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Posts posted by Lucentfir.7430

  1. Why don't they just reduce the amount of power and/or precision stats you get from amulets and nerf Might again to 20 per stack in pvp? This is what happens when you continue to strip the game mode down and leave some aspects untouched, like the PvP rune and sigil availability, and strict stat setups and availability.

  2. > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

    > > @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

    > > It's really weird on one hand I love and enjoy that the Boneskinner is deadly now compared to its first time out. On the other hand the idea behind it's mechanic with torch lighting became largely ignored/not worth doing in the various runs I've been in. Basically encouraging the group to stack healers to out heal the DPS and get downs up quicker(pugs). And the ideas of stirke missions were about being stepping stones to raids and teaching people mechanics/doing them.


    > But for many raids that strategy works aswell. At vale guardian we even call it mechanic instead of cheese (overheal). You can raid with optimal group to get smooth and fast kills or you can cheese stuff with 3 healers or even with 3 healers and harrier chrono(s). This wont work against all bosses but it works against many.


    > Many raid bosses has way too much time before the enrage so you dont even hit the enrage timer with 3 healers and even if you do, many bosses have a soft enrage that just adds some extra damage or stuff like that. Not all of them are like gorseval or largos where enrage means insta death.


    > IMO this shows pretty well that raids are not actually that hard, its the optimized squad compositions that are hard for newer players. And if your goal is just get a raid kills instead of getting "pro" there is always room for little cheese.




    That's not my point though. Why have mechanics and try to teach people about them if people are going to ignore and cheese them. When i expect mechanics I expect things like CM 100 where failing mechanics are punishing, like dropping the ball, or not killing the anomaly in time, not facing away and moving out of the AoE strip downing fear. Raid wise things like dealing with Mathias' sacrifice mechanic. The Boneskinner fight is supposed to be designed around keeping torches lit, yet forgoes that entirely because it's not worth doing it, and if you're trying to do it, it's normally bad to do because you're out of the healing stack and taking heaps of damage and going down often. I honestly think the way it should be is, keeping torches lit= extra damage to the Boneskinner and reducing the range and damage of its aura, but every unlit torch reduces damage it takes, and makes its aura stronger, and reduces incoming healing to players.

  3. It's really weird on one hand I love and enjoy that the Boneskinner is deadly now compared to its first time out. On the other hand the idea behind it's mechanic with torch lighting became largely ignored/not worth doing in the various runs I've been in. Basically encouraging the group to stack healers to out heal the DPS and get downs up quicker(pugs). And the ideas of stirke missions were about being stepping stones to raids and teaching people mechanics/doing them.

  4. > @"Vicariuz.1605" said:

    > > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

    > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > > > Let me preface this by saying yes, i understand it's a meme build. It's easy to kill when you have invuln for the initial burst. Just Dodge. Only bad players die against power mes. Bring a reveal. Watch the minimap. etc.

    > > > >

    > > > > GW2 pvp player population is at an all time low, imagine someone starting out in pvp running into this. Why on earth would they come back?

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > what makes you think that starting player will face players that can pull this off?

    > > > you ran into 5man premade, they could play kitten like 5x holo and steamroll you harder, exept you wouldnt even be able to fight back becouse the 1-2 skills you would somehow manage to land would deal 15% of their hp instead of 40%.

    > > > you kept running out of spawn into 3 of them repeatedly instead of leaving with team what did you expect?

    > > > TBH if you played it properly you could actually win the game.

    > > > Ah not to mention they propably were communicating unlike your team. Sometimes its better to coordinate instead of complaining yes?

    > >

    > > They weren't talking about any of that; they were specifically talking about the burst they could do nothing about once it was in motion. Which they have a point, how is that type of attack (and player behavior) going to entice people into the game mode? Last time I checked.. PvP wasn't doing too good, perhaps a large portion of the blame can be placed squarely on the players that run those types of builds.

    > >

    > >


    > no, players using builds available to them is not the reason, nor is their responsibility to not play strong builds.


