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Posts posted by BlueJin.4127

  1. Overall, I think Anet is doing a good job keeping maps relevant. There are things I think they can improve on, though.


    I think beginner areas are pretty well populated. However, mid level maps (mostly Ascalon) are very dead. I think I've done map completions in mid level Ascalon areas without seeing other players. If Anet ever does a revamp of older maps (kind of like WoW's Cataclysm, but not as drastic), I'd like to see Anet reduce the total number of low level zones and turn some of the low level zones into higher level zones for the revamp expansion. Another option is to simply reduce the total number of hearts in each core Tyrian maps and add some metas with good rewards. I think a lot of players who do world completion would appreciate a reduction in total number of hearts.


    HoT and a lot of LWS3 maps are still very populated. The only thing I recommend is make nearly all HoT's outpost/daytime event chains soloable. Majority of players only come for meta so some outpost event chains can be hard to complete alone.


    PoF aggro range is too long. I stay away from PoF maps except when I absolutely have to. And when I have to do PoF stuff, I just quickly do what I need to do then get out ASAP. It's very disruptive having enemies so far away (that I can't even see on my screen) aggro, then when I kill them, more enemies aggro just before I can mount. I then kill those and before I can mount, yet MORE enemies aggro. SO ANNOYING! I'm an open world player, but exploring in PoF is a real test of patience and tolerance.


    It would also be nice if there are other active sources for Elegy Mosaics. I get bored doing nothing but fight, fight, fight in a spam-of-blinding-camera-flashes-bounty train.


    I never attempted Serpent's Ire meta, but from what I read, it sounds like it can be toned down a bit and the rewards upped a bit. Either way, until PoF aggro range is reduced, I personally have no interest in anything PoF other than bounty/farming trains.


  2. > @"TallBarr.2184" said:

    > snip


    You're right that I don't know Anet's reason. It could very well be different from mine. However, I used to work in a game company, competed nationally in video games, and helped to set up tournaments in the past. The points I made were based on my knowledge and experience in these areas and odds are, Anet's reasoning will be fairly well aligned with my reasonings. But in the absence of Anet's official response, all I can do is share the info I have based on my experience, and my info should be accurate enough. There's not a single tournament in the world I've been involved in where multi-boxing, of any kind, would be allowed. And while regular matches are not tournaments, they still affect other players negatively.


    You're also right that you're free to voice your opinions on this matter. I'm not saying you can't, it was just getting annoying dealing with more players trying to justify what is not allowed. I apologize if my post was too aggressive. If Anet allowed multi-boxing in the past and you were only doing what Anet allowed, I can understand your frustration that the money you spent on alt accounts is now wasted.


    As for raid selling, as I mentioned, this is probably because raid selling is not a competition and does not affect other players. Different modes have different functions so a global rule cannot be applied to everything. As for it involving RMT, the problem is RMT, not the raid selling itself. Punishing raid selling itself would just be making a scapegoat out of it when the real problem is RMT. For example, if some criminal thinks it's OK to run over people with cars, attack with kitchen knives, etc. banning cars and kitchen knives is not the right solution.

  3. With the introduction of novelties, players trolling loot chests, important NPC’s, etc. with placeable objects has increased. In some AB metas, TD metas, Palawadan metas, etc., some trolls are placing novelties, merchants, guild banners, mesmer portals and stuff on top of loot chests. Some of the novelty effects don’t seem like they can be turned off, so players are forced to put up with the horrible effects and annoying sounds until they leave the map. With dozens of players, it’s not even possible to know who placed these so reporting is out of the question. With immunity, these pathetic trolls are really abusing this.


    I really wish Anet will make it so that these can’t be placed on top of important objects. If that’s too much work, then make loot chests or other important objects have much bigger interaction range, or give them interaction priority over novelties, portals, etc. Option for auto opening chests if player stays still on top of chests, or a different hotkey for interacting with player placed objects would also work. Another option is give players option to disable interation with other players’ novelties, merchants, etc.

  4. > @"TallBarr.2184" said:

    > If voicecom is not against the design of the game why is there no ingame voicecom. That stealth you mention is why scouts exist, if i didnt scout someone else would scout. Does it give me a advantage? maybe, but its available to anyone with more then 1 account. Do people gried with several accounts and spy on enemies, of course and they should be handled individually not a flat out no multiboxing allowed even if all of your accounts are on the same world.


    Whether the game has developer built voice comm or not is not the point. The point is the players' action. Players are free to take whatever actions in-game or use any devices not created by the devs, **as long as they don't break the rules.** A player using bugs and exploits to do what is not allowed, even without using any outside tools, is cheating. A player playing by the rules, using outside devices approved by the devs, is not cheating.


