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Posts posted by BlueJin.4127

  1. > @"DiogoSilva.7089" said:

    > > @"coso.9173" said:

    > > while i love new maps, i think that sometimes not releasing a new map with a new chapter would allow for a longer storyline in other already existing maps, or working on some other things too, like new fractals /dungeons (hopefully) or expanding on old system and give old maps more replayability. I'd love to visit vanilla maps with some new changes, both visually and mechanically.


    > Imagine if old maps were brought to current standards. Collections, achievements, map-specific currency with map-specific rewards, new events, new group content, interesting boss/ enemy design (for both new and existing encounters), new vertical areas for gliding/ mounts, LESSER renown hears, maybe lesser WPs as well to enhance the feeling of exploration, etc.


    > It would make those areas more replayable, while also giving a really good impression to new players. Gw2 core maps are so bland compared to newer content and one (but not the only) reason why it's hard to keep new players interested in the game. They all play the same: do a bunch of mindless heart quests, collect PoIs or Vistas, engage against bland enemy encounters, repeat until 100%, repeat for every map. Updating them to current standards, with less heart grinding and more interesting and unique achievements/ events/ encounters/ areas would be a huge boon to new player's perception about GW2's potential as a game.


    Heck yes! But I doubt that they’ll do any kind of major revamp to older maps. More likely, they’ll just toss in a few story triggers that send you to your own personal story instance and add maybe a few new story related events. I wasn’t around for LWS2 release, but I’m guessing, they didn’t revamp older maps for LWS2 stories that took place there.


  2. > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > Well the people who wanted less new maps got their own way. Good for you.

    > No cantha. Maybe is i shout loud enough i'll get *my* way.


    I can’t speak for others, but the reasons I want less maps isn’t because I don’t like having more maps.


    1) Too many maps result in players that are spread too thin across all maps.

    2) More resources spent on creating new maps takes away from resources that could be spent on other stuff, such as more armors, etc.


    Forcing a new map every episode is, IMO, not the most beneficial approach. As Anet said, it is best to look at each situation and decide whether a new map, or updating an existing map is better.

  3. > @"zengara.8301" said:

    > Honestly havent read all comments. But its basically one of those things that everyone agree is BS, but if you have done it, you forget how BS it is and almost want others to suffer, just because you either dont want everyone to have griffon, or because lack of knowledge for how BS it really is.


    > Everyone back when Griffon was released said the events will be almost impossible to complete in the future, waited a few months before getting it so just getting enough people to do these events was pretty hard, and it is one of those things that literally are impossible to complete on your own based on AOE.....And this is from someone who used to solo Arah paths with a thief.... it was BS back then, prob a lot worse now, since it requires people.


    > Besides, it truly is boring having a griffon is very different than getting for example a legendary. The whole "you need to work for it" mentality when it is not a cosmetic, seems very weird, specially in this game.


    I enjoyed the Griffon collection very much. I sure as heck don’t “not want others to have the Griffon” nor do I “want others to suffer like me (I had fun with the Griffon collection)” or whatever. And I had no trouble getting groups for group contents when I did the Griffon collection 6 months ago. The problem isn’t that there are no more players for group contents; it’s that new players don’t know the proper way to get groups for these contents or just aren’t willing to put much effort. I still help players who claimed to have been stuck on a group content for “weeks” and it takes me minutes to help these players get into groups.


    From my experience, the majority of these players who are stuck for “months” on group contents are vastly exaggerating. They don’t know to check all maps for bounty trains, or aren’t willing to join a train and wait for the Facet’s turn, or get upset if they don’t get a group right away, etc. I even offered to help the OP, but I haven’t received a single whisper requesting help.


    Maybe Anet will need to change the group contents months or years from now, but at least for now, it doesn’t take months to find groups if the player knows how or are willing.

  4. I can understand your feelings OP. I think the ascended PvP and WvW armors are some of the best looking armors in the game. However, I simply don't enjoy PvP or WvW in this game so I do little more than the dailies. This means I'll basically never get the ascended armors from these modes. I'd love it if there are open world PVE ways to get these armor skins.


    Rest assured, though, the Griffon collection is actually not as bad as it seems. As many people here replied, if you use the dulfy guide it won't take you more than 3~4 hours to do all the collections (not counting making 250g). And IIRC, there's nothing hard or even remotely challenging. The group stuff required for the Griffon collection are the most casual of group contents; easier than playing solo. You don't have to worry about players requiring you to bring any specific builds, gears, knowledge, or anything. You just show up and go pew pew pew. If you do have trouble, I'm sure there are plenty of players who would be more than willing to help. Guildies, friends, and even people in this forums. If you play on NA and need help, you can send me a whisper. If I'm not busy, I'll give you a hand.

  5. Now that I had some time with this... I REALLY don’t like this change.



    1) Salvage all greens and lower

    2) Salvage all rares



    1) Look for blue unID stack

    2) ID blue stack

    3) Look for green unID stack

    4) ID green stack

    5) Salvage all greens and lower

    6) Look for rare unID stack

    7) Look harder because rare unID stack is hard to find for some kitten reason

    8) ID rare stack

    9) Salvage all rares



  6. Now that I had some time with this... I REALLY don’t like this change.



    1) Salvage all greens and lower

    2) Salvage all rares



    1) Look for blue unID stack

    2) ID blue stack

    3) Look for green unID stack

    4) ID green stack

    5) Salvage all greens and lower

    6) Look for rare unID stack

    7) Look harder because rare unID stack is hard to find for some kitten reason

    8) ID rare stack

    9) Salvage all rares




    Give us an "identify all unIDed pieces of gear" option right above "salvage all" options when using a salvage kit. Another option is to give us a check box in the options menu so that the game automatically ID's all unIDed gears players receive. Salvaging unIDed gears directly results in significantly less loot so the current set up adds multiple additional steps for the players before salvaging.

