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Posts posted by BlueJin.4127

  1. I can’t speak for why others don’t do to PoF, but the main reason I don’t do PoF (except when I have to for things like mount collections and masteries) is also due to the annoying aggro range (900 in PoF compared to 600 pre PoF, which players can measure themselves using ground target skills). It doesn’t help that they increased the aggro range even more in LWS4. Dragonfall was the first S4 map I actually played, so I thought that’s where they increased aggro range to 1200, but playing previous S4 maps, some enemies in Jahai and Thunderhead also have 1200 aggro range. It could even go further back, but I didn’t bother to check.


    My other gripes with PoF are that unhealthily bright flashing effects and incomprehensible visual clutter are worse in PoF. I have to turn off PP if I do any group stuff in PoF.


    At least fix the aggro range, and I’d do PoF for fun. Fix all 3 issues, and I’d have no major gripes with this game.

  2. I’m not a completely new player (almost a year into this game), but I think I can share my impression of the game from the first few months since I’m newer than players who have been playing for years. Basically, my impression with the game started going down the drain shortly after buying.


    I played GW1 from the start. I didn’t like how Anet often ignored major community gripes and abandoned GW1. I didn’t jump to GW2 at launch because I was cautious of AbandonNet. My friend kept trying to get me into this game and after spending a few days on a Core account he bought me, it seemed like GW2 didn’t have the issues I had with WoW (I was looking for a replacement MMO after quitting WoW). The whole no-sub game with more focus on open world exploration instead of repetitive instances, not too many forced fights in open world, and not trying to slow the player down at every corner sounded great. In GW2, I was rarely forced into fights when I didn’t want to fight and I really liked the pacing. Unfortunately...


    1) After spending $100 on the PoF Ultimate collection plus HoT, finding out I need to buy LWS sucked,

    2) Finding out the game is extremely inconvenient for new players as they really need QoL items such as the Copper-fed, infinite gathering tools, shared inventory, bank tab, etc. And as an altoholic, 5 character slots weren’t enough.


    I think the 2 issues above are very inconvenient for new players. Anyway, fast forward a few months...


    3) Visual clutter turns the game into mindless rotation spam fest since I can’t see jack and combat becomes boring.

    4) The spam of flashing effects that hurt my eyes. I can’t even play Holosmith and I don’t dare to use legendary weapons.

    5) Ridiculous aggro range resulting in frequent chain of aggro makes PoF absolute garbage for players who want less focus on frequent combat and more focus on **exploring** open world doing a variety of things. This is NOT what I experienced before buying the game. I felt very deceived. If I wanted more focus on frequent fights, I’d play more instances. The reason I don’t do instances much any more, is because frequent repetitive combat is boring.


    Needless to say, I am very disappointed in this game and Anet. Issues 3~5 that are completely abandoned/ignored by Anet is a perfect example why I avoided GW2 for years. I just didn’t trust Anet. I am done buying any more games from Anet, or even spending any more money in GW2. Going by WoW’s $15 sub fee, I would need to play for another year or so before I can quit with some peace of mind that I got my money’s worth.


    It’s not that their games are no good. They make some excellent designs, but they sprinkle some terrible or incompetent decisions that completely ruin the experience and then often just abandon/ignore the community if we have major gripes. While Anet seems like they do try to address player concerns more than they have in the past, it’s not enough for me, since my top 3 issues with the game (issues 3~5) are completely ignored.


  3. I use the Skyscale when I...


    ...need to go up diagonally higher than the Griffon.

    ...need to go up vertically higher than the Springer.

    ...want to fly to a place, but there is not enough space below to swoop on a Griffon.

    ...just feel like it.


    I use the Griffon when I...


    ...don’t need to fly as high as the Skyscale and want more vertical speed.

    ...need to fly long distance.

    ...have room to swoop.

    ...just feel like it.

  4. > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

    > That was one of the problems with GW1, if you weren't playing "the correct" profession you didn't get in a PUG.


    Yeah, that is pretty sad. One of my old alliance members claimed to me that rangers weren’t viable for playing solo with heroes (and he was talking about playing through story :tongue:). I said I completed WoC HM on all professions with only heroes and no cons. He then changed his wording to say rangers weren’t **as good** as other professions and it’s much harder playing a ranger with heroes. I told him even during WoC HM, it was not harder on my ranger compared to other professions since I played to each profession’s strengths (I actually found ranger easier than some due to their flexibility). He got mad at me. :disappointed:


    Another alliance member said that warriors were the worst profession in the game. This was before, when he needed help with WoC HM, I always helped him on my warrior. :tongue:

  5. 1) Griffon is so versatile. Most terrains have some verticality that the griffon can simply jump above instead of going around. There’s also plenty of height in a lot of areas for the griffon to get a slow swoop.