    > the reason why pvp is in a poor state is years of poor management by the developers of the game.


    ^ This.

    Years of mistakes and neglect, and all the dumb things(player caused) at the top end, of this game mode has had happen with it, it's in a worse state its ever been in. Things are only going to get worse.

  5. I'm kind of on the fence with this being able a good suggestion. On one hand it makes things easier to make combat easier to read out. On the other it takes more skill/knowledge out of the game to just have the amount of enemy endurance presented to you, and that'll tell you immediately who to train down easy. Best middle ground i can think of is maybe show endurance bar after some time, like 10-15s. of enemy players you're in combat with?

  6. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

    > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > > > @"kraai.7265" said:

    > > > > because the gw2 we loved was made by a whole different group of people, the ones who took their places don't even understand how this game works, and how to make it better, it's like if you build a house for someone, later you get fired, and a new constructor gets to finish it, only your language was english and this new constructor speaks french, forget it gw2 as we loved it will never come back

    > > > >

    > > > > want proof? check wvw dev streams, see how those guys play, they are horrible at it, look at arenanet vs streamers pvp matches, they don't even know how to properly play a game they are balancing...

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > This. Even M.Obrien jumped ship. If you expect meaningful and impactful balance that makes sense. This is the wrong game now.

    > >

    > > I mean even before MO jumped ship, people coming in for that reason still came to the wrong game, as a matter of fact the wrong genre of game. If you want all the goods/pros of a PvP centric game play a actual PvP focused developed game.


    > without pvp, guild wars is nothing.



    Sure enough the proof is in the pudding with how big the population for it is and how much support it receives right? :anguished:

  7. > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > @"kraai.7265" said:

    > > because the gw2 we loved was made by a whole different group of people, the ones who took their places don't even understand how this game works, and how to make it better, it's like if you build a house for someone, later you get fired, and a new constructor gets to finish it, only your language was english and this new constructor speaks french, forget it gw2 as we loved it will never come back

    > >

    > > want proof? check wvw dev streams, see how those guys play, they are horrible at it, look at arenanet vs streamers pvp matches, they don't even know how to properly play a game they are balancing...

    > >


    > This. Even M.Obrien jumped ship. If you expect meaningful and impactful balance that makes sense. This is the wrong game now.


    I mean even before MO jumped ship, people coming in for that reason still came to the wrong game, as a matter of fact the wrong genre of game. If you want all the goods/pros of a PvP centric game, play a actual PvP focused developed game.

  8. > @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

    > > @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

    > > Assuming it isn't just only a name rebrand, I really want to expect content dropping more frequently rather than every 3 months and better paced story. With the ability for Anet to just drop in expansion like features and features in general when they hit completion.

    > >

    > > edit: I'm saying this because at the announcement they said they have 4 living story teams now, when back then it was 2 Living Story teams and a expansion team.


    > Even if it went your way, do you remember them saying that sometimes there won't even be a new map section, that's why this whole campaign was aimed at new noobs.

    > With the new direction they're going in as in no more expansions and sometimes not even a backyard size map, they knew darn well they were going to loose players.

    > With all this going on I think Nc Soft is pushing Anet into finishing the story ASAP so they can flush GW2 and give Anet a different project.

    > For those who don't believe me get ready to be milked. As for me the store will remain closed until I hear the word expansion and it will open only when I have a new expansion in hand. I will also play sagas only on new map not old ones. B)


    If they're releasing more content at a regular interval then that's fine, They said they wanted to release something exciting every month. So it may not be a new section of the map for that month it can very well be something for Fractals, raids, WvW, PvP or PvE, you know content with some replayability, I also want to believe E-Specs but that starting to look like a dimming light to me.


    This isn't really a totally new direction. they already said sometime ago around the Sandswept Isles release that we're going from S4 straight to S5, and recent interview expansions 'aren't off the table' just not in the near future. Looking back between the maps in S2 and S4, the map sizes are a lot bigger now a days when they release them back then. Optimistically hopping S5 maps are like PoF sized maps, so even a small section of it doesn't feel small.


