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Posts posted by Poormany.4507

  1. Yes to underwater mount - This is the only major mount type left that is not ingame yet and is likely to be made eventually, maybe even before Cantha.


    No to fishing - Many players, including myself, are just not interested in fishing in any form (see the many other threads on the topic) as it just seems very unnecessary as a system apart from roleplaying, which could easily be covered with an emote or single gemstore item.

  2. > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > @"Dustfinger.9510" said:

    > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > >

    > > > I don't recall ever seeing Hylek or frog like people there.. They had kappa though which were semi-intelligent turtle people. (Like the actual legends kinda) and they had some other reptilian races such as naga and maybe one other in the forested area. But as far as I Recall there were no frogs. Actually yea we never so frog people in cantha and there were almost exclusively from what I Remember In Elona/Eye of the north(The regions where the asura were..)

    > > >

    > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hylek Wiki Says they are primarily a mainland race. So now as of this moment they did not exist there.

    > > >

    > > > https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Heket#Hylek Guild wars 1 states they were Primarily in the tarnished coast, Elonan regions and the depths.

    > > >

    > > > I hope this helped.

    > >

    > > Tbf: we saw only a small portion of Cantha hundreds of years ago. And the description of "primarily" existing on the mainland inherently holds the option to exist anywhere else besides the mainland. Just, not in the same numbers as in the mainland.

    > >

    > > Since we saw so little of Cantha, it'd be like saying that not seeing wolves (or any other NPC) in a starting area of any region means they can't exist in any of the later maps of the region.

    > >

    > > There's just simply nothing eliminating the possibility or even making it extremely unlikely since so much of Cantha went unexplored by the PC. It means that the vast majority of Cantha can hold absolutely anything A-net would want to be there, in almost any proportions, and it wouldn't be lore breaking.


    > This is true... but I actually kinda like the idea of stumbling acrossed the un-buried skeletons and destroyed settlements at some point. Showing just how far cantha's leaders went to exterminate the non-humans. Would really set up the emperor to be a enemy.... hopefully then we can have a human enemy who is around longer than like a small appearance in one, and an episode where they went nuts *Coughs in Caudecus*


    If we're going to Shing-Jea, as the concept art suggests, we'll probably see the ruins of [Aerie](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Aerie) (the main Tengu settlement on Shing-Jea in GW1 that was evacuated at the end of Winds of Change), as that was almost certainly destroyed afterwards.


    I do think there is a possibility that we'll see some kind of Hylek variant or other races in areas that were not explored in GW1 or other inaccessible areas that were not able to be settled by humans (maybe even beneath the now melted Jade Sea?). I would expect for at least a few of the original races in Cantha to have evaded capture by going into hiding.

  3. > @"tmorrow.5189" said:

    > This kind of inflexible achievement is why i'm losing interest in GW2. They did the same thing with dragonfall's war eternal, where for mastery, you need all 18 achievements with no choices. What's wrong with offering some options, there is heaps of content to choose from? I don't mind if the achievements they offer are difficult or challenging, I just want some choices so I don't have to play one way. Not everyone wants to grind out strike missions all the time.


    Agreed - the recent achievements have also made me lose much interest in even bothering with achievements at all. The ones in the Saga are not even mostly difficult, just extremely time gated and grindy. The worst ones for me are the ones that require you to compete with other players for completion (i.e. many of the newest strike mission ones) and the ones that require you to do the same exact events 25+ times.

  4. Metas I can usually find people for, but random map events that are required for achievements are definitely a problem for me and others I've played with (Kourna cannon achievement, Willowdread, etc.). 2-3 causal players stand little chance at doing many of these, and that's usually the number of players I can get without waiting for hours or days at a time. Daily maps do help, but require players to be available on those specific days, which many are not. I would be in favor of scaling down map events and, if they are not as often played, metas, after several LW episodes pass by and the player population in those maps decreases, so players who did not complete all the achievements shortly after their release can still get them done without waiting hours or days.

  5. > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > If they're adding tengu then I'd expect them to work like every other race, personal story and all. Their level 30 story could end up with them joining an order as an exile or emissary. No problem there, there's no reason why the commander couldn't be a tengu instead of an asura, charr, human, norn or sylvari.


