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Posts posted by Orpheal.8263

  1. > @PopeUrban.2578 said:

    > > @lothefallen.7081 said:

    > > If we just had dedicated, effectual healing roles, the interplay of condi vs. power would be strategic and balanced instead of something that over-centralizes the requirement of cleanse on every class, regardless of build. You could offload a bit of the responsibility and make another role viable, only really adding to the depth of the combat, which is something that the game severely needs.


    > We technically have those roles.


    > The problem is that the extremely short TTKs and reactionary defenses GW2 adopted to make the PvE interesting and dynamic are simply not any fun in PvP.


    > GW1 was a game very much about countering opponents with mitigation skills, but unlike GW2, It took a fair amount of damage to drop a player, healing was often sufficient to completely shut down incoming damage, and being able to efficiently interrupt the enemy or break them out of their range was key to combat.


    > GW2 keeps all the blocks, invulns, etc. but puts them on stupidly long cooldowns, forces you to use a very small selection of skills, and makes the cast time for even the strongest abilities 1/4 of a second, a cast time reserved for "weak" or "utility" abilities in GW1 because it was so hard to counter. The abilities are designed this way because they're more "fun" but in reality a game in which there is no readable cast bar that relies so heavily on directly countering "power" abilities with such short cast times WHILE manually maintaining range and line of sight is going to be frustrating.


    > Conditions aren't GW2's problem. Too little health, too short cast times, and a combat system designed for PvE and never sufficiently altered to make it compelling in PvP is its problem. Conditions are just a symptom of having a system that encourages frontloading all of your damage because the overall goal is to kill the other guy before he can react at all in the first place. Conditions are the logical tool because they allow you to circumvent the weaknesses of the combat system by frontloading several seconds of damage in that crucial first contact that will continue to interfere with the opponent while leaving you free to concentrate on the "real fight" that happens after first contact when both players have less than half their HP.


    Perfect post, 100% agree. This posting just sums up perfectly everything, why I'm proposing for several years by now already, that ANet has to update finalyl their outdated combat system elements which they kept on ignoring, while permanrently focusing themself only onto Skills and Traits - completely forgetting, that the Combat system of GW2 consists out of alot more mechanisms that play an important role for Class and Game Balance.


    With the June 23rd patch from 2015 ANet ruined completely the game Balance and they haven't done anything about this situation since then.

    The Game uses still many of the outdated 2012er Game Balance Elements of the Conmbat System, which where designed and balanced around the fact, that all classes deal ALOT LESSER damage with their skills, the Game Balance from 2012 was based around the fact, that no Elite Specializations and all their Traits/Skills didn't even exist - so couldn't be even part of the game balance and Combat System Elements to be considered into the balancing thoughts for the game at all. The 2012er System and Game Balance State also didn't include the Revenant Class, because it just didn't exist and couldn' be considered being part of the Game Balance.

    At 2012 all combat system elements, especialls the Base Health System, the Upgrades , the Attribute System and all the other stuff Anet keeps on ignoring now for **5 years** was balanced and designed around the fact also, that Conditions back then dealt alot lesser damage/second, that Confusion is no DOT, but just reactive damage only and that there exists also no Torment and no Taunt, but on the counterside also no Resistance and no Alacrity.

    This are all things, which have heavy influence on the Game and Class Balance - far more influence on everything, than I guess what anet believes it has, that I think they are massively underestimating how strong they can change the Game Balance, if they would finally stop ignoring the other aspects of the Combat System and would not make always only changes on Skills and Traits.


    You can't expect to run always the newest Software perfectly smoothly on outdated Hardware. If you keep on updatign always only the Software, but not your Hardware as well, then will the system get crushed into itself like a house of cards sooner or later. You have to keep also your Gameplay Systems, your literal Hardware Side of the Game also too up to date, to ensure, that the game can adapt itself well enough to the made changes on the Software Side (Skill/Trait /Boon/Condition Changes)


    If ANet wants to have ever again a Game, that comes close to being balanced, then its about time now, that they:


    - Rework the Base Health System, remove the outdated Trinity System and change it into an individual Class Based System, this will give you in the end alot more Class Balancing Freedom and space to experimentate with Health Values for each Class individually, until you find for each of them the most ideal sweet spot, that feels beign balanced, without that other Classes get eventually punished or overbuffed in regard of Health, cause they share the same Base Health Pool with some other Classes.

    - Rework and Rebalance the Complete Boon and Condition System, with the goal to make them less spammy/effect cluttery. If possible reduce the amount of them, while making the remainign effects more impactful. If Conditions and Boons would have each primare and secondary Effects, then they could be alot more impactful and it could allow ANet to reduce the total amount of the effects eventually through merging here n there some effects as primary and secondary boon/condition effects.

    The clear design goal should also be, that Conditions shouldnt replace Power as Damage Source, Conditions should be there in first place to be supportive, to change eventually the outcome of a battle positively for you, but not to deal more damage ,than a physical combat build. GW2 is the only MMO I know, where the Combat system tries to make out of Damage Types some kind of weird "competition", where no competition has to be. We need only 1 single Damage Type and that is simply "Damage" that comes from Weapon Skills and the Weapon Skill is it, which just needs only to decide over it, if the SKill does low damage, but is very supportive for you in regard of variosu Effects, or if the Skill is less supportive, has not many effects, but deals thefore high damage or has good chances to be critical.

    Never understood, why ANet makes it here to overcomplicated with multiple Damage Types. They shoudl rather change Condition Damage to Condition Efficiency as an Attribute, which effects the impact of a Condition's secondary Effect, like proposed by me in my last posting, then woudl be Anet able to focus Damage Dealing completely onto balancing just only the Power Attribbute and its synergy between the other Attributes, hwat wpould make Class Balancing also also easier, if they wouln't have to lover over two Damage types anymore, that no one side of them becomes ridiculously far more powerful, than the other side.


