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Posts posted by Poormany.4507

  1. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > Check your add-ons. For example, if you're using uBlock Origin, some of the block lists were recently updated to disallow sites that the forums depend on and might interfere. You can remove those block lists or create an exception. (Other plug-ins use the same lists.)


    > In my case, the guildwars2.com site stopped displaying.


    > The easiest way to check is to disable your add-ons to see if that changes things.


    Tried disabling them, same issue. Never had this issue until yesterday evening and I didn't install/uninstall anything.

  2. > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > > Yeah Aurene is too powered, seriously, she breaths, she destroy one ENTIRE wing of kralkatorrik... no need to chase dragons, Aurene can do it alone.


    > That’s ‘cause we aren’t chasing dragons anymore. Don’t know why everyone has jumped to the conclusion that, because we might be going to Far Shiverpeaks, we are going to face more dragons.


    The Far Shiverpeaks hints seem to be more focused on the Sons of Svanir and them gaining followers and getting ready for something. There were also datamined updates to icebrood enemies. Since those are both Jormag's followers/minions, it can probably be assumed that at least part of S5 and/or whatever follows will involve Jormag to some degree. Could be we end up facing Jormag directly in S5/whatevers next, or we just keep him asleep until we do deal with him directly later.


    I do agree that Aurene is too OP atm and hopefully they won't just resort to Aurene ex machina for dealing with the remaining elder dragons, or more likely, Aurene will just be sent away to deal with some mcguffin while we're dealing with the immediate threat. Another thing they could possibly pull off is to give the other elder dragons resistance to Aurene's magic, similar to how Kralk was vulnerable to it, so she can still help but not steal our thunder in the fight.

  3. I don't think the character screen issues right now are that high priority, but there are a few bugs I've had with it. If I switch chars quickly, the character order gets messed up and the most recent one is no longer first on the list. If I get DCed, it oftentimes shows 0% map completion on that character, which can be confusing/scary for someone seeing it for the first time.


    However, the main thing I would like for the character select screen is more customization: background, character sorting, soundtrack, weapons displayed, etc.

  4. Another GW2 is dying thread (but in poll form!) since it already assumes Anet doesn't do their own market research/maintain statistics to begin with.


    This poll is going to be biased and unreliable due to having too small a sample, since it doesn't include a lot of players who don't regularly visit the forums and ftp players (many of whom would likely vote for the first two options). More veteran players, including myself, are probably going to pick the 3rd choice since they are more likely to have finished most of the non-grinding content, but also most likely comprise more of the active forum population. Thus, you have a poll that is more biased towards the third (GW2 is dying) choice.


    Let Anet do their own, more objective, market research as they have been doing.

  5. > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    > > @"PeerlessArch.6547" said:

    > > I read over last year's anniversary sales -- TONs of utility item sales

    > > I read over this year's anniverary sales -- all outfit / mount packages

    > >

    > > W.TF?


    > IKR, i just want storage and character slots. The rest is too overpriced for me. Last years looked good, wish i had been playing then.


    Same, I don't care at all about fashion wars and just want stuff that actually affects gameplay, but there is close to none so far in the sale. Hoping the end of month sales include more utility items.

  6. > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > A good idea for a gw2 mobile game is to not make a gw2 mobile game and focus on the original gw2, instead.


    > Why? Gw2 is aging needs refreshing ideas and Mobile is the hot new thing. MMOs aren’t as big as they used to be, maybe gw2 mobile could be battle royals wvw


    Mobile MMOs are mostly very generic and paywalled to the ground, so I doubt many people who play GW2 would bother playing a mobile version if they have a better version already. I would rather even get a GW3 than another generic mobile game (still would rather have Anet focusing their resources on GW2 rather than any other side projects).

  7. GW1's system forced you to restart entire instances and reset their mobs/quests due to too high DP for all members in the party, which was horribly annoying to deal with in maps such as those in Winds of Change, where enemy mobs were oftentimes very difficult and/or had quests involving escorts with tank npcs who ran around and drew in mobs so you were facing multiple strong mobs at a time.


    I like GW2's system better, as you can just continue where you left off if you die, even if you have no armor left to lose.

  8. Story bosses already got heavily nerfed during/after PoF after HoT and LWS3. Story bosses aren't even that bad, as long as you get the mechanics, and if you need help, just get one more player to help and its enough (unless you're going for achievements/challenge mode, for which you just need to get 2-3+ more players). I did PoF solo on my squishy core ele (although 1 or 2 times fighting with no armor left) and with several other core builds (didn't even break any armor on my ranger and revenant), so I definitely don't think we need more nerfs than have already been done. Otherwise it would just be a bunch of bash 1 solo fights, which would be boring with no challenge at all.

