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Posts posted by Orpheal.8263

  1. > @Shiyo.3578 said:

    > Raids should offer zero rewards besides achievements.

    > If that isn't enough to get people to raid, perhaps development on raids should stop.


    ~~Something I could possibly also agree with~~... wait, who am I trying to deceive here.... I am absolutely agreeing with this statement here!

    But this will never happen

  2. only, if this thign can retroactively add all kinds of books you had over the course of the years of your charactrs story that are most likely of relevance and make sense also to be shelved in the place at home.


    otherwise this would be a waste of resources for items, which simply should get if they have no value for the player anymore either instantly auto deleted by the game the very moment the item loses its purpose for the player and isn't needed anymore for anything in the game.. or Anet should finally learn to mark all these items in their descriptions with a line which tells people, that they can freely delete these items, once the palyer has done with them somethign in the game, wherefore they were needed and up until this point not sellable, not removeable ect., not salvageble..


    After this point, the player should be able to either salvage these items, just throw them away, sell them ect. pp.


    Every form of trash item should have its value, even such kind of quest items that have lost their purpose and aren#t practically needed anymore to keep them.

    In the last chapter of season 3/PoF Anet made it right with alot of these trash items, and designed these items so, that you can CONSUME them, to gain Karma.


    Thats in my opinion something, what anet should from from now on with all trash items,/quests items.. if they shouoldt be sellable or salvageable, then the player should be able to asimpyl consume them and gain some Karma for removing these unneded items from the inventory and makign space for othe things that you will needc to carry around instead later...


    You know actually.. this would be in fatc intelligent game design... and not this, we trash players full with junk items, dont tell them ever, when the moment has arrive, where they can savely delete them, and give them no value at all, so that these items basicalyl give the player always only the feelign of clutterign their inventory full, while giving you actually nothing... not even at the end when the reason of existance for the item has been fulfilled...

  3. All gear in this game of all quality types, should be earnable in ALL games modes, PvE, WvW asl ike PvP alike.


    The player hsould have 100% freedom to decide, how they want to earn their items. And the most variant rich game mode fro mthem all ,should provide also the most variant rich options of how you can obtain any gear you want.


    WvWers should be able to earn any form of legendary Equipment just through playing WvW and doing various things there, that are of legendary value.

    But that would require first of Anet also to put finalyl some proper focus on WvW as a game mode self to implement also taskas and mechanics needed so that WvW casn also provide legendary actions for players to do that, that are worth it to reward therfore on the longterm also legendary items.

    Its not simply done with it by implementing legendary WvW Reward Tracks (this counts for PvP as well!!)

    The Reward Track System for WvW as well as like PvP can be part of the overall whole picture , but it shouldnt be the only mechanic that is required for PvP and WvW players to obtain legendary items of any sort, be it weapon, armor or accessoires/back items.


    So that players in WvW/PvP can earn through their modes also legendary items of all sorts, reuires of anet also to implement enouzgh new maps for these modes to help inplementing said legendary tasks to do in WvW/PvP environments to be able to earn the things you want also too by solely playing only these modes, same as like players in pvP have to do their various taskas in various maps to obtain various thigns that are needed to craft their legendary items of all sorts


    In PvE a player obtains Legendary Weapons through crafting and fullfilling a journey allo ver the maps of Tyria, by doing Fractals, by beating World Bosses and so on..

    You have to ask yourself - WHY is this possible to have only in one out of 3 game modes currently?


    The answer is very simple - because PvE is so far the only game mode that is full of DEPTH by content design, which allows it for this game mode to provide for the player enough tasks to do, to keep the player over time busy with them, while giving the player opportunities to earn these various legendary items - PvE has now only the self made problem currently, that Legendary armors are only earnable through Raids - something that needs to get changed..legendary Armors in PvE should also be earnable through a like legendarys weapon similar journey all over PvE maps. Its ok, that Raids can over maybe a *unique legendary armor skin*

    But its absolutely horrible and wrong/bad by game design to make raids the only way for PvE to obtain legendary Armors.!!


    Would PvP and WvW not be so horrendously neglected by Anet over the last 5 years and same as much full of content design depth, as like PvE is, then we would easily see in these game modes also own ways of obtaining all forms of legendary gear as like they exist in PvE - and thats in fact the right way that anet should follow for the future to improve their game to and to give all players back the real 100% freedom of choice to obtain in the game anythign they want by just playing the game how they want and not how Anet dictates us, what for content we should do, to obtain something, which is mainly only important for PvE and WvW to be competitive in these game modes and to receive a kind of build diversity comfort, that should be in normal standards something, for that players shouldt grind for an half eternity various legendary items for first, just to have the comfort to freely change your character build and adapt it to your situations....seriously


    I could say more about how we ended up in this situation, but this would most likely get me only banned or at least infracted, so I won't, cause its that kind of freedom of speech, thats not liked here to be seen, which easily gets misinterpretated then as a personal attack or something like that.


    The point is, this game needs more depth, and if the game would get more depth in especialyl PvP and WvW, then it would be easily possible for the devs to design GW2 also so, that you can truly play the game how you like and earn all legendary items also by any game mode you decided to want to play only eventually.


    No player shoudl be excluded from earning any form of ingame content rewards, by their self made decision to want to play the game by only one specific mode, only because the devs think, legendary items should be only useable for players, who did somethign in the game for them in all 3 modes.

    It should possible to obtain whatever you want, by having done something legendary in any game mode and that should be just enough - why force players to have to do something legendarsy in all 3 modes, when havign done somethign legendary just in 1 mode is absolutely enough to earn any form of legendary item.


    It is everything just a matter of how depthful the design of the task(s) you had to do in that single mode is.

    But as long PvP and WvW absolutely provide zero content design depth, you can expect as a player naturally not, that we will be ever on these neglected game modes be able to obtain everything in a similar way, like we can do in PvE...


  4. Why did i knew, that the very moment Anet adds any form of derv/para enemies into the game, that peopel in the forums get immediatly all their hopes up agian ,that we will eve see that stuff again in the gamem and playable LOL


    This crap will never return in any form or way as playable class... way too much effort... even as Elite Specs thy make not much sense.


    We have already except of spears as on land weapon paragons - they are called Guadians now.. so sooner people will finalyl accept that fact, so better.

    Make yourself a Guardian, buy the GW1 paragon style outfit, turn it into a dragonhunter, there you go, your winged paragon, play with it a music insturment, then you can be with it also again a wannabe bard like the GW1 version, or just put shouts into your build..

    But as it looks will Anet also implement soon some spear and scythe looking new STAFF RESKINS


    Another sign for it, that these classes will never return (as also sadly eventually a sign for it, that the game iwll never see the implementation of proper real polearm Weapons as an own unique weapon type, what they should be like , cause classes like especially the warrior are running out of weapon options soon for Elite Specs, not really much left for them soon, that makes sense, except the Staff - however, if Anet makes naturally now out of the Staff also Pseudo-Spears, then this would naturally work for the next E-Spec, but the holdign animations would suck so much..no spear gets holded/wieldede like a staff, how our characters hold them with two hands ingame, dont want to think about these upcoming spear looking staff-reskins, beild in the hands wielded like an ordinary staff - too ridiculous to just think about that this becomes soon a fact as it looks like, when you look at what is upcoming in the future for skins from the latest patch at dulfy.net


    Same goes for more scythe related staff-reskins that are coming

  5. I kind of would find a Reputation System nice to have, but not bonded to the gemstore, but as part of the game as a gameplay content relevant FEARTURE..


    Remember GW1 EOTN has had a Reputation System basically based on the races and factions...

    I kind of wish somethign like that would exist in GW2 again, it kind of would perfectly fit into GW2 as a sort of "Mastery" basically, even if in fact a reputation isn't actualyl a mastery in itself, but functionally it kind of would be the same mechanically working for the game as its basically what Anet did for Hot with the language masteries and the basically reputation mastery for the exalted.


