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Posts posted by BlueJin.4127

  1. My biggest gripe with PoF/S4 is the ridiculous aggro range - 900~1200 for PoF/S4 enemies, compared to 600 pre-PoF. The 900~1200 aggro range completely ruins the game for me and I have no interest in the future of GW2 if the ridiculous PoF aggro range is to be the norm.


    Playing the new map, I was very (happily) surprised to see that the aggro range is back down to 600 for this new map. I am very skeptical, though. My question to Anet is, can the players who absolutely despise the 900 aggro range be relieved that we won't see the PoF aggro range in future contents? Or is this just a temporary thing and we'll get stuck with the long aggro range again, once episode 1 starts?


    If this complaint is actually addressed for future contents, is there any chance we'll see the long aggro range addressed in PoF/S4 maps? I would love it if this is addressed for PoF/S4 maps so that I can have fun exploring PoF/S4 maps, instead of avoiding it like the plague.


    EDIT: I edited the post to remove the comment about the contrast/brightness of the map. I thought this map didn’t have the blinding contrast of PoF/S4 maps. After spending more time on this map and completing the story, it's still too bright like PoF/S4 maps, and hurts my eyes during day time and some parts of the map/story. I had to turn off postprocessing to get through the story, just like PoF/S4… Sigh... I guess I was just playing during night time (in-game) and thought the contrast issue from PoF/S4 maps was addressed...

  2. Being able to dye skill effects would be great, even if limited to the same hue. I’d use dark dyes to significantly lower the brightness of the bright flashing skill effects that hurt my eyes, so that I may actually play Holosmith, air Elementalist, and Soulbeast (mounting leaves Beast Mode, which creates a bright flash that hurts my eyes). These 3 are not the only offenders, but certainly some of the worst that make them unplayable for me. It’s getting harder and harder to play this orgy of flashing effects...

  3. I made the mistake of spending hundreds of dollars on this game when I started a year ago. I am very unhappy with this game due to the long aggro range of PoF and beyond, which completely ruins the game for me, meaning this game has no future for me. The incomprehensible visual clutter that turns the game into a shallow and mindless mess also makes combat feel pointless. The spam of bright flashing effects hurts my eyes. Going by WoW’s $15 a month sub, I’d have to stay for another year or so before I can quit with some solace that my money wasn’t completely wasted.

  4. I’m not going to spend any more money on a game I’m not happy with. The 900~1200 aggro range of PoF and future contents kills the game for me. The incomprehensible visual clutter turns this game into a shallow and mindless mess. The spam of unhealthy bright flashing effects hurt my eyes. Not a thing is being done to address these issues despite years of complaining by a lot of players.

  5. In terms of usefulness, the tier would be...


    **Most useful mounts:**

    Raptor - Best mount to use on most flat terrains and short distance travel. Its speed on flat terrains is just so much faster than most other mounts. Not the most efficient on uneven terrains or long distance travel, though. Nice engage skill.


    Griffon - The more height the player starts from, and the longer the player needs to travel, the better the griffon is. But even if the player is only about 2 meters above ground, the griffon can get nice speed. Just briefly tap skill 1 (not the engage skill) for a decent speed boost. On uneven terrains where the player needs to go further than the raptor’s 2 jumps, the griffon is the best choice. Not the most efficient on flat terrain, not the best for gaining height, or if flying very short distance covered by 2 Skyscale boosts.


    Skyscale - On uneven terrains where the player needs to go a short distance, Skyscale is the best choice. Also, if the player needs to go up diagonally, the skyscale is the best choice. Not the most efficient for speed, or when the player doesn’t need to gain height, or anything past short distance travel longer than 2 raptor jumps.


    **Useful mounts:**

    Skimmer - The only mount to use on water, so it’s obviously got its use. Too slow on land, and can’t swim, which limits its use.


    Jackal - Before the player gets the fall damage mastery or an aerial mount, this mount is probably the most useful mount. Once player gets both, not so much. For speed, raptor is faster. For falling, griffon is better. Only best for sand portals and going up hills.


    **Least useful mounts:**

    Springer - Best for going up vertically faster than the Skyscale. Like the jackal, it’s very useful before it gets replaced. Afterwards, it’s rarely useful since just going up diagonally with the Skyscale is often faster and the Skyscale can go up higher than the Springer ever could. Nice engage skill.


