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Posts posted by BlueJin.4127

  1. A toggle to hide chest piece would be great for my male Norn Warrior. His tattoo is part of the reason I made a male Norn, but no matter what chest piece I use, it either covers too much of his tattoo, or doesn’t fit with the rest of my armors. Another option is to add an invisible chest skin that isn’t ridiculous to obtain.


    For female Norn, they need more chest pieces that cover as little as possible to show off their tattoos. Unlike male Norn, simply hiding chest piece won’t work because the plain bra like rag they wear doesn’t fit with the vast majority of armor designs. Right now, I just don’t use tattoos on my female Norn, at all.

  2. As someone who quit GW2 months ago, I think it’s best to do what you feel like doing.


    Initially, I still did the dailies for 2g and the Gift of Battle. I also gathered resources on characters parked at places. Later, even that got to be more than I cared to do so I just logged on for the daily log-in bonuses; no more dailies, Gift of Battle, etc. Since a friend returned and wants me to return, I occasionally log on to play with him, but as soon as he stops playing again, I doubt I’ll even log on for the daily rewards going forth. I tried returning a few times, but the game is still the same shallow mess of visual clutter and painfully bright flashes.

  3. I guess the moderators want me to add to this thread instead of making a new thread (the generic message is not very clear), so here's another try.


    I would love to see a QoL update that makes martial heroes less subpar. Right now, martial heroes do too little damage compared to casters. This is on top of them having very little utility. Melee heroes, in particular, spend too much time wandering back and forth between targets, or getting body blocked and standing still doing nothing. Assassin heroes are even worse since they can rarely land a full lead-off-dual chain on the same target. I think making some PVE specific changes to some skills would make martial heroes more attractive for casual play, even if it doesn't include them in the meta.


    I'm not a dev, but I think the following might be simple ways of buffing martial heroes without too much work, and without accidentally buffing PVE monsters much.


    QoL requests:



    Strength of Honor: Make it so heroes don't cancel this. Right now, heroes constantly cancel this (sometimes DURING combat), losing valuable recharge time. Against enemies that constantly remove enchants, micro casting this repeatedly gets annoying.



    Order of the Vampire and Order of Pain: Double the duration so that heroes will have an easier time keeping these buffs up.

    Barbs: Reduce casting time. Heroes often start casting this when an enemy is almost dead. By the time the hero finishes casting Barbs, the enemy is dead with barely any ticks from Barbs.

    Mark of Pain: Give better AI usage. For example, heroes should only cast this on targets with high HP and adjacent to other targets.


    More balance oriented than QoL:



    Go for the Eyes: Make it last for 2 hits.

    Anthem of Envy: Remove or reduce the HP requirement.

    Anthem of Flame: Make it last for 2 hits.



    Palm Strike: Reduce recharge time to 4 seconds. This may allow Assassin heroes to more reliably land dual attacks.



    Barrage: Don't lose preparations.

  4. 2 would definitely be nice. I often hop between campaigns and losing then re-adding heroes can be a bit annoying. Kamadan, for example.


    Here’s my list of some QoL wishes:


    1) Trader for weapon mods and inscriptions. It’s the only trader missing.

    2) Open all hero commander windows with 1 hotkey, instead of opening and closing each hero commander window individually.

    3) Option to increase font size of chat text only.

    4) Better way of moving items between inventory and Xunlai storage. Individually dragging and dropping dozens of items at once can be a pain.

    5) Personal DPS meter where I can check the DPS of my character and my heroes (like GWtoolbox). Damage tests in the Battle Isles are very inadequate. In a game where builds are so important, this would be a huge improvement.

    6) Not really a QoL update, but nerf Save Yourselves to 50 armors and let heroes equip PVE skills. It can be limited to 1 PVE skill per hero, I don’t care. I want to play with Great Dwarf Weapon on me.

  5. They could nerf SY to 50 armor and let heroes use PVE skills, even if it’s only 1 PVE skill per hero. Heck, I’d even take 3 total PVE skills across my 7 heroes if it means I can play my Barrage ranger with Great Dwarf Weapon on me. :(


    Another option is to give heroes hero specific skills. Energy management on Mo heroes and SOMETHING to make W and P heroes useful.


    EDIT: Off topic, but I wish they’d also fix AI usage of Strength of Honor. At best, they’ll cancel it after combat, instead of maintaining it. At worst, heroes cast it, then immediately cancel it because 1 target is dead, even though the battle isn’t over... Right now, SoH HAS to be manually micro managed by the player. Pretty annoying if the enemies constantly remove enchantments.