    I doubt that's the case, Ncsoft already cut all the other unannounced projects Anet was working on and had Anet refocus on Gw2. If anything I think we'd be in the same spot as Wildstar and CoH if Ncsoft didn't find Gw2 to be worthwhile enough to keep on its roster.


    Granted though I have no idea how this is all going to play out. With how awful the release schedule has been for anything re-playable(Fractals/Raids/PvP/WvW). I can only hope S5 changes things and turns out to be good for the game. Until that's proven/expectations are met Blizzard is taking the money that would otherwise be gems for Gw2.

  9. Assuming it isn't just only a name rebrand, I really want to expect content dropping more frequently rather than every 3 months and better paced story. With the ability for Anet to just drop in expansion like features and features in general when they hit completion.


    edit: I'm saying this because at the announcement they said they have 4 living story teams now, when back then it was 2 Living Story teams and a expansion team.

  10. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Zuldari.3940" said:

    > > This exactly i played wow for 11 years, people were screaming for classic, so the devs decided okay you want classic so bad here it is. Its not costing anything more to play classic its all included with its game already. Its not a money grab by any means, wow makes money and lots of it.

    > Lol of course its a money grab. Or rather, an attempt to *keep* the money flowing.


    > Because it was basicly **holy kitten fans have built classic servers thats gaining popularity, lets slap that with a cease and desist so that people pay US for classic**.


    I doubt it's a money grab, if it was then they wouldn't have bundled it in with retail version of the game, and they would have made it a separate sub.

  11. > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

    > Yeah don't get your hopes up. Temper your expectations to the *lowest* possible and you won't be inevitably disappointed.


    From experience it's possible you'll still get disappointed despite having the lowest expectation. The realist in me already expects more E-specs, and Single Player living story play-through though.

  12. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > > Point being, it's ridiculous. Merged queues are blatant favoritism that favor what was once described as 8% of Ranked's population. Arenanet should appease those players, but not actively cater to them while ignoring the other 92%.


    > I'm just going to go ahead and ask Anet to remove solo quing so you guys will see how it feels to be forced to play a certain way. Would you like that?


    > You guys aren't being ignored. Anyone can solo que if they want to. Any complaints about duo quing simply come down to the skill level of the top duos. I literally never hear any complaints about gold duos or low plat duos. It's always the same top players, regardless of whether or not they are playing in a duo OR solo season, being ragged on because people just aren't happy they aren't as good. Like, when it's a solo season and Helio still lands 4 of the 10 top spots, oh dear... now the same people cry foul play.


    > If Helio can que on stream on his solo-only account during NA primetime and still get top 10, that's already proof that it's possible. Seriously, people need to stop blaming everything else asides from their own play and they will improve.


    > As much as I hated on a forced solo que system, I still placed highly. So it's not like I'm relying on duos to hit the ranks I want. I just hated the fact that I couldn't play with a friend if I wanted to.


    That would probably be for the best right now if you're trying to to make ranked competative and meaningful again, because that's where the rating system really makes sense. leveled playing fields 5 premades vs 5 premades. Then add ranked 2v2s/3v3s as another ranked pre-made game-mode option and you've got a little something for everyone, then leave unranked as it is for all the modes. As it stands right now Ranked PvP is just a place you go to for chest rewards/shards , and that's it. No one cares about conquest, ESL is dead, titles have been devalued/sullied by repeat exploiting and bad practices to get them. Watch, Anet will eventually add some new desirable rewards for high rank and you'll see the ugliness of the top end surface again.

  13. > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > @"ZhouX.8742" said:

    > > The reality is most people leave because they don't want to take the time to learn so they just quit and focus on something else instead. Also, getting matched up with players who have been playing for years with or without toxicity..