    Then would you have to decide as a player only, if you want to be rather a Damage Dealer, or a Supporter in the first place, but there needs to be not also a split between Damage Dealer Types to make things more complicated, than necessary. Which is why I'd seriously love to see, howGW2 would run - anbd be it just for a test Weekend, how the Game Balance would be without damage dealing Conditions/no Condition Damage .


    - Upgrades are a big other point, which needs to get reworked and rebalanced. first of all, there needs to exist also ascended Runes, Sigils and Gemstones, so that we get finally Jeweler 500 for that and can craft our own ascended accessoires. it shoudl be the players full own choic,e if you make yourself your ascended accessoires, or of you want to earn them via fractals and other means, but the existance of fractals an other ways of earnign ascened accessoires is no reason not to give us also too Jeweler and Chef 500 as well.

    We need ascended upgrades, if this game ever wants to have an own integrated and working Build Template System, that allows players to quickly change ALL of their build relevant items. GW2 needs to receive a Build template system, which allows players everywhere in th game basically to switch quickly between saved builds, like in PvP, where you can change quickly with few clicks your weapons, upgrades ect. buy just cliocking what you want to use for your Build - and that Build just needs to be saveable then, so that you can switch with just 1 click between your saved builds - that would be a true QoL feature that woudl save your players alot of time!!

    Tons of the current existing Sigils and Runes are either overpowered, or just plain completely useless and haven't seen until today 1 single change to make them better/more useful.


    - Attributes, especially the defensive ones need reworks, so that they bcome finally same as equally useful and valuable for your character build, as like offensive attributes.

    - If you play a high defensive build, then you should see also a significant difference in the amount of receiving damage, compared to a non defensive build that should have significantly lesser health than you, should be able to dodge not so often like you (Endurance Regen being improved now through Vitality as well - Dual Attribute Effects!! How long am I now proposing how needed this is for making a more smooth Class Balance!)

  2. The whole missions achievements are bugged, except the one for killing them all in under 12 minutes and with the clone one, you can quickly get it lost, if just a single npc kills a clone >.< And the stupid thign is you cant event command them to stop attacking.. so the npcs can if you aren#t quick destroy your achievement gain ... silly achievement design ,where npcs can destroy within seconds the chance to gain the achievement >.<

    NPCs shouldn#t deal in the clone phase any damage at all... they should go into some kind of defensive stance and rather support you instead, while defending themself off fro mthe clone attacks


    That way would bcoem this achievement also doable solo

  3. This game is so full of potential for more masteries, its sad to see that anet didn start with most of the basic useful ones already with HoT to give also Core Tyria alot more Masteries


    * Gathering Mastery

    * Salvaging Mastery

    * Identification Mastery

    * Diving/Swimming Mastery

    * Fishing Mastery

    * Digging Mastery

    * Crafting Masteries for all Craftign Jobs

    * More Mount Masteries for Climbing, Stealth, Speedster & Carrier Mount Types as like Mounted Combat

    * Teleportation Mastery

    * Haggling Mastery (to make NPCs more profitable and to have a way to reduce their Money/Karma costs)

    * Building Mastery for Player Housing

    * Gardening Mastery to plant your own flowers, herbs and the like

    * Movement Masteries that enable you more Heroic Moves with the Environment, like running temporarely on walls, performing saltos ovr obstacles in your way ect. pp)

    * Commander Masteries to expand the Features as a Commander and to unlock for yourself also Companions (Heroes of your Account Characters) that you can command as their Leader

    * Region Access Masteries, with that you unlock access to special surreal Elite-Game Regions, like the Underworld, Realm of Torment, Fissure of Woe ect. as Elite Maps to explore which provide some form of Elite Dungeons and Elite Raids while being just exploreable persistent maps like always full of Events also, maybe also Meta Events with some new Elite World Bosses also in them, and Elite Bounties as well.

    * Photographer Mastery as a Feature, that allows you to make better Ingame Pictures from yourself or others while running around with your Camera

    * Meditation Mastery to gain spiritual buffs from Meditation Shrines of the Gods similar liek we had that as well in GW1

    * Emote Masteries to unlock a large amount of more Emotes, new Dances ect.

    * Racial Speech Masteries for Kodan, Grawl, Quaggan, Tengu, Largos, Mursaat, Charr, Norn, Asura, Kurzick/Luxons (Human Factions) to make the Races lorewise more depthful and to have also some kind of Racial Masteries that can make eventually Racial Skills more interesting to use to make the Race you play matter also more, while you explore maps and to learn eventually also some new Racial Skills (Requires Redesign of Revenant's Utility Skill Design. That Energy Gameplay is nonsense)

    * Sailing/Subdiving Mastery - to unlock access to navigating Boats/Sailing Ships with that you can cross the wide oceans to gain access to Cantha, gain access to craft your own Ship for Naval Battles on the sea against Krakens, Sea Serpents, Sirens ect. with that you can withstand also maelstroms, seastorms, heavy seas with brutal waves on Underwater Maps that are designed around just naval and underwater gameplay. the mastery allows you in the end to turn your Ship even with some asura technology into Submarines.


    The potential with masteries is endless, theres so much things, anet could do with this system to make HW2 on the logn run an awesome game with lots of fun and interesting gameplay aspects and features to keep players for a real long time busy

  4. I'd seriously love to see a GW2 experiment (for example be it just for aprils fools day or for a test weekend to just see the reactions of us players), how a GW2 would run, if the Condition System would be so overworked, that there are no damaging conditions anymore.

    I'm pretty sure the combat would make then again much more fun, if players would have again to focus on power to deal bursty damage and all conditions in the game are just there to support your combat style in battles, tactical elements that just only influence the outcome of the battles, but don't work like now as superior armor ignoring damage sources that are braindead to play and require of the players absolutely no skill, other than spammign the enemy ful lwith conditions and watchign braindeadly, like a mechanism does all the work for you, instead of your active skill in using direct attacks in either close or ranged combat.