    The point is only in fact, a true Reputation System could do so much more in the game, than just only unlock vendor npcs.

    It could affect, kind of what anet actualyl wanted to do with the personality System (this one should find its way also back into the game in an overworked withwith such a system), how NPCs react upon us, or what they do, in the way how we speak and interact with them in a much more intelligent, interrstign and fun way, than just only unlocking vendor options or th npc turning hostile towards us so that we have to kill it...if this permanently happens, its natural that something liek that quickly becomes boring to the point that it was better to remove it from the game, if devs have had no vision on how to improve that system to the point, that it makes sense keeping the feature and expanding it..


    However, all this brings the topic about reputation now into a compeltely different direction, but I just wanted to mention it, because its always the first thing I think about, when I read reputation, because it reminds me about the potential that Anet wasted here with their game in regard of the personality system with that GW2 started, which they threw against the wall due to not beign inspired enough to make something better out of the system, which was sad to see happen.


    A reputation system in regard of the gemstore, would i personally accept only, if it brings no whales any form of player advantage over people, which don't use the gemstore much.


    What i can possibly think about is, some kind of "discount system" under siuch a reputation rank system, that so better your Gemstore Reputation rank rises, due to you using it alot and consistently over a certain amount of time by using through real money exchanged gems (not through gold exchanged gems) thatwith the help of that system players can gain some kind of exclusive price discount for a limited amount of time that they can decide for themself, when they activate that time limit.



    System has 10 Ranks, each Rank gives the Player a 2% Price Discount, so higher the rank rises, so more difficult it wil become to receive the next higher rank as a more longmer time for consistent gemstore buys will be needed for a certain amount of money you have to spent in that time perioud roughly.

    So at Rank 10 a Player has a maximum Price Discount of 20% on all Gemstore Items.


    Such a system most likely eventually will incentivize peole to use more frequently the gemstore, and kind of rewards also peole which frequently and actively already use the gemstore with a little bonus discount, therefore that they actively buy things from the gemstore.

    Include to this eventually also to bought items from an official merchandise store too as a nice extra, and peopel wil leventually also get incentivized to buy from there more things.


    Discount systems are basically a salesmans oldest cheap trick to bring people to buy more, as they buyer receives from the discound system the impression, that the seller rewards him/her for buying alot from the seller. SO more and frequently you buy, so bette ove time the discount you get - to a certain limit, so that the seller still makes black numbers naturally and profit, while the buyer profits over time from buying more frequently, that he saves also some money by the help of the discount as it grows larger.

    Its a simple system, with that sellers basically reward their longterm trusted royal customers as well.

    If ANet can intruduce somethign like that, and does it right, without that anybody else, who doesn't use the gemstore actively like that feels being cheated, or like a second class customer, then I'm absolutely for this, as it would kind of have a little similarity character of an optional subscription fee, that you as a customr get rewarded/or slightly better service, therefore that you guarantee the seller a more, better and guaranteed income, without that it happens through a fee, but just only through simple incentivation by a old sales system, that everybody knows and is used already everywhere, where you just look at in the world - discounts.


    Or if its not discounts.. you all surely know these kinds of cards, with that you can collect whatever for a called form of "points" in super markets or wheeve,r whenever you buy something that has a certain amount of value.

    if Anet could implement somethign like this into th gemstore, it surely woudl also incentive people maybe to buy more from the gemstore..


    Buy somethign for the value of 1000 gems and receive 5 Black Lion Points...collect 50 Black Lion Points and the next buy you do and use up these 50, will cost no gems...

    (very simple example just to bring over the idea/message, dotn take numbrs for too serious now)


    The point is, if ANet sriously would be intersted at all in something like this, then I guess we would see already such special actions happening in the gemstore..

    So far the only see ANet does is doign every now and then bringing items bakc, with discounts, without that they are linked to a reputation system.


    So there are so far only discounts with a percentage, that ANet is willing to give us for the time, but not a discount system, where the person can eearn some form of bonus discount based on the reputation/grade of loyality of the person.


    What would you find of it, if loyal players would receive by ANet for every year their account gets old for that account 1% Bonus Discount for items bought from the gemstore?

    So a five year old player account would by now have 5% Bonus Discount for items bought from this account from the gemstore and a 5% Bonus for Gold/Gem exchange.

    I find this would be also a nice sign by anet to show us, that they are also respecting our loyality as players/customers that stay within GW2 for such a long time actively and buy over the time all kinds of stuff from the gemstore.


  6. Stats don't work fine.

    The Combat System of GW2 needs finally a proper complete overhaul to adapt it to the changes Anet made ovr the last years to al the KSills, traits , additionso f other combat mechancis, that were never part of the old game balance state of 2012, like new Conditions - Torment, Taunt, Slow and new Boons as well

    The addition of Elite Specs is another big point wo which 90% of the whole games cobmat system aren't still adapted and balanced around properly.


    This game still has an bad Attribute System, which massively favors offensive Stats over Defensive Stats, instead of putting them on equal relevance for the player, where both sides provide eually good synergy.

    A a perfect balancec game would an offensive player get perfectly neutralized by a defensive player, if their attack and defense values are exactly the same, so that basicalyl just only player skill decides over it, which side wins.

    But this situation will never happen unde anets system, because this gasme has basicalxyl like a felt ratio of 65/35 towards offensive gameplay, whrere playing offensively is much more forgiving, than playing defensively and alot more efficienty, because offense effects in this game way too oftenly ignore either completely all defense (conditions), or are with highend stats dealign so much damage, that you still die in a matter of seconds, regardless of how much defensive power you have and thats the sad truth about this game, because the defensive attributes are too weak and too ineffective to make up for a real difference, when you go rather for a higher defensive build, over an offensive one.. if you go for a defensive one, you wil ldeinetiely lose alot of DPS, but you gain in this game nothign for your increased defensive in Pvp nor WvW.. in Wvw you get steamrolled anyway, because there its just a game of numbers, who has more people on their side in the combat, there plays player skill by far not so much of a big role, than in PvP, where chances asre highwer that you can have duels between just two players long enough ,so that your skill as a player can make up for a difference.


    GW2 needs Dual Effect Attributes, these will help in balancing offensive and defensive gameplay elements and will help makign both combat styles more equal.

    The ganme is lackign since 2012 very important defensive gameplay elements, like an attribute that reduces the chance, how likely you will receive critical hits, or an attribute, that helps with your endurance regeneration, or a simpyl an attribute, that directly influences how much condition damage you can receive, or how long conditons can last on you maximum, or how high the stacks of conditions can go on you maximum.

    If there would be a defensive attribute, with that we can reduce the max stack of a condition we casn suffer on from say 25 to like 10 or so, then this would massively help in balancign this game, especially for WvW to cut down some absurd condi bursts back to a sane level.

    No class should be able by itself alone to bursts neither conditions, nor boons in a very brief time from 0 to 25


    The whole boon and condition system needs a complete rework, its massively out of control, since june 23rd of 2015 and Anet has never done until today somethign about this self created mess they did to the game, brief before releasing HoT...


    The base health system needs a rebalancign finalyl.. the game still uses its 2012er health system, that was desisnged around a game state, where no E-Specs, no certain conditions like Torment, Slow and Taunt existed, where no massive DPS powercreep existed.. at that state was the base health system fine.

    But by now, it would be best for GW2, if anet finalyl kicks this old health system out of the window and begins finalyl to individually balance the Health Values for each Base Class and revalues their health numbers properly to the current state of game balance.

    No class should have in this game anymore a low base health of lousy 11000 HP - such a low base health for this game now is a ridiculous JOKE!! where basicalyl everyones critical fart could halfway defeat you by now ... if you play such a risky build


    and the game must get rid of gear stats... Any stats you receive for your character should come by just natural character progression from leveling your character up, not from gear. Gear should provide only the class relevant Base Defense Valus that are added on top of the stat defense values that are part of your build, Fashion and slots for your build diversity through Upgrades, which shoudl also all not provide any stats, just effects only that would make then also upgrades more interesting, if thy would provide only effects, and not like now, where half of their slots are wasted with lousy boring stat boosts, instesad of more interstign and build creating effects.