  6. I really want the Runic Cape, but I absolutely despise instanced contents. Before I even bother to start the collection, I have some questions about obtaining the 100 Misty Cape Scraps.


    1) How casual are the strike missions that drop Misty Cape Scraps? Do they require me to get specific gears and/or builds? I just want to take my Marauder gears and my fun open world builds. I’m good enough at games to learn mechanics, but I don’t want to be forced into new gears and specific builds that I dislike playing.


    2) How long are strike missions? I dislike instanced content because of their repetitive nature. I don’t even like doing bounties because spending like 5 minutes on a boss that spams the same repetitive moves isn’t what I find fun. I’m hoping they’re no longer than 10 minutes (to get 1 Misty Cape Scrap).


    3) How many strike missions do I have to do to get 100 Misty Cape Scraps? Are these guaranteed drops?


    Thanks in advance.

  7. Please reduce the intensity of the bright flashing light that appears every time the player leaves ranger’s Soulbeast mode (like every time the player mounts). I’m thinking about returning to the game, but bright effects like this hurt my eyes and really discourage me from wanting to return.


    Seriously, this isn’t even a long or difficult change... For how many years do players have to ask for the reduction of such unhealthy and bright flashing effects before Anet takes meaningful action? Same applies to just about every Holosmith skill that causes bright flashing effects.

  8. 1) Do away with separate build storage and (character locked) build templates. Make it like GW1 where a created build template can be loaded by any character of the same profession. A build template for other professions should be greyed out.


    2) Let us save unlimited build templates on our own computers. This shouldn’t cost gems.


    3) Let us pay gems to save the build templates on Anet’s servers. Maybe something like 1,000 gems for every 50 slots or so, I don’t know.


    4) Let players mark builds for different modes and have the game auto-load the last used mode specific build upon changing modes.

  9. > @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

    > We want to acknowledge that we are reading the feedback expressed in this thread and the other forums threads about the Build and Equipment Templates. We are discussing this feedback internally to determine how we can address it.


    A summary of **some** of the reasons why people hate this system:


    1) Character-bound purchases. Some players like to play a lot of characters. Character-bound upgrades are punishing to players who buy lots of character slots. Also, character-bound upgrades are a complete waste if the player benches or deletes that character.


    2) Separate build templates and build storage. There's no need for such arbitrary separation. GW1 didn't have such a system. Like above, all this does is punish players who have more than one character of the same profession, since the player has to create a build template for EACH character of that same profession. Just let players create a build and any character of the same profession can load and use that build, just like GW1.


    3) Too expensive. Some players like to play multiple modes, multiple roles, etc. Being forced to spend so much basically punishes players who actually want to play more of the game.


    4) Too few builds allowed. Even if they're completely free, there are too few builds available. 6 build templates is far too few for a lot of players, even **if** they're the minority.


    5) It's not 3 build templates... it's just interchangeable build templates. We had 3 templates before and we have 3 templates now. For players who play multiple modes, this changes nothing. Let players have 3 build templates for EACH game mode.


    6) No more auto loading mode specific builds. If a player forgets to load the right build when changing modes, it can be one frustrating experience.


    7) We cannot save unlimited builds on our own computers unless we use notepads. Let us save and load from unlimited builds on our own computers like GW1.

  10. > @"iZoNeR.4390" said:

    > With the current standings on the templates, ITS BETTER TO HAVE ASCENDED GEAR THAN LEGENDARY GEAR IF YOU PLAY MULTIPLE CHARACTERS since a new ascended set, even if it's the same stats that your other character is using , is cheaper than another legendary set on another character.


    > I think this problem might be solved if you add the legendary gear to a "Legendary Pool" that can be accessed by all characters. That way the equipment templates should be able to keep their templates.


    Upcoming legendary QoL template update! Get 1 Legendary Pool slot for free! Pay 1,000 gems to unlock each additional Legendary Pool slot! $$$

  11. Unlimited build templates like GW1 that players can store on their own PC’S along with a paid version that stores build templates on Anet’s servers would have been great. I would have gladly paid 2,000 gems to store (at least 100 builds) on Anet’s servers.


    The coming set up, though, is atrocious. Very limited number of build slots, and most likely several hundred gems to unlock only ONE build slot for only ONE character. It seems like Anet’s focus was not on how to create the ideal build templates, but on how to milk players’ money with as little effort as possible. I’m not spending any gems on this.


    Only bright side, for me, is that since majority of my characters don’t do PvP or WvW, these characters can use these 2 spare slots for PVE builds, so it’s 2 more than what is officially available right now...