    In regard of such a condition rework, I'd love to see Conditions that work like this:


    **Poison** = Reduces Heal Efficiency by 25% and reduces Ferocity of a Foe.

    **Weakness** = Reduces Critical Hit Chance and reduces Expertise of a Foe

    **Cripple** = Reduces Movement Speed by 33% and reduces Precision of a Foe

    **Chill** = Slows Skill Recharge Times by 50% and reduces Vitality of a Foe

    **Burning** = Reduces Endurance as you Move and reduces Concentration of a Foe

    **Vulnerability** = Increases Chance to be interrupted through AA's and reduces Toughness of a Foe

    **Slow** = Reduces Attack Speed by 50% and reduces Endurance Regeneration of a Foe

    **Bleeding** = Dodge Rolls hurt you now and reduces Healing Power of a Foe

    **Torment** = CC Effects last on you 50% longer and reduces Power of a Foe

    **Immobilization** = Stops your Movement and disables your Weapon Skills temporarely (Removal of Stun)

    **Fear** = Forces you to Run away and lets you lose Class specific Gameplay Ressources like Adrenaline, Initiative, Energy ect. (Removal of Taunt)

    **Blindness** = Chance of 90% to miss attacks and being hit has a Chance to interrupt you.

    **Confusion** = Removes Friendly Fire from affected Foes and brings Chaos under the Controls of a Foe, letting them suddenly move into maybe unwanted directions

    **Exhaustion** New - Skills gain longer Cast Times and reduces Wisdom of a Foe (Condition Damage changed to Wisdom, Wisdom increases now the Condition Efficiency of how strong the secondary Condition Effects affect your foes, no need anymore for Condition Damage as Attribute, if there woudl be no Damage dealing Conditions anymore that deal damage over time,


    This way we would have not anymore Conditions that deal any Damage over Time, Skills that perform these Conditions may deal self some kind of damage, but so more condition heavy a skill is, so lesser direct damage shold it deal. So lesse Condition heavy a skill is, so more direct damage should that skill be able to deal max, so that there would be a clear split between either focused on damage dealing, or beign focused on conditions and significantly lesser damage dealing .


    Stacking of Conditions could then also be removed, unless Anet woudl want to keep usign this mechanism for stackign of secondary Condition Effects to reduce stronger the attributes this way.


    Would be seriously interested into seeing, how and if this could seriously work out somehow xD

  5. Want to add htis to the list, copy pasted from another poster, thought, this has to be listed up here, cause I complete supprot this point as well

    - Too many things cause a dismount. We are having to remount CONSTANTLY. A non-exhaustive list:

    > Talking

    > Repairing

    > Shopping

    > Gathering

    > Vistas

    > Interacting with non-combat quest objects (ie water dispensers, bleached bones, carrots, etc.)

    > Resurrecting

    > Opening chests

    > Interacting with mastery points

    So improving mounts by reducing significantly the neccessarity of having to dismoutn for alot of actions would be definetely a big improvement for mounts as a QoL change


  6. this has this game turned into already years ago, when Anet added Heart of thirns.. this Condi and CC Spamfest is nothign but the result of only HoT and anet did so far nothing to counter balance this, but in fact made everything around this only worser, to the point, that every bigger boss counter has turned into CC spam fests, when you essentialyl always need now massive CC to be able tpo break the foes bars to stop them either from doing sokethign that is otherwise deadly for you, or to become even able to deal soem decent damage at all to be able to deal enough dps, so that you can kill the bosses in time.


    Condis have turned in this game with the 23rd june patch of 2015 into a total terrible mess, that hasn#t been fixed until today.


    Somethign, that anet can fix only, if they finayl rework the Boon and Condition System by reducing the amount of effects you get spammed full with in GW2 combats..


    But I guess we will never see the light of the day coming, where ANet actually reworks their outdated major combat system elements to brign them finally all together in one big go onto the same modern level of design, which the rest of the game is right now....


    Boons, Conditions, Upgrades (Sigils/Runes/Gemstones), Base Health System, Attribute System, Breakbar System for Players are all things which need to get looked over together, if we want GW2 to come closer to being more balanced with lesser spam of CC and Condis.


    Its not done by it to just make always only changes on Skilsl and Traits and expect from these tiny change,s that this alone would do the job of balancing the game, whiel you keep on ignoring for 5 years all the rest of your games combat system element,s which play also a huge role of class and especially game balancing as well too!!

  7. People seem always to forget, that Jewler 500 could be so much more, than just only stupid craftign of just only Ascended Accessoires..

    Anet can even keep their silly reward designs with letting Ascended Accessoires be their kind of Meta Achievement Rewards.. however, personalyl I think its time, that anet should give this game in regard of Meta Achievements finalyl some real rewards in form of unique looking Ascended ARMOR PIECES, because that would actually help players out to gear their toons without drowning too much in way too absurd high gold costs..


    You can currently even barely equip 1 single character in full Ascendec gears, without being totally poor after that streatch goal as a non TP flipper with like tens of thousands of gold on your bank. Ascended Crafting finalyl needs to become cheaper - this iditoic time gating has to go finally, then would normalize the prices of ascneded gear again, because peopel could then produce faster the masterials to increadse the offer of materials, so that prices for these items will normalize themself through the market competition again.. currently making an asscended full armor set costs basicalyl as much as like precursors for legendary weapons - THIS IS ABSURD..

    Makign a full ascended armor set of ANY armor type should not cost more than maximum say 200-250 Gold.

    Gearing all your Characters into Ascended should be affordable, which it cureently is not at all , cause the stuff is all way too expensive.


    However back to accessoires and jewler, got offtopic, cause the whole ascended game design how it is atm just ***** me off, cause its so counterproductive for multi character playing. Time Gating had more than enough years by now, to ensure, that ascended stuff can become valuable enough for players. Its time to remove it.