    If these thigns could get done only on day, then this game woudl be a huge step further to become more balanced, because then its combat system elements would be again morte in harmony with each other, online now, where anet wants to keep 2012er balance state and mechanics into a 2017er game, where skills, traits and classes by far ar all not anymore, what they were 5 years ago, when these old systems were designed for the game.

  7. Lol, whats that please for a one side poll


    If you take option 1, you literally say out, that you want a throttling..

    If you take option 2, you say literally, that you'd have no problems with it, if there woudl exist a throttling..


    How about an option 3?



    NO, I don't want any form of download speed throttling, Keep it as it is !!!


    If you want faster downloads, then get yourself a better ISP. Problem solved

    If your ISPs in your home area can't provide DSL by improving your lines from copper garbage (ADSL) to fibre glas (VDSL) or better FTTH, then get your neighbours together and do somethign together thefore, that in your town/village gets your internet improved by a local ISP.


    ISPs do something for improvement of your internet quality only, if they see, that its worth it in a region to invest money into it..

    A single person who wants better bandwidth won't bring a ISP company to do something. But alot of people, which want together that it gets improved for their region, is something else - together that might eventually bring an ISP to the point, that they will do something for your region to improve the bandwidth that you receive, thus making your downloads faster

  8. Lol, whats that please for a one side poll


    If you take option 1, you literally say out, that you want a throttling..

    If you take option 2, you say literally, that you'd have no problems with it, if there woudl exist a throttling..


    How about an option 3?



    NO, I don't want any form of download speed throttling, Keep it as it is !!!


    If you want faster downloads, then get yourself a better ISP. Problem solved

    If your ISPs in your home area can't provide DSL by improving your lines from copper garbage (ADSL) to fibre glas (VDSL) or better FTTH, then get your neighbours together and do somethign together thefore, that in your town/village gets your internet improved by a local ISP.


    ISPs do something for improvement of your internet quality only, if they see, that its worth it in a region to invest money into it..

    A single person who wants better bandwidth won't bring a ISP company to do something. But alot of people, which want together that it gets improved for their region, is something else - together that might eventually bring an ISP to the point, that they will do something for your region to improve the bandwidth that you receive, thus making your downloads faster

  9. I'm happy that the Nightfall garbage that is Dervish and paragon didn't come bakc playable with this patch... ANet has done good enough with it to integrate the best thigns of these old classes into the base classes of GW2

    Its fine that for lore reasons these returned as our enemies as some form of deserteurs/undeads under jokos wing, but aside of this they provide nothing, that would enrich the game and for adding just new weapon types, its totally unneccessary to add more classes, when in fact elite specs do the job as well, if it must be.


    personaly id go even so far to say by now, that Id rather see the paragon return, thasn to have this dragonhunter junk any logner in the game. If it woudl go after me, id replace this spec anytime with paragon, if this one seriously has to redturn, because the whole design of its skills with the wings and such screams just paragon, the longbow could easily be replaced with the Spear being redesigned as Polearm Weapon and Traps could also easily be replaced with an other skil ltype as utility skills and et voila, there youd have your silly paragons back..


    But Dervish is just 100% impossible, way too much human lore based to ever return as a playable thing, anet woudl have to completely redesign it from scratch , not worth it for just such nonsense, like scythes as weapon type to return, when a scythe is nothign else but just a polearm weapüon and could easily return as wel as spear reskin for when Anet brigns spears finalyl as Polearm Weapons to use on land as like underwater... however, enough of this off topic...


    Feedback about Episode 1 of Season 4


    - Visually very beautiful map

    - Consistency with PoF in regard of Achievements, but pointless as long Bounties are super unrewarding and not worth its time

    - Same with adventure and Races.. too unrewarding to do these things more than just once, once youve done the achievements for the meta achievment...

    - Very short feeling like usual..3 missions, a bit of runnign around in the map, doing like a few hearts and collectign a few items, done, content done in 1 day ...waited for it 3 months fior content that is done in 1 day, a friend of mine has done even already today the whole meta achievmeent,s all 30 in practicalyl less than 1 day.

    - One should expect as a player, that new content should at least last longer, than that ...for 3 months of waiting, new content shoudl at least give you somethign to do for 1-2 weeks.not less than 1 day in regard of story, thats how I do see that.

    - Mission Design, while the first two are ok, the last one is not for one reason - the last battle. Agan somethign so unneccessary hectic.. in a small field, having a battl battle, where the enemy has mechanics with that you are constantly under stress, because like felt 99% of the whole area are under contant AOE spam!!! Seriously Anet??? Is this the very best you can come up wotjh for combat design??? Abnd to putsalt into the wounmd, you add on top of it an achivement, where you have to survive this hell, without gettign downed.. basiucalyl only doable for classes, which can staya for half an eternity immune to damage, whil all others basically die in a short matter of tiem the very moment you run out of dodges, while trying to avoid the electro balls that draw you to them like magnets to disturb your movement while the whole field is permanently on mass bombardment without a single break or any leeway to get some space where you can stay for some time without standing in aoe areas, cause all the fiels also overlap with each other >.>

    - And if this is not enough, if you fail this, part, then you have basicalyl to do the whole misison from start again!

    Can't you just add a teleport at the start of the mission, that ports you to the boss battle, if you have done the mission successfully at least once, so that you can save time to retry quicker the boss battle for that one achievement??? that would be a real time saver

    - Return of Koss, even if is as an awakened, but its nice to see the old GW1 heroes return in GW2 in somec kind of form, before of that was Dunkoro and Tahlkora, sad that Margrid gets mentioned only, but not shown also as awakened or so - would you give your original heroes just only also too their last honor that they deserve to play somehow a role in this game again, like Mhenlo, Devona, Cynn, Eve and how was that name of the ranger again ,Reydan or so, lol I forget always that one, but for now its nice to the that the elonian heroes aren't forgotten somehow and can even play 250years later some kind of role in this game- oh i wish this game would bring back Heroes as gameplay Feature in an improved form that allows to use your own characters as heroes/companions, while the game could also provide again a few pregiven story related heros like in Nightfall/EotN, which could hopefully replace some of the current unbearable/uninteresting npcs, like Braham, Rox and Marjory... it woudl have been an interestign twist of the story by now, if you could have turned Braham and eventualyl Rox against us.. but now, with this episode we had to get naturally agai ntogether with Braham in a way, that it feels like, nothing has changed - it would at least have been interestign ,if braham woudl have turned out of his convictions and anger towards us into an enemy and would have made space for a new character replacing him ... especially now what you gave him a new super terrible sounding new german VA which has a much darker sounding voice, than the previous once, makiing everythign total obvious, that you changed his VA (again)



  10. I absolutely agree here with the opinion, that Raids were from begin pon very bad for all of GW2, they were from begin on lousy designed just harder dungeons full of gameplay desogn elements, that just raise the bad behaviour of people to make elitism just grow, which makes really the dark side of people show up immedinetely you enter a raid in GW2 and do some kind of mistake, that either slows down everyone.. or even can potentially lead to a wipe of the group.


    Such gameplay design just shows, that the peopel responsible for these raids, absolutely have no clues about, what a Raid should be like, , and that these peopel were freshly just recruited to GW2 just for the task of making raids for GW2, because people wished so much for GW2 to have raids.. because all mainstream MMOTPGd must have raids, right???


    The problem with GW2s raids is, they focused themself way too much on Dungeon Design, because the peopel responsible for the Raids had from begin on no clue, how Raids in GW2 should look like, what players expect in GW2 how Raids should be lik,e so they had the only thing back then they could focus on and get inspiration from - that was Dungeons - with the intentiion, that the stuff that they dersign should be harder and more challenging than those dungeons and based on 10 people - because again - thats what peopel wanted - challenging content.