    Roller beetle - Best for flat terrain long distance travel the player plans ahead. If the player isn’t going long distance on flat terrain, isn’t sure where/when to dismount, or doesn’t know the terrain, this mount is not useful.


    In terms of just pure fun, my ranking would be...


    1) The griffon is the most fun to use. Using its turbo boost to fly across maps is so fun.

    2) The roller beetle is my 2nd favorite. Like the griffon, boosting through maps is very fun.

    3) My 3rd favorite mount to use is the raptor, when I just need to travel 2 jumps away.

  6. This is just too strong, like looking at a camera flash. I try to look away every time I mount (which also creates the flashing effect since the player is leaving Beastmode) but don't always remember to. This is really uncomfortable for my eyes and is giving me a headache.


    I already can't play Holosmith or air Elementalist, among others, because of the flashing lights. I don't want to add Soulbeast to this list.

  7. If you want to use the most efficient mounts for a given situation, then the mount tiers for usefulness would be...


    **Most useful mounts:**

    Raptor - Best mount to use on most flat terrains and short distance travel. Its speed on flat terrains is just so much faster than most other mounts. Not great on uneven terrains or long distance travel, though.


    Griffon - The more height you start from, and the longer you need to travel, the better the griffon is. But even if you’re only about 2 meters above ground, you can get nice speed. Just briefly tap skill 1 (not the engage skill) and you can get a decent speed boost. On uneven terrains where you need to go further than the raptor’s 2 jumps, the griffon is the best choice. Not great if you’re on flat terrain, need to go up, or if you’re flying very short distance covered by 2 Skyscale boosts.


    Skyscale - On uneven terrains where you need to go a short distance, Skyscale is the best choice. Also, if you need to go up diagonally, the skyscale is the best choice. Not great for speed, or when you don’t need to gain height, or anything past short distance travel longer than 2 raptor jumps.


    **Useful mounts:**

    Skimmer - The only mount to use on water, so it’s obviously got its use. Too slow on land, and can’t swim, which limits its use.


    Jackal - Before you get the fall damage mastery or an aerial mount, this mount is very useful. Once you get both, not so much. For speed, raptor is faster. For falling, griffon is better. Only best for sand portals and going up hills.


    **Least useful mounts:**

    Springer - Best for going up vertically faster than the Skyscale. It’s rarely useful since just going up diagonally with the Skyscale is often faster and the Skyscale can go up higher than the Springer ever could.


    Roller beetle - Best for flat terrain long distance travel the player plans ahead. If the player isn’t going long distance on flat terrain, isn’t sure where/when to dismount, or doesn’t know the terrain, this mount is not useful.


    Again, this is only for effective use. Individual player preference will result in different usage for each player. A player who doesn’t care about speed can use the Skyscale all day and never use the raptor or the griffon. A player who just prefers the jackal can use that over the raptor and not miss out on that much speed. Heck, a player can opt to make the Skimmer or the Springer the primary ground mount if he/she wants to.

  8. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > Also important to differentiate a *raid* and an *armed robbery*.


    > In the later the evil villians are stealing money and items in a violent attack often involving assault and murder.


    > In the former the good heros liberate loot in a planned raid often involving defending yourself with lethal force.


    So, since the players start the fights by charging in and attacking monsters that were just sitting in their own homes minding their own business, then players kill said monsters and take their money and items... we should rename raids to armed robbery. :D


  9. I’m not completely gone, yet, but I play significantly less. This game is an orgy of unhealthily bright flashing effects (I cannot even play Holosmith due to all the flashing effects) and an incomprehensible mess of visual clutter (despite having killed them dozens of times, I still don’t know what many of the champions even look like). And there’s the ridiculously long aggro range of PoF and beyond (600 pre PoF compared to 900 and 1200 in PoF and beyond) that makes it annoying to explore open world.

  10. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > > > @"Cynder.2509" said:

    > > > Is it true that people with multiple accounts can receive multiple of these for free on one account through gifting?

    > >

    > > If ths is true, then I just made a big boo-boo. I accepted these on my alt accounts, which I don’t play, and got a Cyanide dye on one account and a Tormented Short Bow skin on another account, both of which are around 100g each. Oh, and on my alt account that doesn’t even have PoF and can’t use mounts, I got the Trailblazer mount skin... /facepalm


    > You can indeed. I gifted the one on my alt account to my main, so I have 2 free ones.


    I guess I’ll go cry in the corner now. There goes 6 free bonds and 300g worth of unlocks. T_T

  11. > @"Cynder.2509" said:

    > Is it true that people with multiple accounts can receive multiple of these for free on one account through gifting?