    As for raid selling, the reason this is allowed is because it is **not a competition.** The reason players are allowed to multibox outside pvp and wvw is because open world pve is **not a competition.** Since this is not a competition, other players are not directly affected by these. Just because one is jealous somebody else had an easier time is not competition. Whatever your definition or interpretation of competition is, is meaningless.


    The reason you cannot multibox in wvw is because that is a competition against other players. If you want to have a scout, you need to have actual players manually scouting and then try to properly communicate with other players, who cannot actually see what is going on and, therefore, do not have the full info. Having a second screen for you to automatically see 100% of the information going on somewhere else at all times is cheating in a **competition.** You're directly cheating against other players following the rules, which creates a negative experience for everybody else involved in that competition. Whatever your definition or interpretation of cheating is, is meaningless.


    Why are your definitions meaningless? Because you do not set the rules. **Anet sets the rules.** You do not decide what is cheating in this game. **Anet decides what is cheating in this game.** And if you want to play in a competition against other players **in Anet's game, you have to follow Anet's rules.** Going against Anet's rules and design of what is allowed is the very definition of cheating and breaking the rules.


    Again, before you post even more excuses to justify your actions and try to convince others to your rules, **if you want to play Anet's game, you have to follow Anet's rules.** Breaking their rules and making excuses trying to justify your actions is pointless and a waste of people's time. Anet’s rules are designed for fair competition for all players involved. The game does not revolve around just your fun and convenience. Other players are not following the rules just so you can kitten on them. If you want to play with other players in Anet's game, **follow Anet's rules in Anet's game!**

  5. I just bought lws4 ep1 and the first mission in that gave me a headache. Had to play with postprocessing off and have the camera pointed at the ground the whole time. I was only worried about camera flashes that hurt my eyes, but I’m getting more and more concerned about the direction GW2’s visual effects are heading.


    EDIT: One thing that I just remembered that might be helpful. The reason I got a headache in above's story mission is due to motion sickness from the wavy purple effects. There's a way around that works, at least for me. When I play a first-person shooter for the first time in a while, I get a bad headache after like 5 minutes of play. So what I do is play very little until I get a hint of a headache then stop playing immediately. The next day I do the same. Doing this, it slowly increases the amount of time I can play before I get motion sickness and within days, I can play FPS without headaches. Of course, if you get seizures, you may want to be VERY careful with this mission.

  6. I think this game has the worst special effects of any game I played. There are too many blindingly bright flashes that hurt my eyes and obstruct gameplay. Going through LWS4 ep1, I was pretty upset at the effects of the first story mission. I had to turn off postprocessing to get through the mission. I was in a pretty bad mood when I got to Istan and just... wow... The map looks so amazing. I got tired of trying to avoid spoilers so I just bought ep1 and was planning on rushing through the story as fast as I could. I spent 10 minutes just flying around the level, gazing at how amazing Astralarium looks, forgetting about rushing through the story. I only wish the stupid enemies didn't have the ridiculous aggro range to constantly disrupt me (like it's doing right now, as I'm trying to type this -_-).


    Seriously, mad props to Anet's level design team. I remember being disappointed when I heard that Guild Wars Nightfall was going to be in the desert, thinking it'll look boring. It turned out to look great, especially Vabbi. Then, I was surprised again when I saw PoF, especially the Garden of Seborhin. Now, my jaw's dropped yet again! Not that I think the rest of Anet isn't good. I really love the game. Awesome and fun combat system. Its open world is amazing. The mounts are very fun and not boring speed boosts like in other games. The music is also great and I don't use custom music while playing. I think the forums team is also great at keeping the place much cleaner than most forums on the internet.


    Anyways, enough rambling. I just wanted to give two thumbs up for the beautiful level design. :+1: :+1:

  7. > @"Capodicapis.6819" said:

    > Ban any dps meter, that would be a step in the right direction for the health of the game and community.


    It’s very unfortunate that people have knee jerk reactions like this without thinking things through.


    If criminals run people over with cars, should cars be banned?

    If criminals beat people with baseball bats, should baseball bats be banned?

    If criminals play GW2 then slash people with knives, should GW2 be banned?


    There are people who twist anything meant for proper use and use them for nefarious purposes. The issue is not the objects, but the few people who use them to do terrible things. Imagine if everybody goes, “Hey, some idiot did something terrible with a certain tool. Since I don’t care about that tool, let’s just ban it and call it a day.” It wouldn’t solve anything because we’re not addressing the source of the problem. We would, however, lose everything useful because there will always be somebody who doesn’t care about what you care about.




    In terms of what programs should be allowed and why, it generally depends on if they go against the design of the game and/or if they cause problems for the game.


    A voice communication that allows better communication - Tools that simply let you better communicate with teammates is not against the game's design and is OK to use.

    A communication tool that let's you see the enemy team's communication - Players are not intended to see the opposing team's communication so seeing the other team's communication is against the design of the game. Therefore, this is against the rules.