    The problenm here is, that ANet mixed this stuff then upo with their own vision of how they wanted to try to make Raids - ehmDungeons 2.0 more unique, by makign up the in my eyes, dumb decision, to force into the raid design also general PvE content by adding living world story and masteries into the raid designs, - this way forcing practicalyl PvEers - the largest chunk of the whole GW2 player base, that is full of mostly CASUAL PLAYERS, that are no hardcore raid elitists, like the minority, that screamed here in th forums for the implementation of raids, which mostly - and by mostly I mean felt surely 90% of this small minority, coming from other games like WoW and beign disappointed, that GW2 had at that time no raids as well as like these other games from which people came from over to GW2.


    By adding Raids into GW2, ANet basically betrayed their own philosophies with that they started GW2 back in 2012 and not only that, they basicalyl betroyed their largest part of the playerbase by adding content for a msall minority that was only loud here in the forums for a feature, that the largest majority of this games community basically never would have wanted to become ever part of this game, especially in siuch a bad designed way that it forces you practically to participate in this game mode, if you want not to lose out on story content, if you dont want to loose out in character progression content (Legendary Armor/Masteries)


    The very only thing, that Anet would have needed to do, to make basicalyl both sides happy - the kind of hardcore players, as like the casual players and the major PvEer crowd would have been to design Raids with following points in mind:


    1. No connections to any form of Story Content that has to do with any Living Story segments.. if Raids should have some form of story, then the raids should provide their very own in itself closed side stories, that have nothign at all to do with the current state of the games main story nor livign story at all, so that people aren't forced to do the raids, just to be able to understand in the next living story episode everything ...


    2. A clear split into simply 2 Gameplay Modes for Raids - *The Hero Mode*, which is practically for practicing the Raid, for playing its story, doing achievements in it, and having significantly lesser difficulty, and significantly lesser rewards, with no timer garbage, that creates DPS races and elitism

    And lastly the *Vanquisher Mode*, which is the mode for hardcore players, that seek for the thrill of having some real challenging content, that is made and designed for experienced players, which already know the mechanics of the raid content, which know also how to play efficienctly their classes, and also most likely all other classes as well, so that they have no issues with group findings, due to beign able to switch to whatever class is needed, being flexible, where communication is needed, where enemy knowledge and player skill is needed to fulfll the raids in this mode successful.

    Where dedication is needed to have everywhere best in slot gear and optimized builds with the class that you want to play - without that any class gets by design of the raid excluded from being helpful for the raid, just because the class balance offers for you class nothing to be helpful in any raid you want to participate in.


    If classes get excluded in raids, due to not provoiding anythign useful for the group, because class x does Y alot better than you, while dealign at the same tiome much more DPS, or doing also meanwhile much more support, than you, then this is simply a huge sign of terrible class design and balance as like also bad raid design that isn't in harmony with the class design and the current game balance (due to massively outdated combat system elements!!!)


    If Anet would put actualy just attention to these 2 points, and redesign the raids, classes and combat sytems accordingly to these 2 point,s then actualy would have Raids a real chance for GW2 to become good good, that can be accepted by everyone, hardcore games, as like casual gamers, because raids would give under this aspect people that are new to raids and hardcore content actually first the chance to actually learn first the mechanics in their own pace, without being forced to search for that extra people via LFG that are the same like then.

    With two clear Raid Modes that is also clearly splitted in the LFG system by the two modes, it wouldn't also happen then anymore, that both types of players accidently land in the same party, or that hardcore players get the impression, that they are dragging through some other lesser experienced players in their party.

    Because each type of raid player would have then their very own LFG secation based on which Raid mode you want to do

    ANd with both modes should players be able to earn legendary armors, just so that you earn them with the more challing version in Vanquisher Mode alot faster.


    I'm 100% sure, a much bigger part of the whole games community would accept and actively participate in raids, if raids would receive a game mode split between Hero ands Vanquisher Mode to have basically a simpler version and a challenging version.

    Then it surely wouldnt be only like 10% of the community, that plays raids, but for surel directly more than the half of the community, that would play Raids actively, if not even much more, because then would be players again - lik with ANets initial core philosohy - play GW2 like you want - by their own pacing able to play Raids, like they want, without gettign dictated by some kind of elitisms, how they have to play, what they have to play ect. - without getting first at all without lots of effort first a chanced at all to experience the content and learn the mechanics, without being forced to be extra for this in a guild or to search for some kind people with the time to teach you all the things in some kind of training runs, when it could be also possible in a simpler Hero Mod,e that you simpoly teach yourself by playing together as Pug by learnign by doing, without havign to fear, that someone immdiately rage quits in your group, and leave,s only because you made a mistake in a boss battle.


    I'm at least 100% sure, as long these points dont get changed in raids, will I pesonalyl never set a foot into this garbage content made for elitists.

    Because its absolutely not acceptasble, why there can't just exist aside of the challing version of a raid also a lsser challening version for the purpose of practicing the mechanics - if it must be, even without any rewards at all.



  11. Loot Boxes are something, that should have been looked at by Belgium and in general by law of the governments of the various countries in America, Europe and especially Asia already many years ago, before this garbage could have grown into such a huge plague, that it has become by now to the point, that companies lately try more and more, how far they can go with their greed to draw the money out of the pockets of their players by RNG methods, instead of using fair and square legal methods to earn their money, that isnt so extremely anti moral, like abusing RNG methods to artificially increase this way their money incomes by abusing the fact of gambling making people addicted to the point, that they can lose control over themself and they money how much they spent on something ..


    I'm personally sick about the excuses of the industry, which defends this antisocial behavior of companies that abuse these kind of rngs methods just to increase their own profits. it was just a question of time, until when it would happen, that one company one day will massively absure this so much, that international law institutions like that in Brussel in Belgium will get attention on these shady sales methods, especilaly once finally the line gets crossed so much, like in the case now with that Star Wars Game, where it was absolutely clear pay to win mixed together with RNG loot boxes.. which is also the reason which is why EA PROMPTLY reacted instantly on their other game projects that were planned to use the same anti social garbage dirt s*** system to abuse itss customers in their about to get to released game Need for Speed Payback and made lots of things in that game promptly instantly much easier to obtain from the loot boxes there, because they knew, if they wouldn#t do that instantly, they would instantly create the moment they release this game in the west now, make open the gate for instantly the next s***storm, while the previous one is still going on and reached now even the shores of other countries, which get finalyl the attention on what is going on in the gaming industry lately in Australia and Hawaii, where the governments are also now checking, how they get go on against this garbage by their laws and if they need to change something on their laws in the distant near future, to protect people from these shady gambling systems....


    A well running game, which sells itself good enough, doen't have the need to make money like a shady online casino full of rng gambling mechanics everywhere just to artificialyl slow down massively the progress of the players - also in hope that the slowdown is so massively for the player, that it increases their willingness to spend real money into the game, just to speed up things in the game to a sane level, or to increase their chances to obtain something they want, which the company basicalyl could also sell DIRECTLY via the online store/gemstore, but no-- why sell something directly, and give the players what they want directly for a direct price, when you can play with your customers practically virtually cats and mice and try to lure with antisociual gambling mechanics that force your customers practically to pay much much more (if you are unlucky, and the system is made for making you basicalyl unlucky, because thats what the company wants - your money by you being mostly unlucky all the time), than what you wpould have payed for what you wan,t if you were able to buy what you want directly - because if you get what you want directly, then your will to buy somethign is instantly saturated and the chance, that you continue buying somethign from the gemstore massively falls down to zero, unless, and here comes now the spectacular bummer - unless the company adds quick enough new content into the gemstore, which generates new demand and the will for peopel to buy somethign from the gemstore to keep the sales windmill running ...=


    The problem with the gemstore is, and I keep saying this now for years is.. the gemstore for GW2 is way too weak... it alone isn't able to pay all the bills and fix costs of this game.. especially and thats a sad truth - especialyl not if anet makes permanently only direct sales... because for that to continue would have to add Anet constantly in a much faster pace new content to the gemstore to make sure, that they can generate with just only direct sales continously enough income, so that the gemstore alone can keep this game alive - and its sad to see, that it seems, that even adding merchandise stores to the game and selling merchandie just seems to make not together with the gemstore enough profit for the game, so that ANet doesn't need to jump onmto the antisocial RNG wagon as well and has to play with their customers cats and mice as well, just to create this way asrtificially more money income to ensure, that the game can stay alive.