  9. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Poormany.4507" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

    > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > > > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

    > > > > > > At anet it seems they just don't want to see themselves as 'oh this is cool, let's do it' no they try to shape and change and make it gimmicky etc etc and in the end it's just more annoying and wasted manpower.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > This doesn't make sense ... if Anet wasn't doing things that people didn't like, the game wouldn't exist in the first place.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Anyways, the thread is misguided; the idea that Anet doesn't communicate with players is absurd.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > How frequently do we hear about actual updates to the state of the game?

    > > >

    > > > Often ... I mean, what do you think is reasonable and what is Anet doing?

    > > >

    > >

    > > I would think at least a "We are/aren't [planning to] working on NEW (not random filler content like Cooking 500 and festivals) content past LWS5" for PVE and a "We are working to improve x,y, and z in WvW/PVP" for WvW and PVP would satisfy a lot, if not most, players without spoiling much, if anything, even generate hype that the game needs right now. Currently all we get for future content is a short trailer a week or two before releases, which just isn't enough for players right now, especially after the layoffs and decision to do LWS5 instead of an expac.


    > I don't see the problem here ... why do I need to know what Anet is working on that I won't see for a year or more?


    Because there's no point investing in a game that might go into maintenance mode after a year or two, which many players currently are worried about (as can be seen from the numerous "GW2 is doomed" posts recently). If I was a new potential player and saw that many frequent "this game is dying posts" with no dev responses, I wouldn't even bother installing and move on to the next mmo. While I don't necessarily agree with these posts' urgency, I do think more substantial and more frequent communication is necessary to address this issue and keep/gain players in the game and buying/spending gems.

  10. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

    > > > > At anet it seems they just don't want to see themselves as 'oh this is cool, let's do it' no they try to shape and change and make it gimmicky etc etc and in the end it's just more annoying and wasted manpower.

    > > >

    > > > This doesn't make sense ... if Anet wasn't doing things that people didn't like, the game wouldn't exist in the first place.

    > > >

    > > > Anyways, the thread is misguided; the idea that Anet doesn't communicate with players is absurd.

    > > >

    > >

    > > How frequently do we hear about actual updates to the state of the game?


    > Often ... I mean, what do you think is reasonable and what is Anet doing?



    I would think at least a "We are/aren't [planning to] working on NEW (not random filler content like Cooking 500 and festivals) content past LWS5" for PVE and a "We are working to improve x,y, and z in WvW/PVP" for WvW and PVP would satisfy a lot, if not most, players without spoiling much, if anything, even generate hype that the game needs right now. Currently all we get for future content is a short trailer a week or two before releases, which just isn't enough for players right now, especially after the layoffs and decision to do LWS5 instead of an expac.

  11. You can dodge most of the enemy attacks using the mount's dodge/jump skill.


    Main reason I don't go to PoF maps that often is because the metas are either nonexistant or bash 1 boring (Serpent's Ire). They require minimal player organization and effort to complete compared to HoT metas, which I do play frequently. I have very rarely seen a PoF meta fail if there is even 1 tag up with people just attempting it. Compare that to Auric Basin or Verdant Brink metas, which require multiple organized tags and players who clearly need to know at least the basics of the mechanics to succeed at the metas.

  12. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > As for the Pale Tree, Im pretty certain her involvement from this point is via cameos. Shes a starter city and for Anet to utilise her, she will prob need to become changed somehow, which will cause a conflict of in game states.


    I think the Pale Tree will be significantly involved when we start searching for a replacement for Mordremoth and/or continue Malyck's storyline. She's already had changes of state in response to events in the story (being unconscious after LWS2) due to being in her own instance.


    Storywise, I found the initial Joko storyline to be very underwhelming, as it would have been very interesting/cool if Joko had actually released the scarab plague (not the retconned human only version, which just seemed weak and not even worth pursuing) into Tyria and/or Elona. Really liked his speech at his end though and how it cast the PC's actions into a grey area.


    The Kralk battle story leading up to his end was well done and exciting (especially the large battle at Thunderhead), but the whole "Kralk has a personality" just did not fit into the story well as it has been told thus far and felt very shoehorned in at the end as a last minute concept.

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