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Posts posted by BlueJin.4127

  1. A few years ago, I started playing my first MMO ever. Before that, GW1 was the only similar type of game I played, so everything I was doing was based off of what I learned in GW1. As a new player, I had no idea how to make money in an MMO so a co-worker of mine told me that gathering crafting materials out in the world and selling them is an excellent way for new players to make money. So I picked up some gathering tools and spent several weeks gathering mats and selling.


    After a few weeks of gathering mats and selling, I made very little money and thought, "What is he talking about? I'm making jack for money." One day, another co-worker of mine saw me selling the mats I gathered and asked me in shock, "DUDE, why are you vendoring all your mats?!"

  2. Considering the definition of the word “salvage” in general (and not how it is used in this game), it is understandable that some players will interpret that the gear will be destroyed, but the rune/sigil will be saved.


    A better description might be, "100% chance of salvaging rune crafting materials from upgrades." This way, players won't interpret this as, "100% chance of saving upgrades from gears."

  3. 2) No, but I recommend creating a new character from each campaign and playing through the story on the respective characters first. So create a Prophecies character and beat Prophecies on that character, then create a Factions character and beat Factions on that character, and then create a Nightfall character and beat Nightfall on that character. This allows you to get the full starting story for each campaign. It’s not important to do this by any means. I just think this is the best path for new players, story wise.


    5) You can preview the hairstyles in-game (Asuran stylist in Great Temple of Balthazar) before you decide to buy the makeover kits.

  4. Like many other MMO's, this game has difficulty ranging from easy solo contents to harder group contents. It seems like what you saw was a story mission. Story missions are easy solo stuff, designed to be easy to beat for just about any casual solo player. It's not where you go for challenge. However, as somebody mentioned above, there are hard optional things players can do, even in story missions.


    Though I haven't tried them, from what I know, high level fractals and raids are the hard contents in the game. Those are the ones where groups often ask for meta builds, or prefer guilds over PUG's. And of course, you cannot just brute your way through with continues in these kinds of contents.


    As for majority of the open world, it's about what one would expect. Leveling is super easy, designed for beginners. Max level open world contents are hard for newer players (I often hear about newer players getting frustrated in HoT), but easy for veterans.

  5. I want a skin tight catsuit for my thief that covers her whole body. Unfortunately, the only one I found is the Sneakthief armor which shows skin at various places. I would like something that covers the whole body that I can dye black.


    If not an armor, an outfit is fine, too. Something without any loosely hanging parts (such as capes), glowing parts, spikes, or crystal dragon poop attached (looks at Gem Aura outfit). I want something that fits a quiet, agile, and sneaky thief, camouflaged at night. Kind of like Cat Woman.

  6. Hey, Kent. Sorry, but I didn’t get a chance to read any of the replies above me so I may be repeating what many said. I highly recommend that you don’t get a refund and give the expansions a try. It’s true that they may be hard for first time players, but once you stick with them, they’re excellent and you’ll be bored with core Tyria.


    If you’re having trouble playing Engineer (I thought Engineer was not easy to play at first), I recommend trying a Necromancer or Ranger as your first character through HoT and PoF. They’re both great for first time players. I used them as my 2nd and 3rd characters and they’re great for learning. You can use a boost on of these, then play in core Tyrian until you learn to play them, then join HoT HP train to unlock elite specs. I recommend Reaper for Necro and Soulbeast for Ranger.


    For gears, I recommend getting Valkyrie gears for now. I believe they can be bought from the TP for cheap. They have power, ferocity, and vitality so they’re probably better than Berserker for starting out. If you don’t mind crafting, Marauder is even better. As for trinkets, LWS3 has ascended trinkets that are very easy to get, though for now, you may need to seek other sources.


    In the chat tab’s damage section, turn off everything except damage received and see what attacks are killing you. If you can’t figure out what’s killing you, stick with ranged weapons as they’re safer. Most of the enemies require learning, so don’t be discouraged if you die a lot.


    Sorry I can’t give more tips right now. I really hope you stick with it and give it a try, because the expansions are amazing once you get used to them.

