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Posts posted by BlueJin.4127

  1. Ah, yes. GW1. Love it. One of my favorite games of all time. A graphical update would be awesome even if it's just for players' characters.


    Personally, the one thing I truly want for GW1 is better profession balance for heroes. I think the easiest way to do this is to let heroes use PVE skills (and nerf Save Yourselves to like 50 armor). I'd definitely use all heroes then. Right now, I just don't use W, A, and P heroes. R heroes, I only use when my party has a lot of martial buffs. When used by players, all professions are good, thanks in part to PVE skills. I've seen some players claim that some professions aren't viable for playing with heroes, but I went through WoC HM on all professions with only heroes and no cons and no profession stood out as unviable for playing with heroes. Players just need to play to their profession's strength. But I digress.

  2. I love the human female voice acting. Not only is the voice acting excellent, she really sounds like a commander; powerful and charismatic. I think it's a perfect fit and my favorite of all playable character voices I heard.


    > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    > Because sexism is so ingrained that people dont even know when they do it. Making female characters that sound like they are pmsing all the time, or animations that are flirty sexy cutesy, yeah im this veteran warrior that has slayed countless foes. My blades run red with my enemies blood!...oh poo i broke a nail


    > Female characters still have a long way to go to be seen as more than male fantasy.


    Due to my experiences, I feel very uncomfortable around adult male strangers. The problem, however, lies with MY perception of adult males, not with adult males themselves. It would be foolish for me to act aggressively toward all adult males because of my perception. If powerful voice acting sounds sexist (and sexism seems so ingrained), perhaps the problem is with your perception and not others? Also, PMS is a completely natural occurrence and not fit to be used in a sexist way.



    Real sexism is a problem. But paranoid people imagining issues where there isn't one and creating problems is also a problem.

  3. A full body skin tight leather sneaking suit like Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises. Something that shows NO skin, NO shiny or glowy parts, NO spikes or crystals sticking out, and NO lose or hanging parts.


    I’m currently using the Elegy chest and pants (but with different gloves and boots) on my human female thief since that is the closest I can get to the style I’m going for. Unfortunately, the Elegy chest armor has shiny crystals and weird crisscrossed pattern. The pants also have awkward vertical lines.

  4. I can see Xstein's point, but on the flip side, a sub based game can focus too much on slowing players down to retain sub. That is why I left WoW and would never play another sub based game. I love that there are a lot of things I can do in GW2 that's not a crazy grind. A lot of the things I got in the game just require me to experience something once, instead of doing the same activity over and over and over for weeks. I can't remember the last time I wanted something in WoW that didn't involve long grinds requiring the same activity over and over and over... Shudder :scream:

  5. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > Meanwhile a random nobody can simulate the game running on dx12 or w/e and provide more meaningful performance improvements than any of the updates gw2 has done to performance over the years.


    > But naaah, not worth investing in that.


    I think what zealex is trying to say, is that you can't always believe the devs' reasonings. This reminds me of a certain event a long time ago. It has nothing to do with Anet and I'm not claiming Anet is lying. I just wanted to share this funny story.


    A long time ago, a decision making party saw how buggy a game sent to them was. They didn't like a particular bug and told the devs they will not approve this game until that bug is fixed. The devs, not willing to fix this bug, sent a lot of emails back and forth between each other, trying to come up with an excuse that the decision maker would buy, allowing them to get away without fixing this bug. They came up with an excuse that the code was so complex that trying to fix that one bug would cause a ripple of unintended consequences for the whole game. All of a sudden, the decision maker replied to that email chain asking, "So, you're going to fix this bug, right?" Turns out, the devs accidentally cced the decision maker in their email chain. XD The “unfixable” bug got fixed real fast after that.

  6. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > Snip

    And in a few months, these companies will try to expand, again.


