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Posts posted by BlueJin.4127

  1. Hehe, this is a lot of info to take in at once.


    I'm using a Guardian. I'm using an offensive build with just a little bit of defense added in. To clarify, I'm not having trouble with the difficulty of the contents. I have no problems fighting multiple enemies (unless I accidentally pull too many enemies) nor do I feel that I'm killing too slow. Just yesterday, I had no problems fighting an Elite and 2 Veterans at the same time (though admittedly, these Veterans were less dangerous than others). I just get tired of being forced to fight every time I dismount and enemies chain aggroing while I'm fighting can make fights drag on, particularly if Veterans aggro.



    It's a good point that with better gear and killing faster, I may earn gold faster. In all likelihood, it's unlikely that I'll earn significant gold before the anniversary sale starts, so I'll consider buying some gears. It's just that I'm not used to buying gears. I don't know much about GW2's gear progression, but I'm more used to earning gears through character progression. I'm on my first character, so I'd rather not just buy gears. I was going to kill Tequatl, but I got up late. Doh! I'll have to wait a few more hours.


    Also, does 15% increase in gear stats make for a huge increase in damage? If 15% increase in stats leads to killing 15% faster, I'm not sure how much difference that'll make. But if I kill like 25% faster, I think that would definitely be noticeable.


    I have HoT and PoF, but not LS2 or LS3. I was considering buying LS2 and LS3 since story in HoT and PoF seem much better than personal story. I'll keep the info in mind for when/if I get LS2 and LS3. Right now, I'm trying not to do too much HoT and PoF other than glider and mount. I'm kinda interested in going in order for the story.


    The reason I spent $200 isn't because I have disposable income. It's just that new players start with so little I had to spend money. I also need to look good so I bought some outfits. I think that's where majority of my gems went. :tongue: Other things were mainly storage related items. And since my friend helped me so much, I gifted him a mini. I still need to buy more convenience stuff but I really don't want to spend more money. That's why I'm trying to turn gold into gems so that I won't have to spend as much money by the time Anniversary sale starts. ^^


    Thank you for the info everybody. I'll come back to these tips when I get to these areas in the game.

  2. I didn’t like personal story. The story wasn’t interesting, its presentation was terrible, and there was almost no gameplay. I was having a hard time trying to stay awake fighting against enemies that were basically just target dummies. I only did the first story for HoT and PoF but enjoyed both. The story immediately grabbed my interest. Presentation and atmosphere were epic and really helped draw me in. Battles were also fun and not a snooze fest.


    I don’t own LS2 and LS3. How are they in terms of story, presentaion, and gameplay? Are they like HoT and PoF? Or are they more like personal story? Also, are they long enough to justify the price? How about the rewards? Anything interesting?


    Thanks in advance. :smile:

  3. > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > Get proper gear and accessory befor stepping in to lvl 80 areas...with out it, youll be killing mobs forever because of your crappy damage....if ud like when i log on i can send you some coin to gear up properly its not that expensive 10g at most for a set of beserker gear i believe.


    Thank you for the offer. :smile: While I appreciate the offer, I would like to try gearing up on my own. I want to experience the game as naturally as possible, if that makes any sense.


    I think I might be killing things a little faster. Though I’m not sure if I am, or if the fight seemed faster because I was pulling things of my own will to test things. For certain, though, I am taking less damage, so getting accessories did make some impact.


  4. Thank you for the info. :smile:


    I took a look at exotic gears and they're above what I'm willing to spend. Right now, my priority is saving up as much gold as possible so that I can buy utilities like infinite volatile gathering tools, shared storage, character slots, etc. during the anniversary sale without spending too much more money. I did buy some lvl 80 green accessories, so I at least have full lvl 80 gears in every slot. I also took off my elite spec and put in something else fully trained. I guess I'll experiment to see which 3rd spec gives me the most damage. I'll also keep an eye out for patrol patterns and stuff.


    I don't seem to be killing things any faster yet, but I'm not too far from getting the Jackal, I think. I'll probably do PoF zones sparingly after getting the Jackal. Also, I guess the perfect time to return to PoF is when I want to try new combat stuff. That always helped me get through tedious sections in GW1.


    On the bright side, so far, none of the other Veterans last as long as the Veteran Forged enemy I fought last night, thank goodness. I was trying to get to a rich orich vein. Killed like 4 Forged enemies, then spent several minutes on the Veteran Forged enemy, had to kill the respawned Forged, another Veteran Forged aggroed, more respawns... after like 10 minutes unable to get any closer to the node, I just said (something mean with the f word this and s word that) and left.


    Also, I am very curious about the desolation, now.

  5. I’m not really a dungeon player or a raider. I don’t like fighting constantly. I prefer games where I have a lot of freedom to explore the world and relax instead of being forced to fight constantly. When I first tried this game, the one thing that instantly caught my attention was how friendly this game was to explore, instead of constantly forcing enemies down my throat to disrupt my every activity. Sometimes, I would just run all over the map, gathering, viewing vistas, sight seeing, etc. without doing much combat outside of special enemies. I enjoyed the game so much I already spent nearly $200 in less than a month. Something I have never done in any game. Unfortunately, PoF zones are nothing like what I experienced in Central Tyria.


    I can’t do a thing without being forced to fight half a dozen enemies every time I get off my mount. Want to gather something? Fight half a dozen enemies. Want to view a vista? Fight half a dozen enemies. Want to switch mounts? Fight half a dozen enemies. Want to check out the map? Fight half a dozen enemies. Almost done killing these enemies? Here are some more enemies that aggroed somehow. Almost done killing those? There are more enemies respawning right here. Tired of fighting and want to run away? Here are some new enemies to aggro. Oh, and here are some Veteran enemies tossed in every few fights just to make the long fights last even longer.