    Jeweler 500 can do alot for GW2 to iomprove the game:


    - Implementation **Ascended Sigils and Runes** via Jeweler 500 as accountbound unlockable Upgrades, which you need to have, if Build Templates should ever become a successful implementation for GW2, then you need to have a gameplay system in the game, which allows you to quickly swap out also your Upgrade Effects that you need to have ready as an accountbound element. As long Upgrades are characterbound, will Build Templates never functionate in GW2 in a comfortable way.

    - Implementation of **Skill Skins** via Jeweler 500 that lets you craft consumeable "Power Stones" to unlock new Skill Skins for your various Weapon and Utility Skills

    - Implementation of **Crafting Recipes for Legendary Rings and Earrings** which require Precursor to craft for which you need then Jeweler 500 to make them

    - Implementation of new **Gemstones** to craft as new Crafting Materials requiring various of the many new materials we've got by now in the Game as Filler Recipes for the Ranks like 400-425, 425-450, 450-475 and 475-500

    - Implementation of **Diamond Politure**, a special Item crafted by Jeweler 500, which when used onto your Gear, makes the Item you used it on permanently "Unbreakable", so that getting defeated can't damage that item anymore.

    - Implementation of a new **3rd Buff Item Type** aside of Food/Potions > Politures which can grant you unique offensive Enemy based Buffs vs spefic foe/monster types. Think of like Witcher 3 Sword Oils, we in GW2 would use Politures made out of Gemstones and other materials that are helpful for that.

    - Implementation of new Crafting Recipes that require Jeweler 500 for some **Player Housing** relevant content maybe in the future for all kinds of furniture, decorations ect.


    and so on.. if you really just WANT, then there is also easily a way to make Jeweler 500 a great and unique thing for GW2, which makes then also finalyl usage of all of its potential it has!! The sad point is only - Anet doesn#t want, they have yet whyever no plans nor any intentions to actually make Jeweler 500 a great thing for this game, which makes usage of all of its potential it could have and that is very very sad, that anet didn#t even have as it seems the vision for this Crafting Profession to see, what is kind of possible all with a Crafting Job like this in the future of GW2...


  8. Yes it is ok, because its a pure Prestige Mount.

    It is meant for the people as a symbol to express that you have played through PoF, its also a good gold sink.

    The gryphon is nowhere required for the story progress, nor do you need it anywhere for any other content of PoF to be successful in the map.

    Even the jackal is already a kind of optional mount, which you basically need only for some mastery points, but it is for the story completely irrelevant.


    250 Gold is quickly earned nowadays, if you really put on focus on collecting that amount of gold tother by just doing daily some very simple things


    - Do dailies = 2 G /Day

    - Do Dungeons Daily = 5G

    - Do Fractals daily = easy another 5+G

    - Salvage all rare items you get while you play for their Ectos and sell the Ectos = 35s to like 1G per salvaged rare item

    - Salvage all the unidentified loot you get for materials and sell materialx you gret from this, especially the valuable leather will bring in cash quickly, Leather Farm in the LS3 Maps wil lbe profitable for this alot

    - Buy with Laurels you get every few days T6 materials and sell them

    - Make daily the big World Boss Kills like Tequatl, Shatterer, Claw, ect oce, that will net it again some Gold and lots of rares to salvage again and if you are lucky even ascended chests, which if you r lucky with an armor chest, can be salvaged for some great money income items


    If you do these things each day, you quickly wil lhave the 250 G together in no time,...

    I'd understand an uproar, for the costs, if Anet would want of us to play instead of 250 G like 500 or 1000 G, that would be absurd of a price for a mount, but 250G is basically in the border of being doable in a normal amount of time, that you can call this Mount not cheap, but prestigious and its 100% optional.

    Nobody forces you ever to get it and you neither will ever get it anyway, if you don't own any of the expansions, so non expansion owners don't have to worry here themself at all anyways and need not to care, as logn they are not planning on buyign the expansions.


    Just look, even you just do even only the first 3 things on this list, without calculating even in your money income from loot sales, it would basicalyl need you only to do this cycle of 12G income a day by daily achievement, fractal, dungeons like 21 Days, so 3 Weeks of constant farming for gold if you want to look at it that way.


    You should expect, that an expansion like PoF, with its size and quality of content should easily keep you busy for far more, than just only 3 weeks of playing the game, don't you think? So making the 250 Gold while just playing normally the game as you would do so anyways is just CALCULATED INTO THE PLAYTIME OF THE PLAYERS, while exploring the expansion and doing all kinds of things in it normally over time.

  9. Nope they should not add more waypoints...


    They should in fact improve Mounts with more Masteries and Skills

    They shold improve slightly the rewards for defeating Bounties and make in general bigger Events in the Maps more recognizeable for players.

    What helps it, if you start a battle with a Bounty Enemy, and no butthole recognizes that in the near to you.

    if someone starts a battle with a Bounty Monster/Enemy on the Maps, Players should receive on screen a notification about that like


    "Player X has found the Bounty Y on Map Z and has confronted it/him into a fierce battle for dead or alive, hurry in to help out catching this Bounty"


    This way will people recognize, what is happening around them right at the moment and then they have a chance to react, or not and continue what they are doing right now.

    But if you give players not at least the chance to react on given information, then you will always get eventually help only by striding around players, which are just luckily at the right time at the right place and decided to help you out, instead of ignoring you abnd the battle.


    people would also stop ignorign the Bounties less, if it woudl be made clearer by ANet, that they are essentially the most rewarding battles in the pof Maps, you can literally do, cause unlike HoT, the PoF maps don#t have any super huge hour long meta events that consist of multiple smaller events that reward the player.


    PoF is by design more made like the Core Game Experience, where you have lots of tiny events everywhere, but no meta event that is going on over the whole map, endign somewhere at a central point into a big reward fest, like Tarir or Tangled Depths in HoT.


    Give people also more time. Post people are currently playing PoF completely different and in their own pace, because everybody, especially in PvE has completely different interests on how to go on the expansion.

