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Posts posted by BlueJin.4127

  1. Improvements to hairstyle and makeover kits.


    Often times, after using the hairstyle/makeover kit, I find that the appearance in-game is very different from the makeover preview window. It could be that it looks odd in motion, or the lighting in the preview window is very different from in-game, etc. This makes me not want to take risks with hairstyle and makeover kits.


    When a player consumes a hairstyle or makeover kit, add a soulbound item in the character’s inventory that allows that character to change appearances as many times as the player wants for 1 week. This way, if the changes don’t look right in-game, the player can change more times without penalty until the player can finalize the look in-game.

  2. I think the models look great. Then again, I’m comparing it to WoW, which looks like garbage, IMO. GW2’s human models make WoW’s new human models look like primitive apes.


    Regardless, any visual upgrades are always welcome. One way to upgrade without causing an uproar, is add more customization options that don’t replace old ones. And hey, imagine the money this would bring in for Anet from all the makeover kits players will buy. ^^


    I do really wish Charr would get updated, though, Their textures, in particular, look kind of muddy.

  3. A personal DPS info (that only shows the player’s own DPS) would greatly help players improve their builds and I would really like one added in the game. I pick weapons, skills, and talents that I find to be the most fun/convenient for me, even if they’re not the best DPS. However, there are situations where I like all the talents just the same and I would like to simply choose whatever gives me the best DPS. Without a personal DPS info, there’s often no way to know which talent is better.


    I’m currently using the DPS bot in the raid area, but it’s lacking. I don’t know which of my abilities or conditions are doing the most damage, therefore, have no idea which abilities or conditions I should boost. Since the bot doesn’t attack, it’s useless for any damage that triggers upon being attacked. Also, I have to go to that area to check my DPS, rather than having that info available to me at all times when I’m playing in real environments.


    Many players don’t want a full DPS meter because they don’t want it to be used by poor sports to attack other players with. A personal DPS info won’t show others’ DPS, so there’s no worry about that type of toxicity.

  4. To prevent scammers and other illicit party from abusing accounts bought with stolen credit cards and such, accounts have many restrictions that slowly get lifted as time passes. It’s to prevent things like buying tons of stuff with stolen card, then gift/mail everything before anet finds out and bans the new account. Things like gifting, mailing, sending gold, etc. all take between 3~30 days to unlock from the moment the account was upgraded from free account (not when the free account was created).


    Mailing gold is the longest wait and requires waiting 30 days before you can mail more than 1g. Maybe gifting gem store items requires waiting 30 days just like mailing gold? I’m almost certain I could gift before 30 days, but this could be a different situation or things may have changed.

  5. Welcome to GW2.


    I, too, came from WoW. The whole flying debacle was the final nail in the coffin that made me quit. Flying was literally the only reason I played WoW since without flying, there were plenty of similar games for me to play that didn't require sub fee. My gripe with WoW started in MoP. It was MoP where they started to really slow things down to milk sub time. Rep used to be 250~500 per quest, but lowered to 100 per quest in MoP. I read that Legion lowered to 75 per world quest. No more rep tabards. No more good rewards from rep. More new flying mounts introduced in the real money shop than WoD... for a game with sub fee. Extremely mind numbingly boring leveling, which I read is even worse now with BfA. So many more problems which I won’t go into, but are easily summarized by Blizzard Panda and Goblin; “Slow down! Time is money, friend!”


    I continued to read about WoW after I quit, but after GW2, I just uninstalled and don’t even read about it anymore. GW2 is all I need. ^^



    I often find myself loading through 1 or more towns just to reduce the cost of using waypoints. This can get kind of annoying when I have to travel a lot in a short time frame. And for players with slow loading times, it can get infuriating.


    How about a gem store item that lets players portal to any waypoint for only the base WP cost, regardless of distance? Even if it costs like 1,000 gems and takes years to pay off, just the convenience of not needing to go through multiple loading screens would be great. This is especially true for players with slow loading times.

  7. Like others said, you need to have PoF to obtain mounts and you don’t need to be level 80 to get your first (raptor) mount. A level 80 player can simply run the mission for you while you just tag along. It takes around 30~40 minutes, IIRC. I got my raptor mount before level 10.

  8. Can we get a customization option to completely hide a character’s iris so I can only see the sclera? A Charr warrior with blood red eyes with no iris looks amazing. Kind of like that Flame Legion Charr you see in personal story (though his eyes are fiery, which would also be cool to have). A Necromancer with glowy green eyes with no iris also looks very awesome, but I can’t get the right look since even with the Iris Size completely to the left, there's still a vertical line that makes it look like a snake's eye. I think Asura look very cute with large eyes that have no iris, but the only way to pull this off, is to use dark colors that make it hard to see the iris. It can’t be done if I want bright glowy sclera colors.


    And hopefully, this can be added to the character creation screen. It sucks having to buy a makeover kit just to change eyes.


