducing also Bounties as a Feature in HoT Maps and Core Tyria Maps to revive the older maps also this way with some new easy implementable content/rewards. These unique Weapons, Items and Amor Set parts you can get from Bounties then would be kind of the introduction of GW1 similar Green Unique Items to GW2, Epic Weapons would get then also the item Color of Dark Green exactly like in GW1, the Masterwork Greenthat we have now would be made slightly brighter then.


    * Lastly as number 10, I would add to the game a complete rework of the underwater system with new added Underwater Masteries to Core Tyria, Rebalance of all Underwater Skills, Redesign of all Skilsl to become useable underwater as well, Skilsl which can#t work under water, gettign removed from the game and repalced with new designed skills, which CAN work everywhere, introduction of completely own Underwater Traits for all Classes/E-Specs.

    Rifle and Harpoon Gun gettign merged, Staff and Trident getting merged, Spear getting redesigned to polearm Weapon and beign useable on land as like underwater. All 1H Weapons being introduced with new underwater skills for all classes, so Daggers, Swords, Axes and Maces becoming useable udnerwater, so that Underwater Combat receives more Build Diversity. The only point, which i couldn't avoid takign into the Feature pack, that would be "combat related", but man, this point is so overdue ...

    If Anet doesn't do something soon finally with the underwater content of this game, (liek with Expansion 3), then I don't know ... but as it looks we just follow for now first Kralkatorrik into LS4 and further

  11. The whole storytelling of lastly doesn't really fit for my personal taste since the moment of Eir's Death, things have turned out to become really weird and the whole outcome of it could have ben written in a similar way, but with a story telling, that would have ended up smoother, more epic and in a more logical way, without having to press into all of this also raids into. Sure, Anet would have had to make a different way then to introduce Balthazar, if certain storytelling elements would have been changed.

    But in my opinion the story telling would have been better, if things would have happened this way:


    * At the Combat with Mordrem-Faolain, not Eir, but Rytlock dies while trying to protecting Zojja and Logan, before they get kidnapped by Mordremoth

    * Logan becomes at the End of the the Battle with Mordremoth the new Pact Marshall, with Sohothin being returned into Human Hands wielded now by him as Rytlocks Legacy, swearign as he hears of his death by Sohothin in his hands, that he will become a great Pact Marshall that will make his sacrifice not gonna be in vain

    * Scrap the whole White Mantle Stuff and Fake Lazarus garbage and instead focus on much more on the simultanous activities of Primordus and Jormag , requiring us to get help from the Shining Blade, with an introduction of a new Champion Dragon World Boss for Primordus

    * Introduce Raid Maps, that have no Story Bonding to the Living Story at all meanwhile

    * Introduce the White Mantle and Return of Mursaat in a different way in regard of balthazar, that they make a cooperation, instead of beign abused by balthazar, they they literally helped him out to return, not Rytlock unknowningly

    * Balthazar and his troops of Forged White mantle fanatics/mursaat defeat Jormag, before we coudl stop them instead of this Bloodstone Stuff, which is why Balthazar gains more power, so his tries next with Prmordus, but there we stop him ,so that he flees to Elona to try it instead with Kralkatorrrik

    * From that point on then story liek we know of PoF


    I think that way I would liked the story telling personally alot more, plus we woldnt have had all this Braham crybaby stuff then as well.


    However, I''m at the general opinion, that a few more characters are overdue to die.. that some of them had by npw more than enough of screen time and should make free space for some completely fresh and new characters, like for example Livia now, which should replace Marjory (personally have so much how her, cant see her anymore)

    I'd also like to see one of those characters, like Braham for example turning hostile agaisnt us, cause of following his/her completely own goals... why have such story characters always have to stay forever happy go lucky and follow exactly OUR ideals, like they are some souless puppets with absolutely no own goals, now own ideals and now own mind which tells them to do their own things... as if not out of friends could turn enemies, if the circumstances turn it into that way.