    There you have your typical Story Rushers Groups, which flow through the whole game like a hot knife through butter and already have played through the game in like the first 2-3 days after release ... I see already people on my Server running around yesterday with the Gryphon Mount oO - crazy how absurd addicted some people must be, that they basicalyl play the game through day and all night just to be one of the first to have it played through already within like 48hours >.>


    Then you have your typical slow Explorators, which don't care for Story, peopel which want to slowly explore first all the Maps to like 100% and want to get to see everything, which try to partake on every singl Event they get to see on their way...


    Then there your your typical Achievement Hunters, which basically do absolutely everything, as long it brigns rewards and especially AP/Titles.


    Then you have kind of your "I ignore everyone and play like I want - players", which event don't help at all if they theoreticallyl could help you out, but helping you is for them like a waste of time, so they prefer just to ignore you completely and do their thing.


    Then you have your typical Group/Commander Runners, which do everythignj together in large organisated masses that stroll around the maps like a plague that runs all across the map wheever currently some bounties are to kill


    and so on and so forth, you se,e there are currently alot of different player types in PvE packed together, on maps, which are also like 4-5 times the size of the usual GW2 Core Game Map, which is naturally also somethign to consider, cause this increase in map size will naturalyl give players more the illusion of the map beign empty, if the vast land is just bigger and there is just alot morte space between you and any other player you find running around on the map doing something.

    Despüite this is also the community currently divided. Many people bought poF, many surely didn't yet, which is why a large portion is still at HoT Maps.

    I'm also pretty sure, theres a large portion of the commnity, which even still doesn#t own yet even HoT, but thats I think for the big active playing portion of the Community I think just as matter of time, until slowl more andm ore people join also in playing the expansions, especially now PoF.

    So I think the density of players on PoF maps will still increase over the next weeks for now and on the counterside, peopel, which are already done with PoF and might think, it won't keep them long there, surely will also return quickly to their normal playing habits of before the release of PoF and return to playing HoT Maps/WvW ect. after some time as well, once PoF isn#t fresh and new for them anymore and people have done mostly everything and unlocked mostly everything important first, what poF had to offer, before peopel return to their usual farming gameplay routines.

  10. its for achievemnts, its a gold sink, it perfectly makes sense, its multiple rooms, and each time you have a 50:50 chance to get a room further... isn#t so difficult to understand, or??


    The point is, you shouldn''t do this, if you are super poor, especialyl when the entry fee is 1 Gold... this is sinmply just a money sink/bait for the achievement hunters which also like luck games

  11. Things which I would like to see getting improved in the future for Mounts:


    - Add the Feature of Pet Name Plates or individual "Pet Name Titles", so that we can name our Mounts basically like Rangers can Name their Pets. Press K while riding your Mount and you see the Mount Menu, where you chan then swap between your Mounts and give them Names

    - Add more Color Areas to the Mounts, the Raptor should have only 1 Color Field, it should have 4: 1 for the Back Side, 1 for Belly Side, 1 for Legs, 1 for Head

    - Add Mount Accessoires with that our Mounts receive also Attributes that we can boost with them, so that we can give our Mounts more Health, more Power ect. and also can visually differentiate them. Mount Accessoires are 4 things: 1 > the Saddle, 2 > the War Manteau, 3 > the War Banner and 4 > the War Harness

    - Mounts should provide also simple Emotes, like /sit, /roar, /sleep ect.

    - Mounts should unlock over time more than just only 1 Attack Skill, let them learn through some additionally added Masteries and through some special Mount Events/Adventures new Skills. Each Mount should have a unique Dash Skill, each Mount should have a unique Self Heal Skill, each Mount should have 3 different Attack Skills, 1 for AoE, 1 for stronger Single Target, 1 Ranged Skill. Example Raptor:


    > Attack 1 = Sweeping Tailstrike = AoE attack

    > Attack 2 = Wild Ram = Stronger Single Target Attack, learned through New added Mastery from say LS4

    > Attack 3 = Fire Breath = Ranged Attack, learned through Mount Adventure Silver/Gold

    > Dash = Striding Hunter = Learned through new Mastery from say LS4

    > Heal = Raptor Scales = Learned through Mount Adventure Silver/Gold


    - Add more Mount Types to the Game, a Speedster Type that goes more into the agile and elegant looking feline direction and a Carrier Type, which are bigger Mounts able to carry a whole group of 5 people around, when the rider invites their group members to hop on and move together with them, makign these mounts basically "Combat Taxis" xD And bring back the Spider Mount with its Feature to run on walls/climb walls

    - Please let Aurene grow up, so that we can use her in Story Instances as our personal Flying Mount, now that Gleam/Vlast isn't anymore an Option

    - Implement please craftable Mount Buff Food (Chef 400/500), which when used grants our Mounts some Bonus Attributes and Boon Effects like Protection or Vigor

    - Please implement in the distant near future also a Mastery for each mount for Mounted Combat Skills, swapping like on Weapon Swap between your Mount Skills and your class and weapon specific "Rider Skills" for Mounted Combat, so that combatign with Mounts doesn't feel all the same, cause of everybody using only all the same Mount Skills. Make Mounts together with this also useble in WvW Combat Zones that belong to your side, same as like Gliding is allowed for you everywhere, where the Territory belongs to your side.

    - Remove please Mounts out of crowdy Town Areas where they are near important NPCs.. I see now reason, why you removed the Moutn Restrictions from the Game, while they where there in the Demo. Its also immersion breakign if you can simply ride with Mounts everywhere, without restrictions in Towns like Amnoon. Its ok to have them at the plaza, where the Mount Race starts, there it makes sense, but definitely not inside of buildings full of various NPC, like Bank, TP ect.


    Thats my list so far, will edit it, if I get some more points to list up here

  12. All downed skills are useless, the whole crap should just get deleted for PvP and WvW and instead raise the Base Health values of all Classes by like 10-15k as compensation.