    If ths is true, then I just made a big boo-boo. I accepted these on my alt accounts, which I don’t play, and got a Cyanide dye on one account and a Tormented Short Bow skin on another account, both of which are around 100g each. Oh, and on my alt account that doesn’t even have PoF and can’t use mounts, I got the Trailblazer mount skin... /facepalm

  12. I’d rather have them remove the manual interact and the dialogue window. Let players get the buffs automatically simply by walking through banners. This way, there is no hassle trying to manually interact with multiple banners placed too close together, and players don’t need to close every dialogue window from each banner. The dialogue can be moved to chat instead.

  13. I think a lot of people are misinterpreting ProtoGunner. He’s not saying something like, “I beat HoT on 10 characters so let all my future characters just get an auto story complete, auto level 80, full exotic gears, and Knight of the Thorn ascended weapons for free.” Rather, it’s more like, “I fought all these enemies on the way to an event countless times. Now, I just want to run past these enemies that have nothing to do with the event itself.”


    It’s not an unreasonable request at all. How many repliers fight every enemy in their path on their way to something? I bet nobody. Everybody already runs past and skips enemies they don’t need to fight, and have done so since before mounts were even introduced.


    And it’s not just running past enemies. Subsequent characters can skip story to get into new LWS maps with season teleport tomes. Players don’t have to do story dungeon before playing explorable dungeon, as long as somebody else has explorable unlocked. Players are not forced to play through HoT story before joining Dragonstand meta. The list goes on and on. Should all these be unskippable?


    Being able to skip some minor stuff is actually good for the game. Everybody just has their own preference on where they want to set the bar.

  14. > @"Tukaram.8256" said:

    > I have a bunch of gems and am waiting for August to see what goes on sale.

    > ...but there are only 8 professions... how many slots do we need. This ain't like Ultima Online. You could mix and match any skill on any character and I had like 20 characters there! :)


    You cannot reason with an altoholic!


    On a more serious note, different race/gender/profession combinations and more inventory spaces are what draw me to more slots... along with me just being an altoholic.


  15. OP is right. With the introduction of HoT, the level cap of GW2 was increased from 80 to 90, and again with the release of PoF from 90 to 100. To safely play LWS4 E6, players need item level 850 gears, so players can’t simply go to Dragonfall with ilvl 550 gears grinded in PoF. Players must grind E5, dungeons, and/or fractals for ilvl 850 gears before they can start playing in Dragonfall. If your character just reached level 80, one does not simply walk into Dragonfall... You need to first grind an ilvl 850 axe... and a bow. Or you CAN’T PLAY DRAGONFALL! Darn this grind wars!


    If only the game was different from WoW, where I don’t need to grind up-to-date gears in previous episodes EVERY TIME ANET RELEASES THE NEXT EPISODE! If only... IF ONLY!!!


    *Flips table

  16. Casual play (like open world) is not a limited version of GW2; it is the core of the game. High tier fractals and raids are the niche portions of GW2 and only a small percentage of players do them. That these two modes require grinding to get good gears is irrelevant since casual play is the heart of GW2’s design, and make up the vast majority of contents. Grinding gears for the vast majority of GW2 contents is simply an option for players who want to put in the time. This is not a half-truth. It is true for the vast majority of the game and the heart of its design.


    WoW is designed around vertical progression and is fundamentally different from GW2. In WoW, if players do not grind gears, they’re not locked out of only niche stuff; they’re locked out from experiencing the heart of the game’s design, which is based around grinding for better and better gears to do new contents.


    If you don’t grind for gears in WoW, you experience so little of the game because the game is designed around vertical progression. If you don’t grind for gears in GW2, you only miss out on niche modes because the vast majority of the game is designed around casual play that do not require grinded gears.

  17. > @"spectrito.8513" said:

    > I dont really understand why people say gw2 is great because you dont **need** to grind, but that is what most people do, just take a look on how populated are the farming maps : Istan pre-nerf, dragonfall, SW.


    Because players don’t **need** to grind in GW2 in order to play contents (other than high difficulty stuff). In WoW, players have to grind for gears on a regular basis because it directly affects the player’s ability to play a good chunk of max level contents. In GW2, not grinding doesn’t prevent players from playing contents because grinding is generally for skins or QoL stuff that people **want** to grind for, and do not prevent players from playing contents.

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