    That way for exampel Braham coudl stil lget his screen tiem, but in a completely different angle of view, while our troop of heroes gets a free spot some someone else, that replaces Braham fro his spot in Dragon Watch, until we punch back some sense into Brahams thick skull eventually and he returns regretfully seeing in, that his actions were wrong or whatever he may say then in that situation.


    I know, VAs aren't cxheap, so that you can heave like douzens of then for all kinds of new characters introuced every now and then while the story progresses... but 5 years of having constantly mostly always the same characters becomes slowly boring. There needs to happen soon soem fresh wind, some new personalities and faces to have in the group (eventually combined with introduced new playable races, like a Tengu and or a (redesigned) Largos joining DW for example. That would be the kind of fresh wind, that GW2 needs for story telling I think.


    How awesoem would it be, if a Tengu or Largos would join DW as part of a next expansion that leads us finally for exampel to more underwater gameplay (Largos Regions/Underwater Town) or into the Dominion of Wind/Sanctum Cay area west of LA from where a tengus joins us, that has enough of living a life of isolation, which lives for the change and wants to do somethign for the better of the future as well for his race, so that they don't have to hide themself anymore - ever again, and thus joins us, as he believes, if he folows our ideals, that with our help, his dreams have the highest chances of becoming true, once first all the troubles around Tyria are over first, which endanger the Tengus a well, even if they live in isolation.

  12. This becomes really ridiculous now oO


    First login Server Issues, now is suddenly from 1 minute to anoither the game completely full, that it doesn#t allow more peopel to login, so that it has to put us in a queue .. unbelieveable .... unbelieveable, if I just wouldt see this right now .. sigh

  13. thats just the typical standard point a fault always first to others text you will see in error messages liek that. The fact is, the EU login servers just are messed up right now somehow, and this basicalyl always affects a wide array of things which won't work then anymore for EU, be it the Gemstore, be it the Tradepost, or be it like now in our case even so far to not becoming able to log in with our characters anymore, cause one sid,e either ours, or that side of the login servver receives currently no signal response to basicalyl recognize our accounts wanting to get into the game... either our signal doesn#t arive the login server, or the response of the login servers doesn't get to our client so that we can log in.

  14. Same, the login servers are totally messed up todasy, has for sure also somethign to do wioth their gemstore/Tp problems that they had before ...


    its so annoying not to be able to login, cause the game keeps telling you not to be able to get these silly login servers to run, always gettign only to character screen and not further ...

  15. Hmm, if i think about skins, rather about more Mount Typers I'd love to have, like my proposed Cheetah ,Crawler and Behemoth, then I'd think about skins like these that I'd support/buy/want


    Gryphon > Wyvern, Pegasus,

    Skimmer > seriously no ideas xD

    Raptor > Grand Moa, Kirins, Kveldulf (https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:%22Mountain_Beast%22_concept_art.jpg)

    Springer > Swamp Toad

    Jackal > Mistfire Wolf, Hellhound (https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Skeleton_hound.jpg), Nians (https://blogs.baruch.cuny.edu/monsters2014/files/2014/09/nian2.jpg)

  16. I personalyl think its better at Discussion, cause unsharp avatars isn't really somethign I'd call a Bug in the game, neither the Forum, or any Website.

    Its just the unfortunate result that comes naturally with too small sized pictures which aren't well rescaled enough for a forum where they are used in.


    A tiny issue, which is quickly solved with slightly bigger sized and better rescaled Avatars. We have stil lso much space left and right of the forum, that giving us slightly bigger Avatars surely isn't a problem, so that the pictures have more pixels, and thus will look sharper in the end and not so wishy-washy like now partwise.


    Due to this is even your Character Avatar barely really visible, cause the unsharpness if the picture destroys all the details from your character to actually see them.

    It's all just wishy-washy textures and wouldn't you look closer at it, one wouldn't even maybe realize on first look, that this should show one of your characters.