    That would also help out in balancing out the powercreep in GW2, making battles against smoother and last longer instead of getting too easily 1-2hit killed from certain way too broken bursty builds for which the whole Base Health System of GW2 is after 5 years now way too outdated for, cause these insane damages were never be part of the original class balance GW2 had 2012 under this old gameplay element of the 2012er Base health System.


    the Downed System helps you only basicayl in the situations, where you luckily are in the situation, where are get your health to 0 and you have luckily a downed foe in your near which got downed before you, so that you can give that foe eventually the last strikes to defeat it, so that you can rally ...


    But how oftenly does exactly that situation happen in PvP/WvW? No really so often, that it is worth it to keep this outdated gameplay mechanism.


    I rather would have for my Class 5 utility Skills more, which I can use anytime i want, instead of these obsolete Downed Skills, which I can use only very situationally and are in 90% of all cases anyways just only wasted time, unless you got yourself into a situation, where you actually have a chance to rally, because you have an enemy at hit distance, that is in a more worse situation, than you.

    Its over 2 years ago, since anet added for the gemstore finishing moves..so the stuff doesn't sell well either, they make no money with this stuff, which is why anet has focused themself so muhc on gliders, miniatures and soon surely too mount skins, cause these thigns sell themself good


    I'd really love to see, how the game would play out, and be it even only for just a single day - like Aprils fools Day - ghow GW2 would feel like, if we woudl have for just one day no down mode anymore, therefore 5 new utility skilsl for each class and as compensation for the downed mode having everyone their Base health Values increased by 10-15k Health without any increases on skill damage, so that battles and fights actually will feel different now...

    I'm pretty sure, after just that one day will everyone want, that anet never returns back to the old outdated system, simply because of havign more Max health and more universally useful utiloity skilsl tzo have is just better to have, than lesser health in a Game, that makes its whole combat system feel more unbalanced and ruined by powercreep due to everyone dealing too much damage than the 2012er base health system can handle by now and 5 very situational skills, which will mostly never safe you, unless you have some luck on your side.

  13. I also want this glider skin to return, also sadly missed it, while it was introduced. personally I also don't think this one should have made a BLc skin.

    This skin should have been earnable as part of a living story reward or as a collection


    its one of the finest gliders skins. Want to have that skin for my main charathem all

  14. Happy now? English isn't my native language..




    All I'm literally asking about for this achievement section Transfer Chaser is, to improve the UI for it and to remove unneccessary game elements, like the obsolete 30 minute Timer, which is just plain pointless and annoying, unless ANet doesn't want to make the sensors significantly better visible. The whole thign feels more like playing hide n seek, cause of those sensoers being so extremely bad visible, especialyl in the snow areas where you can barely see them, unless you are directly looking onto the sensor in very short distance, but on lognmer distances these thigns are nearly invisible as they tend to blend into the terrain.

    Woudl these sensors be instead like the casino coins in Amnoon oasis now such bigger sparclign and turnign coins, which are good visible at least, then there would be no problem with a timer


    If the indicators would work better and would show you more directly where to to exactly, wouldnt that stuff also not be a problem, but the indicators very oftenly bug and show you directions where you need to run too, where#s an dead end by moutains, wals and the like. The indicators also completely fail to show you, if the sensor is higher or lower than you - you can't read this info from just these silly red, blue and green symbols. If these indicators would be at least ARROWS which show you, if you have to move forward, or upwards or downwards to get nearer to your target, and then as like you mentioned, often you waste even scans, cause the indicators just appear in the ground where you can't see them - again pointless 10 seconds to wait ... if that happens within the 30 minutes like countless times, then this really starts to annoy you sooner or later.


    HSouldt be wished or asked too much to finetune this achievement section with some tiny quality of life improvements, which woudl quickly make the whole thign a much bette player experience, without that there is a need to make everythign super easy. The reduction of the amount of sensors to find was just an alternsate idea for the case, that ANet simply wants to to change anythign on the visibility of the sensors, cause then I think it would be right to reduce the amount of 5 sensors to find down to 3...

  15. > @"Dara Potocska.8196" said:

    > We're still working on the "error InstanceCreate failed. Error=1036" issue. However, we are also aware of folks crashing while in their stories. To help us organize and pass along your information, could you guys please answer:


    > 1. If you have "error InstanceCreate failed. Error=1036" what server group are you playing in? (Ie: NA, EU, China)

    > 2. If you have a different error, are you getting an error message and what is it?


    > Thank you everyone!


    1: Play in Eu/ Drakkar Lake

    2: Didn't get any other Errors, do get that said Error above only, after having a Fail Try to enter the instance. After Fail Try the Erro doesn't disappear anymore, until I completely log out and log in again, then i have again a new Chance to enter the instance, just to fail again so far, ending up again in endless loading times/crash

  16. Seriously...


    I can understand why this has been made RNG, so that it can't be solved through third party website guides too easily...


    But please do your players one big favor Anet, and overwork the idiotic UI elements of the Transfer Chaser Side Story Achievements for searchign the sensors...

    and add to the stupid sensor some kind of NOISE, which lets you hear, how near you are really to..


    Also please make the item you collect up more VISIBLE .... especially in the snow map with its lots of white, its extremely HARD TO SEE even those floating super tiny light green orbs.

    Yes, peopel have like 30 minutes to find 5 of those thigns, but you waste like most of the time just running around , trying to get a clue out of those stupid sensor colors which seem every now and then also to complely BUG, showing you directions, as if you could just run through walls and mountains >.>


    Can you please just reduce the timer and and amoutnm iof having to find orbs from 5 to 3, or just completely remove the timer at all ,cause to have on this stuff a time race for 30 minutes makes no sense at all, what all you have to do is to search for the sensors.

    if this silly timer is just there to give players a bad kind of illusion of as if they woudl be "chasing something", then I must say, you failed. cause if theres anythign that chases us on thse maps, then its the gazillion of trash mobs that disturb us, while we are searching for the sensons on the maps.


