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Posts posted by Poormany.4507

  1. How would a horse mount be any different in functionality than a Warclaw?


    > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > > This is why they should add a Central Tyria mount and unlock masteries immediately, rather than being spoiled from having to go into an expansion.


    > I disagree. Mounts are expansion content. Pay for them; support the game.


    Also this ^^



  2. > @"aspirine.6852" said:

    > It will be very easy to introduce new mounts if we go to another continent or other restricted parts of the Tyrian map.


    Except mounts are a PoF feature and require PoF masteries, so I don't think they'll do mounts as the primary feature of the next expac. We might get some additional side mounts, like Warclaw, that require PoF though.


    I think housing and/or underwater combat/exploration might be the next expac feature.

  3. > @"Mokk.2397" said:

    > I'm finding it difficult to target and see some things because of screen clutter.The toy button is annoying and would like to be able to move it out of the way or turn it off ,Other things are the pops ups like skill definitions and loot boxes right in the middle of the screen .Not good things to happen in combat.Being able to disable some of these things would be a great help .


    Agreed, no idea why novelties even have their own button (I almost never use them), especially one that everyone is forced to have rather than just a keybound shortcut.


    Combat is getting laggier and laggier, and also more cluttered, with every new mount that is released, and even my best graphics setting/high speed internet PC is lagging heavily whenever mobs like the ones in the screenshots above, oftentimes also with griffons and now skyscales flying all over, take place. Adding a hide player mounts, mount skins, and/or mount animations setting would greatly reduce the lag/screen clutter.

  4. > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

    > > Oh gods this again... you could not search for the hundreds of other threads that already beat this poor centaur to death?


    > Same was done for mounts, Im just going on now because we have tons of hints at a cantha expansion. Would be nice if it was done; Im not saying they will I have no faith in A-net anymore once so ever so I mean take it for what it is worth. They cater to... a very specific crowd and im not one of them, I know this but as it stands now I can't see myself giving them anymore money for expansions~ Especially with how poor the last two were.


    Except for mounts, Anet purposefully did not comment on the topic and left it open for discussion. Not so much for new playable races, as they did explicitly post earlier that it would probably be too much resource use for too little payoff or something to that effect. So maybe we'll get a new playable race, but it seems very unlikely and not worth getting my hopes up for.


    Cantha, on the other hand, I very much do see happening eventually, if not next expac, as it would be a major money maker and has had a ton of demand since launch.

  5. > @"Leeroy.2587" said:

    > The **ONLY** things I can think of that have been setup for future narative is:

    > Taimi's Condition no longer being in remission.

    > Rox's new found love of the Olmakhan tribe and potential exit from the guild.

    > The only remaining relevant story thread I can think of is the cleansing of the Forfire that we started in LWS 2 that kinda went nowhere


    1 - Probably will be a secondary plot of LWS5

    2 - Not really a major plot, as she hasn't directly done much with our guild recently anyways, other than leading the Olmakhan.

    3 - Maybe, but possibly it will be another plot point that is forgotten and never again revisited, as many pre HoT plots were


    Other than these, Charr civil war plot sounds really plausible at this point, as the only reason they stopped fighting each other was the elder dragons, and they're all dealt with at the moment, so an anti-human Charr and/or human separatist leader/group could gain much sway right now to restart conflicts, especially in/around Ebonhawke where both sides are still bitter at each other.

  6. > @"Adrianna.3092" said:

    > there will HAVE to be an underwater expansion... you cant fight a sea dragon on land.... that would defeat the purpose of it being a sea dragon...


    > and its a deep sea dragon as well... not just a normal sea dragon but DEEP sea.. so yes i can say pretty much for certain that the next expansion pack will be in the water.... sorry you hate it sooo much that you want to ignore its existence but there is no other way it can be done...


    Agree that the DSD will probably be in a fully underwater or mostly underwater themed expac, but there's no reason right now to believe it's the next expac which could be anywhere at this point, could be 1-3 expacs later for all we know atm.

  7. Nobody knows where the story's going next and it's just hyped speculation at this point that we're going to Cantha anytime soon (as has been the case since launch). Next map area could be anywhere right now as the story could take any direction after that very open S4 finale. New playable race is unlikely since Anet said previously that it would probably be too much work to make new weapons, armor, etc. for a new race. No idea what the next expac feature is going to be, but underwater combat revamp and player housing seem to be the two biggest possibilities atm.

  8. Really don't like this idea, since it would require way too much pressing "ignore" to actually enjoy/play the game rather than just turning off a certain type of chat in the chat log as it is right now. Also don't want to hear distracting background noise that often accompanies voice chat and entirely ruins immersion/concentration. If I wanted to play with voice chat, I would just join a guild or small group that uses a separate voice chat program. Can't even begin to imagine what this idea would be like in large squads such as WvW or world bosses; forcing 25+ people in a squad to listen to 24+ other people at the same time, many of whom would obviously just use it to troll and/or scream.

  9. > @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

    > I think fixing the Mists will be something that the Mists does by itself. Maybe with a bit of help from the Gods but who knows.


    Yeah, I agree with this. I think we're going to get an entirely new antagonist and they said it probably won't be a world ending one, so I don't think we'll do much with the Mists situation in Season 5.

  10. Since the Skyscale seems like an attempt to check off a wall climbing mount from Anet's list (in place of a spider mount), the only mount I can see that offers any significant advantages at this point is an underwater mount. This would be cool and useful to have and I think we'll get one in Season 5 before the next expac, which probably will have few to no new mounts, as mounts are a PoF mastery. I know they were also toying around with a multiplayer mount, so maybe that will also be something we'll get.

  11. Springer > Raptor > Warclaw > Skimmer > Jackal > Roller Beetle > Skyscale (Don't have Griffon yet)


    Springer is my favorite, since I don't feel like spending 250 gold on a griffon, but still lets you reach high places. This is also my order of frequency of use (Springer when I need to go to high places with moderate speed, Raptor when I want speed in flat locations, Warclaw in WvW, and the others as necessary.

  12. My order: Daybreak >= War Eternal > A Star to Guide Us > All or Nothing > A Bug in the System > Long Live the Lich


    Was between Daybreak and War Eternal, since both had very strong stories and maps imo, but Daybreak's story seemed slightly longer in a good way and the Istan map and hearts were well used in the story.

    A Star to Guide Us had a very good map, but the story felt short.

    All or Nothing had a decent story, but the map felt too empty with only a few events.

    A Bug in the System had a decent map, but the story was way too predictable for me.

    Long Live the Lich had Kourna (One of the worst maps in the game for me) and an anticlimactic deus ex ending, both of which made me strongly dislike the episode.

  13. Unlike Trahearne, Aurene actually got a developed and thorough introduction to the PC and plot, which was one of my biggest gripes with Trahearne, who shows up out of nowhere for my non-Sylvari characters and suddenly talks like he's been my best friend. He is then chosen to be leader of the Pact despite clearly lacking combat/leadership experience and this felt very immersion breaking to the story. Also, her lack of speech and new voice so far seems way better than Trahearne's dull "Clawr Island" accent that just made him even more annoying. These were evident since Aurene's death actually made me sad, while Trahearne's just made me relieved to be done with his character.

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