    I really doubt Tengu would be made to go through the regular Personal Story, HoT, PoF, or the LW seasons in between/after them. It would just be a really crazy large amount of dialogue, including unique lines, to add (unless they just use a voice filter or something, but even then it would look very weird lorewise since there's no Tengu in Destiny's Edge, the Pact, or Dragon's Watch).


    I think if there is a new Tengu race, it would either start in Cantha/Dominion of Winds with entirely new level 1-80 areas/story, or, more likely, it would just start immediately with a level 80 character jumping into the expac story. As for how Tengu players could be the "commander," I think Tengu characters could have an intro cinematic after character creation, where its explained how they became a commander among the Tengu, which would work lorewise, as the current PC isn't even the "Pact" commander anymore.

  6. We haven't seen much, if any, of Primordus actually corrupting any living thing, as much as making destroyers straight out of lava modeled based on living things. The Stone Summit we saw in the strike mission seemingly did a ritual to try to prevent them from undergoing the change to stone that all dwarves underwent, that apparently went wrong and they got corrupted that way. There hasn't been any indication that Primordus seeks to corrupt living things, rather than just destroy them entirely, but maybe we'll see more on Primordus later.

  7. > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

    > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

    > > > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > > > > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

    > > > > > I have avoided raids for the most part for a few reasons. They all seem pretty common. I think they are, therefore, arguably the real issue with raids and strikes.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

    > > > > > > I've said it before and I'll say it again: Strikes are a cool concept but they make the mistake of implementing them backwards.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > With raids you have way too much immersive design and resources going into a mode that ultimately is being played comptetively and thus will not really be played for the journey or to be experienced. So Strikes should not be an introduction to Raids, Raids should be an introduction to Strikes. Raids should be the journey and the experience. It should be where people go for an deeper extension of the experiences they gain on the open world maps. It should deliver the things that the maps may not be able to in terms of deeper PvE experience and storytelling. Strikes should be designed to be competetively challenging, so more Strikes can be put out to satiate the needs of the competetive PvE communities on shorter release cycles. They too could be closer tied to the maps but they should be their own competetive environment much more where focus is on challenging mechanics and bragging rights.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I realize that there is a substantial part of the GW2 community now that are not MMO-players and rather single-player type of players who have been seduced by the many years of focus on LS. However, in a broader perspective, this focus on LS has appearantly not served the company well. Their game ultimately is an MMO and excels as an MMO and that needs to be re-established for the game to have a future. Lately, it seemingly looks as if the company itself also has come to that realization with a return to replayability and good push-pull map design in the pipeline.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > This discussion is in my eyes an extension of that. They should keep focusing on good map design first and foremost. They should put LS initiatives more onto maps and into raids. They should put competetive raid initiatives into strikes where the meat-and-potatoes boss is the focus and the focus is not the resource- or asset-demanding spice or garnish. The players who are annoyed over having to play with other players in this online world was never supposed to be the target demographic of a product like this. If you want to appease them, make a single player game. Having an MMO game where you prioritize single-player focus will not appease everyone, it will not suffieciently appease anyone and gives you marketing issues. If you want GW2 to stay healthy, focus on the social, competetive and cooperative multiplayer aspects it was designed around. That clearly was the working recipe.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > ^ One reason I WOULD want to raid is I would like to enjoy the story. However, in raid groups you dont really get to enjoy the story or it takes so much time to organize etc that it just isnt possible to be on that long or I get hungry, tired, bored before things even get going and end up feeling like WOW I dont ever want to do THAT again.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > @"Rukia.4802" said:

    > > > > > > Strikes were never going to get people to raid. ANet are like a toddler in MMO-basics. An easy mode for casuals is the norm now but ANet didn't get the memo just like proper queue system for instances.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Its a shame because probably so few people actually see raids and they don't see it as a great return on investment. If they just implement a LFR then 90% of players will queue into it if all they have to do is press a button and do a couple ez mechanics and see the story. I bet the public option for strikes is very popular for example.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Then the content isn't "wasted" and THIS is what gets people to move onto pugging normal, heroic, etc. in WoW. Sure, most will probably stick to LFR which is fine, but you do get quite a few new raiders and in the end what does it matter if everyone gets to see the content you will still have your casuals and hardcores.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Strikes are so disconnected with raids its silly.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I actually think this is a good idea. That is I agree with both posts in that they are suggesting raids should be more enjoyable to people can experience the content. I mean, it really does seem like the worst possible use of development resources to put in so much time into content MOST of the player base (who pay for the game) NEVER see the content outside a youtube video. That is just shamefully bad design. I feel its bad design because they failed to make it accessible.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Now they are trying to make strikes as a stepping stone, but I think your idea makes a hell of allot more sense. I think raids should be easier to run to the point that everyone can faceroll through them like OpenWorld, Stories, etc. THEN make shorter strikes that are hard and have many different hard strikes for those who want new hard content. It would use less resources to keep the more demanding players happy and would allow more of the player base to enjoy the fun and pretty content that is hidden behind the Wall that is raiding.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > TBH I think raids s it stands now was a large waste of resources and allot of delusional planning cause Im guessing Anet thought people would do them more which ignores how few people actually do T4s and CMs vs how many do fractals. Same thing. Fractals in general are accessible for average players to enjoy, but T4 and CM offers people more of a challenge. The difference is Strikes + Raids is BACKWARDS. Meaning, Raids should be the easy accessible content and Strikes should be the equivalent of T4s and CMs. You could have a variety of strikes with scaling difficulty or add instabilities as an option to raise the challenge even more. It seems like this kinda of change might actually give everyone more enjoyable content. That said, I'm sure some hard core raiding dudes will come tell me why this is wrong.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > edit: Also the time factor. Pretty much every time I have tried to raid it becomes allot of waiting around then when you finally get the "correct 10 players" someone has to leave, then another, and this can drag out all because of the complexity of what is required to basically enjoy some neat content. So after a few times of wasting an entire evening or day waiting with thumb up you know what, I personally lost interest in the idea of raiding because it takes a long time and isn't designed to be fun. Also I have legendary armor already so really the only reason I wanted to raid was to experience the content, but its locked up in this fiasco so I for the moment moved on and just don't bother cause it isn't worth it at present.

    > > > >

    > > > > From everything I've heard and read the raids in this game shouldn't be taking anyone 2 - 4 hours to complete, as far as I know, and someone can correct me if they want they're designed to be finished is a little as an hour(60 minutes and that isn't a speed run asfaik) up to 90 minutes(2 hours is pushing it from what I've heard through several sources). I'm not going to respond to the waiting around part because that sounds like you're trying to PUG it and that will take a lot of waiting around, best experience is through a guild that raids consistently or forming your own in-guild raid team. Obviously not everyone is going to experience the same thing, but I know that ArenaNet did not want the Raids in GW2 to be those long time commitments that you have in other MMO's. That being said, I still wouldn't do them even if they had a casual mode with reduced rewards, there's really no reason to do them for the story when I can just watch a video of the story/lore, that's the same as doing it myself only I didn't run through the content on my character.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Your response is nothing but a side line. It doesn't actually address what is stated as the issue. It doesn't agree or disagree, yet attempts to dismiss what was said.

    > > >

    > > > What was said is basically, that most players don't and never will raid with the present raid system, yet most players WOULD like to experience the content and would enjoy it other than for all the reasons mentioned. Some posted suggestions I felt made sense. Specifically, I like the idea of making strikes much harder, and making raids much easier. I think its a stupid waste of resources for Anet to pour so much into Raid content when Most players will never use it. Rather, I think it would make allot more sense to have raid content much more accessible since its some of the best actual content in the game and is currently a waste. For those who want a good challenge, strikes seems like the logical format vs the raid content that presently takes up so much development and gives little to nothing for the average player.In other words, I see Anet using up so much development resources on raids that most players wont ever use a massive waste. I think should be obvious that this makes sense regardless of how long you think an experienced raid team takes. Its totally beside the point. I was just adding in why I myself don't raid. I don't raid because planning, prepping, training, and looking for 10 people of the right class, with the right gear, right build, right experience, ability to tie it all together and know all the mechanics IS SOMETHING MOST PLAYERS WILL NEVER DO SO ITS A WASTE OF RESOURCES! Again, that seems totally obvious and hard NOT to admit. Seems like you HAVE to be bias not to agree with that.