    Unless there is a change in the law systems, the only thing we as customers can do - is to protect us self by just boycotting all forms of RNG system that companies in their gemstores throw at us.

    If they just realize, that more and more people begin to ignore these shady moneygrabs , by looking at their so beloved statistics, that the moment they add these shady rng sales to the gemstore, that they sales totally break in, because of no one reactign to it, or the community even completely standign together and boycotting buying anythign from the gemstore, as logn there are rng sales methods in it, so faster we will - any everybody else in other games will see this scum method gettin rotted out to the point, that hopefulyl really no changes in laws are needed first to make companies by force stop to abuse these methiods just to artificially increase their incomes.


    The only thing by definition that I personally want to see gettign changed by law internationally is the definition of "gambling" to the point, that loot booxes will bee seen internationally in general as gambling - stop with the excuses, stop with the abuses of trying to find always grey spot in your laws just to have a reason for why you can abuse your customers in such a way, just to generate artificially more money income - its just simply disgusting, dishonest, disrespectful and lastly dismissive to see, how companies literally do everything they can, just to make more money out of their customers, as long there is no clear law, which or who restricts them and keps them in check, so that such methods don't get abused to sell the customers of a game as good as possible for dumb, while they happily scream in joy, how many peopel they possible can cheat with this cheap sales tactis, while counting all the surplus of money they made meanwhile from people which tried by the time already by the xx th time to get somethign what they want, and still having no luck to get what they want, because the chances to obtain what you want are set by the companies will at like felt absurd 0,00000000000001% or so ...literaly letting the people try for all eternity to get what they want - letting this become practically a neverending story.


    Online Gambling has been already way too long in this insdustry an untouched red blanket. Its about time, that something is finally made about all this.

    I hope Belgium & Co will stay strong now on this topic and won't loose it out of sight now so quickly again, because if they do, this might lead really then finally to some big changes to the industry and hopefully also a more honest gemstore for GW2

  12. **Trick or Treat Town Tours** (T4)


    A new Event Chain, which lets you travel all through the various towns of Tyria, where you ask costumized for Trick & Treat.. when you get treats, then you receive bags, when its time for tricks, then you have to throw all kins of halloween stuff at nillager nocs that aren't willing to give you something, to make them convinced to give ypou somethign by putting up either a huge reverse costume brawl, where using brawl skills against the npc enemies counts towards your costume brawl achievement progression, or it can happen, that you have to spam the villagers full with lots of thrown toilet paper, old eggs, rotten pumpkins ect. p, until their Breakbars are removed from all this powrful sense of halloween thrown at them, that they give up and give you their treats which will be so more rewarding, so faster you successfully convinced them, means so more peopel join the brawls, or the spam of toilet paper and eggs, so more rewardign it will become for everyone. And this junk and all the garbage, that we get permanently dropped from bags, that usually gets instantly deleted out of our inventories, wil lreceive finalyl for somethign actualyl a usage in halloween.



    **Ascend of Madness**


    The Instance of Defeating the Mad King becomes completely redesigned and improved into acttually a full complete **Halloween Dungeon** designed for 5 players with its own variously themed Halloween Paths with different Bosses and its own rewards and achievements of similar quality and design as like the normal Dungeons.

    Like Mad Weapons/Armor Sets earnable from the Halloween Dungeons Token Currency and Achievements for the various pathes to be done successfully (like 3 to4 different pathes, all leading in their own way to the Final Boss Instance, that is defeatign Mad King Thorn.


    Doing this Halloween Dungeons shpould reward players and help them significantly at obtaining ascended equipment, especially armor sets, through the help of the earned tokens, making this halloween dungeon the first and only one, where you would be able to earn ascended weapons and armor items via dungeon tokens, therefore, that its there only for a limited time every year.... and with this redesign, the content actualyl would finally fit to its name "**Ascend** of Madness"

    Plus the game would also finalyl receive after so long time again something, what many players want - a complete new Dungeon that is outside of the original ones from the base game, which also doesnt need to have a "story mode" or so (unless Anet would want to give it one, but i see no reason why, except for lore lovers maybe).



    **The Return of "Reaper's Rumble"**


    never understood actually, why this feature was only there once at Halloween 2012,. and from then on never returned!!!

    This has to be changed for next year.You were so kind to let this year finayl return the Memoire Events and even added new content based on this old events in form of two new Memoire Skins that are part of achievement rewards (I hope this continues for next yearv as well with more alternative skin versions of the Memoire Book, like for example one that you receive by forgign all 4 earlier versions together into an Ascended Memoire Book plus again two more skisn from achievements for doing some new events in the old maps It

    Reapers Rumble was the Halloweens PvP MOBA Content .. was so sad that it never returned until now and stayed permanently, like all the other Halloween Content



    # Rewards:


    Now to the Rewards....


    What I'd like to see in the next year is rewarding the players more with Candycorn Cobs through Achievements.. its ridiculously overpriced to have to pay for a few haloween related minipets together like over 350 corbs or so, which require each 1000 units of candycorn (so youd need 350000 candycorn, thats ridiculous 1400 stacks of them, if you want to obtain them all for your account and ongoing more, as anet surelly will add with upcoming halloweens in the future more of these ultra rar halloween minis, that cost like 100+ cobs..

    I can understand, that the game needs also such rarer minis, but for the sake of this game, please not for time limited vents that happen only once a year.

    So older these rare miniatures before, so lesser should they cost over time in cobs from year to year. Every ongoung additional year shoud reduce the cob costs of those pets by say 20 Cobs to a maximum minimum of 1 Cob Costs after 5 years of waiting

    I'd love to have oxidemus for my necromancer, but I'm surely not wastign like 300+ G just for that minipet, which is this pet absolutely not worth it, but Id maybe willign to pay say like 20 to 40 Cobs, after having waited first some years.

    Either this, or make Cobs quicker receiveable, by reducing the Candy Corn costs from 1000 per Cob down to 250 per Cob, so that you can get now 4 cobs per 1000 candy corn, instead of just only 1, makign this way obtainign enough cobs to earn those miniatures also more reasonable and possible in a normal time span to achieve.


    Aside of that, please continue with addign new halloween base weapon skins, not all weapon types have seen yet hallwwen themed exotic weapon with new skins being added, this year was the torch chosen, last year hammer and focus, the yeasrs before that ,sword, shield, shortbow ect.. lets continue with this tradition and let us see next year more new halloween skins for exotic weapons for weapon typs, which haven't been used yet.


    As you can see with my vision, regardign rewards I want to see especialyl also alot of new achievements being added, which in return can be used as more rewards, than actualyl givign you only a few ap, but coudl be used also to reward you with more cobs, or other stuff like more Memoire Skins, like a new earnable halloween outfit or some earnable Moutn Skins next year, while putting next year somethign else big into the gemstore.


    Brief said, theres alot of potential there to make halloween next year more fun and rewarding, just through some added new things, like my suggested T4, or through simply lettign return Reapers Rumble and improving a bit the already existing features of halloween liek the labyrinth by adding just a few new bosses, which can be already simpyl enough, to make the whole content alot more fun and slightly new, without having too much effort for making it happen actually, as addign a few new bosses is a really small task to do for something you have a year of time for to add to the game on the next years halloween.