    Please reduce the color indicators to 1, so that we always get to see the colors for 1 sensor at a time, - the one, that is basically from our position the nearest, not like 5 indicators at the same time for all 5 of them cause thats only onfusing.. and for the love of god, reduc the stupid cooldown of the skill from 10 seconds to 1 second.. I guess this seriously must have been an oversight, that there is one 0 too much in the cooldowntimer ....so annoyign to have to waiut each time 10 seconds, before you can scan the area again for your direction to go to get to a sensor

  17. I'll name only my list of Worst Decisions, cause they are more worth to name, than best decisions


    - Abandoning Dungeons, instead of reworkign this Content, mergign its old Team into Fractals and lettign that team work on both and adding more new Dungeons to the Game. Especially GW1 offered so much Dungeons, which gave the player miuch more the impression to be actually Dungeons, that what GW2 did.

    Instead of runnign away from their self made problems, they shpoudl face them and fix then and use, what is there, to improve it with new content.

    Pretty sure people would love Anet for bringing back Dungeons and added new Dungeons to the Game as well as part of Expansions.

    They learned their lessons with the first Set, doesn't mean, that they should never make again any new Dungeons.


    - Making Trahearne a Pact Marshall ..that role as a pact Marshall should have never existed from gebin on, just us, the Pact Commander and good is

    - They should have never implemented Pistols and Rifles, instead Polearms, Crossbows and Chakrams would have been the better choices.

    - Abandoning of the whole Underwater Gameplay

    - To make Season 1 this big mess that it is and not fixing it properly until today

    - The terrible Names of certain Elite Specializations (Dragonhunter seriously? Tempest, Mirage.. Elite Specializations need proper Job Names, that sould like professions, not like trend words or some kind of pseudo high fantasy stuff, that nobody understands or has some kind of story/lore connections, that no other Elite Specialization has)

    - The implementation of time gated nonsense in regard of Crafting..as a temporal thing - fine, but it shouldn't be somethign that stays forever so)

    - How bad designed crafting is per se and how borign it es..we event dont see ever our characters visualyl craft anything, its nothign but just a completely uninspired ugly UI element... even games much older than GW2 did already much better on things like that...

    - That still Jeweler and Chef are not euqal to all other Craftign Jobs having Rank 500

    - That ANet abandonded until today thing,s that shoudl have been ingame since day one originally, like Polymock and many other planned Town Minigames to give players actualyl a good reason to go visit constantly all the towns, instead of staying always only in oen and the same town doing nothign in them, like it is now for already 5 years the case so ...

    - How less Emotes this game has for a MMORPG and in general that anet practicalyl ignores RP Gameplasy and doesn't care themself the slightest for that, as if they are too blind for the massive potential that lies in this to make also even money with this ...

    - Abandonin WvW practicalyl for way too long time, until it received a new map and its stil la game mode, which is far away from making all of is usage of potenial it has practicalyl

    - Abandoning of Stronghold directly after HoT.. it became part of GW2.. and practically nobody talks about it anymore as a Feature. ANet does nothign to keep it up and make it more interesting as an alternative to Conquest by addign also new content to that new PvP part, like more Stronghold maps, like lots of new Mist Heros (and not only skins for existing ones that are useless and nobody needs), again a missed opportunity

    - The desicion to turn Fractals into an uninspired 100 level same fractals repeat fest, instead of making out of Fractals somethign which has alot more DEPTH similar to the Bonus Mission Pack from GW1. that kind of 100 level gameplay could they still have brought for kind of Dungeon Crawler Fractals, like a Sky Temple Tower, with like 100 floors to climb to its peak that is everytime you try it different with challengign bosses like on every 10 floors.


    That are so my top points i can off of my head right now, which i would like to see fixed in the future. Some things can't be changed anymore, but most of them could, if Anet just wants

  18. I think we will continue to kill the Dragons, Anet just makes for now only some kind of Story Break, so that we get for the second expansion for once now again somethign new , fresh and different to defeat - so,mething, a villain, that nobody would have ever expect could become one day our enemy?


    or would anyone of you ever have thought about it, that ANet could let Balthazar turn against us??? No,. he was the least possible thing most likely anybody ever has thought abou,t that he could become our enemy - therefore peopel always talked way too much over Palawa Joko, as a maion focus villain, not that someone else could steal his light alresdy before.


    People were just currently not pleased with the thought, that Anet just rows one elder dragon after elder dragon for defeat and that would have been in truth also very uncreative story telling to present us practicalyl one dragon after another.

    People need complexcity, they need diversity also especially in story telling, so it was just the perfect moment to go for PoF for a change.

    But the fact is, people want to face the dragons, the folk of Tyria has its various reasons, why they want to see them dead or at least so defeatet, that they will never return and rest forever underground again for many hundreds to thousands of years again in sleep, if that would be kind of püossible - what it is as we kind of saw with Primordus/Jormag.

    However, that was only possible due to the dragons beign exactly of opposite elemental magic energy signature, so that we had the chance to let them weaken each other.

    This neither won't work again with Kralkatorrik, nor the Deep Sea Dragon.


    Kralkatorrik surely won't stay totally unactive in PoF... we go into his realm, very close, and i'm pretty sure, he won't welcome us... the expansion surely won't lead to a battle with Kralkatorikk, but eventually Season 4 will prepare this event up for us.

    PoF is completely focused for sure now first on Balthazar and nobody else.

  19. > @Djinn.9245 said:

    > I don't want to hunt down anymore as it would cause the destruction of Tyria and I like playing this game.


    Not, if we have something, that can work as Catalysator for all the Magic to remain in Balance


    We mostly know about two Dragons, which could potentially jump in anytime to become such Catalysators to become balances for all the Dragon Magic.


    Aurene and Gleam... yeah, we all don#t know, what currently is with Gleam.. but we also didn't know for 250 years, what is with Livia and now sheres there again, just BOOM, and there suddenly, so we all can just expect fro mthe storytellers, that they would just abandon the existance of Gleam, which is most likely a male dragon - while Aurene is female, which kind of makes sense for a future, so that they both could potentially reproduce , so that a new era of dragon eggs will be there again for the future of GW2, when basically all the trouble with the Elder Dragons and God(s) currently is over again ...


