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Posts posted by Poormany.4507

  1. Would be nice, but sounds like too much too expect from GW2 tbh. It involves too many plotlines and characters that were vaguely mentioned/suggested as early as Core/LWS2 but then just dropped and forgotten and it would seem like too many things out of nowhere, especially for players who completely forgot many, if not most, of the earlier minor plotlines that were dropped (Malyck, E, Order of Shadows vs Whispers, etc.). It would also seem kind of out of place, since many of these issues would have already been dealt with in the story at or shortly after their time of mention and bringing them back after so long would require some kind of feasible explanation as to why they were randomly forgotten about (other than writing at the time).


    My guess is that LWS5 will be an entirely new plotline with an entirely new antagonist(s) after that open ended finale of LWS4. A Charr civil war plotline seems like it would fit this, as would an elder dragon replacement storyline. Expac (if we get another one) will probably deal with another elder dragon, likely Jormag/Primordus or DsD.

  2. > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:


    > So, I think ANet should consider two main ways to address this:

    > 1) Create an intro cutscene for players once they hit 80. At the very least, it should give a recap of Season 1 since that's not replayable.

    > 2) Whenever a player starts a new living story, they should give a prompt with the option to give them a recap of prior seasons. This could be like the dialogue boxes that are used for things like the portal scrolls where the player can watch a recap of any living story for any season before the one they're starting based on the selection. Not only would this help new players, but it would be a nice reminder of what's happened for current players that want a refresher on what happened in the last update.


    1 - Already exists in game from Ela Makkay at the end of the personal story (although I would like to have a more in depth recap and/or playthrough of LWS1 events than the current one)

    2 - Seems like this would reduce demand for buying/playing through with another player the previous LW seasons and thus doesn't seem worth it for Anet to do. Less gem bought LW episodes would mean less money for Anet, so I find recaps of unplayed episodes very unlikely to happen, also since recaps already exist in the Story Journal for played episodes.

  3. > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

    > Lets stop kidding ourselves. The expectations of getting mountain size content in a f2p game needs to stop. I get it we are jealous that games like ff14 and WoW seem to have so much going on but the reason for that is the subscription. We get very little in the content department so what can they possibly say to get us excited. Nothing IMO.


    Except it's not a f2p game since we bought expacs/LW/gems, so I think we should be able to expect reasonably frequent new content and updates for that money paid.

  4. I don't understand what exactly happened or what the problem is here. Why didn't you just follow the squad around to do the meta instead of joining them or if they switched maps, wait for the next meta event with a different squad?

  5. Also never got to play LWS1 since I took a break from GW2 at the time.


    Really would like to play the content though, since between Core and LWS2, currently a lot of characters and major event names are thrown in with insufficient explanation from the in game recap. I did the recap and still honestly had no idea who most of the new party was or why I should care about them like I've known them for forever. I just wanted to know what happened to the Pact and Destiny's Edge and why they were not involved with the story anymore, since we'd left off with after Core story and they're both not even mentioned in the in-game recap, despite being the main factions in Core story.


    I would also be fine with a major revamp of the in-game recap, which at the moment, just feels very lacking to me. Maybe some dungeon, fractal, or even personal story type instances during the recap of the most significant events leading up to LWS2 would be fine.

  6. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

    > > i am against this because soon after adding this feature they will start adding bonus to those that use this feature


    > Yeah it would be terrible to see a company reward loyal customers.


    If it's just cosmetic rewards, like those already in the gemstore, I'd be fine, but if it gives other extra advantages to those who do subscribe, which it quite possibly would, I would not like such a p2w system.

  7. > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > My money's on Season 5 dealing with the fallout Kralkatorrik created by rampaging through the mists.

    > >

    > > I think we'll be getting 3 possibly 4 maps this season instead of 1 per episode, each new map will be in the mists rather than on the open world and they will be based on the 3 damaged god realms Kralkatorrik flew through.

    > > The Underworld.

    > > Fissure of Woe.

    > > And Melandru's Lost Domain.

