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Posts posted by Poormany.4507

  1. > > @"Hannelore.8153" said:


    > By the time Kralk himself was slain at Dragonfall, there's yet another suggestion in Tom's reply that Aurene may not have been able to absorb all of his magic despite taking it in at ground zero. Perhaps this was because Aurene was still relatively juvenile in size and experience and snacking on Kralk's magic would be a bigger undertaking than taking on Joko.



    Jormag getting Kralk magic is also suggested by the Icebrood Saga mini from the promo (the icebrood with purple Kralk-like energy instead of the Vine-touched energy we saw in LWS3)


    Maybe we're seeing Mordremoth's mind energy being used already, based on the Suspicious Travelers and Bangar, to telepathically send thoughts/speech longer distances, even outside the Shiverpeaks, much like Mordremoth did with Scarlet?

  2. Agree with OP on this one - so many of the achievements in the prologue rely on group events and require you to compete with other players for completion and it is to your advantage to get the least number of players around as possible. The events themselves don't even need that many players and it just takes away from your own progress and makes you wait hours if there's more than 2 or 3 players doing them each time. I don't think previous episodes have this kind, or at least that many, of this kind of achievement. I don't want to compete with others during events and be mad at other players for taking away from my own achievement progress. I really hope they don't keep doing these during LWS5.

  3. IMO, GW1 had much easier to use build templates than these, and the current ones are very clunky and confusing with all the different types and tabs - not quick and easy to use like GW1's 1 or 2 click templates.


    Putting an obvious cashgrab in game for a system that was done better 15+ years ago in **your own** **game** and should have been in the game at launch, when the community is already not feeling good about GW2's current and future state just seems like a very bad move to me.

  4. > @"TheLadyOfTheRings.9148" said:

    > If this "hero system" was really implemented - in a viable way, considering everything said so far - I don't think it would force players to use it; those who don't see any advantages in the system wouldn't use it.


    Only way I could see it forcing players to use it would be enabling level 80 zone (semi) afk mob farming for those with heroes, giving them an advantage over those without them.


    In GW1 post-hero content was much harder to do with just henchmen, so the choice was pretty much to somehow find a multiple person party that can work together to clear content or go the easy way and use heroes. Pretty sure you can guess what most players (including myself) picked and what ultimately, turned GW1 into a single player game (not that that's wrong, but I don't think that's something Anet would want for GW2, which is much more heavily advertised as a cooperative game).

  5. Really do not like this idea for GW2, personally seeing how heroes made GW1 a solo game and removed almost any need for playing with anyone else in game.


    Also, seeing how they're handling build templates, heroes/companions would likely be completely paywalled and not worth getting at all for most players (arguably even pay to win for farming), since the game is already really easy in open world and story instances.


    Strongly prefer they spend their time/resources on adding something useful to the game or fixing bugs that have been in game for years.

  6. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > Or you know, they could *not* make design decisions based on data gathered during one of their most popular festivals.


    This has been an issue because LW maps die after a few weeks or months and players doing achievements and collections after that have difficulties completing required events because of the low player population in those maps. Little to do with festivals (although they do worsen the problem) and the issue persists outside of festival times.

  7. Strongly agree with this one - I think LW collection events should be scaled down to require only 2 or 3 players at most to succeed (not counting metas or larger scale events) after several months unless some other way is found to bring people back to these dead LW maps, as much fewer players are available to help with those events months (or even weeks) after the episode. The Kourna cannon event in particular comes to mind to me. Took hours just to get an event to show up, then needed at least 3-4+ players to actually get it to succeed when there's usually only 2 or maybe 3 players max at the time who were available on the map to do the event (took me several days to do what should have been an hour at most collection items). I can already barely find anyone to help with most of the LWS4 (can't imagine doing LWS3) map event achievs/collections (LFG and tags don't help and if so require at least 3+ hours of waiting).

  8. I agree with the OP that something needs to be changed about the game, and soon, as the every 2-3 month LW with 3 hours of story and a bunch of 1 AP grind 100+ times achievements is just not working anymore to keep PVE players in game long-term, as expacs were or could/should be doing. I don't think LWS2 & 3 episodes had any 100+ or even 20+ grind achievements and were mostly more skill or exploration based, compared to the recent LWS4 & 5 ones, which just seem to be made to keep players in game artificially longer without adding new content. Many, including myself, just return to the game every time there is a significant release or festival, play for a day or two, and then go back to other games/hobbies to fill in the wait gap because there's no meaningful long-term content to work towards that isn't just boring grind work. WvW and PvP haven't gotten significant changes in years to keep them interesting for players. However, giving away free stuff as OP suggests is not going to help anything.

  9. > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > > I'm not against games with subscription model

    > >

    > > but Guild Wars from the inception had always targeted a different demographic of gamers, those who dont want a subscription model

    > >

    > > the game and the company had also come too long and far down the track with the model, any sudden shift will cause mass chaos and split the community


    > Again, the key word here is “optional”. Those that don’t like it don’t have to use it.


    Most sub systems in MMOs I've seen end up eventually locking non-sub players out of over half of the content because its "sub/member only", so those who don't want to spend money each month and be forced to play the game every day to get their money's worth (i.e. casual players) have little to do in game and quit as soon as they finish the non-sub content.


    Big NO from me to any sub system in GW2 since the series was strictly advertised as non-sub from day 1 of GW1.