  12. Haven’t played WoW in years, but I think Reaper Necromancer plays closest to Blood Death Knight, both in theme and play style. A dark and sturdy front-line fighter that uses a greatsword and can cast spells for more damage or defense/healing.


    Guardians are also very Blood DK like, minus the dark theme. There’s really no need to focus on healing others unless you want to. I just focus on attacking enemies and keeping myself alive when I play my guardian, or any other character.

  13. Just because I don’t need 10+ builds doesn’t mean that this isn’t poorly done. There should be free (or one time payment) unlimited templates players can store on their own computers and paid templates (cost dependent on number of templates) where players can store their templates on Anet's servers.


    If I were one of the players who used Arc and had dozens of builds, this would make me quit. Anet handled this extremely poorly.

  14. > @"Yasi.9065" said:

    > So you spent money on the game without playing it in the hopes of buildtemplates? ;) Or how exactly did you spend money on this feature and only this feature?


    That’s not how businesses work. When you buy a cup of coffee, you don’t pay for just the coffee. You pay for the cup, the ingredients, the employee making the coffee, the employee cleaning the restroom, the cash register, the building rent, electricity, the store’s experiments on new products, etc. You never just pay for just the coffee. That’s why the small cup of coffee that’s half the size of the large coffee is barely any cheaper.


  15. Players who are complaining about this aren’t asking for everything to be free; they’re paying customers who support the game by spending money. And Anet isn’t giving this feature to players for free; it is funded with money spent by these very players. Anet didn’t just ask a group of charity devs create these with absolutely no pay. It is naive to claim players are complaining about free stuff since this is not free.


    Anet should have made the templates work like GW1, unlimited templates that are stored on players’ own computers, but along with a paid version which stores the templates on Anet’s servers. This seems like a very lazy design, based on what we know so far.

  16. If the info is stored online, paying makes sense, but only if it’s not a rip-off (like 80 gems per slot). But it’ll probably cost several hundred gems per slot.


    However, if it’s stored offline (where player saves build template info on their own computer, like GW1), it should be free.


    There’s still too much we don’t know about how the system works, so I won’t vote anything more than other, for now.

  17. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > And yet, the Devs did respond, even if it wasn't to one's liking.


    Respond to what? Something I wasn't even talking about? Again, the stuff you quoted is regarding motion sickness due to camera movement, something I was not even talking about. Swagger is the one who mentioned camera/mount motion sickness, not me. And even if your quote refers to what I was talking about, and Anet responded "to my liking" and said they were going to fix the issues, words alone mean nothing without actual proper action and none of the issues I listed are addressed.


    The motion sickness issue I'm talking about in Daybreak is due to the swirl effects, not the camera/mount. It is not addressed.


    The painful and harmful bright flashing effects from Holosmith skills, air elementalist skills, Soulbeast leaving Beastmode (happens often since it happens every time player mounts), jackal engage skill, springer engage skill, and triggering vistas are the ones I specifically listed. None of these are addressed.


    And while I wasn't talking about camera/mount causing motion sickness, if you don't suffer motion sickness from the camera/mount movement, great for you, but clearly, this issue is not addressed because there are still other players suffering.


    > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

    >An option to turn off elaborate models and replace everyone with simple ones would vastly improve the game experience for people like myself.


    Setting Character Model Quality to lowest turns other players to generic models, though I'm not sure this is what you're looking for.


  18. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Snip


    What I’m talking about has nothing to do with the camera or mount movements and, again, none of the issues that I mentioned can be fixed using any of the in-game options. For example, the motion sickness I’m talking about in S4E1 has nothing to do with the camera and the swirl effect cannot be removed by turning off PP or changing any option provided in the game. Same for the bright flashing effects... turning off PP, limiting spell effects, etc. does next to nothing to make them hurt less.


    Many players already know about these “options” and we already spent hours fiddling around with them enough to know they do not work for us.

  19. Stuff like this is why I don’t have faith in Anet. This is such a lazy excuse for a fix. If this is so hard for Anet’s devs to fix, then changing the ascended cooking node to a chest would probably fix this issue. Placing the ascended cooking node outside the range of GoR would also likely fix this issue.

  20. Yeah, it’s kind of inconvenient not being able to buy a portal tome until story completion. Some players don’t care about the story so it may take days to weeks to complete it. Meanwhile, these players may want to just explore the map on their characters. Work-arounds to get to the map before completing the story are inconvenient, too (and more than an inconvenience for players with a lot of characters and few TtF’s). Locking tomes behind story completion seems like a pointless design. It doesn’t hurt anyone if it’s not locked behind story completion, but current set up clearly negatively affects some players.

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