  13. **The Labyrinth**


    Pretty much agree with the Concept Idea presented above my initial posting. Besides of that, it woudl be actually in the end 5 bosses, because the OP missing the running around annoying but mad Skeleton with its giant chainsaw, that haunts players all across the maze in its thirst for blood.

    However I do agree with it, that each corner should have its very own rebalanced **Champions** (Not Elite, Elite would make them laughable cheap and not worthy to be called Bosses)


    Northwest = New Spider Boss "Tarantulos"

    Southeast = Lich King (redesign it into a Mummy, not a Skeleton with Zombie Minions, we have already tha Skeleton running around, no need for a second Skeleton Boss)

    Northeast = Candycorn Count (reallocated its position to there, fits there better)

    Southwest = New Gargoyle Boss "Goliath"


    Special Boss, if all 5 Champions get defeated within a specific time limit = Mad King Thorn or eventually Prince Thorn based on who of those two won their bickerings between each other meanwhile or based on a kind of ration between mined Candycorn that has been gifted to the Mad King compared to the amount of Candycorn Minions being defeated in favor of Prince Thorn. If more Candycorn has ben defeated, than gifted, Prince, appears, otherwise Mad King


    New Achievements added for next year to the Mad Labyrinth based on the changes beign made to the feature


    * Defeat the Special Boss Mad King Thorn xxx times

    * Defeat Prince Thorn xxx times

    * Defeat all 5 Champions of the Labyrinth xxx times, before the time runs out




    **The Clock Tower**


    Not much, that can be changed here, other than addign for fun and challene new alternative Clock Tower Version Instances, that are higher and have also some kind of traps mayb included that have to be avoided while gettign up, instead of being chased by Acid, where time is not your enemy, but rather the mechanics and your player skill is requested more on those versions, where the original clock tower just equires of you only to jump quick enough to be not in danger of the green acid swallowing you and knowing the jumps/the path to jump effectively to reach the top.

    Achievements could then be added for the new alternative Clock Tower JP's for beating them the first time and from then on as repeatable achievements just like the original tower has its repeatable achievement.

  14. My Guild Wars 2 Halloween Vision that I have in mind for the ultimate Halloween Fun for next years spooky time season to come:


    # Content:


    **Lunatic Inquisition**

    Lunatic Inquisition gets reworked and rebalanced and will provide next year also a new Map to play on.

    Both Sides, Village Players, as like the Lunatic Courtiers will have both their own Skill Set of 5 Skills and both sides will have the ability to make variouds usage of the environmental items to be found on the maps.


    _Village Player Skills_

    1) **Run For Your Life** - Temporarely increases your Run Speed and grants you Stability, making you immune to Fear Effects

    2) **I'm Scared** - Temporarely put yourself into Stealth and gain Regeneration. Stealth and Regeneration ends preemtively, if you move out of its areas effect zone.

    3) **Obey the Lunatics** - Appears only, when you get an order whispered by a Lunatic Courtier Player that haunts you - Fullfill the Order to become for a brief time immune to damage and burn nearby Lunatics

    4) **I Will Avenge You** - Becomes only active, if an allied Village Player gets killed in your near - Grants you temporarely some Stacks of Might and make Environmental Items more effective for you against Lunatic Courtiers, once activated. Grants you also Bonus Points if you happen to defeat Lunatics, while the effect is active.

    5) **The Last Of Us** - Becomes only useable, when you are the only living Village Player, allowing you to become for a short moment of time berserk out of despair, in which your attacks can deal even lethal damage to the LunaticCourtiers and grant Bonus Points while evading their attacks and dealing damage to them.


    _Lunatic Courtier Skills_

    1) **Haunting Scythe** Throw a Sickle Blade after Village Players to deal damage. this attack deals now lesser damage, therefore that its a ranged attack now

    2) **Eviscerate** Kills instantly a Village Player, if its Health was below the threshold of 50%. Short range Leap Attack with now a range of 300 instead of 130

    3) **Do what I say** Whispers a command of the Mad King to the Village Player, which makes it for the player temporarely not able to use normal skills, until they pressed 3 and clicked then on the right obey skill icon next that matches to the random command they received from you.

    4) **Terrifying Scream** Scream at your Village Victim, causing Fear and a small Torment to them for a short time

    5) **Soul of the Scarecrow** Plant a Scarecrow at your Ground Target, which causes after a tiny delay AoE and Chill and Bleeding from upcoming Ravens that pick at nearby villagers that run into it's range. Turns into **Will'o Whisp's Teleport**, which teleports you to the Location of the Scarecros and summons a Will'o' Whisp at its place, that alarms Lunatics and makes Villagers for them on a greater range visible on the map, as long its alive, but it can be easily defeated with a few environmental items.


    Matches will last now again instead of like 6 Minutes now again 10 Minutes, or until every Village Player has been defeated and turned into a Courtier


    Point Rebalance - The amount of Points that players receive over time, and the amount of points that Courtiers receive for defeating Villagers gets rebalanced

    Rewards for Lunatic Inqusition will get enhanced and Halloween receives new LI based Achievements for next years Halloween based on being a Village, as like a Courtier and not just only 1 achievement, that is based on the amoutn of times you just play LI as repeatable Achievement.


    Villager Achievements:

    * for avoiding being hit

    * for winning the matches with the most points/being last man alive

    * for staying alive a certain total amount of time

    * for using the various environmental items xxx times

    * for killing Courtiers with environmental items using not the help of Skills

    * for killing Courtiers with environmental items using the help of Skills

    * for having used all types of environmental items at least once

    * for speaking to the Mad King's Avatar and giving him a Jack'o Lantern as a present

    * for defeating a Courtier especially with the Ripper

    * for defeating a Courtier especially with a Hammer

    * for defeating a Courtier especially with a Blunderbuss Rifle

    * for throwing xxx Boulders at Courtiers

    * for helping the Minion Events of Prince Thorn at the corners of the Lunatic Court/New Map xxx times

    * for using Food in the near of a Courtier, after being attacked first, or in front of the Mad King Thorn Avatar

    * for dancing in the face of danger (Alarm Wall) for at least 15 seconds

    * for dancing in front of a by a Courtier summoned Scarecrow

    * for dancing in front of a by a Courtier summoned Will'o'Wisp


    Courtier Achievements:

    * for killing xxx Villagers

    * for Winning the Match and having killed all Villagers, before time runs out

    * for having used all environmental items as traps

    * for having catched players xxx times by your used traps

    * for summoning xxx times a Scarecrow that successfully chills Villagers

    * for having terryfied with your screams xxx players

    * for summoning xxx Will'o Wisps

    * for defeating especially Villagers right at the Court of the Mad King Thorns Avatar (the Inner Zone of the Lunatic Court)

    * for defeating Minions of Prince Thorn that have been successfully summoned by the Villagers

    * for using the Teleport Circles xxx times

    * for commanding Villagers xxx times in the name of the Mad King

    * for killing especially Villagers with under 50% health through Eviscerate xxx times

    * for dancing in front of Mad King Thorns Avatar

    * for dancing in front of a killed Villager, before the defeated corpse turns into a Courtier too

    * for dancing in front of the Alarm Wall as a Courtier

    * for avoiding being hit with environmental Weapons

    * for avoiding being hit by environmental Items, like thrown Torches, Bones, Goo ect.

  15. Am still mostly solo roamer since 2012 , and try my best to keep up this "art and skill" as best as possible this game's horrible game balance stil makes it possible and allows to do and perform it ...


    but the current state of this game forces me more and more to run permanently in small groups or zerges, just to stay alive longer ..which is really sad

  16. Absiolutely strogn now..


    Stability should be changed into an unstrippable, uncorruptable, unstealable EFFECT, this would make balancing in this game again a bit more fair and skilsl which give you stability in the current balance stat of this game, not such a huge joke, liek for example Dagger Storm, which can be immedeately stop by just a boon corrupt fair with a fear or, turnign this elite skill into the greatest joke ever ....