  10. They really need to have something big (i.e. an expac) after Icebrood Saga to get players back in the game for more than 2 or 3 days every 2-3 months, and that's what most PVE players are hyped for right now since they didn't do an expac after LWS4. Not doing that would be a massive letdown and would probably lose them many players that are holding out hope for an expac in the future. Doesn't necessarily have to be Cantha, but if it was, it would really help bring a lot of players back into the game.

  11. I would prefer they keep working on GW2, as there's plenty of topics and areas that haven't even begun to be explored yet (Cantha, DSD, Tengu) or are still hanging (replacing killed elder dragons, Lyssa's involvement in the story).


    If there were a GW3, I would like to explore areas outside of Tyria, Cantha, and Elona, as exploring the same areas 3 times in a row would just start getting boring.

  12. > @"perilisk.1874" said:

    > > @"ErikTheTyrant.4527" said:

    > > Perhaps Rytlock is the icebrood charr we see in the trailer. The icebrood charr in the tailer looks exactly like rytlock - sohothin. Maybe Jormag creates an ice construct that looks like him. I believe this because it could be some kind of mirror thing where rytlock has to fight himself. Just a thought


    > There's another charr that looks a lot like Rytlock.


    The icebrood Charr in the trailer looks way more like Ryland to me at first glance than Rytlock or Bangar. Could just be a generic model though, but with the direction the story's going, I wouldn't be surprised if Ryland becomes a major icebrood champion and has to fight Rytlock directly.

  13. Nah, pretty sure Crecia's going to end up Khan-Ur after Bangar gets icebrooded (maybe a very small chance for Ryland, but he seems to be being set up to either die or replace Rylock if the latter dies). Rytlock becoming Khan-Ur would just be Logan 2.0 and management/keeping tabs on everyone seems much more like Crecia's type of thing.

  14. They already started implementing story checkpoints a while ago now, so it's not that much effort to run back to the same point. If it's disconnecting in the middle of a story battle (not right before/after cutscenes), the problem is most likely on your internet end. LW stories are too short imo and only take like 2-4 hours max (excluding achievs and map completion) for most players to complete (even on chars with core builds), even faster if you have a party.

  15. Pretty sure Bangar, Ryland, and their group are all going to be icebrooded either way in the next one or two episodes as soon as they use Braham's bow on Jormag regardless of whether or not Jormag is directly or indirectly influencing either or both of them.


    Jormag knows if he goes into outright battle with the Pact, commander, Aurene, and the full Charr/Norn armies he will most likely lose the fight (especially after being seemingly weakened from the blast he received), so he will probably try to persuade large portions of those groups (likely the PC and Aurene soon) to join him to even out the field, like he already seems to have succeeded in this with Bangar's forces. I'm guessing that Jormag will target the Norn soon by going after the Spirits of the Wild and icrebrooding them to persuade their followers to join him.

  16. The map seemed well designed to me, but I would have preferred more chain events or a meta-ish event.

    Overall story was really good to me for a prologue chapter and was more than I had expected.

    Only complaint I had was that it seems like half of Dragon's Watch vanished from the story for no given reason (again) and will probably be absent during the Saga/Season.

  17. There was a shot of what looked like to me were the Woodland Cascades in the trailer (the centaur scene), which are just to the west of the Far Shiverpeaks, and iirc there were Tengu tribes up there in GW1. So we may see them as part of a Far Shiverpeaks map that extends into the Verdant Cascades (or maybe a full map in the region), but I don't see much indication that we'll be going to the Dominion of Winds just yet in LWS5.

  18. > @"Arden.7480" said:

    > > @"Regh.8649" said:

    > > Maybe Jormag is aware of Primordius eminent awakening (hence the rising red on the logo) and he's trying to create a temporary aliance with aurene, to ensure his survival.

    > >

    > > Aurene and the tyrian races are in no place to deny the offer if they want to preserve the world. It's like Jormag in telling us "accept my offer and I'll help you". Maybe we'll be seeing the most epic battle of Ice and Fire.

    > >

    > > Not a pro on Lore so...


    > Very possible


    Also agree it may be an alliance against Primordus, since if Jormag is waking up again, chances are Primordus is not far behind since the two were knocked out at the same time. That would put the PC at a really hard decision if it means risking an alliance with Jormag and standing a chance against Primordus or Primordus becoming active again and having to deal with fighting 2 elder dragons at the same time.


    If not, my next best guess is Aurene since it would be easy to exploit her love for those around her, especially her champion, to force her to join him. We've already seen her be willing to die to save the PC against Kralk, she may choose to join Jormag (at least temporarily) if it means saving her champion at the moment.

  19. Most people I've seen posting are not mad, just extremely disappointed.


    A lot of people thought the event would lead to an expac announcement (or at least that there will be one). It didn't.

    A lot of people thought it would reveal new, groundbreaking, game changing features on the level of gliding, mounts, or specs. It didn't.


    The plot we got from the event was already predicted multiple times over based on the recent updates. Even the new map location was obvious and already predicted based on the world map update timing. The event just felt unnecessary and made players hyped for new groundbreaking changes, when there don't seem to be any for people who already have both HoT and PoF (i.e. most people posting and attending the event). It felt like the post on the GW2 news page would have covered most of the new changes and have been a much better alternative to a full event (the last two of which they announced full expacs in).


    I'm still holding out on some hope that the "expansion level" content anet promised us will be in LWS5, but the season just doesn't feel that way basedo n how it is being advertised and instead feels like either more of the same (map based masteries, 1 hour of story every 4 months) or even a step down from LWS4 (reusing old maps, no new maps each episode).

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