    2) Raptor is amazing for flatter terrains where the griffon isn’t useful.

    3) Skyscale is useful for terrains too high for the griffon, or not enough space to swoop, but it is so sluggish and clunky to use. Its vertical movement is slow and it constantly sticks to things. A wanna be flying mount that I don’t find fun to use.

    4 - tie) Springer is only useful for quickly going up, or for CC engage. With the introduction of the Skyscale, its usefulness went down since the Skyscale can go higher. Its jumping charge needs to be faster.

    4 - tie) Skimmer is only useful for skimming water. It needs to be able to swim.

    4 - tie) Beetle is only for long distance travel I plan ahead, in situations where I can’t use the griffon. It needs endurance upon mounting.

    4 - tie) Jackal is slower than the raptor. Avoiding fall damage isn’t too useful since I can just rush with raptor than switch to griffon. Evade is also not that useful since I can evade just fine with other mounts. Aside from using portals and dashing up some hills, I prefer the raptor. However, it is somewhat versatile and doesn’t need any buffs, IMO. Overall, I find the jackal very hard to rate and can see why some prefer jackal over raptor.

  6. > @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

    > > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > I like that the final boss of an expansion and an elder dragon wipes the group and you have to restart the fight when u all die.


    > Especially when you have to repeat all the earlier steps due to a disconnect and the cutscene crash bug.



    This. :disappointed:


    I’ve done this story on about 12 characters and 4 of them have encountered a bug or lag, failed, and had to restart back from 100% HP. This is one of my least favorite story missions in the game, due to its boring repetitive nature and how buggy it is. Even Victory or Death went without a single bug on 16 characters.


    Come on... Either fix bugs, or add a checkpoint.

  7. This has Anet quality written all over it. Perhaps Anet can explain why, when comparing two exact same items such as Ornate Guild Armors, the item with core stat doesn't get reset while the item with HoT stat does.


    This reset was a nice gesture, but poorly done. For me, it just forced me to re-select over a hundred items that I did not want reset and wasted a lot of time waiting to find out if I should just craft new gears, or wait for a proper fix for existing gears that didn't get reset.

  8. If you’re flying higher than them, it won’t be a problem. :smile:


    On a more serious note, I often afk away from groups before metas start. For metas like TD, it helps to afk in the middle then join at the last second to see which lane needs more people. It’s also less noise from other players using their novelties, skills, etc. And less players my computer needs to draw means less strain on my computer while waiting 10 minutes before a meta starts.

  9. It’d be great if all things could be obtained in any game mode (pvp, wvw, pve instances, and open world pve). I have never enjoyed competitive modes in MMO’s and GW isn’t going to change that. I also burned out on instances from WoW, due to the repetitive nature of nothing but combat. Since GoB is locked behind wvw, and I pretty much stopped doing any actual wvw, I’m forced to do wvw dailies for as long as I play GW2.


    It’s the same with ascended glorious and triumphant armor skins which can’t be obtained through pve... though I just gave up on these. Doing only pvp dailies, I can’t seem to get ascended shards of glory. I think the chests reset or something before I get the ascended shards, not sure how they work. And since GoB’s are already too much of a grind for me, I can’t bring myself to work on triumphant armors, either.


    GW2 does a great job giving players multiple ways of getting items, but it’s not perfect. Not a major issue, but it would be a nice QoL change if we’re not forced into modes we hate for items and skins that have no functional reason to be locked exclusively behind specific modes.

  10. Slightly buff other mounts so that they’re not so completely outclassed by the Skyscale.


    Raptor, Jackal, Beetle: Give 25% faster endurance regen. Faster speed makes them more useful and using their skills more often makes them more fun to use.

    Springer: Decrease charge time for its high jump by 25%. The Skyscale can go higher than the Springer ever could. Let the Springer jump faster so that it is still useful for going up fast.

    Skimmer: Let it swim. Do we really need to go from a ground mount on land, then switch to Skimmer on shallow water, then switch to a (whatever new) swimming mount when we go under water, then switch back to Skimmer for shallow water, then switch back to ground mount on land?

    Griffon: Give it a slight forward lunge when it jumps so that it’s not completely worse than the Skyscale for everything but long range travel.

  11. While the Skyscale is effective, I personally find it sluggish and clunky to use. It’s annoying to go down. It clings to walls when I’m trying to fly over it. It’s also funny just sitting and watching other players’ Skyscales wiggle around, weirdly navigating up. It looks so unnatural and awkward just watching it, like it’s still unfinished.


    It could use some QoL changes.

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