    > >

    > > I replied to someone that said they didn't have the time to Raid, that is what that specific reply was in reference to, nothing more...when someone is not telling the truth about something it makes sense to repute that statement, which is all I did. Saying they take to long is disingenuous at best, unless you only have 15 - 30 minutes to play...and I don't want people with families and spouses to start whining. I had those too, and I still made time to game because I needed to relax and get away from the real world, it wasn't that difficult to juggle parenting and being a spouse alongside long playing sessions every single night..and now I'm going off on a tangent.


    > The assertion that raids take 15-30 is laughable. Nuff said.


    > The overall point of what I have said was in support of what others suggested. Nothing more. Specifically, I was agreeing with the idea that since raids have allot of great content that the majority of the player base would enjoy if the average player felt Raiding was more accessible while ALSO acknowledging that many endgame players want more challenging content and more new content. Since Strikes are less complicated BUT CAN be very challenging (boneskinner) for raiders. I like the idea other players suggest. Specifically, that if raids where made easier more people could enjoy the content and maybe if strikes where made to fill the niche of highly challenging scalable content for demanding power gamer types that perhaps that would be a better balance and better use of resources. In other words, if raids where easy and strikes where hard, with challenge motes and instabilities as options for more challenge, the player base as a whole may gain much more from the same development time and efforts. Wouldn't that be nice!?!


    > I dont expect everyone to agree with this and said as much. However, the idea that this is somehow illogical is, well..., illogical. ;)


    I disagree that making raids easier and strikes harder would help. I feel like that would just cause most of the players doing strikes to switch to raids, if they're made easy enough, and if not, just quit both entirely, wasting even more dev time and resources. Many, if not most, players already seem to struggle with apparently simple mechanics in strikes (Such as harpooning the boss in the most recent strike) and would almost certainly be uncomfortable doing any kind of advanced build/DPS/rotation type stuff needed for raids or more difficult strikes (I know I would be). I agree with the posters requesting a difficulty level system, in which the more difficult setting gives far better rewards, but casuals, such as myself, can still experience story and exploration content in the easier version. That way both hardcore and casual players get what they want, and no resources are wasted on content only a small minority of playerbase does (i.e. current raids).

  8. > @"Jimbru.6014" said:

    > Another random thought out of all this: Jormag's storm was hindering Bangar's progress as much as ours, which doesn't seem likely if Jormag was actually trying to lure Bangar to it. It's starting to look to me like Bangar might be acting _on his own initiative_, not because of Jormag whispering to him. Where THAT could lead is possibly even more frightening...


    The Boneskinner footprints outside of Bangar's office do seem to point to Jormag having at least some kind of influence over Bangar. Even if it was just Jormag planting the idea of being tamable into Bangar to set the latter's plan to go to Jormag in action, which is what I suspect happened. I think the storm was just Jormag playing both Bangar and the PC to act synchronously according to its plans and be where Jormag wants them to be at the right time. I do think Jormag's carefully planned everything that's happened so far in the Saga, possibly even his Whisper getting killed to get Bangar and the PC at the same place at the same time.

  9. > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > @"Nick.5276" said:

    > > > I still think it's dumb and misleading so /thburrrrrrrrrrrrt!

    > >

    > > What's "dumb" is when people ignore both, the NPC who is shouting orders _and_ their teammates who are desperately trying to provide guidance in chat. ;)


    > Except it seems the vast majority of players don't use chat at all.


    > So, ANet, how about forcefully turning on map, say, party, and squad chat in strike missions? Do not allow them to be turned off. Then, restore them to their original values when the character leaves the mission. That would allow all characters to know that their message at least got to the recipient.


    I turn chat off specifically to avoid getting spoiled during story missions, which this is. Got the ending of All or Nothing spoiled because some guy felt like yelling the ending out in map chat, and since then, I just decided to turn all chat off during my first playthrough of all story missions.

  10. > @"Jilora.9524" said:

    > It really seems the same players complain or don't learn no matter how many things anet puts in to help. You get the beginning tutorial which you can't skip even after 20 times so you should learn eventually. You got achieves which tell you things you should learn. They slowly walk you down with each mechanic during escort before boss. You can ask questions as you have 9 others. Or you can google and I'm sure someone has a strike tutorial or these forums. I mean they even got arrows on where to go at points. Some achieves aren't clear enough like Rival should said kill 15 skelk to progress or moving up the ranks should say Beat boss with all 4 challenge modes active etc but the fight come on. Learn to learn.