    1) When the public reads one article that a company is downsizing or their next few projects have more mobile games, they think this is some major change and panic. What's actually going on is that nothing has changed, long term. :smile: Without the public knowing, companies grow and downsize repeatedly. Trust me, this is not the first time Activision has made "news worthy" shuffling. It's just that the public never hears about them. Companies also shift projects and resources constantly, majority of which the public never hears about. One public info that a company is shifting resources or has started making mobile games is nothing new and nothing of concern. It's just that the public and the media pretty much never hears about these constant and completely normal internal processes, so when they do hear about "one change" (that is actually not a change and part of the constant on-going process), they take it out of context and blow it up as if something major is happening.


    Again, I'm not saying there are 0 effects on hardcore gaming. But it's really not as scary as the general public, who doesn't know the whole story, think. Also, I think Danikat's post above explains other aspects well about why people shouldn't be worried about mobile having a huge effect on hardcore gaming (though, what a person considers to be enough of an impact will vary).


    2) DLC’s and lootboxes have nothing to do with mobile games. People who don’t work in the game industry may think mobile gaming is the cause of this, but these things were stuff many game companies were working on internally or already had out and were expanding upon, before mobile gaming even became a thing. There can be no mobile gaming right now, and we'd still have heavy monetization. Microsoft and Xbox Live were actually the biggest catalyst of the current trend of heavy monetization, IIRC. That is not to say that we wouldn't see heavy monetization if not for Microsoft. Again, there are a lot of things that game companies work on internally, that the public never hears about.


    3) I didn’t say piracy is the only reason for wanting gaming as a service. I mention money in the very post you’re quoting. And yes, piracy IS one of the many reasons.


    4) Yes, video streaming uses more bandwidth right now. I’m talking about the future, if games become very reliant on streaming. And I'm not talking about which entertainment may get the biggest pie. I'm talking about how ISP's will try to handle such a huge increase in traffic if games in the future become very reliant on streaming, on top of what we already stream, and how this may negatively impact gamers.


    EDIT - Again, sorry about constant edits. I'm done, for real this time. :smile:

  7. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > You should be because it won't kill it, but it will compete for resources within a game company, or the industry at large. If you still want a variety of high quality PC-based MMO's being released to the market using the latest tech, mobile gaming is a serious threat to that.


    > I don't get the idea that there is a concern about moving to games as a service ... the structure of GW2 as a business is fundamentally a service already.


    No, I really shouldn't be because I used to work at a game company and have more knowledge in this area. :smile: If companies want more mobile projects, they'll hire more people to cover more projects. They don't just switch around a fixed number of employees and resources, nor do they want to remain small. They try to expand up to what they think they can handle since bigger companies generally make more. It doesn't mean it'll have 0 effect on hardcore gaming resources, but it's really not something to worry about. There's also the fact that games, their platforms, and means of controlling games will evolve. In years, we could very well be playing hardcore games on mobile devices (or whatever new devices that exist then) just as happily as we're doing on PC now.


    As for gaming as a service, this is a concern for offline games. Rather than companies releasing a game and having the customer pay $60 to own it, companies think charging a monthly subscription is better way to continue receiving money. There's also the issue of piracy that's pushing for this. Games as a service would really kill piracy. And for a customer, it's not just the cost of sub based streaming that's a concern. There's lag and general bandwidth limit. ISP's already don't like their customers streaming too much. Having gamers stream constantly (and games will require better image quality than movies) could up cost of internet service, for example.


    Of course, I could very well be worrying about nothing. As games evolve they will be different. People could very well be needlessly worrying about how current set ups will work in the future, when the future will have a completely different set up than now.


    EDIT - OMG, I apologize for the constant edits. I'm just trying to figure out how to best get the point across without a wall of text.

  8. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > Y'all are missing the real concern from that graph ... the sum of all of the PC game revenue barely adds up to the mobile game revenues. If a game dev company can make an order of magnitude more bux by switching platform ... they would be crazy to not do so. Admittedly, I don't know how many games are in that 'mobile' part of the graph, but that's the biggest concern to me.


