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Stand The Wall.6987

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Posts posted by Stand The Wall.6987

  1. > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > Lets cut to the chase and be straight with people. The real question here is "Should Anet balance a profession in PVP around peak performance, or average performance?" This is an old question. So old, in fact, that I remember it being discussed when Grouch was nerfing engineers over and over again because he was an excellent engineer player who would body the competition regardless. I don't think we ever got an answer.


    > Personally I say we should balance around peak performance, for a couple of reasons. Number one, the people who care most about balance are the hardcore players who can afford to put endless hours into practicing their profession. Everyone else below that level has different concerns, like learning how all of the professions work and how to navigate the U.I. Second, good design at the top tends to trickle down into other modes, whereas broken design at the bottom tends to ruin things the further you go up in the skill ladder. Third, you can't tell someone to work around broken design at the bottom because those problems will be magnified at the top, but you can tell somebody at the bottom to git gud, because that is when their profession will start to shine.


    whats the difference between peak performance balance and broken design at the bottom? i think i understand what you're saying on paper at least. lets take head shot for example. bad players spam it and waste it, but anyone with middling skill can shut out any other skill with high cast time. so yes, better players make better use of it obviously, but its also kinda broken if you can get that much shut down potential with one skill. same goes for shadow shot, it shuts down all kiting and mobility. same went for the old 3 ini sb 3, the best sustain tool teef had. on and on for all professions.


    imo its better to balance all professions around average performance and balance general gameplay around peak performance. professions should be easy to pick up and fun to play so new players will want to play them. general gameplay is kinda already there except for some outliers which will always exist.

  2. i can't figure this thing out. there are no heals (the heal well doesn't count), barely any cleanses, and yet its labeled as a support. why even go minstrel if you can't support lol? might as well go damage and at least contribute a little instead of being a complete dead zone of heal/ damage contribution. now if you grab mantra heal spammer, thats something i can understand.

  3. what you say is true but honestly the most important thing to fix is the lag. amazon servers are complete garbage. since they won't or can't fix this the mode is doomed. a lot of players seem to be unaffected by lag but i think enough players are and it is a huge thing holding wvw back. they might be able to address lag by reworking aoe on all skills but thats a big fix and i doubt anet is that interested in something like that.

  4. > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

    > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > only conquest players are left and post on the forums. these kinds of polls are pointless.


    > Yes, that is the obvious reason and no other explanation makes sense. Deathmatch clearly is the superior gamemode and I just know everybody wants it!


    i don't know whats going on at anet hq, but the problems with the other modes seem obvious. its really baffling to me why they don't balance and make changes more often.

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