    A DPS meter that help players become better at their roles - Tools that simply help players become better players themselves without automated processes are OK to use as it does not go against the design of the game.

    A rotation tool that automatically uses skills for the player - Tools that automate players' actions are against the design of the game and are, therefore, not allowed.


    **I'm not an Anet employee or speak on their behalf in anyway.** I did used to work for a game company and have experience in various video game tournaments and above are some ways I can explain to help. There are lots of gray areas and while some aren't so gray, there are always players who interpret things in other ways. I have no answer to that and just saying "use common sense" would not be a very useful answer. The best thing to do is, when in doubt, ask Anet directly.


    If Anet says no, then you should not use that tool. Every player who cheats has excuses on why their cheating is not cheating and how it's justified. If Anet allowed these, then the game would be an unplayable mess. This is why every competition has rules and all players who play must comply with those rules. Otherwise, the game loses its integrity. If you purposefully break the stated rules without really good reasons, you can get banned and Anet won’t care what your justifications are.


    If Anet doesn't give an answer, talk to players and see what the general opinion seems to be. Even if you think your program is OK to use, if the majority of the players think it's shady, odds are, Anet will fall under the majority.

  8. > @"TallBarr.2184" said:

    > > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > > > @"TallBarr.2184" said:

    > > > When i command wvw i would usually have alt accounts positioned in towers or other borders to scout. Is this not permitted with the updated policy?

    > >

    > > I used to compete in many games and this would definitely be cheating in an environment when you’re using this against other players. If Anet is certain you’re multiboxing, your account can get banned for something like this.


    > Using voicecoms in any competetive gamemode gives you advantages but to do that you would need a headset and a mic, i dont use voicecoms when i lead and i dont have a headset with mic does that mean using voicecoms is cheating? Anyone can invest in a headset or a second copy of the game if they want to.


    Those are very different.


    In games like GW2's WvW, stealth is a big part of the strategy, attacking a base when the enemy is not aware. The players are granted vision of their own character's FOV. They're not meant to have access to 2 screens so that they can see one area of the game to see what the enemy is doing, while playing in another part of the game. That goes against the design of the game. Having voice communication for better communication is not against the design of the game mode. Hence, the difference. Not only that, by having a player's slot taken up for your second screen, you're creating a disadvantage for your team. That you have another screen to help alleviate that is not an excuse as 2 wrongs do not make a right.


    Every player who cheats has excuses on why their cheating is not cheating and how it's justified. If Anet allowed these, then the game would be an unplayable mess. This is why every competition has rules and all players who play must comply with those rules. Otherwise, the game loses its integrity. If you purposefully break the stated rules without really good reasons, you can get banned and Anet won’t care what your justifications are.

  9. > @"Substance E.4852" said:

    > The very idea that grown adults take responsibility for their own health sets off such vitriol these days.


    Why do you think we're posting here? It is because we are taking responsibility that we are trying to get Anet to fix these unhealthy effects. And no, saying don't play is not the right answer. A person with epilepsy playing games is not shunning responsibility. Having epilepsy doesn't mean that every game causes problems for you. In fact, a person with epilepsy can play games for years and not even know they have epilepsy until they encounter one effect that triggers their symptom. Heck, you or I could have epilepsy. And different effects have different results for different people. It's not a case of if one person suffered from epilepsy from a certain effect, another person with epilepsy will also suffer from that same effect. As many have said, people don't know what causes them issues until AFTER they encounter it. So, do you think Anet will refund our money? Are you going to refund our money? And saying others to not play at all is like saying, "Just stay in your house afraid to go out because you might get hit by a car."


    But if your idea of being responsible is to not play, you should stop playing this game, too. Do you think your eyes are immune to damages? You need to act responsibly. Go ask a doctor, learn that this game's effects are unhealthy for you, and you need to stop playing this game, right now! Go! Be responsible! In fact, don't even look at your monitor. That's unhealthy, too. Also, only eat healthy food. I'm sure you NEVER eat or do anything unhealthy, right? And you were born with knowledge of what is unhealthy, and you do such an excellent job taking responsibility. :smiley:


    It's unfortunate that some people can't see their own reflections before pointing fingers at others. It's also unfortunate that some people will defend something that is unhealthy and has no benefit. :disappointed:

  10. > @"TallBarr.2184" said:

    > When i command wvw i would usually have alt accounts positioned in towers or other borders to scout. Is this not permitted with the updated policy?


    I used to compete in many games and this would definitely be cheating in an environment when you’re using this against other players. If Anet is certain you’re multiboxing, your account can get banned for something like this.

  11. I get motion sickness easily, too. Fortunately, the game already has settings to help reduce motion sickness when using mounts. In the options menu, there are various camera settings. Zooming things out and removing camera shake really help and I no longer get motion sickness using mounts.