    I have never been, nor will I ever worry that mobile gaming will kill hardcore gaming. It's just not gonna happen. Mobile games and hardcore games are not mutually exclusive, just like there are different sports, different smartphones, different entertainment, etc. If games become 10 times more popular than movies, for example, movies will not die. Also, multiplatform gaming companies think of mobile as extra projects (just like how they make PC AND console games), not replacements. That's because they know mobile games and hardcore games cater to different crowds and they'll want to make more money covering all audiences. And since there are limited audiences for each platform, making 10 mobile games isn't necessary a better decision than making less games covering multiple platforms. It's also cheaper to port existing games to other platforms than making 10 new games for just one platform.


    What I am concerned about, is move to streaming and games as a service. These are things many game companies actively want to switch.


    In any case, according to the report, mobile games make up 53% of sales. According to wiki, there are currently 8 PC games (including GW1 from 2005 and Aion from 2009) and 6 mobile games. There are currently 7 titles in development, covering PC, mobile, and consoles.

  9. > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

    > This has happened since the beginning of GW2. Every quarterly report brings another thread that proclaims the sky is falling. However, my stopped clock has more accuracy than these threads.


    Except, people aren't claiming the sky is falling. ^^ People are just posting their own opinions on why they don't spend much money in the game.

  10. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > Stuff like the mount adoption licences and themed mount packs are going to inherently have diminishing returns among most players. I mean really, how many dozens of mount skins can one person need even if they want all their mounts to perfectly match their character's fashion?


    For me, personally, the fact that I can't save templates of my mounts prevents me from buying multiple mount skins. I have different dyes for all my characters' mounts and I'm not going to save dozens of screenshots for my mount set ups. And since there's no way I'm going to remember my dye set ups, I'm afraid to change my mounts, hence, no reason to have more than 1 mount skin.

  11. I can't say I'm happy about the game ATM. Any time I think I'm starting to have fun in this game...


    1) Too many camera flashes that hurt my eyes from player's own skills (I can't even play Holosmith), other players' skills, enemy skills, gathering Volatile Magic, gathering tools, story, etc.


    2) Too much visual clutter when doing large group events resulting in unengaging, boring, and mindless skill spam-fest since I can't see what the enemy is doing, or you know... even see the enemy. Too many skill effects, names of other players/minions in squad obstructing view, the enemy nameplate at the top center that can't be moved and obstructs large enemies so I don't even know what I'm targeting, etc.


    3) Ridiculous aggro range of PoF enemies (900 in PoF compared to 600 everywhere else) single handedly ruins PoF for me. I hate PoF zones with a passion because of this.


    4) No build templates.


    It's an excellent game, but the above issues (1~3) really ruin it for me since they completely negate the good parts.


    EDIT - If I use a weird analogy, it's like a very talented chef made a very delicious steak. Then, for some reason, the chef decided to pour sugar on the steak because, you know, sugar tastes good. And when people say the steak seems great, but they can't really taste it since the sugar is ruining it, AbandonNet… er, I mean, the chef just shrugs that it's annoying to fix it and has started cooking something else.

  12. FFS! PLEASE reduce enemy aggro range for PoF! The ridiculous aggro range really pisses me off every time I want to enjoy PoF. It's very disruptive having enemies so far away (that I can't even see on my screen) aggro, then when I kill them, more enemies aggro just before I can mount. I then kill those and before I can mount, yet MORE enemies aggro. SO FREAKING ANNOYING! Stories aren’t any more enjoyable since everything gets aggroed, especially with stupid NPC allies pulling every kitten thing.


    The aggro range single handedly ruins any potential for enjoyment in PoF. I don’t even kitten do any PoF kitten unless I have to. It’s a terrible experience!

  13. Heirloom trinkets!


    I think Bloodbound weapons are awesome due to their account bound and leveling scaling functionality. Unfortunately, 250 Provisioner Tokens per weapon is way out of the league of casual players. Can we get some green quality Bloodbound gears (preferably trinkets since they’re usable by all professions) that cost like 30 Provisioner Tokens each?


    As an altoholic, account bound level scaling trinkets would be amazing to have. On a side note, heirloom gears in WoW also give experience bonus per piece (like +10% XP per piece).

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