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Posts posted by BlueJin.4127

  1. It certainly feels more meaningful when you obtain rewards through successfully completing a task. However, it’s also great that, instead of being forced to do something I really hate for a reward I really want, I can do stuff I like and buy what I want with gold. And it’s not like GW2 doesn’t have a lot of task related rewards in-game. Looking at the achievements list, there are actually a lot. I’ve been working on specialization collections and Bladed armor sets lately, and these require actually playing the game. While it’s true that GW2 does not have as much task related rewards as WoW (I can’t compare any other MMO’s since I never played others), GW2 doesn’t have a sub fee. If Anet moved everything to the game, we’d have sub fees and have less freedom to choose how we obtain rewards.


    Personally, I think Anet is doing a great job balancing task related rewards, gem store items, and gold to gem conversion (which effectively makes everything obtainable in-game).


    On a side note, I also love that many task related rewards are not grinds. In WoW, pretty much everything worth getting is a grind where I have to repeat the exact same daily quests, dungeons, etc. every day for weeks. In GW2, there are so many rewards that simply require players to play different parts of the game. I LOVE that!

  2. Yes, we definitely need an option to turn all these effects off, or at least reduce them very significantly. Current settings do jack. Though for me, it's not so much about the auras (I love my glowy Exalted Sky Sentry) as much as the flashes from skills. The bright camera flashes from skills hurt my eyes and I can't play some specs like Holosmith because of that. And in a group, I can't see the enemy's attacks, which is not very engaging gameplay. Heck, I don't even know what some of the PoF bounties look like since all I see are flashing lights. This is very poor design, both in terms of health and gameplay.

  3. Yes, it’s annoying. This game has a tendency to spam flashing lights at you, from skills, to gathering tools, to vistas... I had my monitor’s brightness set to 40 for years, but due to this game, I have to lower it to 20 during day time and 7 at night. Even then I can’t play Holosmith or look at the screen when gathering certain nodes (like the Orrian Oyster).


    It really is wise to lower brightness setting for this game. Even if you are young or have very healthy eyes, the constant flashes in this game will slowly cause damage to your eyes. If you’re older or already have unhealthy eyes, this game can be pretty painful for your eyes unless you drastically lower the brightness.


    Unfortunately, Anet doesn’t seem to care about player health, since they’re still adding bright flashes in skills, gathering tools, etc.

  4. With the exception of Engineer, I like them all pretty much equally. Reasons my Engineer isn’t as fun:


    1) Nearly all Holosmith skills cause bright flashing lights that eventually cause stinging sensation in my eyes. I don’t enjoy any other Engineer specs.

    2) Can’t equip a 2nd weapon. If I want to swap weapons, I have to use up a utility slot.

    3) The grenade launcher doesn’t have auto attack. Spamming 1 manually since it’s not a regular attack is tedious.


    Also, while I do enjoy my Elementalist, I wish Eles can also equip 2 weapons.

  5. Yes, it’s awesome having players and amazing events in low level zones. It was so epic right out of the bat, playing in an army against a world boss when I just started. My only other experience is WoW, and after this, I don’t think I can ever go back to WoW leveling.


    Unfortunately, many of the mid level zones are pretty empty. They could use some additional events to draw players in.

  6. My top 3.


    1) Remove all bright camera flashes from skills.


    I want to play Holosmith, but can’t since all the flashes hurt my eyes. Bright flashes cause eye fatigue, pain, and are unhealthy. Worst case, they an cause seizures. This really needs to be a priority, but unfortunately, Anet doesn’t give a kitten.


    In a large group, they also reduce visibility. Doing bounties in PoF is so mindless and boring since you can’t see what the enemy’s going to do. Mindless skill spam with no thought of reacting to what the enemy is doing is terrible design. Might as well give us a bounty where players beat a punching bag and at random times, players can just die for no reason.


    2) Make PoF zones more attractive.


    Reduce enemy aggro range in PoF from 900 to 600 (just like core and HoT). I try to mount and an enemy group aggroes from far away. I dispatch the aggroed enemies, then just before I can mount, another group of enemies aggro. I then dispatch that, and before I can mount, yet ANOTHER group of enemies aggro. This really makes me HATE being in PoF zones.


    Also, add more interesting events and rewards to draw players to PoF zones.


    3) Build templates would be nice. Even a basic one that just changes traits and utility skills bar.


    EDIT: I’m too lazy to make a long list, but I agree with so many things people have posted, both before and after this post. So many excellent lists. There are so many things I wish Anet adds, but the above 3 are probably my highest priority.

  7. > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

    > > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > > 1) Remove all bright camera flashes from skills. They cause eye fatigue, pain, and are unhealthy. Worst case, it can cause seizures. This really needs to be a priority, but unfortunately, Anet doesn’t give a kitten.


    > This really doesn't need to be a priority actually. Pretending that there are this magically large percentage of the overall population who suddenly suffer from actual diagnosed epilepsy playing MMOs is inaccurate at best and intellectually dishonest at worst. Current figures suggest that between 4 to 10 people per 1000 suffer from active epilepsy and that the vast majority of these people come from underdeveloped countries; aka countries where people aren't chillin on their lunch break playing Guild Wars 2. Unlike people who become mildly irritated by bright lights and then wildly exaggerate their symptoms and diagnose themselves with seizure disorders or epilepsy because they read a webMD article, real epileptics know the dangers of what they need to avoid and probably aren't willfully submitting themselves to the fast paced, bright colored, flashy entertainment that is video games in general.


    > So no, removing all skill effects from the game is not a priority nor should it be.


