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Posts posted by BlueJin.4127

  1. I was thinking about downloading the HoT OST, but realized that it’s missing all battle music. Is there a separate purchase for the battle music? On itunes, there are 27 tracks for $9, but there are no battle music, at all. On youtube, there are like 54 including 16 untitled combat BGM. Checking online, I can see the 16 combat music, but not for purchase.

  2. > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

    > Now, what do we make from Joshua Foreman leaving? If they actually fired him, what does this mean? When you fire your lead level designer/artist, that really sounds like you don't plan to put a lot of emphasis on level design from now on. Like, no more huge DLCs with bunch of exceptionally designed environment, just a simple LWS map once in a while? I don't get it, that's kind of an employee you normally want to keep if you plan to keep growing your project.


    It simply means they’re replacing a veteran who gets paid well with somebody else who gets paid less, so the company can pay less for their employees. It doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t care about the product, nor does it mean a decrease in quality. Only time will tell if the people taking over do a better job. A lot of times, newer employees (not necessarily new to the company, can be new to a position) have a lot of different skills that can bring about a positive change. We’ll just have to wait and see.


  3. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > I can't imagine what it must be like over there. I thought I'd been through things like this myself, but that was always in the UK where people get weeks or even months to prepare before they leave, I imagine it's very different when you only find out on the day you're leaving.


    Being told at the last moment is horrible. For me, back then, it was literally the company I was working for telling me, without any prior warning or any kind of explanation, come in the next day in the afternoon. The fact that the people they asked to come in the next day in the afternoon were all veterans that were the highest paid in their positions, was a big give away.


    My heart goes out to all Anet staff who are affected by this, regardless of what project they were working on. Hope they can find new and exciting positions in other companies in the near future.


    As for the future of GW2, I won’t go into long details as I don’t think this is the right time or place, but I hope the new people in charge (if there are changes in decision making for GW2) are more active about tackling player concerns for existing contents than in the past. IMO, Anet has a tendency to release and forget.

  4. Inculpatus and Danikat’s initial replies were spot on, so I won’t touch that.


    The only thing I’ll mention is that spending money on unreleased projects is not a blunder. The **vast majority** of projects never see the light of an actual release. There’s no failure here. It’s just how things work. :smile:


    I’m just amazed at how many people (not really saying the OP, but just the general reaction in the forums these past few days), who don’t know anything about game companies, come here with all these accusations and assumptions of doom and gloom, and when Anet or somebody with experience in the game industry give them answers that there is no need to worry, they just reject it because it is not the answer they want to hear or believe. :disappointed:

  5. I was thinking about joining a WvW guild, but as someone who doesn’t enjoy WvW and has no interest in learning, do you think it would be acceptable for me to join a WvW guild? I mean, I don’t know what will happen in the future, but at least for now, I have zero interest in contributing, so it seems kind of selfish.

  6. I would love it if they went from LWS4 straight to an expansion, if only for the possibility that moving to another expansion would mean we no longer have to deal with the long aggro range of PoF and its LWS extensions. For me, this is the single most annoying issue for all of PoF and why I don’t do PoF stuff except when I have to.


    Other than that, I don’t really have a preference between an expansion and LWS, for now. Any decent developers that care about their products will do what they believe works best, instead of just rushing out expansions just so they can make more money. Anet isn’t Activision, so I have no doubt that their reason for going with LWS5 (instead of an expansion that would get them more money than LWS), is because they’re still working on ideas that would make the next release worthy of a full expansion.


    Making a good product isn’t easy. There are considerably more projects that never see the light of day than a project that gets an actual release. I’d rather not see Anet rush things.

  7. You can always play around with exotic gears bought at the TP to see if you like playing in full berserker before you get full ascended. You don’t need ascended gears for anything you mentioned, so it’s just purely preference. I personally aim for ascended trinkets then weapons, but not armors.


    You can reforge ascended weapons/armors into different stats for cheap using 5 ectoes, an exotic inscription (for weapon) or an insignia (for armor) of the stat you want, and an Anthology of Heroes bought with 10 Spirit Shards.

  8. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Here's a copy of a statement from ArenaNet:

    > ArenaNet confirmed that some staff reduction was planned, though the number to be affected was not specified.


    > _"We can confirm that due to the cancellation of unannounced projects, ArenaNet will make staff reductions," the statement reads. "This is part of a larger organizational restructuring within NCSOFT in the west, but the Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 game services will not be affected, nor is any upcoming game content canceled."_


    > https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-02-21-arenanet-reportedly-bracing-for-mass-layoffs


    I was thinking it was something like this. As I said, companies hire and release people constantly. But since the public doesn’t know about it, people panic when they do hear about one event that is actually not out of the ordinary. Good to hear confirmation it’s nothing to worry about. Thank you for the info.


    Still feel bad for anybody let go due to cancellation. It sucks for all those involved.



  9. Before people start to worry for the future of GW2, game companies hire and release employees on a constant basis. The public just rarely hears about them so the public doesn’t know how “normal” this process is. This could be just another “normal” round of layoffs. Hopefully.


    My condolesences to everybody who gets laid off, though. It’s always terrible getting laid off, especially in the game industry where it can be hard to find another game company near where you live. :(

  10. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > And? How do you know ANET didn't dedicate more staff to work on WvW (which is something the players have wanted)? Nobody knows, so there is no defending ANET nor should there be anyone prosecuting them either.


    > Wait. And. See.


    > After the patch comes down, there will be plenty of time (and threads) to praise/curse ANET, but at least it will be based on facts, not supposition.



    I’m not attacking nor defending Anet for WvW mounts.


    Whether they added more people or not, when devs introduce something that can affect balance and gameplay of a mode, they typically have their core team with experience in that mode test things extensively before introducing something new. So OP’s assumption is unlikely.


    Not every company is EActivision that just shoves in micro transactions to sell. :smile:

  11. Not exactly a gem store request, but...


    Can we get some new racial armors where heavy, medium, and light armors use the same skin? Unfortunately, majority of current armors are cross-race armors that don't look right on some races (Charr, particularly). Racial specific armors result in more armors that fit the race and character. Having all armor types look the same has the benefit of allowing characters to wear armors that break from the usual appearance.


    It may also be easier for artists to create.


    Currently, 3 unique skins (1 unique skin each for heavy, medium, and light), 5 races, and 2 genders each result in 30 total variations for artists to create.


    Racial specific I mentioned requires 5 unique armors for the race and 2 variations for gender. This leads to 10 total variations since there is no need to create unique skins for heavy, medium, and light.

  12. I tried to get into WvW, spending 10+ hours a week when I first started to learn. Unfortunately, the toxic community filled with petulant and whiny juveniles who demand new players be born with WvW knowledge (because they were, apparently) turned me off. If this mount is usable in PVE, hopefully, this isn’t too grindy to obtain for players who don’t care for WvW.

  13. Can you let us move the target nameplate to the side so that we will know if we're not actually targeting the enemy in front of us? With all the unnecessary visual clutter in this game, sometimes, the only way we know we're hitting an enemy is seeing the white damage numbers. Against large enemies, the target nameplate can obstruct and rob us of even that visual cue.


    Because of the nameplate being at the center, blocking my view, it took me a few seconds to realize I was not targeting/attacking the enemy in front of me. This happens too frequently against large enemies.

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/5PXdW17.jpg "")

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