    > >

    > > Main villain for season 5 could maybe be Menzies who might take advantage of Balthazars absense, his drained eternal forces which Balthzar had turned into forged and of all the chaos Kralkatorrik wrought to send his Shadow Army through to Tyria, the Underworld and Melandru's Lost Domain.


    > If they didn’t do a mists map for this chunk of landmass that just fell out of a portal in the middle of the ocean straight from the mists, I’d bet they probably won’t do a map in the mists for anything else. The whole luring Kralk back to Tyria felt like kind of a clunky way to avoid having a map in the mists to begin with.


    Yeah, I'm pretty sure they directly said at some point that there most likely won't be separate Mists maps due to technical problems with the implementation. We could, and probably will though, like in PoF and LWS4, have parts of the story be in the Mists, just not separate maps.

  8. I think they should keep story achievements as they are, but add "skip to a certain point" motes/checkpoints, like they did in the last instance of the last LWS3 episode in the volcano, which let you skip a large portion of the trash mobs to get to the boss fight. No idea why they did that as a one time thing, since the technicality clearly exists. This would make these achievements way less frustrating to get through due to less lengthy dialogue and hordes of trash mobs that have nothing to do with the actual achievements.

  9. The writing is New Krytan: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Stylized_New_Krytan.png


    The poster with the bluish dragon says: "Slay the dragon" and the other says "Bash the dragon"


    No idea if the blue one represents a specific dragon and person, but I can definitely see it being used in future dragon campaigns as a recruitment poster. Bubbles or Jormag maybe, since it's water-like and looks like it has a wave (or could be ice) next to it, but looks more wavelike to me.


    Red one's probably just for the event.

  10. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > Well we got a significant roadmap after the lay offs. That's the first of such in many a year. I think there are signs of some consistency in their communication, but also some steps back with things like the community events. I think we can thank Stephane where there is improved consistency

    > >

    > > Communication is not and has never has been Anet's strength. They prefer to "surprise" and that philosophy is unlikely to ever change. They also know players will things as promises and throw it back at them when things that aren't actually promised aren't delivered to a player's arbitrary deadline.

    > >

    > > I wish Anet would talk to us more. I've always said a monthly producer's letter that some MMO's and game dev team use is a positive thing to have. Is it likely to change from where we are now? No, probably not.

    > >

    > > I will say, don't overlook Guild Chat. It's often a bit long and hard to reference point, but there are some great lines of communication utilised there at times


    > Reading the "roadmap" again its kinda offensive to games with actual roadmaps to call this a roadmap. Theres it better communication but its moreso in areas like balance and maybe small events.


    > Content and up and comming features arent really communicated as they should imo. As you referenced producer's leters are excellent forms of communication that anet should look into.


    Agreed. Would have at least liked some kind of confirmation that there will be an expac eventually that is being or will be worked on. I see little reason to spend/buy gems if there is no long term future for the game and it ends or continues in only Living World episodes every 4-5 months with 1 hour of story each (now it's not even certain if we'll get new maps with each episode). I just want some kind of reassurance that GW2 will last for over 1-2 years longer, which a lot of players are uncertain and worried about about rn.

  11. My ratings:

    Raptor - 4.5, really like it but not too good for vertical or steep areas

    Springer - 4, Also really like it, but its slow speed gets me knocked off too often

    Skimmer - 2.5, only useful in water or brandstorm areas, so not as useful as the others

    Jackal - 1.5 - Very little use apart from sand portals and some adventures

    Beetle - 2 - Rarely use it for travel in very flat areas, but often gets stopped by small obstacles or corners.


    Warclaw isn't even on the list, shows how useful it is in PvE ;) =)


    Don't have griffon or skyscale yet

  12. There's also been several updates during PoF/LWS4 around Blood Legion Homelands (Right of the Far Shiverpeaks circle) and the area below Mount Maelstrom near Scavenger's Causeway, so could also be there.


    I really hope we keep getting new maps each episode, as the maps actually are what they're doing good at in LW because they all look great and are nice to visit. However, I would be ok if we got fewer maps, but they were as large and event filled like expac maps are.

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