    I am not being inaccurate or dishonest at all. The seizure portion is, like I said, a worst case scenario. At no point did I use words like “large percentage of the overall population.” As for the flashes being a health issue, it is 100% accurate. Constant flashes are unhealthy for everyone’s eyes.


  8. I would be so happy if they addressed issues in current content before the next LWS.


    1) Remove all bright camera flashes from skills. They cause eye fatigue, pain, and are unhealthy. Worst case, it can cause seizures. This really needs to be a priority, but unfortunately, Anet doesn’t give a damn.


    In a large group, they also reduce visibility. Doing bounties in PoF is so mindless and boring since you can’t see what the enemy’s going to do. Mindless skill spam with no thought of reacting to what the enemy is doing is terrible design. Might as well give us a bounty where players beat a punching bag and at random times, players can just die for no reason.


    2) Reduce enemy aggro range in PoF from 900 to 600 (just like core and HoT). I try to mount and an enemy group aggroes from far away. I dispatch the aggroed enemies, then just before I can mount, another group of enemies aggro. I then dispatch that, and before I can mount, yet ANOTHER group of enemies aggro. This really makes me HATE being in PoF zones.


    Of course, it’s not like addressing these 2 would be so much work that we’d have to skip a LWS.

  9. GW1 is one of my favorite games of all time. Creating team builds for my whole party is so unique, I don’t see any other game replacing it. I really wish Anet didn’t abandon GW1. I think PVE skills makes all professions viable when played by the player, but this still leaves many heroes useless. It would be awesome if heroes can use PVE skills, too. I would nerf Save Yourselves to 50 armor, though.

  10. Saying expansions are p2w is pushing it. If Anet sold just elite specs separately, yes, that would be p2w, no doubt. But they don’t sell elite specs; they sell expansions that include many features that improve the game. Sometimes, these features will give purchasers advantages, intended or not. Even if elite specs are no more powerful than core specs, just having more options makes expansion owners more powerful. But companies can’t not add features because players who don’t want to buy expansions may be at a disadvantage.

  11. I see...


    The reason I haven’t bought e1 and e2 is because I really don’t like the aggro range of PoF. I don’t play in PoF zones unless necessary and it would be a waste of gems to purchase e1 and e2 just to go through story and not play in the maps (though Istan farm does pique my interest).


    I was thinking about getting the beetle mount since that’s the only mastery track I have left, but it’s not a priority. I guess I’ll just put it off for now.


    Thank you for the info.

  12. One of the things I love about this game is how alt friendly this game is, with so many things being account bound.


    It would be great if exotic gears are account bound on use, instead of soulbound on use. I want to create a lot of characters (more than 1 per profession) with different gear set ups. Being able to switch gears between them would be awesome. Also, I often soulbind a gear to a character I regret soulbinding it to. :cry:

  13. I want to play Holosmith, but can't because nearly every Holo weapon and utility skill causes bright instant camera flashes that hurt my eyes. Holosmith isn't the only problem, of course. There are so many skills, both from players and enemies that cause bright flashes that are damaging to eyes. These are health issues and Anet should take these issues seriously enough to address them quickly and efficiently.

  14. If you enjoy the game without mounts, it’s up to you. Core Tyria does not require mounts.


    If you don’t enjoy the game without mounts, but don’t want to use up your level 80 pass, you can ask a level 80 player to help you get a mount regardless of your character’s level. This way, you can get the base raptor at low level, and you’ll have your level 80 pass for when it’s more appropriate to use.


    If you don’t enjoy the game without mounts, and you want a level 80 character right now, then it makes sense to use up the level 80 pass and get a mount on your own.

  15. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > What is the name your trying to reuse.. this may give a clue as to why your seeing this issue



    A player named Bloodstealer wants to know the name you’re trying to use. I... I think he wants to steal your name, then force you to pay him in blood for him to release the name.


    I had a lot of sugar.


  16. > @"Shivvies.3921" said:

    > I don't know. Maybe this is related to the fact that I LIKE dispatching enemies.


    > Had similar discussions in Bitterfrost. You know how people just drop enemies on you and then limp away with "chilled" on their bar? I can understand not wanting to deal with mobs in PoF as they are rarely "lucrative" to kill but in Bitterfrost they are also heart completion so *shrug*


    > I wonder what the Anet reason for making them aggro from farther in PoF maps.


    Oh, I love combat in this game, too. It's very fun. :smile: The problem isn't so much that the enemies don't drop lucrative loot (for me, anyways), it's just that I love doing more than just combat. I love to explore the world, doing a variety of things. But in PoF, the aggro range is so big that my exploring is constantly disrupted by forced fights after forced fights after forced fights. What really gets annoying, is when I dispatch the initially aggroed enemies, then just before I can mount, another group of enemies aggro. I then dispatch that, and before I can mount, yet ANOTHER group of enemies aggro. This gets really annoying. :disappointed:


    On a side note, one time, this actually led to something good. After gathering something then dispatching 3 different groups of enemies that aggroed one after another, I aggroed yet another enemy. I was about to get annoyed when I noticed that it was actually a bounty that spawned on top of me. :smiley: While I'm not actively doing any bounties, I do enjoy helping people who need them, and also getting them done for myself in advance, in case I ever need them in the future.

  17. It is not a perception; it’s a fact. Outside PoF, enemies have aggro range of about 600. In PoF, enemies have aggro range of about 900.


    If you don’t believe me, you can measure the aggro range yourself using skills with above ranges. Enemies in Tyria, for example, you can get close enough to use 600 range skills at center before they aggro. The same skill, you cannot use against PoF enemies before you aggro them because they have 900 aggro range.

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