  17. I disagree with this topic.. WvW shouldbnt be made repeatable, nor increased in their ranks..


    If ANet ever does anythign again in regard of WvW achievements, then it should be addign new ones only... but in fact currently has WvW alot more porblems that need to be soled, than actually adding more achievements.. addign more achivements is the absolute very least, Anet should think about now for WvW to do ...

  18. persinalyl i#d really love to see this happening, even if it doesn#t immprove anythign of the game, and is in fact just a visual thing.. but it would make the realism and integrity of this game better, if we actualyl realyl could see BOTH weapons of our character, that are being in usage on our characters and not only just the weapon, that we currently use as our primary weapon(s).


    If I could see my bow on my back, while using for exampel as primary weapons my daggers as thief, this would be so awesome, then it would make also visualyl much more sense to have all the time a quiver on my back :3 and when I use my shortbow, then i see my daggers beign put back to the hips, lettign them be visible on my, while i use my shortbow.


    I think it cant be impossible to fix this.. just only, Naet didn#t care for this,, nor does currently, because it brigns ANet nothing, its just wastign resosurcesw, without gettign anythign back from this, which is why we have never seen this gettign fixed in the last 5 years.. or its simpyl again anets old spaghetti code, which makes it whyever impossible for Anet to fix this little visual thing for our charsacters to allow showing both weapons at the same time.

    the only point where i weould understand that it is impossible maybe is when you use as primare and secondary weapon set the same weapons, like for example running aroudn with two different shortbows as a Thief as your build, that this is impossible, because two weapons of the same type can't be at the same tiem at the same spot - logical, so in that case the game would have probably to show you only on your back the weapon, that is your primary weapon as a solution, which woudl be sad, but just a technical logical solution to do in such a case.

  19. oh yeah ,this one is something, that Anet should have added already too, but i guess, they sikmply don#t because then woudl have been all this season 1 crap about votign either Kiel or the charr for in vain.


    Howev,er personalyl i don#t care about it, if this would make now the votign from the past in vain, I just want to see this as new content, because it could show is somethign very important and interestign out of the lore of this game in a form ,where we can actively take part in in in the few of somethign, that was there at that time , while watchign the gods fight each other and imprison llastly Abaddon in the end.


    KIn the end its all stil lalready existign content, that had to be fully made for in the case, that reaslyl the charr wins the vote and they have in fact to add it then as new content.. so its just content, thats currently rottign away, when it fact it could and should be added, so that all the work and effort put into it in fact wouldn' be made in vain for now ...

  20. They should rather increase the drop chace of "normal" Black Lion Keys by now, now that they added these "Golden Black Lion Keys" with that they can hide the really valuable items from the chests behind another RNG layer, so that the less valuable stuff or very old stuff that is very rare, but shouldnt be anymore so extremely rare after some time, can be put into the black lion chests that are opened by normal keys to get that stuff with very low chances of obtaining very rare stuff...


    I think with this they can make Black Lion keys fairer, so that people can stop farming them through makign and permanently deletign nw characters, if they would exist finally a permanent normal and sane way of obtaining keys as part of rarer normal loot (make them basically exotic drops, out of which you can craft, or forge golden key versions and make keys sellable, so the game wil lprofit from this then too as they be good money sinks then too, at leats much better sinks, then the sellable chests themself, which drop way too often, they drop chances shoudl get reduced if the drop chances of normal BL keys gets increased to compensate for this change, make chests rare yellow drops)


    This would help people especially, which want to earn all those various bl weapon skins (either for the skins, or cause of beign AP hunters/completionists), by collecting Bl Tickets/Scraps, so that it actually becomes possible in a normal humans life time, to earn all those sets also, slowly but surely ...

    BL sets, that are like a year old or so, should become easier to obtain over time. As these skins are a anyways an infinite money makign maching, as anet can permanently add new bl weapon skin sets to the game, whenver they see fit..so I see absolutely no reason, why the super old skins that are over a year old already should become slowly but surely more accessible for all players to obtain, either as part of soem meta rewards, in the future, or due to making keys more accessible, that allow to to earn the older skins, while all the preciurs and super new and rare content gets now locked byhind those new golden bl keys with them you could have only the chance to obtain the newer contents out of the bl chests.

  21. The gauntlet is no fractal worthy content.. the gauntlet is a FESTIVAL, which is one, that got a break for some time now, due to living wearld season 3's activities. which played heaviliy part in divinities direct near.. the town was attacked by the white mantle, there it is surely no good moment to make in the town a festival, like lettign the gauntlet return ....


    However, what is actually realyl fractal worthy content in form of advanced new fractal types (Mass Fractals, Heroic Fractals, Dungeon Fractals (remove Dungeons by living world changes to the maps from the game, and put them into the game again as fractals and add from this point on then completely new designed Dungeons into the game that practicalyl replace the old ones, while the old ones are practicalyl sitl lthere, but now only accessible from the Fractal Portal in a central way) is stuff, like the complete Marionette Battle, like the complete Scarlet Briar Battle on the Breachmaker and the complete Lions Arch Invasion that could give also Anet the chance to show players through such a fractal the days of the old Lions Arch design, before the town got destroyed by lettign us start the invasion fractals first in an undestroyed old lions arc momentu, before the invasion begins and we are fractal teleported into the invasion instance form, as if we would have some kind of dream, where just the scenario changes from a peaceful old LA to the la state full at war, beign already partialyl destroyed and battles going on everyhwere as the airships of scarlet scene starts and the city gets bombarded....


    Fractals are basicalyl the answer to all of Naets problems with reimplementatign the season 1 content mostly all, but its a sad fact ,that it seems, that Anet by themself absolutely isn' able, to realize, what a real huge raw gem they have there full of potential to make GW2 much greater in regard of possible gameplay modes, options, content and so on full of complete design freedom, as fractals basicayl allows ANet to implement into the game practically EVERYTHING you can think of, because of the fractals beign basicalyl a place of distorted for of the worlds reality in the mists, that can show you anythign , the past, th present, the future eventually also.

    But the most interestign here is the past.. anet could practicalyl show us with fractals whatever we want from the past, they can addwith fractals everythign of the past, that was actually designed as throw away content, liek season 1, and make it with the help of fractals still permanently accessible and reimplement it again to the game in a similar way, as if you could replay that season whenevr you want ... because of the fractal simulatign for you with instances maps, so as if you were in a persistant map from the past where the events happened ...


    if Anet actually would have the ressources for that and would actually care for fixing this huge self made content design hole which they left there in the game to rot, then we actually surely would have seen the reimplentation of seasson 1 through the help of fractals by now already.

    But ANet doesn#t have the ressources, so we will basically never see this getting fixed sadly I guess.