    Not a single NPC in the mission explains how the tank works past the initial pre-event, which can easily be missed by anyone playing through for the first time, as there are three others to do, so players who did not do it, don't really have a chance to "learn". Many, if not most players don't look at or do achievements, or look up guides the first time through playing a main story mission (which this clearly is). If it was a strike mission or raid unrelated to the main story, this advice would be valid as it would be expected for players to know what they're doing beforehand, but Visions of the Past is part of the main story and thus, largely played by those who do not look up the mission or its achievements beforehand so as not to get the plot spoiled. I did not feel like there was enough guidance during this mission and imo there should be a tutorial NPC or tooltips during the mission to explain the mechanics (those of the tank in particular).

  11. Biggest issue for me was that the tank mechanics were not explained at all to anyone who did not do the tank event at the beginning, so they have no clue how/if they can use it, myself included. I even tried talking to the tank NPC during the mission, hoping for some kind of instructions on how to use the tank, but nothing. I had no idea you could even enter the tank until halfway through the boss fight and had no idea what the ammo mechanics were through the whole mission. If you have a team in which nobody does the tank pre-event and just focuses on the other 3, it seems your'e pretty much out of luck on the boss. I think adding instructions to the tank NPC dialogue when talking to them would be sufficient to at least give players some basics on the tank mechanics.

  12. Very likely DSD next, since Cantha is the expac location, but I don't think we'll kill off Jormag yet in the Icebrood Saga. The Saga's partly done and we haven't even seen Jormag, much less begun fighting it directly, and killing him in the Saga would seem rushed. I think we'll either ally with Jormag against the DSD at the end of the Saga going into the expac, or put Jormag back to sleep (less likely, since that would be a repeat plotline of LWS3). I think Primordus, and maybe also Jormag, will get their own combined "Fire and Ice" expac or LW season/Saga after the Cantha Expac.

  13. Very likely DSD next, since Cantha is the expac location, but I don't think we'll kill off Jormag yet in the Icebrood Saga. The Saga's partly done and we haven't even seen Jormag, much less begun fighting it directly, and killing him in the Saga would seem rushed. I think we'll either ally with Jormag against the DSD at the end of the Saga going into the expac, or put Jormag back to sleep, which seems less likely, since that would be a repeat plotline of LWS3. I think Primordus, and maybe also Jormag, will get their own combined Fire and Ice expac or LW season/Saga after the Cantha Expac.

  14. Very likely DSD next, since Cantha is the expac location, but I don't think we'll kill off Jormag yet in the Icebrood Saga. The Saga's partly done and we haven't even seen Jormag, much less begun fighting it directly, and killing him in the Saga would seem rushed. I think we'll either ally with Jormag against the DSD at the end of the Saga going into the expac, or put Jormag back to sleep, which seems less likely, since that would be a repeat plotline of LWS3. I think Primordus, and maybe also Jormag, will get their own combined "Fire and Ice" expac or LW season/Saga after the Cantha Expac.

  15. Very likely DSD next, since Cantha is the expac location, but I don't think we'll kill off Jormag yet in the Icebrood Saga. The Saga's partly done and we haven't even seen Jormag, much less begun fighting it directly, and killing him in the Saga would seem rushed. I think we'll either ally with Jormag against the DSD at the end of the Saga going into the expac, or put Jormag back to sleep (less likely, since that would be a repeat plotline of LWS3). I think Primordus, and maybe also Jormag, will get their own combined "Fire and Ice" expac or LW season/Saga after the Cantha Expac.

  16. Very likely DSD next, since Cantha is the expac location, but I don't think we'll kill off Jormag yet in the Icebrood Saga. The Saga's partly done and we haven't even seen Jormag, much less begun fighting it directly, and killing him in the Saga would seem rushed. I think we'll either ally with Jormag against the DSD at the end of the Saga going into the expac, or put Jormag back to sleep (less likely, since that would be a repeat plotline of LWS3) I think Primordus, and maybe also Jormag, will get their own combined "Fire and Ice" expac or LW season/Saga after the Cantha Expac.