  7. So some people don't understand that sex appeal is about our imagination, not about what we see. And these people don't understand that sexual desire has nothing to do with age and maturity, since people do not just become asexual as they get older. And it is these same people who are making childish insults at people like the OP saying they're childish, not because the OP said anything to insult these people first, but simply because people like the OP have a different opinion.



  8. When a player with maxed masteries levels up, how about a small chance to get some other rewards to make it more exciting? Tomes of Knowledge, Laurels, and Mystic Coins are some generic examples. There can also be expansion specific rewards, such as Provisioner Tokens for HoT and Elegy Mosaics for PoF. No exclusive rewards that leaves out players who don’t have max masteries, and not so often that it has a huge effect on economy. I’m sure there are more other players can think of.


    I think this would make leveling up maxed characters more interesting.


    EDIT: Some good ideas below, but to be clear, my suggestion isn’t really about the use of Spirit Shards. It’s more about making level up more interesting. If there’s a small chance of getting some cool randomized rewards when maxed players level up, it can create a level of excitement that doesn’t exist when you simply get currencies.


    EDIT 2: Cleared up title and post.

  9. I run full Marauder on all my characters (exotic armors and weapons with ascended trinkets). Defensive traits and utility skills are also definitely helpful for long fights, since higher HP alone isn’t enough for extended fights. You should also check web sites for good build ideas. With proper set up, you should have no trouble pulling multiple Veteran enemies in PoF and HoT.


    For specific enemies, it’s just trial and error learning their moves. Once you’re familiar, you’ll know when to use mele weapons and timely use your defensive options, or just use ranged weapons for some situations.


    As for not being able to see enemy attacks due to visual clutter, there's not much you can do. Just use ranged attacks to be safer or just spam your skills and hope you don't get killed. Not engaging gameplay, I know, but since Anet refuses to fix this, there's not much we can do but put up with it.

  10. > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > > After 13 years of online gaming I still wonder why folk get turned on by pixels.

    > Why not? The mere idea of sex can turn a person on. That's just a thought. You can see someone fully dressed and be turned on. The brain requires a suggestion. If you don't have any reaction at all to depictions of sex or sexuality, I can only conclude that your imagination is rather limited. There's a reason they say the brain is the largest sexual organ in the human body and not your genitalia. But seriously if you don't get it then your brain is too literal for that I guess.




    Conversely, one can look at a really hot naked person right in front of him (or her), but if he is just not in the mood, he won't give a kitten. Maybe a puppy, but not a kitten.


    Yes, I actually used the word kitten on purpose. :tongue:

  11. How about the final boss being an open world boss, but requires the player to unlock that map for the account by going through the story on one character? This way, we get an epic dragon boss fight that is not a single player fight, but the story is not ruined.


    Speaking of, below is a post I made a while back of what I would like to see.



  12. I don’t agree that bikini armors are any more ridiculous than other armors designed for sex appeal. They’re both designed for the same reason, whereas real life armors are not about sex appeal.


    Personally, I want some thong armors, like Ivy from Soul Calibur and Cammy from Street Fighter. GW (even GW1) has almost no armors that show a character’s butt. :angry:

  13. I prefer how the game looks with PP on (exception being PoF, for the same reason OP stated). However, there are too many bright camera flashes from skills that hurt my eyes and I'm constantly on the fence whether I should play with PP off so that my eyes don't hurt as much (turning PP off reduces the brightness of the flashes a bit), or if I should keep it on so that the game looks more appealing. Probably the biggest reason I want to keep PP on is the glow of the Exalted Sky Sentry.

  14. Personally, I thought the leveling speed was perfect on my first character. By my 4th or 5th character was when it started to feel like a drag.


    I think Anet should change it so that each time a player completes a character’s personal story, the player gets +20% XP (more or less) increase for their account from all sources, not just kills. It should have a cap obviously, so that a player who completed personal story on 100 characters (O_o) can’t just insta 80 in minutes.

  15. > @"Palador.2170" said:

    > I'm going to be brutally honest here, ANet. This looks like someone went for a walk in a nice, new outfit, and then the Shatterer did a flyby "pigeon drop" on them.


    > Seriously.


    > Good outfit, splattered with crystalline dragon poo. That's what I think of when I see this.


    > Can we have a pre-dragon version?



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