    In terms of unhealthy camera flashes, there isn’t much you can do in-game and Anet won’t fix them despite years of complaints. In fact, they keep adding more and more unhealthy camera flashes, which is quite insulting. Turning postprocessing off helps reduce the brightness of the flashes so it helps a little, at the cost of reducing the game’s overall appearance. Probably the most effective thing to do is reduce your monitor’s brightness way down just for this game, which is a ridiculous solution, but probably the only somewhat reliable workaround at the moment.

  12. Give us more selectable stats for Ornate Guild Armors, please.


    I want to experiment with Viper gears. However, since Viper exotic gears are expensive to craft, it would be too costly to make a set per character just to experiment. If Viper stats were added to Ornate Guild Armors, I can at least send the armors between characters of the same armor weight and experiment without spending a fortune.

  13. > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > I find it terribly funny that theyve effectively gone back on their statement that they thought dismounting in midair would be too powerful for mounts..


    I appreciate it when devs change their vision to give players what they want, as long as it’s not an unreasonable request.

  14. > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

    > I cannot get through this latest episode, get a headache after only a few minutes. Any suggestions (graphics settings, etc.) for turning down the flashing effects? In some spots I can't even see my allies it's so overwhelming. Thank you in advance.


    I haven't done this mission, but there are some settings that help a little.


    Postprocessing to "none" will reduce the brightness/intensity of lights. While it doesn't remove the flashes themselves, it still helps. The only drawback is that it affects not only the bright flashes and lights, it changes the entire game's atmosphere.


    Effect LOD checked on supposedly does something. I honestly can't tell the difference between this on and off.


    For me, the biggest help was turning my monitor's brightness way down for this game. It's very inconvenient since I have to adjust it constantly depending on time of day and game I'm playing, but the alternative is more eye pain (which is dangerous long term) or not playing a game I spent hundreds of dollars on.


    You may also want to look into the spec and weapon you're using. Some specs and weapons cause flashing lights (such as Holosmith skills).

  15. The flashing isn't an issue for just people with photosensitivity; it's a real health problem for everybody. Nobody has eyes that are immune to fatigue, wear and tear, and damages. Eventually, your eyes are going to get worse due to all the flashes in this game. I see a lot of people make these mistakes, time and time again. It never occurs to people how unhealthy something is until the damage is already done and THEN they regret it and start to make adjustments when it's already too late. I'm one of those people. 10 years ago, these flashing lights wouldn't have bothered me, but now, my eyes have gotten bad and all these bright camera flashes hurt my eyes.


    As much as I'm enjoying this game, I wouldn't have started if I knew about these flashing effects. Heck, I couldn't even get my friends into this game after they saw the flashing effects. There's literally no benefit to having these unhealthy flashing effects. There are plenty of ways to make visual effects that look great and a spam of camera flashes is not one of them.

  16. I want a skin tight catsuit for my thief that covers her whole body. Unfortunately, the only one I found is the Sneakthief armor which shows skin at various places. I would like something that covers the whole body that I can dye black.


    If not an armor, an outfit is fine, too. Something without any loosely hanging parts (such as capes), glowing parts, spikes, or crystal dragon poop attached (looks at Gem Aura outfit). I want something that fits a quiet, agile, and sneaky thief, camouflaged at night. Kind of like Cat Woman.

  17. Definitely concerned that as we get more and more maps, unpopular maps will become even more desolate. I would definitely love to see Anet spend some time on older maps to keep players interested. Maybe even remove some renown hearts from core tyria (:smiley:) and replace them with events that give good rewards. HoT is several years old and players still run the metas. Tequatl and Triple Trouble are even older and still see more participation than PoF stuff.

  18. You can get the base raptor before you’re level 80 and not go through spoilers.


    - Ask a level 80 player to take you through the PoF story mission to help you get the raptor. Your level doesn’t matter at all.

    - Turn audio all the way down so you don’t hear the NPC conversations. Also, do not read any of the NPC dialogues.

    - Keep your distance and not fight so you don’t get insta-killed by enemies.

    - Still keep reading chat to communicate with the player so you know what to do to get your mount.

  19. While not common, there are HP trains for PoF. However, since they’re not common, it may be best to simply ask in chat for help if you’re having issues with a specific HP. Many players are more than happy to help if they’re not busy. Asking your guild is also another great option. Hope this helps in the future. :smile:

  20. I have developed psychic power to control people. Devs, I'm now controlling you to significantly reduce (or add the option to turn off) the bright camera flashes from Holosmith's sword skills, utility skills, and Photon Forge skills so that I can play Holosmith without eye pain. I'm also controlling you to significantly reduce (or add the option to turn off) the bright flashes when attacking with flaming swords such as the Cobalt and Fiery Dragon Sword (noticeable with dark background) so that I can use these skins without eye pain. You are getting sleepy~ Wait, wait. Not the sleepy part.


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