    EDIT: Hey, yo! In the Face Details tab, there's an Iris Size slider that you can adjust to change the size of the character's iris size. Even when you slide it all the way to the left, you still see a black iris dot, or a vertical line that looks like a snake's eye. What I mean is, I would like this black dot/vertical line to completely disappear when the Iris Size slider is completely to the left, so that when I set the Eye Color to white, for example, all I see is the white sclera.

  9. I love OP's idea. I love it when games give players multiple ways to get a specific reward. :smile:


    Also, PVE is too broad with different types of PVE players, so it's meaningless to generalize and group together all PVE players. I'm an open world PVE player who loves exploring worlds. I don't enjoy raids, dungeons, or anything that requires nothing but repetitive fighting for a long time with zero exploration. If an item is, for example, only available through raids, then it means absolutely nothing to me that it's "available to PVE players." I'm not that type of PVE player. I'd rather do WvW than PVE raids since WvW actually has some exploration elements.


    Plus, these groups are just preferences, not actual limitations. PVE is not an account type that WvW players are locked out of, meaning PVE reward tracks are not required for WvW players to get PVE rewards. A PVE reward track is just a convenience so WvW players can get PVE rewards they want, without doing the PVE stuff they don't want to do. So, for example, if a WvW player can get a PVE reward track that rewards PVE raid items, there' no reason why an open world PVE player should not be allowed a reward track that rewards PVE raid items.

  10. This is still a problem and as somebody who spends a lot of time on rich mining nodes, this is very annoying. I honestly feel very ripped off.


    I originally wanted the Infinite Unbound Magic gathering tools, but since these weren't available, I got the Infinite Volatile Magic gathering tools instead. VM tools aren't as useful as UM tools for getting ascended trinkets and combined with this bug, I feel like I got scammed by Anet just so that I'd buy the UM tools as well, now that they're finally available.


    Please, at least fix the gathering speed on the IVM tools, Anet. It's been months.

  11. I completely agree that PoF aggro range should be reduced. It’s ridiculous and very disruptive. I’m constantly being aggroed by enemies that are outside my screen, or on another platform, etc.


    Difficulty wise, I disagree PoF should be reduced. With exotic gears (which are pretty cheap to get), they can be melted pretty fast. The first time I fought a veteran Hydra, it was pretty epic. Now, with full exotics, it’s just another quick fight. If they're reduced more than now, it can become too trivial for players in exotic gears.

  12. Option to hide repeatable (previously completed) hearts from the content guide so that I can see map completion items. Currently, trying to do map completion in PoF maps is a pain since I can’t find the PoI’s and the game keeps telling me to redo a heart. I did the heart already, I already know where it is. I need the game to help me find the last few map completion items.

  13. > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > HoT maps are great when you have all your masteries. Before you acquire all the movement masteries they're pretty miserable.


    > With masteries: 10/10

    > Without masteries: shoot me/10


    What Hesa said, but with mounts in additiona to HoT masteries. With HoT masteries and mounts, HoT maps are the most amazing. And I don’t just mean in this game. I can’t recall maps this immersive in any other games I’ve ever played. If we ever get Cantha, I hope Echovald Forest is like HoT (and Jade Sea can be like PoF for players who want flatter maps).

  14. Commander Trail.


    I was doing an HP run in TD. Despite the commander using marks, it was difficult to follow him at times. So I was thinking, why not have a glowy trail behind the commander that makes it easier to follow? There can be a basic glowy trail unlocked from the game, and more effects purchasable through the gem store. The effect should be strong enough to be easy to follow, but transparent enough that players can still see the actual paths.


    When in a group, only the commander can use the trail and only players in the same group as the commander can see the commander’s trail (to prevent visual effect spam from random players). When not in a group, any player can use it, but again, only that player can see his/her own trail.


    The length/duration of trail should be affected by party size. When in a squad, the trail should last for like 10 seconds so that a large squad can more easily follow the commander. However, when just playing alone without a party, the trail shouldn’t last more than a couple of seconds so that it doesn’t distract when playing solo stuff. Also, the trail should automatically turn off when the player attacks something and turn back on once player leaves combat. This way, it doesn’t impede vision while fighting.

  15. I know that power builds are preferred for open world PVE contents but I would still like to have 3 condition damage professions. Which 3 professions would you say are best for doing condition damage for open world PVE contents?


    I'm currently trying a minion master Necromancer and I'm really enjoying it. It's really fun and I don't seem to have problems tagging mobs for daily event completer. I also read that Mirage Mesmer is a good choice.

  16. Yeah, my friend takes me along for some fractals every once in a while. I don't really like dungeons partially because I can't play for long without pain, and partially because I get bored doing nothing but fighting for a long time. But with how short fractals are, I'm finding them very fun. ^^ While I'm more of a world player, I do enjoy variety so I may get more into fractals later.

  17. Woohoo~


    3 days ago, I had around 60g. Since I shelved crafting for now, I decided to sell some of my excessive crafting materials that are easily farmed for around 40g (several stacks of iron among them). I also got a BL Claim ticket and used it on an Equinox weapon which, to my surprise, sold for around 70g. Now I’m only about 75g away from my griffon. :smiley:


    I may get the griffon MUCH sooner than I expected, thanks to the Equinox weapon.

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