    So this means, that we could potentially easily kill off with them both 2 more Dragons at least - for Aurene it would turn out most likely into just the magic power she would need to grow into a real fine big version of a Dragon, that will actually be in the near future of us PC's a real great help and will turn out perhaps even as out lore bared PvE only "Flying Mount" - who knows, just brainstorming the possibilities - cause I don#t think if anyone woudl have somethign against flying mounts in story instances, or???

    Would explain to me also, why ANet tested out Legendary Wyverns for their mount worthiness, cause I don't believe, that this was made just only for fun. I'm pretty sure the data they made while testign this out, will most likely becoem somewhen useful for them, when the right moment has come, to turn that data into game content for Living Story, lettign Aurene grow up - cause lets face it, it wpoudl be boring and unrealistic, if Anet keeps aurene now for all the tiem in her Baby Stage... something like aurene should grow up fast and it should be also normal that we PC shoudl be able to follow on her growth progression and see, how she continously becomes bigger n bigger, until she shpould be easily able to let us mount her, so that we can ride into battle together as allies.


    How many Elder Dragosn are left exactly in the tyrian Continent?


    - Primordus

    - Kralkatorrik

    - Jormag

    - Deep Sea Dragon


    We have exactly 4 Dragons left, so practically the Energies of 2 Dragons to absorb each for Aurene and Gleam, so that they stay as the only left pair of Dragons for a while, until their eggs hatch and a new era of "Elder Dragons" will arise, which then can be teached to COEXIST with us and keep the magic in the world of Tyria safe and balance.


    However, to make this plan basically work, it would be required to defeat 2x two Dragons basically at the same time, while also making sure, that Aurene and Gleam get all of the powers equally, while none of the remaining Elder Dragons until their defeat may be allowed to interfere, nor any mad God on a walking rampage tour of fire or anybody/thing else


    Dragon Magic can be only controled and kept in balance, when an other Dragon works as its catalysator, if anyone or anythign els gets its hands on this powrer, like Balthazar or of the magic gets out of control, then this will be the doom for Tyria as we know it. The result surely won't be the destructino of the game World, but if ANet woudl seriously let that kind of epic scenarion happen, then that woudl be practically living World for the complete game World reworking all maps to a completely different appearance (want will never happen, cause that would be way too much work, but one can dream...)


    So its just only realistic and makes sense, that ANet one day unevitably will make usage of Aurene (and most likely Gleam as well) as one of the most important plot characters, that will have an incredible amount of influence on the whole games story plot and how it will turn out for all of us.

  20. I'm just happy if they would give people finally the chance again to earn the **Memoires Back Item** through the reimplementation of that event chain you had to do for it, so that all the people which play still active GW2, but got their accounts stolen due to the massive overload of account hackers that infested this game after release like a plague 5 years ago finally get their FAIR chance to earn their memoire skins, which all those affected people couldn't get until today sadly, what is an absolute intollerable/inacceptable shame!!


    We are just talking about a 5 years old skin, that by today is using in 99,99% anyways nobody anymore, so why keep it so penetrantly exclusive for that first halloween event that was flooded by hackers??

    If Anet has even some kind of decency, they would have already re-enabled this event on the second halloween a year after this disastrous hacking fest that we had like within the first years after release until they finally became able to make the game safer for the players through more added new safety measurements.

  21. I will always love the moment of joy, when I suggessfully catch a foe by such a surprise, that they literally get an heart attack and fall down dead xD (due to a perfect Heartseeker after a deadly precise Backstab ^^)

    Moments, you will have only as a Thief, and I just like to be the Ninja Nurse, whenever I can do hehe. But also the Mobility as a Daredevil is something, I don't want to miss.

  22. I want to see in Gemstore for the future:


    - Mount Skins/Saddles/Mount Accessoires/Mount Name Plates

    - Skill Skins (Ability to change the Look of Skills, PvE/WvW Only), beginning with Summoning Skins for Elementals, Undeads, Spiritual Weapons ect.

    - More GW1 Weapon and Armor Skins returning for example Celestial Weapons, we got Zodiac back, so why not also Celestial Skin Weapons?

    - Wind/Sonic based Gathering Tools, like an Air Blade Sicle, Whirlwind Logaxe and a Sonic Pressure Pickaxe

    - Cultural Glider Skins, when bought automatically used from that point on then as Default Glider Skin, unless manually changed, saw awesome concept designs here for them

    < these are just a MUST HAVE, so good do they look, sadly Humans still missing

    - Exchange Option to trade Permanent Gathering Tool X against Permanent Gathering Tool Y of the same Type

    - More Emote (Eating/Drinking Emote whenever we use Buff Food that was somethign to eat or to drink, Sharpening Weapons Emote ect. when using other Buff Items that was no Food, more Dances, Sit Chair, lots of the missing old GW1 Emotes ect)

    - Miniature Zhaitan/ Shatterer/ Jormags Claw/ Primordus for those that love justDragon Miniatures

    - Melandrus Regalia as last missing God Outfit

    - Keychain

    - Permanent Personal On Demand-Waypointer (allowing you to place up to 3 unique Waypoints where you want)

    - Teleportation Effects (Effects others/you will see, when you Logout, or when you WP, so that its for viewers/you not anymore just blink and away, Teleportation should have more visual style than just blink n away!)

    - More Music Instruments, like a Violin, a Triangle, a Xylophone, an Ocarina/Panflute, an E-Guitar, Tambourines , Rattles ect. (and please improve the system to let it make it possible to Auto Play Songs, so that instruments become also more interesting for not so musically talented people. Allow People to sell their "Songs" as "Music Note Sheets" which you would need and which people should have an opption to preview hear, before buying from TP, what will make instruments in return again more interestign for musically talented people, cause then they can profit that way from selling their autoplay songs to the untalented.


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