    It is just so repetitive and disruptive to exploring and enjoying the world. There are already plenty of combat oriented activities in the game. Sometimes, I just want to explore the world without constant disruptions. So far, I’m really disliking exploring PoF zones.


    Maybe players with uber gears can burn these enemies down so fast that this is less of a chore. But for a new player, I’m really discouraged from stepping foot outside of Lily of the Elon. :/


    I’m not really sure what to do... Will getting some better gears make a lot of difference? I’m mostly using rare gears, with almost nothing for accessories. My elite specialization is half full, so despite what I’m hearing about elite specs, it doesn’t feel so elite. Since this is my first character, I really wanted to stay away from HP trains so I can experience the world properly. Unfortunately, as is... I’m this close to just rushing through PoF zones only for the mounts.

  6. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > Having said that, the mob difficulty is more or less on par with HoT and mob density and aggro range are higher. Combined with the addition of mounts, many players find this extremely annoying as dismounting in PoF often requires you to clear every enemy within a square mile before you can mount again!

    This. I'm very early into PoF (just got Skimmer) but the aggro is already so annoying, I'm not enjoying PoF. It's like I'm playing WoW all over again. Every time I dismount, I have to fight half a dozen enemies before I can explore again. Makes gathering a pain. I really wish Anet would reduce enemy aggro. I already fight enemies plenty when I'm doing combat oriented activities. When I'm trying to travel, gather, explore, and relax away from combat, I would like less forced fights.


    And I gotta say, I don't like what I'm hearing about HoT from the video posted above. Maze like map design is another thing I absolutely despised about WoW. The reason I spent almost $200 since I started this game 3 weeks ago, is because this game didn't seem have the things I absolutely despised about WoW. The more I play GW2, the more I learn that things I quit WoW over are rearing their ugly heads in GW2... Ugh...


    Oh, well. It's still leagues more enjoyable than WoW. And after I get all the PoF mastery points I need, I guess I don't need to play as much in PoF zones for my alts. No game can be perfect.


    Btw, OP. Despite me not enjoying PoF so far, I highly recommend... no, beg you to get PoF. Mounts are totally worth it! Get it! GET IT NAO! To put it into perspective, I have a 2nd account with no PoF. I can't bring myself to play my 2nd account any more because I have no mounts on my 2nd account.

  7. Yep. I know the reason they're doing this, but it doesn't work on some people. I don't buy things just because I see the "discount" tag or the "limited time only" tag. I see how much an item is worth to me and whether I really want or need it. If I want to buy something and it's not available for purchase, well... no money for Anet.


    I'm really waiting for the anniversary sale, but I really am not a fan of this flash sale tactics. There will be days I can't log on, which means if an item goes on sale for a price I find acceptable during this time, I simply won't buy that item.

  8. When something doesn't go their way, people get upset. Some people understand that people need time to learn and just lashing out at teammates only creates more problems in the long run. Other people only care about acting out based on their current feelings instead of thinking things through and just lash out at their own teammtes, oblivious to problems they're causing. It's not so much that raiders are more toxic, but because of the demanding envinronment, you will naturally see more toxicity in raids.


    It's not just toxicity that keeps some players from raids. I, for example, prefer to play more casually. I'm also not a fan of using pre-made or meta builds. I love experimenting with builds on my own. Mainly, though, I have a disability that forces me to take frequent breaks due to pain. I don't want to be a hindrance to my teammates.


    On a side note, this is why I love GW1 so much. Heroes don't mind constant breaks, so I can eventually do long stuff like elite areas even if it takes me hours. Also, I can use my own builds in GW1 without people telling me what to use. Somebody in GW1 tried to convince me that Rangers aren't viable for playing with heroes. Please. :tongue: I did WoC HM with heroes and no cons on all professions. My Ranger was no less viable than other professions.


    Anyways. Although I'm still a new player whose biggest concern is getting more gold so I can buy 2000 gems before anniversary sale, I found this post very helpful. It helps to know the roles of certain professions. Though I must say, as a GW1 player, seeing Mesmer as a tank is like... what?! XD


    Thank you for the info OP.

  9. It would be easy to create jumping puzzles without no mount zones. Simply create starting points and end points. Trigger the starting point, then get to end point without using a mount. If the player calls a mount at any point during, the player must restart from starting point. This way, players not doing jumping puzzles won't get randomly dismounted.

  10. I often visit another country where my cell phone doesn’t work, so phone authentication is out of the question. Is an authenticator app usable if I travel between countries? Also, if I add an authenticator, is it possible to remove 2-step verification altogether? According to the FAQ, it says I can set up a new authentication when removing the old one, which makes me think that I cannot remove 2-step verification altogether, once applied.

  11. I’m also a new player. I find Guardians great for starting. With heavy armor and plenty of healing, I can survive very well even without knowledge of encounters. If having 10+ skills to use is overwhelming, Guardians can use Signets for skills 6~10 which have passive effects, giving the player less buttons to use until the player becomes more familiar with weapon skills. As for weapons, I just stuck to greatsword, scepter, and a shield at first.

  12. I only just started this game, but so far, I'm loving this game. I love the graphics. I love how convenient it is to travel. I love how many skills you get even early game. I know some people don't like the gem store, but I like it. Since so many rewards are not tied to specific activities that I don't want to do, I can simply earn gold doing what I enjoy doing, then use that gold to buy stuff from the gem store. And not being a subscription based game, I don't mind spending real money on this at times, if I can afford it.

  13. 1) Is there a way to only show names of interactive NPC's (such as merchants, bankers, etc.)? Currently, with NPC names on, it shows names of every NPC, even NPC's that have no real interaction.

    2) Is there a way to have multiple chat windows open at the same time? I know I can have multiple tabs, but I can only view one tab at a time.


    Thanks in advance.

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