    > >

    > > Really toxicity plays a much smaller role in people quitting than class balance, matchmaking, lack of population (from the 1st 2 things I mentioned), lack of stream-ability which is pretty much the "meta marketing" nowadays to deliver exposure outside of Youtube of course, no marketing, no updates, same conquest mode for years which is rather irrelevant to the newer player but still, lack of variety plays a big role in 1st assessment views.

    > >

    > > So not only is there very little numbers pouring in due to the lack of marketing, but what little people come in see the bad game design almost immediately and bail. This is with or without toxicity though.


    > I disagree with this. Toxicness is absolutely the 1st reason why PvP has been bleeding population. It's not toxicness itself though but the fact that the general toxicness makes every other thing look 10 times worse than it actually is. Except lack of game modes maybe since it's a fact there's only 1 official game mode.


    I don't agree with your post in regards to toxicness, I find more toxicness in the Gw2 forums then i do in-game. PvP has been bleeding a lot of players over the years the reasons are things like:

    -No platform for team play(Just give people another queue option for mixed rand queues)

    -It's not competative and exploiting/gaming the system is considered to be acceptable way to play the game.

    -7 years of the same old conquest and no other supported game variation (Stronghold was dropped in and abandoned soon after, I don't want to hear about it)

    -Lack of good support from the devs, right alongside WvW, Fractals, and Raids, you'll get memes like adding a new 2v2 map but no 2v2 queue so it's DoA, and tossed in the graveyard with Hot Join.

    -E-sports scene died

  14. > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > @"Skyronight.6370" said:

    > > Anyone else can see the irony when these " top players" talk like they are so good and that duo Q system is balanced but when this game had an actual healthy population they were nobodies? They somehow only managed to become top players when 99% of the good players quit the game . Now they are abusing the duo Q system and farming silvers at 4 am and claiming that duo Qing is totally fine and healthy for the game. Find me one player in 2019 that was relevant back in 2014-16 when the game had decent amount of competitive players? yeah right not a single person was found that day, being a top player nowadays means nothing because everyone has quit, this game is just a casual meme at this point, why is the whole solo Q vs duo Qs not fixed yet? 95% of the player base is solo Q only, why would you cater to the 5% claiming to be top players and abusing the system?


    > Turns out not all people stick around to play the same game for nearly a decade. In other news, water is wet!


    I mean if the game kept on track in the right direction, they would've stuck around since MMOs are those types of games you play for the long haul,. When your game mode devolves into a noncompetitive mess as it is today where dodging the competent players people is the norm for the top end, and exploiting/gaming the system becomes a acceptable way to play. it's obvious why people don't stick around for conquest.

  15. > @"knomslayer.9457" said:

    > world of warcraft suck. wow classic is blizzard cash grab. i wont be surprise if one day they make a wow mobile game because blizzard is greedy company. Gw2 is better game and Anet is keeping the game great.


    They weren't trying to give people Classic WoW at first especially with the line "You think you want it, but you don't". Though the community there made such a fuss about it they eventually released it(Yesterday). I also don't see how how it's a cash grab either since it's bundled in with Retail WoW, and there's no in game cash shop in the classic version. GW2 is one of the best MMOs out there currently and WoW is also a good MMO, but that doesn't mean both don't have their own glaring issues.

  16. > @"Exedore.6320" said:

    > *sigh*


    > For the umpteenth time, we had a solo queue and a team (1-5 players) queue about a year after launch. While initially popular, solo queue rapidly died off in favor of team queue. In solo queue, you had too little control over who you got as a teammate, and players would play to be macho rather than win. It bred toxicity. Anyone who wanted a good team experience went to team queue - which was made of many people queuing solo because they enjoyed the teamwork and teamplay aspect of the game.


    > I don't know why we need to repeat this. Just switch ranked to a 1-5 queue all the time and be done with it.