  7. Removing MF bonus from identifying gears seems like a nerf for everyone, including those with low MF. Before, players with low MF could sell unided gears for good profit. Now, we have to open them for poor rewards.


    EDIT - While I haven’t played around with this much, as of now, this seems worse for inventory management than before.


    Before, I just opened my bag once in a while to salvage all.


    Now, I must open my bag, look for blue, green, and rare unided gears (I often have trouble finding them), id them all, then salvage all (since, AFAIK, just salvaging the unided will prevent me from getting exotics and such). Not only that, if I have too many unided gears in a stack, iding them all will fill up my bag. So, I must split the unided stacks, then id them, then salvage them, split another unided stack, id them, salvage, repeat...

  8. During that part, you’re supposed to kill the trash enemies and can ignore the herald. Once you kill all the trash enemies, the next part will trigger. It’s not really a learn-to-play issue since it’s not too obvious (at least for players like me who don’t read instructions :tongue:). My first time, I also spent like 10 minutes on the herald wondering why that part was taking so long. I then realized that the trigger is just killing the trash enemies.

  9. Having checkpoints for Mordremoth during HoT’s Hearts and Minds story would be nice. I did this on 9 characters and 3 of them encountered bugs that forced me to restart Mordremoth back from 100% HP. I’m guessing I just got unlucky, but 1/3 chance of being forced to redo this story was annoying.


    1) Shot out of the map during gliding phase. Well known bug.

    2) I was in the 3rd gliding phase when my glider wouldn’t redeploy in the air. I fell to my death. This was probably lag and not a bug, but a checkpoint would have helped.

    3) I just did the story on my Mesmer and for some reason, during the gliding phase, I got stuck inside invisible walls. I couldn’t get to Braham for protection, nor could I get to an updraft, so I got electrocuted on the ground. Retried mission, and again, I got stuck inside invisible walls. Braham was literally 2 steps from me, but I couldn’t get to him because of invisible walls. Fortunately, there was an updraft next to me and I was able to glide up this time. Still almost died.


    Whether the player fails due to bug or lag, it would be nice if Mordremoth doesn’t have to be restarted from 100% HP. And while I’m at it, a checkpoint for Victory or Death personal story, for players who get disconnected or bug out, would also be nice.

  10. AbandonNet’s release and forget tendency, not addressing major issues brought up by a lot of players... repeatedly.


    1) Too many unhealthily bright camera flashes. They hurt my eyes from my own skills (I can't even play Holosmith), other players' skills, enemy skills, gathering Volatile Magic, gathering tools, story, etc.


    2) Too much visual clutter when doing large group events resulting in unengaging, boring, and mindless skill spam-fest since the players can't see what the enemy is doing, or you know... even see the enemy. Too many skill effects, names of other players/minions in squad obstructing view, the enemy target nameplate at the top center that can't be moved and obstructs large enemies so players don't even know what they’re targeting, etc.


    3) Ridiculous aggro range of PoF enemies (900 in PoF compared to 600 everywhere else). This keeps me out of PoF except when I have to. I hate PoF zones with a passion because of this.


    4) No build templates, wardrobe templates, or mount templates.


    If I use a weird analogy, it's like a very talented chef made a very delicious steak. Then, for some reason, the chef decided to pour sugar on the steak because, you know, sugar tastes good. And when people say the steak seems great, but they can't really taste it since the sugar is ruining it, AbandonNet… er, I mean, the chef just shrugs that it's annoying to fix it and has started cooking something else.


    With postprocessing on...

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/oFzT0iV.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/qfgaG0M.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/nYnApox.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/kWbQpnJ.jpg "")


    Because of the targe nameplate obstructing my view, I didn’t know the enemy in front of me was NOT what I had targeted.

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/5PXdW17.jpg "")

  11. I used to compete in fighting games, so pvp in RPG games is too simple, repetitive, and uninteresting for me (even though I’m very casual now). I still enjoy competition in any games if there are interesting objectives, but this game’s wvw objectives aren’t very interesting.


    Edit - Oh, and I don't like how fights are decided by group size, not by strategy or skill.

  12. Give us templates.


    1) Build templates - Pretty self explanatory. It doesn't have to change our gears, if that's too difficult. Just change our traits and utility skills.


    2) Wardrobe templates - Due to how limited the transmutation system is, I just set my wardrobe on a character once and never change their armors. If we could save wardrobe templates and switching between saved templates is free of any transmutation charges, I would create a lot of wardrobe templates for each of my characters, which would most likely result in me buying transmutation charges because I would probably need like 100 charges per character to create multiple wardrobe templates.


    3) Mount templates - Since I don't want to save dozens of screenshots for my mounts' dye set ups, I just don't change my mount dyes or skins. As such, I have no need to buy more than 1 mount skin. If we could save mount templates, I would buy more mount skins.

  13. > @"Regh.8649" said:

    > > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > > Thanks, but I want to actually download the music. All the sites only have streaming for combat music.


    > You can download from SoundCloud

    > EDIT: at least music by music, select the song and a "more" button will show, click it and choose download. Create an account if necessary


    Ah, thank you. I will look into that.



  14. Unfortunately, GW2 spams unhealthy bright camera flashes that are unhealthy for everybody and also create a mess of visual clutter so that nobody can see what’s going on. If they’re not going to fix these for the whole player base, I doubt they’re going to fix visual issues for a small percentage of players. :disappointed:

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