  17. Nice too hear, was I one of the people which has written about it, how unsharp the avatars are, due to their size also, hwich is why it woudl be awesoem to have some larger scaled avatars. Must not be much bigge,r but just big enough ,so that the rescaled pictures can show their textures also in a sharp enough way, that you don't get bleeding eyes from them ;)


    PS: and new avatars are naturally also always welcome, even if I'd priorize to have my own Character Portrait as an unique Avatar, which expresses my PERSONALITY, which we could take from ingame by adding to the Character Selct Screen some kind of "Portait Photo Mode" with that we could make pictures from our Character's Face, put it into the right light, put a background picture for it and a frame (Vet, Champ, Legendary Frame earnable here for Badges) and upload these ingame made pictures then from the Game into the Forum, where it woudl be then linked to our Accounts.


    However, if thats too much effort, or whyever technically not possible, then I'm personally also happy, if we get a nice looking Aurene/Vlast Avatar :3

  18. > @PeterBorsilli.3560 said:

    > This Boss fight was the dumbest thing ever. Ive been stuck on it for hours and have made no progress. and now dont even want to play the story anymore since this whole chapter already took another 2 hours with the first boss fight and wander around lost. Please change this boos fight.


    Learn your class to play.. waiting for a break bar to turn blue and use a hard CC skill of your class isn't hard, while you prepared before the mob with movement impairing conditions like cripple, chill, blindness, immobilize, yeah even weakness helps alot, before this actually happens and the very moment a fly fart hits him, his bar will break instantly and you can deal massive damage to him for quite some decent time you should use to burst him with your high dps skills, before you return quickly after that to condition preparement and preparing your hard cc skill for the next round of breaking his bar.

    Repeat this step like 3 times or so and any good dpsing player should easily have killed him by now in this time, without having been attacked just one single time by its absorb attack...


    Make sure, your game isn't lagging , so that you won't miss the chance to break its bar, if neccessary reduce visual clutter for that battle, if it must be to ensure you wont lag, if you don#t have a good internet connection speed.. but thats just being now super precautious on a high level that isn#t really necessary, but in the end I know peopel woudl be super upset, if they fail the battle, due to a lag being the reason happening at the worst moment possible ... just because you wanted to have a "pretty looking" battle

  19. Seriously, everyone who has problems with this battle, absolutely doens't still have the slightest clues of this games combat system, and how especially HoT has changed it into an extreme CC fest with the pure intention to bring people to it to integrate skills /traits into their builds, with that they can CC foes, because then you will have it effectively much easier from that point on in the whole game, than as when you play a build with your character, which can't CC at all.


    Thief = Play S/P and defeat this eneme in a few minutes, blindly and half asleep basically ... cause you have on demand CC with that you can always stun him whenever needed


    Mesmer = Play Chronomancer and spam him with good time Wells full, use Shield Skills like Tides of Time with that you have even 2x the chance to stun it at the right time (pun indended), so you can still stun hi mat the perfect moment, even if you used the skill briefly too early when the effect returns


    Warrior = Play a Hammer or Mace Berserker Build, lots of CC from the Hammer with Skill 4 and 5, plus Adrenalien Skill CC, same with Mace, so 6 skills you can use quickly to find a skil lcycle to ensure, that you stun him at the right moment, if one of them eventualyl got used too early, uve still enogh skilsl left that the ones you used too early will have recharged, before you run out of stun skills


    Guardian = Play Hammer Dragonhunter with traps, skilsl 3 and 4 together with your traps will give you enough CC, aside of this is also as secodn set Scepter/Shield for Immobilize and another launch/push that wil lbreak the bar also under the effetc of immobilize


    Ranger = Play Druid with LB & Staff/Glyphs, lots of daze ,pulls, pushes, immobilize ect. to ensure you cc him when needed and a pet, which can face tank for you and help also with CC/Chill, lots of helpful conditioon skilsl also likemuddy terrain, frost trap, spike trap, Entangle and your pets can provide also more cc to help you and momement impairing conditions