  17. Very likely DSD next, since Cantha is the expac location, but I don't think we'll kill off Jormag yet in the Icebrood Saga. The Saga's partly done and we haven't even seen Jormag, much less begun fighting it directly, and killing him in the Saga would seem rushed. I think we'll either ally with Jormag against the DSD at the end of the Saga going into the expac, or put Jormag back to sleep (less likely, since that would be a repeat plotline of LWS3). I think Primordus, and maybe also Jormag, will get their own combined "Fire and Ice" expac or LW season/Saga after the Cantha Expac.

  18. Very likely DSD next, since Cantha is the expac location, but I don't think we'll kill off Jormag yet in the Icebrood Saga. The Saga's partly done and we haven't even seen Jormag, much less begun fighting it directly, and killing him in the Saga would seem rushed. I think we'll either ally with Jormag against the DSD at the end of the Saga going into the expac, or put Jormag back to sleep (less likely, since that would be a repeat plotline of LWS3). I think Primordus, and maybe also Jormag, will get their own combined "Fire and Ice" expac or LW season/Saga after the Cantha Expac.

  19. Very likely DSD next, since Cantha is the expac location, but I don't think we'll kill off Jormag yet in the Icebrood Saga. The Saga's partly done and we haven't even seen Jormag, much less begun fighting it directly, and killing him in the Saga would seem rushed. I think we'll either ally with Jormag against the DSD at the end of the Saga going into the expac, or put Jormag back to sleep (less likely, since that would be a repeat plotline of LWS3). I think Primordus, and maybe also Jormag, will get their own combined "Fire and Ice" expac or LW season/Saga after the Cantha Expac.

  20. > @"Brad.9730" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > @"Brad.9730" said:

    > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > I think you are trying to push a system which is neither in any way better (I still fail to see where the benefit here lies), nor does it make sense to work on 7-8 year old content.

    > The goal of stretching out skill availability is to slow down the pace that new players are introduced to combat mechanics and to accompany each tier with a tutorial instance where they practice and are given tips on those specific new abilities that were introduced in that tier. Spreading out trait availability is not as necessary, but I do feel that helps with the sense of progression. In my casual/nooby guilds, I've heard many new players feel leveling from 40-80 felt unimpactful to them because they felt they already unlocked almost everything, and the stat boosts that occur while leveling never felt noticeable to them because the world is scaled in a way where you're never too overpowered.


    > Unfortunately, I know in my guilds, and I've seen too frequently in end game open world content, Elementalists who never attunement swap, players who only use their weapon skills and they spam them on cool down (like a longbow Ranger who uses knock back without purpose), players who use abilities (and not just auto attack) on invulnerable foes, players who do not use skills while moving or do not dodge out of red circles, players who never weapon swap in combat, players who do not WP when dead because they do not realize reviving the dead in combat takes too long compared to reviving the downed, and players who do not realize rallying is often more efficient than reviving. I've often encounter a few of these mistakes in T4 daily fractals as well. Somehow people obtain full ascended gear without understanding their fundamental combat mechanics. I see some people thinking my suggestions would make the game more boring or easy, but no. Limitations would literally make the game marginally more challenging, but the game is already brain dead easy enough for auto attackers to get to expansion content and obtain max stat gear. Currently the game introduces all combat mechanics to players around level 30, and these concepts are only briefly introduce, never reintroduced/reinforced, and never guided with practice. The Central Tyrian experience is intended to be one big tutorial to prepare you for Orr, dungeons/FotM, and competitive modes as they try to provide tutorial tips in bouncy chests every time a character levels up. The problem is these players either gloss over the tutorial tips and never retain the information (because it's information without guided practice), or they just select their loot and never look at the tutorial tips.


    To me the problem doesn't seem to be players not knowing mechanics, just players not using them properly or at all. I don't think more tutorial instances would solve this problem, because as soon as players finish the required tutorials, there is still no need to use any of the mechanics you mentioned except if you're playing hardcore and maximizing DPS or raiding (a small minority of players). There will always be players in GW2 who just spam 1 and get away with it if possible. I don't think GW2 could or should solve this problem at this point as it would require an entirely different game and playerbase to accomplish. Maybe add small breakbar, etc. tutorials, similar to the existing dodge tutorial, to just let players know these mechanics exist, but anything more just seems like a waste of dev time and resources.

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