  22. If anet isn't willing to puutty finalyl some serious efforts again into WvW, to brign this game mode back to glory, then I'm already so far to say, that its better for GW2 then, that anet completely removes WvW from the game and uses the ressources better for more, better and imprioved content in PvE, like fixing so many things, that are wrong and bad there (Dungeons just to say, missign full reimplementation of Season 1 content, missing content from day 1, like Polymock/Town Activities, bringign back in an overworked way Town Cloths, the Personality system in a way that it actuayl affects you ,resdiesn and rebalance finalyl the whole untewater content and so on.. so much stuff in PvE suffered practically for years, for a game mode, that Anet has already practically as it looks abandonded for already 3 years...with absolutely no clear intention or vision, to bring this game mode back to a point, where actually playing it makes fun for people, due to beign balanced and interestign to play and beign more, than just only a zergfest/karma train, full of powercreep that completely destroyed the fun out of roaming with ridiculous overpowered Specializations that provide braindead 1hit kill builds witgh that you can defeat whole parties in a blink of an eye out of mass stealth as mirages, or where spellbreakcers full coutner 1hit kill you and are permanently immune to all sorts of damage, until you dare to attack them and kill yourself practicalyl, or full of scourges with their macro controlled (otherwise its impossible to spam all 3 nearly instantly) instant kills with their 3 sand shades, that condi burst you to death with them in a matter of seconds)


    it has been like this with Anet from begin on.. they always do only something, as like it sounds cool on paper and the very moment they receive some harcher/negative critics, then they play ostrich and don't fix these thigns that have been negatively criticized to the point, that they simply instantly giveup the content, because they don#t want to put in any of their precious ressources into fixing the bad stuff of the game, because thats a pure money losing buisness project for them.. and with a gemstore, that is alone to week to finance everything, having to fix old content is naturally always bad for ANet.. thats why they always want to focus rather on working on new content, because new content can generate money income, when its put into the gemstore... or is part of an expansion now ...

    its sad to see, that a company like ANet has become so extremely money driven in regard of their decisions and how fast they fix things in this game, unlike in GW1, where broken thigns got fixed alot quicker and wherre the game wans't reliant on a gemstore to finance everything, because there you got every 6 months new content in form of more standalone games that sort of worked liek expansions and due to it comign fix every 6 months, there was a steady income of money, so there was no need for a gemstore at all....


    I think by now, it woudl be eventually good for GW2, to return to this model... GW1 runs very well with this for over 12 years now!!! Actually I was never able to understand, why ANet had actually to change its financign model to a gemstore for GW2.. as if a gemstore alone would be so much more powerful, than adding constantly every 6 months basicalyl a Micro Expansions full of new features, content, bug fixes, balance changes and so on ...

  23. Absolutely no ...


    WvW feels since years like a totally abandonded game mode, because of Naet as it looks missing a clear vision on how to make usaghe of the great potential of this game mode, or simply better said, Anet have not at all the ressources to make something really great out of WvW...


    * The Class Balance in this Mode is more than horrible, it has reached the point for several years now, practically since June 2015, where playing it makes absolutely no real fun anymore, like it did before of that Condition Patch, that changed absolutely everythign to the worse for GW2 (except maybe for PvE, where the changes were solely intended for, but due to ANet making no split KSill Balance, the changes royally ruined everythign for PvP and WvW as ANet never cared for it, when their Skill Changes destroy the other game modes, when they actually wanted to change only somethign for 1 specific mode liek PvE)

    * No single WvW Tournament anymore for over 3 years pretty much!! Just shows everybody, how neglected this mode has become due to Anets Ressources issues with Money and the amoutn of Devs they can put into projects to work on those things, because the Gemstore is alone just too weak to finance everything and Expansions are no answer.. they flush in big amounts of money, yes, but it needs also massive costss over like 2+ years and longe,r before this happens, in which the Gemstore has to do all the work alone and cover all of the games costs for all projects that have to be done in the meantime, the fix costs and so on and for that its more than obvious for several years now, that ANet is struggling massively with this payment model alone - an optional subscription fee must come to support the gemstore model, to ensure that the income of money for this game gets stabilized, especialyl for the times when they are working on an expansion, which draws in most of their developers, so that they usually have no ressources for other important thigns that might need to be done at the same time!!

    * The Population Problems which won't ever disappear, as logn ANet doesn't fundamentally change the gameplay concept of WvW away from a server based concept to a faction based concept, where players among multiple servers polay together under the flag of their shared faction. This would allow ANet to merge Servers together, because then the game wouldnt need to have like multiple douzens of servers anymore just to warrant that theres enough servers for WvW.. Anet could save some money by merging servers and closign dead ones , which they coudl then spent better elsewhere for the game, like new content, or fixing finally some older content, like the reimplementation of Season 1 into the game, Dungeons or just the freakign Combat System, that has been ignored by 90% for the last 5 years that is a big part of the class balance problems in the first point.

    * WvW needs to receive a 3rd unique borderline map and Battlegrounds/EotM merged as a redesigned multi layer WvW Map, so that theres a map with a castle in there, (as long there exists only one), to which people can have always access to, without waiting queues.

    * The Player progression and Reward Systems of WvW need a complete overhaul... ANet supported this content only liek fir the first 2 years, then they completely stopped with it when they went off from the biweekly updates and megaservers happened. Peopel have already collected multiple hundreds to thousands of WvW points, they can't spent for anything, because the game provides no progression anymore or any kind of rewards for that you can spent those points.. really sad and another sign for how neglected WvW has become over the years

    * Classes in WvW have absolutely no tactical, nor strategical roles to play.. it all sadly boils down into.. zerging. when there exists the potential, combine with the above point to give actually throiugh player progression in WvW all classes much strogner defined roles to play. thing,s in which each class is in WvW unique for and can fulfill certain tasks as pawrt of tactical gameplay, that only the specific class can do, to give players a reason for why they sjhould play class X in WvW

    * Supply must become more strategetic as an important ressource in WvW, and be splitted up into multiple different needed ressources, like five (Food, Water, Wood, Ore, Energy Crystals), so that Camps get redesigned into two types of camps, so that there are practically Camps for Food/Water (or you go kill the wild life for food) and Mines for Ore and Energy Crystals, chop trees for Wood, so that the pve activities kind of finally have a reason for existance in WvW maps.

    * Walls must get finally fixed, so that actually defending your spots becomes possible and that AoEs can't be playecd all over the walls. Defenders need to receive finalyl a form of "home advantage" from walls, like increased weapon range and damage when attickign foes below you as also beign not reeachable from belong by AoEs.

    Cannons need to become undestroyable and players which use the siege weapons, shouldnt be receiving damage, so that the defenses of your keeps and towers ect. actually can be useful and helpful to defend your spots also effectively.. what is somethign you cant do if you have a huge zerg in frotn of you, which destroys all the defensive siege in a matter of seconds, with you as a defender having no chance to use the,m because you die in seconds from the spammed AoEs on the siege....

    * Buff Food has finally to disappear out of WvW, it needs to become PvE only items finalyl, which woudl allow ANte also finalyl to make much more useful and fun and interestign buff items, when they wouldnt have to worry about it, if they do effect x for buff items, that it might destroy WvW, the removal of buff food and items from WvW would massively help in rebalancing WvW alot, because many broken builds in the game are only so broken in WvW due to the help of buff food being there.

    * Some of the WvW gimmicks, as like the charr car need to get nerfed, it can't be that you can flee with these things and easily "outdrive" and disengage any of the most mobile classes with ease. Their skills need longer recharge times and shorter distances they can cover with them, so that you actually can catch up to them, and force them to fight you, if they already use such cheap gimmicks, then they shouldnt be able to flee with them easily too, otherwise you can add in principle directly mounts to WvW, because these charr cars feel pretty much like mounts, if you can disengage with them so fast, that you cant catch them up, while they provide them even pretty good combat skills that help them to deal damage agaisnt gates.... thse cars also shouldnt be running permanently, they should use your supply basicaly as their "fuel" and if your supply runs out, then bye bye charr car!!! as you wont be able to move then anymore. and become a target on the silver platter, if you dont immediately get out of it.

    Like -1 Supply (in regard of supply change, -1 Energy Crystal liek every 10 seconds or so) Would mean, with 20 Energy Crystals in you you could drive the car for 200 seconds, so for basically 3 Minutes and 20 seconds - i think enough time to get where you want to help at gates, especially when they have mobility skilsl that allow them to move so fast from A to B and playrs can carry even more (25 as max supply value, so the durations would be even max 50 seconds longer, so 4 Minutes, 10 seconds with max supply on you)


    I wish the game would see one day a Feature Pack or Expansion, that is 100% focused only on the improval of WvW, that would serve this game mode right, to bring it back on track, where it woudl be good and could make again more fun to play, like it used to be 3 years ago, when the last Tournament was made ...

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