    Engineer = play scrapper, use Battering ram to have an easy accessible quick reloadign cc skill you can use two tiems quickly after anoht,er for the case you used it too early the first moment, Net Turret helps alot , so does Thumper Turret as well and supply crate as elite is the natural CC bombardment par exellence here with that you boost also your dps


    Necromancer = play Reaper, this class is made for melee combat and has the CC skills to kill the boss same as easily as thief, seriously, even with the tons of chil you put out that in this case also damages the foe over time,. Infusing Armor/Terrify, Executioner's Scythe, Chillign Scythe on the AA to keep up permanently Chill, , gravedigger, that becomes permanently more powerful so more damage you deal to the foe... death spiral for easy vulnerability access, nightfall form ore helpful conditions, , grasping darkness for the bar break, use golem, staff weapon as condi spam for more chill, fear, summon blood fiend for more dps/survival, spectral wall is helpful with its fear on touch, well of darkness as like suffering helps


    Elementalist = play warhorn Tempest using skilsl like tidal surge, cyclone and wildfire, use in main hand Dagger for vulnerability, stuns, chill, launches ect as you cycle through the elements, frostbow helps you with dps, chill and deep freeze, lightning hammer helps you alot with launch, stun, n dps, use lesser elemental for dps/chill help..Tornado.. your launch elite par exellence, or elementals as elite for more cc help n dps help or fiery greatsword, if yo ujust want to try dps it as fast as possible down after the first successful cc to burn it down quickly to basicall give it as less chance to recover its break bar, as possible, before its already dead


    Revenant = Hammer/Staff Revenant does the job here, Shiro is helpful for dps, on demand stun with jade winds, Mallyx helps with chill, torment and confusion as he moves quicly and alot following you around and attacks quickly, so if your a strogn condi rev, he basically kills itself, while you kite it around

  20. Anyone who has done all four sides will instantly realize, that South is from all of the four sides the most difficult one, because the enemies there are the most annoying in numbers, the progress to get the side to become damageable, takes the most longest time, because only people with knockback skills can actually help bringing the bombs towards the vine, so that it becomes vulnerable.


    The increase in the burn phase would be absolutely not needed, if ANet basically woudl redesign just the South Side so, that more players are able to help out there actually. If not only peopel with knockback skills, but also all those with general Stun Skills could help out there to move the Bomb forwards, then there woudl be no need at all to increase the burn phase, when in fact people at sould could get the bombs quicker to the vine. Maybe also slightly reduce as little compensation the range of how far you bring the bomb forward)

    On all organized Tarir Battles I have done successfully and lead as Mentor (and I belonged when Hot released among the peopel which made Tarir as first successful by coordinating East to whichever side needs help to ensure that all sides kil lit simoutanously, cause i had such a feeling from begin on, that we needed to do that, cause tarir isn't the first tiem, whee we had to do so, coming from known Triple Trouble experience before), it was always South in like felt 80% of all cases, which were the slowest side ending the event successfuly with everyone having to wait on South, that they give the final last green light command to all to initiate the last burn phase (a little pun i used also at my very first successful tarir battle hehe to burn down the vines literally, to describe players them oment of pushing out everythign they got to deal most possible damage in shrot time when everyone was basicalyl still new to this event and tons of peopel still asked in map chat constantly every time what to do, when and where)


    But maybe its eventually also just only a little change based on the new Elite Specs from PoF, but I doubt that.

    To me it makes just more sense, to change Souths duration of the burn phase, so that chances are lower in this meta event, that peopel have to wait mostly all the time several minutes for south, until finally all four sides are ready to give the octovine its last burning blow to turn it into ash. It just will make this event run in the end smoother and will let it end quicker, without havign to stand around doing nothign for soem minutes on 3 of its four sides ^^

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