    Then restrict ranked to be a pre-made only game modes, and leave unranked for everything else. There's nothing competative about taking 5 pre-selected players and possibly getting matched against uncoordinated solo players. The way rating is set up pre-made only setting is where it makes the most sense with such a system. You want to force people to into being a team, pre-made ranked only. There it's a competative setting feeding into ATs and there's desire to play as a team because all the pips and rewards and all are locked behind that need to be in a team.


    The most sense for Spvp, you'd have your ranked 2v2s/3v3s/ Conquest, and then your top end game would be winning ATs.

  17. It'd be nice if there was a opt in option like WoW's Warmode where you get sharded into a instance of a map with those who have it on. Though again in another thread I posted in, i don't know why anyone is getting twisted in a knot over this, when there's a nonexistent chance they'll ever implement something like this, heck they won't even implement a queueable 2v2/3v3 arena to their PvP gamemode, let alone a whole system for open world PvP. I find it a shame that the MMO with the best combat system out of all the others MMOs is just wasting its potential.

  18. > @"everyman.4375" said:

    > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > > @"everyman.4375" said:

    > > > > @"Greyjoy.5167" said:

    > > > > > @"everyman.4375" said:

    > > > > > Yes players would be very happy and then 2 days later you'd see 1000 posts about how X class is broken.

    > > > >

    > > > > So, nothing would change in that matter, as we have these topics already...

    > > >

    > > > Balance in 2v2 is going to be waayyy worse than in 5v5.

    > > Not really most of it is balanced around the skirmishes of 2v2 3v3 anyway, the game breaks at 4v4 and 5v5. Most of the balance complaints come from 1v1 2v2 perspective cause no one knows what the F is going on in the Mid node teamfight, they know that scourge and fb are doing something under the flash bang animations that kills people.

    > > People complain about thieves, mesmers, revs, holo and spellbreaker most of these just run around the side nodes, spellbreaker basically is nailed to the sides cause it can't handle the heat in teamfights.

    > >


    > The game is balanced around 5v5 conquest.

    > I'm all for a 2v2 unranked but you can't have a ranked queue that is just going to be filled with Firebrand and Scourge.


    2v2 unranked and ranked would be fine and that shouldn't be the deciding factor why we shouldn't have it. You already get the same complaints in conquest about there being 4+ mesmers, DHs or whatever FotM classes in a match.

  19. Gw2 Ranked PvP in a nutshell, the only PvP environment I've seen where you avoid the actual competition to be competative, exploiting matchmaking hard. It's old news though, but it's good to see WP shining a light on it again.

  20. There's also the thing too that it'll completely decimate whatever's left of Conquest's ever shrinking populace. That's also a reason why they won't ever have it as a permanent addition. In a perfect pvp world, you'd have 2v2/3v3 ranked queueables with leaderboards, 1-5 mixed ranked queue again. GvG support and your ATs for real competitions. We live in the opposite universe where this exists.

  21. I actually have gotten around to playing WoW for the past month or so, and these expected horror stories about if open world PvP-PVE is implemented in Gw2 is just starting to make me think a lot of other players are paranoid about actually any sort of PvP regardless if it affects them or not aka PVP=NO STOP PVP BAD. In WoW by default War mode is set to off(The thing that lets PvP happen in PVE spaces), and you have to jump through a hoop or two to turn it on(You can only turn it on in a main city, and the only incentive to do so is just increased quest rewards etc. Not only that but people who have War mode turned on get sharded into a a PVE/PVP shard only, away from those who have it off.


    Though it's not like Anet will ever implement open world PVP though, so i don't know why everyone is so scared of anyone purposing this idea/so quick to shoot it down. Hell they can't/won't even make a queue for 2v2/3v3s. for a supposed PVP mode, let alone make a system for open world PVP with the limited resources they have. Just expect the usual.

  22. Just stop caring OP like many of the others that used to take SPvP seriously did., it's that simple. There's no hope for the game mode especially with its bad history, it's always going to be conquest support only, balancing comes out too slow. bad practice ringleaders continue to do w.e they want with no worry of punishment. There's no competative scene only a meme scene.

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